Economical Sentence Examples
An economical method of evaporation must be found.
The system is economical in fuel, but needs skilled attendance to keep the appliances and fittings in order.
He had not accustomed himself to economical living; and, when the emoluments of his office were withdrawn, he had barely enough to support his family.
Turrettini did much to increase the economical prosperity of the city.
The electrolytic parting of gold and silver has been shown to be more economical and free from the objections - such as the poisonous fumes - of the sulphuric acid process.
It is one of the most rapid and economical which can be employed in soft formations, but where hard rock is encountered it is almost useless.
I desire to speak impartially on this point, and as one not interested in the success or failure of the present economical and social arrangements.
In the manufacturing branches are required skill, and efficient and economical work, both executive and administrative; in the storekeeping part, good arrangement, great care, thorough knowledge of all warlike stores, both in their active and passive state, and scrupulous exactness in the custody, issue and receipt of stores.
If you have a lot of gifts to give, this is also economical.
Even the cheapest meats aren't as economical as a vegetarian diet.
AdvertisementIn the practical questions which arose, and in the great debate which was political, economical and moral, she took a very active part.
A cell when filled with fresh slices becomes the head of the battery, and where skilled scientific control can be relied upon to regulate the process, the best and most economical way of heating the slices, previous to admitting the hot liquor from the next cell, is by direct steam; but as the slightest inattention or carelessness in the admission of direct steam might have the effect of inverting sugar and thereby causing the loss of some portion of saccharine in the slices, water heaters are generally used, through which water is passed and heated up previous to admission to the freshly-filled cell.
In Germany the enterprise came to an end almost entirely with the downfall of Napoleon I.; but in France, where at first more scientific and economical methods of working were introduced, the manufacturers were able to keep the industry alive.
By degrees, however, the progresses of the feudal chiefs to and from Yedo, which at first were simple and economical, developed features of competitive magnificence, and the importance of good roads and suitable accommodation received increased attention.
His labours in the decline of life were chiefly directed to the doctrine of probabilities in reference to practical purposes, and in particular to economical subjects, as, for example, to inoculation, and to the duration of married life in the two sexes, as well as to the relative proportion of male and female births.
AdvertisementFor moderate spans brick, masonry or concrete can be used without excessive cost, but for longer spans steel is more economical, and for very long spans its use is imperative.
The returns from the copper fields in the state are at present a little over half a million sterling per annum, and would be still greater if it were not for the lack of suitable fuel for smelting purposes, which renders the economical treatment of the ore difficult; the development of the mines is also retarded by the want of easy and cheaper communication with the coast.
It can be moved (by its own locomotive power, if desired) long distances without requiring any complicated means of conveying power to it; and it is rapid in work, fairly economical, and can be adapted to the most varying circumstances.
Prentice, the historian of the Anti-Corn-Law League, who was then editor of the Manchester Times, describes how, in the year 1835, he received for publication in his paper a series of admirably written letters, under the signature of "Libra," discussing commercial and economical questions with rare ability.
Electrically driven pumps, now widely used, are convenient and economical.
AdvertisementFrom these papers it was found that, in 1887, two secret conferences had taken place between representatives of the Republics, dealing with various political and economical questions.
It is more economical Lowerin g to save the men's strength, however, by raising men.
Normandy's apparatus, although economical and producing water of good quality, is very complex in its structure, consisting of very numerous working parts, with elaborate arrangements of pipes, cocks and other fittings.
Having the good fortune to serve a king who was both economical and just, he was able to diminish the imposts, to introduce order among the soldiery, and above all, by the ordinances of 1499, to improve the organization of justice.
He visited all parts of the country himself, and personally encouraged agriculture; he introduced a more economical mode of mining and smelting silver; he favoured the importation of finer breeds of sheep and cattle; and he brought foreign weavers from abroad to teach the Saxons.
AdvertisementIt is, moreover, very economical for the government.
Pricing on this doll seems to vary widely, so you may want to check out several retailers to determine where it would be most economical for you to make the purchase.
Using an artificial wreath is also economical.
This is an economical way to decorate during the Chinese New Year.
The Querist, a practical work in the form of questions on what would now be called social or economical philosophy, appeared in three parts, 1 735, 1 73 6, 1 737.
It does not, as has been said, anticipate the economical doctrines of Adam Smith, and much of it is fanciful without being either witty or ingenious.
It is important to understand that Mach had developed this economical view of thought in 1872, more than ten years before the appearance of his work on the history of mechanics as he tells us in the preface, where he adds that at a later date similar views were expressed by Kirchhoff in his V orlesungen fiber mathematische Physik (1874).
It is evident that Kirchhoff's descriptive is the same as Mach's economical view.
Nor is there any objection to this economical view of thought, as long as we remember what Avenarius and Mach forget, that the essence of thought is the least action neither more nor less than necessary to the point, which is the reality of things.
When the price of aluminium is less than double the price of copper aluminium is cheaper than copper per unit of electric current conveyed; but when insulation is necessary, the smaller size of the copper wire renders it more economical.
It is a mistake to stint the quantity of piping, since it is far more economical and better for the plants to have a larger surface heated moderately than a smaller surface heated excessively.
Tubular boilers, especially the horizontal types, are very powerful and economical.
Means of affording ventilation in all plant houses should be provided in at least two places - as near the floor as practicable, and at the top. Mechanical contrivances whereby whole sets of ventilators may be operated simultaneously are now in common use, and are much more convenient and economical than the older method of working each ventilator separately.
A posthumous volume published in 1830, The Progress of Society, is also of great ability, and is a very effective treatment of economical principles by tracing their natural origin and position in the development of social life.
It is of the familiar type of the replacing of the simple but wasteful by the complex and economical, and it was begun unintentionally in the attempt to save fuel and labour, by increasing the size and especially the height of the forge, and by driving the bellows by means of water-power.
It is this extraordinary rapidity that makes the process so economical and determines the way in which its details must be carried out.
Of the two the cupola is very much the more economical of fuel, thanks to the direct transfer of„ heat from the burning coke to the pig iron with which it is in contact.
It cannot be regarded as an economical fur, as the pelt is too delicate to resist hard wear.
It is very durable for linings, and is an economical substitute for sable for coats, capes, boas and trimmings.
Though free from the grosser vices of his predecessors, a man of taste, and economical without being avaricious, Clement VII.
He shared the disgrace of his uncle when Struensee came into power, but re-entered the Danish service after Struensee's fall at the end of 1772, working at first in the financial and economical departments, and taking an especial interest in agriculture.
But the fibre produced by these rapid and economical means was very inferior in quality to the product of Maori handiwork, mainly because weak and undeveloped strands are, by machine preparation, unavoidably intermixed with the perfect fibres, which alone the Maoris select, and so the uniform quality and strength of the material are destroyed.
From 3 to 5 lb of meal consumed results in an increase of i lb of live weight in a pig, which is the most economical meat producer on a farm.
He was economical, and gave up a third of his civil list in order to help forward the task of establishing an equilibrium in the annual budget, and he was always ready from his large private fortune to help forward all schemes for the social or industrial progress of the country.
The wonderful progresspolitical, economical and social which Egypt had made during British occupation, so ably set forth in Sir Alfred Milners England in Egypt (published in 1892), together with the revelation in.
Yet this very aristocracy, whose claim to consideration was based not upon its own achievements but upon the length of its pedigrees, insisted upon an amplification of its privileges which endangered the economical and political interests of the state and the nation.
In January 1661 a land commission was appointed to investigate the financial and economical conditions of the kingdoms; the fiefs were transformed into counties; the nobles were deprived of their immunity from taxation; and in July 1662 the Norwegian towns received special privileges, including the monopoly of the lucrative timber trade.
They are very bulky, and with the exception of a few, particularly the 116th and 118th, which introduce the most sweeping and laudable reforms into the law of intestate succession, are much more interesting, as supplying materials for the history of the time, social, economical and ecclesiastical, than in respect of any purely legal merits.
The abolition of hereditable jurisdictions and of the claims of feudal superiors to military service, after Culloden, broke the bond between chiefs and clans, and introduced new social and economical conditions, bequeathing the Land Question to the 10th century.
His personal tastes, apart from his activities as a Maecenas, being economical, he endeavoured also to limit public expenditure, in a way which was not always a benefit to the country.
On the contrary, there were many who prematurely congratulated themselves on the fact that Sweden had now no disturbing genius, but an economical, God-fearing, commonplace monarch to deal with.
But a really economical solution of the problem was first definitely found in 1872 by Ernest Solvay, as the result of investigations begun about ten years previously.
As a ruler of Saxony Augustus was economical and enlightened.
His policy, consistently maintained, was to permit no kind of foreign interference, on any pretext, with the interior concerns or the economical conditions of his country.
The other provinces raise and administer their own revenues, subject to the central control; they are allowed a certain proportion of the revenue to meet their own administrative charges, and so have an interest in economical expenditure.
His influence in this office was directed to the promotion of various economical reforms and useful administrative measures.
He was presented by his countryman, the Cardinal Du Perron, to Henry IV.; and, though that economical prince did not at first show any great eagerness to entertain the poet, he was at, last summoned to court and endowed after one fashion or another.
So truth works and is economical because it is truth.
Its action is often economical or charitable, e.g.
Briefly summarized, this letter approves of a tariff for revenue with incidental protection, whereas the annual message of the 2nd of December 1845 criticizes the whole theory of protection and urges the adoption of a revenue tariff just sufficient to meet the needs of the government conducted on an economical basis.
Nevertheless the delay was utilized in the completion of inventions necessary for the safe and economical distribution of electric current for the purpose of electric lighting.
The independent system of motors is generally adopted, because it is found more economical and better for driving purposes, besides dispensing with the overhead shafting and belting, always unsightly, and dangerous to the workpeople.
To-day more than eight-tenths of the copper ores of the world are reduced to impure copper bars or to fine copper at the mines; and where the character of the ore permits, the cupola furnace is found more economical in both fuel and labour than the reverberatory.
A railway council, created in 1902, acts as an advisory body on large economical questions and the like.
Thus the Reformation in Sweden was practically the work of one strong man, acting (first from purely political and latterly from purely economical reasons) for the good of the state as he understood it.
The king emerged from Charles and the the war convinced that if Sweden were to retain her Swedish position as a great power she must radically reform Constitu- her whole economical system, and, above all, cir tion.
They have proceeded slowly but systematically, and the method adopted, though scientific and economical, left the site in some apparent confusion, but the debris have more recently been cleared away to a considerable extent.
The singularity of its structure, its curious habits, and its peculiar economical value have naturally attracted no little attention from zoologists.
He also sketched a theory of chemical affinity on the facts he had discovered, and concluded by suggesting that the electric decomposition of neutral salts might in some cases admit of economical applications and lead to the isolation of the true elements of bodies.
The coal is present in such vast amount as to offer the possibility of very economical working of the abundant iron ores of Australia.
Each county is treated in a separate article in the topographical, geological, economical and historical aspects.
The arrangement is obviously objectionable on the score of its conducing to local extravagance, as local authorities are not likely to be so economical with money that comes to them from the outside, as it were, as they would be with money directly taken from their own pockets.
The present king might be unscrupulous and avaricious, but he was cautious, intelligent and economical; no one would have wished to recall the rgime of that crowned saint Henry VI.
The House drew its strength from its position as a true representative of the effective strength of the nation in its social and economical organization.
To this desire Burke gave expression in his bill for economical reform, though he was unable to carry it in the teeth of interested opposition.
They pruned Burkes Economical Reform Bill till it left as many abuses as it suppressed; and though the bill prohibited the grant of pensions above 300, they hastily gave away pensions of much larger value to their own friends before the bill had received the royal assent.
He accomplished this task partly by economical administrationfor no minister ever valued economy moreand partly by a reform of the financial system, effected in three great budgets.
Most of his numerous works on political and economical subjects have been translated into German.
He had brought forward in 1780 a comprehensive scheme of economical reform, with the design of limiting the resources of jobbery and corruption which the crown was able to use to strengthen its own sinister influence in parliament.
He entered with enthusiasm, both from patriotic and from economical motives, into the question of the improvement of the condition of the serfs and their partial emancipation.
He interested himself in pensions for workmen and economical stoves.
In this general article the geography of Austria - physical, economical and political - has been treated in its broad aspects, and those points insisted upon which give an adequate idea of the country as a whole.
After being educated at Berlin, Heidelberg and Budapest, he entered the ministry of the interior for the purpose of studying technical and economical questions at the fountain-head, and soon became a specialist in agrarian matters.
In 1886 Tisza began his parliamentary career, speedily becoming a leading member of the principal committees on economical and educational questions.
The absorption machine is not so economical as the compression; but an actual comparison between the two systems is difficult to make.
Apart from the economical working of the machine itself, whatever system may be adopted, it is of importance that cold once produced should not be wasted, and it is therefore necessary to use some form of insulation to protect the vessels in which liquids are being cooled, or the rooms of ships' holds in which the freezing or storage processes are being carried on.
Whichever system be adopted, it is important for economical reasons that ample cooling surface be allowed, and that all surfaces be kept clean and active, to make the difference between the temperature of the evaporating liquid and the rooms as small as possible.
During the presidency of Louis Napoleon he was four times minister of finance, and took a leading part in the economical reforms then made in France.
The retractable bowsprit and easily raised or lowered mast make the 24 ' economical to berth and suitable for single-handed sailing.
Add rising unemployment and economical downturn in to the mix, and things get very interesting.
I have had the car converted to run on LPG which makes it extremely economical to run.
Here is a sports car that is incredibly reliable (especially compared with an MGF ), certainly safe and reasonably economical to run.
David thomas of to park economical owning the jaguar clear will help.
Tho this poem interrupts the sequence of sonnets, it, too, is most economical in its formal iambic quatrains.
Very economical if u keep the revs below 2 k and still has loads of power down there.
However if urine stains are a common occurrence then one of the larger sizes will be more economical.
Their brief was to create a vehicle more spacious, versatile and economical than the traditional North American station wagon.
The arrangement and appropriation of the tracks in a station materially affect the economical and efficient working of the traffic. There must be a sufficient provision of sidings, connected with the running tracks by points, for holding spare rolling stock and to enable carriages to be added to or taken off trains and engines to be changed with as little delay as possible.
An abundance of lean meat and a moderate amount of fat well distributed constitutes a better carcase, and a more economical one for the consumer, than a carcase in which gross accumulations of fat are prominent.
He soon came to be recognized as one of the foremost debaters on those economical and commercial questions which at that time so much occupied the attention of parliament; and the most prejudiced and bitter of his opponents were fain to acknowledge that they had to deal with a man whom the most practised and powerful orators of their party found it hard to cope with, and to whose eloquence, indeed, the great statesman in whom they put their trust was obliged ultimately to surrender.
Since on an average 70% by measurement of the normal defecated cane juice has to be evaporated in order to reduce it to syrup ready for final concentration and crystallization in the vacuum pan, and since to attain the same end as much as 90 to 95% of the volume of mixed juices has to be evaporated when maceration or imbibition is employed, it is clear that some more economical mode of evaporation is necessary in large estates than the open-fire batteries still common in Barbados and some of the West Indian islands, and in small haciendas in Central America and Brazil, but seldom seen elsewhere.
The cantilever and suspended girder types are as economical and free from uncertainty as to ' ??` the stresses.
Thus it comes about that the cupola, because it is so economical, is used for all but the relatively few cases in which the strengthening of the iron by the removal of part of its carbon and the prevention of the absorption of sulphur are so important as to compensate for the greater cost of the air-furnace melt - ing.
The society of Paris was peculiarly ready to receive a great philosopher and historian, especially if he were known to be an avowed antagonist of religion, and Hume made valuable friendships, especially with D'Alembert and Turgot, the latter of whom profited much by Hume's economical essays.
The nation in arms itself was the product of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars, but it was in Prussia that was seen the systematization and the economical and effective application of the immense forces of which the revolutionary period had demonstrated the existence (see also ARMY; CONSCRIPTION; FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS, &c.).
He felt that his way of life had now been settled once for all till death and that to change it was not in his power, and so that way of life proved economical.
Very economical, these wraps are extremely good value for those wishing to try a wool wrap for the first time.
While cloth diaper advocates point out that using cloth diapers is more economical, however, parents must figure in the cost of laundry or a diaper service.
Linens are an economical choice and can be monogrammed with the first initial of the groom's last name to make them more personal.
When the subscribers in a local area exceed a certain number, or when for some other reason it is not convenient or economical to connect all the subscribers in the area to one exchange, it is usual to divide the area into a number of districts in each of which an exchange is placed, and to connect these district exchanges together by means of " junction circuits."
Except in hard rock, the top width of a cutting, and therefore the amount of material to be excavated, increases rapidly with the depth; hence if a cutting exceeds a certain depth, which varies with the particular circumstances, it may be more economical, instead of forming the sides at the slope at which the material of which they are composed will stand, to make them nearly vertical and support the soil with a retaining wall, or to bore a tunnel.
In 1882, at Reading, a gold medal was given for a cream separator for horse power, whilst a prize of roo guineas offered for the most efficient and most economical method of drying hay or corn crops artificially, either before or after being stacked, was not awarded.
The line was designed, surveyed and constructed by Turkish engineers - employing Ottoman navvies and labourers - in a highly efficient and economical manner, the average cost per mile having been £3230, although considerable engineering difficulties had to be overcome, especially in the construction of the Haifa branch.
He then addressed himself to the French ministers, and had much earnest conversation, especially with Rouher, whom he found well inclined to the economical and commercial principles which he advocated.
The majority he obtained on this occasion enabled him, however, to carry through the Army Education Bill, which tended to magyarize the Hungarian portion of the joint army; and another period of comparative calm ensued, during which Banffy attempted to adjust various outstanding financial and economical differences with Austria.
In practice the proximity to chalk pits or lime kilns, the cost of the lime and cartage, will determine which is most economical.
The cost of the superstructure increases very much as the span increases, but the greater the cost of the substructure, the larger the span which is economical.
The use of wrought iron and later of mild steel has made the construction of such bridges very convenient and economical.
A Hindu strain is evident in Java and others of the western islands; Moors and Arabs (that is, as the names are used in the archipelago, Mahommedans from various countries between Arabia and India) are found more or less amalgamated with many of the Malay peoples; and the Chinese form, from an economical point of view, one of the most important sections of the community in many of the more civilized districts.
A born ruler, Casimir introduced a whole series of administrative and economical reforms. He was the especial protector of the cities and the peasants, and, though averse from violent measures, punished aristocratic tyranny with an iron hand.
All financial and economical questions before the diet were henceforth to be decided by a majority of votes.
But she used her great financial and economical talents almost entirely for her own benefit.
Both are powerful and economical.
They are less economical, however, owing to loss of heat from their exposed surfaces.
The extensive system of natural waterways, especially in central Sweden, has been utilized to the full in the development of internal navigation, just as the calm waters within the skargard afford opportunity for safe and economical coastwise, traffic. The earliest construction of canals dates from the 15th century, the patriot Engelbrekt and King Gustavus Vasa both foreseeing its importance.
Each amber bottle has a glass dropper for economical use.
Getting around Shetland isn't difficult; we have excellent roads and you'll find our bus and ferry services surprisingly economical.
They're very economical too - saving up to 50% in laundry costs.
Car Hire Hiring a car is a convenient and fairly economical way of getting around.
Service technician Lewis Jackson, of Robin Hood Watersports, believes regular servicing often proves more economical than repair following a breakdown.
Over the past twenty years, color printing has become much more economical which is equally true for forms of binding.
If a woman plans to pump for longer than three months, it is more economical to buy her own.
For those families who have several children to provide childcare for, however, the services of a nanny may be more economical than they originally thought.
It may be more economical than typical childcare.
Whether you choose to spend a fortune on dishes or you decide to select a more economical dinnerware choice, this could be the start of a holiday tradition.
While you can order gift baskets for just about any reason, creating newborn baby gift baskets is easy and economical.
Check out Gymboree's sister site, Crazy 8 for more economical children's sets that are just as sweet as what you'll find elsewhere.
Pre-fold cloth diapers are an economical option for keeping your baby's bottom clean and dry while also being very conscientious about the environmental impact of diapering your baby.
You can often find great nursing bras at economical prices.
Look at energy ratings to make sure that you choose a unit that will be economical to operate.
Cloth diapers are also reusable, meaning they do not end up clogging landfills and they are very economical if you wash them at home.
If so, a large travel guide for the region is certainly the most economical way to go.
Do remember that the black-and-white models will be more economical in terms of printing costs.
Go for a printing calculator that is more standardized in its accessories since it will be more economical and convenient for you in the long run.
These plants are economical and bring color to places (like shady spots) that might not otherwise support flowers, but they do have to be replaced every year.
While even just 80 songs is a good number (that's more than 5 CDs), you'll be forced to become economical in your music storage.
Shopping on the Internet is economical, it's easy, it's convenient, and it's fast, so companies that provide holiday shopping online are ubiquitous.
Purchasing discount fleece cat beds is an economical way to provide individual comfort for every cat you own.
With just a few items from the pantry and garden, you can easily make cat repellent yourself at home that is economical and eco-friendly.
Since the alcohol is mixed with larger proportions of mixers, you can use brands that are more economical without compromising the taste that's often preferred for liquors served straight or on the rocks.
This is a more economical approach than paying fees for a senior lawyer at every stage of the proceedings, but you also want to be sure that your divorce is being dealt with by experienced counsel.
It's more economical, faster than waiting six to eight weeks for a custom solution, and you have thousands instead of a few fabric patterns to choose from.
Economical - one of the most persuasive arguments for 'going green' is the cost savings that it can bring in addition to the long term environmental benefits.
Determining the type of soil and rock equips you to know which type of heat pump will be the most economical choice to install.
As stated above, small wind generators are a practical choice for people looking for an economical source of electricity in a residential setting.
Very little of the actual product is wasted, making soybeans an economical crop to grow and, as a product, to produce.
Generating energy from renewable sources can work out as a very economical option over time.
You may be surprised by the new technology that make these systems more economical to install.
While the investment is still large, the time span that you can actualize a return has become more economical in many cases.
Making herbal tinctures is easy and economical.
Two economical sources of beautiful textiles include fabric shower curtains and bed linens.
Cottage chic decorating is an easy and economical way to give your home a new, fresh look.
If you're ready to explore the wonderful and artful world of MAC cosmetics, a makeup kit is often the most economical, creative and abundant place to start.
In addition to saving you money and trouble when it comes to packing your sales, a flat-rate box may be an economical shipping option for heavy items.
They are generally a more economical purchase option if you want multiple edger patterns.
Printable scrap paper can be convenient and economical, and it's a great way to make your layouts even more eye-catching.
Many online retailers offer free shipping if your purchase is over a certain amount, which makes large orders slightly more economical.
Even if you decide to purchase digital kits for your projects, the fact that each file can be used an unlimited number of times makes this a much more economical approach than buying traditional paper scrapbooking supplies.
You can cut several photo mats from a single sheet of 12x12 scrapbook paper, making it an economical choice.
Many manufacturers offer packages of coordinated 12x12 sheets in a "stack" or notebook, and this can be an economical way to purchase scrapbook paper.
If you plan to ski at Keystone or any other Vail resort on a regular basis, in the long run, the Peak Rewards program is more economical than searching for one-time discounts.
These are the tasks that need to be accomplished first and they need to be completed in the most economical way by working quickly and efficiently.
When you're finished making your prom dress out of gum wrappers, you'll have a gown that is both very unique and economical.
If you are looking for adventure or are on a restricted budget, consider camping or more economical accommodations like simple bungalows or cottages.
They allow the bride and groom complete flexibility, and can also be a very economical choice.
Bed, Bath & Beyond is a more economical choice for those who are marrying young or need a wide variety of things for their new home.
While it can be more economical to purchase off-the-shelf invitations from a stationery or office supply store, there are several things to keep in mind.
Spray paint some simple branches in your wedding colors and place in unique vases for a resourceful centerpiece that is easy and economical.
Buying candy in bulk is the most economical way to create a buffet.
When choosing winter wedding flowers, the most economical option is in-season varieties such as amaryllis, paper whites and poinsettias.
Typically, the most economical option is a church.
It's always most economical to buy locally.
One of the most popular and economical bedding sets is a bed-in-a-bag.
Retiling your bathroom or replacing the sinks will cost you a lot of time and money; however, buying a new shower curtain is an economical and very quick way to update your style.
This can be a good design element as well as more economical.
Read on to learn about some of the great bargains online, and get ready for a fun and economical virtual shopping trip!
However, a lot of what goes into a kid's closet is based on what works best for a family's budget, and tee shirts are often some of the most economical clothing items you can buy.
While the personalization will still cost a bit extra, it is much more economical to buy in multiple quantities rather than just a single shirt.
Ordering online, however, may be more economical since Snuggies are often offered with a variety of perks.
Shop during back to school or after Christmas sales to get the most economical deals.
Clearance sales on long sleeve boys' dress shirts provide an economical choice for families who need to purchase dressy clothing but don't want to spend a fortune.
Machine or hand washable items are usually more economical choices for toddlers than dresses that require dry cleaning.
Are you making the most economical school choices?
In general, a community college may be a great choice for someone looking for an economical education.
Most passengers require airline tickets to reach the port, but booking through the cruise line may not be the most economical option.
If you would like a Star Honolulu sunset dinner cruise that is a little more economical, consider dining on the Pacific Star.
Larger, more elaborate cabins are often more expensive, but they offer better amenities to enjoy, while smaller cabins are more affordable and economical.
Cruise ship weddings are economical and elegant, and they offer many options for all couples to consider.
If you are more interested in taking advantage of shore excursions and other on-board activities, then choose more economical accommodations.
With airlines charging astronomical fees to check bags, it's just plain economical to pack light for a cruise.
Plastic dog houses are the economical, lightweight, maintenance-free solution for a dog's new digs.
Two Minute Dog Advice columnist Wendy Nan Rees shares an idea for an economical gift for dog lovers that their dogs will love.
It is so economical that if you feel like it, you can have a leash to match any mood or outfit for every day of the week.
He mentioned that the selection was huge and very economical.
As long as you have a place to store it, and the truck can safely get in and out of the area, this may be an economical alternative to purchasing bags.
Bulk rubber mulch is economical when covering a large area with mulch.
A cold frame is one of the most useful and economical investments you can make for your garden.
Plastic is an economical alternative to fabric but must be removed each morning to prevent air surrounding the plants from becoming too hot and causing the plant to wither.
Pine straw mulch makes a good economical natural mulch for all types of garden areas.
Vinyl blinds are a popular and economical choice for a basic window covering.
These factors make hardwood floors a more economical choice in the long run.
Their free deck designs are based on an economical deck-building method called the Floating Foundation Deck System.
Vinyl siding is touted as one of the most economical cladding systems.
Traditional products such as batt and blanket insulation and blown insulation are even getting makeovers to be more economical while new technological advances provide the latest in eco-friendly options.
One of the easiest and most economical ways to make a dramatic change in any kitchen is to install a ceramic tile kitchen countertop.
Economical, durable and relatively easy to install, ceramic tiles come is a wide array of colors, making them a perfect fit in any kitchen.
A mood ring is a much more economical, and interesting, choice.
Pucrhasing beef this way is economical, often costing far less per pound than buying specific cuts of meat throughout the year.
Often pet owners find it to be more economical to continue feeding a half-and-half diet.
While some kits drive the individual basket cost up, other kits can be very economical.
However, when you factor in the savings in health care, environment and the increase in local prosperity, you will soon see that organics are more economical in the long run.
If you think a petite plus size blazer's only use is to ward off the cold, you are missing out on one of the most economical ways to maximize your mix and match possibilities without busting your budget.
If you sew, this can be an economical way to get a closet full of fabulous dresses for every season.
In fact, if you're on a budget it can come in quite economical when you realize just how many ways it can be worn.
Garments that can be machine washable and dried tend to be the most economical.
Whether you are creating an office-friendly look or a playful ensemble, adding an inexpensive pencil skirt is an economical way to slash your clothing cost.
Another economical choice when it comes to UV air sanitizers is a plug-in style.
Term insurance does not have any cash value, and it is the most economical type of life insurance offered.
In most cases, small towns will be more economical than large cities.
There are numerous sites that publish a list of economical retirement areas.
If you don't need glasses for seeing things that are far away very often, readers are a much more economical choice.
The most economical of all the Walt Disney World resorts, these properties are perfect for individuals, couples, and families looking for the most affordable opportunity to enjoy the luxury of Disney property accommodations.
The hotel part of the resort offers a range of room sizes and styles, including multi-bedroom suites, view suites, and smaller economical suites for all budgets.
The Internet has allowed families to be more economical than ever before, as everything can be priced beforehand.
Depending on the park, a season pass is generally two or three times as expensive as regular single day admission, but if the guest returns more than two or three times a season pass is more economical.
The most obvious reason is that it becomes incredibly economical to try out a wide range of titles.
A box typically holds significantly more wine than a bottle, is more economical and is easy to serve.
A beginner's kit is one of the most economical ways to purchase these items.
Additionally, traveling in your truck is much more economical in terms of fuel costs than traveling in a motor home or with a recreational vehicle in tow.
If you do an extensive amount of camping this may seem like the most economical way to go.
Pop up campers may be the most economical type of camper available, but you may still eventually need to make minor or major repairs, and to do so, you'll need to track down replacement pop up camper parts.
A tent that is designed for year round camping is the best and most economical option.
There are also wired solutions which are much more economical.
They may not be the most economical option, however.
Read on, and find how you can be economical, save a few bucks, and use your plan to its fullest while avoiding overage charges.
Sites like Getty Images are very popular, but the charges per image can begin to add up, sending many amateur (and even professional) groups searching for a more economical alternative.
It's quick, convenient, and often economical.
Plastic pet caskets are economical and sometimes ecological alternatives to traditional burial containers for your favorite animals that have passed away.
Many teens also have limited financial resources, so economical hair cuts that do not require excessive hair products or frequent trips to the hair salon are often desired.
For younger children, sticks, clay, mud or water can be the most economical and useful materials for teaching many scientific and mathematical concepts.
More Economical - Employees can save on the cost of fuel or public transportation, as well as on wardrobe and dining out expenses.
These types of mortgage calculators usually use your current financial information, your accommodation needs, your long term plans, and your household income to determine which option is more economical.
It is good for gift giving and is often economical, too.
However, since you can print the card pattern as many times as you like, this is still a very economical way to send a birthday greeting.
Your local hospital probably offers economical classes taught by nurses or birthing instructors.
Many hospitals offer economical classes.
This economical package lets you quickly put together a casual pregnancy wardrobe without the expense or hassle of buying each item separately.
Remember, you can be economical by purchasing a few nice pieces and then mixing and matching them with other maternity clothes.
Therefore, choosing a generic birth control is a more economical option for avoiding unplanned pregnancy.
Tour buses are the most economical and can accommodate larger groups.
Thid makes it as economical as shopping in person; plus, you enjoy the convenience of home delivery.
This suit is available for an economical $25.95.
Unfortunately, if you are in the market for a meat grinder, and you don't already own a Kitchen Aid mixer, this choice may not be the most economical option for you.
The Mr. Coffee Electric coffee grinder has a lot going for it in that it's easy to clean, and is very economical.
The Magnavox product line was geared to the economical individual who sought an electronic alternative.
While a small appliance parts and repair specialist could repair the charge and clean stand, you may find it more economical to order a replacement device instead.
This model also offers three fan speeds for more economical cooling when full air conditioning is not required.
While there are some economical models available, larger purifiers can cost up for four hundred dollars.
Black & Decker HVF20 Replacement Filters - The HVF20 offers superior performance and economical pricing.
While under the counter can openers have once again become popular, don't be surprised to find that most models are economical and made by the three companies listed above.
No matter what size you choose, look for the Energy Star label to be sure that it is as energy efficient and economical to operate as possible.
Besides being a tasty change of pace from potatoes and pasta, rice is economical and healthy.
Gel candles are an economical choice for thrifty crafters since they will burn twice as long as candles made from paraffin wax.
Soy wax was invented in 1991, according to Soya, as a way to make a more economical natural candle, since beeswax is so much more expensive than paraffin.
Spermaceti wax had to be purchased in most households, but it could be blended with tallow as well, making the candles more economical.
As soon as you start to create more than a few scented candles or other items at a time then bulk wholesale fragrance oil may work out to be the most economical option.
Wholesale fragrance oil can be an economical option and with the wide variety of ways that it can be used, can represent a good investment for your candle business.
It is the one-pound version of the bars and is the more economical choice for true Scentsy fans, selling for approximate 20 US dollars.
If you plan on being a regular Gold Canyon customer, shipping fees will rack up after a while, making buying through a demonstrator the more economical choice.
First and foremost, it does not only put money into your group's fund, but also puts it back into the pockets of local businesses that need it most during tough economical times.
Christmas gifts in a jar are an economical and fun gift option for everyone on your list.
Using a Christmas plastic gift bag to hand out presents is easy, economical, and can be re-used with relative ease.
Getting a wrapping set can be economical and practical.
In some cases it may actually be more economical to purchase a highly-detailed costume from a discount retailer than to buy yards of pricey fabric and spend every spare moment sewing it.
A more economical option is available from
The most economical option is probably a simple dark brown or tan solid cotton fabric.
For a really economical alternative, cut the bottom seal off of a drawstring garbage bag.
Spending extra money on party favors may not be a wise economical decision if the budget is already tight.
The current product line appeals to a flashier youthful customer, with an economical price point, clustering around $100 or less.
Quilted handbags are available in many brands, from designer styles like Vera Bradley to economical Wal-Mart names like No Boundaries.
However, these cards are very economical and you should be able to find an invitation your child likes.
However, many prepackaged invitations also come with thank you notes, an economical saver.
Handmade kids' birthday invitations are the most personal, and can be very economical.
However, many parents see toddler beds as an economical waste since they can only be used for a few years.
Department stores such as WalMart and Target also sell economical desks.
If you do opt for an economical version, try to find a desk that is adjustable.
For many families, loft beds are the most economical use of space.
Although wear and tear on the clothing could be considerable, proponents still say that uniforms are much more economical than the usual brand name fare that many students would otherwise wear.
Parents need to make the back-to-school shopping as economical as possible, while kids want to get the latest and greatest trends that usually break a pocketbook.
This bedding is economical because it can be personalized as your child grows.
Once widely used in Europe and Asia as an economical way to raise a mattress off the floor, platform beds are becoming increasingly popular in the United States.
In comparison, the site defines frugal as "not wasteful; not spending freely or unnecessarily; thrifty; economical."
Although individual DVD rentals are the most economical option for people who only watch movies once or twice a month, those who rent more frequently may find that a subscription service is a better bargain.
When you are purchasing food for your family, try to find the most economical alternative.
Since cars depreciate between 25% and 40% within a year, a used car that is just a few years old is generally a more economical purchase.
Finding ways to be more economical and less wasteful requires you to look at your expenditures and determine where you can save.
The federal program is designed to assist renters and homeowners who are suffering economical setbacks.
Adding soups to your selection of very frugal recipes is a healthy, economical choice.
However, for people pinching pennies, a laptop is the most economical way to tap into technology on the go.
You can also go the more economical route and hit Target for their Xhilaration jellies.
The Internet is the most convenient and economical way to search for one of many excellent Las Vegas package deals for families.
Is it more economical than similar products or services?
Handheld units are typically more economical, but you can have a GPS system installed in your vehicle for a more streamlined appearance.
Since dealer-printed manuals can be quite expensive, there are businesses that specialize in providing economical alternatives.
Finding the right year, make, and model may take some time and digging, but used manuals can be far more economical than buying new ones.
With a 2.4-liter, four-cylinder engine, the first generation was economical in terms of fuel but weak in terms of power.
The VW Golf is a very popular economical car, offered with either gas or diesel engines.
Spend a proper amount of time on prices, whether you are a customer or cleaner, as it will help you survive through tough economical times.
The most economical method is dependent entirely on the homeowner's own situation.
Red Heart is a very durable and economical yarn that many knitters and crocheters enjoy using.
You can also use these incredibly economical yarns for charity knitting.
Chicken legs, turkey, eggs, canned salmon and light tuna, sardines, and hamburger are all economical choices.
If you are going to use apple cider vinegar as a dietary supplement, you may wish to use the liquid form to be sure of your dosage size, plus it is more economical.
Geico offers term insurance coverage through Life Quotes, Inc. This type of protection is an economical way for policyholders to protect their loved ones if tragedy strikes.
This service model is more economical for consumers, who pay one monthly rate for their coverage.
Annual Multi Trip Travel Insurance is convenient and economical insurance for those who travel abroad more than once a year.
The VPI Standard plan provides insurance coverage with an economical premium.
Buying your insurance from the travel agent may be convenient, but it may not be the most economical choice for your needs.
While this is the most economical way to go, it may not always be the wisest choice.
Getting free life insurance quotes will help you to make an informed, economical decision about which life insurance company is best for you.
Reinsurance Group of America can offer solutions to insurance companies interested in entering this market that is both low-risk and economical.
Sharing benefits is a more economical way to get this important coverage.
This is an economical and practical approach because it also allows guests to include their favorite or traditional dishes.
Kegs are the most economical way to purchase large quantities of beer, but remember you'll also need cups for people to drink from.