Earned Sentence Examples
You earned this job.
He didn't care if he only earned his board.
Indeed all the extant writings by which he has earned his place as a poet and translator belong to this period.
Boyle has come in second place in the contest, but earned the respect and admiration of fans worldwide.
Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith - Even though these two tend to lie pretty low, they earned a combined $48 million.
Laplace had not yet completed his twenty-fourth year when he entered upon the course of discovery which earned him the title of "the Newton of France."
They earned the reputation of being the most lawless white inhabitants in the whole of South Africa.
His university training was supplemented (1714) by a continental tour, untrammelled by a governor; at the Hague his ambition for the applause awarded to adventure made a gamester of him, and at Paris he began, from the same motive, that worship of the conventional Venus, the serious inculcation of which has earned for him the largest and most unenviable part of his reputation.
His zeal in founding monasteries earned for him his surname "the Pious," and canonization by Pope Innocent VIII.
On the death of Gideon, Abimelech set himself to assert the authority which his father had earned, and through the influence of his mother's clan won over the citizens of Shechem.
AdvertisementIt is this last feature which has earned for the river the name "China's sorrow."
In 2005, Hatch was indicted for tax evasion after it came to light that he had never paid taxes on the money he received from the show, as well as income he earned in promoting the show through interviews and other media.
While still dabbling in the arts, he continued his education and earned a BA in Communications, majoring in journalism, at the University of Technology in Sydney.
Playing the role of Curly McLain in Oklahoma!, at the Royal National Theater in London, England, Jackman was widely praised for his performance and earned an Olivier Award nomination.
Boyle sang I Dream a Dream from the Broadway musical Les Miserables and earned an ovation and much praise.
AdvertisementCutlass - Cutlass was a short film that earned praise from movie critics.
Frederick, now king of Prussia, made not a few efforts to get Voltaire away from Madame du Chatelet, but unsuccessfully, and the king earned the lady's cordial hatred by persistently refusing or omitting to invite her.
Pattinson will have to make some big career moves in the future to shed his image as the sullen vampire he plays in the movies, but for now he seems to be enjoying the attention and popularity he has earned.
The dynamic musical duo earned their millions via record sales, endorsement deals, movies and tours.
Calista Flockhart and Harrison Ford - With the hit series Brothers and Sisters and Harrison Ford's deal for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, the two earned around $70 million.
AdvertisementWell, it seems that celebrities can rest easy because no matter how bleak things get with the economy, job loss and foreclosures, people still set aside some of their hard earned money for entertainment.
She surmises that out of the 100 grand he earned, she saw a mere $7,700 and she wants more - nearly $2,000 a month, to be exact, and she wants it retro activated beginning from the day Tripp was born.
The dark comedy scored legions of fans and earned Travolta an Oscar nomination.
Though Johnson's professional wrestling career made him a household name, it was his skills on the football field that earned him a college scholarship to the University of Miami.
The Mummy Returns earned $433 million and The Scorpion King, while not as successful, still earned a respectable $165 million worldwide.
AdvertisementHasselhoff has become one of the most recognizable stars around the globe, with his appearances on popular television programs and a music career that has earned him millions of European fans.
Conquering a wide variety of roles and surviving the typecasting of a teen heartthrob, Lowe has earned the respect of his peers and viewers alike.
His nicotine addiction has earned him the nickname "Harry Puffer" in the British media.
She went on to Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Allowance must be made for the period of development during which there are no contributions to the sinkingfund and within which no interest is earned on invested capital.
Its statements earned Sanders the nickname of Dr Slanders in England; but a considerable number of the " slanders " have been confirmed by corroborative evidence, and others, e.g.
The sales earned for the general and his family something like half a million dollars.
A little money was earned by an occasional article in Le Producteur, in which he began to expound the philosophic ideas that were now maturing in his mind.
This was a weak affectation that found its chief votaries amongst literary men ambitious of an easily earned artistic reputation.
By his conduct in many stubborn fights with these foes, Robert thoroughly earned his surname and gained the confidence of the king, who gave him the counties of Nevers and Auxerre.
Their hostility to Captain Cook in 1774, which earned from him the name of Savage for the island, was due to their fear of foreign disease, a fear that has since been justified.
At the close of his term Colfax returned to private life under a cloud, and during the remainder of his lifetime earned a livelihood by delivering popular lectures.
Eratosthenes, who in the latter half of the and century B.C. was keeper of the famous Alexandrian library, not only made himself a great name by his important work on geography, but by his treatise entitled Chronographia, one of the first attempts to establish an exact scheme of general chronology, earned for himself the title of "father of chronology."
The exceptional genius of Cotes earned encomiums from both his contemporaries and successors; Sir Isaac Newton said, "If Mr Cotes had lived, we should have known something."
In 1793 he supported Grey's motion for a return to the old constitutional system of representation, and so earned the title to be regarded as one of the earliest promoters of the cause of parliamentary reform; and he was one of the founders of the "Society of the Friends of the People."
Plehve carried out the "russification" of the alien provinces within the Russian Empire, and earned bitter hatred in Poland, in Lithuania and especially in Finland.
Though the excellence of his work as agent-general in the years 1780-86 was fully acknowledged, and earned him a special gift of 31,000 livres, yet he did not gain a bishopric until the beginning of the year 1789, probably because the king disliked him as a freethinker.
Weimar owes its importance not to any industrial development, which the grand-dukes discourage within the limits of their Residenz, but to its intimate association with the classical period of German literature, which earned for it the title of the "poets' city" and "the German Athens."
They spent their energy in attacking Plato and Aristotle, and hence earned the opprobrious epithet of Eristic. They used their dialectic subtlety to disprove the possibility of motion and decay; unity is the negation of change, increase and decrease, birth and death.
Occupation is dealt with minutely, in conjunction with temporary unemployment, average wage or salary earned, and other particulars.
In this work he for the first time systematized an old Oriental (perhaps Phoenician) method of interpreting the popular myths, asserting that the gods who formed the chief objects of popular worship had been originally heroes and conquerors, who had thus earned a claim to the veneration of their subjects.
Any dividends earned by them above 5 or 6% on their capital were to go to the State (in the first place to the Minister for War, to be applied to war purposes).
His brother Mikhail (1674-1730) was a celebrated soldier, who is best known for his governorship of Finland (1714-1721), where his admirable qualities earned the remembrance of the people whom he had conquered.
It conceives salvation as a "wages" (µtc 063) to be earned or forfeited; and regards certain good works, such as prayer, fasting, alms - especially the last - as efficacious to cancel sins.
He feigned madness at his trial, but during the forty years of his subsequent confinement at Bedlam he talked and acted like a rational being, and when he was at length released and sent to Australia he earned his living there as a house painter, and used to declare that he had never been mad at all.
In 1456, the recitation of a few prayers before a church crucifix earned a Pardon of 20,000 years for every such repetition.
A combatant in the volunteer corps during the war of 1848, he returned to Brescia after the defeat of Novara, and for a time earned a livelihood by teaching law, but was molested by the Austrian police and forbidden to teach in consequence of his refusal to contribute pro-Austrian articles to the press.
For that year the budget was already settled, and it was introduced by Mr Asquith himself, the ex-chancellor; but Mr Lloyd George earned golden opinions, both at the Treasury and in parliament, by his industry and his handling of the Finance Bill, especially important for its inclusion of Old Age Pensions, in the later stages.
His polemic skill earned for him the title of the "Column of the Portico."
The first prize which fell to Caesar was the consulship, to secure which he forewent the triumph which he had earned in Spain.
He went to Brussels, where for nearly thirty years he earned a scanty livelihood by his writings.
In peace time he shows a decided fondness for money, and will go wherever it is to be earned.
By the exercise of his musical talents he earned money enough for the start, at Helmstadt, of an university career, which the aid of a wealthy patron enabled him to continue at Leipzig.
As Whip the Master of Elibank earned high praise for his energy and tact; but he was somewhat unfortunately mixed up with the " Marconi Scandal " in connexion with Mr. Lloyd George and Sir Rufus Isaacs, as having invested part of the Liberal Party funds in American Marconi shares in which he, with them, was speculating - a transaction hotly debated in Parliament in 1913.
He distinguished himself by his conciliatory disposition, earned the special confidence of Duke John Albert of Mecklenburg, and took a leading part in 1552 in drawing up the constitution of the Mecklenburg church.
In explanation of the fact that he never received the Victoria Cross it was said of him that it was because he earned it every day of his life.
His personal amiability earned him the affectionate pity of his subjects, and he became the hero of popular stories which did not tend to maintain the dignity of the crown.
His ability earned for him the titles of Doctor Facundus and Doctor Abundans.
Great congregations have been gathered, and the work done for uplifting the fallen and outcast has earned the gratitude of all gocd men.
Above all he earned the contempt of Englishmen and foreigners alike by the instability of his purpose.
The fort and the settlement were named in honour of General William Jenkins Worth (1794-1849), a native of Hudson, New York, who served in the War of 1812, commanded the United States forces against the Seminole Indians in 1841-1842, served under both General Taylor and General Scott in the Mexican War, distinguishing himself at Monterey (where he earned the brevet of major-general) and in other engagements, and later commanded the department of Texas.
His dogmatic and fearless attitude in controversy earned for him the nickname "Pope Gib."
He was removed to Glasgow, and left for the time in charge of his father; but on the news of his progress towards recovery a bond was drawn up for execution of the sentence of death which had secretly been pronounced against the twice-turned traitor who had earned his doom at all hands alike.
Albert, whose attempts to reform the monasteries earned for him the surname of Pious, was almost elected king of Bohemia in 1440.
His incisive way of putting things earned for him the title of the "Militant Bishop," but, as he himself remarked in.
The earliest Flemish Beghard communities were associations mainly of artisans who earned ' In the year 1287 the council of Liege decreed that "all Beguinae desiring to enjoy the Beguine privileges shall enter a Beguinage, and we order that all who remain outside the Beguinage shall wear a dress to distinguish them from the Beguinae."
The independence of his conduct as a judge, though not unmixed with the baser elements of prejudice and vulgar love of authority, has partly earned forgiveness for the harshness which was so prominent in his sturdy character.
He repaired to Birmingham, and there earned a few guineas by literary drudgery.
Although he often gave offence by his haughty and aggressive disposition, few German princes have earned so thoroughly the goodwill of posterity.
He had also earned renown by carrying on feuds with the citizens of Worms and of Metz, and now, with a view to realizing his larger ambitions, he opened the campaign (August 1522) by attacking the elector of Trier, who, as a spiritual prince, would not, it was hoped, receive any help from the religious reformers.
Rosehaugh, near Avoch, belonged to Sir George Mackenzie, founder of the Advocates' library in Edinburgh, who earned the sobriquet of "Bloody" from his persecution of the Covenanters.
After 1526 the downfall of Hungary left Ragusa free; and about this time a great development of art and literature, begun in the 15th century and continued into the 17th, earned for the city its title of the "South Slavonic Athens."
So it came about in 1869, that on the first occasion when there was a joint sitting of the Delegations to settle a point in the von Rauscher (1797-1875), cardinal archbishop of Vienna, who had earned his red hat by the share he had taken in arranging the concordat of 1855, and now attempted to use his great personal influence with the emperor (his former pupil) to defeat the bill.
After a short interval the emperor appointed as ministerpresident Count Badeni, who had earned a great reputation as governer of Galicia.
This new fund started with a capital of 13,376,000 and was replenished by the surpluses of subsequent years, by the interest earned by its temporary investment, and by the sums accruing by the liquidation of the Daira and Domains loans.
He earned the confidence of the Porte by the cruel discipline he maintained in his own sanjak, and the regular flow of tribute and bribes which he directed to Constantinople; while he bent all his energies to extending his territories at the expense of his neighbours.
He was very careful not to "kick or rear," and his good conduct earned him a further stage in the restoration to favour.
The similarity of the morphological characters of one group of fungi to those of certain algae has earned for it the name of Phycomycetes or alga -fungi.
The Oscillatoriaceae are capable of a peculiar oscillatory movement, which has earned for them their name, and which enables them to move through considerable distances.
A certain inequality in the character of the two cilia of the zoospores of some of the members of the group has earned for it the title Heterokontae, from the Greek xovros, a punting-pole.
He won the admiration of Albert Gallatin and others by his powerful support of the movement in 1811 to recharter the Bank of the United States; he earned the condemnation of posterity by his authorship in 1820 of the four-years-term law, which limited the term of service of thousands of public officials to four years, and did much to develop the " spoils system."
He began an English prose version of Dante's Divine Comedy - which has earned him the name of " Dante Carlyle "- but only completed the translation of the Inferno (1849).
By the act of 1872 their management was transferred to the school boards, and they may be conveniently classified into higher-class public schools, such as the old grammar schools and the liberally endowed schools of the Merchant Company in Edinburgh, and higher grade schools, with a few years' preparatory course for the universities, while some of the ordinary schools have earned the grant for higher education.
There is no proof for the legend that Bernard Saisset earned Philip IV.'s hatred in 1300-1301 by boldly sustaining the pope's demand for the liberation of the count of Flanders, and by publicly proclaiming the doctrine of papal supremacy.
It was his conduct of the Dreyfus case, however, which placed him at the top of his profession and earned him his unique reputation.
The ruins still extant are very remarkable, and, with the noble Roman theatre, the finest in the world, have earned for the place (as is the case with certain other great monuments) a legendary connexion with Solomon's Sheban queen.
He soon earned the favour of this king, who treated him with great generosity and who on several occasions sent him on important embassies to the English, the French and the papal courts.
James Wood, who became Nonconformist minister in the chapel at Atherton in 1691, earned fame and the familiar title of "General" by raising a force from his congregation, uncouthly armed, to fight against the troops of the Pretender (1715).
This industry was to be measured by marks earned by hard labour at the public works, after a short probational term of close "separate" confinement.
When he has earned the proper number of marks, which at the earliest cannot be until one month has elapsed, he passes into the second stage and is allowed better diet and a mattress twice a week.
Every day's work is gauged and marks recorded according to its value; upon the total earned depends his passage through the stages or classes which regulate his diet and general treatment, and more especially his interviews and communications with his relations and friends.
It must be borne in mind that the marks thus earned may be forfeited at any time by misconduct, but affect remission to this extent only.
Having earned his remission the convict enters upon the third stage of his punishment.
He had won the affection of Omar, by his knowledge of the Koran and the Sunna of the Prophet, and by the fact that he had employed the first money he earned to purchase the freedom of his mother Somayya.
He cancelled, however, the increase of the pay granted by Walid and thus earned the nickname of the Nagis (diminisher).
By partial reduction of the tungstates under certain conditions products are obtained which are insoluble in acids and alkalis and present a bronze-like appearance which earned for them the name of tungsten bronzes.
He was an early adherent of Luther, and, becoming elector of Saxony by his brother's death 1 This incident earned for him among the Parisians the contemptuous nickname of "John of Lagny, who does not hurry."
As a physician he seems to have done little, and lived poorly on a pension given him by some Dutch merchants and money which he earned from distillers for advocating the use of spirits.
He was so handsome in person as to have earned the sobriquet of "the beauty of holiness."
His acceptance of the nomination, however, earned him the enmity of the southern Democrats, who prevented his appointment by Pierce as secretary of state and as minister to France in 1853.
The precise date and place of his birth, together with details of his early life, are wanting; but in 1143 he assisted his maternal uncle, Count Welf VI., in his attempts to conquer Bavaria, and by his conduct in several local feuds earned the reputation of a brave and skilful warrior.
A year or two later he began work in the mines and earned his living underground for 16 years, often working 12 and 14 hours a day.
Of humble origin, he appears to have earned a livelihood as a porter; hence his nickname of "Sack-bearer" (IaKK&s, for vaKK040pos).
It can scarcely be denied that the Roman Catholic clergy have always owed much of their influence to their celibacy, and that in many cases this influence has been most justly earned by the celibate's devotion to an unworldly ideal.
The college was founded in 1852 by the consolidation of Franklin College, founded at Lancaster in 1787, and Marshall College, founded at Mercersburg in 1836, both of which had earned a high standing among the educational institutions of Pennsylvania.
But in spite of his shortcomings he is an exceedingly attractive writer, and his mastery of the art of narrative has earned for him the name of the Herodotus of the barbarians.
His services on the outpost line of the army earned for him the soubriquet of "Light Horse Harry."
This revelation led to an all-round retrenchment, carried into effect with a drastic thoroughness which has earned for this parliament the name of the " Reduktion Riksdag."
In 1880 a laborer earning 25 krans, or LI sterling a month, could afford to keep a family; by 1908, in krans, he earned double what he did in 1880, but his wage, expressed in sterling, was the same, and wherever the prices of food have risen more than his wages he could not afford to keep a family.
He is said to have earned the character of a wise and valiant monarch, to, have reigned eleven years, to have lived to the age of seventy, and, on his death in 1477 or (according to Krusinski and Zeno) J478, to have been succeeded on the throne of Persia by his son Yaqub.
The successive publication of Tables for the Purchasing and Renewing of Leases (1802), of The Doctrine of Interest and Annuities (1808), and The Doctrine of Life-Annuities and Assurances (1810), earned him a high reputation as a writer on life-contingencies; he amassed a fortune through diligence and integrity and retired from business in 1825, to devote himself wholly to astronomy.
He earned the notice of Michael III.
The coast lands are unhealthy and have earned for Sierra Leone the unenviable reputation of being "the white man's grave."
This was followed by several papers chiefly bearing upon the relation between extinct and existing forms - a line of research which culminated in the publication of the Histoire des vegetaux fossiles, which has earned for him the title of "father of palaeobotany."
In the last campaign, at Gravenstein and Wiihelmsthal, Homburg and Cassel, Granby's men bore the brunt of the fighting and earned the greatest share of the glory.
It ended in 1201, and the last decade of Sancho's reign was a period of peaceful reform which earned for the king his popular name of o Povoador, the " maker of towns."
It was Diniz who initiated the needful reforms. He earned his title of the rei lavrador or "farmer king " by introducing improved methods of cultivation and founding agricultural schools.
In the victory won by the Christians on the banks of the river Salado, near Tarifa, he earned his title of Alphonso the Brave (1340).
In bucolics there arose a worthy disciple of Ribeiro in Francisco Rodrigues Lobo, author of the lengthy pastoral romances Corte na aldea and Primavera, the songs in which, with his eclogues, earned him the name of the Portuguese Theocritus.
Long before England was ripe to welcome deistic thought Lord Herbert of Cherbury earned the name "Father of Deism" by laying down the main line of that religious philosophy which in various forms continued ever after to be the backbone of deistic systems. He based his theology on a comprehensive, if insufficient, survey of the nature, foundation, limits and tests of human knowledge.
His private life and public career were marked by the utmost integrity, and by a rigid austerity which earned him the name of the "iron baron."
The prosperity which followed the construction of railways to the interior earned for the port the designation of "the Liverpool of South Africa."
Clifford soon earned for herself a prominent place in English literary life as a novelist, and later as a dramatist.
Rene died on the Toth of July 1480, his charities having earned for him the title of "the good."
The Visigothic king was slain, but the victory, though hardly earned, remained with his people and his allies.
He had fairly earned the honour of a triumph, but his powerful enemies at Rome and charges of maiadministration, to which his immense wealth gave colour, caused it to be deferred till 63.
His park and pleasure grounds near Rome, and the costly and laborious works in his parks and villas at Tusculum, near Naples, earned for him from Pompey (it is said) the title of the "Roman Xerxes."
The noble style of his biographies and orations has earned for him the title of the Swedish Tacitus.
His diary reveals a tender and devout private life which has been overlooked by those who have only considered the versatile facility and persuasive expediency that marked the successful public career of the bishop, and earned!
Although his great reputation was chiefly earned as a foreign minister, it may be said that the last ten years of his life, in which he filled other offices, were not the least useful or dignified portion of his career.
She was born at Caserta, on the 26th of April 1782, and received a careful education which developed the naturally pious and honourable disposition that earned for her in the family circle the nickname of La Santa.
He was hampered by none of that exaggerated respect for the rebels which earned Sir Colin Campbell the nickname of Old Khabardhar (Old Take-Care); but carried to an extreme the policy of audacity.
Cangrande died in 1319, being succeeded by his nephew Martino, and Marsiglio soon began to meditate treachery; he negotiated with the Venetians in 1336, and in the following year he secretly introduced Venetian troops into Padua, arrested Alberto della Scala, Martino's brother, then in charge of the town, and thus regained the lordship. He died in 1338, and was succeeded by his relative Ubertino, a typical medieval tyrant, who earned an unenviable notoriety for his murders and acts of treachery, but was also a patron of the arts; he built the Palazzo dei Principi, the castle of Este, constructed a number of roads and canals, and protected commerce.
By his T inatal (written between October 1854 and April 1855) he laid the foundations for the chronology of Icelandic history, in a series of conclusions that have not been displaced (save by his own additions and corrections), and that justly earned the praise of Jacob Grimm.
Money had to be earned, and he now secured an editorial post at Hartford, Connecticut, which he sustained until forced by ill-health, early in his twenty-fifth year, to re-seek the Haverhill farm.
His best book is a Life of Cardinal Wolsey (London, 1724), containing documents which are still valuable for reference; of his other writings the Prefatory Epistle containing some remarks to be published on Homer's Iliad (London, 1714), was occasioned by Pope's proposed translation of the Iliad, and his Theologia speculativa (London, 1718), earned him the degree of D.D.
His activity during this time earned him the reputation of one of the most terrible and sinister figures of the Revolution.
When hostilities were renewed between England and France in 1354 Sir James was in constant attendance upon the Black Prince, and earned a great reputation for valour.
Beshir supported Jezzar against Napoleon in 1799 and earned the friendship of Sir Sidney Smith.
As Johannes Gratianus he had earned a high reputation for learning and probity, and in 1045 he bought the Roman pontificate from his godson Benedict IX.
His power of patient endurance, or perhaps his slowness, earned him the title of "the Ass"; but such was the esteem awakened by his high moral qualities that, on the death of Zeno in 263, he became the leader of the school.
His eloquence and his writings earned for him a renown and influence which far exceeded St Bernard's, and which held its ground until the advent of the Thomist philosophy.
He proposed in 1846 to migrate to America, but went instead to Switzerland, where he earned his living as a teacher.
Its grotesque external ornamentation earned for it the name of Duivelshuis, or devil's house.
Prince and followers alike soon earned hatred, the former showing the incurable vices of his character, and pulling the beards of the chieftains.
Carried in great measure by means as corrupt as those by which the constitution of '82 had been worked, the union earned no gratitude.
The prizemoney earned by the capture of the galleon had made him a rich man for life, and under the influence of irritation caused by the refusal of the admiralty to confirm a captain's commission he had given to one of his officers, Anson refused the rank of rearadmiral, and was prepared to leave the service.
The quality of his work rivalled its quantity, while the disinterestedness and rectitude of his moral character earned him universal respect.
The name of Barere de Vieuzac, by which he continued to call himself long after the renunciation of feudal rights on the famous 4th of August, was assumed from a small fief belonging to his father, a lawyer at Vieuzac. He began to practise as an advocate at the parlement of Toulouse in 1770, and soon earned a considerable reputation as an orator; while his brilliant and flowing style as a writer of essays led to his election as a member of the Academy of Floral Games of Toulouse in 1788.
During the ensuing two years (1589-1591) he carried on that remarkable series of experiments by which he established the first principles of dynamics and earned the undying hostility of bigoted Aristotelians.
A work on the copper mines of Hesse (1767) earned him a European reputation, and in 1783 he accepted from Catherine II.
In efficiency and devotion to duty the Egyptian officials under the new regime also earned high praise.
This perpetual guerrilla was a severe strain upon the resources of the great power, and Shamyl's romantic fight for independence, making him a sort of ally of England and France at the time of the Crimean War (1853-55), earned him a European reputation.
With this work, he earned the heartfelt gratitude of his countrymen.
Frederick II., who became elector on his father's death in September 1440, was born on the 19th of November 1413, and earned the surname of " Iron " through his sternness to his country's enemies.
His father's favourites were exiled; foreigners were ousted from public positions and their places taken by natives; and important economies were effected, which earned for John George the surname of Oekonom, or steward.
It was the maintenance of the constitution in the face of the overwhelming tide of reaction that established his position as the champion of Italian freedom and earned him the sobriquet of Re Galantuomo (the honest king).
My question earned me a scowl from Howie who seemed unwilling to discuss the last night's happenings.
My pronouncement earned a frown from Martha.
I realized Julie was being honest and that earned her points on the positive side of the ledger.
He earned himself a sharp jab in the kidney.
Surely he now has earned the accolade "master."
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His actions were emulated by many others whose "merit" earned them hereditary titles.
The Pharisees were convinced they had earned the gratitude of God.
She earned further kudos on a school trip to Detroit.
Degrees earned are of paramount significance in academia.
Griffin then earned a two-year suspended prison sentence for his views on the Holocaust.
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Redruth dominated the early stages, and Moon earned applause for a number of excellent clearance kicks to touch.
Rayleigh is perhaps most famous for his discovery the inert gas argon in 1895, work which earned him a Nobel Prize in 1904.
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The name of the former convent of St Ursula has earned a dismal reputation far beyond the Spanish frontier.
It was somewhere along this ridge that a young German corporal, Adolf Hitler earned an Iron Cross.
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A showman, supreme egoist and crowd-puller, he earned millions - then, in 2001, he lost his first fight.
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Citizens and Corporations must pay income tax on ALL earned money, even if it is earned overseas.
The Parable of the Good Samaritan Why is it important to know the pay the innkeeper earned to help the Samaritan's injured friend?
Luxury hotel earned playing at the wpt calendar daniel negreanu johnny.
It compares with just $ 200 million earned from killing kangaroos.
M aid Marian's extreme makeover earned Nottingham a top award this year.
Very few indeed actually earned the millions they were hoping for.
Nick Dempsey has earned Britain's fourth Sailing medal, with bronze in the men's mistral.
I think today i have earned a prairie muffin award for my kitchen endeavors!
Today, the town is an autonomous municipality and has earned itself extraordinary success in the panorama of international tourism.
His extraordinary, stoic bravery earned him unconditional tributory awe from the Establishment, and the affectionate family nickname ' one leg ' .
And at the last Olympics, Britain's swimmers earned a certain notoriety for, shall we say, world-class partying.
She earned 15s per week as a cotton operative.
Wasn't this exactly the sort of thing that earned Microsoft such vicious opprobrium in the nineties?
Carnival Float In 1999 we entered a float into the Oldham Carnival, this earned us second place overall.
Williams has earned a reputation as one of Britain's foremost realist painters.
Before that he earned his living as a theoretical plasma physicist.
His vocal polyphony earned him respect and for awhile he was quite well off.
In every role Dwight earned the praises of the critics who voted him one of the ten best actors currently on the stage.
Some things are too priceless to be bought or earned.
This same year (1687) he took Holy orders and soon earned renown as a preacher in London.
After finishing bottom of the table, Scarborough earned a brief reprieve when Altrincham were docked 18 points for fielding an ineligible player.
They have earned a great reputation on the live circuit with their superb show.
Her restaurant has earned a well deserved reputation of being one of the finest in the North West.
His noteworthy published research has, additionally, earned him a Wollaston Fund award from the Royal Geographical Society.
He earned the nickname Alex due to his striking resemblance to a large marine turtle in Sea World Skegness.
Before you travel to Waterloo take a well earned rest upon a bench on Hampstead Heath.
Neil Warnock's two-fingered salute at the Norwich bench has earned him an FA charge.
The long beach, bustling seafront and chic shops of Les Sables d'Olonne have earned it the name ' mini Nice ' .
Stockport's success against Bradford - their first in almost four months - earned them a little self-respect.
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Former chairman Clive Thompson earned the sobriquet Mr 20% for the regularity with which the company met this earnings target during the nineties.
Which earned us only greater hatred from the statist socialists.
His gritty and often downright spiteful contributions soon earned all the wrong sort of headlines and won United infamy for their base approach.
No doubt, they've earned their legendary stature.
His fiery temperament earned him the nickname of the ' Red Monk ' .
The pittance earned by some of these women is earned at the expense of more than only hard toil.
But we can go fight the worlds war in Iraq spending trillions of our hard earned dollars... We won ' t go there.
Take a well earned break Your second trimester is the ideal time to get away.
Since our establishment we have earned trust worthy reputation in those markets for providing our committed services.
Its award-winning vineyards have earned it the soubriquet of " the Bordeaux of the South Pacific " .
Sobieski had well earned these distinctions by his extraordinary military capacity, but he was now to exhibit a less pleasing side of his character.
It has associations with Alexander Stewart, earl of Buchan and lord of Badenoch (1343-1405), son of Robert II., whose ruffianly conduct in Elginshire earned him the designation of the Wolf of Badenoch, the Comyns, the Douglases (to whom it gave the title of baron in the 15th century), the Stuarts and the Duffs.
His violent temper soon compelled him to resign this appointment, and for two years he and his son earned a precarious livelihood by translations in London - a practical education, however, exceedingly useful to the younger Forster, who became a thorough master of English, and acquired many of the ideas which chiefly influenced his subsequent life.
Under the care of this "decayed dominie," whom he has so affectionately recorded, he earned a few guineas - his first literary fee - by revising for the press a new edition of Paul and Virginia.
When in the following winter money had to be earned to enable Ezekiel to remain in college, Daniel accepted the principalship of the academy at Fryeburg, Maine; but he resumed his law studies in the follow - ing year, and in 1804, with Ezekiel's assistance, he was enabled to go to Boston and conclude his studies under Christopher Gore (1758-1827), later governor of Massachusetts (1809-1810) and a U.S. senator (1813-1816).
The trial was successful, and by doing so he earned the gratitude of the human race.
Two other distinguished chiefs of the house were Karan Singh (1631-1669), who in the struggle of the sons of Shah Jahan for the throne threw in his lot with Aurangzeb, and his eldest son, Anup Singh (1669-1698), who fought with distinction in the Deccan, was conspicuous in the capture of Golconda, and earned the title of maharaja.
In action his reckless bravery had earned him rebuke, and in Paris he was remarked for the exact performance of his military duties, though he found time to whet his appetite for art in the matchless collections gathered by Napoleon as the spoil of all Europe.
His son Ariobarzanes, called "Eusebes" and "Philo-Romaeus," earned the gratitude of Cicero during his proconsulate in Cilicia, and fought for Pompey in the civil 492 wars, but was afterwards received with honour by Julius Caesar, who subsequently reinstated him when expelled by Pharnaces of Pontus.
Under the paternal eye the education of young Timur was such that at the age of twenty he had not only become an adept in manly outdoor exercises but had earned the reputation of being an attentive reader of the Koran.
The first two names he earned by the ferocity with which he repressed the disorder of the nobles after a long minority; the third by his victory over the last formidable African invasion of Spain in 1340.
Sir Alexander Stewart, earl of Buchan, fourth son of Robert II., who earned by his ferocity the title of the "Wolf of Badenoch," inherited by his wife the earldom of Ross, but died without legitimate issue, although from his illegitimate offspring were descended the Stewarts of Belladrum, of Athole, of Garth, of Urrard and of St Fort.
A small gratuity may be earned during the second and three following stages, amounting in the aggregate to ten shillings.
After further study in Paris and Göttingen, he returned to Oxford as tutor at New College, and soon earned recognition as a scholarly historian.
There he healed Eudemus, a celebrated peripatetic philosopher, and other persons of distinction; and ere long, by his learning and unparalleled success as a physician, earned for himself the titles of "Paradoxologus," the wonder-speaker, and "Paradoxopoeus," the wonder-worker, thereby incurring the jealousy and envy of his fellow-practitioners.
The king himself (see EDWARD VII.), who nobly earned the title of Edward the Peacemaker, played no small part in the domestic and international politics of these years; and contemporary publicists,whohadbecomeaccustomedto Victorian traditions, gradually realized that, within the limits of the constitutional monarchy, there was much more scope for the initiative of a masculine sovereign in public life than had been supposed by the generation which grew up after the death of his father in 1862.
Their allegiance was directly to the Dutch West India Company, and they enjoyed 1 Van Corlaer had emigrated to America about 1630; whil`, manager of Rensselaerwyck he had earned the confidence of the Indians, among whom "Corlaer" became a generic term for the English governors, and especially the governors of New York.
Instead of earning money, members of the collectives earned work points (which, of course, everyone prefers to money).
The remittance basis does not apply to other types of earned income arising in the Republic of Ireland.
Excluding the reorganization items, UAL earned a net profit for the third quarter totaling $ 68 million.
Quot they 're gone red rooster a. The early s earned a return.
Neil Warnock 's two-fingered salute at the Norwich bench has earned him an FA charge.
The long beach, bustling seafront and chic shops of Les Sables d'Olonne have earned it the name ' mini Nice '.
Stockport 's success against Bradford - their first in almost four months - earned them a little self-respect.
Griffin then earned a two-year suspended prison sentence for his sick views on the Holocaust.
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Purchase the freshest of fruits and vegetables and enjoy lunch ' al fresco ' followed by a well earned siesta by the pool !
Both races earned the drivers a standing ovation from the spectators.
No doubt, they 've earned their legendary stature.
I think Mademoiselle Lucy will now confess that the cord and gallows are amply earned; she trembles in anticipation of her doom.
Unhappy triad This combination of knee injuries has earned itself the famous name of ' The unhappy triad of O'Donoghue ' !
Its award-winning vineyards have earned it the soubriquet of " the Bordeaux of the South Pacific ".
But lacks the earned by winning and warm-up arena.
Research Royal Holloway has earned a world-class reputation for developing original research.
My sister's attitude earned her the nickname of Sassy as a child.
Mary's wonderful elocution earned her the position of guest speaker for the event.
My teenage daughter earned herself a spot at the kiddie table, after her puerile conduct.
His stereotypical adolescent attitude earned him a week of dish-washing duty.
Her despicable behavior earned her nothing but some time in jail.
The scientist earned acclaim for his remarkable achievement in the field of DNA research.
Graco strollers have earned the right to become a familiar name among parents of babies and toddlers.
However, keep in mind that there are well-known brands such as West Point or Cannon that have earned a reputation over the years for consistently producing high-end towels at affordable prices.
Indeed, that game earned a perfect 10 out of 10 score from Eurogamer.net.
When you think about it, isn't there other stuff you rather spend your hard earned cash on then having to constantly make car payments all the time?
This doesn't mean that it has to be a difficult process, per se, because there is much enjoyment to be had when you finally put down your hard earned cash to get your hands on a jersey.
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It has even earned a place in nonalcoholic drink history as well.
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Marital property is all property earned or acquired during the marriage.
The gross income used in the initial maintenance order shall not be modified to reflect income earned after the divorce is finalized.
Children still earned some extra money by gathering bottles and cans for recycling and schools engaged in paper drives, but the growth of plastic and the throwaway mentality outstripped these conservation methods.
The way these bags earned the label Eco was because they were perfect for using as shopping bags.
This designation may be earned at Clayton College, and the recipient of the diploma can work as a naturopathic consultant.
The team strives to make each project a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, and this dedication has earned mentions in various magazines.
There are plenty of places for you to find free internet design advice, both online and in print publication form, so you should be able to learn your way around a color wheel without having to part with any of your hard earned cash.
The middle 50 percent earned between $31,830 and $57,230.
The lowest 10 percent earned less than $24,270, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $78,760."
The final 1,760 hours must be earned after all education is completed.
It was at this time that Karastan earned its name the "Wonder Rug."
Britney earned a reported $12 million, and the selling power of Britney Spears was confirmed.
Always check out a school's accreditation, as well as the accrediting agency, before decided to spend your hard earned money on their courses.
I am surprised to say that a Cover Girl mascara has earned a spot as my second favorite mascara, second only to L'Oreal Telescopic (which also took a while to grow on me).
The product has earned itself a front row seat in my vast color collection, and I've found myself using it nearly daily, either on its own or to complement any colors.
The color lasted for hours each time, and I earned greater color payoff when I really layered the dark shades on.
She starred in such films as Silkwood (for which she earned an Oscar nomination), Mask, The Witches of Eastwick, Suspect and Moonstruck (which earned her the Oscar for Best Actress in 1988).
Though recognized primarily for vivid, art-emblazoned t-shirts, the Hardy name has earned itself household status thanks to this vast and ever-growing product lineup.
The degrees are earned by successfully completing the course requirements for that major.
At the end of the game, whoever has earned the highest score - either you or the computer - wins.
Cartier-Bresson's unique ability to record minute human details in a style known as "street photography," earned him the title of "Father of Modern Photojournalism."
The zombie probably earned its name because that's what you look and feel like after drinking two of them.
The Classic Italian Cookbook by Marcella Hazan has earned a reputation for bringing Italian cuisine into the homes of American cooks.
Check the seller feedback to make sure that they have earned a good reputation.
Product certificates are earned by consultants which are good for Creative Memories products.
Earned you an 'A' for creativity, and a 'D' for spelling.
Many schools will have letter clubs for students and athletes who have earned letters.
Usually athletes or students who have earned a letterman jacket are expected to pay for the jacket itself, and possibly a few of the smaller decorations.
Graduation is a momentous occasion for students of all ages, from kindergartners to high schoolers to candidates who have just earned their master's or doctoral degrees.
Known for their classic styles with a contemporary edge, the Middleton sisters earned praise worldwide for their dresses during the Royal Wedding in 2011.
The performance earned rave reviews from critics and audiences alike.
This turned out to be a smart move, because it earned her a lot more attention and fame with the international audience.
She dropped out of the Dwight School but eventually earned her GED, though she never attended college.
Her performance earned her an Emmy nod and she received a Golden Globe Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television.
Jessica dropped out of school to promote her musical career, but she later earned her GED.
Curtis Jackson became 50 Cent, a nickname he had earned in rehab.
Michael has earned over $40 million just with his endorsements.
Fox has earned mentions in men's magazines as one of the hottest celebrities, including several appearances on Maxim's Hot 100 list and her own FHM title as "The World's Sexiest Woman."
Combining an eclectic fashion sense with chiseled good looks, Pattinson was named Entertainment Tonight's Top Hunk of 2008, and earned the top spot in Glamour magazine's Sexiest Man Alive poll.
Over time, Brad earned the acceptance of both the media and the other drivers.
If you're not sure, check the company out online before handing over any of your hard earned cash.
According to CBS News, the studio made $10 to $15 million on the movie while Cruise earned between $80 and $90 million.
He earned the nickname "Fresh Prince" early on in life, and it would stick throughout his career.
Their work earned them the first ever Grammy for rap music.
Cowell has acted not only as producer but also as a judge on many of his programs, and he's earned himself a reputation for being blunt and sometimes even rude to potential contestants.
The album went platinum and earned her an MTV music video nomination.
Puerto Rican beauty Jennifer Lopez, nicknamed J.Lo, has earned the respect of fans from across the globe by proving that she's got what it takes to conquer the world.
She's earned her share of laughs by appearing as herself on Will & Grace, Mad TV, and Saturday Night Live.
He earned his Bachelor's Degree in Public Recreation in 1996.
His turn as Ali G, the dimwitted wannabe rapper, earned him his own series in 2000, Da Ali G Show.
Cohen has earned numerous Emmy nominations and two BAFTA TV Awards (Best Comedy Series, Best Comedy Performance) for Da Ali G Show.
Ray's first show on the Food Network, 30 Minute Meals, earned much attention.
Rachael Ray soon found her popularity earned her more gigs on the Food Network, including $40 a Day, Inside Dish, and Rachael Ray's Tasty Travels.
Early in her career, Cameron Diaz earned a reputation for being prone to accidents and illness.
Instead, they have earned their fame and fortune through acting, sports, and comedy.
Dane earned other small roles on Married with Children, the police drama Silk Stalkings, and the outlaw bounty hunter drama Renegade.
As sexy model turned wife Gabrielle Solis, her skimpy outfits and indiscretions with the 17-year-old gardener earned her high marks among fans of the new show.
Earned the attention as TV Guide and USA Today's "hot new face of fall 2004."
She has gone on to record many new albums in both Spanish and English, and earned recognition in the form of Grammy and Latin Grammy awards.
The Duff sisters were cast in television commercials before Hilary earned her first small role in the television mini-series True Women in 1997.
By the fall of that year, the album earned triple platinum status.
The album landed at number four on the charts and eventually earned triple platinum status.
Both films earned him recognition as a serious actor, supported by numerous awards for each film.
Hudson earned critical acclaim from some of the music industry's greats during her time on American Idol.
The role earned her a lot of recognition, including a Golden Globe nomination, the MTV Award for Best Breakthrough Performance and the Saturn award for Best Young Actress.
Smith's death, much like her life, earned her a great deal of attention -- with even more coverage expected as the details of her death unfold.
Host Phil Keoghan noted that the all stars represented "the teams [who] have earned the most attention over the last 10 seasons."
He is most recognized for his starring role in 2002's The Pianist, which earned him the title of youngest winner of the Academy Award for Best Actor at the age of 29.
Her performance in Manny & Lo earned her a Best Actress nomination for an Independent Spirit Award.
O'Brien has taken his hosting skills beyond the late night format, hosting the 54th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, which earned him The Los Angeles Times' praise as "one of the funniest opening monologues in Emmy history."
When he was 13, his parents sent him to the New York Military Academy, where he earned academic honors and played varsity sports.
His brief presentation for the documentary category earned praise from many critics as the best moment of the telecast, even besting the hosting duties by fellow comedian Ellen DeGeneres.
Brokeback Mountain isn't the only role that earned Jake Gyllenhaal high honors.
Although the awards show earned the highest ratings since its 1983 telecast, many felt his poor hosting duties translated into poor ratings for his talk show.
She is currently the host of Project Runway, a role which has earned her an Emmy nomination.
Oprah, who topped the list in 2005, regained her number one position and is said to have earned a whopping $260 million over the last year.
After enrolling at California State University at Northridge to study broadcasting, Paula Abdul tried out and earned a spot as one of the Laker Girls with the Los Angeles Lakers.
The Colbert Report earned three Emmy nominations and a Television Critics Association nomination.
In January 2006 Efron earned the distinction of being the most frequently searched celebrity on Google, and it seems that his popularity is only increasing.
Seth Rogen earned his first role as Ken Miller in the low-rated, cult classic television series Freaks and Geeks (1999) during an open casting call.
He, along with the writing staff for the series, earned an Emmy nomination for the category of "Writing for a Variety, Music or Comedy Program."
Her character was written out, her family squandered every penny she earned and she turned to adult films to make ends meet for a few years.
Ledger earned an Oscar nomination in the Best Actor category and Gyllenhaal earned a nomination in the Best Supporting Actor category.
True to her word, Natalie earned her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and graduated from Harvard in 2003.
He went on to attend the University of South California, where he earned a degree for Sports Information.
He earned a reported $8,000,000 for his role of Dirk Pitt in the action/adventure film Sahara.
Daniel Day-Lewis' portrayal of Brown earned him the Oscar award for "Best Actor in a Leading Role."
After a few months of working out at the gym and following a reduced calorie plan, you've earned the right to splurge a little on a pointed toe pair of pumps.
The show ran for two years and Applegate earned a People's Choice Award and a Golden Globe nomination for her work.
It also earned her an MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance.
After successfully completing his rehab program, Downey Jr.'s career was back on track and he earned an Oscar nomination for his work in the film Chaplin in 1992.
At nearly 30 years old, isn't it about time to start enjoying the success of a career that he seemingly worked so hard for as opposed to wasting his time in jail and spending his hard earned money on lawyers and posting bail?
Well, maybe a bit, but most of the actors have earned their respect through hard work, just as anyone else would in any other field and they earned that respect through their creative talents.
Swayze earned critical acclaim for his portrayal of a ghost who must help his girlfriend while struggling to deal with his own death and limited means of interaction.
In 1969, while she was still new to the world of acting, Valentine earned what would be her breakout role.
While this recording didn't sell as well as the band's previous ones, it earned another Grammy Award in 2002 for Best Pop Vocal.
Sofia Vergara earned an Emmy nomination, a Golden Globe nomination, and Screen Actors Guild nomination for her role as Gloria.
Proving he was more than just a funny guy, Jamie Foxx earned the Best Actor Oscar in 2004 for his spot-on portrayal of legendary songwriter and singer Ray Charles in the box office hit Ray.
Unless you base the list on verifiable data such as money earned or awards won, you'll find that most people would make different choices.
While Hepburn earned four Oscars in her time as a film actor, she racked up a total of eight nominations.
She jokingly asked in her acceptance speech whether she really earned it, or whether she just wore everyone down.
Born in Wales, Catherine Zeta-Jones earned her celebrity stripes as the romantic leading interest in films such as The Mask of Zorro opposite Antonio Banderas and Entrapment opposite Sean Connery.
He earned no fans, however, when rumored marital infidelity unraveled into a full-blown sex scandal involving a string of mistresses in late 2009.
The award-winning actor earned a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in March, 2010.
Her role as Anna on the remake of V has earned her two Saturn Award nominations for Best Supporting Actress.
You will receive a $5 rewards certificate for every 250 points earned on purchases.
Be forewarned, not all are affordable to the average consumer, but affordability is not what has earned these designers the spotlight.
Comfortable and stretchy, leggings have earned their status as a fashion staple.
By 1999, at the age of 13, he had turned pro, and today, his talented snowboarding and skateboarding techniques have earned him the reputation as one of the most recognized athletes in the world.
Pell Grants are awarded to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor's or professional degree.
When you attend a college or university, your earned degree will be either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Sciences.
One honor that is bestowed rarely upon an Eagle Scout is earned after many additional years of dedicated service.
Different colleges will transfer different amounts of the college credits you've already earned into a new degree.
As you go back to school, enjoy the challenges and opportunities that college brings, and remember that once you've earned your degree, your salary and job satisfaction level will both, perhaps dramatically, increase.
By 2004, the college earned university status.
The school features two campuses and earned first place ranking from the Center for Digital Education for its use of technology.
With a goal of meeting 100 percent of student financial need, the University of Virginia earned the number one spot among public universities.
Business degree candidates can decide between an MBA program that is on campus or earned off campus, and the scheduling for each program is quite different.
The vast majority of the degrees can be earned entirely online, and all courses given through TeleCampus institutions are accredited and of high quality.
As long as the student meets all the requirements of each course, a degree or certificate can be earned without ever stepping foot inside a classroom from the comfort of his own home during times that fit conveniently into his schedule.
With knowledge of where online degrees in the UK can be earned, as well as some of the different programs and offerings at each school, you can now make a more informed choice about distance learning courses and degree programs.
Numerous schools offer more online education options than they did ten years ago, and there are even some fields with degrees that can be earned entirely on the Internet.
Many of the more established PhD programs online still require you to have earned a bachelor's degree, so don't think you'll be able to skip that step.
Merit-based scholarships might be awarded based on the GPA you earned during your undergraduate work, scores you received on a test or independent projects that you've completed during your prior studies.
They also have an advanced start program that you can begin if you've already earned your associate's degree, which means you only need to study for two additional years to receive your bachelor's.
A program that has earned accreditation means that a credible regional or federal organization supports the institution and recognizes the value of a degree from it.
One look around Norfolk and you will see why it has earned the title of "Cultural Capital of the South."
Kong dog toys made their debut in 1976 and quickly earned a reputation as one of the most durable dog toys ever made.
I have had many brief encounters with owners' pets over the years and have earned their pets' trust quickly to the shock of their owners.
This is not the same as being "certified" by an agency, and although this type of credential is certainly better than none, it will not carry the same weight as a certification earned through a peer group.
Eagle Pack quickly earned a reputation as a quality holistic pet food brand because it was the first pet food manufacturer to use real meat instead of animal by-products or filler ingredients such as soy and corn.
They are taking our hard earned dollars and placing them before our own pets' health and we as consumers must start demanding higher quality and products made here in the USA, which some wonderful companies already provide.
This plant flowers so early as to have earned the name of Easter Daisy with the colonists.
The success of these experiments can be seen in the laundry list of awards that Mana has earned including four Grammy's, five Latin Grammy's, five Billboard Latin Music Awards, five MTV Video Music Awards Latin America and many more.
John Knowles, who has worked with some of the best guitarists out there including Chet Atkins, Jerry Reed and Lenny Breau, has also earned a Grammy award and two Emmy nominations for his work.
Ace Hardware's slogan "Ace is the place with the Helpful Hardware Folks," is well earned.
These stones display the rich yellow coloring that has earned them the title "canary diamonds", named after the intense yellow feathers of the popular songbird.
Personalized silicone bracelets have earned their place as a true fashion accessory.
However, Carhartt's visits to various towns and railroad stations quickly earned him a strong reputation in the industry.
While many people can easily name at least a handful of famous female "supermodels," they may have to think before naming some of the guys who've earned fame walking the runway or modeling a famous designer's briefs.
By purchasing organic coffee and other products that have earned Fair Trade certification, consumers are able to use their spending power to support the continued operation of small farms that adhere to the principles of Fair Trade farming.
When you find the perfect dress that's been marked down four times and is now a steal, go ahead and crow - you've earned it!
His penchant for clean silhouettes and figure-flattering cuts earned him legions of followers through the years.
The ubiquitous maxi dress has earned itself classic status in recent years.
Just a glance at a blouson tankini and one is able to determine quite easily where it earned its name.
What you're looking for is something that suits your personality - you've earned it!
You earned extra points by guiding a female frog across and eating flies.
These are remarkable computers which earned a 9.3 rating by CNET.
Their reputation for addictive real-time strategy titles is well earned.
Renaming the acquisition to Blizzard North, Diablo was released and earned impressive sales.
They're worth checking out before dropping your hard earned dollars!
There are cheats for all kinds of things - skipping levels, giving you skills and possessions you never earned, making you invulnerable or terribly weak, and making in-game characters look distorted or menacing, to name but a few.
Fortunately for the player, as the game progresses new moves and abilities are opened for purchase based on points earned for destruction.
After the bonus is earned by completing the level, exit out of the game (Start button) to the map area.
Upgrades are available for purchase by using the points you earned.
Note that you can only use cards that you have earned or purchased.
Points are earned and lost with Wi-Fi matches.
The Neo Geo, rightfully so, earned the reputation as being a 2D graphical powerhouse.
These achievements can be earned by using different objects in the action stages and puzzle stages.
There are dozens of different Scribblenauts merits available to be earned.
Although never achieving the highest rank in sumo (Yokozuna), he has earned the second highest (Ozeki).
These upgrades are available for purchase with points earned from combat performance.
While many are largely innocuous and appear cute or cartoon-like, video games have earned a large-scale reputation for violence.
In 1987, the winery earned two distinctions.
The 2007 vintage, which earned 93 points from Wine Spectator, will last you through 2029, so it may be well worth the $55 to $75 price tag to get a bottle or two to lay down now.
If you can get your hands on a bottle, try the spectacular Williams-Selyem Pinot Noir Russian River Valley Bucher Vineyard, 2008, which earned a 94 point rating from Wine Spectator and promises to drink well through 2017.
Besides the 2007 Tremani Pinot Noir, the vineyard has Pinot Noir wines from other years that have earned favorable reviews, as well as Pinot Gris selections.
Madame Alexander earned a place of honor in the world of collectible dolls by consistently producing high quality dolls of the finest materials.
With the mountains, glaciers and surrounding valleys, Juneau has earned the title of the most beautiful state capital.
For the wireless spectrum auction, Globalive only earned the privilege to operate using Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) spectrum.