Eastern church Sentence Examples
In the West the only patriarch in the fully developed sense of the Eastern Church has been the bishop of Rome, who is patriarch as well as pope.
In the early part of the 14th century the town was made the seat of a Christian archbishopric of the Eastern Church.
The Orthodox Eastern Church in Hungary is subject to the authority of the metropolitan of Carlowitz and the archbishop of Nagyszeben (Hermannstadt); under the former are the bishops of Bacs, Buda, Temesvar, Versecz and Pakracz, and under the latter the bishops of Arad and Karansebes.
The supreme governing body in the Russian branch of the Orthodox Eastern Church is known as the Holy Synod.
With the poor exceptions of one or two names like those of Theodore of Mopsuestia and John of Damascus, the Eastern Church produced no preachers of distinction.
The Nicene Creed is the baptismal creed of an eastern church enlarged in order to combine theological interpretation with the facts of the historic faith.
Its use in the Eucharist of the undivided Church has been continued since the great schism, although the Eastern Church protests against the interpolation 1 Jevons, Introd.
The Eastern Church has no general doctrinal tests beyond the Nicene Creed, but from time to time synods have approved exposi (without the words And the Son "), and the Orthodox Confession of the Catholic and Apostolic Eastern Church.
He also published An Introduction to the History of the Holy Eastern Church (1850, 2 vols.); History of the so-called Jansenist Church of Holland (1858); Essays on Liturgiology and Church History (1863); and many other works.
In the Western Church the Gloria Patri is repeated at the close of every psalm, in the Eastern Church at the close of the last psalm.
AdvertisementWhile Protestants, he thinks, have undermined it by a deeper conception of faith,' Roman Catholics have come to attach more value to obedience and " implicit belief " than to knowledge; and even the Eastern Church lives to-day by the cultus more than by the vision of supernatural truth.
It is quite certain that from the 3rd century onward there existed in the Eastern Church an order of women, known as deaconesses, who filled a position analogous to that of deacons.
The orthodoxy of the Eastern Church was also a result of the Church's development after the time of Constantine.
In the long strife over dogma the old belief of the Greeks in the value of knowledge had made itself felt, and this faith was not extinct in the Eastern Church.
In spite of all opposition their teaching was finally justified by the Eastern Church (sixth synod of Constantinople, 1351).
AdvertisementThat there was life in the Eastern Church is also proved by the fact that the power of expansion was not denied her.
It was the fall of Constantinople that first weakened the vital force of the Eastern Church.
At the same time, the controversy with the Eastern Church over the adoration of images shows that the younger Western theology felt itself equal, if not superior to the Greek.
This schism had lasted since the 16th of July 1054; but now a union with the Eastern Church was successfully accomplished at Florence.
The Roman Catholic Church holds his festival on the 3rd of February, the Orthodox Eastern Church on the 11th.
AdvertisementPeter Mogilas, metropolitan of Kiev, drew up in 1643 the Orthodox Confession of the Catholic and Apostolic Eastern Church.
But in the long run even genuine Christianity has been unable to free itself from the magic of the sacraments; and the Eastern Church especially has taken the same direction as Gnosticism.
And to this day in the Eastern Church the infant is baptized, anointed and communicated by the parish priest in the course of a single service; and thus the bishop and the laying on of hands have disappeared from the ordinary service of confirmation.
He was seeking to carry out the Lyons agreement with the Eastern Church when he died.
Throughout the whole of the Eastern Church the veneration of relics prevailed.
AdvertisementThis seems originally to have been under the altar, as it is still in the Eastern Church.
The Eastern Church had soon de facto as its head the Eastern emperors.
They always kept up relations of some kind, especially by means of pilgrimages, and it was admitted that in any disputes which might arise with the Eastern Church the pope had the right to speak as representative of the whole of the Western Church.
The popes were under the constant sway of two contrary influences - on the one hand, the seducing prospect of subduing the Eastern Church and triumphing over the schism, and, on the other, the apprehension of seeing the Normans of Sicily, their competitors in Italy, increasing their already formidable power by successful expeditions into the Balkan Peninsula.
Mission work commenced in Bulgaria during the latter part of the 9th century; thence it extended to Moravia, where in 863 two Greek missionaries - Cyril and Methodius - provided for the people a Slavonic Bible and a Slavonic Liturgy; thence to Bohemia and Poland, and so onwards to the Russian kingdom of Ruric the Northman, where about the close of the 10th century the Eastern Church " silently and almost unconsciously bore into the world her mightiest offspring."
The Orthodox Eastern Church gained a.
In 1902 there were 50,000 church members; in 1910, 67,043 the total Protestant community in 1910 was about ioo,000, and had an influence out of all proportion to its numbers; the Roman Church was estimated at 79,000, and the Orthodox Eastern Church (Russian) at 30,000.
In 1857 he travelled in Russia, and collected much of the materials for his Lectures on the Eastern Church (1861).
On the other hand, while in the Eastern Church things have undergone little change, - the pilgrims, in addition to the Holy Land, visiting Mt Athos and Kiev - the developments in the Roman Church show important divergences.
He was the first great name in the Orthodox Eastern Church since 1453, and dominates its history in the 17th century.
It appeared the same year in two Latin editions, four French, one German and one English, and in the Eastern Church started a controversy which culminated in 1691 in the convocation by Dositheos, patriarch of Jerusalem, of a synod by which the Calvinistic doctrines were condemned.
These people became "Greeks" as being subjects of the Byzantine empire and members of the Eastern Church.
The Eastern Church affirms belief in an intermediate state after death, but the belief is otherwise as vague as the expressions of the pre-Nicene fathers on the subject.
In the Eastern Church the week is marked by similar practices, but with less elaboration and differentiation of rite.
In the Roman Catholic Church his festival is on the 19th of July, in the Orthodox Eastern Church on the 8th of May.
His cause was subsequently espoused by Pope Nicholas in a manner highly offensive to the independent feeling of the Eastern Church.
The title of Exarch was also formerly given in the Eastern Church to a general or superior over several monasteries, and to certain ecclesiastics deputed by the patriarch of Constantinople to collect the tribute payable by the Church to the Turkish government.
There is, however, no mention of ceremonial candles in the detailed account of the services of the Church of England given by William Harrison (Description of England, 1570); and the attitude of the Church towards their use, until the ritualistic movement of the 17th century, would seem to be authoritatively expressed in the Third Part of the Sermon against Peril of Idolatry, which quotes with approval the views of Lactantius and compares " our Candle Religion " 3 This is common to the Eastern Church also.
In the Orthodox Eastern Church "the holy Josaph, son of Abener, king of India" is allotted the 26th of August.
The Eastern Church is both the source and background of the Western.
Christianity arose in the East, and Greek was the language of the Scriptures and early services of the church, but when Latin Christianity established itself in Europe and Africa, and when the old Roman empire fell in two, and the eastern half became separate in government, interests and ideas from the western, the term Greek or Eastern Church acquired gradually a fixed meaning.
This geographical fact has had a great deal to do in determining the character of the Eastern Church.
This makes the Eastern Church quite distinct in government and traditions of polity from the Western.
It has ever been the policy of Rome to efface national distinctions, but under the shadow of the Eastern Church national churches have grown and flourished.
It is true that the Eastern Church made up in some sort for her losses by missionary conquests elsewhere.
The early history of the Eastern Church is outlined in the article Church History.
The great dogmatic work of the Eastern Church was the definition of that portion of the creed of Christendom which concerns theology proper - the doctrines of the essential nature of the Godhead, and the doctrine of the God head in relation with manhood in the incarnation, while it fell to the Western Church to define anthropology, or the doctrine of man's nature and needs.
The Eastern Church affirms that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father only, and takes its stand on John xv.
The Reformation of the 16th century was not without effect on the Eastern Church.
Cyril conceived the plan of reforming the Eastern Church by bringing its doctrines into harmony with those of Calvinism, and by sending able young Greek theologians to Switzerland, Holland and England to study Protestant theology.
Liturgy and Worship. - The ancient liturgies of the Eastern Church were very numerous, and have been frequently classified.
Both sacred languages differ from the language of the people, but it cannot be said that in the Eastern Church worship is conducted in an unknown tongue - " the actual difference," says Neale, " may be about that between Chaucer's English and our own."
Since priests must be married and bishops must not, only monks are eligible for appointment to bishoprics in the Eastern Church.
At the present day, then, the Orthodox Eastern Church consists of twelve mutually independent churches (or thirteen if we reckon the Bulgarian Church), using their own language in divine service (or some ancient form of it, as in Russia) and varying not a little in points of detail, but standing in full communion with one another, and united as equals in what has been described as one great ecclesiastical federation.
Neale, The Holy Eastern Church (General Introduction, 2 vols.; Patriarchate of Alexandria, 2 vols.; and, published posthumously in 1873, Patriarchate of Antioch).
In the Eastern or St Paul's tonsure the whole head was shaven, but when now practised in the Eastern Church this tonsure is held to be adequately shown when the hair is shorn close.
In its general features the use of this office can be traced back to a very early date both in the Eastern Church and in the Western.
In the Eastern church it lasts from St Martin's Day (11th of November), and in other churches from the Sunday nearest to St Andrew's Day (30th of November) till Christmas.
But in the Eastern Church the religious interest, as he thinks, points to Monophysitism.
The Orthodox Eastern Church might seem to have succeeded beyond all others.
P Y g Changes in the external condition of Christianity, the different degrees of civilization in the societies of which it was the dominant religion, and the natural g process of internal development, continually brought different features into prominence; while again, the important antagonisms of opinion within Christendom frequently involved ethical issues - even in the Eastern Church - until in the 4th century it began to be absorbed in the labour of a dogmatic construction.
While among the Servians belonging to the Eastern Church all literary work had practically stopped from the middle of the r 6th century to the middle of the 18th, the Roman Catholic Servians of Dalmatia, and more especially those of the semi-independent republic of Ragusa, became more active.
In fact, whilst in the Eastern Church the metaphysical ardour of the Greeks was spending itself in terrible combats in the oecumenical councils over the interpretation of the Nicene Creed, the clergy of Gaul, more simple and strict in their faith, abjured these theological logomachies; from the first they had preferred action to criticism and had taken no part in the great controversy on free-will raised by Pelagius.
His first act was to repudiate the Henoticon, a deed of union, originating, it is supposed, with Acacius, patriarch of Constantinople, and published by the emperor Zeno with the view of allaying the strife between the Monophysites and their opponents in the Eastern church.
It was in this spirit that Porphyry, Themistius and Joannes Philoponus composed their commentaries on the treatises of the Peripatetic system which, modified often unconsciously by the dominant ideas of its expositors, became in the 6th and 7th centuries the philosophy of the Eastern Church.
The emperor confirmed the synod, but the Eastern Church was divided upon the question of accepting it, and Leo I.
His fame rests chiefly on his Homilies, which were much esteemed in the Eastern Church.
Not until the 8th century were the religious and theological questions which connect themselves with image-worship distinctly raised in the Eastern Church in their entirety.
This raged in the Eastern Church for more than a century (726-843), and only sank to rest when the worship of images was unconditionally conceded.
But from this enormous increase of territory and influence arose a whole series of new and difficult problems. The court of Rome had to substitute for the old Greek hierarchy a hierarchy of Latin bishops; to force the remaining Greek clergy to practise the beliefs and rites of the Roman religion and bow to the supremacy of the pope; to maintain in the Greco-Latin Eastern Church the necessary order, morality and subordination; to defend it against the greed and violence of the nobles and barons who had founded the Latin Empire; and to compel the leaders of the new empire to submit to the apostolic power and execute its commands.
The same sort of ecclesiastical character came also to be attached to the tsars 1 of Russia, who - especially in their relations with the Orthodox Eastern Church - ma y vindicate for themselves (though the sultans of Turkey have disputed the claim) the succession to the East Roman emperors (see Empire).