Easing Sentence Examples
Her gaze turned starry, her body easing against his.
The walk was peaceful, the starry night and thrum of crickets easing her tired mind.
Easing her pain cost him nothing, but he wasn't about to go hungry.
Building their relationship would mean easing into intimacy once more.
Lan's hand drifted to his sword hilt, half consciously easing the blade in its sheath.
The " easing out " approach is socially irresponsible.
In the first 10 minutes, the teams resembled two boxers easing their way into a fight, throwing long-range jabs.
Usnea also contains mucilage, which may be helpful in easing irritating coughs.
Extra work such as clearing the room, easing the doors, type of fixing accessories, door plates and stair nosings if required.
With the rain easing, the 22 cars set off at a leisurely pace behind the safety car for three laps.
AdvertisementStronger hydrogen bonding causes the O···O distance to be shorter, so easing the further shortening required for transfer.
Early communication of basic needs empowers and comforts small babies, easing the often stormy period between 17 months and two years.
Cloud becoming well broken by 0600 UTC - no stratus on the hill - and the fresh SE'ly wind veering SSW'ly and easing F4.
Conditions continued to tighten gradually over the following two years, followed by an easing over the past year.
These vehicles are typically based upon cars with body on frame instead of unibody construction easing the conversion into a stretch limousine.
AdvertisementVisit Flylady.net for some great resources on loving yourself and easing chaos in your life.
It is also silica and bentonite free, easing concerns of illnesses that might be created by those ingredients.
The magazine Whole Living points out that arnica's effectiveness is backed by medical research; studies suggest arnica-based treatments work as well as ibuprofen for easing the pain of osteoarthritis.
Sending your kids off to college or boarding school with a few personal touches can be a great way of easing the transition.
Sharing this type of meditation in a coordinated group can increase the focus on how all life is connected, easing stress more effectively than solo meditation.
AdvertisementAcupuncture treatment is effective in the relief of digestive problems, easing musculoskeletal pain, and hormonal imbalances.
If your dog is uncomfortable with the collar, you can try easing him into the idea of wearing it.
Like trees and shrubs, perennial flowers also benefit by easing into the garden through moderate temperatures, warmer soil, and the cool dormant period of winter.
But again, compared to the cost of a new tub, which averages $2,000 to $4,000 for the unit itself, you're already easing the strain on the remodeling budget.
You can prolong their life by easing them on slowly (although considering their use, you may not be able to control how gently or quickly they come off).
AdvertisementOnce the car has stopped, take a deep breath to regain your composure before gently easing forward again.
Having an ongoing conversation about what is needed in a nursing home, preferences for place and location, and easing your way into discussions about a higher level of care will help reduce resistance and make it a welcomed transition.
Easing occasional snoring may be one more reason to begin dieting.
What the lenses do is break that light up, easing the obnoxious glare.
Continue this process, slowly easing the cork out of the bottle.
Alternative treatment focuses on easing the symptoms of sore throat using herbs and botanical medicines.
However, placing the child into a structured setting or treatment program such as a psychiatric hospital may be just as beneficial for easing aggression as medication.
Most children are afraid of injections; however, there are simple methods for easing a child's fear.
Most children are afraid of injections; however there are simple methods for easing a child's fear.
Birth control pills are 90 percent effective in easing the pain of dysmenorrheal.
Over-the-counter preparations containing aloe (Aloe barbadensis) are an effective treatment for sunburn, easing pain and inflammation while also relieving dryness of the skin.
This easing of prices for oil and the lower gas prices that resulted were good news for consumers.
It's a cute look that still gives a girl complete freedom to swim and dive while easing her into the world of bikinis.
If you are a bit of a humbug during the holiday season, then dressing up in a Grinch costume should be like easing into your own skin.
Nothing is going to change your mind and the relationship is over, so make it easier on your partner by being direct, easing confusion, and keeping your feelings under control.
Your doctor may suggest easing off dairy products for a while, or perhaps including more fresh fruits and vegetables into your child's diet.
With the two of us commuting, we're easing away from being together day in and day out.
The radio can help you wake up gently, easing you into the day and giving you an enjoyable beginning to what may be a hectic day.
The gentle rising of the light from the alarm clock wakes the body from even the deepest slumber, easing you into the day.
An instructor teaches you to incorporate certain modifications that assist you in easing into poses as your body adjusts.
If your former diet consisted primarily of processed foods like vending machine munchies and other on-the-go grub, try easing into a high fiber diet.
Like warming up, cooling down is good for your muscles and for easing your heart rate back to 'normal' level.
Your routines will give you a blueprint for easing into exercise for maximum health benefits and a low risk of injury.
That in itself should make you more comfortable in easing your pain, dizziness and even soreness.
Experimenting with various suggestions on the best natural treatment for teenage acne may go a long way in easing this suffering.
Easing to the edge of the swamp cooler, she eyed the distance and drew a deep breath.
She shifted against him, easing around him.
His strength and warmth pierced her body, somehow easing the gravity of her world.
They walked across the open field before it, the bright sun and solid ground beneath her easing some of her anxiety about the day.
The study suggests the new penalty would essentially amount to a ticket, easing the burden on the justice system.
Fire hazard is incr easing in some areas where there is insufficient heather burning.
Adams ended the meeting in tremendous style by easing to victory, whilst Richardson pulled up with mechanical gremlins on the third lap.
But there are alternative ways of easing those monthly woes through diet and simple natural remedies.
This everyday shampoo eliminates them, regulating sebum secretion and easing discomfort.
The program is aimed at easing the burden of skyrocketing gasoline prices.
His fingers were already easing quick, clean, vamped chords from his guitar.
He touched her, and familiar warmth flashed through her, easing the pain.
He smoothed out her hair and finally rested a feathery hand on her eyes, easing her into a restless sleep that didn't last long enough.
His gaze fell to the hand, and he stopped suddenly, puzzlement easing his anger.