Ee Sentence Examples
During a small electric transfer through the cell, the external work done is Ee, where E is the electromotive force.
Hence we get the equation Ee = Le +Te (dE/dT) or E = L+T(dE/dT), as a particular case of the general thermodynamic equation of available energy.
If E is any extensive unit, there is one other unit E', and only one, such that the (progressive) product EE' =- r.
The vowel signs have no sound by themselves, but act upon the vowel sound" aw "inherent in the consonants, converting it into" a," i," o," ee," ow,"&c. Each of the signs has a name, and some of them produce modulations so closely resembling those made by another that at the present day they are scarcely to be distinguished apart.
The inner court is surrounded by a cloister (EE), from which open the monks' cells (II).
From A and B the materials are drawn as they are needed into large buckets D standing on cars, which carry them to the foot of the hoist track EE, up which they are hoisted to the top of the furnace.
The winter stock of materials is drawn from the left-hand row of bins, and distributed over immense stock piles by means of the water in the tank EE.
For small supplies such a well may be perfectly successful; but however small the quantity drawn, it must obviously have the effect of diminishing the volume of fresh water, which contributes to the maintenance of the level of saturation above the sea-level; and with further pumping the fresh water would be so far drawn upon that the mean level of saturation would sink, first to a curved figure - a cone of depression - such as that represented by the new level of saturation dd, and later to the figure represented by the lines ee, in which the level of saturation has everywhere been drawn below the mean sea-level.
Preval- worship still prevails largely in India, and a writer e p ee in in 1896 remarks that the previous census showed in varying the North-West Provinces over 25,000 Naga (serpent) forms. worshippers, 123,000 votaries of the snake-god Gaga, and, in the Punjab, some 35,000 special votaries of the snake godlings.'
A rarer bird of sc r ee slopes is the Ring Ouzel, which is a sort of mountain blackbird.
AdvertisementThese are the alphabet and some sounds like sh and ee that need two letters to be written, and so are called digraphs.
Over the years, the title of EE changed to reflect current vogues in the hobby electronics market.
Using this technique in combination with another mutagenesis method called saturation mutagenesis the ee value has been improved to more than 90 per cent.
The Old Slavonic words lyepo, byelo, are pronounced by the Servians of Herzegovina, Bosnia, Montenegro, Dalmatia, Croatia and south-western Servia as leeyepo, beeyelo; by the Servians of Syrmia the same vowel is pronounced sometimes as e (lepo, belo), sometimes as ee (videeti, leteeti); by the Servians of the Morava valley and its accessory Ressava valley, always only as e (lepo, belo, videti, leteti).
Note the tendentious adjective " insidious " applied to EE.
AdvertisementThe two bonds that are issued today are series I and series EE bonds.
Series EE (and before them, series E) bonds are usually given to children as a way to help pay off college expenses or to build a retirement fund.
An EE bond has a face value that is twice what it is purchased for; for example, a $1000 bond can be bought for only $500.
This site has articles on purchasing Treasury securities, investing in EE and E savings bonds and other types of investments.
Series EE bonds are purchased at a discount equal to half of their face value.
AdvertisementIf the face value of a Series EE bond is $50, the sales price is $25.
The Treasury does not allow investors to buy more than $5,000 face value in EE bonds in a calendar year.
You can only purchase Series HH bonds if you have Series EE or Series E bonds to exchange.
Series I bonds are similar to Series EE bonds, but you purchase them at face value.
Eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) is characterized by the abnormal accumulation of eosinophils localized in the esophagus.
AdvertisementIn EE, high levels of eosinophils are detected in the esophagus but not in any other parts of the digestive tract.
Unlike that of normal children, the esophagus of an individual with EE does not have a smooth, uniform pink surface but displays lines (furrowing) and white patches.
Children with EE have classic signs of gastroesophageal reflux (abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing, and vomiting) but fail to respond to antireflux medications.
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2004 shows that EE rates have risen so dramatically in recent years that they may be at higher levels than that of other inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders.
At Cincinnati Children's hospital, cases of EE were examined in patients from Hamilton County.
Between 1991 and 2003, 315 cases met diagnostic criteria for EE.
Incidence rates of EE have not been reported in any other region of the United States, so national incidence rates are impossible to determine.
However, if rates were the same as they are in Hamilton County, the annual occurrence of EE would be one in every 10,000 children, or approximately 22,000 children in the United States.
Researchers have confirmed a familial pattern to EE, which suggests either a genetic predisposition or a relationship to an unknown environmental exposure.
However, EE differs from esophageal reflux in the large numbers of eosinophils that are present in the GI tract.
Celui-ci/Celui-là (pronounced suh loo ee see or suh loo ee lah) refers to this one or that one.
The result of the investigation shows that the electrical work Ee is given by the_equation Ee =1 where v is the volume of the solution used and p its osmotic pressure.
Alloys represented by points on Ee, when they begin to solidify, deposit crystals of lead and bismuth simultaneously; Ee is a eutectic line, as also are E'e and E"e.
The laughs never stop right up to the final " Ee bah gum!
The current system in the UCL EE department still uses one of the first 10Hz, 1J excimer lasers in the UK.