Editors Sentence Examples
Migne, following the example of the editors of bibliothecae patrum who preceded him, swept into his great collection all the Christian writings which fell within his period; but he is careful to state upon his title-page that his patrologies include the ecclesiastical writers as well as the fathers and doctors of the Church.
From 1851 to 1861 he was one of the editors and owners of the Albany Evening Journal, and during his father's term at the head of the State Department he was assistant secretary of state.
We do intend to keep the names of the editors in those cases, but it will usually not be possible to specify who exactly wrote which part of the text.
The varied narratives, now due to Judaean editors, preserve distinct points of view, and it is extremely difficult to unravel the threads and to determine their relative position in the history.
Thus, to take the latter one, if we suppose that of two editors of equal competence A requires a probability of four-fifths to admit a reading into his text and B a probability of three-fifths only, then in all the cases in which the probability lies between these two fractions B will be right seven times to A's three, while outside these limits there will be no difference between them.
For the Italian nobility see the eight magnificent folio volumes of Count Pompeo Litta, Celebri famiglie italiane, continued by various editors (Milan, 1819-1907); for Spanish, Fernandez de Bethencourt, Hist.
The Open Directory Project—where fifty thousand editors try to organize the web into a directory of sites for no reward at all—comes instantly to mind.
The Latin editions of part of these works have been modified by the corrections which the monkish editors confess that they applied.
The establishment of The Atlantic Monthly in 1857 gave her a constant vehicle for her writings, as did also The Independent of New York, and later The Christian Union, of each of which papers successively her brother, Henry Ward Beecher, was one of the editors.
It is indeed easy to understand that the romantic incidents of this period were much in the mouths of the people - to whom David was a popular hero - and in course of time were written down in various forms which were not combined into perfect harmony by later editors, who gave excerpts from several sources rather than a new and independent history.
AdvertisementSome of the verses are apparently from the author, some from editors.
This piece, called in Irish the Faed Fiada or "Cry of the Deer," contains a number of remarkable grammatical forms, and the latest editors are of opinion that it may very well be genuine.
Among later lives we may mention the hymn Genair Patraicc, commonly attributed to Fiacc, which is considered by the latest editors to have been originally composed about Boo.
They appear to be different articles, purporting to refer to different persons, and have been generally so received by the editors of Suidas and by modern legal historians.
Edinburgh maintains few newspapers, but the Scotsman, which may be said to reign alone, has enjoyed a career of almost uninterrupted prosperity, largely in consequence of a succession of able editors, like Charles Maclaren, Alexander Russel, Robert Wallace and Charles Cooper.
AdvertisementAnd if we cannot without much hesitation admit that Isaiah was really the first preacher of a personal Messiah whose record has come down to us, yet his editors certainly had good reason for thinking him capable of such a lofty height of prophecy.
Miihlbacher and the editors of the Monumenta Germaniae historica, this part of the joint work was reserved for Giry.
His Vie de Saint-Alexis (1872) broke new ground and provided a model for future editors of medieval texts.
Its editors were Numa Morikage, Shimada Saburo and Koizuka Ryu, all destined to become celebrated not only in the field of journalism but also in that of politics.
Many suffered under this law, but the ultimate effect was to invest the press with new popularity, and very soon the newspapers conceived a device which effectually protected their literary staff, for they employed dummy editors whose sole function was to go to prison in lieu of the true editor.
AdvertisementEditors seemed tc be incapable of rising above the dead level of political strife, anc their utterances were not relieved even by a semblance of fairness Readers turned away in disgust, and journal after journal passe out of existence.
Already (1887) the government had voluntarily made a great step in advance by divesting itself of the right to imprison or fine editors by executive order.
Moreover, the best Japanese editors have caught with remarkable aptitude the spirit of modern journalism.
P. Willis was one of the editors of the New York Mirror (1823-1842).
Krause at Leipzig and carried on by various editors down to 1797.
AdvertisementIt is most likely that Mist had found out that Defoe was a government agent and quite probable that he communicated his knowledge to other editors, for Defoe's journalistic employment almost ceased about this time, and he began to write anonymously, or as "Andrew Moreton."
Others, like the Ascension of Isaiah, betray the handiwork of successive editors, and are accordingly to be explained on the "redaction hypothesis."
Thus the Oratorian Andrea Gallandi (1709-1779), in re-issuing Cotelier's collection in his Bibliotheca Veterum Patrum (1765-1781), included the fragments of Papias and the Epistle to Diognetus, to which recent editors have added the citations from the "Elders" of Papias's day found in Irenaeus, and, since 1883, the Didache.
Thus editions tended to vary with the historical views of editors.
Or to put it more exactly, the "Apostolic Fathers" represent, chronologically in the main and still more from the religious and theological standpoint, the momentous process of 1 Cotelier included the Acts of Martyrdom of Clement, Ignatius and Polycarp; and those of Ignatius and Polycarp are still often printed by editors.
From this manuscript an edition was printed in 1574 under the direction of Matthew Parker, archbishop of Canterbury; but this contained many interpolations and alterations which were copied by subsequent editors.
For reasons suggested partly by the study of Semitic inscriptions, partly by comparison of passages occurring twice within the Old Testament, and partly by a comparison of the Hebrew text with the Septuagint, it is clear that the authors of the Old Testament (or at least most of them) themselves made some use of these vowel consonants, but that in a great number of cases the vowel consonants that stand in our present text were inserted by transcribers and editors of the texts.
The starting-point of this newer criticism of the prophets is the clearer practical recognition of the fact that all pre-exilic prophecy has come down to us in the works of post-exilic editors, and that for the old statement of the problem of the prophetic books - What prophecies or elements in Isaiah, Jeremiah and the rest are later than these prophets ?
Our Matthew and our Luke are just combinations, differently constructed, of these two documents, with a certain amount of additional matter which the editors had collected for themselves.
Among his avowed antagonists in literary warfare the most distinguished were Malone and Steevens, the Shakespeare editors; Mathias, the author of the Pursuits of Literature; Dr Jamieson, the Scottish lexicographer; Pinkerton, the historian; Dr Irving, the biographer of the Scottish poets; and Dr Currie of Liverpool.
He first appeared as an author by contributing two articles to the Edinburgh Review (an earlier journal than the present, which was commenced in 1755, but of which only two numbers were published),-one on Johnson's Dictionary and the other a letter to the editors on the state of literature in the different countries of Europe.
Smith's letter to the editors is specially interesting for its account of the Encyclopedie and its criticism of Rousseau's pictures of savage life.
The editors of the Wycliffite versions say in the Preface, pp. xv.
The Wycliffite authorship of the Commentaries on the Gospels, on which the learned editors base their argument, is, however, unsupported by any evidence beyond the fact that the writer of the Prologue to Matthew urges in strong language " the propriety of translating Scripture for the use of the laity."
The Old Testament of the Early Version was, according to the editors (Preface, p. xvii.), taken in hand by one of Wycliffe's coadjutors, Nicholas de Herford.
Judging from uniformity of style and mode of translation the editors of the Bible are inclined to take the latter view; they add that the remaining part of the Old Testament was completed by a different hand, the one which also translated the New Testament.
Editors of journals remove the slips of the pens of their contributors; editors of books, nowadays usually in footnotes, the similar lapses of their authors.
Though these writings are mostly the same in origin as are known from the older lists of apocryphal books, they underwent in this case a certain modification at the hands of their Bogomil editors, so as to be used for the propagation of their own specific doctrines.
For three years, it is true, the founders of the "Free Press" went on printing, "not only without selling a single copy, but scarcely being able to get a single copy introduced into Russia"; so that when at last a bookseller bought ten shillings' worth of Baptized Property, the half-sovereign was set aside by the surprised editors in a special place of honour.
From 1863 to 1878 he was one of the editors of the Neues Jahrbuch.
His editors have contented themselves with republishing his "Practical Works," and his ethical, philosophical, historical and political writings still await a competent editor.
But the editors omitted, altered, added, separated, combined and so forth entirely at their pleasure, actually making some changes which seem to have been thought improvements of style.
Its contents, as was to be expected, are of a very chaotic character - of a character so chaotic indeed that the reader is almost at the mercy of the arrangement, perforce an arbitrary arrangement, of the editors.
Polish newspapers were confiscated and their editors imprisoned, fines were imposed for holding Polish meetings, and peasants were forbidden to build houses on their own land.
From the remains of fortifications there he argues that the Hyksos were uncivilized desert people, skilled in the use of the bow, and must thus have destroyed by their archery the Egyptian armies trained to fight hand-tohand; further;, that their hordes were centered in Syria, but were driven thence by a superior force in the East to take refuge in the islands and became a sea-power--whence the strange description "Hellenic" in Manetho, which most editors have corrected to CtXAoi, "others."
On one point the two editors differed radically, Lundy being the advocate of gradual and Garrison of immediate emancipation.
It was inevitable, however, that discrepancies should emerge between the texts of professed scholars, and as these men in their several localities were authorities on the reading of the Koran, quarrels began to break out between the levies from different districts about the true form that these initials did not belong to Mahomet's text, but might be the monograms of possessors of codices, which, through negligence on the part of the editors, were incorporated in the final form of the Koran; he now deems it more probable that they are to be traced to the Prophet himself, as Sprenger, Loth and others suppose.
Yet owing to the method of composition employed by Hebrew editors, or revisers, it is possible in this case, as in others, not only to determine the source of each individual passage, but also to trace with considerable confidence the various stages in the process by which it reached its final form and position.
From time to time secret instructions were issued by the Bureau for the information and guidance of editors.
These complaints led to a declaration by the Foreign Office on Dec. 20 1915, that in future incoming press cablegrams would not be censored from a political point of view; the responsibility of publishing would be with the editors who knew that a prosecution against them, under the Defence of the Realm Act, might result from the publication of anything endangering the good relations between Great Britain and the Allies or the Neutrals.
The casualty lists were rigidly and, no doubt, properly suppressed, but owing to the representations of the Newspaper Proprietors' Association they were supplied periodically for the confidential information of editors.
A free exchange of views took place, with the result that Mr. Asquith invited the Press to appoint a representative who would interview Lord Kitchener and Mr. Churchill each week with the object of putting questions to them and receiving private information for circulation to editors.
Examination of titles in the Prophets and the Psalms (to say nothing of Ecclesiastes and Wisdom of Solomon) makes it evident that these have been added by late editors who were governed by vague traditions or fanciful associations or caprice, and there is no reason to suppose the titles in Proverbs to be .exceptions to the general rule.
Those on Aesthetics, on the Philosophy of Religion, on the Philosophy of History and on the History of Philosophy, have been published by his editors, mainly from the notes of his students, under their separate heads; while those on logic, psychology and the philosophy of nature are appended in the form of illustrative and explanatory notes to the sections of his Encykloptidie.
The journal was not solely in the Hegelian interest; and more than once, when Hegel attempted to domineer over the other editors, he was met by vehement and vigorous opposition.
Consequently, one is restricted in the first instance to such literature as survives and in the form which the last editors or compilers gave it.
Historical Value.-The book of Judges consists of a number of narratives collected by Deuteronomic editors; to the same circles are due accounts of the invasions of Palestine and settlement in Joshua, and of the foundation of the monarchy in I Samuel.
The Academica Posteriora are said by editors to be found only in 15th-century MSS.
He became one of the first editors of the Jesuit organ, the Civiltd Cattolica; but then came under the influence of Gioberti, Rosmini and other advocates for reform.
But humanism, first of all in its protagonist Erasmus, afterwards in the long 'a ' list of critical scholars and editors, Lipsius, Heinsius sc and Grotius, in the printers Elzevir and-Plantin, developed ship. itself from the centre of the Leiden university with massive energy, and proved that it was still a motive force of intellectual progress.
She was one of the organizers of the American Woman-Suffrage Association and of the Association for the Advancement of Women (1869), and in 1870 became one of the editors of the Woman's Journal, and in 1872 president of the New England Women's Club.
Before his last fatal encounter he was twice engaged in duels with editors of rival papers.
They may be looked upon as the last editors of the now unwieldy thesaurus; less probable is the view, often maintained since Rashi (11th century), that it was first written down in their age.4 4.
Of its patriotic editors the most prominent was Erik Gustaf Geijer (q.v.; 1783-1847), but he was presently joined by a young man slightly older than himself, Esaias Tegner (q.v.; 1782-1846), afterwards bishop of Getter.
Comely (1892, also in Cursus scripturae sacrae, 1907) are the most satisfactory modern editors, from the Roman Catholic church, but it should not be forgotten that the 16th century produced the Literalis expositio of Cajetan (Rome, 1529) and the similar work of Pierre Barahona (Salamanca, 1590), no less than the epoch-making edition of Luther (Latin, 1519, &c.; German, 1525 f.; English, 1575 f.).
The two lastnamed editors alone give the newly discovered lines of Satire vi.
In 1824-1828 he was professor of belles-lettres in Washington (now Trinity) College, Hartford, Connecticut, and at this time he was one of the editors of the Episcopal Watchman.
There have been numerous issues of the whole or parts of Galen's works, among the editors or illustrators of which may be mentioned Jo.
The hypothesis has won very wide acceptance, but several editors and critics (including Harnack, Zahn and Clemen) remain unconvinced.
There have been few more remarkable instances of the lues commentatoria than the work of the editors of Rabelais.
In 1865 Riehm was made a member of the commission for the revision of Luther's translation of the Bible, and became one of the editors of the quarterly review, Theologische Studien and Kritiken.
As the subject and style very closely resemble that of xxix., it is assigned to Theocritus by recent editors.
There has also to be considered whether the text of the poetical passages has not often become corrupt, not only from ordinary causes but through the misunderstanding and misreading of north Arabian names on the part of late scribes and editors, the danger to Judah from north Arabia being (it is held) not less in pre-exilic times than the danger from Assyria and Babylonia, so that references to north Arabia are only to be expected.
In recent years a whole body of scholars and editors have been engaged in giving to the world the texts of Leonardo's existing MSS.
Sheridan brought out the complete Journal in 1784 in a mangled form, but the text has as far as possible been restored by modern editors such as Forster, Rylands and Aitken.
The translations of separate plays are very numerous, but of the complete Theatre only one version (into Italian) is recorded by the French editors.
It has passed through the hands of several editors, but the oldest part goes back to the beginning of the 9th Christian century.
The editors worked under the inspiration of a strong admiration of the principles of Robespierre and the Jacobins, and in the belief that the French Revolution was an attempt to realize Christianity.
We are not accurately informed how Whiston obtained possession of this work; but it is stated by one of the editors of the English edition " that Mr Whiston, thinking it a pity that so noble and useful a work should be doomed to a college confinement, obtained leave to make it public."
Laurence, appeared in 1906; and his History of Freedom and other Essays and Historical Essays and Studies (by the same editors) in 1907.
The Icelandic sagas also comprise much verse which is partly genuine, partly the work of the 12th and 13th century editors.
The stories which contain the last lees of the old mythology and pre-history seem to be also non-Icelandic, but amplified by Icelandic editors, who probably got the plots from the Western Islands.
The duration of the legislature was extended from three to five years; the liberty of the press was curtailed by the enactment that proprietors of political papers must pay to the government a deposit of 5000 dinars (£Zoo), and that the editors must have completed their studies at a university; the laws on lese-majeste were made more severe.
Valuable introductions by the editors are prefixed to the several volumes.
Powell, one of the editors of the Corpus poeticism septentrionale (the best work on the subject), " cannot date earlier " in their present form " than the 9th century," and may be vaguely placed between A.D.
We reach thus approximately the age when post-Deuteronomic editors were able to utilize such records as Judg.
The editors of Averroes complain that the popular taste had forsaken them for the Greek.
Brongniart, he founded the Annales des sciences naturelles, and from 1840 he was one of the editors of the Annales de chimie et de physique.
Both Samuel and Kings, like Judges, are made up of a series of extracts and abstracts from various sources, worked over from time to time by successive editors, and freely handled by copyists down to a comparatively late date, as is shown by the numerous and often important variations between the Hebrew text and the Greek version (Septuagint).
From the glories of the repertoire the editors have compiled a wide-ranging anthology of sacred pieces suitable for all church choirs.
Writers and editors of all kinds will find this handy guide an indispensable companion in their work.
Ways to complain Editors should respond promptly to complaints and should ensure that there is a way for dissatisfied complainants to take complaints further.
Notes to editors TNF-alpha is a pro-inflammatory cytokine found in the human body.
Content owners and producers sell directly to digital consumers who needs commissioning editors?
Antigua or old NR editors rich to quot experience.
Notes to editors EDF Energy distributes electricity to 7.8 million homes and businesses across London, the East of England and the South East.
Described by the Scientific Editors as " A landmark in applied ergonomics and designing for the elderly.
Beware of upsetting editors by being too forceful or demanding.
One of our expert editors, who translates gobbledygook for a living, admitted that she couldn't make sense of this letter.
By the time Editors arrived on stage Fibbers was full, with the array of young aspiring groupies hugging the stage barrier.
Editors were becoming hardened, only a few of the best reports got any space.
Notes to editors 1. Graham Reeves is an Occupational hygienist with British Petroleum's HSE Group Resource.
From Studio Manager, individual device editors can be opened by double-clicking the device icons.
Some people dash off letters to editors of newspapers regularly whenever they feel indignant about something.
Note to Editors NHS Net is a secure intranet within the NHS.
In other words, to use their contacts and reputation to hoodwink commissioning editors into publishing puff material under the guise of impartial journalism.
The growing readership of political and economic adult manga stories with contemporary themes, was noted by manga editors and newspaper journalists alike.
Notes to Editors 1. key milestones covering the 40 years from the broadcast of Cathy Come Home.
Pursuing misconduct Editors are often the first recipients of reports of studies that may involve misconduct.
Notes for editors 1. Simon Warner teaches popular music at the University of Leeds.
Nr editors a and singles can of admiral Nelson ends.
As the collection proceeds the editors note striking parallels between issues raised before 1914 and recent events.
Our main content is theoretical high energy physics which is handled by five editors.
Some people question the propriety of having editors on the Commission at all.
This contains not only ready-made pages and examples, but a very impressive array of shareware readers and editors.
Notes to Editors The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) is a unified, independent regulator.
Some information is moderated by local editors but a large component is information republished from different sources on the Internet.
Editors and speakers washington and elsewhere cruise line royal caribbean international service luxurious accommodations.
Notes to Editors Dates of the quarter finals for the respect poetry slam 2005 are - April 20th at Arts Depot North Finchley.
The result is that weâre being told what Iraqi stringers know they can sell and what distant editors crave, not whatâs actually happening.
This will include open discussions, moderated by editors, with topics suggested by users and virtual letter pages for the journals.
Notes for Editors Bishop Jarrett (born 1944) studied theology at King's College, London.
They all dreamed of escaping the tyranny of editors, deadlines, the daily grind to Blackfriars Station.
Finally, the editors provide a useful videography and on-line resources on the subject.
Notes for editors To access the Webcast, viewers must have a PC with internet access equipped with Microsoft Media Player or Real Player.
The editors then had to create the love scene using computer wizardry to join the pair together.
Nr editors don't teak woodwork a private beach.
The prose Physiologus was done into Old High German before 1000, and afterwards into rhyme in the same idiom; since Von der Hagen (1824) its various forms have found careful editors among the leading Germanists.
Whatever ancient sources may have been accessible, whatever trustworthy traditions were in circulation, and whatever a knowledge of the ancient Oriental world might lead one to expect, one is naturally restricted in the first instance to those undated records which have survived in the form which the last editors gave to them.
Further, it may be concluded with reasonable certainty that the passages that affirm a moral government of the world are additions by pious editors who wished to bring the book into harmony with the orthodox thought of the time.
The distinctions of sex are ' These editors have discovered (1907) a gospel fragment of the 2nd century which represents a dialogue between our Lord and a chief priest - a Pharisee.
The Gazette litteraire (1764-1766), which had Voltaire, Diderot and SaintLambert among its editors, was intended to swamp the small fry by criticism; the Journal des dames (1759-1778) was of a light magazine class; and the Journal de monsieur (1776-1783) had three phases of existence, and died after extending to thirty volumes.
He used the occasion of Charles Dickens's first visit to America to urge international copyright, and was one of the few editors to avoid alike the flunkeyism with which Dickens was first received, and the ferocity with which he was assailed after the publication of his American Notes.
Certainly the editors did not intend' hereby to exalt the original above the versions; for they placed the Vulgate in the centre of the page with the Hebrew on one side, the Greek on the other, i.e.
But inasmuch as there are many persons, including most makers of school editions, who prudently and modestly desire a better road to truth than their own investigations can discover and think thus to find it, it will not be amiss to observe on the one hand that the concurrence of a succession of editors in a reading is no proof and often no presumption either that their agreement is independent or that their reading is right; and on the other that, though independence may generally be granted to coinciding emendations of different scholars, yet from the general constitution of the human mind it is likely that not a few of these will be coincidences in error rather than in truth.
In 1856 Bloomington was the meeting place of a state convention called by the Illinois editors who were opposed to the Kansas-Nebraska Bill (see Decatur).
The editors have gathered together an all-star roster of 32 talents to write pieces on the 32 qualifying teams.
Today 's editors of scholarly printed editions of Shakespeare co-exist with remarkable harmony.
Expert editors at Ace Search have scoured the Internet to bring all the best...
Note for Editors Practical Issues was first published in April 1996; this is the seventeenth edition.
Editors may introduce in their thesaurus the subsumption relations correct for that use, i.e. of the derived concepts.
Nr editors do n't teak woodwork a private beach.
Notes for Editors Bishop Jarrett (born 1944) studied theology at King 's College, London.
The charity needs fundraisers, equipment, researchers, and editors, skilled and unskilled to tell it like it is.
Note to Editors energywatch is the independent watchdog for gas and electricity consumers.
Notes for editors To access the webcast, viewers must have a PC with internet access equipped with Microsoft Media Player or Real Player.
No longer must reliance be made on the memories of others or the whims of past editors who decided what must be recorded.
Windjammer ship arises the two ships nr editors do n't.
The Garden Design Book Product information Cheryl Merser and the editors of Garden Design magazine have produced a zaftig beauty of a garden book.
This can be useful for building contacts and goodwill between ' zine editors and, if need be, filling space.
LoveToKnow Buyers Guide has a staff of professional writers and editors who make it their passion to ensure the quality and accuracy of the work on this site.
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Although anyone can comment to LoveToKnow Online, a team of professional editors and writers are always looking for new and accurate information about online activities.
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Then, the editors put the clothing in the magazine and say that it is "right now", knowing that we, the obedient teens, will rush out and buy whatever they tell us to.
Magazine editors, TV and Film producers understand this as well.
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Editors review every article in a timely manner, and each writer diligently works to provide you with unbiased and helpful information.
FamilyFun Birthday Cakes, by the editors of FamilyFun magazine, includes a few classic birthday cake recipes and many different design ideas.
Jennifer Aniston's body on the cover of the June 2003 issue of Redbook was supposedly doctored by magazine editors.
The nominations, however, were chosen by editors at Entertainment Weekly, the show's producers, and a panel that included pop culture fans.
However, even before Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States in Washington D.C., his young daughters captured the attention of the world's leading fashion editors.
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To add to the confusion, 7FAM jeans are also referred to as "Sevens" by fashion editors around the world.
LoveToKnow Safety editors review every article to make sure that all of the information provided is accurate and topical.
The writers and editors of LoveToKnow Seniors understand that the senior years are enriching and exciting, but also frustrating at times.
While anyone with an interest in senior living can comment on our site, we have professional writers and editors committed to ensuring that the information presented is accurate, relevant, and well-written.
Our writers and editors strive to bring you useful, insightful and accurate information about sleep and sleep disorders.
Each week the site's editors choose the photo they think best captures the spirit of Disney magic, and displays it to a worldwide audience.
They are dedicated to keeping the site safe, having been awarded the "Editors Choice" award from Children's Technology Review Magazine.
You can extend your play with expansion sets, game editors and online play.
The LoveToKnow Wine community is made up of editors, writers and readers, all with a passion for wine.
Here, in the back third of the magazine is where Bruce Sanderson, the other editors, and his tasting staff compile brief "Tasting Reports" on wine from regions around the world.
Our staff is made up of professional writers with extensive experience in the fields of antiques and collectibles and top-notch editors who check each article for accuracy.
LoveToKnow Best's contributors are professional editors and writers who are constantly researching topics of interest to readers.
In order to ensure our community's information is accurate we employ expert writers and editors who oversee all the content, submissions and edits.
These editors ensure the information found at LoveToKnow Camping is accurate and up-to-date.
LoveToKnow Cell Phones has a staff of professional writers and editors who make it their passion to ensure the quality and accuracy of the work on this site.
Also be on the lookout for other business-minded tools such as expense trackers, insurance calculators, project management, invoice creation, PDF readers, spreadsheet editors and more.
Upon visiting the page, you'll see the editors' favorites right away, as well as the most viewed phones.
For each phone, you'll see editors' ratings and users' ratings (on a scale of five stars).
The CNET cell phone reviews from the site's editors may include a reception test in their area and include comments about the voice quality on both ends of the call, clarity of sound, and so forth.
Additionally, the editors test the batteries and give you the results of the FCC radiation tests.
All in all, the editors' reviews give you just about anything you could possibly want to know.
There are video reviews as well as a side by side comparison that includes CNET editors' ratings, average user ratings, release date, bottom line verdict, technology, weight, and more.
The Sense user interface by HTC makes for a very good user experience, but the editors were particularly impressed with the "ultra-fast, extremely capable smartphone that has the guts and gleam to go the distance."
The editors at ZDNet are more positive, saying that the Droid X is "the thinnest, fastest, most eye-popping Android phone I've ever used.
Gale, an imprint of Cengage Learning accepts no payment for listing; and inclusion in the publication of any organization, agency, institution, publication, service, or individual does not imply endorsement of the editors or publisher.
Although the editors of DSM-IV stated in 2000 that IED "is apparently rare," a group of researchers in Chicago reported in 2004 that it is more common than previously thought.
Professional writers and editors give you the information you're looking for in an easy to read and understand format.
The team of expert writers and editors at LoveToKnow Dance are passionate about their topic and work hard to provide you with the most effective and useful information.
Our staff is made up of professional writers and editors who also have been deeply affected by the death of a loved one.
Amongst this community of writers and readers, our Feng Shui editors are behind the scenes checking the site for accuracy and authenticity.
Our writers and editors at LoveToKnow Feng Shui have followed this wisdom for years and have an equal passion about its practice.
The editors and researchers at LoveToKnow Genealogy have written many helpful articles detailing what their experience has shown to be the best in genealogy resources.
Our experienced writers, editors and experts provide their knowledge and experience in articles on a variety of genealogy topics.
Editors often included area news to fill their pages.
The LoveToKnow Hair community is made up of experienced writers and editors with different types of hair and hair-related experience.
Experienced editors carefully review each article for accuracy within a minimal time frame, and every staff member strives to present unbiased information that allows visitors to make their own decisions about different hair topics.
Our editors are pros, who read through each article for clarity and authenticity, making sure that late breaking information is at your fingertips.
Our site editors are professional writers with expertise in human resources and career training, so you can be assured that the information posted is accurate and up-to-date.
Knowledgeable editors timely review each article, and every staff member strives to present impartial information, allowing visitors to form their own opinion on each topic presented.
Seraphine maternity jeans have been voted the UK's best by fashion editors, with good reason - their cut and quality is fabulous.
Our expert editors - including certified midwives and nurses - review our content to make sure that the information we give you is accurate and dependable.
The LoveToKnow San Francisco community is made up of writers, editors and readers who know San Francisco.
The editors, writers and experts want to connect with you -- the reader!
Our writers and editors are a group of knowledgeable and caring individuals who have come together to pool their resources in order to help people everywhere take better care of their small animal companions.
Our editors review every article to make sure the information you receive is as accurate as possible.
The writers and editors of LoveToKnow have scoured the internet to offer you these hot bikini pictures.
Our expert editors review each and every article to make sure the information you receive is as accurate and up-to-date as possible, and our industry contacts help us to stay informed on all the lastest swimwear fashions and news.
While many top models are chosen to appear in the swimsuit issue by SI staff editors and photographers, the process is not a simple one.
Additionally, LoveToKnow's editors check each article for accuracy.
In addition to our team of fashion writers and editors, we also feature interviews with top experts in the fashion industry on seasonal trends, exclusive style tips, and much more.
Our fashion writers and editors know fashion!
The LoveToKnow team is comprised of expert writers and editors who are dedicated to bring you an array of savvy articles on everything related to women's fashion.
The events draw designers, buyers, editors, writers, bloggers and avid fashion followers alike, all clamoring for a coveted spot inside the famous tents to score a view of the runway.
Here, editors and buyers flocked from showroom to showroom to view American designers' newest collections.
When you select a razor, you get a list of Pros and Cons; a quick analysis from the editors of Consumer Search; and a listing of where to buy the razor.
Cottage Life Docks and Projects from the editors of Cottage Life magazine is loaded with useful and entertaining projects for your home and family.
Games are fun for all ages, and the writers and editors of "LoveToKnow Board Games" want to provide our readers with a vast array of information on board games.
Experienced editors carefully review articles for accuracy.
In addition, our editors keep on top of the site to make sure it is accurate and current with the latest information.
In addition, the editors keep on top of the site to make sure it is accurate and current with the latest information.
Very few people are expert enough writers and editors to write a polished final copy off the top of their heads.
With most stories, we begin planning a year in advance, so our food editors all sit down once a month to brainstorm story ideas, and plan each issue.
Each day at noon, the food editors and test kitchen staff sit down together around our tasting table for a working lunch.
Get the scoop on Christmas tree ornaments from the LoveToKnow editors in the list of the Top 10 Christmas Ornaments Web Sites.
While anyone with an interest in costumes, festivals, and holidays can comment on our site, we have professional writers and editors committed to ensuring that the information presented is accurate, relevant, and well-written.
LoveToKnow Dating is more than just a staff of writers and editors.
Our expert editors proof every article to make sure the information you receive is as accurate and as up to date as possible.
LoveToKnow Engagement Rings has a community of editors, writers and readers, all with an interest in engagement rings.
Be forewarned, however, that most editors of these magazines aren't looking for fluff.
By submitting quality content to these sites, you can build up your résumé and potentially get your name noticed by wedding magazine editors.
Wedding magazine editors may be more apt to accept your content if you have some form of credentials which can make you considered to be a wedding expert in one form or another.
Sometimes ezine editors post submission guidelines within the ezine or on the Web site.
You gain valuable experience with adhering to a schedule and working with editors.
Belonging to an organization such as The Society of Professional Journalists or the National Association of Black Journalists can be a chance to meet writers and editors from around the United States.
Freelance writers and editors frequently talk to each other via online message boards and informal networking.
Not only do many editors now prefer email queries, but it saves time and postage.
Many editors will not even consider manuscripts and letters that are formatted incorrectly or presented in a nonprofessional way.
Some editors print queries out and need to refer quickly back to that letter in order to respond.
They provide makeweight copy that editors look for to fill out a page around feature articles and advertising.
Freelance writers can also find opportunities as proposal managers, communication officers, technical writers, editors, proposal coordinators, web content writers and much more.
Not following the guidelines is the quickest way to get an editor to pitch your story or query into the nearest trash can, so be meticulous about giving magazine editors exactly what they asked for.
Ask around in online writers' forums and check sites like Predators and Editors to see if the freelance site might be listed there.
Since most revenue share sites do not employ full-time editors, it's up to you to make sure your writing meets the highest possible quality standards.
For example, a white paper on freelance writing should include the pros and cons of freelance writing, links to the Bureau of Labor Statistics on writers and editors as well as other comprehensive data for the reader to learn.
Editors and freelance writers are not the only ones affected.
Additionally, if the article is in your clips or writing sample file, potential editors for future assignments have no way of knowing who was the original author of the article.
Doing so can get them into serious trouble with their editors.
Even the most famous writers in history relied on great editors to help them refine their words.
Websites like LoveToKnow.com hire writers and editors to create dynamic web content.
Marketing firms might need copy editors, web development firms might need technical writers, and non-profits might need blog writers.
The Editorial Freelancers Association - The Editorial Freelancers Association is an organization founded in 1970 that includes abstractors, editors, copy editors, proofreaders, researchers, writers, and more.
Many editors and business owners also frequent these forums, so be very careful when venting about a difficult client or discussing anything that could be considered a breach of confidentiality.
This book is a must-have for anyone in the book business, from writers to editors to agents.
Editors are busy people; don't waste their time on ideas that are clearly unsuitable.
If you can prove that you're knowledgeable about the latest health news or that you can distill complex scientific concepts for a lay audience, editors are much more likely to give you a chance to write for their publications.
Although some publications will accept unsolicited manuscripts, the majority of editors prefer to receive query letters.
Many editors start off as writers, then move up into editing work after they've had a chance to prove their skills.There are many different levels of editing positions within most major publications.
Copy editors are those individuals charged with correcting spelling, grammar, punctuation, and matters relating to the publication's house style.
If you make it to at least the semifinalist round, prominent editors and book reviewers read your work.
Try to learn the names and contact information of the editors who looked at your writing, and ask them for guidance on how to get work.
Another contest offers one grand-prize winner a free trip to New York and the chance to meet with their choice of any four editors and literary agents.
Newspaper reporters can't be everywhere at once, so it's common for editors to rely on freelancers to help fill in the gaps.
Associated Press Sports Editors has a job board with a variety of sports journalism openings.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics lumps technical writing into the general category of authors, writers, and editors, but reports median annual wages of $53,070 as of May 2008.
Predators and Editors has a sample query letter describing a novel idea.
While this won't pay in money, it will give you the opportunity to get some clips to send out to editors when you are trying to get work in the future.
Editors rely on samples to verify writing style, talent, and ability to deliver on the promise in the query letter.
And successful freelancers need to develop thick skins, because editors rightly care about their publications more than about a writer’s feelings, and have every right to edit a freelancer’s work however they see fit.
With a dedicated team of writers and editors to keep you informed and up to date, LoveToKnow gives you everything you need to know about handbags.
Full-time editors work hard to ensure accuracy and make the site user-friendly and problem free.
Here at LoveToKnow Handbags, our writers and editors love handbags just as much as you do, so they are always on the lookout for a hot handbag deal or a good discount.
The following are some cute designs discovered by our LoveToKnow editors.
Our fashion editors have identified some top picks in leather travel wallets that have a number of special organizing features for travel - and they look great, too!
At LoveToKnow, we love fashion as much as you, and our fashion editors discovered some great pink retro luggage sets to get you started on your search for a fun, stylish, travel set!
For students, editors or anyone who has a lot to carry, a backpack usually makes the most sense.
Our community includes a staff of expert writers and editors who comb all available resources for the most accurate and up to date facts on the topics you want to know about most.You're part of our community too.
As parents and professionals who work with children, the writers and editors of LoveToKnow Kids understand what parents need and strive to provide it.
LoveToKnow Kids has dedicated writers and editors ensuring that the information is accurate and trustworthy.
Backed by human editors who ensure age-appropriate content and filtering, kids are able to easily find the information they need.