Edda Sentence Examples
His exploits and adventures form the theme of a number of the Eddaic poems, and also of several stories in the prose Edda.
His literary activity was enormous, extending from his Edda Skandinawska (1807) to his Geographie des Arabes (2 vols., Paris, 1851).
See further Iceland, Literature, and Edda.
To these must be added a large number of Old Norse writings including the older Edda and the prose Edda (the chief authorities for Northern mythology), Islands Landnamabok and many sagas dealing with the history of families in Iceland (such as Eyrbyggia Saga) or with the lives of Norwegian and other kings, both historical and legendary (in Heimskringla, Fornmanna Sogur and Rafn's Fornaldar Sogur Norr landa).
He published also translations of the Samunder Edda and Herwara-Saga, and a history of Sweden to Charles XII.
His story is told in one of the oldest songs of the Edda, the V OlundarkiOda and, with considerable variations, in the prose P13rekssaga (Thidrek's sage), while the Anglo-Saxon Beowulf and Deor's Lament contain allusions to it.
In 1854 hejresigned his professorship. In the following year he gave to the world the Indian Edda, The Song of Hiawatha, a conscious imitation, both in subject and metre, of the Finnish epic, the Kalevala, with which he had become acquainted during his second visit to Europe.
Indeed, it is in Snorri's Edda, a poetic grammar of a very perfect kind, that the best examples of the whole of northern poetry are to be found.
The idea that he had anything to do with the poetic Edda in general, or the Sun's Song in particular, is unfounded.
The fine Thucydidean speeches, the dramatic power of grasping character, and the pathos and poetry that run through the stories, along with a humour such as is shown in the Edda, and a varied grace of style that never flags or palls, make Snorri one of the greatest of historians.
AdvertisementThis is the story in the Prose Edda, derived from older songs, such as the Grimnersmal.
In the prose Edda, or Volsungasaga, which, though largely primitive in spirit, dates from the 13th century, it is set forth in full.
Among the Aryans of India, Soma is stolen by birds, as water is among the Thlinkeets, and mead in the Edda.
Beside Edda Sanga, she recruited another of her former students, Rose Haji, producer of a popular radio soap opera about health.
The story of his death is given in two widely different forms, by Saxo in his Gesta Danorum (ed Holder, pp. 69 ff.) and in the prose Edda (Gylfaginning, cap. 49).
AdvertisementSnorri is the author of the great prose Edda (see Edda), and of the Heimskringla or Sagas of the Norwegian Kings, a connected series of biographies of the kings of Norway down to Sverri in 1177.
Much of this description comes from Tolkien, but most believe that Tolkien's interpretation is very accurate because he based his fiction upon ancient texts of legend, such as like Prose Edda and Beowulf.