E'en Sentence Examples
In the tropical and subtropical belts of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans south of the equator the salinity diminishes rapidly from the surface downwards, and at 500 fathoms reaches a minimum of 34.3 or 34.4 p e r mille; after that it increases again to 800 fathoms, where it is almost 34.7 or 34.8, and this salinity holds good to the bottom, even to the greatest depths, as was first shown by the " Gauss " and afterwards by the " Planet " between Durban and Ceylon.
Until the accession of Adrian IV., however, there had been considerable periods of tran- German quillity, years even of unbroken peace and alliance E with the Germanic power.
While admitting, therefore, that there are several facts in favour of the theory of an African origin of the Bovidae, final judgment Notation to E to t from from or even f 8va balsa.
In those of type E the eye-piece has a fixed position and the observer may even occupy a room maintained at uniform temperature, but he must submit to a certain loss of light from one or more reflecting surfaces, and from possible loss of definition from optical imperfection or flexure of the mirror or mirrors.
Vieira was a man of action, while the oratorian Manoel Bernardes lived as a recluse, hence his sermons and devotional works, especially Luz e Calor and the Nova Floresta, breathe a calm and sweetness alien to the other, while they are even richer treasures of pure Portuguese.
Bet ore the tonic the same change between a and e constantly takes place; one finds in manuscripts enar, emor for anar, amor (the same extends even to the case of the tonic syllable, ten and sent from t a n t u in and 1 a n c t u m being far from rare), and, on the other hand, antre, arrar, for entre, errar.
I atonic is often represented by e even when it is long (vehi, v i c i n u s).
Or appendix endix e even tho the budget for health are hard to.
Nor are there only rayes proper & peculiar to y e more eminent colors, but even to all their intermediate gradations.
So that e'en God Must guess from sounds so hoarse Their true purport.
AdvertisementGyro- phora), and even After Schwendener, from De Bary's Vergleichende Mor s t i p i t a t e (e.g.
Rom., is by a contemporary of the pope, but nevertheless of slight importance; Leti's Vita di Sisto V (Amsterdam, 1693, translated into English by Farneworth, 1779) is a caricature, full of absurd tales, utterly untrustworthy, wanting even the saving merit of style; Tempesti's Storia della vita e geste di Sisto Quinto (Rome, 1 7541 755) is valuable for the large use it makes of the original sources, but lacks perspective and is warped by the author's blind admiration for his subject; Cesare's Vita di Sisto V (Naples, 1755) is but an 'abridgment of Tempesti.
The Nook features a 16-level gray scale display featuring E Ink technology for crisp, clear and glare-free reading, even in direct sunlight.
It is possible to become deficient in vitamin E even if you aren't in one of the above populations.
Vitamin E and vitamin C taken together are even more effective.
AdvertisementWe've even featured some of our top success stories in commercial spots that have run on ExerciseTV on demand, E! and Style.
None of them, in point of fact, has held its ground, and even his proposal to denote unknown quantities by the vowels A, E, I, 0, u, Y - the consonants B, c, &c., being reserved for general known quantities - has not been taken up. In this denotation he followed, perhaps, some older contemporaries, as Ramus, who designated the points in geometrical figures by vowels, making use of consonants, R, S, T, &c., only when these were exhausted.