Ease Sentence Examples
I can ease that tension.
The look on his face made her want to hug him and ease his fear.
He felt her turmoil through their bond and ached to ease her pain.
Maybe being able to paint or draw would ease her anguish.
Pierre was at ease among his own kind.
He seemed at ease with himself, another thing she didn't remember about him.
They moved through the people with ease and walked up the low hill.
Physically at ease with him, she nonetheless had no idea how to talk to a lover who was neither one she chose nor human.
Certainly placing the family picture face down on the coffee table had done nothing to ease her pain.
His voice was even, as if he tried to ease some of the weight of her decision.
AdvertisementSomething about her put Jessi at ease, despite the watchfulness.
Dean felt ill at ease in Cynthia Byrne's bedroom, spying on her world, seeing the small rainbow of dresses hanging in her closet, sharing space with suits and shirts looking as if they were awaiting the return of Jeffrey Byrne.
We should impart our courage, and not our despair, our health and ease, and not our disease, and take care that this does not spread by contagion.
Jackson felt a little more at ease.
Judah and Israel dwelt at ease, or held the superior position of military officials, while the earlier inhabitants of the land were put to forced labour.
AdvertisementHe leaned back in a chair across from her with muscular, feline grace, managing to appear both at ease and ready to pounce.
He stood at ease before her, unconcerned with teaching her to kill then exposing himself to death at her hands.
Deidre reached for him, straining to ease the need to taste him.
Normally, Guardians were supposed to ease the transition of Naturals into their organization.
She closed her eyes, at ease in the arms of the man who scared her any other time.
AdvertisementHe was only quite at ease when having poured several glasses of wine mechanically into his large mouth he felt a pleasant warmth in his body, an amiability toward all his fellows, and a readiness to respond superficially to every idea without probing it deeply.
Yully smiled, at ease with the two women she'd met so far.
He was at ease with the bizarre discussion.
When it comes to starting a new business, nothing that previously existed can rival the Internet in terms of both ease of entry and breadth of potential.
The ore, which in many places is found in an almost pure state, is at or near the surface and the process of mining is one of great simplicity and ease.
AdvertisementThe former were so named from living at ease and the latter from wearing long hair.
This is a much simpler matter, because the post is much less sought after, and it is usually despatched with ease and promptitude.
He was not taught to compose either in Latin or in Greek, and he was never an exact scholar; it was for the subject matter that he was required to read, and by the age of ten he could read Plato and Demosthenes with ease.
The horizontal strata of the plateau present equal ease or difficulty of erosion in any direction; the streams and the submature valleys of the plateau therefore ramify in every direction, thus presenting a pattern that has been called insequent, because it follows no apparent control.
Instead of sitting at his ease in a parlor car, he went jolting along through mud and mire, exposed to wind and weather.
This is the present reality in a world defined by the ease of communication.
The dinner, both the Lenten and the other fare, was splendid, yet he could not feel quite at ease till the end of the meal.
Rostov felt so ill at ease and uncomfortable with Boris that, when the latter looked in after supper, he pretended to be asleep, and early next morning went away, avoiding Boris.
To ease her exposure to the sun, she'd volunteered for the evening shift to support the West Coast customers.
Darkyn waited beside an open door, hands clasped behind his back in a deceptive display of ease.
That seemed to put her at ease.
The minute she saw it, she started to feel her tension ease.
Snares of another type consisting of a tangled mass of threads amongst which the spiders pick their way with ease, but which are impassable to insects, are spun by members of the Theridiidae and Pholcidae; but by common consent the so-called orbicular web, so characteristic of the Argyopidae but by no means confined to them, is regarded as manifesting the greatest perfection of instinct in snare-spinning.
The ease with which money was acquired in the war period, the acquiescence of the people, and the influences of extravagance and corruption engendered by the war, opened, at the return of peace, a period of extravagant expenditure that has continued with progressive increase down to the present.
In spite of its high cost, the drum weir furnishes a valuable hydraulic contrivance for situations where it is very important to be able to close a weir of moderate height against a strong current and to regulate with ease and precision the discharge past a weir.
I was extremely nervous for my first lesson; but, Anne's calm demeanor immediately put me at ease.
Also work on the thoracic inlet to ease off the trapezius muscle.
For ease of reading, all extensive quotation of Monbiot is displayed here in blue italics.
She developed the happy knack of putting people at their ease.
Alex Wright lithograph This early 19th Century lithograph shows the Chapel of Ease at Shirehampton, precursor of the present St. Mary's.
Scotland was picked out with ease and his neat lob gave Cairns no chance.
The holes were small but you could pass with ease as long as you used the lube.
He found the five who reported the demon interactions with ease.
She didn't expect her life to change quite so fast or to be accepted into the White God's family with such ease.
He might think of himself as a poor man, but he fit into the surroundings with ease.
Evidently Peter was determined to tear his son away from a life of indolent ease.
In the United States, on the other hand, it has been obtained with considerable ease.
It is said to be ascertained that he was brought back to the Temple the night of 24-25th, and that this was a test to assure the ease of seizing him."
It showed the ease of seizing the country, the indifference of the natives, and the resolution of the United States government.
Surprisingly, Princess actually maneuvered the trail with more ease when she had no resistance from Carmen.
This Bio Green Water Wand is a heavy duty spray lance designed to let you water hard to reach areas with ease and accuracy.
Neapolitan resistance collapsed; Alphonso fled and abdicated in favour of his son Ferdinand II., who also had to fly abandoned by all, and the kingdom was conquered with surprising ease.
The church of St Giles, formerly a chapel of ease to All Saints, but made parochial in the 18th century, is'of Norman date, but most of the present structure is modern.
In modern slavery, on the other hand, where the occupations of both parties were industrial, the existence of a servile class only guaranteed for some of them the possibility of self-indulgent ease, whilst it imposed on others the necessity of indigent idleness.
The attack on the centre was repulsed by the cool and steady fire of the Guards, and the left wing maintained its position with ease, but the French cavalry for the second time came to close quarters with the reserve.
He soon rose from penury to ease, and married a painter's beautiful daughter, Maria Vagini; she died after seven years of wedded life.
The field due to a coil can be made as nearly uniform as we please throughout a considerable space; its intensity, when the constants of the coil are known, can be calculated with ease and certainty and may be varied at will'through wide ranges, while the apparatus required is of the simplest character and can be readily constructed to suit special purposes.
With a passionate hatred and distrust of the Catholics, and an intense love of political liberty, he united the desire for ease to Protestant Dissenters.
The moral character of churchmen in Brazil has been severely criticized by many observers, and the ease with which disestablishment was effected is probably largely due to their failings.
The Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats and Avars in the southern provinces were subdued with equal ease.
Coffee, tobacco, rice and various fruits of superior quality are produced with ease, but agriculture is neglected and production is limited to domestic needs.
In the year 1215 the barons having received intelligence secretly that they might enter London with ease through Aldgate, which was then in a very ruinous state, removed their camp from Bedford to Ware, and shortly after marched into the city in the night-time.
The wound was trifling and would probably have been cured with ease if he had been allowed to employ an English doctor whom he trusted.
The platypus is aquatic in its habits, passing most of its time in the water or close to the margin of lakes and streams, swimming and diving with the greatest ease, and forming for the purpose of sleeping and breeding deep burrows in the banks, which generally have two orifices, one just above the water level, concealed among long grass and leaves, and the other below the surface.
Cicero's letters to Atticus, and to the friends with whom he was completely at his ease, are the most sincere and immediate expression of the thought and feeling of the moment.
His greatest contribution to poetic art consisted in the perfection which he attained in the phalaecian, the pure iambic, and the scazon metres, and in the ease and grace with which he used the language of familiar intercourse, as distinct from that of the creative imagination, of the rostra, and of the schools, to give at once a lifelike and an artistic expression to his feelings.
As Cicero tones down his oratory in his moral treatises, so Horace tones down the fervour of his lyrical utterances in his Epistles, and thus produces a style combining the ease of the best epistolary style with the grace and concentration of poetry - the style, as it has been called, of "idealized common sense," that of the urbanus and cultivated man of the world who is also in his hours of inspiration a genuine poet.
Its especial affinity for the nervous system is indicated by the fact that, when all traces of it have disappeared elsewhere, it can still be detected with ease in the cerebro-spinal fluid.
He narrates spiritedly enough the dissensions and discussions in the winter camp of Zara and at Corfu, but is evidently much more at ease when the voyage was again resumed, and, after a fair passage round Greece, the crusaders at last saw before them the great city of Constantinople which they had it in mind to attack.
This was conducted according to the principles enunciated in Locke's Thoughts concerning Education, and the method of teaching Latin and Greek conversationally was pursued with such success by his instructress, Mrs Elizabeth Birch, that at the age of eleven, it is said, Ashley could read both languages with ease.
But it was beaten off with the utmost ease by the investing troops, who were well fed and cared for; and as by this time even the gun-teams had followed the cavalry horses to the slaughter-house, the French army as an army - i.e.
Ease in charging and removal of residues.
Beginning in 1733 Franklin taught himself enough French, Italian, Spanish and Latin to read these languages with some ease.
But he was not at his ease in the French capital and in Nov.
Ney had allowed the valuable hours to slip away when he could have stormed Quatre Bras with ease and ensured co operation with his master.
We can form stationary waves with ease by fixing one end of a rope - say 20 ft.
In his study - a tower of refuge, separate from the house, which he has minutely described - he read, wrote, dictated, meditated, inscribed moral sentences which still remain on the walls and rafters, annotated his books, some of which are still in existence, and in other ways gave himself up to a learned ease.
But the principal characteristic of Montaigne's prose style is its remarkable ease and flexibility.
On the second abdication of the emperor (June 22nd, 1815) Fesch retired to Rome, where he spent the rest of his days in dignified ease, surrounded by numerous masterpieces of art, many of which he bequeathed to the city of Lyons.
The skin disease he had contracted in the subterranean haunts was rapidly closing his life; he could only ease his pain by sitting in a warm bath, where he wrote his journal; and accused the Girondins, who were trying to raise France against Paris.
The Boca Grande was filled with stone after the city had been captured three times, because of the ease with which an enemy's ships could pass through it at any time, and the narrow and more easily defended Boca Chica, 7 m.
It is generally found on or near the surface of the ground, but it can not only pursue its prey through holes and crevices of rocks and under dense tangled herbage, but follow it up the stems and branches of trees, or even into the water, swimming with perfect ease.
For ten years he lived a life of ease in London, where he became the intimate friend of Robert Browning, of whose poem "Waring" he was the subject.
Great fluency and ease of diction, considerable warmth of imagination and moral sentiment, and a sharp eye to discover any oddity of style or violation of the accepted canons of good taste, made his criticisms pungent and effective.
These are places of worship supplementary to a parish church, and may be either "chapels of ease," to ease or relieve the mother-church and serve those parishioners who may live far away, "parochial chapels," the "churches" of ancient divisions of a very large and widely scattered parish, or "district chapels," those of a district of a parish divided under the various church building acts.
Below Queen's Bridge is an expansion of the river known as the Pool, in which the largest ships using the river can turn with ease.
A position as state official, at first as associate of the academy of sciences and secretary of the academy of arts, afterwards as secretary of the philosophical section of the academy of sciences, gave him ease and leisure.
The church of St Andrew is a spacious transitional Norman and Early English building, with later additions, and was formerly a chapel of ease to Waverley Abbey, of which a crypt and fragmentary remains, of Early English date, stand in the park attached to a modern residence of the same name.
But the ease with which food can nowadays be transported from one part of the world to another minimizes the danger of famine from natural causes, as we can hardly conceive that the whole food-producing area of the world should be thus affected at once.
They delight to be in the water and swim with remarkable skill and ease.
It was found that substances like mineral salts, which crystallize well from solution, passed such membranes with comparative ease, while the jelly-like substances such as albumen passed with extreme slowness if at all.
Love of ease and desire for peace moved him, however, to adopt a conciliatory attitude, and to yield to the emperor's desire for the reassembling of the council (September 1551), suspended since 1549.
The French authorities were hostile to the English missionaries, and even the handing over of part of the field to the Paris Evangelical Society did not do much to ease the situation.
The ease with which various risings were suppressed by the Franks gives colour to the supposition that they were rather the outcome of family quarrels than the revolt of an oppressed people.
The pretty elaborate appliances, tongs or their equivalent, which would be needed to enable him to hold it conveniently while hot, could hardly have been devised till a very much later period; but then he may have been content to forge it inconveniently, because the great ease with which it mashes out when hot, perhaps pushed with a stout stick from the fire to a neighbouring flat stone, would compensate for much inconvenience.
It is still in great demand for certain normal purposes for which either great ease in welding or resistance to corrosion by rusting is of great importance; for purposes requiring special forms of extreme ductility which are not so confidently expected in steel; for miscellaneous needs of many users, some ignorant, some very conservative; and for remelting in the crucible processAll the best cutlery and tool steel is made either by the crucible process or in electric furnaces, and indeed all for which any considerable excellence is claimed is supposed to be so made, though often incorrectly.
Castings which, like hydraulic press cylinders and steam radiators, must be dense and hence must have but little graphite lest their contents leak through their walls, should not have more than 1.75% of silicon and may have even as little as 1% if impenetrability is so important that softness and consequent ease of machining must be sacrificed to it.
We can trace the advance of the Roman supremacy with greater ease after 387 B.C., inasmuch as from this year (adopting the traditional dating for what it is worth) until 2 99 B.C. every accession of territory is marked by the foundation of a group of new tribes; the limit of 35 in all was reached in the latter year.
The ease and rapidity of the mental transition is the sole ground for the supposed necessity of the causal connexion between portions of experience.
The results follow with the cognition utmost ease from his original postulate.
No sooner is the object of alarm scented or seen than each one seeks safety in the most inaccessible situations, which are often reached by a series of astounding leaps over crevasses, up the faces of seemingly perpendicular rocks, or down the sides of equally precipitous chasms. The chamois will not hesitate, it is said, thus to leap down 20 or even 30 ft., and this it effects with apparent ease by throwing itself forward diagonally and striking its feet several times in its descent against the face of the rock.
Moreover, he had brought from Europe a new manner, full of the affections of ardent youth, and this he wore without ease in a society highly satisfied with itself; the young knight-errant was therefore subjected to considerable ridicule.
In the San Juan arbitration he displayed great versatility and skill, winning his case before the emperor with brilliant ease.
The happiness of the Epicurean was, it might almost seem, a grave and solemn pleasure - a quiet unobtrusive ease of heart, but not exuberance and excitement.
Indolent as he was, he acquired knowledge with such ease and rapidity that at every school (such as those at Lichfield and Stourbridge) to which he was sent he was soon the best scholar.
The style was indeed deficient in ease and variety; and the writer was evidently too partial to the Latin element of our language.
All was simplicity, ease and vigour.
Since Johnson had been at ease in his circumstances he had written little and had talked much.
When therefore he, after the lapse of years, resumed his pen, the mannerism which he had contracted while he was in the constant habit of elaborate composition was less perceptible than formerly, and his diction frequently had a colloquial ease which it had formerly wanted.
The great personal qualities of the reigning emperors and the widely extended family connections of the house of Hohenzollern have enabled them to hold with ease their position as leaders among the ruling families.
Moreover, the bitter and unscrupulous attacks of the Bismarckian press to which Caprivi was exposed made him unpopular in the country, for the people could not feel at ease so long as they were governed by a minister of whom Bismarck disapproved.
Although by compounding corresponding portions of the diagrams given by instruments of this type, it is possible to determine the range and direction of the movement of which they are the resolved parts, their chief value is that they enable us to measure with ease the extent of any vibration, half of which is called its amplitude, and the time taken to make any complete back-and-forth movement, or its period.
The ease with which one god could be identified with another is perhaps the most striking characteristic of later Egyptian theology.
These names, all of them foreign, were written in an alphabet of a limited number of characters, and were therefore analysed with comparative ease.
The annual tribute imposed on the satrapy of Egypt and Cyrene was heavy, but it was probably raised with ease.
The ease with which this valuable province was wrenched from the Roman empire appears to have been.
A letter from Gordon, dated the 4th of November and received on the 17th of November, stated that his steamers would await the expedition at Metemma, and added, We can hold out forty days with ease; after that it will be difficult.
The synapse appears to be a weak spot in the chain of conduction, or rather to be a place which breaks down with comparative ease under stress, e.g.
In two spiritual poets the advancement of the literature of Denmark took a further step. Thomas Kingo 6 (1634-1703) was the first who wrote Danish with perfect ease and grace.
In his hands the difficulties of the language disappear; he performs with the utmost ease extraordinary tours de force of style.
The ease with which so important a conquest had been effected encouraged Justinian to attack the Ostrogoths of Italy, whose kingdom, though vast in extent, for it included part of south-eastern Gaul, Raetia, Dalmatia and part of Pannonia, as Well as Italy, Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica, had been grievously weakened by the death first of the great Theodoric, and some years later of his grandson Athalaric, so that the Gothic nation was practically without a head.
It swims with most of the body submerged, and dives with perfect ease, remaining long without coming to the surface to breathe.
And gladness springs up within him on his realizing that, and joy arises to him thus gladdened, and so rejoicing all his frame becomes at ease, and being thus at ease he is filled with a sense of peace, and in that peace his heart is stayed."9 To have realized the Truths, and traversed the Path; to have broken the Bonds, put an end to the Intoxications, and got rid of the Hindrances, is to have attained the ideal, the Fruit, as it is called, of Arahatship. One might fill columns with the praises, many of them among the most beautiful passages in Pali poetry and prose, lavished on this condition of mind, the state of the man made perfect according to the Buddhist faith.
The horses are guided from the boat, and a twentyor thirty-foot barge with a heavy load of men and goods will be towed across the river at Kilif (where, as already stated, the width of the river is between 500 and 600 yards only) with ease by two of these animals.
A signal proof of its vitality was given in 1838 by the speed and ease with which it recovered from a disastrous inundation that destroyed 3000 houses.
Indeed, though the partisans of phlogiston did not surrender without a struggle, the history of science scarcely presents a second instance of a change so fundamental accomplished with such ease.
Sitting with his snuff-box before him, and his head bent down, he looked ill at ease, and kept turning the folios of his notes.
In 1879 he lost his seat in the Prussian parliament; he joined the Sezession, but was ill at ease in his new position.
The abundance in which iron is found in so many places, its great strength, its remarkable ductility and malleability in a red-hot state, and the ease with which two heated surfaces of iron can be welded together under the hammer combine to make it specially suitable for works on a large scale where strength with lightness are required - things such as screens, window-grills, ornamental hinges and the like.
The experiment was a failure; Bahrdt, never at ease under the strict discipline maintained by von Salis, resigned in 1777, and the school was closed.
Freedom from tremor, ease and delicacy of movement and facility of directing the instrument to any desired object in the heavens are the primary qualifications.
Since the transit circle is preferable to the equatorial for such observations wherein great accuracy is required, the declination and hour circles of an equatorial are employed, not for the determination of the right ascensions and declinations of celestial objects, but for directing the telescope with ease and certainty to any object situated in an approximately known position, and which may or may not be visible to the naked eye, or to define approximately the position of an unknown object.
The combined overhanging weight of the cast-iron fork, the mirror and tube is so great, that without a very perfect relief-friction system the instrument could not be moved in right ascension with any approach to practical ease.
Other letters of Cicero, especially those written to persons with whom he was not quite at his ease or those meant for circulation, are composed in his elaborate style with long periods, parentheses and other devices for obscuring thought.
The ease with which the native populations of the conquered districts, exclusively or prevailingly Christian, adapted themselves to the new rule is very striking.
The governor of this province, Abdallah, the son of Omar II., was a man of small energy, whose principal care was his personal ease and comfort.
Her plump beauty was often remarked - notably by Washington Irving - in contrast to her husband's delicate and feeble figure and wizened face - for even in his prime Madison was, as Henry Adams says, "a small man, quiet, somewhat precise in manner, pleasant, fond of conversation, with a certain mixture of ease and dignity in his address."
The theosophist, on the other hand, is most at his ease when moving within the circle of the Divine essence, into which he seems to claim absolute insight.
The period of minority was exceptionally anarchical, even for Castile, but as the cities, always the best supporters of the royal authority, were growing in strength, Henry was able to reduce his kingdom to obedience, and, when he took the government into his own hands after 1393, to compel his nobles with comparative ease to surrender the crown lands they had seized.
The rearrangement, on a feudal basis, of the original returns (as described above) enabled the Conqueror and his officers to see with ease the extent of a baron's possessions; but it also had the effect of showing how far he had enfeoffed "under-tenants," and who those under-tenants were.
This despatched, Sterne turned to a new project, which had probably been suggested by the ease and freedom with which he had moved through the travelling volume in Tristram.
At first sight this singular structure appears so like a deformity that writers have not been wanting to account it such, 2 ignorant of its being a piece of mechanism most beautifully adapted to the habits of the bird, enabling it to extract with the greatest ease, from fir-cones or fleshy fruits, the seeds which form its usual and almost invariable food.
Unlike the Spartiates they might, and did, possess gold and silver and the iron and steel wares from the mines on Mt Taygetus, the shoes and woollen stuffs of Amyclae, and the import and export trade of Laconia and Messenia probably enabled some at least of them to live in an ease and comfort unknown to their Spartan lords.
They do not prevail now in those " white countries which have been invaded but have repelled the attack with comparative ease and little loss.
The victories of Heraclius forced Chosroes to retire; but the Persians were followed by the Arabs, who, advancing with equal ease, laid siege to Constantinople, A.D.
Everything in short was ripe for the reception of a book that brought together, with masterly ease and vigour, the old and the new Homeric learning, and drew from it the historical proof that Homer was no single poet, writing according to art and rule, but a name which stood for a golden age of the true spontaneous poetry of genius and nature.
Rapidity or ease of movement, plainness of expression and plainness of thought, these are not the distinguishing qualities of the great epic poets - Virgil, Dante, Milton.
Like the French epics, Homeric poetry is indigenous, and is distinguished by this fact, and by the ease of movement and the simplicity which result from it, from poets such as Virgil, Dante and Milton.
Why should not established institutions proceed upon the customary and convenient methods of routine, while the delights of existence were augmented, manners polished, arts developed, and a golden age of epicurean ease made decent by a state religion which no one cared to break with because no one was left to regard it seriously?
We know very little of the ancient methods of cultivating the vine, but the Romans-no doubt owing to the luxuriant ease with which the vine grows in Italy-appear to have trained it on trees, trellis work, palisades, &c. The dwarf form of cultivation now common in northern Europe does not appear to have obtained to any extent.
The ease, too, with which he outshone men of vastly greater learning lured him from the task of intense and arduous study.
The chief characteristics of the Albion are its lightness of build and its ease in running; the pull is short, the power great, and the means whereby it is attained so simple that the press does not readily get out of order.
In physical structure alpaca is somewhat akin to hair, being very glossy, but its softness and fineness enable the spinner to produce satisfactory yarns with comparative ease.
Boots are only used by horsemen, and are then worn much too large for ease.
But when the revolt of the younger Cyrus against his brother (401 B.C.) had demonstrated the surprising ease and rapidity with which a courageous army could penetrate into the heart of the empirewhen the whole force of that empire had proved powerless, not only to prevent some 12,000 Greek troops, completely surrounded, cut off from their communications, and deprived through treachery of their leaders, from escaping to the coast, but even to make a serious attack on themthen, indeed, the imperial impotence became manifest.
Thus in acute gout the most common and most trusted remedy for removing the pain is colchicum, but at present we do not know what action it has upon the system, or why it gives so much ease in the pain of gout while it has comparatively little effect upon pain due to other causes.
Abroad the great national interests were eagerly sacrificed for the sake of a pension, and at home his personal ease and pleasure alone decided every measure, and the fate of every minister and subject.
With Charles religion was not the serious matter it was with James, and was largely regarded from the political aspect and from that of ease and personal convenience.
In later years the society of his mistresses seems to have been chiefly acceptable as a means to avoid business and petitioners, and in the case of the duchess of Portsmouth was the price paid for ease and the continuance of the French pensions.
His ministers he never scrupled to sacrifice to his ease.
The love of ease exercised an entire sovereignty in his thoughts.
With all its luxuries and courtly ease, his house remained a true bishop's palace, breathing the strictest discipline and restraint.
The roof is sometimes of bamboo solely, and when split, which is accomplished with the greatest ease, it can be formed into laths or planks.
But his style altogether wants the charm of ease and simplicity.
He has nothing of the wide humanity of Cicero, of the urbanity of Horace, of the ease and grace of Catullus.
These experiments may be repeated with extreme ease, and with hardly any apparatus.
As a poet, however, he acquired distinction chiefly by the ease, simplicity and grace with which he gave expression to the passions and aspirations of daily life.
Its church of St Paul was built as a chapel of ease to Fulham, and consecrated by Laud in 1631.
It elevated itself from the ground with ease, and flew in a horizontal direction for a distance of 24 ft., and at a velocity of 20 m.
The idea was to obtain great sustaining area in comparatively small space with comparative ease of control.
Almost every one of the principal geological formations may be studied in England with comparative ease.
Therefore, although the methods of local government are detailed below (Section X.), and other administrative arrangements are described under the various headings dealing with each subject, it is desirable to give here, for ease of reference and distinction, a schedule of the various areas into which England and Wales are divided.
The mule thrives in every condition of climate, is fever-proof, travels over the most difficult mountain passes with absolute security, and can carry with ease a load of 200 lb.
He lived in Stockbridge in1751-1755and spoke the language of the Housatonic Indians with ease, for six months studied among the Oneidas, graduated at Princeton in 1765, studied theology at Bethlehem,Connecticut, under Joseph Bellamy,was licensed to preach in 1766, was a tutor at Princeton in 1766-1769, and was pastor of the White Haven Church, New Haven, Connecticut, in 1769-1795, being then dismissed for the nominal reason that the church could not support him, but actually because of his opposition to the Half-Way Covenant as well as to slavery and the slave trade.
From its appearance, and the ease with which it moves backwards, has arisen the popular belief that the amphisbaena has two heads, and that when the body is cut in two the parts seek each other out and reunite.
The tax, if kept at a low rate, undoubtedly fulfils a useful function as a revenue reserve for emergencies, on account of the ease with which it can be put up and down without disturbing trade.
But his very ease and freedom have helped to make his volumes more popular than many works of greater classical renown.
He continued to work the gold-field which he had discovered, and to draw from it new treasures, not indeed with quite such ease and in quite such abundance as when the precious soil was still virgin, but yet with success, which left all competition far behind.
Intensely nationalist, he acquiesced in the annexation of his native land to Prussia, and in a public letter to the Italian nation in 1870 defended the German cause before the nation which had become to him a second fatherland; but he was of too independent a character ever to be quite at ease under Prussian government.
Yet the king held his own, with perfect success if not with ease.
He put them down with ease; the one was imprisoned for life, the other driven into exile, while Waltheof, the last of the English earls, who had dabbled in a hesitating way in this plot, was executed.
The ease with which he had subdued the realm misled him; he fancied that the slack resistance, which was mainly due to the incapacity and unpopularity of Baliol, implied the indifference of the Scots to the idea ol annexation.
The fact was that he had secured the promise of the neutrality or the co-operation of the Burgundian faction, and thought that he could crush the Orleanists with ease.
King Edward, as indolent In the and pleasure-loving in times of ease as he was active north and and ruthless in times of stress and battle, set himself west.
Modern idealists, ill at ease with this inheritance, try to show that Christ's Incarnation no less than His eternal divine being is a natural and rational truth.
All Isaac D'Israeli's children were born into the Jewish communion, in which, however, they were not to grow up. It is a reasonable inference from Isaac's character that he was never at ease in the ritual of Judaism.
His judgments may be held with greater confidence, which is an intellectual advantage; and, standing in his mind not so much an edifice as a natural growth, they cannot be so readily abandoned at the call of ease or self-interest.
These renderings to foresight might be denied assertion either for the sake of present ease (and Disraeli's prescience of much of his country's later troubles only made him laughed at) or in deference to hopes of personal advancement.
There was no real political freedom, yet none of the ease or security which enlightened despotism can bestow.
But if ease of communication is favourable to the rise of large 'states and the cultural progress that usually accompanies it, it is, nevertheless, often fatal to the very culture which, at first, it fostered, in so far as the absence of natural boundaries renders invasion easy.
The bee-keeper, therefore, by the judicious application of a little smoke from smouldering fuel, blown into the hive by means of an appliance known as a beesmoker, alarms the bees and is thus able to manipulate the frames of comb with ease and almost no disturbance.
In 1831 Romagna and the Marches rose in rebellion and shook off the papal yoke with astonishing ease.
In this letter, and especially in the postscript to the second edition of it, Newman finally silenced all cavillers as to his not being really at ease within the Roman Church.
They ignite with great ease, emitting a smoke freely, owing to the large proportion of carbon they contain.
Our ease on reaching a collective agreement on so important, life-changing decision stunned us all.
Another memory emerged, one that reminded him that long ago, he'd been assigned to ease Damian's transition to the White God, which was how he met Cassandra, a human, in the mortal realm.
The demon blood on her face and arms disgusted her, just like the sight of the ease with which Darkyn shredded three demons with bodies like humans.
At ease with the half-demon friend of Gabriel, she entered the shadowy land.
She slept peacefully, her delicate features and shapely body at ease as she slept on her stomach.
She didn't usually talk this much, but something about Andre put her at ease.
He could read Fred like a book—start the conversation with a few benign topics, then ease in.
Snowflake had taken the ordeal with remarkable ease, but Penny was using every ploy in the book.
They were dressed in their best and both children and adults seems perfectly at ease with each other's company, even if they all seemed somewhat in awe of their surroundings.
The guards hung in a loose perimeter around him, and he felt their tension ease as they walked.
We were able to emulate this ease of use – although there is some way to go.
At the end of the day you can always wind down with a Turkish bath to ease the aches of your journey.
In the hands of a show pilot this model will fly smooth pattern style aerobatics with ease & astonish spectators with freestyle routines.
The Mercedes engineers say computer-games aficionados aged 8 to 18 handle it with ease; golden oldies need not apply.
The only problem with using a program animator to assist in the debugging of a program is its ease of use.
Ease of use Fully automated for ease of use.
This net uses the highest quality terylene bobbinet netting and the classical ' bell ' design renowned for its simplicity and ease of use.
The self-taught alto saxophonist's debut album Conversations With the Unseen uniquely mixes post bop jazz and rap with ease.
O'Bannon plays the careless cad with such ease that nothing bothers him.
The 240 mm rear disk and single piston caliper provide the perfect balance between stopping power and ease of control.
She can kill sloths, howler monkeys, and white-faced Capuchins with ease.
The two six inch front castors rotate through 360 degrees enabling the power chair to access even the smallest spaces with ease.
Managers should put employees at ease by beginning their interviews with fairly casual, routine remarks.
Industry links are broadly categorized for ease of navigation.
Only £ 35.95 View details Komeda Saunas with Infrared Reduce stress, ease pain, burn off calories, clear cellulite and improve skin.
The shorts were pragmatic for a warrior who needs ease of movement, but also symbolized chastity, another aspect reminiscent of ascetic celibacy.
It keeps the body supple without straining and can be used to relieve pain in labor and ease childbirth.
With the set poised at 4-4, the 24-year-old produced an array of superb returns and groundstrokes to break serve with almost contemptuous ease.
Rupert loved having a countryman to ease the loneliness of being a stranger in a strange land.
One of them is a special ' soothing ' pot of cream to rub on your tummy to ease the cramps.
Lending credence to their collective persona is the fact that they sound equally sincere and at ease with the various genres.
This way you can take some whole branches in to the kitchen and pick the currants at your leisure and with ease.
The new versions have facilities that greatly ease the task of updating the virus definitions on a regular basis.
Throughout the early sixties the town remained a popular destination for holidaymakers, despite the ease of travel to more exotic destination for holidaymakers, despite the ease of travel to more exotic destinations.
Inferior tangibility is of slight force with this class, for with proper diligence they can read the combined type with ease.
Other studies look at whether support groups help ease the discomfort of the patient.
The music that Carl Davies has written is complex, often discordant but the group took it on with ease.
There is a trend toward siting built-in dishwashers at waist height for ease of unloading.
The commissary, who was smoking at his ease, politely doffed his hat upon the singer's entrance.
Bioflow magnetic dog collar - Bioflow magnetic bracelets proven to help ease the pain of arthritis in humans (BMJ 17/12/04 ).
Although works to provide ramps and widen doorways and passages to ease access are zero-rated for VAT, they can be expensive.
There was a bit of good-natured punter participation and he handled it all with the consummate ease of the experienced professional that he is.
Helping your child cope with exam stress Some children take exams in their stride with relative ease, whilst others can really suffer.
Armed with stylish reversible bibs and a new ball, the A team sailed through the league beating off competition with effortless ease.
This enables the operator to build complex sequences and looks with remarkable ease.
Nor will the imminent enlargement of the EU help to ease the problem.
While todays game will be a pressure cooker for former boss Peter Taylor Leicester have a great chance to ease their relegation fears.
He appears to be at ease with children, adults & other cats so I know he's not feral.
We intend to establish on-line fora to ease communication across these networks and to create areas of our web site dedicated to each theme.
Onto this week now and Darren Hayes has made the transition from band frontman to solo star with a degree of ease.
A bit of stand at ease on the old Holy Ghost [laughs] .
A whole tub of mini hula hoops helps to ease my stomach.
No love of selfish ease, no supine and carnal indulgence, retarded his movements.
Danger Areas The ease of communication e-mail offers is its main benefit but this can also be dangerous as it encourages informality.
If it begins to feel dead, ease the mainsheet a fraction.
You like to be pampered and may look for a " sugar daddy " or " sugar mama " to ease your way.
A face, neck and shoulder massage is certain to ease your mind and spirit.
These case studies illustrate the ease with which what appeared to be a relatively stable modus vivendi is easily shattered.
Thalidomide was developed in the 1950s in Germany, first as a sedative and then widely used as a pill to ease morning sickness.
The new scheme is promoted as being an alternative to widening motorways in a bid to ease congestion and manage traffic incidents.
A single perpetrator is able to anonymously take advantage of millions of vulnerable computer neophytes with relative ease.
For reasons of safety, legibility and ease of use, a standard off-the-shelf LCD couldn't be used.
This book enables the pastor and the student to read the Hebrew Old Testament with relative ease.
Foundation aims to ease suffering Farmers whose livelihoods have been affected by the foot-and-mouth outbreak are to receive help.
Conversely as you let the boom down for speed you will need to ease the outhaul and cunningham to generate more power.
With his usual panache, he threw it left and right, correcting every induced skid with consummate ease.
Pirate stations are particularly partial to the RSL frequencies because of the ease with which they can drown out their signal.
The show is lacking wit, originality or any sparkle and has, too fast, became a pastiche of itself with effortless ease.
According to the company both will enable to you become a true patriot you know you are dying to be with ease.
Spray it around the room, on clothes or bedlinen for an instant pick-me-up, or on your wrists to ease Morning Sickness.
Deeper hooked fish can safely be handled onboard with long nosed pliers used to ease the barbless hook out.
Outside the United Nations, pressure to do something to ease the plight of the Iraqi people was mounting.
Lets hope the plans to install pontoons in the basin (see WW May 2000) will ease the problems of mooring here.
Helping students to prepare for examinations or assignments is likely to ease the pressure considerably.
When high street shops widen their aisles so twin pushchairs may be navigated around with ease.
A Sage bath helps ease rheumatism and aching limbs.
In 1880 the brick roundhouse of the disused mill was converted into a Chapel of Ease to St Mary's Parish Church, Reigate.
Sturdy lower sandbox complete with wooden lid (in 2 parts for ease of lifting ).
Such patients may require sedation to ease their distress.
The real-time image allows you to view the retina and anterior segment with ease using the 20 second video capture feature.
The return of these officers over the next year will ease some of the current staffing shortfall.
To ease the load for your child, get them a good, strong backpack with padded shoulder straps.
Swansea knew they needed to win at all costs to ease the pressure on tomorrow's showdown with in-form Hull.
In yoga posture practice, simplicity does not necessarily signify ease.
Poppy was a little skittish at first but Ian's skill and ability with horses put Poppy at ease straight away.
Our shirt has been designed with raglan sleeves for comfort and ease of movement on the pitch or off.
A pair of tin snips finished the job with consummate ease.
He then presented an 8 " Ash bowl blank to the lathe; first he turned the base with ease which included a spigot.
He manages to embody the spirit of a man on the verge of a great change with ease.
Use a coarse damp sponge to gently ease the cleaning fluid across the whole area.
But are the findings relevant to January 2003 as the farm standstill regulations are shortly to ease from 20 days to 6 days?
The lockable lid features twin gas struts for safety and ease of use.
For ease of loading and unloading there's a drop-down and removable tailgate which is also useful when carrying long loads.
Car Parking is FREE, with a network of level tarmac roads for ease of access for the disabled.
They are adaptable, providing ease of management, and have placid temperaments.
There were a number of changes to relax the rules surrounding tax credits in an attempt to ease the tension of the overpayments debacle.
Dave decided to have a new tracheotomy to ease the on-going problems created by the old scar tissue in his throat.
No doubt this helps the baby ease the transition to life outside the womb.
Now is your chance to swing from the flying trapeze with the greatest of ease!
The CDU can be handheld or attached to the MDL lightweight tripod for ease of use.
The Bull Rhino and multiple flexi tubs are a perfect combination for versatility and ease of use.
All models can be supplied with hydraulic front gang angling in place of the manual turnbuckle for ease of operation.
If you feel fatigued or overly sluggish, or if you notice twinges of muscular pain, ease up on your training.
To make photocopying easier, the sheets of games are supplied loose-leaf in a handy wallet for ease of storage.
The blade is Teflon coated, can be easily sharpened with a diamond whetstone and will slice through 20mm stems with ease.
The underwater light makes you glow as the multi jet whirlpool system and bubble bathing ease your aching muscles.
Many edible fungi depend upon minute and often obscure botanical characters for their determination, and may readily be confounded with worthless or poisonous species; but that is not the case with the common mushroom, for, although several other species of Agaricus somewhat closely approach it in form and colour, yet the true mushroom, if sound and freshly gathered, may be distinguished from all other fungi with great ease.
It seems also to take a very clean V cut, as the webs can be laid in their furrows with an astonishing ease and precision.
Vogel of Potsdam introduced the method of photographing stellar and terrestrial spectra on the same plate, and in this way obtained an immense advance in the ease and precision of observation.
Once Madame Roland appeared personally in the Assembly to repel the falsehoods of an accuser, and her ease and dignity evoked enthusiasm and compelled acquittal.
The natives, at ease in their locations, did not volunteer in sufficient numbers, and recourse was had to coolie labour from India.
A comparatively small stream strikes the wheel with a pressure equivalent to a great head, say 300 ft., and as the quantity of water and number of jets striking the wheel can be regulated with the greatest ease and nicety, each machine can without danger be quickly brought up to its full speed when purging high-class sugars, or allowed to run slowly when purging low-class sugars, until the heavy, gummy molasses have been expelled; and it can then be brought up to its full speed for finally drying the sugar in the basket, a boon which all practical sugar-makers will appreciate.
The quest of a solvent for calculus in the bladder and kidneys was pursued by him as by others at the period, and he devised a form of forceps which, on the testimony of John Ranby (1703-1773), sergeant-surgeon to George II., extracted stones with "great ease and readiness."
In private life his ease of bearing, friendliness, and, above all, his inexhaustible fund of humour and irony, won him a large circle of friends; and judges so exacting as Mmes de Stael and de Remusat and Lord Brougham avowed their delight in his society.
The extraordinary ambiguity and uncertainty which allegorical interpretation tacitly ascribed to Scripture, and the ease with which heretical as well as orthodox teaching could be represented as " hidden " under the literal sense, was early perceived, but instead of this leading to any real check on even wild subjectivity in interpretation and insistence on reaching the literal sense, it created an ominous principle that maintained much of its influence long after the supremacy of allegorism was overthrown.
Though not endowed with the strength and originality of mind that characterized Tyndale's work, Coverdale showed great discrimination in the handling and use of his authorities, and moreover a certain delicacy and happy ease in his rendering of the Biblical text, to which we owe not a few of the beautiful expressions of our present Bible.
His commanding stature, the symmetry of his form, the dark and melancholy beauty of his countenance, rather rendered piquant than impaired by an obliquity of vision, produced an imposing impression even before his deep and powerful voice had given utterance to its melodious thunders; and harsh and superficial half-truths enunciated with surpassing ease and grace of gesture, and not only with an air of absolute conviction but with the authority of a prophetic messenger, in tones whose magical fascination was inspired by an earnestness beyond all imitation of art, acquired a plausibility and importance which, at least while the orator spoke, made his audience entirely forgetful of their preconceived objections against them.
His Latin style, though wanting the inimitable ease of Erasmus and often offending against idiom, is yet in copiousness and propriety much above the ordinary Latin of the English scholars of his time.
The central position of Boeotia between two seas, the strategic strength of its frontiers and the ease of communication within its extensive area were calculated to enhance its political importance.
This usefulness iron owes in part, indeed, to its abundance, through which it has led us in the last few thousands of years to adapt our ways to its; but still in chief part first to the single qualities in which it very weak; conducting heat and electricity easily, and again offering great resistance to their passage; here welding readily, there incapable of welding; here very infusible, there melting with relative ease.
Their courtesy and dignity of manner are very striking, and are combined with ease and a fluency of discourse.
Here, too, the strongly marked characteristics of P, or the Priestly Document, as opposed to JE, enable us to determine the extent of that document with comparative ease; but the absence, in some cases, of conclusive criteria prevents any final judgment as to the exact limits of the two strands which have been united in the composite JE.
The domesticated waterbuffalo is sluggish in its movements, and will not work through the heat of the day; but it is a wonderful swimmer, and makes its way through the worst quagmire with ease.
Nor is the question of the vernacular itself of necessity bound up with this new movement, for Wales is essentially a bi-lingual country, wherein every educated Cymro speaks and writes English with ease, and where also large towns and whole districts - such as Cardiff, south Monmouth, the Vale of Glamorgan, Gower, south Glamorgan, south Pembroke, east Flint, Radnorshire and Breconshire - remain practically monoglot English-speaking.
It was natural, therefore, that he should choose a sinecure office, and the ease of the Lords.
The others picked themselves up from the ground one by one and quickly rejoined their fellows, so for a moment the horse thought he had won the fight with ease.
But although the Munchkin was hardly tall enough to come to Zeb's shoulder he was so strong and clever that he laid the boy three times on his back with apparent ease.
So, Count, there never is any negligence in my company, and so my conscience was at ease.
Rostov felt ill at ease.
Fallen man has retained a love of idleness, but the curse weighs on the race not only because we have to seek our bread in the sweat of our brows, but because our moral nature is such that we cannot be both idle and at ease.
He had approached the shed full of animation, but on seeing Prince Andrew's face he felt constrained and ill at ease.
My benefactor, set my heart at ease....
If the recliner mechanisms seem stiff, they will ease with use.
Second sheave to allow handling of sampling and testing equipment and for ease of reeving a hoist block for withdrawing casing.
A new fuel pipeline has been installed by the Army to both ease and hasten the refueling of aircraft.
The twenty rescheduled dates are more spread out than they were prior to her illness in order to ease the pressure on the singer.
They have similar features to retroviruses in the ease of manipulation, predictable integration and reliable gene expression and regulation.
He feels ill at ease that he has now become the living symbol of the current Czechoslovak " velvet revolution ".
A daily bet can also be rolled over into the following day 's daily bet with ease.
There is however one very definite advantage in using ball or taper roller bearings in a headstock - the ease of replacing them.
In 1880 the brick roundhouse of the disused mill was converted into a Chapel of Ease to St Mary 's Parish Church, Reigate.
As the area is predominantly rural in nature the improvements will also ease the problems caused by seasonal agricultural produce movements.
Sturdy lower sandbox complete with wooden lid (in 2 parts for ease of lifting).
We hope these transcripts will inspire you and ease your own sermon preparation this Christmas season !
Swansea knew they needed to win at all costs to ease the pressure on tomorrow 's showdown with in-form Hull.
The design of PPS provides ease of use and simplicity of operation.
Poppy was a little skittish at first but Ian 's skill and ability with horses put Poppy at ease straight away.
He then presented an 8 Ash bowl blank to the lathe; first he turned the base with ease which included a spigot.
The ease with which is can now be removed from the office surpasses anything in history.
Strong deliberate efforts must be made to ease the utilization of the national synchrotron radiation facilities for industrial research (17).
Once syndicated nationally, they can multiply with surprising ease.
Members requested that a summary of relevant completed and on going studies be tabulated for ease of reference.
For ease of loading and unloading there 's a drop-down and removable tailgate which is also useful when carrying long loads.
Touch screen for ease of use (Pointer included), we have tested a...
Large trapdoor opening for ease of access to platform.
Now is your chance to swing from the flying trapeze with the greatest of ease !
I did feel a twinge of envy at the effortless ease with which both Gavin and Gareth slipped through tho...
This is in turn mounted within a molded white Nylon two-piece body with marker clips available in 10 colors for ease of signal identification.
Their ease of use and low cost have made them ubiquitous in the workplace environment, but at what price?
Pulling out the oak tree symbol of his faith Ako banished the undead creatures with ease.
It guides you step by step through each payroll activity offering unparalleled ease of use.
If you want to unwind slowly and ease yourself into your Caribbean holiday, Stay and Cruise is for you.
A ward of experienced urology nurses does its best to ease me into the job.
As Wasps gained in confidence pressure led to a penalty that Daniel Harvey slotted with the utmost of ease.
Bosch high filtration vacuum cleaner made for ease of use, high filtration, and durability.
He even gave a daily massage to ease our weary limbs !
Paul had tried to place a bolt to ease the take-off, but the brittle, weathered surface rock had foiled his valiant attempts.
Toease her aching back,the doctor told Jen to foment the area with a heat pack.
Richard has been searching for the perfect ergonomic desk chair to help ease his back pain.
Tax abatements ease the strain on property owners, because they lessen the amount of property tax that is owed.
People often abbreviate names of universities to their acronyms, for ease of conversation.
The affable manager helped to ease the frustrations of the disappointed customer.
The interviewer greeted her in the most affable manner and put her at ease.
There are plenty of ways to get some unique baby clothes that will complement your child's burgeoning style with ease.
Methods vary, but there are a few general principles that can ease stress and provide relief for tired caregivers and their infants.
As they associate the signing with their words, they are less frustrated and more at ease in their communicating, thus opening the door for language development.
Sometimes preparing siblings for a new baby means simply talking to your child and anticipating her doubts, anxieties, and questions can ease her concerns.
It may take you a month to become at ease nursing your child.
Because you may need to go over several points with your babysitter, keeping a list posted prominently somewhere in your house can ease your mind and help your baby sitter become use to the routine of your household.
Some bras may even offer padded shoulder straps, which help to ease shoulder pain and discomfort.
Ease into the new situation slowly and calmly both for the child's benefit and yourself.
Infant support pillows can help ease the discomfort of muscle tension and awkward positions that mothers sometimes feel while nursing or bottle feeding their babies.
We have moved it from the Passat to my Grand Cherokee to my mom's Infiniti - all with ease.
Determined by the ease of use and functionality, the price reflects the ability of the pump to produce large quantities of milk easier and longer.
Twin baby gifts can ease the new parents' checkbook a little.
Day Gowns and Sleepers-New parents go for comfort and ease when it comes to dressing their babies.
There are some steps you can take to ease those first day jitters.
The no back booster seats, which just consist of a booster chair, are growing in popularity because of the ease of use.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration rates all car seats based on safety and ease of use.
Ease in measuring the intake of milk the infant is getting.
Toddler beds have gained favor among many parents over the last decade, chiefly because they ease a toddler's transition from a crib to a full-size bed.
Some children just naturally love to take naps; they astound family and friends with the ease in which they settle down to sleep.
Nobody ever wants to experience the loss of a child, but knowing there are others out there just like you may ease the pain somewhat.
Such tools can ease early parenting and also allow moms and dads the luxury of roaming to the farthest distances of their houses while baby's actions remain monitored.
Simple, inexpensive, bar soap serves as a great pin cushion and will allow your pins to slide through the next diaper with ease.
Choosing a toddler bed to follow the crib is a great way to ease the transition from crib to bed for your child.
When you are looking at high chairs, don't forget to think about the ease of cleaning each one you consider.
Though somewhat cumbersome, Macromedia Flash allows flexibility and ease of integration between music, movie clips, animated objects and backgrounds to provide a very rich multimedia experience.
When selecting beads, look for uniformity in the finishing and the ease of stringing them together as the main factors in your purchase.
Some units are designed so that they can be carried in briefcases for ease of portability.
A very important factor is ease of use of the web site and the storage process.
The most important aspect is ease of use.
Slalom skis have flat bottoms and wider tails, and allow for more ease and comfort when attempting to get up on to the surface of the water.
Newbies should look for skis that are quite flexible, for they allow greater ease when making turns.
Wheels, padded straps and shoulder loops ease the strain on your tired muscles.
Zipper tabs should be oversized, big enough to grab and pull with ease.
Consider fire safety and ease of operation for years to come.
This type of motor home offers solid construction, tried-and-true designs and ease of handling - and is also one of the most budget-friendly motor home options.
The biggest selling points are the ease of assembly and the porcelain coated iron grates which make for easy clean ups and less sticking.
Audubon Binocular 7x18 Mini - weighing only 6.4 ounces, even a small child can carry these with ease.
Soft-sided pools have become very popular in the last few years because of their ease of installation and cost.
Controls - You should consider both their location and ease of use.
They are popular because of their affordability and ease of installation.
That probably stems from their ease of availability and their variety of deck types.
Ease of use is probably important to most, especially if computer skills aren't present.
They are available at several different stores, allowing you to shop and compare prices with ease.
Online commerce portals such as eBay and Craigslist are good sites to buy and sell sports cards because of their popularity and ease of use.
If you are uncertain or skeptical, ease your fears by purchasing a refurbished Mac from an Apple authorized partner>.
If you are still hesitant, consider discussing your decision with a financial advisor or banking representative to ease your apprehensions.
Most netbook comparisons include price, memory, hard drive storage, screen type and size, keyboard comfort and ease of typing, processor, USB ports, and battery life.
If the tank features a K-valve, then odds are your regulator's first stage will lock in place with ease, but if it has a DIN valve, you may require a special adapter in order to secure the first stage.
There also are dozens of new economy e-readers on the market too, so if the top two e-readers are still beyond your budget this Christmas, you can still find a cost effective gift solution for the book lover on your list with ease.
You might want a tablet for its portability and ease of use as a second computer.
There are several steps you can take to help ease this transition a bit.
More than likely, Phebe will adjust eventually, but if you can help ease this transition, it will be less traumatic for both cats and for you and your husband.
The ease of taming a feral adult cat really depends on many factors, including the cat's temperament and the environment.
While you will love a new kitten, and it will keep you busy, it really does not ease the grief over losing a pet.
If you have a shy cat that tends to be reclusive, you will need to do more preparation to ease the transition of sharing life with a new baby.
When traditional medicine fails, many cat owners turn to holistic and natural remedies to help ease their cat's symptoms.
The act of purring can oftentimes put humans at ease, and many people agree that it is a wonderful sensation to pet a purring cat during a quiet evening at home.
One thing that can ease the transition when relocating a cat to your home is to bring something along that is familiar and smells like the place she just left.
One of the best ways to ease the transition of bringing a new cat into your home is to familiarize each cat with the other's scent beforehand.
The ease and convenience of using an ATM and an ATM card is quite an evolution in money management.
Knowing which investments are worthwhile and where your money is will ease other planning when it becomes necessary.
The best way to ease the tension of a tight budget is to build in a rewards system.
Many consumers, however, don't fully realize all the sources of income and expenditures they truly have, nor how tracking them can help ease financial burdens.
For this reason it is important to review the various Visa gift card offerings and choose a card that features the least amount of fees and provides the most ease of use.
The Washington Mutual Visa Business Card is designed for ease of use and effective record keeping for business owners.
This Exxon gas card also features the Speedpass keychain for ease of use.
Although the site requires registration, the ease of use thereafter makes paying online very easy to do.
This can be a good choice for business owners who do not want to incur debt but do want the ease of paying for purchases with a card.
Both options provide ease of use for the employees using the cards.
The negotiation process occurs in a neutral zone like the mediator's office which ideally helps both of the divorce parties feel more at ease.
Building on coping skills may help ease you through the process more smoothly as a divorce progresses.
While raising a child with another person may ease the pressure, co-parenting has its own struggles that can make many people want to just raise their child on their own without the help of the other parent.
In addition, just knowing that you are in the same boat as a lot of other co-parents can ease tensions and relieve stress.
Ease of Use - Plans are available in metric and standard U.S. measurements, so buy a plan that's easy for you to understand and use.
Remember, however, that the versatility, cost-effectiveness, and ease of use and replacement of foam cushions should not be passed up simply because you feel that all foam cushions are alike.
The ease with which they can be packed up and carried around makes them very popular.
A tilt mechanism synchronizes the seat and back movement, enabling the user to recline and move forward with ease.
Wood Zone provides plans for an eight-sided table featuring spaces between each seat which allow for ease of access and seating.
From a building standpoint, they're elevated beds on poles with enough overhead clearance under the bed to provide ease of use without risking a concussion.
Adding solar panels to these homes and businesses would greatly ease pollution and the amount of strain on the power grid.
For gardeners that still appreciate the ease of use that compost tumblers offer, they may consider using several tumblers that are all in different states of decay.
Increasing numbers of people are searching for instructions to build a windmill to make their home more eco-friendly and ease the financial strain caused by skyrocketing power bills.
Electricity produced by your windmill will ease the burden on your local power company, reduce the need for gas and other fuel sources, and decrease the amount of pollutants expelled into the air by other forms of energy use.
Clothes, for instance, are perfect for repurposing and a keen crafter can turn waste products into treasures with ease.
People with good DIY skills ought to be able to build a greenhouse with relative ease using green building materials.
This includes access during the building of a greenhouse as well as ease of access when the greenhouse has been built.
Someone with good DIY skills should be able to build a backyard greenhouse with ease.
Ease of use - modern cloth diapers are preformed and are easy to put on a baby.
Lastly, topical treatments for herpes sores help ease the discomfort and heal them faster through herbal remedies.
Heavy use of these types of pain relievers can degrade liver function and the protective properties of milk thistle ease this side effect.
For mild to moderate burns aloe vera gel applied directly from a healthy plant leaf or a supply of harvested aloe gel will ease the pain.
Native Americans also used this variety of ginseng as a cough remedy and as a method to ease constipation.
The herb was used in Chinese medicine for anti-inflammatory purposes and to ease stomach aliments.
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and may be used to ease the symptoms related to rheumatoid arthritis.
A warm tea infused with ginger should ease the cramps and reduce the bloating.
Milk thistle may help ease the symptoms.
Teas made with slippery elm powders are can soothe upset stomachs and ease nausea.
Throat lozenges are sucked on as needed to ease sore throat or cough.
For babies, Hyland's offers products to ease teething pain, diaper rash and colic.
These herbs are known for their soothing or anti-inflammatory properties, and are reputed to help ease the pain associated with sciatica.
Herbal hormone replacement is seen by many women as a more natural way to ease the symptoms of menopause.
Your eye should be able to move from fabrics and colors in the room back to the inspiration piece with ease.
Autodesk Homestyler is a free design program, so it doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles, but it makes up for that in ease of use.
They believe in designing for both comfort and flexibility as well as for ease of use.
The judges debated the strengths and weaknesses of the contestants, weighing up Tym's ease in front of the camera against David's obvious talent.
With multiple leaves available for the tables, and additional storage in the buffet, you can host family gatherings with ease for years.
The simple, sturdy cases will comfortably hold your china, dishes, linens and pottery with ease.
Likewise, if you're stuck with a dated look, like popcorn paint finish ceilings, these tiles can cover up a multitude of past decorating sins with ease.
Unfortunately, their ease of use often means that these tools are simplistic, with poor renderings that may make it difficult to accurately determine what the finished bedroom design would look like.
When you add in the ease of installation you can easy see why this product is growing in popularity.
A hip Maya chaise lounge and a Mission-style table looked at ease together.
The obvious ease of tossing your rug into the washing machine makes this kind of rug a perfect choice for the types of dirt and grim found in the kitchen.
Jot down measurements and then erase them with ease.
Improving stain resistance and ease of cleaning.
Make sure cabinet and appliance doors open with ease and that they can all be open at the same time.
Many consumers prefer cotton braided rugs for ease of cleaning, but you can also purchase braided rugs made out of chenille cotton fibers for a truly luxurious look.
Fun wall murals can brighten a kitchen, dining room, living space or child's room with ease.
If you're going from all white walls in your home to trying color, this type of palette will help you ease into something new and different.
If you're trying to ease the burden of household cleaning, washable area rugs can keep your home stylish and low maintenance at the same time.
An area rug that can be washed and dried with ease is a must have for most busy households.
This area needs to be near the refrigerator and water for ease of function.
Even with the ease of modern fabric, there are still some clothes that will require a quick once over with a hot iron.
In the end, you'll have a retro flavored lamp that meets your lighting needs with ease.
Bobbi's innovative eyeliner offers the precision of liquid liner and the ease of a gel-based formula.
The pencil comes in three shades; Brunette, Dark Blonde, and Dark Brown, so you'll be able to get the look you want to relative ease.
Permanent lip color can take care of both concerns with ease.
That should ease your conscience when it comes to buying more product than you can ever possibly use in a lifetime unless you're a makeup artist.
One trait they all share, however, is their ease of use.