Efflux Sentence Examples
Here the divine will is viewed as an efflux from the divine wisdom, as the intermediate link between God, the first substance, and all things, and as the fountain out of which all forms emanate.
Besides the delta of the Po and the large marshy tracts which it forms, there exist on both sides of it extensive lagoons of salt water, generally separated from the Adriatic by narrow strips of sand or embankments, partly natural and partly artificial, but havin openings which admit the influx and efflux of the sea-water, and serve as ports for communication with the mainland.
Helmholtz, of the efflux of a jet between two edges A and A 1 in an infinite wall, is obtained by the symmetrical duplication of the above, with n = 1, b = o, a' = - oo, as in fig.
It is situated at the efflux of the Traun river from the lake of the same name and is surrounded by high mountains, as the Traunstein (5446 ft.), the Erlakogel (5150 ft.), the Wilde Kogel (6860 ft.) and the Hollen Gebirge.
These conventions, as well as a republication of the first Hague declaration, which had in 1907 expired by efflux of time, have been already largely ratified.
In their numerous allusions to the subtle mercury, which the one makes when treating of a means of measuring time by the efflux of the metal, and the other in a treatise on the transit of the planet, we see traces of the school in which they served their first apprenticeship. Huygens, moreover, in his great posthumous work, Cosmotheoros, seu de terris coelestibus, shows himself a more exact observer of astrological symbols than Kircher himself in his Iter exstaticum.
Biological effects The initial report describing the phenomenon of calcium efflux was published in 1975.
For example research on drug efflux in staphylococci has been applied to studies of gene function in Staphylococcus aureus using gene knockouts.
The multidrug efflux transporter, with its dimeric interface highlighted in red.
Plasma levels of components of the renin-angiotensin system, atrial natriuretic peptide, and cellular sodium and transmembrane sodium efflux were also estimated.
AdvertisementA cone fitted at the chimney exit to increase efflux velocity should be permitted.
Individual souls are an efflux from the all-compassing world-soul.
Generally, by making a' = -oo, the line x'A' may be taken as a straight stream line of infinite length, forming an axis of symmetry; and then by duplica tion the result can be ob A tained, with assigned n, a, and b, of the efflux from a symmetrical converging FIG.
Others he treated very superficially, and in none of his experiments apparently did he attend to the diminution of efflux arising from the contraction of the liquid vein, when the orifice is merely a perforation in a thin plate; but he appears to have been the first who attempted to ascribe the discrepancy between theory and experiment to the retardation of the water's velocity through friction.