Each Sentence Examples
Each book was written with a pen or a brush.
Suppose we each sing a song in turn.
Each of those new cells has a new copy of your DNA.
Natalie and Matthew lay separated in their incubators, each sleeping.
Spencer stopped and they all faced each other.
There is one for each of you.
Because we barely know each other.
Each dog knew its master and its call.
Well... they had been flirting with each other in the car.
After him the other men were called, one by one; and each in turn sang his favorite song.
AdvertisementThey were a family who knew all they had was each other.
She moved between Adrienne and Brandon, and put an arm around each of their shoulders.
For each dinner, sixty or more people show up.
The children looked at each other in perplexity, and the Wizard sighed.
Each success has some failure along the way.
AdvertisementStill, don't you think we should get to know each other a little better?
They stared at each other for a moment.
We barely know each other.
She let her stern gaze rest on each of the men before responding.
The redcoats are coming, they said to each other.
AdvertisementI am sure we should love each other.
They were sitting beside each other, reading when she began the inquest.
Each case I handle gives me that much more experience.
We all know each other.
Each one told of some plan by which to keep out of her way.
AdvertisementThe singing in the kitchen was ended, the fire had burned low, and each man had gone to his place.
That means that as you get more of them, you value each new one less.
Did you kiss each other?
Each and every one of them wants to kill us!
While she was concerned about the rift in our associates' relationship, she felt Quinn and Howie getting together might produce some positive results, in spite of how acrimonious they might be to each other.
We love each other.
Each of them hugged him and talked briefly to Destiny.
We know each other now.
No handshake for Julie; she gave each of us a robust hug.
She looked at each of us in turn.
We don't even know each other's identity.
He felt the rise and fall of each breath and was inches from the slightly parted full lips just begging for a kiss.
Like two bull Elk, they were each so focused on pushing the other back that they had forgotten anyone else existed.
They gazed into each other's eyes for a moment before he spoke.
We introduced ourselves one by one, each adding a brief history.
We were a pair of sobbing women trying to console each other.
It isn't like we don't love each other.
In the center of each plant grew a daintily dressed Mangaboo, for the clothing of all these creatures grew upon them and was attached to their bodies.
These revolvers are good for six shots each, but when those are gone we shall be helpless.
So they carried the tripod to the governor, and each told his story.
They may have missed on specifics (such as each of us owning a personal jet pack and a flying car) but in general were dead-on.
Some of it is known, but the function of each of the thirty thousand genes has to be figured out one at a time.
I can get each of you two sets of ID, birth certificate, passport, driver's license, charge cards and a brief history that will check out.
My boss was going make me send a form letter back to each of them until she saw how many nuts there were out there.
She even visited Martha and Claire with Molly each afternoon.
Each time I've come close to being apprehended, I cunningly slipped away.
After examining the various dials and switches on Quinn's machines, I had a fairly clear idea of each; I could turn it on and increase and decrease the settings.
Didn't they know how fortunate they were to have each other - to have any family?
The door to the kidding stalls was open and she stepped through, moving swiftly as she checked each stall.
They had saved themselves for each other and now he was telling her he didn't want her if she was tainted.
She turned, wiping away a tear with her sleeve, "we love each other."
A little of each, I guess.
The reports went back nearly three years and listed dates, locations and dollars expended, with each entry carefully and manually recording names, locations, reasons for visits and persons present.
Each took turns at this unconscious game and probably thought he or she communicated with the other.
Each time he gets bolder.
We promised to take each other for better or worse, Carmen.
Sofi shook her head and met each of their gazes again, wishing she could offer more assurances.
In 1902, an American named Walter Sutton noticed that chromosomes duplicated themselves before cells divided so that each new cell had a full copy of the chromosomes.
What we call "heart disease" will become hundreds of individual conditions each with its own cause and, hopefully, cure.
The Ouray Rescue Squad held an annual fund raising breakfast each Fourth of July, enabling the Deans to share an early meal of eggs, sausage, and fixings in the company of friends and neighbors.
Maybe if you'd all got to know each other better, you'd have become bosom buddies.
There is only this beauty they can see from the cushions of their sleigh, these very same mountains, the valley, and especially each other.
Illness plagues me each morning, causing me difficulty in accomplishing my chores, as simple as they may be, though failing Mrs. Cummings hardly seems to notice.
They're starting on the ice climbers but they're only taking about five minutes with each of 'em. I think Penny is in there now.
He checked his notes, wetting his fingers as he turned each page.
Dean thought back to the fifteen years the two of them had shared similar meals and chores, with each sure he was doing more work than the other.
They stood there together, holding each other, with her head against his chest, saying nothing, for what seemed like minutes.
Each pull upward would require Dean to release his grasp on the line that secured him should he slip and fall backwards!
They carried their glasses to the overstuffed sofa and sat facing each other.
They depended on each other, while sharing everything, and owned twelve beautiful estates around the world.
They understood each other in a way no one else ever could.
Frederick found suitable clothing for his guests and in turn, they each retired to the one bedchamber of the cottage to wash and change.
The whole gang would end up jumping him and he would beat up each and every one, always careful to hold back enough so as not to kill anyone.
He missed the days when they played wingman for each other.
The golds and reds of the leaves produced a different landscape each day.
They danced over the keys, coaxing beautiful sound from each one.
Am I willing to give up all we have become to each other?
While hunting, he compared each victim to her.
He felt as if they were melting in to each other, and rather than anticipating what could come next, he was content to just stay in this moment.
It was evident that each and every item had been carefully chosen; clearly the home of an artist.
The two came in laughing and teasing each other.
She smiled, thinking of the many times they played "Wingman" for each other and all the times he had nursed her through heartache.
Above each shelf, a hinged, Plexiglas cover kept dust off the shoes.
They put aside the heaviness of their situation and focused on their feelings for each other, living in the moment.
She was in the middle of every pitch and fully supported each note.
They each brought two in and began cleaning them out.
The couple spent most of the day quiet, holding each other, staying connected.
She lay down on the sofa, and they gazed into each other's eyes for a while, then Elisabeth turned away.
They each ordered a salad and steak and attacked them with surprising gusto.
The three stood looking at each other, speechless, until Jackson broke the silence in his best Hispanic accent, "Lucy… you got some splainin' to do."
You know, I feel like we know each other so well, then something like this happens.
He placed the ring on her finger and they sat holding each other admiring it.
The two shared their music with each other often.
The other three looked at each other hoping someone would take the lead.
Their connection blossomed immediately as they savored each other's intense pleasure.
He said nothing, aware the creature before him wasn't capable of communicating a truth in a way most others could understand. Death was from a time before time. He would never understand what she saw when she looked out over humanity and saw its Past, Present, Future, and the soul of each human that ever lived. The size of her vision rendered her unique interpretations puzzling, even to him.
She didn't know how either of them could make it back to each other, but they had to.
Rhyn crept carefully through the demon scouts positioned throughout the forest surrounding the castle. The demons wore the Dark One's uniform of all black with waterproof cloaks and hoods. The demon side of him rendered his presence similar enough to a full-demon's that the others wouldn't be alarmed. He sized up each demon he passed, until he found one who appeared to be his size. The creature didn't hear his soft step, and the snapping of the demon's neck was the only other sound in the falling rain.
She hugged him hard. Rhyn wrapped his arms around her, marveling at how real her body felt in the dream. Her hair tickled his face, and he rested his chin on her head. They held each other for a long moment.
Rhyn hesitated, unable to shake the disturbing sense that Katie's interest came from her resolve that this was the last time they'd see each other.
A few of each remained, long enough to get her through the day, but not long enough for more than one day.
They gazed at each other, and Gabe shook his head, a smile spreading across his features.
Dean methodically searched the room, examining each of the missing man's items slowly, not knowing exactly what he was looking for.
The closet contained a second suit and three shirts, each on its own hanger with a necktie looped over it.
There was a Smith and a Jones, each with local addresses that sounded fake, and Zeke Ambrowski of Raleigh, North Carolina.
The report methodically listed each person interviewed and what they said about Jeffrey Byrne.
Dean pushed each of the four buzzers, with zero response.
Everybody thinks everybody else is sleeping with each other just because half of them are.
Why can't two people talk to each other without the rest of the world thinking they're screwing their brains out?
Cynthia Byrne clutched the armrest firmly during take off and landing, reacting to each noise anew.
Cynthia Byrne looked worse with each passing hour and just before their flight was called, excused herself and went to the ladies' room.
Cynthia's cheeks were quick to color as she sipped the liquid, making a face with each gulp.
Then why was it each time he was around Cynthia Byrne the question kept coming back?
With each passing day the possibility that Jeffrey Byrne's corpse might not be found became more realistic.
Each time Dean put the Byrne disappearance to rest in his mind, another nagging item popped up to renew his attention.
Shouldn't you each know what the other's doing?
They both looked at each other.
The two laughed and chattered like lifelong friends, perfectly comfortable in each other's company.
Even when my mother was here, we couldn't seem to say the right thing to each other.
I'm sorry, but I'm not about to end this business with us screaming at each other!
He and Randy shared the remains of nearly a dozen stale doughnuts after knocking off a quart of milk and a cheese sandwich each.
They remained in place for 20 minutes, occasionally exchanging a shouted comment, but mostly looking up or down at each other, self-consciously.
I'm sure the poor darlin' is as confused as a mouse in a maze but I'm sorry it's put you two on the outs with each other.
It's a one-week tour, each day a separate segment, with everyone riding at their own pace—within reason.
You stay in a different town each night.
Some unfriendly lowlife put a bullet in each of his pretty blue eyes.
They may all kill each other and put us out of work.
Although they'd been together but a half-dozen times, each remained with him, indelibly imprinted in his memory.
All this and air so fresh each breath was a new exhilaration.
The camping area was a riot of color, with thousands of bodies wrapped in every tone and shade of tight-fitting Lycra, each an individual fashion statement on a rock-hard frame.
Each community along the way was scheduled to provide inexpensive meals for the bikers.
As all of the bikers were assigned numbers, Dean made a verbal note of each on a small handheld tape-recorder borrowed from his more official duties.
The two men compared the cyclists' numbers each had listed as possible Byrne look-alikes.
Instead, he settled for a postcard to her and one to her son, each with a bland "Having a great time" message.
By mid-afternoon both legs were feeling tight and his breath was coming in rapid puffs each time he tackled one of the ever lengthening climbs.
Dean and Fred looked at each other.
With each turn in the road he expected to see the summit but was only greeted with another long uphill climb until he lost track of the numbers.
He had covered only 23 miles but each mile had given him a sense of accomplishment that astonished him.
As long as each thought the other stole their lousy couple of a million the fur kept flying.
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds had three girls, Joan, Mary and Alice – in that order and each born two years after the other, more or less.
Pulling open a drawer, he dispensed a spoon, fork and knife for each of them.
As she leaned over the table to put them in the serving containers, a glass came down on the table on each side of her – his hands still attached.
They couldn't keep doing this to each other.
Isn't our commitment to each other more important than a few words from clergy?
Maybe they needed a break from each other.
The first week after they met, they were at each other's throats frequently.
Maybe this was what they needed to do instead of thinking torrid thoughts about each other.
They were available to each other all the time.
How did a couple get used to undressing in front of each other?
This time when they went to bed, she snuggled next to him and they slept in each other's arms until the sun awakened them.
If you'll tell me how much you use each week, I'll replace it and we'll keep that base.
Each time she pushed it away.
Did Josh and Lori actually love each other?
For a moment they stood gazing at each other.
Just remember, you each have been living alone for some time.
Before they started having children, they needed to get to know each other.
For a moment they simply stared at each other.
In an instant they were in each other's arms.
If you're going to be angry with each other, I can't think of a better place to make up.
I realized that no matter how much two people love each other, they need time to adjust to each other before they complicate their lives with the responsibility of children.
There is nothing primal about the way we desire each other, sweetheart.
They stood for a moment looking into each other's eyes.
Bedtime began with their ritual of sitting on the window seat in each other's arms, watching their farm in the growing darkness.
There was so much they had to learn about each other.
They both enjoyed pestering each other – and being pestered.
The old tool shed was leaning further to the side each year.
Are you two ever going to like each other?
She watched as he crossed the room to the door, his broad shoulders swaying gracefully with each step.
The rabbit leaped into the air, and bolted across the field, his white tail visible above the tall grass with each bound.
Her gaze fell on a little blond-headed girl, her pigtails dancing with each step.
The storm door squealed a protest as he left the house, and the porch moaned with each step he took away from her.
Eventually they would run the Longhorns with the buffalo, and then Brutus could stay with all of them, but the animals would have to be quarantined at first and then allowed to adjust to each other.
They couldn't walk away from each other like this.
But they didn't joke around with each other any more.
They each had their weaknesses, and with Alex, it was trust.
For a moment they looked into each other's eyes, and the bond was there again ... briefly.
And yet, they had been happy with each other.
They disagreed, and sometimes they even spent a few days not talking to each other, but they always worked things out.
It was the love we feel for each other.
The longhorns had been grazing against the fence with the buffalo for the last two weeks, so they would be accustomed to each other.
They gazed at each other for a few moments in silence.
With each day it seemed to be growing until now she had a feeling of dread when she entered the living room.
How could they have drifted apart when they loved each other so much?
Alex had an arm around each of them.
With each day, the fear was growing.
With each step, the fear grew, until when she lowered herself into the chair, her heart was pounding in her ears.
But he couldn't know that the fear was retreating further with each minute.
They clung to each other desperately and cried.
Joan and Alice each hugged her and then turned to their husbands.
We fell for each other.
Each received a scroll with information on their first day of training and assignments.
Each had a note.
They studied each other, trying to read one another.
The park was over a mile on each side, hedged by a wall.
Each obelisk listed the members of an immortal household and their offspring.
They gazed at each other.
The tension in the room was high, each creature bristling with magic.
They turned at his voice, glanced at each other before shaking their heads.
Why can't you go back to the immortal world, fight each other there, and leave us alone?
They can't evade each other the way they can in the mortal world, so they use bodyguards.
She kept two out and joined Sofi and Bianca in the hallway, handing one to each.
Sofi and Bianca sat, one on each side of the bassinet, peering into it at the fidgeting baby god within.
Another guard took each of his arms and cuffed him in rusty iron fetters.
Taran stepped into a cavernous bedchamber lit by low burning hearths and scented by the white flowers sitting in each window.
He bowed out after several rounds to watch a heated match between two warriors casting loud taunts at each other as they battled.
Sirian and Rissa glared at each other with animosity that bespoke a brittle relationship.
Dotted lines separated the boundaries of each of the kingdoms.
She forced herself to recall each of their faces, each of their names, each of their stricken families.
As much despair as she felt for each of the forty-three deaths, there would be nothing but doom, disease, and death for her people if she did not stay alive.
They would fight for her until their deaths, each of them as brave as the members of her guard.
Five hefty men, each well-armed and carrying weapons ranging from swords to maces, surrounded Sami.
He all but dragged her through the quiet, stinking roads of Corcoran, seething, oblivious to the wooden huts lining the muddied street on each side of them.
Seated before the two of them, he saw how clearly the two were no way like each other.
He should not care if the two destroyed each other.
He hunched over the book, rereading every passage, holding his breath as he turned each page.
He felt each arrow as if it punctured his body instead of hers.
Each shot made him doubt more what he did, until his hands shook as the last arrow flew.
A whippoorwill was calling down by the creek, beginning each chorus with a kiss.
She tore it up and shoved part of it down the throat of each of the babies.
I guess we just grew away from each other.
As we swayed to the music and held to each other, I fell in love with you.
For a moment they gazed into each other's eyes.
Their kiss was electrifying – the result of a tantalizing evening in each other's arms, no doubt.
Each Sunday it was a reminder that there were some things at which he wasn't accomplished.
I don't always agree with his views on how to raise children either, but we don't contest each other in front of the children.
For a moment they looked into each other's eyes, and then he turned to Ed.
Well then, we must be delightfully allergic to each other.
It was nice being with each other.
He glanced up and for a moment they gazed at each other.
Carmen and Alex looked at each other.
Who would they turn to when they no longer had each other?
Obviously we have misinterpreted each other to the point of total confusion.
They were embarking on a new phase in their lives together, leaning on each other without becoming a burden.
They would enjoy each day that had been given them as a gift.
They would take each challenge and know the joy and pride of working through it together.
As he had pointed out to Carmen, they could lose each other in an accident any time.
Did they know each other?
They moved as one with the music and it struck her again that they were made for each other.
We're not right for each other.
You must realize we can never be happy with each other.
She forced a wry smile and each word of her response dripped with sarcasm.
Standing in the dark, wielding bitter words at each other wouldn't solve anything.
We'd never be happy with each other.
Each time she glanced his way, he turned back to his book.
Each of the other two walls had a doorway.
Birds flitted from tree to tree, chirping at each other and battling over the best roosting sights.
Each time she dozed off, she thought something was crawling on her bedroll.
Clara swung it back and forth, clipping the grass off neatly with each stroke.
Put a dab of it on each bump and it'll kill...
She dashed around, pausing to gape at the storm as she closed each window securely against its fury.
In that brief moment, they looked into each other's eyes.
Great. Now we each know where the other stands.
With each bend of the highway they found breathtaking views.
With each word his voice rose and his fingers bit more deeply into her arm.
Each evening Justin dropped by on his way home, and each day she was more convinced that his interest in her was genuine.
You and Justin are seeing a lot of each other, aren't you?
We enjoy each other's company and we have a lot in common.
Her mouth felt dryer each time he drank from his hand.
Maybe later she could build a couple more cabins, far from each other, and rent them out too.
He panted, grinning as he clamped a hand over each of her wrists.
We've been doing that to each other, you know.
The world stood still as they stared at each other.
Yet they knew so little about each other.
They loved each other, and that love would be a solid foundation for their marriage.
He had no doubt that they could and would adjust to each other.
Each life makes me stronger.
It too, held the welcoming atmosphere of a hospital waiting room, with a living room, expansive kitchen, informal dining area and hallways leading off each side of the common areas.
Each shelf was labeled, the books alphabetized by shelf and each one perfectly perched on the edge.
There was only one Tracker in existence that was able to pinpoint the whereabouts of a Watcher or Other, the two sets of immortals always at each others' throats.
Look at each other as if you're in love.
She met his gaze, and they stared at each other quietly for a long moment.
She was one of his frequent guests, visiting him several times each month.
The two Gods kept each other in check.
Two metal handles – one on each door – were cold beneath her fingers.
Instead, she trotted down the gravel driveway, each crunching step making her cringe.
Each of these influences, which early in life must have been familiar to him, tempered and modified the other.
But, further, every attempt to think clearly what those relations are, what we really mean, if we talk of a fixed order of events, forces upon us the necessity of thinking also that the different things which stand in relations or the different phases which follow each other cannot be merely externally strung together or moved about by some indefinable external power, in the form of some predestination or inexorable fate.
The conclusion that each element had a definite atomic weight, peculiar to it, was the new idea that made his speculations fruitful, because it allowed of quantitative deduction and verification.
We find in nature two other unlike substances, marble and Iceland spar, each of which is wholly composed of carbon dioxide and lime.
The Daltonian would say that each of these weights represents a certain group of atoms, and that these groups can replace, or combine with, each other, to form new molecules.
Dalton believed that the molecules of the elementary gases consisted each of one atom; his diagram for hydrogen gas makes the point clear.
In Rhabdopleura each zooid forms its own delicate tube composed of a characteristic series of distinct rings.
In correspondence with the fundamental constitution of the zooid, each of the three segments has its own body-cavity separated from the others.
Kossuth continued the agitation by reporting in letter form the debates of the county assemblies, to which he thereby gave a political importance which they had not had when each was ignorant of the proceedings of the others.
Addresses were presented to him at Southampton, Birmingham and other towns; he was officially entertained by the lord mayor of London; at each place he pleaded the cause of his unhappy country.
The streets cross each other at right angles and afford fine vistas on every side.
His early years were spent in the performance of such labour as fell to the lot of every farmer's son in the new states, and in the acquisition of such education as could be had in the district schools held for a few weeks each winter.
Hansen set himself the task of studying the properties of the varieties of yeast, and to do this he had to cultivate each variety in a pure state.
It was assumed that each separate speck contained a pure culture.
Hansen pointed out that this was by no means the case, for it is more difficult to separate the cells from each other in the gelatin than in the liquid.
Their personal sympathy for each other continued to the end, though at the outset at least their political views differed.
The molar teeth are six in number on each side, increasing in size from before backwards, and, as in the elephants, with a horizontal succession, the anterior teeth being lost before the full development of the posterior ones, which gradually move forward, taking the place of those that are destroyed by wear.
This process is, however, less fully developed than in elephants, and as many as three teeth may be in place in each jaw at one time.
For simplicity, he assumes I + and I_ each equal 0.25 X106 electrostatic units.
The work includes the thirteenth book by Mapheus Vegius; and each of the thirteen books is introduced by a prologue.
Less manure is used in these cellars than we generally see in the mushroom-houses of England, and the surface of each bed is covered with about an inch of fine white stony soil.
A majority of the members elected to each house may submit the question of calling a convention to the people; and if a majority of the votes cast approve, an election for members of a convention shall be held, and all acts of the convention must be submitted to the people for ratification or rejection.
On the other hand, a two-thirds majority of each house of the legislature may submit an amendment or amendments to popular vote at the next general election, when the approval of a majority of the qualified voters is necessary for ratification.
The governor sends a message at the beginning of each session of the legislature, and may convene the houses in extraordinary session when he deems it necessary.
He may veto a bill, or in case of an appropriation bill, the separate items, but this veto may be overridden by a simple majority of the total membership of each house.
The House of Delegates is composed (1910) of eighty-six members, of whom each county chooses at least one.
The length of the legislative session is forty-five days, but it may be extended by a vote of two-thirds of the members elected to each house.
No act takes effect until ninety days after its passage unless two-thirds of the members of each house specifically order otherwise.
Each of the magisterial districts (of which, as has been said, there must be at least three and not more than ten in each county) elects one or two magistrates and constables, and a board of education of three members.
Each magisterial district constitutes a school district and there are also a few independent school districts.
For each school district there is a board of education consisting of a president and two commissioners, each elected for a term of four years, one commissioner every two years.
A law enacted in 1908 requires that children between eight and fifteen years of age shall attend school twenty-four weeks each year, provided the public school in their district is in session that length of time.
Almost immediately after the adoption of the ordinance a mass meeting at Clarksburg recommended that each county in north-western Virginia send delegates to a convention to meet in Wheeling on the 13th of May 1861.
For a long time it was thought that precedents could have no place in equity, inasmuch as it professed in each case to do that which was just; and we find this view maintained by common lawyers after it had been abandoned by the professors of equity themselves.
At each extremity of the island are high mountains, which send off branches along the coast so as to enclose a large arid plain..
The streets of Valletta, paved with stone, run along and across the ridge, and end on each side towards the water in steep flights of steps.
These are subdivided into twenty provinces, each administered by an administrator of native affairs by whose side is the provincial council consisting of natives and occupied with the discussion of ways and means and questions of public works.
The angle between two objects, such as stars or the opposite limbs of the sun, was measured by directing an arm furnished with fine " sights " (in the sense of the " sights " of a rifle) first upon one of the objects and then upon the other (q.v.), or by employing an instrument having two arms, each furnished with a pair of sights, and directing one pair of sights upon one object and the second pair upon the other.
The eyepiece ab consists of two plano-convex lenses a, b, of nearly the same focal length, and with the two convex sides facing each other.
Each movable web must pass the other without coming in contact with it or the fixed wire, and without rubbing on any part of the brasswork.
The later English artists have somewhat changed the mode of communicating motion to the slides, by attaching the screws pdrmanently to the micrometer head and tapping each micrometer screw into its slide.
In both cases two eyepieces are employed, one to view each separate web.
As each division corresponds to 3 sec.
The microscope or viewing telescope is fitted with a spider-line micrometer having two screws at right angles to each other, by means of which readings can be made first on one reseau-line, then on the star, and finally on the opposite reseau-line in both co-ordinates.
The excellent manner in which the scales and micrometers are mounted, the employment of a compound microscope for viewing the scales, with its ingeniously arranged and admirably efficient reversing prism, and the perfection of its slow motions for focusing and reading, combine to render this a most accurate and convenient instrument for very refined measures, although too slow for work in which the measures must depend on single pointings in each of two reversed positions of the plate, and where speed of working is essential.
If then the screw-value in kilometres per second is known for the neighbourhood of each of the comparison lines employed, the radial velocity of the star can be independently derived directly from coincidences made in above manner in the neighbourhood of each comparison line.
The costume of the women is different (often entirely so) in each village or district.
Thus, there may be a platform round the nuraghe, generally with two, three or four bastions, each often containing a chamber; or the main nuraghe may have additional chambers added to it.
On each side of this is a curve formed of two rows of -HH a From Papers of the British School at Rome, v.
After the time of Constantine, the administration of Sardinia was separated from that of Corsica, each island being governed by a praeses dependent on the vicarius urbis Romae.
The island had (probably since the end of the 9th century) been divided into four districts - Cagliari, Arborea, Torres (or Logudoro) and Gallura - each under a giudice or remained a prisoner at Bologna until his death.
It is for this reason that concordats always present a clearly marked character of mutual concession, each of the two powers renouncing certain of its claims in the interests of peace.
But with these reservations it must unhesitatingly be said that concordats are bilateral or synallagmatic contracts, from which results an equal mutual obligation for the two parties, who enter into a juridical engagement towards each other.
From it the exact time is conveyed each day at one o'clock by electric signal to the chief towns throughout the country; British and the majority of foreign geographers reckon longitude from its meridian.
He may, in fact, be called the father of modern pathology, for his view, that every animal is constituted by a sum of vital units, each of which manifests the characteristics of life, has almost uniformly dominated the theory of disease.since the middle of the 59th century, when it was enunciated.
The colour is typically reddish-brown, each individual hair being "ticked" like that of a wild rabbit, whence the popular name of "bunny cat."
Each great personage had a major domus - the queen had hers, the king his; and since the royal house was called the palace, this officer took the name of "mayor of the palace."
Each mayor, however, sought to supplant the others; the Pippins and Charles Martel succeeded, and their victory was at the same time the victory of Austrasia over Neustria and Burgundy.
The ancient geometry, as we know it, is a wonderful monument of ingenuity - a series of tours de force, in which each problem to all appearance stands alone, and, if solved, is solved by methods and principles peculiar to itself.
Each problem was something unique; the elements of transition from one to another were wanting; and the next step which mathematics had to make was to find some method of reducing, for instance, all curves to a common notation.
This finer matter which collects in the centre of each vortex is the first matter of Descartes - it constitutes the sun or star.
It is flanked on each side by well-preserved warehouses, another group of which, surrounding a large court, lies to the south-west.
The distinction between these two was made emphatic by Aquinas, who is at pains, especially in his treatise Contra Gentiles, to make it plain that each is a distinct fountain of knowledge, but that revelation is the more important of the two.
Reason and revelation are separate sources of knowledge; and man can put himself in possession of each, because he can bring himself into relation to the church on the one hand, and the system of philosophy, or more strictly Aristotle, on the other.
On each side, about half-way between the keep and the sea, these ravines are crossed by massive bridges, and on the farther side of the westernmost of these, away from the city, a large tower and other fortifications remain.
In Scotland the public greens are selfsupporting, from a charge, which includes the use of bowls, of one penny an hour for each player; in London the upkeep of the greens falls on the rates, but players must provide their own bowls.
The Queen's Park and Titwood clubs in Glasgow have each three greens, and as they can quite comfortably play six rinks on each, it is not uncommon to see 144 players making their game simultaneously.
In match play each space is further marked off from its neighbour by thin string securely fastened flush with the turf.
Ordinarily a match team consists of four rinks of four players each, or sixteen men in all.
The leader has to place the mat, to throw the jack, to count the game, and to call the result of each end or head to the skip who is at the other end of the green.
On small greens play, for obvious reasons, generally takes place from each ditch.
Each then took a part, a family connexion was established, and the broken die served as a symbol of recognition; thus the members of each family found in the other hosts and protectors in case of need.
These were each about 51 English m.
Prussia should probably be further subdivided, either with each province getting its own category, or grouping provinces together.
It was an exciting chase of king by king, in which each covered the ground by incredible exertions, shedding their slower-going followers as they went, past Rhagae (Rai) and the Caspian gates, till early one morning Alexander came in sight of the broken train which still clung to the fallen king.
The clan is generally subdivided into smaller communities (mahale), each administered by a local notable or jobar.
There are three declensions, each with a definite and indefinite form; the genitive, dative and ablative are usually represented by a single termination; the vocative is formed by a final o, as memmo from memme, " mother."
In the absence of literary culture the Albanian dialects, as might be expected, are widely divergent; the limits of the two principal dialects correspond with the racial boundaries of the Ghegs and Tosks, who understand each other with difficulty; the Albanians in Greece and Italy have also separate dialects.
The fruit is ripe in July, and is an oval, yellowish, fleshy berry, containing twelve or more seeds, each surrounded by a pulpy outer coat or aril.
Each of these contains an active substance, which can be obtained in crystalline foi m, and is known as podophyllotoxin.
The resolutions of the Lambeth Conferences have never been regarded as synodical decrees, but their weight has increased with each conference.
The extent of overflow has thus on each occasion been less.
If each distributing flue is connected by means of a mixing valve with a cold-air flue, the warmth of the incoming air can be regulated nicely.
To regulate the heat it is necessary either to instal a number of small radiators or to divide the radiators into sections, each section controlled by distinct valves; steam may then be admitted to all the sections of the radiator or to any less number of sections as desired.
One end of each pipe is plain, so that it may be cut to any desired length; pipes with shaped ends obviously must be obtained in the exact lengths required.
The tank system is of much earlier date than this cylinder system, and although the two resemble each other in many respects, the tank system is in practice the less effective.
In a type built with vertical sections each division is complete in itself, and is not directly connected with the next section, but communicates with flow and return drums. A defective section may thus be left in position and stopped off by means of plugs from the drums until it is convenient to fit a new one in its place.
In the top squares of the slips the ten digits are written, and each slip contains in its nine squares the first nine multiples of the digit which appears in the top square.
Each of the four faces of each rod contains multiples of one of the nine digits, and is similar to one of the slips just described, the first rod containing the multiples of o, I, 9, 8, the second of o, 2, 9, 7, the third of o, 3, 9, 6, the fourth of 0, 4, 9, 5, the fifth of I, 2, 8, 7, the sixth of I, 3, 8, 6, the seventh of I, 4, 8, 5, the eighth of 2, 3, 7, 6, the ninth of 2, 4, 7, 5, and the tenth of 3, 4, 6, 5.
The qualifications for the office were fixed in each town by a special law for that community (lex municipalis).
It was felt to be a political necessity that he should return, and in 1541, somewhat reluctantly, he returned on his own terms. These were the recognition of the Church's spiritual independence, the division of the town into parishes, and the appointment (by the municipal authority) of a consistory or council of elders in each parish for the exercise of discipline.
Next in order was the provincial synod which consisted of a minister and an elder or deacon from each church in the province.
The president or moderator of each church court was Primus inter pares.
Up to 1565 the national synod consisted of a minister with one or two elders or deacons from every church; after that date, to avoid overcrowding, its numbers were restricted to representatives from each provincial synod.
The colloque consisted of one minister and one elder from each congregation.
It was, in a very real sense, representative of the whole country, as two members were chosen by parliament from each county.
In every classis or presbytery there were two elders to each minister..
Forrest; each state was a Realm under a Grand Dragon; several counties formed a Dominion under a Grand Titan; each county was a Province under a Grand Giant; the smallest division being a Den under a Grand Cyclops.
The Klan was twice reorganized, in 1867 and in 1868, each time being more centralized; in 1869 the central organization was disbanded and the order then gradually declined.
The vegetation of each region has its distinctive character, modified here and there by elevation, irrigation from mountain streams, and by the saline character of the soil.
The legislative power is vested in a congress of two chambers - the senate, composed of 30 members (two from each province and two from the capital), elected by the provincial legislatures and by a special body of electors in the capital for a term of nine years; and the chamber of deputies, of 120 members (1906), elected for four years by direct vote of the people, one deputy for every 33,000 inhabitants.
Each province has also its own judicial system.
Each province has its own constitution, which must be republican in form and in harmony with that of the nation.
Each elects its governor, legislators and provincial functionaries of all classes, without the intervention of the federal government.
Each has its own judicial system, and enacts laws relating to the administration of justice, the distribution and imposition of taxes, and all matters affecting the province.
Conscripts of 20 years of age have to serve two years, three months each year.
In 1906 the president announced that permission had been given by the German emperor for 30 Argentine officers to enter the German army each year and to serve eighteen months, and also for five officers to attend the Berlin Military Academy.
Of these colleges four are in Buenos Aires, one in each province, and one in Concepcion del Uruguay.
A constituent congress, in which each province had equal representation, was duly gress had (May 1, 1853) appointed Urquiza president of the confederation, and he established the seat of government at Parana.
The dioceses are divided into parishes each under a parish priest known as a cur or desservant (incumbent).
The archbishops used to receive an annual salary of 600 each and the bishops 400.
In the Reformed Church (far the more numerous of the two bodies) each parish has a council of presbyters, consisting of the pastor and lay-members elected by the congregation.
Each synagogue is served by a rabbi assisted by an officiating minister, and in each consistory is a grand rabbi.
Each department controls and maintains the routes dpartementales, usually good macadamized roads connecting the chief places within its limits and extending in 1903 over 9700 m.
Each of these companies was allotted a definite sphere of influence, and was granted a concession for ninety-nine years from its date of formation, the concessions thus terminating at various dates between 1950 and 1960.
At the head of each department is a prefect, a political official nominated by the minister of the interior and appointed by the president, who acts as general agent of the government and renresentative of the central authority.
This council, which consists for the most part of business and professional men, is elected by universal suffrage, each canton in the department contributing one member.
It assigns its quota of taxes (contingent) to each arrondissement, authorizes the sale, purchase or exchange of departmental property, superintends the management thereof, authorizes the construction of new roads, railways or canals, and advises on matters of local interest.
He is assisted, and in some degree controlled, in his work by the district council (conseil darrondissement), to which each canton sends a member, chosen by universal suffrage.
A procureur, or public prosecutor, is also attached to each court.
Each section (chambre) consists of a prsident de chambre and four judges (conseillers).
At the head of the financial organization of France, and exercising a general jurisdiction, is the minister of finance, who co-ordinates in one general budget the separate budgets prepared by his colleagues and assigns to each ministerial department the sums necessary for its expenses.
The financial year in France begins on the 1st of January, and the budget of each financial year must be laid on the table Budget of the Chamber of Deputies in the course of the ordinary session of the preceding year in time for the discussion upon it to begin in October and be concluded before the 31st of December.
It is then submitted to a special commission of the Chamber of Deputies, elected for one year, who appoint a general reporter and one or more special reporters for each of the ministries.
In each department an official collector (Trsorier payeur genral) receives the taxes and public revenue collected therein and accounts for them to the central authority in Paris.
The Irsorier nearly always lives at the chief town of the department, and is assisted by a receveur particulier des finances in each arrondissement (except that in which the trsorier himself resides).
The administrative staff includes, for the purpose of computing the individual quotas of the direct taxes, a director assisted by contrleurs in each department and subordinate to a central authority in Paris, the direction gnrale des contributions directes.
The Direction gnrale de lenregistrement, des domasnes et du timbre, comprising a central department and a director and staff of agents in each department, combines the administration of state property (not including forests) with the exaction of registration and stamp duties.
There are twenty-four districts, each under the control of a directeur, assisted by inspeciors, sub-inspectors and other officials.
The collection of these excise duties as well as the sale of matches, tobacco and gunpowder to retailers, is assigned to a special service in each department subordinated to a central administration.
Each year there is drawn up in every commune a list of the young men who attained the age of twenty during the previous year.
Each army corps consists in principle of two infantry divisions, one cavalry brigade, one brigade of horse and field artillery, one engineer battalion and one squadron of train.
The cavalry division consists of 2 or 3 brigades, each of 2 regiments or 8 squadrons, with 2 horse artillery batteries attached.
They date from the time of the legal expiry of each mans cornptilsory active service.
Each arrondissement is divided into sousarrondissements, having their centres in the great commercial ports, but this arrangement is purely for the embodiment of the men of the Inscription Maritime, and has nothing to do with the dockyards as naval arsenals.
The French navy is manned partly by voluntary enlistment, partly by the transference to the navy of a certain proportion of each years recruits for the army, but mainly by a system known as inscription maritime.
Each commune is in theory obliged to maintain at least one public primary school, but with the approval of the niinister, the departmental council may authorize a commune to combine with other communes in the upkeep of a school.
Each department is bound to maintain two primary training colleges, one for masters, the other for mistresses of primary schools.
The law of 1880 reserved to the state faculties the right to confer degrees, and the law of 1896 established various universities each containing one or more faculties.
Each colony and protectorate, including Algeria, has a separate budget.
In each of the governments general there is a financial controller with extensive powers who corresponds directly with the metropolitan authorities (decree of March 22, 1907)., Details and local differences hi form of government will be found under the headings of the various colonies and protectorates.
The Morelianos are noted for their love of music, and musical competitions are held each year, the best band being sent to the city of Mexico to compete with similar organizations from other states.
As the House would, at this ratio, have become unmanageably large, the ratio, which is first settled by Congress before apportionment, has been raised after each census, as will be seen from the accompanying table.
The Loyalty islanders are Melanesians; the several islands have each its separate language, and in Uea one tribe uses a Samoan and another a New Hebridean form of speech.
Of the seven species of giant tortoises known to science (although at the discovery of the islands there were probably fifteen) all are indigenous, and each is confined to its own islet.
The ordinary business of the ports was conducted in two courts known respectively as the court of brotherhood and the court of brotherhood and guestling, - the former being composed of the mayors of the seven principal towns and a number of jurats and freemen from each, and the latter including in addition the mayors, bailiffs and other representatives of the corporate members.
That according to which they were set up at Munich was in the main suggested by Cockerell; in the middle of each pediment was a figure of Athena, set well back, and a fallen warrior at her feet; on each side were standing spearmen, kneeling spearmen and bowmen, all facing towards the centre of the composition; the corners were filled with fallen warriors.
According to this the figures of combatants do not all face towards the centre, but are broken up, as in other early compositions, into a series of groups of two or three figures each.
A figure of Athena still occupies the centre of each pediment, but is set farther forward than in the old reconstruction.
On each side of this, in the western pediment, is a group of two combatants over a fallen warrior; in the eastern pediment, a warrior whose opponent is falling into the arms of a supporting figure; other figures also - the bowmen especially - face towards the angles, and so give more variety to the composition.
The muzzle is hairy, the ears are of moderate size, and the tail is short, and partially buried among the long hair of the rump. There are no glands on the face; but there is a large globular one at the base of each horn of the size of half a small orange..
The city is built with its streets running between the cardinal points of the compass and crossing each other at right angles.
Two intersecting central streets also divide the city into four sections, in each of which the streets are methodically named and numbered, as North 3rd, 5th, 7th, &c., or West 2nd, 4th, 6th, &c., according to direction and location.
In all cases a more or less full series of teeth is developed, these being differentiated into incisors, canines, premolars and molars, when all are present; but only a single pair of teeth in each jaw has deciduous predecessors.
In addition to this replacement of a single pair of functional teeth in each jaw, it has been discovered that marsupials possess rudimentary tooth-germs which never cut the gum.
According to one theory, these rudimentary teeth, together with the one pair of functional teeth in each jaw that has vertical successors, represent the milk-teeth of placental mammals.
From all other members of the family the marsupial, or banded, ant-eater (Myrmecobius fasciatus) differs by the presence of more than seven pairs of cheek-teeth in each jaw, as well as by the exceedingly long and protrusile tongue.
The three pairs of molars in each jaw are, like the last premolar, quadritubercular oblong teeth.
The tail is rudimentary, the first hind-toe opposable, the first pair of upper incisors very large, but the second and third either absent or small and placed partially behind the larger pair; and only five pairs of cheek-teeth in each jaw.
The first of the series (which appears to have no predecessor) single-lobed; the other four composed of two lobes, each subtriangular in section.
Fore-feet with five distinct toes, each furnished with a long, strong and slightly curved nail, the first and fifth considerably shorter than the other three.
The molar-like teeth slightly diminishing in size from the first to the fourth, with square crowns, each bearing four pyramidal cusps.
The tail is long and in some cases prehensile; the first hind-toe may be either large, small or absent; the dentition usually includes three pairs of upper and one of lower incisors, and six or seven pairs of cheekteeth in each jaw; the stomach is either simple or sadculated, without a cardiac gland; and there are four teats.
He then allotted the reconstruction of wall and gates to different parties of workmen, and his narrative describes the portion of wall upon which each of these was employed.'
Some writers place it north of the Temple on the site afterwards occupied by the fortress of Antonia, but such a position is not in accord with the descriptions either in Josephus or in the books of the Maccabees, which are quite consistent with each other.
The rules of the Scribes enumerated thirty-nine main kinds of work forbidden on the Sabbath, and each of these prohibitions gave rise to new subtilties.
They did not dedicate each day in turn to its astrological planet; and it is therefore precarious to assume that the Sabbath was in its origin what it is in the astrological week, the day sacred to Saturn, and that its observance is to be derived from an ancient Hebrew worship of that planet.4 The week, however, is found in various parts of the world in a form that has nothing to do with astrology or the seven planets, and with such a distribution as to make it pretty certain that it had no artificial origin, but suggested itself independently, and for natural reasons, to different races.
So far no evidence is forthcoming that the same days of each month were observed as these of this special rarely occurring month.
It would be precarious to assume that the same days in each month were nubattu, for the nubattu fell on the 4th of Iyar on one occasion.
For it is obvious that if each 7th day during the year was observed as above, it would, like our Sunday or a Jewish Sabbath, fall on a different day of the month in different months.
It is quite consistent with the evidence to suppose that a seven-day week was in use in Babylonia, but each item may be explained differently, and a definite proof does not exist.
Further, if the Sabbaths fell on each 7th day through the year, any indication by dated documents of a falling off in the number of transactions on the 7th day of the month must obviously be completely disguised.
Cambrian rocks occur in each of these districts, and they are best developed in the South Australian high= lands, where they include a long belt of contemporary glacial deposits.
References to the chief sources of information regarding the states is given under each of them.
The federal government has no public debt, but each of the six states has contracted debts which aggregate £237,000,000, equal to about £58, 8s.
Information regarding Australian state finance will be found under the heading of each state.
Each tribe occupied a recognized territory, averaging perhaps a dozen square miles, and used a common dialect.
Each family, or family group, had a dual organization which has been termed (i) the Social, (2) the Local.
Thus, among some tribes of Western Australia the penalty for abducting another's wife was to stand with leg extended while each male of the tribe stuck his spear into it.
In every case of death from disease or unknown causes sorcery was suspected and an inquest held, at which the corpse was asked by each relative in succession the name of the murderer.
A good deal perhaps depends on each observer's view of what religion really is.
A remnant of the race exists in each of the provinces, while a few tribes still wander over the interior.
But as the captain of the " Endeavour " ordered out the pinnace and prepared to land, the natives threw off their nonchalance; for on the boat approaching the shore, two men, each armed with a bundle of spears, presented themselves on a projecting rock and made threatening signs to the strangers.
The immediate result was a conference at Parliament House, Melbourne, of representatives from each of the seven colonies.
At this meeting all the colonies except New Zealand were represented, and it was agreed that the parliament of each colony should be asked to pass a bill enabling the people to choose ten persons to represent the colony on a federal convention; the work of such convention being the framing of a federal constitution to be submitted to the people for approval by means of the referendum.
The bill as amended was submitted to the electors of each colony and again triumphantly carried in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.
The Senate was to consist of the same number of members (not less than six) for each state, the term of service being six years, but subject to an arrangement that half the number would retire every three years.
The Senate would choose its own president, and the House of Representatives its speaker; each house would make its own rules of procedure; in each, one-third of the number of members would form a quorum; the members of each must take oath, or make affirmation of allegiance; and all alike would receive an allowance of £400 a year.
The constitution, parliament and laws of each state, subject to the federal constitution, retained their authority; state rights were carefully safeguarded, and an inter-state commission was given powers of adjudication and of administration of the laws relating to trade, transport and other matters.
In 1871 the dispute which had been carried on since 1831 between the duke and the diet about the rights of each to the state domains was settled by a compromise, each party receiving a share of the revenues.
All this time the brutal work of the Blood Council went on, as did the exodus of thousands upon thousands of industrious and well-to-do citizens, and with each year the detestation felt for Alva and his rule steadily increased.
The Pont des Trous over the Scheldt, with towers at each end, was built in 1290, and among many other interesting buildings there are some old houses still in occupation which date back to the 13th century.
Before the World War about i 2 million skins were obtained annually at a cost of 6 to 8 roubles each.
The islands on each coast present the features of the shore to which they are adjacent.
So far as is known, the Malay Peninsula consists of an axial zone of crystalline rocks, flanked on each side by an incomplete band of sedimentary deposits.
The number of rainy days throughout the peninsula varies from 160 to over 200 in each year, but violent gusts of wind, called " Sumatras," accompanied by a heavy downpour of short duration, are more common than persistent rain.
He supported the claims of Bohemia to a full autonomy; he strongly attacked both the February constitution and the Ausgleich with Hungary; what he desired was a common parliament for the whole empire based on a settlement with each one of the territories.
Fairs are now held on the first Thursday in April, June, September and December, and a cheese fair on the first Thursday in each month except January.
Only less important and only less early to be established in Vermont was the quarrying of granite, which began in 1812, but which has been developed chiefly since 1880, largely by means of the building of "granite railroads" which connect each quarry with a main railway line - a means of transportation as important as the logging railways of the Western states and of Canada.
The governor has limited powers of appointment and pardon and a veto power which may be overridden by a majority vote in each house.
The legislative department consists of a senate of 30 members, apportioned among the counties according to population, but with the proviso that each county must have at least one senator, and a House of Representatives of 245 members, one from each township. Since 1870 elections and legislative sessions have been biennial.
The judiciary is composed of a supreme court of seven members, a court of chancery, a county court in each county, a probate court in each probate district, and justices of the peace.
Sessions of the supreme court are held in each county once a year in addition to the general session which meets at some central place selected by the judges.
If they are again approved by a majority of each house in the next General Assembly, they are submitted finally to a direct popular vote, a majority of the votes cast being decisive.
The schools are open to all children between the ages of 5 and 20, and attendance for twenty-six weeks in each year is made compulsory for those who are between the ages of 8 and 15.
Large stretches of marsh occur on each side of this river, as well as here and there among the hills where inland lakes formerly existed, as, for instance, near Bandung.
Each house has a quadrangle in the centre, into which it looks, and which is entered by a low, narrow doorway.
Fermanagh returns two members to parliament, one each for the north and south divisions.
As the recognized leader of the new party, his nomination by the Republicans for the presidency in 1856 and in 1860 was regarded as certain; but in each instance he was put aside for another.
This was the "Little" or "Barebones Parliament," consisting of one hundred and forty persons selected by the council of officers from among those nominated by the congregations in each county, which met on the 4th of July 1653.
They were wont to cry out, each of himself, "I am God; I am the Son of God; or I am the divine Spirit."
He was a member of the Missouri Constitutional Convention of 1820, and was elected to the state House of Representatives in 1820 and to the state Senate in 1822, serving one term in each house.
Their descendants are known as the senior and junior branches of the family, and since 1841 each has ruled his 'own portion as a separate state, though the lands belonging to each are so intimately entangled, that even in Dewas, the capital town, the two sides of the main street are under different administrations and have different arrangements for water supply and lighting.
It was never a compact city, being divided into districts separated from each other by open spaces.
He painted in lurid colours the terrors of purgatory, while he dwelt on the cheapness of the indulgence which would purchase remission and his prices were lowered as each sale approached its end.
There is a trade in beer, cattle and grain, sold at eleven annual fairs, three of which last for ten days each.
Then you can go and edit the pages by clicking on the 'edit' tab which will appear on the top of (almost) each page.
On each subject there are in fact two pages.
It consists of four hemispherical cups, mounted one on each end of a pair of horizontal arms, which lie at right angles to each other and form a cross.
The cups are placed symmetrically on the end of the arms, and it is easy to see that the wind always has the hollow of one cup presented to it; the back of the cup on the opposite end of the cross also faces the wind, but the pressure on it is naturally less, and hence a continual rotation is produced; each cup in turn as it comes round providing the necessary force.