Eager Sentence Examples
He seemed eager to talk all night.
Betsy was more than eager to comply.
I left the well-house eager to learn.
I am eager to know.
We barely slept that night, in eager anticipation of glimpsing our first rays of sunshine!
The idea of watching Darkyn strike her down made him eager to see blood spill.
She wasn't eager to draw his undivided attention, but his distance struck her as unusual, if not yet another rejection.
She then moved her finger to the next line with an expression of eager interest.
Kiera stepped forward, eager to reach Evelyn.
The country by this time had become thickly covered over with castles, the seats of greater or lesser nobles, all of whom were eager to detach themselves from strict allegiance to the Regno.
AdvertisementAnd why was she so eager to meet his parents?
She was eager to answer our questions and invited us into the building.
Apparently he was eager to get back to the clinic.
I had now the key to all language, and I was eager to learn to use it.
He hadn't thought she would be so eager, given her skill at avoiding all her regular nishani duties.
AdvertisementWhen I see that she is eager to tell me something, but is hampered because she does not know the words, I supply them and the necessary idioms, and we get along finely.
I can hardly wait for June to come I am so eager to speak to her and to my precious little sister.
Helen is almost as eager to read as she is to talk.
She hugged his neck and welcomed his warm kiss with eager lips.
One brief spring, musical with the song of robin and mocking-bird, one summer rich in fruit and roses, one autumn of gold and crimson sped by and left their gifts at the feet of an eager, delighted child.
AdvertisementA smile of joy and satisfaction lit up her eager face.
Princess was eager to get back to some oats, so she walked faster than Carmen thought was safe.
Did he think she was eager to consummate the marriage?
While Martha and Betsy, buoyed by our recent success, were eager to tackle the case, Quinn, not surprisingly, and yours truly to a lesser extent, were hesitant.
Princess followed Ed up the steep trail with an eager stride that kept Carmen clinging to the saddle horn.
AdvertisementBetsy and I agreed as we were eager to share our news with someone.
Even Mrs. Lincoln seemed eager to see him, giving his leg a welcoming rub.
While I remained eager to discuss the conversation, I couldn't disagree with Howie's logic.
Hannah sat and began talking about Paris again to an audience eager to hear her.
He doubted Samantha would have any information that would help, but felt they had nothing to lose and was eager to meet Elisabeth's best friend.
We go home about dinner-time usually, and Helen is eager to tell her mother everything she has seen.
She hesitated then took it, trying not to act too eager to read its secrets.
This time, Rhyn couldn't figure out why the creature wanted a human so badly he'd bring her here yet didn't seem eager about her becoming his mate.
The room went black and his arms instantly surrounded her, drawing her close in an eager embrace.
He trotted up the stairs to the second floor of the house and walked into the bathroom, eager for his first hot shower in days.
Helen was eager to know "more colour."
As eager as Betsy and I were to pursue our testing, we were out to the picture for several weeks.
She started to groan with pleasure, but it came out more an eager whimper that sent a rush of heat to her face.
No, I guess I'm just eager to start shopping and decorating.
The people are always eager to help you find your way.
It's best not to be distracted by children or friends who are eager to get to another destination.
In March we find him unscrupulously eager in the prosecution of the alleged Irish Catholic plot.
I am eager to cross the ocean, for I want to see my English friends and their good and wise queen.
Natasha, muffled up in shawls which did not hide her eager face and shining eyes, galloped up to them.
However, they may be extremely eager to sell you a camera.
Disney has been especially eager to incorporate their characters into the matching game phenomenon.
Most are eager to help you understand the process.
It's a properly eager machine which invites a good spanking.
The bullets were whining and whistling so stimulatingly around him and his horse was so eager to go that he could not restrain himself.
Most phone companies will be eager to keep you as a customer, even if it means they must match a competitor's offer to prevent you from switching carriers.
Airlines have been affected by the recent economic difficulties, making them eager to fill the seats on their planes to cover overhead costs.
As the longest running daytime soap opera on the NBC network, Days has fans who are eager to find out what is happening with their favorite characters in the Horton, Brady and DiMera families.
Fans of daytime television are always eager to know what's coming up next whether they are digging through soap opera scoops, spoilers or news articles.
The restaurant's friendly wait staff is always eager to explain the daily specials, chef's special creations and new additions to the menu.
Martineau, who was in his youth denied the benefit of a university education, yet in his age found famous universities eager to confer upon him their highest distinctions.
Waitz was an adherent of the party who were eager to bring about a union of the German states under a German emperor; and when the king of Prussia declined the imperial crown the professor withdrew from the assembly in disappointment, and ended his active share in public life.'
Christianity was essentially a proselytizing religion, not content to appeal simply to one class or race of people, and to be one among many faiths, but believing in the falsity or insufficiency of all others and eager to convert the whole world.
In Schelling, essentially a self-conscious genius, eager and rash, yet with undeniable power, they hailed a personality of the true Romantic type.
If he never had any sympathy with Herbert's intuitionalist principles in philosophy, he was no less eager, as he afterwards showed, than Herbert to rationalize in matters of religious doctrine, so that he may be called the second of the English deists, as Herbert has been called the first.
Hobbes was more eager to bring forward his own philosophical and physical ideas than careful to enter into the full meaning of another's thought; and Descartes was too jealous, and too confident in his conclusions to bear with this kind of criticism.
In conversation he was a singularly eager, acute and pertinacious disputant.
About 1323 Louis had secured the mark of Brandenburg for his son Louis, and he was eager to aggrandize his family in other directions.
The war, chiefly marked by another great siege of Messina, went on till 1302, when both sides were thoroughly weakened and eager for peace.
In 1870 the station at Bimbia was given up by the missionaries, but that at Akwa town continued to flourish, the Dualla showing themselves eager to acquire education, while Saker reduced their language to writing.
The smallest detachment of our troops cannot pass through that district without meeting everywhere eager and exulting gratulations, the tone of which proves them to come from glowing hearts.
Land increased in value as irrigation schemes were completed, and European capital was increasingly eager to find employment in the country.
They are generally slow of speech and manner, and somewhat irresolute, but take an eager interest in current politics, and are generally fairly educated men of extreme democratic principles.
He believed that he was poisoned by his son, who cannot, however, be accused of anything more than an eager expectation of his death.
At that time the Holy See was engaged in a struggle against the oppression of the princes of Spoleto, and a powerful party in Rome was eager to obtain the intervention of Arnulf, king of Germany, against these dangerous neighbours.
But he was scrupulous of the rights of others, and it was his eager desire to further the cause of justice that impressed his French contemporaries.
The " commons," the populace, were eager for peace; nobles like Bruce were Edward's men.
The " planting " of ministers in the highlands, which had since the Reformation been almost destitute of religious instruction, bred a populace singularly strict in the matter of " Sabbath observance," and, except in districts still Catholic or Episcopalian, eager supporters of the Free churches.
Sometimes grandma's frugal recipes don't have to come from a grandmother at all - sometimes they can come from a dad eager to help out his family and share discoveries with others.
Today's daytime hotties are better than ever, leaving devoted fans eager for more.
Alexander was frantically eager to see his enemy die in Rome.
All Europe awaited with eager expectation the results of so great an assembly.
So again he was always eager to insist on the essential points of union between various denominations of Christians.
His fame was carried abroad by eager or intelligent disciples.
But the Curia did not support Miltitz, and placed more faith in Eck, who was eager to extinguish Luther in a public discussion.
In fact, while eager for the deliverance of Italy from Austria, his aim was to bring about a confederation of the states of the country, which was to be under the control of the pope.
Eager as he always was to try diplomacy instead of war, Louis sent a gift of 60,000 golden crowns to Charles and secured a safe conduct from him for an interview.
On his arrival at Rome he was received with enthusiasm by all classes, but did not find the nobles at all eager to give him compensation for the loss of his house and villas, which had been destroyed by Clodius.
Among these there were many men of great ability and influence, and he was so eager to conciliate them or, as the Arabic expression has it, "to mellow their hearts" by concessions and gifts, that his loyal helpers (Ansar) at Medina became dissatisfied and could only with difficulty be brought to acquiesce in it.
Both were eager and valiant warriors.
With the mountain-traversed region he had been exploring acquired by the United States, Fremont was eager for a railway from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and in October 1848 he set out at his own and Senator Benton's expense to find passes for such a railway along a line westward from the headwaters of the Rio Grande.
The incident is certainly very much out of keeping with the vehement action of that part of the poem, and especially with the moment when Achilles returns to the field, eager to meet Hector and avenge the death of his friend.
Chairs had therefore to be founded under the title of rhetoric, from which men like Chrysoloras and Guarino, Filelfo and Politian expounded orally to hundreds of eager students from every town of Italy and every nation in Europe their accumulated knowledge of antiquity.
Henry Clay, the speaker of the house, being eager for war and knowing Calhoun's hostility to Great Britain, gave him the second place on the committee of foreign affairs, of which he soon became the actual head.
Philip was freely accused of having employed Pack to concoct the forgery; and, although this charge is doubtless false, his eager acceptance of Pack's unproved statements aroused considerable ill-feeling among the Catholics, which he was not slow to return.
From the first he ranged himself among the opponents of John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster; he was a firm upholder of the rights of the English Church, and was always eager to root out Lollardry.
Armenia the Sassanids were all the more eager to regain, since there the Arsacid dynasty still survived and turned for protection to Rome, with whom, in consequence, new wars perpetually broke out.
Croesus was eager in every way to propitiate the goddess, and since about this time her temple was being restored on an enlarged scale, he presented most of the columns required for the building as well as some cows of gold.
Nevertheless, as in a campaign the general's plan may be spoiled by too hasty or too eager action on the part of some of his troops, so the defensive arrangement carried to excess may prove injurious or fatal to the organism.
From his throne at Leiden he ruled the learned world; a word from him could make or mar a rising reputation; and he was surrounded by young men eager to listen to and profit by his conversation.
But once let this system be presented to men in earnest about right living, and eager to profit by what they are taught, and an ethical reform is inevitable.
He was not so much self-seeking and personally ambitious as eager to advance the cause of the church in which he so implicitly believed.
The concentration upon the city of a large garrison flushed with victory, and eager to emulate the vanquished foe in works of peace, and vie with them in luxury, was an incentive to Berliners to put forth all their energy.
Whether we regard him as a priest who published poem after poem in praise of an adored mistress, as a plebeian man of letters who conversed on equal terms with kings and princes, as a solitary dedicated to the love of nature, as an amateur diplomatist treating affairs of state with pompous eloquence in missives sent to popes and emperors, or again as a traveller eager for change of scene, ready to climb mountains for the enjoyment of broad prospects over spreading champaigns; in all these divers manifestations of his peculiar genius we trace some contrast with the manners of the, 4th century, some emphatic anticipation of the 16th.
Notwithstanding the zeal and ability which he had invariably displayed as foreign minister, it had long been felt by his colleagues that his eager and frequent interference in the affairs of foreign countries, his imperious temper, the extreme acerbity of his language abroad, of which there are ample proofs in his published correspondence, and the evasions and artifices he employed to carry his points at home, rendered him a dangerous representative of the foreign interests of the country.
He had long been an eager seeker after salvation and was not fully satisfied as to his own " conversion " until an experience in his last year in college, when he lost his feeling that the election of some to salvation and of others to eternal damnation was " a horrible doctrine," and reckoned it " exceedingly pleasant, bright and sweet.
We see him full of tenderness to animals, a virtue not common in Italy in spite of the example of St Francis; open-handed in giving, not eager in getting- "poor," he says, "is the man of many wants"; not prone to resentment - "the best shield against injustice is to double the cloak of long-suffering"; zealous in labour above all men - "as a day well spent gives joyful sleep, so does a life well spent give joyful death."
His life was one of incessant eager questioning of nature on all sides, and his many and varied works all bear the stamp of a fresh and original genius, capable of stating and solving problems in all departments of science - at one time finding the true explanation of "ducks and drakes" (formerly attributed to the elasticity of water) and at another helping to lay the foundations of our modern vulcanology and meteorology.
We can divine from this passage why Paul was so eager himself to preach the word, and left it to others to baptize.
Among those who stood about him were four knights, some of whom had personal grudges against Becket, and all of whom were reckless ruffians, who were eager to win their masters favor by fair means or foul.
The princes were shanielessly eager to enter on their inheritance, the king was loath to understand that by conferring a titular sovereignty on his sons he had given them a sort of right to expect some share of real power.
The rivalry between them was purely personal; both were prepared to go on with the Lancastrian experiment, the attethpt to govern the realm in a constitutional fashion by an alliance between the king and the parliament; both were eager persecutors of the Lollards; both were eager to make profit for England by interfering in the civil wars of the Orleanists and Burgundians which were now devastating France.
F with Though every town that they held was eager to revolt, and though they were hopelessly outnumbered in every quarter, they kept a tight grip on the greater part of Normandy, and on their old domain in the Bordelais and about Bayonne.
Beyond the Alps it was otherwise; among the Teutonic nations at least the revolt against the scholastic philosophy, the rout of the obscurantists, the eager pursuit of Hellenic culture, had a religious aspect.
He was eager to assert the supremacy of the papal see; at the command of the emperor Justinian II.
They had created an eager appetite for the antique, had disinterred many important Roman authors, and had freed Latin scholarship to some extent from the barbarism of the middle ages.
The Athenians, irritated by the support which Artaxerxes had lately given to the revolt of their allies, and excited by rumours of his hostile preparations, were feverishly eager for a war with Persia.
Eager to make atonement for his sin with regard to the archbishopric, he nominated Anselm to the vacant see, and after a great struggle compelled him to accept the pastoral staff of office.
They are as easily satisfied with an explanation of phenomena as they are eager World.
Up to this time the queen, Isabel of Bavaria, had been held in a kind of dependency upon Philip of Burgundy, who had brought about her marriage; but less eager for influence than for money, since political questions were unintelligible to her and her situation was a precarious one, she suddenly became favorable to the duke of Orleans.
The new king, Henry III., vacillating and vicious, and Catherine herself, eager for war as she was, had no means 01 separating the Protestants and the politiques.
Finally, behind this bourgeoisie, and afar off, came the crowd of serfs, rustics whom the acquisition of land had gradually enfranchised, and who were the more eager to enjoy their definitive liberation because it was close at hand.
The first-named expounds the views of the author; the second is an eager and intelligent listener; the third represents a well-meaning but obtuse Peripatetic, whom the others treat at times with undisguised contempt.
In Missouri not only was sentiment divided, but the two factions were eager to resort to force long before they were in the other border states.
The Jews, escaped from brutal persecution, were the eager allies of the Arabs.
But Floridablanca was not content with suppressing liberalism in Spain; he was eager to avenge his disappointment by crushing the Revolution in France.
Napoleon was at this time eager to humble Great Britain by excluding it from all trade with Europe.
Joseph retired altogether from his kingdom, and Wellington, eager to take his part in the great European contest, fought his way through the Pyrenees into France.
Being eager to adorn his temple with the most precious marbles, Sigismondo's veneration for antiquity did not prevent him from pillaging many valuable classical remains in Rimini, Ravenna and even in Greece.
Now that he knew it had been a possibility all along, he was ready - maybe even eager - to believe he actually had a son.
He was so eager to believe it that he accepted Tessa's word in spite of what she had done to him in the past.
Capturing his neck again with eager arms, she molded her body to his, forcing his lips hard down onto her own.
For a moment they clung to each other, their kiss evolving from tender to eager and on to passionate.
She followed, eager to leave the present behind and reminisce a few happy moments in her past.
The vamps were jittery enough, with the foyer teeming with young vampires who seemed both eager to do something about the excitement and uncertain what.
Battle lust made Taran eager for another fight, but he forced himself to calm, realizing he now had an entry into the heart of Tiyan.
Better yet, he was eager and passionate about battle, a rare trait among the warriors of Landis, who were forced to fight or starve!
If he didn't take off his necklace before the end of the day, she might just have to … The thought made her panicky and eager.
Conseil was eager to accept, and this time the Canadian proved perfectly amenable to going with us.
I am eager to do what I can to help the children of our Province reach full potential.
Mel and Jason arrived early afternoon and were eager to get into the water.
We're looking forward with eager anticipation to your next production.
First, your teaching assistantship program would provide me with the practical teaching experience I am eager to acquire.
Eager, or perhaps desperate to land that first client, we can be somewhat cavalier about our own safety.
Another ape, too eager to get at them, stumbled over its fallen comrade.
They go to west London eager to erase the pain of last Saturday's 3-0 Derby day defeat at Everton.
A cut above bustling and brassy Blackpool, Lytham St Annes attracted gentry eager to make their homes in the town.
Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment.
Ajax, never slow at developing their youngster's minds, where particularly eager.
From The Spectator to Thatcher, people seem eager to crush the solidarity which exists here.
The real eager beavers in this field are the German small and medium-sized companies â the " hidden champions " of the world economy.
To in a round trip journey the grand flotilla was eager to.
The Well was rammed by gig goers eager to see what Wrath had to offer.
So in early spring a dozen eager falconers set about creating the perfect sporting idyll.
Love is gladdened by goodness and always slow to expose and eager to believe the best but we are often judgmental.
The first blow to the eager young layabout comes however, with the workload.
Could not do nico li assistant was eager to.
Additionally, it explains why civilian militarists are so eager to foment war and international tensions.
Clinton, eager to contain China, has given the Japanese militarists ' interests ' in the Korean peninsula.
Just as well he's being sold to already overladen fans, chubby cheeked and eager for just a slice of the fandom pie.
I put my separate hooped petticoat on and that was it, ready to face the eager crowds.
Your client may not be eager to embark on legal proceedings in respect of any personal injury at an early stage.
Yet there is always a catch; a few diamonds in the rough that spark some degree of excitement and draw in eager punters.
There was a sizeable queue with many eager ravers waiting to get in.
Not only that, but the sisters of the previous rector were on hand, and eager to add lurid detail.
After a blistering rendition of'Snow ' closed the main part of the set, the eager fans called JJ72 back for an encore.
Unfortunatly, some drivers got a little too eager, resulting in 2 pit lane speeding penalties being handed out.
She looks a little tentative, but oddly eager.
With Sasha, Digweed was responsible for bringing progressive trance and house to an eager audience in the genre's fledgling years.
Fundamentally these steps are not sufficiently transparent for citizens, who are eager to know the outcome ", the President added.
Eager to further my triathlon " career, " I signed up for a sprint triathlon training program offered by a local sports shop.
Or else they are so voluminous (multiple volumes) that only the most serious scholar or eager enthusiast can imagine plowing through them.
I thought you were a man of honor, integrity, a fearless warrior, ready and eager to defend our country.
He attempted in vain to secure the election of his grandson Charles as king of the Romans, and in spite of increasing infirmity was eager to lead the imperial troops against the Turks.
Cursed with such immoderate fluency Lydgate could not sustain himself at the highest level of artistic excellence; and, though imbued with a sense of the essentials of poetry, and eager to prove himself in its various manifestations, he stinted himself of the self-discipline necessary to perfection of form.
Catherine Beecher, who was eager to establish what should be in effect a pioneer college for women, accompanied him; and with her went Harriet as an assistant, taking an active part in the literary and school life, contributing stories and sketches to local journals and compiling a school geography.
He brought all the " observable things," which the eager collectors of the previous century had been heaping together regardless of order or system, into relation with the vertical relief and the horizontal forms of the earth's surface.
We may observe how even a very primitive people such as the Arunta of Australia behaves with the greatest solemnity at its ceremonies, and professes to be made "glad" and "strong" thereby; whilst of his countrymen, whom he would not trust to pray in private, Plato testifies that in the temples during the sacrificial prayers "they show an intense earnestness and with eager interest talk to the Gods and beseech them" (Laws, 887).
Little of original invention can be traced to any strictly Norman source; but no people were ever more eager to adopt from other nations, to take into their service and friendship from any quarter men of learning and skill and eminence of every kind.
At the end of July it was decided that Guy should remain king for his life, and Conrad should be his successor; but as three days afterwards Philip Augustus began his return to France (pleading ill-health, but in reality eager to gain possession of Flanders), the settlement availed little for the success of the Crusade.
Lindsay's Church and Ministry in Early Centuries (1902) on the whole agrees with Hatch, but is too eager to find modern Presbyterianism in the early church.
But the Coalition represented, in fact, not the mass of the people, but only a small dominant minority,' and for years past this minority had neglected the social and economic needs of the mass of the people in the eager pursuit of party advantage and the effort to impose, by coercion and corruption failing other means, the Magyar language and Magyar culture on the non-Magyar races.
By August Vieuville's worst fears were realized; he was arrested on the 13th of the month for corrupt practices in office, and the intriguing cardinal who had caused his overthrow became chief minister of Louis His advent was hailed with joy by both the Catholic party and the patriotic party, eager for the overthrow of Habsburg supremacy in Europe.
When brought before the emperor, Gerbert admitted his skill in all branches of the quadrivium, but lamented his comparative ignorance of logic. Eager to supply this deficiency he followed Lothair's ambassador Germanus, archdeacon of Reims, to that city, for the sake of studying under so famous a dialectician in the episcopal schools which were rising into reputation under Archbishop Adalbero (969-989).
Their agent was Drummond (Macgregor really) of Balhaldie, who in1741-1743dealt with the English Jacobites, and persuaded France that they were powerful and eager.
Ptolemy himself was eager to increase the library and to patronize scientific research.
But when Augustine is concerned to reconcile the reality of individual freedom with humanity's universal need of redemption and with the absolute voluntariness of Divine Grace, he is constrained to contradict most of those postulates of which in his advocacy of libertarianism he was an eager champion.
After a blistering rendition of 'Snow ' closed the main part of the set, the eager fans called JJ72 back for an encore.
The Scottish banks were eager developers and purchasers of the new technology and soon acquired a reputation as innovators.
Contemporary music schools and academies are springing up around the country, overwhelmed by pupils eager to learn the rudiments of pop music.
Your own with they are eager sars outbreak in the eastern mediterranean.
In buying terms tho you could scupper a deal by being a little too eager.
Peter and Ilona, she says, were always eager to curry favor with self-styled spiritual leaders.
Will was skulking off in the shadows somewhere, obviously eager not to catch a glimpse of my angered face.
It 's a properly eager machine which invites a good spanking.
There was a stout gentleman with a knowledge of the river, which he seemed eager to impart.
With Sasha, Digweed was responsible for bringing progressive trance and house to an eager audience in the genre 's fledgling years.
Fundamentally these steps are not sufficiently transparent for citizens, who are eager to know the outcome, the President added.
We are too eager to tread on the toes of the prosperous peasant.
The city park was silent except for the twittering of birds, eager to find food.
The new assistant was eager to help and, moreover, he was a fast learner.
When you see how daunting the path ahead is, the less eager you will be to set foot on it.
The more colorful and inviting her chart is, the more eager she will be to fill it up!
The students are eager and interested in the activity, creating a level of enjoyment in this childcare career choice.
Salespeople will be very eager to sell you on a plan, so it's absolutely your right to bombard them with as many questions as you need answered before making such a big financial commitment.
Every eager cook needs a food processor to lighten the load.
Engines packed with horses eager to get out of the gate make zero-to-60 in mere seconds and power these vehicles in the nearest experience to flying on the ground known to man.
If you see the perfect patio set, you want to grab it before another eager shopper sets his or her sights on it.
Look into these options if you are eager to save three to five hundred dollars off the full price.
Let them know that you have heard of their product and are eager to see if it is the right one for your pet.
As they grow, kids will probably be eager to showcase their literacy skills.
Fortunately, after you declare bankruptcy, many lenders will be eager and willing to give you a card.
After all, the companies eager to promote a more green society will benefit all of us.
This is the style imported by British colonists, eager to bring a little piece of England to their homes around the British Empire.
With the extra cool tingle at each application, you find yourself eager to keep those lips colorful at every opportunity.
There are many other scholarships out there, just waiting for eager students to find them.
However, it spurred on the evolution of the digital camera, which had an eager market ready for a new method of photography.
You don't want anyone to be hungry or eager to leave for another appointment.
If you're an experienced scrapbooker eager to share your knowledge with others, making your own video podcast can be a great way to demonstrate techniques and project ideas.
For the experienced scrapbooker who is eager to share her passion with others, making a pre-designed album to give as a gift can be a fun project.
Waiting for a package to arrive when you're eager to scrap can be quite frustrating.
You may be eager to purchase some bling of your own, but stumped about where to buy it.
First, back off for a while and don't be so eager or desperate.
Many of the scholarships available to eager students looking for funds at this grade level are more often than not scholarship competitions.
While many other young actresses are eager to get their foot in the door, that shouldn't stop you from trying to get your foot in too!
Since thrift shops are eager to make a sale, you may be able to haggle the price down.
Eager to start their married life, the happy couple will be saying goodbye shortly after the ceremony.
It stands to reason that if he loves his bedroom, specifically the bedding theme, then he'll be eager to jump in bed for his bedtime story.
Joanne Rowling is credited with making children eager to read, thanks to the popularity of her Harry Potter series.
Low-cut dresses, skimpy bikinis, and the throng of eager paparazzi searching for a great photo opportunity have created the perfect environment for these mishaps to be caught on tape.
Bobby Brown, however, stood in front of the velvet rope like an eager 12 year old hoping to get chosen at a b-ball pick-up game.
Between releasing hit albums and starring in blockbuster movies, you'd think Jennifer Lopez would be eager to take some time off.
Celebrities are constantly in the media spotlight, which means that weight fluctuations are documented and shared with a eager public.
Lovato has released two studio albums, Don't Forget and Here We Go Again, and has toured within North America, playing to thousands of eager fans.
Hence, your faithful nearby department stores are always eager to provide you with whatever is needed in the way of party dresses and accessories.
Adults only cruise ships are an attractive option for newlywed couples, retired couples, singles cruises, or parents just eager for a private getaway, but unfortunately, they are also very rare.
River cruises can introduce eager guests to that incredible beauty face to face, in a way that mainstream cruises never could.
Thousands of travelers ask that question every year, and there are many answers that can help eager passengers save money on a Carnival cruise vacation.
European discount cruises are easy to find and open up a new continent of exploration for eager cruise passengers.
If you are an eager learner who loves interacting with people while discovering new cultures, and you don't mind working long hours, then Princess Cruise Line might be your ideal employer.
Bulldogs bond quickly with their owners and families, and a rescued dog may be that much more anxious and eager to please.
This is a dog that is eager to please and craves the companionship of humans.
Although you're probably eager to sample your home-grown asparagus, the first two years may be a disappointment.
Although the volume of tabs available for the bass is dwarfed by the sheer numbers of tabs for the six-string guitar, there are still enough bass tabs out there to satisfy the eager bass player looking to learn new material.
For this reason, it is one of the most popular Lynyrd Skynyrd tabs sought after by eager fans and budding rock guitarists alike.
Personalized with your name or your band's logo, collectors and fans will be eager to grab a pick.
Fans of the Seattle grunge movement will be eager to learn how to play Screaming Trees guitar tabs.
It's no wonder homeowners are so eager to buy into the idea of maintenance-free gutters.
The key to getting the type of home you want is employing experienced professionals who are eager to help you realize your dreams.
If it's a special one-day clearance, you're amidst dozens of other eager shoppers.
A safe bus, after all, leads to a safe school where students will be willing and eager to learn.
Eager as you may be to meet another member, talk on the phone a few times first.
The program provides a competitive atmosphere for participants eager to demonstrate their abilities in a national sports event.
People eager to explore new relationships may be interested in joining a free date service for seniors.
The Kendall is an eager to please pair that comes in a very complementary shape and is available in brown or black.
Corn dogs, turkey legs, ice cream, pizza, taffy, and fudge are other decadent delights to curb the hunger of eager park guests.
The announcement of a new Harry Potter theme park from Universal has led to tremendous excitement in the wizarding and muggle communities alike as eager fans await the opportunity to experience a truly magical theme park getaway.
Eager riders are treated to a review of classic Survivor moments as they wait in the queue where video montages, photographs, and trivia plaques line the waiting area.
There are several different styles of park maps available for Cedar Point, and being familiar with the different types can help eager guests choose the best map for their thrill-seeking search.
Today, a total of 21 Disney theme parks entertain and delight millions of eager visitors annually.
There's a lot of excited folks on the Disney forums that are eager to share their experiences or that are planning their umpteenth return to the park.
These unique slides are easily identifiable by their uphill slopes, safety nets or cages above open parts of the slide, and their long lines of eager riders.
Long lines are normal for Kingda Ka, and eager riders should take care of restroom breaks and other necessities before entering the queue.
Only by utilizing all the available character classes will you be able to collect all the goodies on each level, and this works well as an enticement to gamers eager to get more gameplay out of this title.
Shigeru had loved video games back in college and was very eager to work on one.
Do you have some young capitalists eager to delve into the world of real estate?
Like all the newest consoles of its generation, it promises ground-breaking new graphical detail, and puts unprecedented processing and memory resources at the feet of eager game developers.
They are already eager to please and criticism should be limited to broad strokes rather than focus on minor imperfections.
Children at this stage are eager to conform and are very sensitive to teasing or criticism from classmates.
Infants are eager to move their eyes, their mouths, and their bodies toward the people and objects that comfort and interest them.
These forms of dance are still done at country fairs and social events all over the world, and usually there are both instructors as well as participants eager to teach newcomers all the steps and patterns.
Travelers to the Chicago World's Fair were eager to see dancers such as Fatima (also known as "Little Egypt").
Searching a family name's history search can be particularly interesting to a child who is eager to learn about their family name.
Most people associate laser hair removal only with year-round sunny climates, but the Indianapolis laser hair removal industry is a rapidly growing market eager to service the cosmetic needs of the surrounding metropolitan area.
There have even been live Hannah Montana concerts packed with fans eager to meet the teen superstar.
Hannah Montana has a secret side, after all, and so can every girl eager to be a star.
There's a pretty good cross-section of the population eager to chop off their long locks in order to help those with cancer have one less uncomfortable thing to deal with (baldness).
For young women eager to be a part of it all, a bob was a sign of liberation.
While some children seem eager to learn no matter what the format, others are strong visual learners.
However, if your child knows her alphabet and seems eager to learn more, it is fine to go ahead and begin teaching letter sounds.
I am very eager to hear back from you regarding the next steps of the recruitment process, as you mentioned in person.
Lenders are eager to work with first-time homebuyers to help them establish mortgage history and get them on the path to successful homeownership.
For this reason, the U.S. government is eager to enable people to make the leap from renter to homeowner.
With so many people eager to live in Florida, however, homeowners don't need to panic.
Another lender, who is not as eager to lend, may be very restrictive about to whom they lend and how much they lend.
This is especially common when flipping properties, as there are some eager investors who do not want to be involved in the actual improvement process but are willing to financially contribute in anticipation of a return.
This can translate into substantial savings for homebuyers, especially if the bank is particularly eager to be rid of the home for whatever reason.
Since Britney claimed she always wanted to be a young mom, it came as no surprise that she was eager to shop for a new maternity wardrobe.
Although the pregnant Gwen Stefani claims she'll be putting her career on hold for a few years after the baby arrives, Gavin is eager to step into the demands of fatherhood.
If you're eager to show off your new curves, Motherhood Maternity offers affordable and stylish maternity fashions.
After having a chance to interact with other adults, they return to their children refreshed and eager to resume their parenting duties.
Eager fathers and intimate family members may want to be a part of the process.
A phone list-you will certainly want to share your birth news with eager friends and family.
Many woman are so eager to have their babies that they try techniques to move things along a little faster.
While many of the original New York Giants fans resented the move as a betrayal, the Giants quickly adopted legions of new fans in San Francisco who were eager to cheer on their own hometown baseball team.
Miley Cyrus always projects a happy, bright-eyed personality of someone who is eager to learn and is insatiably curious about life.
With an assured market full of eager shoppers every season, designers are only too eager to make sure there are a bevy of tempting new suits ready and waiting.
If you know that your daughter is eager to show off some skin, but you'd like to keep her covered up, sit down together before you go shopping for a tween swimsuit to come up with a compromise that will make you both happy.
If you've been on the fence about a certain look or are eager to explore the outer reaches of the swim industry, these galleries can introduce you to models that are doing just that.
Some of that research has been funded by chia producers, eager to prove the benefits of a new product, and some by the health food industry in general.
There are many 1980s fads and fashions, and while many have been reinstated in contemporary fashion lines, there are some '80s fads that none of us are eager to relive.
After fall and winter, many people are eager to slip into lightweight clothing that's loose and easy on the skin.
In a troubled economy, many stores are eager for any sort of sale, even the high-end shops, and can be happy to work with you.
Since these items are typically an unusual color, style, or design, the shop owner is eager to negotiate on price to move the inventory.
Luckily, there are many chess sites on the Internet with chess masters eager to share their knowledge of this ancient game of strategy.
When the day comes, if you have organized well, everything should fall into place and your guests will see how solid your fundraiser is, which will make them more eager to learn more about your fundraiser.
Security has become an issue as eager shoppers tend to rush the doors as a store opens.
With so many friends, co-workers, family members as well as Internet blogs eager to aid your romantic questing, dating advice is never hard to come by.
Remember second marriages are significantly more likely to fail then firsts - mostly because divorcees are too eager to jump back in.
Also, he or she may know some English and may be eager to practice it with you.
While double your dating might mean you want to see her 24/7, she may back track quickly if you appear too eager.
This is why everyone is eager to share their respective wishes with the fiancé whose side the family represents.
Although sitting up straight may indicate that a person is attentive and eager to participate, some people sit with a stiffened back because it is comfortable and takes pressure off the lower back.
Eager single people look at sites such as "MyMobileLine", which asks for the area code that you are looking for to find an active chat line on.
Sometimes guys can seem too eager while flirting and this can be a turn off.
There are no university degree programs leading to a certification as a diamond buyer, and no trade school programs to teach eager students how to break into the market.
Ever since the Twilight saga grew to include an engagement between Edward and Bella, fans have been eager to get their own version of the ring from their favorite story.
Eager shoppers could easily find themselves purchasing a discount purse that is still at a price point that is too high for their budget.
These animals love being social and are eager to please their other animal companions as well as their owners.
This site is so easy to navigate, you'll be eager to try it out.
They're mushy, charming, and eager to please their partners.
Instead, he charges head first into situations ready and eager to give his all.
All it takes is a wide flash of his warm smile, and everyone is eager to get to know him.
Mutable signs do not feature the solidity of the fixed quadruplicity, nor do they possess the drive of the cardinal, but their predilection towards adapting makes them eager to learn and solution-oriented.
Aries's passionate nature excites Aquarius who is eager to explore this fire sign's fable skills as a lover.
Always eager to answer consumer demand, computer manufacturers are happy to fill this growing need.
Kids who are in kindergarten through third grade are usually satisfied with and eager to play most free online computer games.
Sometimes doctors, parents and teachers are so eager to find an answer that they mislabel a child.
Kids in elementary school are usually eager to learn when it's fun.
This is not an absolute given; it's just true in the majority of instances for bigger films, so if you are really eager for a DVD, you should acquire it sooner than later and hope they offer an incentive for trading up down the line.
True tales can be spun into campfire tales by the creative storyteller or simply retold verbatim to an eager crowd.
The internet is full of people who are eager to share their knowledge.
Many online card companies offer a range of card selections for eager senders to browse.
For years, fans were eager for spoilers that revealed what Roger Thorpe (played Michael Zaslow) would do next.
Fans of Gossip Girl eager to know what will happen next with their favorite characters search for spoilers online.
Lexie is Meredith's half-sister and she is eager to impress and form a relationship with the older Grey.
While many fans are eager for the release of All My Children on DVD, it has only been released as part of ABC specials such as Daytime's Greatest Weddings.
Burke (Isaiah Washington) was his physician and the interns were all eager to be a part of the surgery.
They often see both sides of every story but there can be a down side to this side of their personality, as they tend to be eager to multitask but rarely get anything done.
Some couples find themselves eager to announce their love for one another in a couple themed tattoo, making them yet another bad tattoo choice.
Virtually every corner of the city offers someone who is selling Las Vegas tours to eager visitors.
Others travel with their families and are eager to share their travel tips with readers.
Whether you're in the market for a large faced ladies watch to place on your own wrist or as a gift for the lady in your life, watch makers the world over are eager to meet your needs.
Since Accurist emerged in 1946, its founders wisely understood that innovation, continual advancement and a spirit of eager entrepreneurism were the keys to securing a lasting place in the modern future of horology.
Many families have journeyed through the world of autism successfully and are eager to help others who are just starting down the path.
For those eager to start a business or expand one to meet the demands of a growing market, commercial business financing or government loans are not always the best solution.
I'm eager to take on a new challenge, roll up my sleeves and go to work for you.
The implication opens the door to small businesses eager to establish or strengthen market footholds in China.
This form of piracy, once the haven for young, computer geeks eager to make a name for themselves in the hacker community, has been invaded by criminal elements specifically attacking business operations.
Malware generates endless pop-up ads, developed by hackers eager to gain ad tracking revenue.
She is always eager to help out and steps up when the need arises.
Eventually, the best cheerleaders leave the circuit, allowing the new up-and-coming names to wow the eager crowds.
Sticker note cards can be made in 10 minutes or less, which makes this an excellent project for impatient crafters or young children eager to express their creativity.
Exactly how true that was then or is now is a matter constantly debated, but with more and more tweens eager to grow up quickly demanding them, training bras are something parents feel trapped into buying.
Training bras might not be expensive, but as they are a negligible need anyway, it is no wonder parents are eager to look for cheaper options.
Music had changed a great deal when Elvis left the Army and returned to the U.S. in the early 60s, but fans were eager to see him again.
On Celebrity Rehab, most of the patients hesitated to move into a sober living facility because they were eager to get back to their friends and families.
The contestants actually work in a restaurant called Hell's Kitchen, where they are divided into teams and must prepare dishes for eager customers.
In the meantime, a host of episodes, movies and books await the eager explorer of the galaxy.
Children reading this novel - or watching the Hollywood version - have often wondered why she was so eager to return to what was an admittedly drab life on the hardscrabble plains of the American Midwest.
Our hero might be a rebel, eager to study forbidden magic, or exploring uncharted realms, but magic itself is a collection of knowledge that has benefitted from group endeavors.
In the story, Joanna moves to Stepford, Connecticut with her husband and children, eager to get away from the hustle of big city life.
In the television mini-series V, the aliens' arrival heralded a new age of mankind with many eager to embrace the human form of the Visitors.
Additionally, these resources include chat rooms for the visitor eager for more immediate information, or even just general chit-chat about their favorite sport.
These smaller companies are usually very good about customer support and personal attention because they are eager to keep their clientele.
I had been following the Flash work Josh Davis was doing at Kioken and was eager to do a full site in Flash myself.
Since it's the big dog on the block, many web designers are eager to input their site to the Google engine.
When I rose and asked if we were ready to begin another session, he was eager to join us on our trek to the basement.
His step quickened down the hall, but he was unable to tell if he were eager or dreading the sight of the woman again.
If he didn't take off his necklace before the end of the day, she might just have to … The thought made her panicky and eager.
He was anxiously sensitive about the opinion of others, eager for their sympathy and regard, and, in general, impressionable to their influence.
He pressed on the Exclusion Bill with all his power, and, when that and the inquiry into the payments for secret service and the trial of the five peers, for which too he had been eager, were brought to an end by a sudden prorogation, he is reported to have declared aloud that he would have the heads of those who were the king's advisers to this course.
He was young and eager to exercise his new power.
Jowett was thus led to concentrate his attention on theology, and in the summers of 1845 and 1846, spent in Germany with Stanley, he became an eager student of German criticism and speculation.
Cromwell used his influence in restraining the more eager who wished to march on London immediately, and in avoiding the use of force by which nothing permanent could be effected, urging that" whatsoever we get by treaty will be firm and durable.
They were accepted by a population eager for repose, who had merged old class distinctions in the conflicts of preceding centuries.
But Aurelius was an eager patriot and a man of logical mind.
A second large Dutch fleet sailed in 1598; and, so eager was the republic to extend her commerce over the world that another fleet, consisting of five ships of Rotterdam, was sent in the same year by way of Magellan's Strait, under Jacob Mahu as admiral, with William Adams as pilot.
Partly on account of his inability to share in the amusements of his fellows by reason of a deformity due to vaccine poisoning before he was five (the poison permanently arresting the growth and development of his legs), he was an eager student, and in 1814 he graduated at the College of South Carolina with the highest rank in his class and with a reputation throughout the state for scholarship and eloquence.
He sets the Normans before us as a race specially marked by cunning, despising their own inheritance in the hope of winning a greater, eager after both gain and dominion, given to imitation of all kinds, holding a certain mean between lavishness and greediness - that is, perhaps uniting, as they certainly did, these two seemingly opposite qualities.
It was natural that this should be so, for the new transportation agency was so much more efficient than anything previously available that the people were eager to take advantage of its superior service.
So eager was he to hear the words of Socrates that he used to walk daily from Peiraeus to Athens, and persuaded his friends to accompany him.
The figures are no longer abstractions; they are concrete examples of the folly of the bibliophile who collects books but learns nothing from them, of the evil judge who takes bribes to favour the guilty, of the old fool whom time merely strengthens in his folly, of those who are eager to follow the fashions, of the priests who spend their time in church telling "gestes" of Robin Hood and so forth.
The inhabitants of Sepphoris - whom Josephus had judged to be so eager for the war that he left them to build their wall for themselves - received a Roman garrison at their own request.
The Cretans themselves, however, were eager for a change, and, disappointed in the hope of a Genoese occupation, were ready, as is stated in the report of a Venetian commissioner, to exchange the rule of the Venetians for that of the Turks, whom they fondly expected to find more lenient, or at any rate less energetic, masters.
Both monarchs were eager for England's alliance, and their suit enabled Wolsey to appear for the moment as the arbiter of Europe.
In 1826 he looked back to four years of eager toil.
He was not eager to assume this task, and he made great efforts to avoid promotion to the archbishopric of Canterbury, which Elizabeth designed for him as soon as she had succeeded to the throne.
Napoleon seconded his efforts, and soon they had the help of the third brother, Lucien, who proved to be most eager and eloquent.
It was thus natural, for these reasons, that the conquest of the Holy Land should gradually become an object for the ambition of Western Christianity - an object which the papacy, eager to realize its dream of a universal Church subject to its sway, would naturally cherish and attempt to advance.
There was, for instance, the ambition of the adventurer prince, the younger son, eager to carve a principality in the far East, of whom Bohemund is the type; there was the interest of Italian towns, anxious to acquire the products of the East more directly and cheaply, by erecting their own emporia in the eastern Mediterranean.
Eager to win the first spoils, the German crusaders, who were in advance of the French, attempted a raid into the sultanate of Iconium; but after a stern fight at Dorylaeum they were forced to retreat (October 11 4 7), and for the most part perished by the way.
As emperor, Henry was eager to resume the imperial Crusade which had been stopped by his father's death; while both as Frederick's successor and as heir to the Norman kings of Sicily, who had again and again waged war against the Eastern empire, he had an account to settle with the rulers of Constantinople.
Theobald of Champagne had taken the cross as early as 1230, and 1239 he sailed to Acre in spite of the express prohibition of the pope, who, having quarrelled with Frederick II., was eager to divert any succour from Jerusalem itself, so long as Jerusalem belonged to his enemy.
At the same time, if the Basuto were eager for cattle, the Boers were eager for land; and their encroachments on the territories of the Basuto led to a proclamation in 1842 from Sir George Napier, the then governor of Cape Colony, forbidding further encroachments on Basutoland.
He was grave and gay, affable and dignified, cruel and gentle, mean and generous, eager for fame yet not vain, impulsive and cautious, secretive and open.
All eyes in the East were now upon him; Mucianus and the Syrian legions were eager to support him; and on the 1st of July 69, while he was at Caesarea, he was proclaimed emperor, first by the army in Egypt, and then by his troops in Judaea.
He was a boy of a refined nature, a wide reader and an eager student.
His only means for gratifying his eager desire for books was the small library founded in his native town by Benjamin Franklin and consisting principally of histories and treatises on theology.
But though the battlefield discipline of the men was better, the discipline in camp and on the march was worse, for the troops were no longer eager to reach the battlefield, and marched because they were compelled, not of their own goodwill.
The chief was a man of great intelligence, eager to study western civilization, and an ardent agriculturist.
But the court was eager to obtain command of a seaport, and Zumalacarregui was ordered to besiege Bilbao.
Frederick II., conscious of the instability of his French ally, was now eager to contract an offensive alliance with Russia; and the first step to its realization was the overthrow of Bestuzhev, "upon whom," he wrote to his minister Axel von Mardefeld, "the fate of Prussia and my own house depends."
The new German noble was as eager to extend the size of his lands and to increase the numbers of his dependants as the Roman had been.
Every one who had known or seen him was questioned and was eager to answer.
And when the emperor suppressed the school of Edessa ("the Athens of Syria") in 4 89, and expelled its members, they travelled far afield as eager and successful missionaries of the Gospel.
But a Fabian policy is never acceptable to an eager people, and when Johnston had been driven back to Atlanta he was superseded by Hood with orders to fight a battle.
The reaction against scholasticism was still in full tide; it was the transition time between the old and the new, when the eager and forwardlooking spirits had first of all to do battle with scholastic Aristotelianism.
The king, so long as Wollner was content to condone his immorality (which Bischoffswerder, to do him justice, condemned), was eager to help the orthodox crusade.
The desire for a sharper exercise of discipline, and a more decided renunciation of the world, combined with a craving for some plain indication of the Divine will in these last critical times, had prepared many minds for an eager acceptance of the tidings from Phrygia.
As a social reformer, Maurice was before his time, and gave his, eager support to schemes for which the world was not ready.
He had public and private audiences with the pope on the 9th of April and the 11th of May 1848, but recorded next to nothing in his diary concerning them, though numerous other entries show an eager interest in everything connected with the Roman Church, and private papers also indicate that he recognized at this time grave defects in the Church of England and a mysterious attractiveness in Roman Catholicism, going so far as to question whether he might not one day be a Roman Catholic himself.
Interested as he was in soldiering, his eager temperament impelled him still more to adventure in politics and letters.
The king and his brother the duke of York (James II.), who were largely interested in the slave-trading Guinea Company, were eager to remove the Dutch ports from the slave coast.
That the emperor had an honest and soldierly satisfaction in his own well-doing is clear; but if he had had anything like the vanity of a Domitian, the senate, ever eager to outrun a ruler's taste for flattery, would never have kept within such moderate bounds.
Writing to Vettori in 1513, he had expressed his eager wish to "roll stones" in their service; and this desire was now gratified.
His victories were won rather by the power of organization, which he possessed in a marked degree, and he was eager to seize ideas and prompt in their execution.
It was natural that Francis, who from a very early age had been in the habit of writing occasionally to the newspapers, should be eager to take an active part in the discussion, though his position as a government official made it necessary that his intervention should be carefully disguised.
Beyond a doubt he was not without a certain moral timidity contrasting strangely with his eager temperament and alertness of intellect; but, though he was not cast in a heroic mould, he must have been one of the most amiable of men.
But the Fathers were hostile, and though Mwanga was eager to accept Lugard's offers of reinstatement, he was a prisoner in the hands of his party.
At this time three prophets arrived from Zwickau, eager to hasten the movement of emancipation.
Philip of Hesse was attracted by Zwingli's energy, and was eager that the northern reformers should be brought into closer relations with the south.
Eager to learn, he went to Constantinople and spent four or five years there and at Athens, where he had Gregory of Nazianzus for a fellow-student.
The English colonies, though divided by interest or character, were all alike jealous to defend, and eager to extend, their freedom of self-government, based on charters granted by, or extorted from, the crown.
Pious people were eager to bring about the conversion of the Indians, and were zealously served by missionaries.
The modern Roman Catholic temper must be eager to believe and eager to submit.
As soon as the male birds have begun their graceful antics, he shoots them, one after the other, with blunt arrows, for the purpose of stunning and bringing them to the ground without drawing blood, which would injure their plumage; and so eager are those birds in their courtship that almost all the males are thus brought down before the danger is perceived.
The history of the sects of the middle ages is obscure, because the earliest accounts of them come from those who were concerned in their suppression, and were therefore eager to lay upon each of them the worst enormities which could be attributed to any.
His lectures, in which he endeavoured to show that Catholic theology is in complete harmony with reason, were received with eager interest by the younger generation of thinkers.
On his return to Copenhagen, in 1662, Schumacher found the monarchy established on the ruins of the aristocracy, and eager tobuy the services of every man of the middle classes who had superior talents to offer.
By a strange irony this event, the chief event of Lucien's life, was fatal to the cause of democracy of which he had been the most eager exponent.
Each instalment of his History, in common with almost everything which he wrote, was widely read, and in spite of some adverse criticisms was received with eager applause.
Erasmus was eager to go to .a university, but the guardians, acting under a perhaps genuine enthusiasm for the religious life, sent the boys to another school at Hertogenbosch; and when they returned after two or three years, prevailed on them to enter monasteries.
The forces of these four commanders were raw but eager, and the people behind them clamoured for a decision.
Eager to avert, if possible, the impending conflict of arms between the North and South, Everett prepared an "oration" on George Washington, which he delivered in every part of America.
He would have said himself that the most eager wish of his life had been for the higher education of his countrymen.
Ever dreading a blow, he was always eager to strike the first; and alive to the perils of peace, he was blind to the dangers of war.
Though in no way amnestied, he returned to Paris, but was expelled by the First Consul, who was eager to be on good terms with Spain.
From the remoter provinces, which had acquiesced in his accession, little help was to be expected; but the legions of Dalmatia, Pannonia and Moesia were eager in his cause, the praetorian cohorts were in themselves a formidable force and an efficient fleet gave him the mastery of the Italian seas.
But while a section of Quebec was eager to secure the rebel's pardon, Ontario was equally bent on the execution of justice, so that in the final vote on the question in parliament the defection of French Conservatives was compensated for by the support of Ontario Liberals.
Born In 1784, And Brought Up Among Reminiscent Eye Witnesses Of The Old Regime, He Was An Eager Listener, With A Wonderful4 Memory And Whole Hearted Pride In The Glories Of His Race And Family, A Kindly Seigneur, Who Loved And 'Was Loved By All His Censitaires, A Keen Observer Of Many Changing Systems, Down, To The Final Confederation Of 1867, And A Man Who Had Felt' Both Extremes Of Fortune (Memoires, 1866).
At Confederation Many Eager Followers Began To Take Up The' Work Which The Founders Were Laying Down.
Eager to avenge his death, she returned to Rome and boldly accused Piso of the murder of Germanicus.
Her correspondence in cipher from thence with her English agents abroad, intercepted by Walsingham and deciphered by his secretary, gave eager encouragement to the design for a Spanish invasion of England Under the prince of Parma, - an enterprise in which she would do her utmost to make her son take part, and in case of his refusal would induce the Catholic nobles of Scotland to betray him into the hands of Philip, from whose tutelage he should be released only on her demand, or if after her death he should wish to return, nor then unless he had become a Catholic. But even these patriotic and maternal schemes to consign her child and re-consign the kingdom to the keeping of the Inquisition, incarnate in the widower of Mary Tudor, were superseded by the attraction of a conspiracy against the throne and life of Elizabeth.
Wickstead neglected his pupil entirely, but Baxter's eager mind found abundant nourishment in the great library at the castle.
This is one rule of wisdom with regard to religion; and another equally important is to avoid superstition, which he boldly defines as the belief that God is like a hard judge who, eager to find fault, narrowly examines our slightest act, that He is revengeful and hard to appease, and that therefore He must be flattered and importuned, and won over by pain and sacrifice.
A great square was formed of the infantry, and a handful of cavalry joined them - the French cavalry, eager to avenge Gournay, had swept away the rest.
As a preacher he was vivid, eager and earnest, equally plainspoken and uncompromising when preaching to a fashionable congregation or to his own village poor.
The people remained listless, giving no indications of any eager dislike of the government policy.
The facts that he used to walk with Bacon at Gorhambury, and would jot down with exceptional intelligence the eager thinker's sudden " notions," and that he was employed to make the Latin version of some of the Essays, prove nothing when weighed against his own disregard of all Bacon's principles, and the other evidence that the impulse to independent thinking came to him not from Bacon, and not till some time after Bacon's death in 1626.1 So far as we have any positive evidence, it was not before the year 1629 that Hobbes entered on philosophical inquiry.
It was indeed from Italy that the races of the north caught the impulse of intellectual freedom, the spirit of science and curiosity, the eager retrospect towards the classic past; but joined with these in Germany was a moral impulse which was her own, a craving after truth and right, a rebellion against spiritual tyranny and corruption - the Renaissance was big in the north, as it was not in the south, with a Reformation to come.
Meanwhile Mill, who had collected many books upon the French Revolution, was eager to help Carlyle in the history which he was now beginning.
Finally, the practice of rhetoric and eristic, which presently became prominent in sophistical teaching, had, or at any rate seemed to have, a mischievous effect upon conduct; and the charge of seeking, whether in exposition or in debate, not truth but victory - which charge was impressively urged against the sophists by Plato - grew into an accusation of holding and teaching immoral and unsocial doctrines, and in our own day has been the subject of eager controversy.
After the loss of a reconnoitring party sent south, Bartlett decided to await the return of daylight before making a move, but Murray, Forbes Mackay, Beuchat and a sailor, eager to attempt the journey, set off for the land, with Bartlett's permission but contrary to his advice.
On the outbreak of the Spanish American War in 1898 Wood was commissioned colonel of volunteers, and together with Roosevelt, as lieutenant-colonel, raised the famous regiment of " Rough Riders," composed of western ranchmen and cowboys as well as members of prominent eastern families eager to serve under these two strenuous leaders.
He won his cause; but in the eyes of all posterity he justified the reproaches of his contemporaries, who describe him as a cruel, venal, grasping seeker after power, eager to support a despotism for the sake of honours, offices and emoluments secured for himself by a bargain with the oppressors of his country.
The fascination of pure study was so powerful, the Italians at that epoch were so eager to recover the past, that during the 15th century we have before our eyes the spectacle of this great nation deviating from the course of development begun in poetry by Dante and Petrarch, in prose by Boccaccio ism to and Villani, into the channels of scholarship and anti- - quarian research.
Moreover, the temper of these more enlightened men was itself opposed to Italian indifference and immorality; it was pugnacious and polemical, eager to beat down the arrogance of monks and theologians rather than to pursue an ideal of aesthetical self-culture.
From his youth Saint-Simon felt the promptings of an eager ambition.
Canute had been an impressionable lad of eighteen or nineteen when he was crowned; he was ready and eager to learn and to forget.
William dissolved parliament, and the new House of Commons, Tory as it was by a small majority, was eager to support the king.
In 1777 a British army under Burgoyne capitulated at Saratoga; and early in 1778 France, eager to revenge the disasters of the Seven Years War, formed an alliance with the revolted colonies as free and independent states, and was soon joined by Spain.
The apparently needless cruelty of Mummius in Corinth, by no means characteristic of him, is explained by Mommsen as due to the instructions of the senate, prompted by the mercantile party, which was eager to get rid of a dangerous commercial rival.
At most we can only fill up the portrait by reference to the tinge of simple old-fashioned scholarship, which on its historic side made him an eager searcher for antiquities and among old records, and on its poetic occasionally stirred him to an excursion as far as that gentlest slope of Parnassus inhabited by the descriptive muse.
They appeared in the conference hall, whose seats were filling with vamps eager to see Talon's show.
One must not be a brash, eager beaver.
The tutor was no more eager to teach than the pupil to learn.
He expressed in an eager, disjointed, but condensed and laboured fashion, certain deep-lying convictions - that philosophy must come back from unsubstantial metaphysics to the solid facts of human nature and natural science, that the human body was no less important than the human spirit ("Der Mensch ist was er isst") and that Christianity was utterly out of harmony with the age.
But the confection of the stone of the philosophers was too remote a possibility to gratify the fiery spirit of a youth like Paracelsus, eager to make what he knew, or could learn, at once available for practical medicine.
At three o'clock the Throne Room was crowded with citizens, men, women and children being eager to witness the great trial.
Because military accomplishments were one way to do that, the military attracted the most ambitious young men eager to prove themselves—and "proving themselves" meant battle.
I am told that while I was still in long dresses I showed many signs of an eager, self-asserting disposition.
I remember his caressing touch as he led me from tree to tree, from vine to vine, and his eager delight in whatever pleased me.
So my little heart leaped high with eager excitement when I knew that my wish was at last to be realized.
He kept my mind alert and eager, and trained it to reason clearly, and to seek conclusions calmly and logically, instead of jumping wildly into space and arriving nowhere.
Those are red-letter days in our lives when we meet people who thrill us like a fine poem, people whose handshake is brimful of unspoken sympathy, and whose sweet, rich natures impart to our eager, impatient spirits a wonderful restfulness which, in its essence, is divine.
She is anxious for her friends to spell, and eager to teach the letters to every one she meets.
Helen is a wonderful child, so spontaneous and eager to learn.
It was nothing but excitement from first to last--drives, luncheons, receptions, and all that they involve when you have an eager, tireless child like Helen on your hands.
He lifted his eager face to Prince Andrew, smiled, and waved his hand.
Our enormous forces, undoubtedly superior to Napoleon's, were concentrated in one place, the troops inspired by the Emperors' presence were eager for action.
A thousand times during that half-hour Rostov cast eager and restless glances over the edge of the wood, with the two scraggy oaks rising above the aspen undergrowth and the gully with its water-worn side and "Uncle's" cap just visible above the bush on his right.
Eager, frightened, helpless glances were turned on Alpatych when he came out of the Governor's room.
The countess looked with timid horror at her son's eager, excited face as he said this.
On seeing the crowd and the bloodstained man the workman ceased speaking, and with eager curiosity all the bootmakers joined the moving crowd.
But Pierre's face quivering with emotion, his questions and his eager restless expression, gradually compelled her to go into details which she feared to recall for her own sake.
When Natasha left the room Pierre's confusion and awkwardness immediately vanished and were replaced by eager excitement.
There are many retailers eager to offer even the younger guys in your family the ability to walk on the wild side.
The Carnival fleet currently offers more than 20 ships ready to treat eager passengers to the vacation of a lifetime.
When one finds a good deal, he or she is often eager to share it with other folks.
The official Sea World San Diego website has an easy to use vacation planner that can help eager guests build detailed travel plans with a few simple clicks of the mouse.
They will be more eager to learn and more likely to retain what they have learned.
A powerful conclusion will "hook" the reader and get them eager to donate to your cause.
You're probably eager to jump right in and start crocheting.
By the time you've finished your first doll, you'll probably be eager to try another one right away.
As people seek to live healthier, longer lives, they are often eager to try newer trends.
Being all pumped and eager to get started is a good state to be in, but don't let that translate to skipping those crucial 5-10 minutes on the treadmill.
Unemployed workers translate into less eager consumers on the economy, so naturally, unemployment is a big issue among political leaders.
Parents in Texas who are struggling to make ends meet are eager to know about free health insurance for children in Texas.
All eager culinary students have to do is select an evening for their lesson and a menu to start cooking.
Featuring rotating daily specials and a full menu, this restaurant has a friendly and accommodating staff that is eager to cater to your needs.
She returned to her room, eager to spend the day drawing.
This able leader, eager to reach Asuncion as quickly as possible, sent on his ships to the river Plate, but himself with a small following marched overland from Santa Catherina on the coast of Brazil to join Irala.
Though their rule was favorable to the Romans, they were Arians; and religious differences, combined with the pride and jealousies of a nation accustomed to imperial honors, rendered the inhabitants of Italy eager to throw off their yoke.
The slaying of Patroclus by the Trojan hero Hector roused Achilles from his indifference; eager to avenge his beloved comrade, he sallied forth, equipped with new armour fashioned by Hephaestus, slew Hector, and, after dragging his body round the walls of Troy, restored it to the aged King Priam at his earnest entreaty.
I knew that there were obstacles in the way; but I was eager to overcome them.