Effectively Sentence Examples
How could she forget the experience that had effectively doomed her, branded her as his forever?
This can make a hand grinder very difficult to crank and can also stop an electric grinder from working effectively.
She was effectively trapped in Hell with the devil for eternity.
The brown and amber lenses effectively reduce glare.
This may be done by the method suggested by Arago in 1828, introduced by Aime in 1841 and again suggested by Glaisher in 1858, of sealing up the whole instrument in a glass tube exhausted of air; or, less effectively, by surrounding the bulb alone with a strong outer sheath of glass.
If this is not effectively removing the stains, try using dry cleaning solvent.
The essential aim of psychosynthesis is to help people discover their true spiritual nature, then to effectively utilize this discovery in everyday life.
The good news is that if you possess basic organizational skills, you can effectively plan your own wedding.
Knowing how to register politely involves more than just choosing the right gifts, and couples who understand more about gift registries will be better prepared to build a wish list easily and effectively.
If these wedding accents are used effectively, they leave a lasting impression.
AdvertisementSmall pops of color and colored borders can spice up a plainly colored cake very effectively, and using fresh flowers is another way to add visual interest to a cake.
Finally, turquoise frosting can accent a cake just as effectively as it can cover it.
This anxiety is relieved when that person lies because he or she is effectively able to rewrite the truth.
Emotions will get in the way of effectively helping your loved one; a counselor or mediator will be able to keep the meeting on track.
You may not have a chemical imbalance, but you need to deal with the situation effectively.
AdvertisementGoing with a wrap style that fits closely to your face or making sure the foam inserts on your goggles fit right against your face will keep the sand and debris out of your eyes more effectively.
Surgery is only recommended when all other treatments have been tried and have not effectively controlled the child's spasticity symptoms.
In the "free-silver" campaign of 1896 Gage laboured effectively for the election of William McKinley, and from March 1897 until January 1902 he was secretary of the treasury in the cabinets successively of Presidents McKinley and Roosevelt.
Epicureanism generally was content to affirm that whatever we effectively feel in consciousness is real; in which sense they allow reality to the fancies of the insane, the dreams of a sleeper, and those feelings by which we imagine the existence of beings of perfect blessedness and endless life.
Relating anecdotes with appreciative humour and fascinating dramatic skill, lie used them freely and effectively in conversation and argument.
AdvertisementIn 408 Alcibiades effectively invested Chalcedon, which surrendered by agreement with Pharnabazus, and subsequently Byzantium also fell into his hands with the aid of some of its inhabitants.
The Ashanti War of 1900 claimed the despatch of a strong detachment of the West African Frontier Force, and it was not until the return of the troops in February 1901 that Nupe and Kontagora could be effectively dealt with.
It was hoped that so soon as the scheme could be effectively put into operation the taxes on trade in transit could be largely if not completely abolished, and the traders and merchants - the wealthiest class of the community - would be assessed in their city domiciles.
Thus, after sixty years from the battle of Plassey, the supremacy of British power in India was effectively established.
Wiseman displayed calmness and courage, and immediately penned an admirable Appeal to the English People (a pamphlet of over 30 pages), in which he explained the nature of the pope's action, and argued that the admitted principle of toleration included leave to establish a diocesan hierarchy; and in his concluding paragraphs he effectively contrasted that dominion over Westminster, which he was taunted with claiming, with his duties towards the poor Catholics resident there, with which alone he was really concerned.
AdvertisementThen came the familiar restrictions, limiting commerce to a fixed amount annually, and effectively checking economic develop- ment.
Progress in scientific knowledge was effectively blocked by the friars.
Here, then, is a case specially adapted to the isotropy of the quaternion system; and Hamilton easily saw that the expression i d x +j - + k dz could be, like ix+jy+ kz, effectively expressed by a single letter.
Permits for hydraulic mining are granted by the commission only when all gravel is satisfactorily impounded and no harm is done to the streams; and the improvement of these, which was impossible so long as limits were not set to hydraulic mining, can now be effectively advanced.
Dissatisfaction, however, was not easily allayed; the lower orders applied for the intervention of the king; and that effectively put an end to political freedom.
He never learned to read or write, though late in life he mastered colloquial Arabic; yet those Europeans who were brought into contact with him praised alike the dignity and charm of his address, his ready wit, and the astonishing perspicacity which enabled him to read the motives of men and of governments and to deal effectively with each situation as it arose.
The Renaissance, far from being the re-birth of antiquity with its civilization confined to the Mediterranean, with its Hercules' Pillars beyond which lay Cimmerian darkness, was thus effectively the entrance upon a quite incalculably wider stage of life, on which mankind at large has since enacted one great drama.
It is in this condition of subordination that the finance of localities has been framed and effectively organized.
That great philanthropist had come to see that the church could only reach the masses of the people effectively by greatly increasing the number of her places of worship and abolishing or minimizing seat-rents in the poorer districts.
During the years which have elapsed since the War of Independence the territory south of the Bio-Bio has been effectively occupied and divided into six provinces, Chiloe and the neighbouring islands and mainland to the east became a province, and four provinces in the northern deserts were acquired from Bolivia and Peru.
The Portuguese could never penetrate far inland; throughout the 16th century their settlements were confined to the coasts of Asia, Africa or America, and the area they were able effectively to occupy was far less than the area of their empire in the 10th century.
In England he won the friendship of divines like Baxter, Tillotson and Burnet, and effectively promoted the union in 1691 of English Presbyterians and Congregationalists.
He marks the commencement of that vast change in the movement of English politics by which it has come about that the sentiment of the great mass of the people now tells effectively on the action of the government from day to day, - almost from hour to hour.
Army, which coming in from Prishtina was still two days' marches distant, nor the II., which consisted effectively of one division only, could help to make it so.
A decree of the ist of July 1885 had, it is true, declared all "vacant lands" the property of the state (Domaine privé de Petal), but it was not for some time that this decree was so interpreted as to confine the lands of the natives to those they lived upon or "effectively" cultivated.
Thus the foreign element is an old one, and other statistics show that it is being effectively absorbed into the native mass by intermarriage.'
The later years of his life were darkened by a scandal which Beecher's personal, political and theological enemies used for a time effectively to shadow a reputation previously above reproach, he being charged by Theodore Tilton, whom he had befriended, with having had improper relations with his (Tilton's) wife.
That described requires a diagram revolving once in a few hours, otherwise the time scale will be too close; but the ordinary diagram revolving once in 24 hours is often used quite effectively in night inspections by only closing those stop-cocks which are actually passing water.
This fort effectively protected the city in 1814 when attacked by the British, and it was during the attack that Francis Scott Key, detained on one of the British attacking vessels, composed the " Star Spangled Banner."
As he coveted Cyprus as well, the feud still went on, Rome continuing to interfere diplomatically but not effectively.
In the Perlesvaus the Grail is the same, but the working out of the scheme is much more complex; a son of Joseph of Arimathea, Josephe, is introduced, and we find a spiritual knighthood similar to that used so effectively in the Parzival.
Though generally an inoffensive animal, when attacked it can defend itself vigorously and effectively with its sabre-like anterior claws.
We have, however, to distinguish in the case of the gospel between (1) absolute commands and (2) " counsels," which latter recommend, without positively ordering the monastic life of poverty, celibacy and obedience as the best method of effectively turning the will from earthly to heavenly things.
His persistent recommendation, in fact, of English methods and instruments contributed effectively to the reform of French practical astronomy, and constituted the most eminent of his services to science.
But the parlement soon became disgusted with its alliesthe princes and nobles, who bad only drawn their swords in order to beg more effectively with arms in their hands; and the Parisian mob, whose fanaticism had been aroused by Paul de Gondi, a warlike ecclesiastic, a Catiline in a cassock, who preached the gospel at the daggers point.
It ought to have been easy for kings whose authority was confessedly so great to have made themselves effectively despotic amid all this division and weakness.
Under Gordon the Upper Nile region as far as the borders of Uganda came effectively under Egyptian control, though the power of the government extended on the east little beyond the banks of the rivers.
The Democratic and Republican parties were first effectively organized in opposition, as parts of national bodies, in the territorial campaigns of 1858.
It is equally admirable in the depth of its wisdom, the comprehensiveness of its views, the sagacity of its reflections, and the fearlessness, patriotism, liantly and effectively exhibited than they were by Hamilton in the New York convention of 1788, whose vote he won, against the greatest odds, for the ratification of the Constitution.
On his northern frontier he began a war against the Bulgarians, to whom the Byzantines had of late been paying tribute (967), and by instigating an attack from the Russians distracted their attention effectively.
Can it be facilitated more effectively?
He is able to liaise effectively with bodies concerned with institutional planning processes.
This would effectively preclude any export credits for arms deals with any developing country.
Civil society organizations effectively promoting the activism of UK citizens for poverty eradication.
These capabilities will deny an adversary the information advantage, preventing him from effectively employing his forces.
Findings 9. The Charity effectively manages and maintains the almshouses in accordance with its objects.
To develop analytic, communication and management skills to enable you to work effectively in a business environment.
A few rotten apples had effectively contaminated the whole barrel.
Damaged asbestos can be very harmful so it is important that it is dealt with quickly and effectively, please do not ignore it.
Your chair seat may also be too long, preventing you from using the backrest effectively.
Ozone is a natural biocide, which effectively kills bacteria, viruses and fungi within seconds.
One of the problems of the EU in the past had been its exclusivity which had effectively blackballed Eastern European communities for many years.
The statement that the ' effectively calculable ' is equivalent to the scope of Turing machines is now generally known as the Church-Turing thesis.
However this does not mean that we do not make calculated assisted assumptions to help enable us effectively explore new frontiers.
The big UK banks effectively operate a cartel in most areas of business banking.
The body is effectively being prepared for either fight or flight and hormones called catecholamines are produced in vast quantities.
It might be that smaller authorities can pool sovereignty effectively to deliver services, while also giving rise to an engaged citizenry.
Our strategy is to focus on drugs prescribed by specialist clinicians, a market we can service effectively with our planned specialist sales force.
In this paper we argue that intercultural competence is one of the main skills that students need to operate effectively in the information society.
Moreover, certain items of equipment require a high degree of technical competence in order to operate them effectively.
We have together published a concordat setting out how we work effectively together.
Labor are effectively imposing a blueprint of rigid conformity on parish councils.
A cello was put to good use, working effectively with the bass guitar and neatly finished off with some very well played congas.
Western democracy will effectively cease to exist as the social infrastructure collapses under the weight of millions of unburied corpses.
It seems very unlikely that a ' star wars ' defense program could be used to effectively counteract an asteroid.
People power has effectively become a counterweight to corporate power.
Up to 500g per day of the moisturizing cream or ointment may be needed to treat eczema effectively.
Second, we have to strengthen the forces of law and order, to reduce the fear of crime and to punish criminals effectively.
Peasants who lack capital are effectively restricted to sowing low-value crops, whilst the capitalist sector only produces more profitable crops.
Effectively a drain is a single pipe from either one building or a number of buildings ' within the same curtilage ' .
Any cylinder with a pressure of 232 bar or more is effectively holding less gas per bar of pressure than a lower pressurized cylinder.
Soon after, they share one final moment in bed together - a celebratory sexual dalliance to effectively sever all emotional ties.
Horizon has a tendency to side with the more conservative wing of science, effectively debunking theories that venture beyond the mainstream.
A problem pattern can be more efficiently discerned, more easily decoded, and more effectively transformed.
Schumacher has already effectively conceded defeat saying that he doesn't want to go to Brazil effectively pinning his hopes on an Alonso retirement.
Those staff not successful would be effectively demoted (albeit with conserved salaries ).
The theory [RCT] even predicts the churching of Europe, should the religious economies of those nations be effectively deregulated.
This advice effectively deterred Members from giving any proper consideration to Mr Balchin's true circumstances.
They stripped it during the afternoon and found the planet wheels had seized onto the shaft, effectively locking the diff!
The introduction of the rich oil man into the questioning effectively discombobulated the already-confused Jack Ruby.
That effectively meant investing in application integration projects to allow previously discrete systems to communicate more effectively.
What do you think people can do if they are effectively disenfranchised?
It is expected on completion of a project that the information be effectively disseminated and transferred.
The move effectively downgraded their jobs to match their lower pay and conditions in an attempt to avoid the charge of discrimination.
Multiple server locations provide redundancy, effectively eliminating downtime due to system failures or heavy data traffic.
One attempt at calling a general strike was effectively suppressed by members of the SAW and ANC who had escaped the police dragnet.
The tax would have to be payable on the item entering the country, effectively operating as an import duty.
Effectively, TMS utilizes an electromagnet to cause a very temporary disruption in the firing of neurons at the site of stimulation.
We need support and training to truly empower nurses to help them manage change effectively.
Most early excavators took great care to scrub all vessels within an inch of their lives, effectively removing all traces of contents.
Deflation effectively made debt more expansive and, as Fisher explained, this reinforced deflation again in a vicious spiral.
It also effectively conditions the long back extensors that run from the lower back to upper back.
Auditors require group facilitation skills to communicate effectively with the business teams during the audit process.
The fruit sugar fructose and vitamin C help the iron in plant sources to be absorbed more effectively in the body.
Nor is it just brain hemisphere dominance which affects how you operate effectively.
Being uncertain of their function or their relationship to the Body, they are greatly hindered in their ability to minister effectively.
Energy Conversion Devices touts its magnesium based atomically based engineered hydrides as capable of storing hydrogen efficiently and effectively.
Work is now in hand to ensure that they are effectively implemented.
So, even if Adams has effectively criticized a particular version of the indirect approach, he has not thereby impugned our approach.
The former are too inflexible; the latter don't work effectively.
Most effectively used at 1% in hot water as a steam inhalant to complement conventional inhalant devices.
The Taliban airforce had effectively been disabled and their air defense systems were now inoperable.
This makes it hard for them to cover the national curriculum effectively according to a discussion paper from Estyn, the welsh inspectorate.
In a sense, it could be argued that those congestion costs are effectively internalized.
The nature of the settlement is uncertain because of extensive 19th and 20th century ironstone quarrying that effectively destroyed much of the site.
She pointed out the GATS, however, is effectively irreversible.
Goals in either half from Lee Bowyer and Mark Viduka effectively kick-started United's Premiership campaign in a quality contest at Elland Road.
Iraq effectively demilitarized and Arabs of Iraq became traders, shopkeepers, scholars and absentee landowners.
This unit has optics which add together two of the dye laser photons, effectively doubling their frequency.
Combining the primitive lattice vectors with spacegroup symmetry will effectively generate the crystal lattice.
If the Ministry's plans for hygienic control succeed, it will effectively legalize the dog meat market.
Its role is to lobby British and international legislators to ensure conditions are right for UK businesses to compete effectively.
Alignment at word level effectively means developing a bilingual lexicon.
The prayer is so lopsided, it is effectively a curse on science.
They provided effectively all the marshals apart from one important junctions where I wanted to put an experienced race marshal.
They are both well constructed and achieve a gas swap with a full-face mask in different ways but equally effectively.
A short period under high light conditions will effectively kill the microbes.
New research suggests that some cases of severe migraine may be effectively treated by closing a hole in the heart.
It would effectively mimic reality much closer making every situation unique.
Our company will make every effort to tackle drug misuse at work effectively.
By the end of the first chapter, the author has effectively reduced her audience to stay-at-home moms.
Google may be changing their index calculation method to allow for a continuous update (which will effectively end the roughly monthly dances ).
Cetirizine was found to reduce nasal sneezing and rhinorrhoea effectively.
Stories that conclude in this manner are almost always disappointing because they effectively negate the adventure.
Since the " evidence " for the former has been " effectively neutralized, " it is not available for the latter.
The Supreme Court, made up of a majority of republican nominees, stepped in to effectively hand the election to Bush.
It's a template from which the band rarely deviate, but they've got the songwriting nous to pull it off effectively.
The collapse of the USSR had rendered this schism effectively obsolete.
Legitimate coarse fishing methods are effectively outlawed by Scottish angling legislation.
Properties defined in a particular Context object effectively override those properties in the next higher level.
This Court of Appeal decision has now effectively overruled the decision made last year in The Grecia Express (2002 ).
The aim of the guide is to give you the background knowledge needed to design and brief an evaluation and effectively oversee the process.
Clinical symptoms were effectively palliated in all five patients.
The b-Wize INVOICE solution will handle more than 20,000 suppliers and allow RFA to eliminate paperwork and manage its accounting flow more effectively.
However, a performance of the role that brings that pathos out more effectively would give greater weight to the happy ending.
Peter the Great abolished the patriarchate, and by the nineteenth century the Procurator of the Holy Synod was effectively a government minister.
They also provide evidence that disordered phonology can be effectively explained through the use of Optimality Theory.
By scanning a photodiode along a line across the beam reflected by the interferometer, a line array of ultrasound receivers is effectively synthesized.
Glenway effectively sank on the blocks, and inbetween the tides new planking was attached and she was re-floated seven months later.
To a hidden most feds resist him waxing poetic effectively undermined the.
The tall poplars there effectively break up the height of the flats.
In basement reservoirs matrix porosity is effectively close to zero and most of the storage capacity and permeability is due to fractures.
We in the US desperately need better data privacy protection or we will effectively not have any privacy protection or we will effectively not have any privacy at all.
They would probably work best for issues that are largely procedural, and could work effectively alongside self-help material.
It also illustrates how public awareness of women's rights can be effectively promoted.
We have many locally agreed protocols with the police to help us both handle domestic violence cases effectively.
Leaves can be treated with enzymes to strip away the cell walls and produce protoplasts, which are effectively ' naked ' plant cells.
Once a space becomes psychoactive for a person they are effectively ' living in their metaphor ' .
Only Durham is likely to remain outside what effectively amounts to an extortion racket by the end of the year.
Turning to the poor state of repairs the evidence of Miss Grimshaw is minimal and was effectively rebutted in cross-examination.
This is effectively the view which Hodges takes, given what he means by " purely referential " .
Effectively losing his discard, he would have to sail a near faultless regatta to regain his crown.
The Society has received two requisitions for an SGM, both effectively on the appointment of a non-pharmacist as editor of the Pharmaceutical Journal.
This presents a significant opportunity to more effectively deliver direct near field sound, at the same time reducing destructive room reverberation effects.
Effectively, ICEE project manages the network rollout on behalf of Nokia.
Does this not count the R-value twice, effectively doubling the insulation value of the partition between the two zones?
His conditions for German participation effectively sabotage the US plan.
The author exhibits much sagacity as well as learning, and criticizes effectively the errors, inconsistencies, and exaggerations of his predecessors.
African Americans had effectively segregated themselves probably for the reasons which were identified by Zora Neale Hurston.
Effectively dampens vibrations through polymer shock absorbers, allowing active camcorder use.
Parliament is effectively sidelined from the center of British political life.
Q 17 What skills and competencies for culling are required to ensure body snares are safely and effectively deployed?
Made of a soft rubber the rabbit fits snug at the base of the mans penis effectively helping maintain an erection.
Just spider mite Killer is the easy, safe & organic way to effectively control red spider mites in greenhouses.
Perhaps the dreadful aims of the Third Reich are now being achieved by stealth, much more effectively than Hitler could ever have done.
He effectively stifled all ambition of those below him, enjoining to himself all the offices of the Order.
But within these legal strictures, Snooper snoops for you pretty effectively.
Indeed since 1828 this has more or less been the norm, health and environmental issues effectively stymieing alternative options.
In return, tho, the government effectively subsidized this demand by inflating domestic profits through trade barriers on imports " .
Distributed computing uses the internet to harness the power of a global network of PCs effectively creating a single supercomputer.
In the presence of anionic surfactants, 2 detected alkaline earth metal cations more effectively than alkali metal cations.
Large estate agencies are effectively retail outlets employing very few qualified surveyors.
The Depression sparked off problems, which the Weimar constitution and Treaty of Versailles prevented the government from using methods to effectively tackle.
Teal'c ' cuffed his hands behind his back then trussed him up very effectively with gaffer tape and leaned him again the wall.
Wood effectively demolishes the arguments of several highly influential theoreticians of the 1970s and 1980s who argued for a shift away from class politics.
The neurones firing in response to the clock ticking have effectively become " bored " and the sound slips below conscious awareness.
Its target market will be mainly university towns and Grant said the tie-up effectively triples the size of his operation.
The development of judicial and police cooperation is essential to effectively combat transnational organized crime.
The massive Labor victory declared on 26 July 1945 effectively spelled ruin for all parties which had benefited from the electoral truce.
Here and now, in 2005, the world's poor effectively have to face a silent tsunami each and every month.
As an engineer I particularly enjoyed the various methods developed by Hillman to try and kill the undead more effectively.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are effectively unmanned Aerial Vehicles are effectively unmanned planes, which are used in battle to take aerial photos and drop bombs on targets.
Note, however, how effectively a close shave on a zebra crossing brings to the surface previously unquestioned strategic calculations.
The United States has never, therefore, judged that the Protocol would produce what is to us an effectively verifiable BWC.
Do you think the new powers will enable police to effectively tackle seafront yobs?
The power of the nobles would seem to have been more effectively broken in a war with Athens, in which Megara ultimately lost the island of Salamis (about 570, see SoLoN), for shortly afterwards the constitution was changed to a democracy, and eventually was fixed as an oligarchy of a moderate type.
Their right application could be effectively enforced only in the courts Christian; until the rise in England of the equitable jurisdiction of the court of chancery and the development of the doctrine of " uses " at the end of the middle ages.
The minor characters of the honest old Huntley, whom the Scottish king obliges to bestow his daughter's hand upon Warbeck, and of her lover the faithful "Dalyell," are most effectively drawn; even "the men of judgment," the adventurers who surround the chief adventurer, are spirited sketches, and the Irishman among them has actually some humour; while the style of the play is, as befits a "Chronicle History," so clear and straightforward as to make it easy as well as interesting to read.
As a means of asserting their views effectively, the citizens, irrespective of party, organized local silver clubs, and these eventually led to the formation of the Silver party of Nevada, which drafted a " platform " and nominated a state ticket and presidential electors who were instructed to support the Populist national ticket.
But during his tenure of power all the magistrates of the people were regarded as his subordinates; and it was even held that the right of assistance (auxilium), furnished by the tribunes of the plebs to members of the citizen body, should not be effectively exercised when the state was under this type of martial law.
But he brought home to Jews the perils that confronted them; he compelled many a "semi-detached" son of Israel to rejoin the camp; he forced the "assimilationists" to realize their position and to define it; his scheme gave a new impulse to "Jewish culture," including the popularization of Hebrew as a living speech; and he effectively roused Jews all the world over to an earnest and vital interest in their present and their future.
For this he was violently attacked in the German parliament by the extreme Radicals; but on this and other occasions (he had himself been elected to the parliament) he defended moderate and constitutional principles, all the more effectively because he depended not on eloquence but on a recognition of what has been called the "irony of facts"- to which the parliament as a whole was so blind.
By rationalizing the number of these specialty fuels, ExxonMobil and other companies could bring fuels to market more efficiently and cost effectively.
This is effectively the view which Hodges takes, given what he means by " purely referential ".
Is raising revenue for " good causes " via lottery tickets effectively regressive taxation?
Hot Topics Leadership Leadership and governance Making improvement happen Managing your people effectively Modernizing pay and rewards What is organization and people about?
The second is that they 've effectively become the Grateful Dead of their rock-and-roll generation.
In these situations, medical prescribing is effectively rubber-stamping the nurses ' decisions.
He organizes his work effectively and directs others in a sensitive manner.
This effectively short-circuits the supply and is known as a shoot-through condition.
Pepys was effectively a minister in his own right, similar in style to Colbert, Louis XIV 's Minister of the Marine.
Slouching in front of the computer or telly can effectively switch off your back muscles.
Frugalista has effectively said public sector workers do n't want big mortgages as it stops them moving jobs - well sod everyone else.
The film opens effectively with a sorority initiation going horribly wrong.
Just Spider Mite Killer is the easy, safe & organic way to effectively control red spider mites in greenhouses.
To work effectively in a spokes council you need to respect the role of your spoke.
This can be done (albeit not very effectively) by a stabilizer calculation in the symmetric group given by the degree component.
Getting the issues raised extended into discussion forums means it is n't so easy for the Board to stonewall effectively any more.
In return, tho, the government effectively subsidized this demand by inflating domestic profits through trade barriers on imports .
Communicable disease surveillance relies heavily on patient identifiable information (PII) in order to perform its public health functions effectively.
If the price condition ca n't be imposed lawfully then compliance is effectively by agreement and the swingeing penalties come into play.
As this is largely a talky film the front speakers carry dialog clearly and effectively.
The site contains six different tangram games that will effectively improve shape awareness.
In the United States trillions of dollars have to be put back into pension funds, which means profits are effectively negative.
These frequency doubled photons are then added to another dye laser photon, effectively tripling their frequency.
Cromwell raised a troop of sixty horsemen and effectively secured Cambridgeshire for Parliament.
Here and now, in 2005, the world 's poor effectively have to face a silent tsunami each and every month.
In areas like offshore Angola, AVO in general works effectively in predicting hydrocarbons, for instance in the Oligo-Miocene turbidite sands.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are effectively unmanned planes, which are used in battle to take aerial photos and drop bombs on targets.
The plants are strong and healthy, ready to compete effectively with weed seedlings.
After the introduction of the vaccination, we were able to effectively eradicate smallpox.
The more data you acquire, the faster you'll spot the customer preference trends and be able to morph your product effectively.
Without any sort of rules or procedures, it's just too difficult to run a large and growing company effectively.
You will also want to monitor your baby's diapers to ensure that your child is hydrated and eliminating effectively.
These two types of inexpensive electrical pumps, cycle slower and pump less effectively than the hospital grade types and should only be used for moms who are separated from their baby for less than twenty hours a week.
While some people mistakenly believe that cerebral palsy involves muscular or nerve problems, it is actually a brain disorder in which the brain is unable to effectively control the body's movements.
Before buying flatware, it is important to know its basic characteristics in order to effectively compare brands.
When you start shopping around for a good deal on a rental, it would be preferable if you are able to speak Spanish effectively during negotiations or you may not get the best rate.
When choosing your vacuum, look for one with a Hepa filter, which can remove airborne allergens effectively.
You can also learn how to effectively kill bed bugs, how to get rid of them and how to be in total control over them.
Pest Products.com offers several products that can be used to effectively and safely get rid of bed bugs in your home.
Bedlam Bedbug Insecticide Spray is a residual and aerosol spray, which means that it leaves lingering residue that effectively prevents future pest infestations.
Sterifab Bed Bug Spray is very unique as it kills fungus and bacteria, and also effectively inhibits their growth when they die.
Whether you're hunting with a bow and arrow or a high-powered rifle, you need the right equipment and tools to hunt safely and effectively.
Along with this, there is the ability to set the different length of time between alarm sounds, effectively working as a programmable snooze.
This causes the kidneys to enlarge and function less effectively.
The problem with this disease is that often by the time a cat shows symptoms serious enough to go to the vet, it is too late to treat the cat effectively.
There are many ways to effectively remove a urine stain depending on the location and age of the stain.
To effectively remove cat urine and its odor permanently, an enzymatic cleaner is needed.
If this happens FeLV will not progress further, and the cat will effectively be cured.
These small pine pellets form sawdust around moisture and trap in odors effectively.
The Pets' Guide from WebMD suggests using Advantage, Frontline or Program to safely and effectively control fleas on cats.
Program Flea Control effectively kills flea eggs.
Advantage II is a topical flea medication that effectively kills 98 to 100 percent of adult fleas within 12 hours of application.
This program is designed to offer flexibility to the cardholders, while also allowing the owner to effectively manage spending.
This option is appropriate for people who are not managing their consumer debt effectively and need assistance in getting back on track.
The government benefits from individual consumers managing finances effectively because the overall economy benefits from financially fit consumers.
When the weighted average is taken, it will effectively result in you having a higher interest rate on all your loans.
In many cases, consumers will simply file bankruptcy if they are facing any of these legal scenarios which would effectively stop the legal judgments.
Those who wish to keep a budget in line can use these cheques to do so since it will effectively limit their spending.
This document effectively divides the marital property and sets out which person is responsible for paying debts incurred during the marriage.
In almost every case, mediation works more effectively than divorce in a courtroom setting.
Before you can work toward effectively coping with your divorce you need to accept that the divorce is happening or has happened.
When you look toward the future with hope and positive anticipation, you have a better chance for coping effectively with the big changes divorce can bring.
This document effectively ends the marriage.
You need to find someone you feel confident will represent your interests effectively and who you can trust with some very personal information about yourself, your finances and your marriage.
By considering a number of candidates, you will get closer to finding someone you can work with effectively.
This could result in the payer receiving a higher income tax refund, since he or she is effectively splitting income with the separated or former spouse.
Families need to communicate effectively with one another.
Some types of papers cannot be effectively recycled, however.
Every recycling facility has different guidelines for how to recycle paper products, and consumers should investigate how paper must be prepared, sorted, and turned in to be sure they can contribute to the recycling effort effectively.
Once the necessary equipment is installed there is no cost associated with harnessing and using wind power and it can power residential and commercial structures as effectively as traditional grid power.
When this is working effectively, only the very minimum of waste enters the recycling system.
At this stage a school recycling program will provide students and staff with the necessary means of recycling the waste effectively.
Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner - This natural cleaner promises to remove mineral deposits, rust, and hard water stains as effectively as the regular cleaners you have used for years.
As ethical researchers continue to search for clean forms of renewable energy and learn how to harness them more effectively, human dependence on conventional energy resources will diminish.
Cayenne even acts as a facilitator to help other herbs work more effectively in your system.
Capsaicin, which is what gives cayenne the heat, inhibits substance P and keeps it from relaying the pain effectively.
Using milk thistle is unique in that it cannot be taken effectively via a medicinal cup of tea like most other herbs.
Discuss your hay fever with your doctor, and together you can come up with a plan to treat it effectively.
Will you be able to work closely with them and communicate all of your likes and dislikes effectively?
If this describes your current situation, make a list of the things you can do to work more effectively and efficiently.
So if you buy at least $40 in products, your makeover was effectively free.
With the heat and intensity of the lighting used for shoots, it was imperative that makeup artists use a cosmetic that could stand up to the rigors of a photo session, while effectively producing quality photographs.
Exfoliation gently, effectively, and harmlessly removes the top layer of skin, allowing its natural radiance to shine through.
If there's one thing cosmetic manufacturers know how to do, it's market their products effectively.
Instead, the weightless powder will effectively set makeup and create a flawless, even finish.
There is some debate as to whether laser lights are even necessary in order to effectively whiten the teeth.
The pH-balanced formula removes dirt, makeup and oil quickly and effectively.
Ideal for all types of skin, it effectively sweeps away all traces of eye makeup.
Choose the one that feels most soothing and removes makeup most effectively.
The reason for this is that the lower lid is very absorbent, so that cream will effectively "travel up" to where it's needed.
Based on my past experiences with the brand, I was very excited to try the Master Toolbox and see if it could, effectively, become my go-to cosmetic palette.
Please note that most doctors do not recommend doing this, and if you have particularly sensitive eyes, doing so may cause your eyes to run, effectively ruining your make look.
Small blotches or sections of redness can be effectively concealed with standard products, but for large areas, a cream or lotion formula may work best.
Because they've established their name very effectively through media and advertising, Southwest doesn't feel they need to go through an airfare broker, and they don't.
Find out how to manage your money more effectively with BP account management tools here!
While it should be that you only have to hit "translate," and it automatically provides a link to hear it, in most cases it doesn't work as effectively as that.
Not only will your flash work more effectively, but you'll also be able to capture natural expressions from the child's perspective.
Many experts recommend avoiding electric woks, because they simply can't get hot enough to stir-fry effectively.
The trick to effectively scrapbooking these moments is to always keep your camera and a small notebook handy.
The Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier effectively mimics the movement patterns of x-cross skiing, making a good alternative for skiers who can never get enough of their sport.
Removing yourself from a difficult situation will give you a chance to figure things out and return to it with a new perspective and energy to handle it much more effectively.
Soon you will find that you can handle things more effectively and you are not as quick to stress out.
Once you get to the root of the anger and realize how to treat it effectively, you will enjoy a less stressful existence where your anger is manageable.
With a team of experts to assist them, each family is given the opportunity to effectively change their lives.
At each weigh-in, an expert panel counseled the contestants on how to effectively lose weight, and set their target goal for the next weigh in.
After much back and forth banter about how Brody believed he could be friends with any one he chooses, he basically replied with a "Bro, puh-lease," effectively ending their friendship.
It used to be that most stores were, effectively, boutiques.
While there are only so many large scholarships, which effectively offer enough money to fully finance your college studies, there is an overabundance of small scholarships available if one looks hard enough.
A career in this field allows bioengineers to develop solutions that improve health, prevent disease, treat diseases more effectively and rehabilitate patients with injuries.
You will be able to work effectively in different environments involved in the field of health care and medicine, and will be able to attain higher positions within the field.
If you are trying to hold down a job and attend college at the same time, working towards a degree online affords you the luxury of effectively managing both.
The medical care on a cruise ship may not be able to treat severe injuries, but it should be able to deal with minor problems effectively.
Always ask your vet or a local dog trainer to teach you how to use this type of "choke chain" correctly in order to make sure that you're effectively training your dog.
The discs must be in contact with your pet's skin in order for the collar to work effectively.
These establishments offer the services of professional dog trainers, and structured training courses designed to teach owners the art of communicating effectively with their pets.
Even if an owner does make a correct diagnosis, there are questions about proper dosage and duration of treatment to effectively route the illness.
Paws University Dog Training - This site outlines the history of tug of war beliefs and how to effectively play the game with your dog.
Both PediPaws and Peticure brand trimmers are cordless pet nail grinders that can effectively shorten and smooth a dog's nails without risking the pain and bleeding associated with traditional clippers.
The double coat is difficult for some owners to wash effectively and keep tangle-free at home.
An effective half-hardy plant for the summer; M. major having finely-cut, large, glaucous leaves contrasting effectively with the garden vegetation, and being of the easiest cultivation, it has become a favourite in sub-tropical gardening.
When the beetles eat the roots, they effectively kill the turf.
In order for the central air conditioning and heating system to perform efficiently and effectively, it has to be sized properly for the home.
If you have a dropped ceiling from adding HVAC ductwork or other updates, that may have an impact on how and where you can employ ceiling shelving effectively.
Electric radiant floor heating is flexible enough to work with a number of different floor coverings, but in order for it to work as efficiently and effectively as possible, take certain things into consideration.
When printing a ring chart is is important to follow any instructions that are given to ensure that the chart is printed off effectively.
A special jewelry organizer will help to store a disc necklace safely and effectively.
Perfect for large jewelry pieces or tiny delicate post earrings and everything in between, this purple storage unit effectively utilizes rarely used space.
If a lot of small stud-style earrings need to be stored then it is important that the organizer has a way to hold these effectively.
Make sure it can be paired effectively with both jeans and dress pants.
For anyone who's interested in simply adding to what he currently owns, how can a man most effectively update his wardrobe?
Adults with extremely dry or sensitive skin frequently use baby soap because it provides the gentle cleansing they need more effectively than formulas made for adult skin care.
Fair trade goes beyond looking at how farms operate, also focusing on making sure farmers have the business skills they need to compete effectively in the marketplace.
Row covers work best when plants are young because that is when they're most vulnerable and easy to keep covered effectively.
You need to eat a balanced diet for your body to work effectively.