E-s Sentence Examples

  • Denoting the cross-section a of a filament by dS and its mass by dm, the quantity wdS/dm is called the vorticity; this is the same at all points of a filament, and it does not change during the motion; and the vorticity is given by w cos edS/dm, if dS is the oblique section of which the normal makes an angle e with the filament, while the aggregate vorticity of a mass M inside a surface S is M - l fw cos edS.

  • Hence if dS and dS' are the areas of the ends, and +E and - E' the oppositely directed electric forces at the ends of the tube, the surface integral of normal force on the flux over the tube is EdS - E'dS' (20), and this by the theorem already given is equal to zero, since the tube includes no electricity.

  • Under Britishrule Colombo has shared in the prosperity brought to the island by the successive industri e s of coffee and teaplanting.

  • The formula employed by P is "and Pharaoh's heart was strong (pin)," or, "and Pharaoh made strong (p'in) his heart," as in E, but it is distinguished from E's phrase by the addition of "and he hearkened not unto them as Yahweh had spoken."

  • It was owing to the combination of this latter account with E's further description of the striving of the people for water at Meribah that the double name Massah-Meribah arose, xvii.

  • Now it is obvious that the results obtained by the foregoing analysis of J and E have an important bearing on the history of the remaining section of E's legislation, viz.

  • At present the "Ten Words" stand in the forefront of E's collection of laws, and it is evident that they were already found in that position by the author of Deuteronomy, who treated them as the sole basis of the covenant at Horeb.

  • This redactor, however, did not limit the Horeb covenant to the Decalogue, but retained E's legislation alongside of it.

  • The verb e s s e r a has been mixed, not as in the other Romance languages with s t a r a, but with s e d e r e, as is proved by older forms seer, siedes, sieden, seyendo, obviously derived from s e d e r e, and which have in the texts sometimes the meaning of to be seated, sometimes that of to be, and sometimes both.

  • Portuguese, though less frequently than Castilian, employs ter (t e n e r e) as an auxiliary, alongside of aver; and it also supplements the use of e s s e r e with s e d e r e, which furnished the subj.

  • Mr E's seizures appear to have been very infrequent.

  • N o r o p e s c o u r o p e s c o u r s e!

  • Proving your successful landlord status involves producing complete tax returns and Schedule E's for the past two years.

  • Every tube of electric force must therefore begin and end on electrified surfaces of opposite sign, and the quantities of positive and negative electricity on its two ends are equal, since the force E just outside an electrified surface is normal to it and equal to a/41r, where a is the surface density; and since we have just proved that for the ends of a tube of force EdS = E 1 dS', it follows that adS = a'dS', or Q = Q', where Q and Q' are the quantities of electricity on the ends of the tube of force.

  • After dividing plants into flowerless and flowering, Ray says, "Floriferas dividemus in Dicotyledones, quarum semina sata binis foliis anomalis, seminal ibus dictis, quae cotyledonorum usum praestant, e terra exeunt, vel in binos saltem lobos dividuntur, quamvis eos supra terrem foliorum specie non efferunt; et Monocotyledones, quae nec folic bina seminalia efferunt nec lobos binos condunt.

  • They provide a state-by-state store locator to help you find the store nearest you or you can call their office at 1-800-D R E S S B A R N (1-800-373-7722).
