Eaten Sentence Examples
We have just eaten our breakfast.
He'd eaten neither lunch nor dinner.
I haven't eaten real food in weeks.
She felt as if she hadn't just eaten a large breakfast.
Haven't eaten real food in weeks.
But "the angel of the Lord smote him," and shortly afterwards he died "eaten of worms."
The fruits eaten temperately need not make us ashamed of our appetites, nor interrupt the worthiest pursuits.
I thought, as I have my living to get, and have not eaten to-day, that I might go a-fishing.
Pierre thought he had never eaten anything that tasted better.
He hadn.t eaten in too long, and to have his mate so close … Rhyn took the stairs two at a time until he reached the roof.
AdvertisementHave you ever eaten GMO foods?
I ain't slept like in three days...I ain't even eaten!
I've never eaten crawdads.
We don't wish to be eaten by such awful beasts.
Pierre had not eaten all day and the smell of the potatoes seemed extremely pleasant to him.
AdvertisementHe wolfed down the sandwich Bianca made him, unable to remember the last time he'd eaten breakfast.
On her last visit before Alex arrived, Casper still hadn't eaten her grain and she was pacing around in her stall.
Sis, I have no money, no passport, no identification, and I haven't eaten in a few days.
Nor had Cynthia eaten dinner so they stopped at The Buen Tiempo.
She gently bit into the meat and when she had eaten most of it, pulled the bone from his hand and laid on the floor chewing on it.
AdvertisementShe leaned over the stool, expecting to lose the little she had eaten for breakfast.
Had he eaten supper, or had he been too occupied with taking care of her?
A stomach cramp reminded her that she hadn't eaten lunch.
Her stomach growled a reminder that she hadn't eaten breakfast.
When they might have won national independence, after their warfare with the Swabian emperors, they let the golden opportunity slip. Pampered with commercial prosperity, eaten to the core with inter-urban rivalries, they submitted to despots, renounced the use of arms, and offered themselves in the hour of need, defenceless and disunited to the shock of puissant nations.
AdvertisementIt is equally impossible to give a general survey of the purposes of sacrifice; not only are they too numerous but it is rare to find any but mixed forms; the scapegoat, for example, is also a messenger to the dead, and its flesh is eaten by the sacrificers.
The victims were often feted for a whole year and treated as divine; the heart was an offering to the god, the body was eaten by the priests and nobles and the head was preserved with those of previous victims.
The kitten could not have eaten your piglet--for here it is!
Eureka was much surprised to find herself in disgrace; but she was, in spite of the fact that she had not eaten the piglet.
What mean ye by saying that the poor ye have always with you, or that the fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge?
Natasha ate of everything and thought she had never seen or eaten such buttermilk cakes, such aromatic jam, such honey-and-nut sweets, or such a chicken anywhere.
Thus in the morning--especially if she had eaten anything rich the day before--she felt a need of being angry and would choose as the handiest pretext Belova's deafness.
I guess a walk in the cool evening isn't worth the risk of being eaten up by beasts is it?
As she entered the kitchen, it was obvious he had made coffee and eaten a bowl of dry cereal.
She'd lived through too much the past few days to be eaten by some boogeyman in a dark cell!
Molly dug through her purse to retrieved a familiar brownish cube, like the ones Katie'd eaten to stay alive in Hell.
She couldn't remember when she'd last eaten, hadn't had a reason to care.
Sarah had not eaten anything since the party, but they convinced her to join them.
Her stomach growled, reminding her that she hadn't eaten more than two bites of her breakfast.
Dean and his stepfather dined on western style beans, baked potatoes, sourdough bread and the best spareribs either had ever eaten.
Carmen invited her to join them but Jenny said she had already eaten.
Many instances are on record of symptoms of poisoning, and even death, having followed the consumption of plants which have passed as true mushrooms; these cases have probably arisen from the examples consumed being in a state of decay, or from some mistake as to the species eaten.
The seeds are roasted and eaten by the natives; the timber, which somewhat resembles walnut, is soft, fine-grained, and takes a good polish, but is not durable.
Many rules of etiquette govern the proper conduct of the chopsticks; laying them across the bowl is a sign that the guest wishes to leave the table; they are not used during a time of mourning, when food is eaten with the fingers; and various methods of handling them form a secret code of signalling.
In central Queensland and elsewhere, snakes, both venomous and harmless, are eaten, the head being first carefully smashed to pulp with a stone.
Gramuntia, also furnishes a fruit which, after acquiring sweetness by keeping, is eaten by the Spaniards.
Combined with this sacrifice of the fruits of the earth to the Creator in memory of creation and redemption, and probably always immediately following it, was the sacred meal at which part of the offerings was eaten.
Josephus says nothing of his being "eaten of worms," but the discrepancies between the two stories are of slight moment.
The pulp is much esteemed in the West Indies and is eaten as a salad, usually with the addition of pepper, salt and vinegar.
Cnossian frescoes show women grouped apart, and they appear alone on gems. Flesh and fish and many kinds of vegetables were evidently eaten, and wine and beer were drunk.
Owing to the smaller size of the male and the greater voracity of the female, the male makes his advances to his mate at the risk of his life and is not infrequently killed and eaten by her either before or after pairing has been effected.
For the great festival of Tezcatlipoca, the handsomest and noblest of the captives of the year had been chosen as the incarnate representative of the god, and paraded the streets for public adoration dressed in an embroidered mantle with feathers and garlands on his head and a retinue like a king; for the last month they married him to four girls representing four goddesses; on the last day wives and pages escorted him to the little temple of Tlacochcalco, where he mounted the stairs, breaking an earthenware flute against each step; this was a symbolic farewell to the joys of the world, for as he reached the top he was seized by the priests, his heart torn out and held up to the sun, his head spitted on the tzompantli, and his body eaten as sacred food, the people drawing from his fate the moral lesson that riches and pleasure may turn into poverty and sorrow.
Mr Cook also found that the boll weevil was attacked, killed and eaten by an ant-like creature, the " kelep."
The mollusc itself is often eaten, and dried for consumption in China and Japan.
Swarms of locusts occasionally visit the country; the locusts are eaten by the Basuto.
If they fall on pasture land or fodder of any kind and are eaten by any herbivorous animal, such as a hare, rabbit, horse, sheep or ox, the active embryos or larvae are set free in the alimentary canal of the new host.
In the event of the host escaping being killed and eaten it is believed that some of these larvae wander about or ultimately make their way to the exterior, possibly through the bronchi; nevertheless it seems to be certain that they can only reach sexual maturity in the nasal passages of some carnivorous animal, and the chance of attaining this environment is afforded when the viscera of the host are devoured by some flesh-eating mammal.
It is then, if lucky, eaten by some crustacean, or insect, more rarely by a fish.
Its pith was also a common article of food, and was eaten both cooked and in its natural state.
In former times it was a common article of food in England and France, but is now rarely if ever eaten, being valuable only for the oil obtained from its blubber.
The caves are rich in curious kinds of fish, Paraphoxinus Gethaldii, which is unknown elsewhere, Chondrostoma phoximus, Phoxinellus alepidatus and others, which are caught and eaten by the peasantry.
It is not a commercial town, and its only noteworthy manufacture is the " clay dumplings " which are eaten with potatoes by the inhabitants of the Bolivian uplands.
No leaven shall be eaten with it for seven days, and bread of affliction shall be eaten because they came forth from Egypt in haste.
It shall be sodden and eaten, and in the morning they should go to their tents.
Neither bread nor parched corn nor fresh ears shall be eaten until the oblation is made.
It should be eaten with loins girded, shoes on feet, and staff in hand because in haste.
It shall be eaten in haste; none of the flesh shall be carried forth, neither shall a bone be broken.
The first month on the 14th day of the month is the Passover; the 15th day of this month shall be a feast; seven days unleavened bread to be eaten; first day a holy assembly with fire offering, two young bullocks and one lamb and seven firstling he-lambs without blemish, with appropriate meal offering and one he-goat for sin-offering; on the seventh day another hol assembly.
The paschal lamb is no longer eaten but represented by the shank bone of a lamb roasted in the ashes; unleavened bread and bitter herbs (haroseth) are eaten; four cups of wine are drunk before and after the repast, and a certain number of Psalms are recited.
The knife is then carefully examined, and if there be the slightest flaw in its blade the meat cannot be eaten, as the cut would not have been clean, the uneven blade causing a thrill to pass through the beast and thus driving the blood again through the arteries.
A closely-related species or variety (Euterpe edulis) is the well-known palmito or cabbage palm found over the greater part of Brazil, whose terminal phylophore is cooked and eaten as a vegetable.
It is eaten by the natives, who also make a kind of wine from the juice.
Either the caterpillar postures and escapes, or it does not posture and is eaten; it is.
The chief elements of the native diet are rice, fish and poultry; vegetables and pork are also eaten.
On this side traces of it are very scanty, as the sea-spray has eaten away the stone.
In the burntofferings of male kine to Isis, the carcase of the steer, after evisceration, was filled with fine bread, honey, raisins, figs, frankincense, myrrh and other aromatics, and thus stuffed was roasted, being basted all the while by pouring over it large quantities of sweet oil, and then eaten with great festivity.
The first of these is prevalent in countries where much and imperfectly cooked beef is eaten, and where cattle in their turn are exposed to the infection of the tapeworm ova.
The tapeworm most frequently found in man in Western Europe is the Taenia solium, which is constant wherever pork is consumed, and is more common in parts where raw or imperfectly cooked pork is eaten.
The eggs are free in freshwater lakes and rivers, where they enter the bodies of pike, turbot and other fishes, and are thus eaten by man.
It is a matter of common observation that stones of monuments, walls or buildings which are exposed to the air sooner or later become eaten away or broken up into small fragments under the influence of the weather.
The further development of the cercaria is dependent on the weed or animal in which it lies being eaten by the final host which is usually a predaceous fish or one of the higher vertebrates.
In this condition they remain encysted as immature flukes until eaten by their final host.
The fruit is eaten in great quantities in the southern states of America,.
Celibacy is not practised by the priests, but they are not allowed to marry a second time, and no one is admitted into the order who has eaten bread with a Christian, or is the son or grandson of a man thus contaminated.
Two days after it swallowed 62 and would probably have eaten as many every day could they have been procured.
The fruit, which has an agreeably acid flavour, is frequently eaten in the West Indies.
Tuna are much eaten under the name of prickly pears, and are greatly esteemed for their cooling properties.
The flesh of the American beaver is eaten by the Indians, and when roasted in the skin is esteemed a delicacy and is said to taste like pork.
The ceremonies of his worship were of the most bloodthirsty character, and hundreds of human beings were murdered annually before his shrine, their limbs being eaten by his worshippers.
Till within recent times barley formed an important source of food in northern countries, and barley cakes are still to some extent eaten.
Cubebs were formerly candied and eaten whole, or used ground as a seasoning for meat.
Meat is eaten, but, as the slaughter of animals is against Buddhist tenets, is not often obtainable, with the exception of pork, killed by Chinese.
Oak-galls, for example, are broken open by the titmouse in order to obtain the grub within, and the " button-galls " of Neuroterus numismatis, Oliv., are eaten by pheasants.
His mock heroics are, to say the least, amusing, and among these may be mentioned Myszeis, where he describes how King Popiel, according to the legend, was eaten up by rats.
These fish are eaten by the Indians, who, before attempting to capture them, seek to exhaust their electrical power by driving horses into the ponds.
The Passover was kept at the full moon of the lunar month Nisan, the first of the Jewish ecclesiastical year; the Paschal lambs were slain on the afternoon of the, 4th Nisan, and the Passover was eaten after sunset the same day - which, however, as the Jewish day began at sunset, was by their reckoning the early hours of the r 5th Nisan; the first fruits (of the barley harvest) were solemnly offered on the 16th.
The cockle is liable to the same suspicion as the oyster of conveying the contamination of typhoid fever where the shores are polluted, but as it is boiled before being eaten it is probably less dangerous.
It was therefore not the quantity or quality of the food eaten that constituted the meal a Lord's Supper; nor even the circumstances that they ate it " in church," as was assumed by those guilty of the practices here condemned; but only the pervading sense of brotherhood and love.
If, in any case, all present had eaten in their homes beforehand, the giving of the cup would immediately follow on the breaking and eating of the one loaf, but Paul's words indicate that the common meal within the church was the norm.
Supper to be eaten, whenever he is warned by the Spirit to do so.
Bitter herbs also were often added, probably because they were eaten with the Paschal lamb.
John of Damascus (c. 750) believed the bread to be mysteriously changed into the Christ's body, just as when eaten it is changed into any human body; and he argued that it is wrong to say, as Irenaeus had said, that the elements are mere antitypes after as before consecration.
And the mean whereby the Body of Christ is received and eaten in the Supper is Faith.
The foliage may be eaten down by sheep early in autumn, without injuring it for the production of a crop of seed.
When the rice in the cover is sufficiently cooked, the medicine is ready, and is then eaten by the patient, who drinks the ginseng tea at the same time."
The bark itself is used in tanning; and by the Samoiedes and Kamchatkans it is ground up and eaten on account of the starchy matter it contains.
The young seedlings are sometimes nibbled by the hare and rabbit; and on parts of the highland hills both bark and shoots are eaten in the winter by the roe-deer; larch woods should always be fenced in to keep out the hill-cattle, which will browse upon the shoots in spring.
Gram is largely cultivated in the East, where the seeds are eaten raw or cooked in various ways, both in their ripe and unripe condition, and when roasted and ground subserve the same purposes as ordinary flour.
Lastly, a classical mode of consecrating persons, or winning or reinforcing their holiness or kinship with the god, is the sacrificial meal at which sacred animals or the god himself are eaten.
These liinus, as they are called by the Kanakas, are washed, salted, broken and eaten as a relish or as a flavouring for fish or other meat.
From the root of the kalo is made the national dish called poi; after having been baked and well beaten on a board with a stone pestle it is made into a paste with water and then allowed to ferment for a few days, when it is ready to be eaten.
The worm itself, after the cocoon has been used, is eaten and is esteemed a delicacy.
The paschal lamb is now eaten on Sunday, but until the 11th century, and even later, it was eaten with the Eucharist at a Lord's Supper celebrated on the evening of Maundy Thursday after the rite of pedilavium or washing of feet.
The root of this plant, when eaten by white pigs, caused their bones to turn to a pink colour and their hoofs to fall off, but the black pigs could eat the same plant with impunity.
He also found that chickens that had been given meal moistened with quinine and placed upon glass slips banded black and yellow, afterwards refused to touch meal moistened with water and spread upon the same slips, although they had previously eaten it with readiness off plain coloured slips.
One of the most useful nutritious species is Cetraria islandica, " Iceland moss," which, after being deprived of its bitterness by boiling in water, is reduced to a powder and made into cakes, or is boiled and eaten with milk by the poor Icelander, whose sole food it often constitutes.
Another nutritious lichen is the " Tripe de Roche " of the arctic regions, consisting of several species of the Gyrophorei, which when boiled is often eaten by the Canadian hunters and Red Indians when pressed by hunger.
Cakes were made of a certain shape to be eaten by the children, which were called, in Germany, Hamantaschen (Haman-pockets) and Hamanohren (Haman-ears), and in Italy, Orecchie d'Aman.
The close connexion of the Hyperboreans with the cult of Apollo may be seen by comparing the Hyperborean myths, the characters of which by their names mostly recall Apollo or Artemis (Agyieus, Opis, Hecaergos, Loxo), with the ceremonial of the Apolline worship. No meat was eaten at the Pyanepsia; the Hyperboreans were vegetarians.
Under this head are included those esculents which are largely eaten as " vegetables " or as " salads."
Many of the fruit-bodies have a pleasant flavour and are eaten under the name of truffles (Tuber brumale and other species).
The reason why at this level the walls must form an upright instead of an inverted cone, why the furnace must widen downward instead of narrowing, is, according to some metallurgists, that this shape is needed in order that, in spite of the pastiness of the slag in this formative period of incipient fusion, this layer may descend freely as the lower part of the column is gradually eaten away.
All who have eaten it declare the flesh of the Tinamou to have a most delicate taste, as it has a most inviting appearance, the pectoral muscles being semi-opaque.
The Niagara escarpment mentioned above, generally called "the mountain" in Ontario, is the cause of waterfalls on all the rivers which plunge over it, Niagara Falls being, of course, the most important; and in most cases these falls have eaten their way back into the tableland, forming deep gorges or canyons like that below Niagara itself, through which the water pours as violent rapids.
Though they see their gods eaten by others and by men, and burned, and slain, and rotting, they do not understand concerning them that they are no gods."
The bulb, which is the only part eaten, has membranous scales, in the axils of which are io or 12 cloves, or snialler bulbs.
This, when garlic has been eaten, is evolved by the excretory organs, the activity of which it promotes.
The bayad, a scaleless fish commonly eaten, reaches sometimes 31/2 ft.
The lion, leopard and jackal were not eaten.
In some, however, the spirits are said to live again after being eaten.
As it was supposed by some that the spirits of the dead were eaten by the gods, the bodies of those slain in battle may have been eaten by their victors in triumph.
Jesus defended them by the example of David, who had eaten the shewbread, which only priests might eat, and had given it to his hungry men.
The insect, which may have become an imago with the Gordian larva still in it, is then eaten by a carnivorous insect or by a fish, and the contained Gordian larva becomes elongate and mature in its second host.
The kharrub (carob) is common and yields a fruit eaten by the poorer classes.
But it was the insect which John used to eat; it is still eaten by the fellahin.
The maggots may pass no excrement from the intestine until they have eaten all their store of food.
They are eaten fresh, or as nearly fresh as may be, for the art of curing them is not generally practised, owing to the exigencies of the salt monopoly.
Gram is largely eaten by the poorer classes, but it is also used as horse-food.
The refuse or cake is of great value to agriculturists, as it forms a food for cattle, and in the case of sesamum it is eaten by the people.
Its flesh is occasionally eaten by the natives.
The large fruit bats (Pteropus) occur in immense colonies, and are sometimes eaten by the natives.
In the United States the word means an open-air feast, either political or social, where whole animals are roasted and eaten and hogsheads of beer and other vast quantities of food and drink consumed.
The flowers are sometimes eaten in salads, and the leaves and young green fruits are pickled in vinegar as a substitute for capers.
By the Romans they were sometimes eaten roasted.
All or nearly all of these were at one time totem animals among one or another of the Semitic tribes, and were not eaten because primitive men will not eat animals between which and themselves and their gods they believe a peculiar tie of kinship to exist.
Fish, therefore, unlike flesh, could be safely eaten.
For this purpose the tiger will leave its retreat in the dense jungle, proceed to the neighbourhood of a village or gowrie, where cattle feed, and during the night steal on and strike down a bullock, drag it into a secluded place, and then remain near the "murrie" or "kill," for several days, until it has eaten it, when it will proceed in search of a further supply, and, having found good hunting ground in the vicinity of a village or gowrie, continue its ravages, destroying one or two cows or buffaloes a week.
But the divinity could by anointing be transferred into men no less than into stones; and from immemorial antiquity, among the Jews as among other races, kings were anointed or greased, doubtless with the fat of the victims which, like the blood, was too holy to be eaten by the common votaries.
In both these cases, however, it is the clove-gillyflower which is intended, as it is also in the passage from Gerard, in which he states that the conserve made of the flowers with sugar "is exceeding cordiall, and wonderfully above measure doth comfort the heart, being eaten now and then."
A large species of barnacle, Balanus psittacus, is found in great abundance from Concepcion to Puerto Montt, and is not only eaten by the natives, by whom it is called Pico, but is also esteemed a great delicacy in the markets of Valparaiso and Santiago.
The green maize furnishes two popular national dishes, choclos and humitas, which are eaten by both rich and poor.
It is a straight-growing tree, with grey bark and whorls of horizontal branches giving a cylindro-conical outline; the leaves are short, rigid and glaucous; the cones, oblong and rather pointing upwards, grow only near the top of the tree, and ripen in the second autumn; the seeds are oily like those of P. Pinea, and are eaten both on the Alps and by the inhabitants of Siberia; a fine oil is expressed from them which is used both for food and in lamps, but, like that of the Italian pine, it soon turns rancid.
Another therapeutic method is the so-called "grape cure," in which, along with a regulated diet, five or six pounds of grapes are eaten daily.
The fleshly fruit of Melocanna is baked and eaten.
Meat is rarely eaten except on festivals.
Their sole wealth is cattle and their chief food milk and blood; meat is only eaten when a cow happens to die.
Chestnuts (the fruit of the tree) are extensively imported into Great Britain, and are eaten roasted or boiled, and mashed or otherwise as a vegetable.
In North America the fruits of an allied species, C. americana, are eaten both raw and cooked.
Again Robertson Smith saw here the " theanthropic" animal, the Ox-God-man, eaten sacramentally by an ox-tribe, and so sacred that his death is a murder that must be atoned for in other ways and by a feigned resurrection.
Originally a fisherman and diver of Anthedon in Boeotia, having eaten of a certain magical herb sown by Cronus, he leapt into the sea, where he was changed into a god, and endowed with the gift of unerring prophecy.
Teff is a kind of millet with grains about the size of an ordinary pin-head, of which is made the bread commonly eaten.
On every festive occasion, as a saint's day, birth, marriage, &c., it is customary for a rich man to collect his friends and neighbours, and kill a cow and one or two sheep. The principal parts of the cow are eaten raw while yet warm and quivering, the remainder being cut into small pieces and cooked with the favourite sauce of butter and red pepper paste.
The raw meat eaten in this way is considered to be very superior in taste and much more tender than when cold.
Little bread is eaten, the Abyssinian preferring a thin cake of durra meal or teff, kneaded with water and exposed to the sun till the dough begins to rise, when it is baked.
The dolphin was formerly supposed to be a fish, and allowed to be eaten by Roman Catholics when the use of flesh was prohibited, and it seems to have been esteemed as a delicacy by the French.
The "wideawake" birds frequent the island in large numbers, and their eggs are collected and eaten.
Beef and mutton are rarely touched, and in some districts pork is only eaten on St Hilary's day (the 10th of December, O.S.).
Feeling that he was dying, and careful lest Chunda should be reproached by himself or others, he said to Ananda, "After I am gone tell Chunda that he will receive in a future birth very great reward; for, having eaten of the food he gave me, I am about to die; and if he should still doubt, say that it was from my own mouth that you heard this.
The dry substance consumed per zoo lb live weight in a ration of z lb cake and corn, 12 lb roots and i lb hay daily, would be 162 per week, and this gives an increase of nearly% live weight or i lb of live weight increase for 84 lb of dry food eaten.
More than one-third of the district lies under jungle, which yields gum, medicinal fruit and nuts, edible fruits, lac, honey and the blossoms of the mahuci tree (Bassia latifolia), which are eaten by the poorer classes, and used for the manufacture of a kind of spirit.
The parents made a show of their child, decking her out like a bride on a bed, and asserting that she had eaten no food for two years.
The Great Fast continues fifty-five days; nothing is eaten except bread and vegetables, and that only in the afternoon, when church prayers are over.
Thomas Bagley was accused of declaring that if in the sacrament a priest made bread into God, he made a God that can be eaten by rats and mice; that the pharisees of the day, the monks, and the nuns, and the friars and all other privileged persons recognized by the church were limbs of Satan; and that auricular confession to the priest was the will not of God but of the devil.
Forest fruits and vegetables are also eaten.
The kima, a great mussel weighing (without shell) 20 to 30 Ib, and other shellfish, are eaten, as are also dogs, flying foxes, lizards, beetles and all kinds of insects.
In some few districts a species of clay is eaten.
Sousliks are eaten by the inhabitants of the Russian steppes, who consider their flesh an especial delicacy.
You think he's been eaten by a vampire.
There were more demons on this level, a couple of which eyed her before moving on, leaving her a bit more confident she wasn't going to be eaten.
In fact, if she'd stayed away from the beach this weekend altogether and had dinner with her doctor instead of causing her boyfriend to be eaten by a demon, she wouldn't be facing an Immortal mood beast or teaching Immortal children not to feed humans rocks.
He hadn.t eaten in too long, and to have his mate so close … Rhyn took the stairs two at a time until he reached the roof.
He hadn't eaten in a week, afraid of making his mother sicker by drinking her blood.
Scientists suspect they could have eaten sea algae, which can produce acid poisoning.
His young wife fell into the Amazon and was eaten by an alligator.
Ripe, juicy apples eaten at bedtime every night will cure some of the worst forms of constipation.
To me, it is more effective to read about a guy getting eaten by a barracuda than to actually see it.
The fish (cod, haddock, huss, plaice) is deep fried in flour batter and is eaten with chips.
Either they have been eaten by bears or they are not happy campers first thing in the morning.
The food chain affects us all; only a few will be eaten by cannibals.
These herbivores are often eaten by carnivores (meat-eaters) after which some carnivores are eaten by other carnivores.
Can other cephalopods be eaten in the same way?
I put some bottle cloches over the least eaten up seedlings.
It is the first time I have eaten out since I was diagnosed coeliac.
We had no idea what had caused the convulsions, possible head trauma or an unlikely something he had eaten.
Apples have been eaten since prehistoric times, when only wild crab apples existed.
I had stomach cramp from all the food I had just eaten.
It's nice to see critters that the fire ants haven't driven out or eaten.
The young girl usually drowned or was eaten by crocodiles.
Cook Chicken stir and eat very quickly as only eaten two crumpets all day!
Tofu - soybean curd - is the most commonly eaten form of soy.
The " missing " mass, which is not eaten by consumers, becomes detritus and is decomposed.
The meat dolma is a main course dish eaten with a yogurt sauce, and a very frequent one in the average household.
In the case of dormice these marks are quite distinctive and finding dormouse eaten nuts forms the basis of our survey.
Low GI foods eaten before prolonged exercise may improve endurance, whereas high GI foods lead to faster muscle glycogen replenishment after exercise.
Would all the others eat what he has eaten, endured what he has endured what he has endured?
Also, I've eaten escargots in the past, very good in garlic butter, which makes affection dafter still.
Unless you're a big fatty and have eaten it already.
Fresh fish should be eaten on the day of purchase.
In the past the root was eaten and the herb has been used to remove freckles.
The flesh is oily and the flavor is best when the fish is eaten fresh from the sea.
A four course meal is served (eaten with fingers and a dagger) and wine drunk from pewter goblets.
Okay okay I may have eaten the goldfish okay, okay, six fish!
The survey depends on looking for eaten hazelnuts - an important food source which enable dormice to put on weight for winter hibernation.
She'd never, for example, eaten hummus before October 2004.
It is entitled, " I was eaten by a hyena.
I had not eaten ice cream for 3 years.
Courgettes are really just a highly selected form of summer squash whose fruit are picked continuously and eaten immature.
In the country around Birmingham, the word scratching sometimes meant a specific dish of diced, fried lard eaten with pepper and salt.
It seems quite lax of him to go get eaten is that a problem with logic or just me being picky?
Best eaten with a fresh French stick and some young raw leeks.
What the swarming locust left, the hopping locust has eaten, and what the hopping locust left, the destroying locust has eaten.
There are people who are eaten up by religious mania, swept along by some malign force which they call faith.
Hardy to USDA Zone 7. Leaf stem eaten cooked or raw, Rhizome considered medicinal.
Knackered if you kept going, but eaten by the midges if you stopped.
Tapeworm eggs are passed out in the dung and eaten by a microscopic mite which lives on the pasture.
By the time the meat reached my plate, I hadn't eaten a morsel of meat during my entire adult life.
We grew nasturtiums and eaten the horn off the flower in salads.
Fresh soba noodles should be eaten within three days; alternatively, follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Insulin is secreted by the pancreas in response to carbohydrate being eaten.
When eaten by the animal, these PUFAs are converted into the toxic peroxides, the antagonists of vitamin E and selenium.
Other local specialities include saltfish (traditionally eaten with tomato sauce ), goat water, barbecue chicken and roast suckling pig.
The affected birds were feral pigeons, and a few lost racing pigeons, and so are unlikely to have been eaten.
This is a common summer dish, eaten with white rice pilaf.
Cephalopods form the bulk of the diet of the long-finned pilot whale, but fish and crustaceans are also eaten.
I cannot think that I have ever eaten such a perfectly poached pea.
To impregnate (the air, or something to be eaten, etc.) with poison; to render poisonous.
It was eaten with great pomp during a grand celebration.
Have we not eaten and drunk in thy presence?
As it is not indigenous to the British shores the vast majority of the British population have never eaten pumpkin!
Fresh vegetables should be cooked rather than eaten raw.
This is more reliable in its action and cheaper than calf rennet and the cheese produced in this way can be eaten by vegetarians.
Will they be eaten by parasites, or killed by a particularly savage frost?
Adam became sinful Once the fruit was eaten, however, that relationship was completely altered.
The lettuce is eaten by the slug, the slug is eaten by the bird.
Green potatoes should not be eaten as they contain the poisonous alkaloid solanine.
The number which must be killed or eaten is simply staggering.
A cactus traditionally eaten by Kalahari bushmen has been found to contain a potent appetite suppressant.
Last night I had the best sushi I have ever eaten!
It probably never even got as far as the soil before being eaten or getting stuck in the thick grass sward.
Glasses were banged down on the tables, half eaten tapas abandoned.
The wood was eventually eaten by termites, leaving a space.
You must also beware of poisonous toadstools which cannot be eaten unless you have first devoured a mushroom.
The banks are suffering from erosion and we've had no success in introducing various water plants as they are always eaten.
If they could be caught, woodcock would also be eaten.
You can see that phytoplankton form the basis of the chain, which in turn are eaten by zooplankton.
The fruit is eaten by most frugivorous birds, and through their agency, particularly that of the species which is accordingly known as missel-thrush or mistle-thrush, the plant is propagated.
Sella hoped by the application of a mechanical meter both to obviate the odium attaching to former methods of collection and to avoid the maintenance of an army of inspectors and tax-gatherers, whose stipends had formerly eaten up most of the proceeds of the impost.
From then onwards the plant organisms diminish because they are eaten by the animal larvae.
India abstain from the flesh of their domestic animal, the buffalo; but once a year they sacrifice a bull calf, which is eaten in the forest by the adult males.
As regard cannibalism, it appears that the heart and liver of the human victims offered in the temples were eaten as a religious rite, and that the same parts of any prominent warrior slain in battle were devoured by the victor chiefs, who believed that they would thereby inherit the valour of the dead man.
Burns's John Barleycorn); but it is better to refer it to the tearing of the flesh of the victim at sacrifices at which the deity or the sacred animal was slain, and sacramentally eaten raw (cf.
James was deaf to all intercession in her favour, and is reported to have answered the queen when pleading for her that "she had eaten of the forbidden fruit."
Not that food which entereth into the mouth defileth a man, but the appetite with which it is eaten.
Are you lost or have the wolves eaten you?
As it is not indigenous to the British shores the vast majority of the British population have never eaten pumpkin !
We battled with heavy old secondhand scythe blades that we didn't know how to sharpen properly, attached to worm eaten handles.
You can be hung, impaled, suffocated in mud, torched, eaten and splattered across the screen in an instant.
Last night I had the best sushi I have ever eaten !
Giant bird swooping low Quickly darting, hovering slow, Eye glaring, beak tearing, Prey eaten out of sight.
Catering Services have reduced waste by using china plates rather than take-away containers for foods eaten in the refectory.
Yet in some parts of the world even in modern times, tulip bulbs have also been eaten in times of famine.
They are then spread directly from your hands to your mouth often on food eaten with unwashed hands.
Whatever is eaten is not digested into useable energy for the body.
The United States, where GM crops are widely grown and eaten, is a vociferous supporter.
The banks are suffering from erosion and we 've had no success in introducing various water plants as they are always eaten.
The zeal of thy house (says he) hath eaten me up.
I’m starving! I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast.
She felt her hunger as a bane and could walk no farther until she'd eaten.
We could try to salvage the parts of the book report that did not get eaten by the dog.
Make sure you are well-rested and have eaten before your studio appointment.
Try to leave after your child has already eaten.
She may not have eaten as much in a prior feeding, so go ahead and nurse her again.
Although a cake is quickly eaten, sheet cakes for baby showers will be in pictures that are viewed for many years into the future.
All are meant to be eaten sooner rather than later.
Most spices work equally well fresh or dried, though there are some herbs that should never be eaten dried if you can help it.
If it does not get eaten, just like any food, it can go bad.
Plastic candy corn cannot be eaten, therefore will last much longer as a decoration than the real deal.
For instance, today she must have eaten two little mouthfulls of food and that's it!
Vomiting, gagging or coughing - Some cats vomit after they have eaten grass.
Although many pets have eaten Orijen cat food and done very well with it, others have experienced a variety of health problems.
Homemade cat food can be eaten as an occasional treat by most cats without problems.
The crystals, if eaten, may cause an intestinal blockage.
If you find that your cat has eaten crystalline cat litter, contact your vet immediately.
Think of how you feel after you've eaten a meal high in simple carbs.
Before you purchase a travel card be sure to read the disclosures to make sure your balance won't be eaten up by excessive fees.
Your interest rate savings could easily be eaten up by the annual payment of a $25 or $35 annual fee.
They are sprayed on food and then when the food is eaten, the pesticide is ingested and it is toxic.
The chemical responsible for the health benefits of garlic, allicin, is deactivated during cooking so garlic should be eaten raw when taken for medicinal purposes.
Even though these little berries, which grow in large clusters, look appealing, they are not eaten raw.
The interior of the fruit is eaten or juiced and is said to have a rich, citrus flavor with a hint of peach.
This likely makes you wonder, what is aci berry good for if it can't be eaten raw.
For the most part, wild edible berries can be eaten straight from the plant.
They're sweet, juicy and great eaten fresh or picked and used in recipes.
Imagine that you've just eaten a typical dinner of roast beef, a baked potato with margarine, and green beans.
The root is primarily eaten by moths and butterflies but is also cultivated for human consumption.
One thing that caught people's attention is the longevity of the Mapuche Indians who have eaten the berry for centuries.
Many who promote Maqui juice explain that this historical tribe of warriors have eaten the berry as part of their daily food and also consumed it as a concentrated juice used to treat a variety of ailments.
If you're hosting an Easter dinner, then you can take advantage of your dessert and create a wonderful centerpiece that can be eaten at the end of the meal.
Ladybug Pacman is a homemade game where you control a Ladybug to eat dots and not to get eaten by spiders.
Expiration or use by - Any product that clearly has an expiration date or date to use by should not be eaten past this point.
Consider writing down your cake ideas - ask yourself if you want the cake to be more of a display of your culinary genius or if you want it to be eaten and enjoyed by all.
As a side note, beef is not eaten but diary products are widely used.
Goat, lamb, and chicken are the only animals eaten.
Hence it is eaten with the hands, preferably the right hand.
Rice is eaten for breakfast, lunch, and supper.
Indian food is best enjoyed when eaten as a grouping.
It is fermented vegetables and is eaten daily.
Squid and octopus are eaten dried, pickled, stewed, steamed and grilled.
Fruits - Dried fruits such as figs, dates, apricots, often shunned by Westerners due to the high sugar content, are eaten in abundance.
Beef and pork are eaten but not as frequently as lamb and goat.
Asparagus was also believed to inspire amorous feelings when eaten.
Tapas are eaten after breakfast, but before lunch.
They are little plates of various food eaten to tide one over until lunch, the biggest meal of the day.
Eaten in the early afternoon, usually between 1-4, lunch is a multiple course meal stretched over a couple of hours.
Because dinner is eaten late, often after 9 pm, tapas are again often eaten in the late afternoon or early evening.
Although tendon, a popular dish in Japan, is simply a fried piece of shrimp or fried prawn served over a bowl of hot steamed rice, seldom is tempura shrimp eaten without vegetables to accompany it.
Remembering that one of the primary goals is to seek a balance between what is eaten and how it is produced, farming and transportation issues are significant.
Seeking to find harmony at all junctions along the way, consideration is place as much on where food comes from to how it is eaten.
Now, think about what you could have eaten that would have been a better choice.
You may feel like you are always eating, but the total amount of calories you consume will be less than what you would have consumed if you ate junk food instead or binged on food later because you hadn't eaten all day.
That means even for meat eaters, protein should not be eaten in large quantities.
These range from traditional foods that have been eaten for hundreds of years in various cultures, such as tofu, through a wide range of scientifically developed foods.
Coconut can be eaten raw, or added to meals in a variety of ways.
Soybeans have been cultivated around the world and eaten raw, cooked, or fermented into tofu, miso and other products.
Legums form complete proteins when eaten in combination with nuts, grains, or seeds.
These types of vegans take the vegan lifestyle further by limiting what foods may be eaten even more.
Much like other seeds or nuts, raw beans can be eaten as they are.
Buckwheat seeds, or grouts, can be sprouted and eaten raw.
Apples are normally eaten raw, but they can also be made into juice, cooked, grilled, pureed, and baked.
It can be eaten raw, made into juice, and used in sweet and savory dishes.
The cake can even be taken home and placed in the freezer to be eaten after the Happy Couple arrives home from their honeymoon.
Depending on the itinerary, you'll either have to sleep in a stateroom or in a hotel, and some meals may be eaten in the dining car.