Dwindles Sentence Examples
Those germs which do not ripen during the season undergo a process of resorption, and in the winter the whole ovary dwindles to often a diminutive size.
Though a large and broad river, and in the rains containing a great volume of water, in the hot weather months it dwindles down to an inconsiderable stream.
At Kupang, on the south coast, the number of rainy days per month in the six months May to October dwindles from 4 to o, while the monthly rainfall gradually sinks from a little less than 2 in.
The oval may unite itself with the infinite branch, or it may dwindle into a point, and we have the crunodal and the acnodal forms respectively; or if simultaneously the oval dwindles into a point and unites itself to the infinite branch, we have the cuspidal form.
A good tip here is that the first ingredient is the majority ingredient and it dwindles as you work your way down the list.
The dog may also feel cooler to the touch as the heart rate dwindles down.
This Day Lily dwindles in vigour of the plants and size of the flowers if allowed to remain too long in one place.
We may therefore enjoy it without giving it positions suited for more delicate plants, or taking any trouble about it, but it is more vigorous on chalky or warm soils, and dwindles on some cold soils.
Once the novelty of swinging through the city with your spider web wears off, the excitement dwindles.
Consumers can expect to pay between 10 and 40 dollars for each hamster, especially as the supply dwindles and demand grows for the electronic pet toys.
AdvertisementAs field of characters dwindles, you increase your odds of guessing your opponent's character, and if you do, you win the game.
As the population of the house dwindles, Tiffany gets closer to the remaining men and eventually has to choose between the final two contestants.
As the cast dwindles in number, everyone else plots and schemes to get someone else eliminated.
The Cephisus, rising in Pentelicus, enters the sea at New Phalerum; in summer it dwindles to an insignificant stream, while the Ilissus, descending from Hymettus, is totally dry, probably owing to the destruction of the ancient forests on both mountains, and the consequent denudation of the soil.
The reputation of a greater Maecenas - ascribed to him by his eulogists - dwindles before a sober, critical contemplation, and his undeniable merits are by no means equal to those which fame has assigned to him.