Eat Sentence Examples
We're going to eat before we leave, and you're going to act grateful.
Don't you want to eat before we leave?
I never eat this early in the morning.
No. I'll eat later.
Have you had anything to eat yet?
He won't need to destroy ME, for if I don't get something to eat pretty soon I shall starve to death, and so save him the trouble.
No. You'll eat with us.
Don't forget them, for I may have to eat them, after all.
After a nice warm bath and a night's sleep, she stopped in the hotel restaurant to eat breakfast.
He won't eat much.
AdvertisementThese things will eat you alive.
Felipa looked like she wanted to eat the words.
He didn't come to eat with the rest of the men.
This looks like a good spot to eat lunch.
We are quite solid inside our bodies, and have no need to eat, any more than does a potato.
AdvertisementAs long as you eat what you catch.
Don't eat too much dust today.
Are you guys ready to eat and go outside?
How can you eat around that thing, boss?
In cold weather we eat more, in warm less.
AdvertisementOur men have had nothing to eat for two days.
Why don't we all eat out on the patio?
She had a lot of crow to eat and she wasn't feeling the least bit hungry.
Then I don't eat, don't wash... and how is it with you?...
It's a big city and a long time ago but he saw the White House and said he watched Lincoln eat with two men.
AdvertisementSometimes I think you'd rather eat me than talk to me.
She was covered with dirt – the remains of mud pies I had compelled her to eat, although she had never shown any special liking for them.
I don't eat much – or go any place.
He'd been too busy to eat again today since the sandwich she made him for breakfast.
Here and now for the first time he fully appreciated the enjoyment of eating when he wanted to eat, drinking when he wanted to drink, sleeping when he wanted to sleep, of warmth when he was cold, of talking to a fellow man when he wished to talk and to hear a human voice.
What did she eat today?
What can I eat?
And if I can't eat the piglets you may as well plant me at once and raise catsup.
Many large and fierce bears roam in the Valley of Voe, and when they can catch any of us they eat us up; but as they cannot see us, we seldom get caught.
Is there nothing that is decent to eat in this palace?
We agreed to stop, eat and bed down for our second night in captivity.
They're not raw, and I only eat them for dinner.
You won't have to go eat the other foods; the system will remember every meal you have had and will log your headaches.
Helen asked, and added, "I will eat grandfather for dinner."
Why should they eat their sixty acres, when man is condemned to eat only his peck of dirt?
In the winter he had a fire by which at noon he warmed his coffee in a kettle; and as he sat on a log to eat his dinner the chickadees would sometimes come round and alight on his arm and peck at the potato in his fingers; and he said that he "liked to have the little fellers about him."
Yet, for my part, I was never unusually squeamish; I could sometimes eat a fried rat with a good relish, if it were necessary.
It is the same whether a man eat, or drink, or cohabit, or sleep sensually.
We gave him something to eat a while ago.
Today she would have to eat crow along with the dust.
Now let's eat lunch.
Let's go eat before it gets cold.
Betsy made no move to assist but continued to eat her sandwich.
She rubbed her temples and issued a challenging glare to the contents of the pantry, furious once more she could eat none of the wonderful things it held.
And--and--do you eat people?
We did dance and play and eat nuts and candy and cakes and oranges and I did have fun with little boys and girls.
He teaches how to eat, drink, cohabit, void excrement and urine, and the like, elevating what is mean, and does not falsely excuse himself by calling these things trifles.
Pierre did not eat anything though he would very much have liked to.
Kamenski sent soldiers to Rustchuk, but I only employed these two things and took more fortresses than Kamenski and made them Turks eat horseflesh!
Aren't you going to eat lunch?
I'll take their stupid pills, but I'm going to eat what I like.
Since they were scheduled to be too late for supper that day, it was a good excuse to eat out together.
If you can find anything out there to eat, you're welcome to it.
Much as she enjoyed watching them eat crow for desert, she knew their shame would be forgotten by suppertime.
Kittens have no consciences, so they eat whatever pleases them.
You could say, "When I eat corn dogs, I get a headache" and start studying that.
The vendor is usually made to "eat" the charge.
If you want to eat a banana, then you have to create a banana-amount of wealth.
We control the temperature of our surroundings, eat food from around the world, and own possessions no king could have imagined.
There is undoubtedly a cause and effect between what we eat and our health, but I believe it is still poorly understood.
I am not only what I eat but am also what I do, what I drink, what I think about, and more.
From our point of view, the job of the plant is to convert sunlight into energy and store that energy in a tasty way; then when we eat the plant, we get that energy.
It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill.
Many of them were so tame that they would eat from my hand and let me feel them.
Little Tim was so tame that he would hop on my finger and eat candied cherries out of my hand.
I did not eat them; but I loved their fragrance and enjoyed hunting for them in the leaves and grass.
After a few minutes she came back to her place and began to eat her breakfast with her fingers.
Our meals are brought from the house, and we usually eat on the piazza.
Mrs. Keller spelled, "No--baby eat--no."
Helen shook her head and spelled "Baby teeth--no, baby eat--no," meaning of course, "Baby cannot eat because she has no teeth."
She screamed with glee when the little things squealed and squirmed in their efforts to get back to their mother, and spelled, "Baby--eat large."
At the dinner-table she was greatly disturbed because I didn't eat, and suggested that "Cook make tea for teacher."
They are not very wrong to eat too many grapes because they do not know much.
The cow loves to eat grass as well as girl does bread and butter and milk.
I called her attention to the following line, and, although she knew only the three words, CAT, EAT and MOUSE, she caught the idea.
Some have asked what I got to eat; if I did not feel lonesome; if I was not afraid; and the like.
Instead of three meals a day, if it be necessary eat but one; instead of a hundred dishes, five; and reduce other things in proportion.
They had nothing to eat themselves, and they were wiser than to think that apologies could supply the place of food to their guests; so they drew their belts tighter and said nothing about it.
You must hire or squat somewhere, and raise but a small crop, and eat that soon.
On reaching the village he dismounted and went to the nearest house, intending to rest if but for a moment, eat something, and try to sort out the stinging and tormenting thoughts that confused his mind.
That's so, your excellency, all they have to do is to eat a good dinner, but providing it and serving it all up, that's not their business!
The smell of the food the Preobrazhenskis were eating and a sense of hunger recalled him from these reflections; he had to get something to eat before going away.
She could not eat or sleep, grew visibly thinner, coughed, and, as the doctors made them feel, was in danger.
She had to eat, sleep, think, speak, weep, work, give vent to her anger, and so on, merely because she had a stomach, a brain, muscles, nerves, and a liver.
After a long hike, you want something to eat that will both fill you up and pick you back up.
Sometimes Alex comes home for lunch and we eat together.
Sometimes we go out to eat.
You both will go eat.
At noon he would come in from a path in the woods, eat and then return by the same path.
Fried chicken, gravy, biscuits - did they eat like this all the time?
What did you do with that scorpion this morning - go back and eat it?
They've got mules to eat now, why would they want to follow us?
If they served something she couldn't eat, she'd feign illness.
That would do, but what about something to eat with it.
The more they get to eat, the more offspring they will produce, and some of those offspring will need to stake out new territory.
He continued to eat, ignoring her presence, and she squirmed in her chair.
Was this the same creek they had stopped to eat lunch beside that first time?
Cross your fingers the group doesn't eat me alive over this.
Howard was unemployed but was forced to eat an expensive lease.
Howie's total conversational contributions, if not discussing his flowers, were hovering entreaties if everyone had enough to eat or drink.
If you want to eat, the line's out back.
I tried to decline but he insisted I eat so I complied.
The mention of him reminded her of her cramped stomach and the half dozen failed attempts to eat normal food.
And then she'd tried to eat chocolate and ended up in the bathroom even weaker and hungrier.
He said he'd get something to eat later because with the weather front coming through, there might be a lot of turbulence.
Ea counselled him not to eat or drink there.
Of Goethe's classic "conceits" which it contains, the stone altar round which a serpent climbs to eat the votive bread upon it, inscribed to the "genius hujus loci," is the most famous.
But let no one eat or drink of your Thanksgiving (Eucharist), but they who have been baptized into the name of the Lord; for concerning this the Lord hath said, Give not that which is holy unto the dogs.'
It is said also to dig up the nests of wasps in order to eat the larvae, as the ratel - a closely allied South African form - is said to rob the bees of their honey.
At Easter people eat hot cross buns which have a cross shape on the top.
It would be dreadful to eat these dear little things.
Yes; for they eat of the dama-fruit, as we all do, and that keeps them from being seen by any eye, whether human or animal.
Hearing this, Dorothy and the Wizard exchanged startled glances, for they remembered how often Eureka had longed to eat a piglet.
He's one of those country fellows who can sleep in the haymow and eat with the horses.
Both he and his family dressed well; they had plenty to eat; he had even bought a horse to help him carry his produce to market.
Every bite you eat, every step you take.
Yang also quotes Mao as saying in a 1959 meeting, When there is not enough to eat, people starve to death.
As we understand our own genome better, we will know better how to eat in a way that is custom tailored for us.
I locked the dining-room door, and proceeded to eat my breakfast, though the food almost choked me.
They like juicy fruit to eat as well as people, and they are hungry.
The cat would like to eat the mouse.
I was very fond of bananas, and one night I dreamed that I found a long string of them in the dining-room, near the cupboard, all peeled and deliciously ripe, and all I had to do was to stand under the string and eat as long as I could eat.
These being boiled, there were at least forty looked for a share in them; the most eat of them.
I ordered you not to let them eat that Mashka woot stuff!
And the botanist who finds that the apple falls because the cellular tissue decays and so forth is equally right with the child who stands under the tree and says the apple fell because he wanted to eat it and prayed for it.
Now eat with this.
It was almost three O'clock in the afternoon and her stomach was screaming for something to eat.
Show me where we might eat.
I came down with Felipa to get something to eat.
I brought you something to eat.
Do they know what makes you allergic to light and eat raw steaks covered in peanut butter for every meal?
If she ran, they'd eat her, she was sure.
Do you eat s'mores?
The death visions, the distrust everyone on the planet had for a soul-reader, the inability to eat … they were nothing compared to helping a man find his soul again.
I figured you'd eat this stuff up like strawberry shortcake.
I'll just eat you.
Does he eat people?
They allegorized the Eucharist and explained away the bread and wine of which Jesus said to His apostles, "Take, eat and drink," as mere words of Christ, and denied that we ought to offer bread and wine as a sacrifice.
Its habits much resemble those of the rest of the group to which it belongs; and, like the leopard, when it happens to come within reach of an abundant and easy prey, as the sheep or calves of an outlying farming station, it kills far more than it can eat, either for the sake of the blood only or to gratify its propensity for destruction.
The " tobacco flea-beetle " (Epitrix parvula, Fabr.) is a small active beetle, the larvae of which attack the roots, while the adult beetles eat holes in the leaves.
In the loftiest regions the pasture chiefly consists of a coarse grass (Stipa ychu), of which the llamas eat the upper blades and the sheep browse on the tender shoots beneath.
Abjuring pomps and vanities, its citizens observed the ascetic regime of the cloister; half the year was devoted to abstinence and few dared to eat meat on the fasts ordained by Savonarola.
They have no caste distinctions but speak of themselves as belonging to one of nine septs or clans, who all eat together and intermarry with each other.
Angels are constantly spoken of as " men," and, including even the Angel of Yahweh, are spoken of as discharging the various functions of human life; they eat and drink 12, walk 13 and speak 14.
The Essenes, similarly, appointed houses all over Palestine where they could safely eat, and priests of their own to prepare their food.
Rather than scandalize weaker brethren, Paul was willing to eat herbs the rest of his life.
The Indians have a habit of consuming a yellowish edible earth containing sulphur; on pilgrimages they obtain images moulded of this earth at the shrines they visit, and eat the images as a prophylactic against disease.
The same mongoose also refused to eat a kestrel (Cerchneis rupicoloides) and a hobby (Falco subbuteo), although it devoured certain other birds that were given to it.
Its food consists almost wholly of waterweeds, rushes and other vegetable substances, but it will also eat animal food on occasion, in the shape of insects, mice or young birds.
Jesus defended them by the example of David, who had eaten the shewbread, which only priests might eat, and had given it to his hungry men.
On the following morning, finding no fruit on a fig-tree in full leaf, He said, " Let no man eat fruit of thee henceforth for ever."
In habits it is chiefly nocturnal, and by preference carnivorous, feeding on birds and the smaller quadrupeds, in pursuit of which it climbs trees, but it is said also to eat fruits, roots and other vegetable matters.
Sure enough, Jimmy Eat World played a blistering set, albeit to a largely apathetic audience.
Newly hatched stick insects eat bramble leaves just like the adults.
Don't eat breakfast for at least 30 minutes.
You have to tell your children to eat broccoli.
He could probably eat a hundred brownies at one sitting, without stopping.
Knowing my luck, the slabs will turn up, eat the lot, and then bugger off as I plonk my box down!
The farmers give their pigs newly baked buns to eat instead of the harvest he delivers to the state owned bakeries.
At least you can eat them.
Come on up and eat.
You need not in imagination adopt the hairy garments, or smear yourself with oil, or eat raw blubber.
If the truth be told I would rather eat curry than boiled cabbage!
Places to eat and drink IDS has its own cafeteria and bar.
One song that stuck in my mind sounded like a mixture between that " I eat cannibals " song and Las Ketchup.
We moved on to the factory canteen to eat.
For my first contest in June I was scared to death to eat carbs.
I make spaghetti carbonara - relishing the brief opportunity to eat real food - then phone Sarah.
Some animals eat meat and only meat - thay are called carnivores.
Some are big carnivores that eat the small ones.
They are mostly carnivorous, and eat other pests such as slugs, so they are generally beneficial in the garden.
He showed me a figure made at this time, a very carnivorous British lion about to eat Napoleon.
And if you regularly eat foods that contain this carotenoid, you'll enjoy several healthy benefits.
They've never had to drive a carpool of screaming children through a traffic jam or get their two-year-old to eat her veggies!
Eagles will usually hunt and kill live animals, but will often eat carrion such as dead hares and sheep.
They die if they fail to eat the next turn and become carrion.
For example, when you eat celery, you can eat the leaves.
What percent of the time does the family eat burned cereal?
Now you could decide that you were going to eat fried chicken the rest of your life.
Disastrous results after eat hot chile cheaper in the system that has.
Do not eat cooked chillies or other ' hot ' foods.
The dama-fruit is the most delicious thing that grows, and when it makes us invisible the bears cannot find us to eat us up.
But now, good wanderers, your luncheon is on the table, so please sit down and eat as much as you like.
In front of each place was a plate bearing one of the delicious dama-fruit, and the perfume that rose from these was so enticing and sweet that they were sorely tempted to eat of them and become invisible.
Please, Mr. Wizard, may I eat just one of the fat little piglets?
There are certain things proper for a kitten to eat; but I never heard of a kitten eating a pig, under ANY cir'stances.
If I could eat grass I would not need a conscience, for nothing could then tempt me to devour babies and lambs.
Tell them it would be foolish for me to eat the piglet, because I had sense enough to know it would raise a row if I did.
I myself, not being built to eat, have no personal experience in such matters.
I will confess that I intended to eat the little pig for my breakfast; so I crept into the room where it was kept while the Princess was dressing and hid myself under a chair.
Instead of keeping still, so I could eat him comfortably, he trembled so with fear that he fell off the table into a big vase that was standing on the floor.
But he would not eat anything.
You may be thinking that choosing the right place to eat Italian food doesn't constitute wisdom in a King Solomon kind of way.
The goal behind tapas is to provide a small amount of food to eat while consuming alcohol, so tapas restaurants usually have a full bar or at least a wine list.
Then you're not going to eat.
So once more, Sofia had tried to eat.
We've eliminated every other type of food, and the drugs might help you accept that you cannot eat.
I can't even eat real food, she said bitterly.
Caterers served up food she'd kill to eat.
She stared at the embroidered tablecloth, tormented by the scent of food she couldn't eat and the visions of death and betrayal that left an acrid taste in her mouth.
Sofia bit her lip and crossed her arms, unable to admit she couldn't really eat.
You assume we French all eat croissants, Pierre complained.
It kinda hurt getting killed, and it really sucks not being able to eat food.
Did he ever eat?
This is less fun, but we still get to eat.
He's not out to eat me, is he?
But much as he hated to do so, it was time to eat the proverbial crow and make peace.
Fred said he was too mind-stuffed with all these goings-on to eat a bite of supper, but when Cynthia supplied cold chicken and potato salad, he ate two helpings, just out of politeness.
I could eat you for lunch like a deli sandwich.
Nasty bitches like me eat them alive, but in your case I'll try to restrain myself.
They smelled too good to eat just one.
Why did human-Deidre not eat these every day?
It's all she wants to eat.
Do humans eat rocks?
Do humans eat … uh … demons?
No, humans do not eat demons.
She paused in the doorway, realizing she was squeezed too tightly into her dress to eat anything.
She didn't know how she could ever eat again.
You really let him eat that many marshmallows?
Katie bit into the bread, determined not to eat like a heathen that would shame her sister.
She couldn.t eat, feeling more stressed than she had in the past three weeks.
I just wanted to eat your blood monkey because she smelled so good, I figured she.d taste even better.
Come out, Lankha, or I eat everyone in your village, starting with this one!
Are you going to eat all of him?
Go eat and I.ll see you later.
Heal him, or I eat your village.
Mison motioned for those at his table to eat, and she reached for the plate of meat before her before Romas or any of his brothers could assist her.
Evelyn tried to get her to eat twice, but she couldn't stomach it.
Now, she was too uneasy to eat.
We collect the money, the customer gets to relax, enjoy this gorgeous mountain scenery and eat your fresh blueberry muffins.
Fred plopped down on the sofa, set the plate in his lap and continued to eat and talk at the same time.
You might have to eat your words on that purchase I made of them valuable antiques!
He offered Dean coffee with a wave of his hand as he continued to eat.
Edith sniffed once, lowered her head, and continued to eat, as if ignoring what had happened might make the pain disappear.
Dean continued to make sandwiches the pair would eat on the road.
She came down long enough to eat a dozen biscuits before she beat it back upstairs.
Given enough time, I could eat Corday and Fitzgerald for lunch.
His ma wants to know if Donnie can eat with us.
The human had spent most of the evening pacing around the cell, trying to make some sense of everything, stopping only briefly to eat, in an effort to soak up all the alcohol.
Well, I've got to get to the kitchen, eat up.
They made the pizzas and brought them into the drawing room to eat.
So, are you going to just sit there and watch me eat?
That also explains why you eat so much?
If you're not too hungry we could wait and eat together.
What's it like to not have to eat?
Well, technically I have to eat, just not food.
When they returned home Elisabeth said, I'm afraid we're going to have to eat early.
After a while Jackson said, "I think I'll get her something to eat."
I don't eat the way I used to.
You don't have to eat it if you don't want to.
It's been a long time since we all went out to eat together.
Let's go in and eat before I start the chores.
I didn't eat much this morning.
His crestfallen look should have been a victory, but instead she wished she could eat the words.
He went to get something to eat.
I promise to eat everything on my plate, warden.
Alex was back by lunch and unusually quiet when they sat down to eat.
Twenty acres and they were always at the fence line, poking their heads through to eat the brush on the other side.
As long as you have water, you only need to eat once a day.
You can ask in a little bit, after you eat.
And you, Major Brady, need to eat all you can if you plan on walking out of here in the morning.
Brady ate until he was too stuffed to eat more, his mind racing.
Lana hesitated then sat, watching Kelli use the bread in place of utensils to eat her dinner.
Jack helped her eat her meat and then finished off the rice and beans.
You need to clean up and eat, Dan directed.
Did you eat one of the plants?
I don't want to eat a demon.
I'll eat tree bark.
Demons didn't eat human food, and the storage area was virtually untouched. Rhyn grabbed several cans and packages of foodstuffs then left.
To any of them, as much as I wanted to eat the human.
He's a half-demon. They're not that bad. Well, he's not. The rest of them will eat you.
Mrs. Thompson loves an excuse to eat cake.
I think it's a way to force you to eat by guilt, when you're not at all hungry.
Give him a week and he'll float in somewhere down south of here if the fish don't eat him first.
They left the seashore and, after a quick bite to eat, Hunter drove Dean back to the airport for his return plane trip to Parkside.
Get me something to eat, for God's sake!
You have to eat something.
It's a puppy eat puppy world out there.
After thanking his benefactor and dropping off his bike for repairs, he stopped for a quick bite to eat.
Besides, had she known he was coming home for lunch, she could have fixed him something to eat.
I'll fix you something to eat.
Are you ready to sit down and eat supper?
Everything will be ready to eat in about 30 minutes.
Maybe he wasn't getting enough to eat.
Did you eat breakfast?
I don't usually eat breakfast.
Alex, whether or not I eat breakfast isn't a decision for you.
Have you had anything to eat?
After making sure they had grain and water, they headed for the house to eat lunch.
Do you want me to take you out to get something to eat?
The only thing she had to eat since yesterday noon was a glass of milk in the wee hours of the morning.
Anyway, after today we'll have the rest of our lives to eat breakfast together.
Not if you can find something to eat.
I don't mean to be insensitive, but I was so busy today that I didn't eat lunch.
It was a pleasure simply watching him eat.
She could simply tell him she decided to eat healthier.
How did a man who hunted animals to eat become a veterinarian?
How did a woman who loved goats bring herself to eat them?
I guess we'd better eat it, then.
She was living in a warm dry house with all the food she could eat and no worries.
Well, if it's ready, let's eat.
Odds were, after he made sure she had enough to eat, he probably bought her a new coat.
The matching Appaloosas were ready to eat.
You don't eat enough to keep a bird alive.
He had once told her that any time she didn't want to cook, they could go out to eat, but this hardly seemed the time.
When they returned to the house, she warmed up some leftover spaghetti and sat down at the table to eat with him.
It was late when they returned, and she left Alex in the barn to unhitch the horse while she went to the house to fix something to eat.
Let's go get something to eat.
We'd better eat lunch.
He didn't eat any of my cats, did he?
Someone had food in their pantry at one point, but it was stale and consisted of canned food she wouldn't normally eat.
How many can you eat?
I only eat three.
Memon seated himself at a table and began to eat.
Taran obeyed but didn't eat, his eyes darting around the great hall.
How did you eat?
Are you looking for something to eat?
We don't eat the wildlife raised here.
Doesn't the wildlife eat your wildlife?
By the time we could eat supper, saddle the horses and ride up here, it would be getting dark.
Did they eat supper?
In any case, hiring a handler would eat up her profits.
I'm having an area fenced in so I can let the goats run in there and eat the brush.
What did she have that a squirrel would eat?
It was stupid to eat something from the woods without having someone to advise her.
There wasn't much in the house to eat, but they could get something at Clara's store.
She put on a pot of coffee and called him to eat.
Alright. You shower and change and I'll fix you something to eat.
I go out to eat.
We plow them under so we can plant a garden and then spend half our time pulling them out of it so we can grow something to eat.
Sure, you can eat those weeds, but what do they taste like?
How many aphids can he eat in a day?
He even tried to eat real food, like his mother and everyone else around him did.
How will you eat?
It's all I eat.
We can go someplace good to eat.
You don't exactly eat eggs and bacon for breakfast, do you?
I think he's more likely to eat a sidekick.
A man's gotta eat.
Instead of going through the drive through every day to eat, it's like hunting your prey down.
I know where we're going to eat!
She definitely couldn't eat after watching Xander tear apart human-like bodies as if they were paper.
The fructification appears in March and April, terminating in short unbranched stems. It is said to produce diarrhoea in such cattle as eat it.
Thus for the 7th, 14th, 21 st, 28th and also the 19th days of the intercalary Elul it is prescribed that "the shepherd of many nations is not to eat meat roast with fire nor any food cooked by fire, he is not to change the clothes on his body nor put on gala dress, he may not bring sacrifices nor may the king ride in his chariot, he is not to hold court nor may the priest seek an oracle for him in the sanctuary, no physician may attend the sick room, the day is not favourable for invoking curses, but at night the king may bring his gift into the presence of Marduk and Ishtar.
Australia is inhabited by at least if o different species of marsupials, which is about two-thirds of the known species; these have been arranged in five tribes, according to the food they eat, viz., the grass-eaters (kangaroos), the root-eaters (wombats), the insect-eaters (bandicoots), the flesh-eaters (native cats and rats), and the fruit-eaters (phalangers).
Stringent rules, too, governed the food of women and the youth of both sexes, and it was only after initiation that boys were allowed to eat of all the game the forest provided.
He is expected one day to awake and eat up the world.
Leather pinions must be protected from rats, which eat them freely.
We eat only to appease our hunger, we drink only so much as it is good for temperate persons to do.
This prayer as you break the bread, and are about to eat, you must say.
And when you lay it on the table and desire to eat it, repeat the ` Our Father ' entire.
If a rich woman sits down with them at table, and they see a poor woman, they shall invite her also to eat with them, and not put her to shame because of the rich one."
It was after supper, when his disciples were thoroughly sated, that Christ gave them of his own body to eat.
Therefore let them first eat meats and be sated, and then let them partake of the mysteries."
Being thus composed, he is neither able to eat flesh like his father, nor herbs like his mother; therefore he perisheth from inanition"; the moral follows.
Jewesses were forced to eat pork and the elders were scourged in the theatre.
But the Simons were obviously grotesquely unfit guardians for a prince, and they doubtless caused much suffering to the impressionable child, who was made on occasion to eat and drink to excess, and learnt the language of the gutter.
But before he let her go Pluto made her eat the seed of a pomegranate, and thus she could not stay away from him for ever.
Ten years before, John Worlidge, one of his correspondents, and the author of the Systema Agriculturae (1669), observes, " Sheep fatten very well on turnips, which prove an excellent nourishment for them in hard winters when fodder is scarce; for they will not only eat the greens, but feed on the roots in the ground, and scoop them hollow even to the very skin.
To check them, " grease-banding " round the trees has been adopted; but as many other pests eat the leafage, it is best to kill all at once by spraying with arsenical poisons.
There .are also fast days called m'battal (Arab.), on which it is forbidden to kill any living thing or eat flesh.
It may eat roots or refuse, while the imago lives on leaves and flowers.
Another reason is found in the absence of cattle in the south to eat it.
Thence eat E min-ting and to Niu-chwang, and the link between Sin-min-ting and Mukden is also under Chinese control, The lines now under Russian control were laid down, and remain, on the 5 ft.
Among the filthiest are the Aghoris, who preserve the ancient cannibal ritual of the followers of Siva, eat filth, and use a human skull as a drinking-vessel.
They live in the mud, which they eat, in comparatively shallow waters up to 50 fathoms.
In memory of this the Israelites were for all time to eat unleavened bread (matzoth) for seven days, as well as keep the sacrifice of the Passover on the eve between the fourteenth and the fifteenth of Nisan.
Six days eat unleavened bread, on the seventh a solemn assembly.
On the 10th day of the month every household shall take a firstling male without blemish, of sheep or goat, and should kill it on the 14th at even, and sprinkle the two sideposts and lintel with the blood, and eat the roasted flesh, not sodden, including head, legs and inwards; all remaining over until the morning to be burnt by fire.
As a memorial of this you shall eat unleavened bread seven days, on the 14th day at eve until the 21st day at eve; when children shall ask what this service means, you shall say that it is the Passover of the Lord.
No alien, sojourner or hired servant shall eat thereof, but a bought servant, if circumcised.
The excavations at the Hieron have been recorded as they went on in the Ilpaeroat of the Greek Archaeological Society, especially for 1881-1884 and 1889, and also in the 'E4»u€pis 'ApxatoXoynoi, especially for 1883 and 1885; see also Kavvadias, Les Fouilles d'Epidaure and Tb r03'A?KX iv 'E7rukbpq, eat 9Epa7reta7'CJY Defrasse and Lechat, Epidaure.
Flesh that has become tainted appears to be specially acceptable; but it is a curious fact that on no account will a fox eat any kind of bird of prey.
Mussulman books; they eat from their hands; the rao, when he appears in public, alternately worships God in a Hindu pagoda and a Mahommedan mosque; and he fits out annually at Mandvi a ship for the conveyance of pilgrims to Mecca, who are maintained during the voyage chiefly by the liberality of the prince.
It is stated to live usually in pairs, and to eat rats, birds, frogs, white ants and various insects, and in the north of India it is accused of digging out dead bodies, and several of the native names mean "grave-digger."
The war of each against all continued; no taxes could be collected; the holders of the royal domains refused to surrender them at the command of the diet; and the boy king had very often neither clothes to wear nor food to eat.
To multiply A 1 by a scalar, we apply the rule A = A1E = E (Eat) ea, and similarly for division by a scalar.
The advantage to the animal of this imitation of surrounding objects is that it escapes the pursuit of (say) a bird which would, were it not deceived by the resemblance, attack and eat the caterpillar.
From the first his supply arrangements had been defective, and the requisitions made by his leading troops left nothing for the rest to eat.
As compared with the Hindu, the Burmese wear silk instead of cotton, and eat rice instead of the cheaper grains; they are of an altogether freer and less servile, but also of a less practical character.
Nanak said, "Ye who trust in me eat of this food."
He used to place all his Sikhs and visitors in rows and cause them to eat together, not separately, as is the practice of the Hindus.
Har Govind was a hunter and eater of flesh, and encouraged his followers to eat meat as giving them strength and daring.
Yak have the great disadvantage that they will not eat corn, and the large pure-bred animals will not live at low elevations.
It was the universal custom in medieval England to eat on this Sunday a grey pea steeped and fried in butter, which came from its association "Carling Nut."
The feeding habits of the adult may agree with that of the larva, or differ, as in the case of wasps which feed their grubs on flies, but eat principally vegetable food themselves.
To marry, to do away with images, to become monks and nuns, or for monks and nuns to leave their convent, to eat meat on Friday or not to eat it, and other like things - all these are open questions, and should not be forbidden by any man.
By day he concealed himself in cupboards or under furniture, and by night he groped his way into the royal kitchen to eat whatever he could find.
He believed at one time that he was dead, and refused to eat till some of his attendants dressed in sheets set him the example.
He could neither eat, nor bear the smell of, fish.
The disaster was commonly attributed to Claudius's treatment of the sacred chickens, which refused to eat before the battle.
The chief danger with herbivorous and frugivorous creatures is that their constitutions are not adapted to the richness of cultivated fruits and cereals, and, in captivity, they may suffer mechanically from the want of bulk in their food supply, or if they eat a quantity sufficient in bulk, it contains an excess of nutritive material.
They also use this whip for killing snakes which they are said to eat.
The members of this family seem to lead a snake-like life, not subterranean, and some are said to eat other lizards.
When hard put to it for food, coyotes will, it is reported, eat hips, juniper-berries and other wild fruits.
Those who are too hungry to wait shall eat at home; and not put to shame those who have no houses (and presumably not enough food either), by bringing their viands to church and selfishly eating them apart.
Do not, he said, think that I mean the flesh which invests and covers me, and bid you eat that; nor suppose either that I command you to drink my sensible and somatic blood.
But this effect of participation in the bread and cup was not in Paul's opinion automatic, was no mere o, ', us operatum; it depended on the ethical co-operation of the believer, who must not eat and drink unworthily, that is, after refusing to share his meats with the poorer brethren, or with any other guilt in his soul.
This is the language of the ancient ordeal which as a test of innocence required the accused to touch or still better to eat a holy element.
Like Persephone when carried to Hades, or WainamoInen in the Hades of the Finns (Manala), a living human being must not eat in fairyland; if he does, he dwells there for ever.
To join in prayer with any one not a member of the denomination was regarded as unlawful, and even to eat or drink with one who had been excommunicated was held to be wrong.
Holiness is dangerous and may even involve degradation, as in the case of the Burmese para-gyoon or servitor of the pagoda who is by heredity for ever a slave and outcast, unclean of the unclean, with whom none may eat or intermarry, yet ever tending and keeping clean the shrine.
About the size of a large domestic fowl, they are birds of nocturnal habit, sleeping, or at least inactive, by day, feeding mostly on earth-worms, but occasionally swallowing berries, though in captivity they will eat flesh suitably minced.
After this Atreus, apparently reconciled to his brother, recalled him to Mycenae and invited him to a banquet to eat of his son, whom Atreus had slain.
On the other hand, if the concrete is rough and porous the sea-water will gradually eat into the heart of the structure, especially in a case like a dam, where the water, being higher on one side than the other, constantly forces its way through the rough material, and decomposes the Portland cement it contains.
The root of this plant, when eaten by white pigs, caused their bones to turn to a pink colour and their hoofs to fall off, but the black pigs could eat the same plant with impunity.
Heusinger has shown that white sheep and pigs are injured by the ingestion (A) N b X N ?--,r N(A)+N of certain plants, while the pigmented individuals may eat them without harm.
Even the Eskimos, conspicuous as they are for their intelligence and sociability, save themselves the trouble of caring for their sick and old by walling them up and leaving them to die in a lonely hut; the Chukches stone or strangle them to death; some Indian tribes give them over to tigers, and the Battas of Sumatra eat them.
These experiments have shown that Arthropods also have their likes and dislikes in the matter of insect-food and frequently refuse to eat insects which are warningly coloured and are distasteful to vertebrated enemies.
He found that a South African drongo (Dicrurus (Buchanga) assimilis) was rejected after one or two attempts to eat it by a hungry mongoose (Herpestes galera) which had been starved for purposes of the experiment.
According to the legend, when he was asleep in the last-named church, the Virgin appeared to him and commanded him to eat a scroll.
He may not even eat cheese or eggs or milk, for they, like meat, are produced per viam generationis seu coitus.
And there was yet another reason why the Perfect should not eat animals, for a human soul might be doing time in its body.
As is so often the case with animals which eat mud and sand, and extract what little nutriment is afforded by the organic debris therein, the walls of the alimentary canal are thin and apparently weak.
Indeed, where men live mainly on milk and flesh, consuming the latter raw or roasted, so that its salts are not lost, it is not necessary to add sodium chloride, and thus we understand how the Numidian nomads in the time of Sallust and the Bedouins of Hadramut at the present day never eat salt with their food.
But it was the insect which John used to eat; it is still eaten by the fellahin.
The Berbers, though Mahommedans, do not often observe the prescribed ablutions; they break their fast at Ramadan; and eat wild boar's flesh and drink fig brandy.
It ducts of is not so used in Afghanistan, but the Seistan people eat value.
When the Parsis were first admitted into India, certain conditions were imposed upon them by the Hindus; among others they were not to eat beef, and they were to follow the Hindu custom of wearing a top-knot of hair.
Thus," the prejudice against eating cooked food that has been touched by a man of an inferior caste is so strong that, although the Shastras do not prohibit the eating of food cooked by a Kshatriya or Vaisya, yet the Brahmans, in most parts of the country, would not eat such food.
The more orthodox Sudras carry their veneration for the priestly class to such a degree that they will not cross the shadow of a Brahman, and it is not unusual for them to be under a vow not to eat any food in the morning, before drinking Bipracharanamrita, i.e.
Linseed formed an article of food among the Greeks and Romans, and it is said that the Abyssinians at the present day eat it roasted.
All or nearly all of these were at one time totem animals among one or another of the Semitic tribes, and were not eaten because primitive men will not eat animals between which and themselves and their gods they believe a peculiar tie of kinship to exist.
Men do not eat an animal for which they have a reverential dread, or if they eat it at all, it is only in a sacramental feast and in order to absorb into themselves its life and holy properties.
Such abstinences as the above, though based on taboo, that is, on a reluctance to eat the totem or sacred animal, are yet ascetic in so far as they involve much self-denial.
That such dietary restrictions were merely ceremonial and superstitious, and not intended to prevent the consumption of meats which would revolt modern tastes, is certain from the fact that the Levitical law freely allowed the eating of locusts, grasshoppers, crickets and cockroaches, while forbidding the consumption of rabbits, hares, storks, swine, &c. The Pythagoreans were forbidden to eat beans.
Hence the rule not to eat meats strangled, except in sacramental meals when the god inherent in the animal was partaken of.
He must eat only the morsels he gets by begging; must dress in such rags as he can pick up; must sleep under trees.
Whilst they remain with her she is peculiarly vicious and aggressive, defending them with the greatest courage and energy, and when robbed of them is terrible in her rage; but she has been known to desert them when pressed, and even to eat them when starved.
From time immemorial thera- savages have been accustomed to eat the hearts of lions and other wild animals, under the belief that they will thereby obtain courage and strength like that of the animal from which the heart had been taken, but in 1889 BrownSequard proposed to use testicular juice as a general tonic and stimulant.
Kangaroos are vegetable-feeders, browsing on grass and various kinds of herbage, but the smaller species also eat FIG.
Deer readily eat them, and, after a preliminary steeping in lime-water, pigs also.
The natives eat extensively the bulbs of the Martagon lily, and weave cloth out of the fibres of the Kamchatka nettle.
In Trinidad the young are esteemed a great delicacy for the table by many, though some persons object to their peculiar scent, which resembles that of a cockroach (Blatta), and consequently refuse to eat them.
Under this heading must be considered acute poisoning by opium, and the chronic poisoning seen in those who eat or smoke the drug.
There are many coco-nut palms, bread-fruit trees (Artocarpus incisa), various kinds of bananas, yams and taro, and pandanus, of which the natives eat the seeds.
The gr eat mass of the peasantry was originally free.
Soon after, if not on the very day when his followers had left him, he wandered out towards the banks of the Neranjara, receiving his morning meal from the hands of Sujata, the daughter of a neighbouring villager, and set himself down to eat it under the shade of a large tree (a Ficus religiosa), to be known from that time as the sacred Bo tree or tree of wisdom.
The raja invited him and his disciples to eat their simple mid-day meal at his house on the following morning; and then presented the Buddha with a garden called Veluvana or Bamboo-grove, afterwards celebrated as the place where the Buddha spent many rainy seasons, and preached many of his most complete discourses.
In the East he was commanded to eat with the other monks.
When it began to eat, one of the family of the Thaulonidae advanced with an axe, slew the ox, then immediately threw away the axe and fled.
And whosoever did eat or drink before the evening prayer was ended should be accounted and reputed not to consider the purity of his fast.
These prisoners do not seem to have felt any of the severer pangs of hunger, for they were not tempted to eat their candles.
The vrivTELa on the third day of the Thesmophoria at Athens was observed only by the women attending the festival (who were permitted to eat cakes made of sesame and honey).
Of the Eustathians, for example (whose connexion with Eustathius can hardly be doubted), the complaint was made that " they fast on Sundays, but eat on the fast-days of the church."
The so-called Butter Towers (Tours de beurre) of Rouen, 1485-1507, Bourges and other cities, are said to have been built with money raised by sale of dispensations to eat lacticinia on fast days.
By a statute of the reign of Queen Elizabeth it was enacted that none should eat flesh on " fish days " (the Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays throughout the year) without a licence, under a penalty.
But nothing said would make Badby confess that "Christ sitting at supper did give to His disciples His living body to eat."
The western and larger species gathers its food, consisting chiefly of sea-weeds and shellfish, on rocks at low water; but it is also known to eat birds' eggs.
The sisters were not to be literally shoeless, but to wear sandals of rope; they were to sleep on straw, to eat no meat, to be strictly confined to the cloister, and to live on alms without regular endowment.
The country folk would eat you..
Nor may people (if they can possibly avoid it) eat the flesh of animals who are their kindred.
The evidence of Herodotus, Plutarch and the other writers show that the Egyptians of each district refused to eat the flesh of the animal they held sacred.
In a few verses the "wrestling" ('-b -k) of Jacob (ya'agob) is associated with the Jabbok ()labboq); his "striving" explains his name Israel; at Peniel he sees "the face of God," and when touched on his vulnerable spot - the hollow of the thigh - he is lamed, hence "the children of Israel eat not the sinew of the hip which is upon the hollow of the thigh unto this day" (xxxii.
A seasoning of ground fenugreek or spice is sometimes given to shy feeders to encourage them to eat.
Hutton describes his specimens as sucking the juices of flies, which they had stuck down with their slime, and they have been observed in captivity to devour the entrails which have been removed from their fellows, and to eat raw sheep's liver.
White not only notes the homes and ways, the times and seasons, of plants and animals - comparing, for instance, the different ways in which the squirrel, the fieldmouse and the nuthatch eat their hazel-nuts - or watches the migrations of birds, which were then only beginning to be properly recorded or understood, but he knows more than any other observer until Charles Darwin about the habits and the usefulness of the earthworms, and is certain that plants distil dew and do not merely condense it.
Gudrun, however, avenged the death of her brothers by slaying the sons she had borne to Atli and causing him unwittingly to drink their blood and eat their hearts.
He was a keen sportsman and would spend many days at a time pursuing chamois or steinbock in the Alpine fastnesses of Piedmont with nothing but bread and cheese to eat.
We'd better eat breakfast before it gets cold.
I don't eat much – or go any place.
Czerno will eat him alive.
Dusty only eats organic shit, and Sofi can't eat at all, so I never get real cookies.
The death visions, the distrust everyone on the planet had for a soul-reader, the inability to eat … they were nothing compared to helping a man find his soul again.
She wolfed it down, satisfied she was still able to eat real food in addition to drinking from Darkyn.
She stared after him as he drove away, wondering if he would be home for supper – or if he was going to eat alone.
Occasionally a deer would wander under the shelter and eat some of it, but the J-shaped feeders protected most of it.
Do humans eat … uh … demons?
But demons do eat humans, she read, grimacing at the image of a cheerful man on a platter surrounded by demons.
She looked at the woman closely in the limited light to make sure it wasn't a demon or some other kind of under-worldly creature out to eat her.
The milking cows are offered silage ad-lib and are never asked to eat right down to the last.
A cow will not eat afterbirth that is not its own.
The main aim was to save wheat by getting people to eat less bread.
This variety carries over into the suburban garden where they will also eat allsorts of kitchen scraps and bird foods.
Otters also eat amphibians, crayfish and the occasional bird and small mammal.
She stated, Jamie never wants to eat anything I fix for dinner.
These wasps then eat harmful cabbage aphids which may be feeding on the plants.
Best Ever apple pie Like the title says this really is the best apple pie you could ever make or eat.
But mortality in home aquaria is quite high because many aquarists fail to ensure that they get enough to eat.
Do you tell me they don't eat asparagus with their fingers now?
I had a dish my doctor says I should eat frequently, grilled aubergines stuffed with tomatoes.
The baby barn owls are able to eat their own body weight in food every night.
A single pipistrelle bat can eat up to 3000 insects per night.
I recommend getting a spare rechargable battery as like all digital cameras they eat up the power.
He now can eat James well beloved dry food, Hills Science Plan Dry food, and Iams Dry.. .
You can either eat around the conveyer belt or there are some booths to sit in.
At a whim will they eat your change, or dispense free beverages like some form of glass fronted god.
It was dogma eat dogma until, eventually they settled on a truce and let bigots be bigots.
I find I can eat a Mars bar every day with no trouble but 3 or 4 shortbread biscuits will start an attack.
Vegetarians have lower blood pressure than do people who eat meat.
Will eat most live foods as well as frozen bloodworms and, eventually, flake food.
I now feel so welsh that on a recent trip to Japan I had to think twice when asked to eat to whale blubber.
They have also come up with parasites that eat mealy bugs.
A wooden clapper that was sounded by the prior to summon the monks to eat, wash or attend a meeting.
Two-spotted clingfish eat mainly small crustaceans, but little is known about the diet of the other species.