Dwelling Sentence Examples
There was no point dwelling on it.
It was a waste of time dwelling on a future she didn't have.
Leyon followed, and Mansr took her into a small dwelling on the mountain.
Almost every dwelling on the narrow, crowded road was in pieces.
Dwelling in her misery, she was surprised when his shadow fell across her.
The warriors guarding the dwelling eyed her.
Nothing could be gained by dwelling on such thoughts.
My dwelling was small, and I could hardly entertain an echo in it; but it seemed larger for being a single apartment and remote from neighbors.
A'Ran, assuming his sisters could handle the newest member of their family, turned and started toward the white dwelling before him.
Herodotus divides them into two main groups, a straight-haired race and a woolly-haired race, dwelling respectively to the East and West, and this distinction is confirmed by the Egyptian monuments.
AdvertisementThere is no doubt that he wished to satisfy the complaints that emanated First from the Christians dwelling in Jerusalem and The .
The valleys and coast belt, though practically free from malarial fever, are hot and humid, and fires in dwelling houses are seldom required even in the coolest months; the lower plateaus are cool and the air dry; the uplands are bracing and often very cold, with snow on the ground in winter.
The typical Annamese dwelling is open to the gaze of the passer-by during the day; at night a sort of partition of bamboo is let down.
Its three roots go down into the three great realms - (I) of death, where, in the well Hvergelmer, the dragon Nidhug (Niandggr) and his brood are ever gnawing it; (2) of the giants, where, in the fountain of Mimer, is the source of wisdom; (3) of the gods, Asgard, where, at the sacred fountain of Urd, is the divine tribunal, and the dwelling of the Fates.
To-day their descendants are not more subject to goitre and cretinism than those dwelling around them, and are recognized by tradition and not by features or physical degeneracy.
AdvertisementThe labour devoted to an investigation is with Hallam no excuse for dwelling on the result, unless that is in itself important.
He is described as dwelling in the Persian Gulf, and rising out of the waters in the daytime and furnishing mankind instruction in writing, the arts and the various sciences.
It is true that the Florentine Simone Sigoli, who visited Cairo in 1384, in his Viaggio al Monte Sinai still speaks of "Presto Giovanni" as a monarch dwelling in India; but it is the India which is conterminous with the dominions of the soldan of Egypt, and whose lord is master of the Nile, to close or open its discharge upon Egypt.
The tribal system of family organization, universal in America, dominated the dwelling.
Many of the white farmers in this district, unlike their fellows dwelling farther north, were willing to accept British rule, and this fact induced Mr Justice Menzies, one of the judges of Cape Colony then on circuit at Colesberg, to cross the Orange and proclaim (October 1842) the country British territory, a proclamation disallowed by the governor, Sir George Napier, who, nevertheless, maintained that the emigrant farmers were still British subjects.
AdvertisementThe site of the lake dwelling of Wangen, in the Untersee, Lake of Constance, forms a parallelogram more than 700 paces in length by about 120 paces in breadth.
The size of each dwelling is in some cases marked by boards resting edgeways on the platform, like the skirting boards over the flooring of the rooms in a modern house.
The settlement in the Lake of Moosseedorf, near Bern, affords the most perfect example of a lake dwelling of the Stone age.
Whether dwelling on the land or dwelling in the lake, they have exhibited so many indications of capacity, intelligence, industry and social organi zation that they cannot be considered as presenting, even in their Stone age, a very low condition of culture or civilization.
The homestead of any family in the state is exempt from attachment, lien or forced sale, except for taxes or purchase money, provided it has been properly recorded; but it can embrace only one dwelling house, cannot include gold or silver mines, and is limited in value to $5000 to one acre if within a town plat, to 40 acres if it is in the country and was acquired under the laws of the United States relating to mineral lands, and to 160 acres of other land in the country.
AdvertisementVieau built a dwelling and a warehouse and conducted extensive trading operations.
The liberal school of thought of which Mohler was a prominent exponent was discouraged in official circles, while Protestants, on the other hand, complain that the author failed to grasp thoroughly the significance of the Reformation as a great movement in the spiritual history of mankind, while needlessly dwelling on the doctrinal shortcomings, inconsistencies and contradictions of its leaders.
Redemption, he said, was the result of the historical work of Christ; but justification was the work of the living risen Christ, dwelling within the believer and daily influencing him.
Some remnants of the Boii are mentioned as dwelling near Bordeaux; but Mommsen inclines to the opinion that the three groups (in Bordeaux, Bohemia and the Po districts) were not really scattered branches of one and the same stock, but that they are instances of a mere similarity of name.
The remarkable didunculus occurs in Samoa, and after the introduction of cats and rats, which preyed upon it, was compelled to change its habits, dwelling in trees instead of on the ground.
Every part of the material universe - man, woman, insect, tree, stone, or whatever it be - is the dwelling of an eternal spirit that is working out its destiny, and while receiving reward and punishment for the past is laying up reward and punishment for the future.
The Rotifera are all aquatic, the majority dwelling in fresh water with Protozoa and Protophyta, as well as Entomostracous Crustacea.
It is a not uncommon theory that the fairies survive in legend from prehistoric memories of a pigmy people dwelling in the subterranean earth-houses, but the contents of these do not indicate an age prior to the close of the Roman occupation of Britain; nor are pigmy bones common in neolithic sepulchres.
Thus arose the first monastic community, consisting of anchorites living each in his own little dwelling, united together under one superior.
At the south-east corner we find the hen and duck house, and poultry-yard (m), and the dwelling of the keeper (n).
Their dwelling is beside the "Spring of fate," beneath the "world-tree," Yggdrasil's ash, which they water with draughts from the spring.
Moreover, alike those who had followed Him during His life on earth, and all who joined themselves to them, must have felt the need of dwelling on His precepts, so that these must have been often repeated, and also in all probability from an early time grouped together according to their subjects, and so taught.
Other adversaries of the episcopate, the burgesses and the petty nobles dwelling in the city, also profited by these frequent changes of bishops, and the disorders that ensued.
In these cottages or cells a Carthusian monk passed his time in the strictest asceticism, only leaving his solitary dwelling to attend the services of the Church, except on certain days when the brotherhood assembled in the refectory.
Liquid manure, consisting of the drainings of dung-heaps, stables, cowsheds, &c., or of urine collected from dwelling houses or other sources, is a most valuable and powerful stimulant, and can be readily applied to the roots of growing plants.
The xerophytic structures found in some of the plants might seem to corroborate this view; but similar structures are assumed by many plants when dwelling in brackish marshes and morasses.
Thus, we find Sumerian ab, " dwelling," " sea "; ab, " road," and -ab, a grammatical suffix, which words, with many others of a similar character, were perhaps originally uttered with different voice-tones.
A thick under-fur is developed in the winter-coat, as in all other ruminants dwelling at high altitudes.
The nomad Arabs are of two classes, camel owners (Slat El Ilbil) and cattle owners (Baggara), the first-named dwelling in the dry northern regions, the Baggara in southern Kordofan.
Nor was the dwelling uninhabited during his long absences.
In the northeast, dwelling between the Rhine and the Elbe, were the Saxons (q.v.), to the east and south of whom stretched the extensive kingdom of Thuringia (q.v.).
No further reference to these districts is found till towards the close of the migration period, about the beginning of the 6th century, when the Heruli, a nation dwelling in or near the basin of the Elbe, were overthrown by the Langobardi.
The dwelling is surrounded by a garden or small field of grain.
The Lombards were at that time dwelling in Noricum and Pannonia (archduchy of Austria, Styria and Hungary, west of the Danube).
The Kamares Cave was found to be a sanctuary, not a dwelling, but the offerings consisted almost entirely of pottery of M.M.
The curious carvings and ramparts, at Burghead on the coast of Elgin, and the underground stone houses locally called "wheems," in which Roman fragments have been found, may represent the native forms of dwelling, &c., and some of the "Late Celtic" metal-work may belong to this age.
Baryatinsky also conquered many of the tribes of the western Caucasus dwelling between the rivers Laba and Byelaya.
It is highly probable that before it became important merely as a temple, it was the fortified centre uniting the Argive people dwelling in the plain, the citadel which was superseded in this function by Tiryns.
According to the commonest account, on the 23rd of August of that year Pliny the elder, who had command of the Roman fleet at Misenum, set out to render assistance to a young lady of noble family named Rectina and others dwelling on that coast, but, as there was no escape by sea, the little harbour having been on a sudden filled up so as to be inaccessible, he was obliged to abandon to their fate those people of Herculaneum who had managed to flee from their houses, overwhelmed in a moment by the material poured forth by Vesuvius.
Fleury's evident intention was to write a history of the church for all classes of society; but at the time in which his great work appeared it was less religion than theology that absorbed the attention of the clergy and the educated public; and his work accordingly appealed to the student rather than to the popular reader, dwelling as it does very particularly on questions of doctrine, of discipline, of supremacy, and of rivalry between the priesthood and the imperial power.
The subsequent fall of Lucifer is explained as his surrender of himself to the principle of nature, instead of dwelling in the heart of God.
He accepted it only for a day, and then returned to his own dwelling.
There would be no difficulty for the immigrants to find a dwelling, or to make a living, since most of them would be versed in one or other of the crafts in.
That Christ died for us, and that we are saved by him, is indeed the living truth of the Church in all ages, and a false impression of the fact is given by dwelling upon theories as if they were central.
The religious myths are generally identifiable with the Polynesian, but a belief in the gods proper is overshadowed by a general deification of ancestors, who are supposed from time to time to occupy certain blocks of stone, set up near the family dwelling, and surrounded by circles of smaller ones.
By giving shelter to the fugitive Eadgils, a rebel against his uncle the king of the " Swain " (the Swedes, dwelling to the north of the Gautar), Heardred brought on himself an invasion, in which he lost his life.
These sometimes completely absorb the shell on which they are settled, but then act as a substitute for it, and in any case by their outgrowth they extend the limits of the dwelling, so that the inmate can grow in comfort without having to hunt or fight for a larger abode.
He must indeed take with him the sacred fire and implements for domestic sacrifice, but until death overtakes him he must wander silent, alone, possessing no hearth nor dwelling, begging his food in the villages, firm of purpose, with a potsherd for an alms bowl, the roots of trees for a dwelling, and clad in coarse worn-out garments.
Zuni (pop. 1525) has a five-storeyed dwelling surrounded by detached huts; Acoma (pop. 492 in 1900; 566 in 1902), standing on a cliff 357 ft.
Thus there is good evidence to show that many of the early gods, notably those that are held to be especially well disposed to man, are conceived rather in the shape of magnified nonnatural men dwelling somewhere apart, such as the Munganngaur of the Kurnai of S.E.
The first frame dwelling at Penn Yan was built in 1799; the village became the county-seat in 1823, when Yates county was created, and was incorporated in 1833.
Halifax, however, concludes by desiring to moderate the roughness of his picture by emphasizing the excellence of his intellect and memory and his mechanical talent, by deprecating a too censorious judgment and by dwelling upon the disadvantages of his bringing up, the difficulties and temptations of his position, and on the fact that his vices were those common to human frailty.
Those who own one law are citizens of one state, the city of Zeus, in which men and gods have their dwelling.
There will be a new law, dwelling specially upon the " external duties" required of all men, wise or unwise; and even the sufficiency of virtue for our happiness may be questioned.
In habits agoutis are nocturnal, dwelling in forests, where they conceal themselves during the day in hollow tree-trunks, or in burrows among roots.
The attendants reply as may be imagined; and Josaphat goes home more pensive than ever, dwelling on the certainty of death and on what shall be thereafter.
At this time Barlaam, an eremite of great sanctity and knowledge, dwelling in the wilderness of Sennaritis, divinely warned, travels to India in the disguise of a merchant, and gains access to Prince Josaphat, to whom he imparts the Christian doctrine and commends the monastic life.
The ancient writers regarded as homogeneous all the fairhaired peoples dwelling north of the Alps, the Greeks terming them all Keltoi.
Blount adopted and expanded Hobbes's arguments against the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch; and, mainly in the words of Burnet's Archeologiae philosophicae, he asserts the total inconsistency of the Mosaic Hexaemeron with the Copernican theory of the heavens, dwelling with emphasis on the impossibility of admitting the view developed in Genesis, that the earth is the most important part of the universe.
Collins indicates the possible extent to which the Jews may have been indebted to Chaldeans and Egyptians for their theological views, especially as great part of the Old Testament would appear to have been remodelled by Ezra; and, after dwelling on the points in which the prophecies attributed to Daniel differ from all other Old Testament predictions, he states the greater number of the arguments still used to show that the book of Daniel deals with events past and contemporaneous, and is from the pen of awriter of theMaccabean period, a view now generally accepted.
A theory sprang up which was supposed to explain the marvellous powers of the Buddhas by representing them as only the outward appearance, the reflection, as it were, or emanation, of ethereal Buddhas dwelling in the skies.
The system of Democritus was altogether antitheistic. But, although he rejected the notion of a deity taking part in the creation or government of the universe, he yielded to popular prejudice so far as to admit the existence of a class of beings, of the same form as men, grander, composed of very subtle atoms, less liable to dissolution, but still mortal, dwelling in the upper regions of air.
On the, 13th of September 1905, a meeting of the shareholders of the company was held, and Read "asked them to believe that it was not in the interests of the company, but because he knew that the Lord Jesus Christ had come again and was now dwelling at the Agapemone, that he was thus cast out by his colleagues."
He founded the church of St Peter near the Wallersee, and subsequently, at Salzburg, the church of St Peter, together with a monastery and a dwelling for the clerks, as well as a convent for women "in superiori castro Iuvavensium."
The lower Congo and coast regions are occupied by the Ba-Kongo (otherwise Ba-Fiot), a division including the Mushi-Kongo, found chiefly in the Congo division of Angola, and the Basundi, who live on both banks of the river in the cataracts districts, the Kabinda and the Mayumbe - the two last named dwelling in the coast districts and foot-hills immediately north of the mouth of the Congo.
A fortnight later he wrote, as the result of his inquiries, "We have at Barrackpur been dwelling upon a mine ready for explosion."
Rumanian historians have striven, by Vlachs piecing together the stray fragments of evidence which survive, to prove that their Vlach ancestors had not, as sometimes alleged, been reduced to a scattered community of nomadic shepherds, dwelling among the Carpathians as the serfs of their more powerful neighbours.
The dwelling was built in the 17th century by his ancestor, the sturdy immigrant, Thomas Whittier, notable through his efforts to secure toleration for the disciples of George Fox in New England.
The new home became, as it proved, that of his whole after-life; a dwelling then bought and in time remodelled was the poet's residence for fifty-six years, and from it, after his death on the 7th of September 189R, his remains were borne to the Amesbury graveyard.
The blood of the victim was poured over the stone as an offering to the divinity dwelling within it; and from this conception of the stone arose the further and final view, that the stone was a table on which the victim was to be burned.
For the Scottish kings, deserting their native Highlands, took to dwelling at Edinburgh among their new subjects, and first the court and afterwards the whole of their Lowland subjects were gradually assimilated to the Northumbnian nucleus which formed both the most fertile and the most civilized portion of their enlarged realm.
The third, fourth, fifth and sixth books are devoted to Virgil, dwelling respectively on his learning in religious matters, his rhetorical skill, his debt to Homer (with a comparison of the art of the two) and to other Greek writers, and the nature and extent of his borrowings from the earlier Latin poets.
Its food consists mainly of termites, to obtain which it opens their nests with its powerful sharp anterior claws, and as the insects swarm to the damaged part of their dwelling, it draws them into its mouth by means of its long, flexible, rapidly moving tongue covered with glutinous saliva.
In both P 1 and P 2 the disputants are summoned from their tents and ordered to assemble before the Dwelling of Yahweh; and in both cases the same fate overtook the rebels.
S I t is only by dwelling on these defects that we can Stoicism.
He then exhibits the unhappiness that results from any excess of the self-regarding impulses, bodily appetite, desire of wealth, emulation, resentment, even love of life itself; and ends by dwelling on the intrinsic painfulness of all malevolence .2 One more special impulse remains to be noticed.
Under the zadruga system, each homestead or cluster of cottages is occupied by a group of families connected by blood and dwelling together on strictly communistic principles.
These are the spirits which, taking up their abode in a village, cause disease and death; and to escape from such attacks the inhabitants may fly the village for good, and, by dwelling scattered in the recesses of the forest for a time before choosing a new site, they hope to throw their enemy off their trail.
The spirit is supposed not to leave the body immediately, and a corpse is either buried for a time, and then disinterred and the bones cleaned and deposited in or near the deceased's dwelling or in some distant cave; or the body is exposed on a platform or dried over a fire, and the mummy kept for a few years.
As a rule elsewhere each family has its independent dwelling.
Conrad then travelled through his dominions, received tribute from tribes dwelling east of Saxony, and by his journey "bound the kingdom most firmly in the bond of peace, and the kingly protection."
Under the republic they emerge into prominence under a pontifex maximus, who took over the king's duties as chief administrator of religious law, just as his chief sacrificial duties were taken by the rex sacrorum; his dwelling was the regia, " the house of the king."
As an almost universal rule, in the lowest culture, no prayers are addressed to this being; he has no sacrifices, no dwelling made with hands; and the images of him, in clay, that are made and danced round with invocations of his name at the tribal ceremonies of initiation, are destroyed at the close of the performances.
The most highly developed All-Father is the Baiame or Byamee of the Euahlayi tribe of north-western New South Wales, to whom prayers for the welfare of the souls of the dead are, or recently were, addressed - the tribe dwelling a hundred miles away from the nearest missionary station (Protestant).'
The Son, the Word (Logos) for ever dwelling with the Father, carries out His behests.
The Holy Ghost (Pneuma), however, as the Spirit of wisdom for ever dwelling with the Father, controls what the Father has appointed and the Son fulfilled, and this Spirit lives in the church.
In the centre were the Basques, dwelling on both sides of the Pyrenees, who kept against the Mahommedan the independence they had vindicated against the Visigoth.
The modern bee-keeper, therefore, allows just so much drone comb in the hive as will produce a sufficient number of drones to ensure queen-mating, while affording to the bees the satisfaction of dwelling in a home equipped according to natural conditions, and containing all the elements necessary to bee-life.
These asses inhabit desert plains or open table-land; the kiang dwelling at elevations of about 14,000 ft.
Dwelling among the Hausa were a number of Fula, mostly herdsmen, and these were devout Mahommedans.
The tale tells of King Dasarath's court, the birth and boyhood of Rama and his brethren, his marriage with Sita, daughter of Janak king of Bideha, his voluntary exile, the result of Kaikeyi's guile and Dasarath's rash vow, the dwelling together of Rama and Sita in the great central Indian forest, her abduction by Ravan, the expedition to Lanka and the overthrow of the ravisher, and the life at Ajodhya after the return of the reunited pair.
He was a soldier of infinite personal courage and daring, of striking military energy, initiative and resource; a high, pure and single character, dwelling much in the region of the unseen.
The most probable inference, however, is that these settlements were not built to avoid the danger of inundation, but represent a survival of the ordinary lake dwelling.
He rose and paced, dwelling on the carnage that would surely ensue if the Guardians remained vulnerable for long.
Her emotions tumbling, her body shaking, she stepped away quickly from the doorway when Romas and his father stepped from the dwelling into the night.
The king of Landis lived with his harem in a low, sprawling dwelling whose walls gleamed with polished stones set in silver and gold.
They are mainly arboreal (tree dwelling ), living in groups of around five individuals.
Bless and sanctify my soul with heavenly benediction, so that it may become Your holy dwelling and the seat of Your eternal glory.
Then I got a 21 month prison sentence for a dwelling house burglary which I'd done to get money to buy heroin.
The renovation or of a rural dwelling or barn conversion is yelling out for a solid fuel burning range cooker.
Garden Hedges are not affected (or hedges that form the curtilage of a dwelling house ).
J include curtilage of dwelling in permanent caravan park.
Class V diplomat A dwelling which is occupied by a diplomat or a member of an international organization headquartered in the UK.
Separate dormers which reflect the window proportions of the main dwelling are visually more appropriate than a single large dormer.
They wish to erect a detached dwelling on the garden to the rear of 34 Church Street with vehicular access being via Bramley Way.
Please note that if you intend to demolish a dwelling, you may also need to obtain planning consent before doing so.
An unoccupied dwelling left empty by a person who has gone to prison.
One of the short-listed projects in the Housing Best Refurbishment category is a residential dwelling, Dinton Hall, near Aylesbury.
For London, dwelling density rose from 48 new dwellings per hectare in 1993 to 56 in 2000.
Neolithic man, however, found such a dwelling impossible, for he became a herdsman and an agriculturist.
In the old chapel found underneath the dwelling house above, they found some old bones which were thrown in the river.
A dwelling only occupied by a severely mentally impaired person or persons.
You must go through a series of transformations by using spells, potions and all other magical impedimenta lying around Hazel's dwelling.
During this period the traditional intermixture of workplace and dwelling was replaced by a new pattern dominated by the specialized office building.
Dwelling in a womb of blood and brimstone, my days became malleable, my nights infinite.
The process is similar to composting except it is non thermophilic or a cold process utilizing naturally occurring soil dwelling micro organisms.
It's the fairy dwelling of a fairy prince.
This includes details of how to obtain a radon testing kit to check levels of radon in a dwelling.
The dwelling is made from wood, heather, cow dung, mud, stones, straw and binder twine.
The woman's dwelling and appearance were not unbecoming her pretensions.
For example, the dwelling may be structurally unsound or incapable of habitation.
Out of the north (the Babylonian sacred mountain) comes a bright cloud, wherein appear four Creatures (formed on the model of Babylonian composite figures), each with four faces (man, lion, bull, eagle) and attended by a wheel; the wheels are full of eyes, and move straight forward, impelled by the spirit dwelling in the Creatures (the spirit of Yahweh).
Suslov chose a successor in one Prokopiy Lupkin, and since then - in the belief of the sect - every generation, even every community, has had its Christ and its " mother of God," who are worshipped by reason of the Divine Spirit dwelling in them.
Neither can the husband convey real estate without the wife's consent, and a widow may dissent from her husband's will at any time within six months after the probate of the same, the effect of such dissent being to allow her the right of one-third of her deceased husband's property, including the dwelling house in which they usually resided.
It was in the year 1886 that Hellriegel and Wilfarth first published in Germany the results of investigations in which they demonstrated that, through the agency of micro-organisms dwelling in nodular outgrowths on the roots of ordinary leguminous plants, the latter are enabled to assimilate the free nitrogen of the air.
There, on the river Darejya, assuming that the passage (Vend., 19, 4) is correctly interpreted, stood the house of his father; and the Bundahish (20, 32 and 24, 15) says expressly that the river Daraja lay in Airan Vej, on its bank was the dwelling of his father, and that there Zoroaster was born.
The name "Illyrian" (see Illyria) was applied to all the tribes of this stock who dwelt west of the northern extensions of the Pindus range and in what was termed Upper Macedonia in later times, and who extended right up to the head of the Adriatic. In Homer the name Macedonia is not yet known, and the term Thracian is applied to all the tribes dwelling from Pieria to the Euxine.
In the prose romance Les Prouesses et vaillances du preux Hercule (Paris, 1500), the hero's labours are represented as having been performed in honour of a Boeotian princess; Pluto is a king dwelling in a dismal castle; the Fates are duennas watching Proserpine; the entrance to Pluto's castle is watched by the giant Cerberus.
His mind was dwelling constantly upon the political legacy of the two Pitts; he was a reader of Sir John Seeley; he had himself visited the colonies; had predicted that a war would not, as was commonly said, disintegrate the empire, but rather the reverse; had magnified the importance of taking colonial opinion; and had always been a convinced advocate of some form of Imperial Federation.
Anna's New World of Words, 1611) translates as "a frock, a horseman's cote, a long cote; also a habitation or dwelling," and it is usually held that this in turn is derived from casa, a house (cf.
Then together they crept away to enter the low doorway of a neighboring dwelling.
They give me a new sense of the variety and capacity of that nature which is our common dwelling.
I know of someone who fought for a long time to get permission for a replacement dwelling.
For example, if the owner and a tenant reside in the same dwelling, the owner is liable.
How lovely is your dwelling place, O GOD, who sanctifies all.
The original sinkers of the pits (about 40 in number) had been lodged in one dwelling house, ' Y Lluest '.
The woman 's dwelling and appearance were not unbecoming her pretensions.
Net residential density is measured as the number of dwelling units per hectare of land developed specifically for housing and directly associated uses.
Here is no dwelling of man, and scarce any passage, or at most of vagabond children running at their play.
Learning how to decorate a baby nursery for a small room can be a challenge, especially if you dreamed of modeling your baby's first dwelling space after a photograph from a posh children's catalog.
There are many perfectly fine animals sitting in shelters that were given up by loving owners because they weren't allowed to make the move to the next dwelling.
Even when the couple has separate bedrooms or resides in separate parts of a dwelling, the law considers the home a shared residence.
Dwelling on the past and rehashing mistakes is counterproductive and may make the child feel responsible for the separate households.
The definition of family is "two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another and usually reside in the same dwelling."
Aside from the savings a solar-powered home will eventually prove, the interest in building a dwelling that is good for the environment is a large reason why eco friendly homes are constructed.
Try your hand at home brewing - Whether it's beer or wine, home brewing can be done no matter the size of your urban dwelling.
Research by the National Academy of Medicine in France led scientists to recommend that no wind generators be installed within one-mile of any human dwelling in order to protect residents from the ill effects wind turbine can cause.
Whether you live in the country yourself, or you want to bring the spirit of the open fields and open skies into an urban or suburban dwelling, country wall decor can help turn a house into a home.
Such changes can include job loss, divorce, personal illness, a need to relocate to another dwelling where pets aren't allowed and many other legitimate reasons.
This puppy won't like apartment dwelling unless you can provide long daily walks or runs each day and a great deal of play.
People often use accordion style shutters on vacation homes to deter thieves and make it appear as if people reside in the dwelling all year long.
Though no cures exist for Alzheimer's disease, many individuals learn to enjoy each day without dwelling on the inevitable progression of the condition.
The home must either be a single family dwelling or a HUD-approved condo.
Dwelling too much on your dreams might cause unnecessary worry and fear about your unconscious thoughts.
Typically, this bear has scavenged food from a human encampment or dwelling, and will keep coming back for more.
I would like to get a clear answer on a share well, I have always heard that FHA will not allow familys to share a well, that each dwelling must have their own.
By choosing the interest only mortgage for 15 years, the home buyer can purchase a dwelling that is in a higher price range than he might be able to afford with a traditional, fixed rate mortgage.
The home can be new construction or an existing dwelling.
The structure can be a single-family dwelling, a townhouse, a condominium, or a manufactured home.
The dwelling must pass a Housing Quality Standards (HSQ) inspection prior to closing.
Can be used to purchase a dwelling and land.
Eligibility requirements include that it must be a one- to four-family dwelling.
Almost anyone is eligible to buy HUD dwelling, but where can you find a list of HUD homes for sale?
The resident must own and occupy the dwelling that needs the repairs.
These repairs may be as minor as taking out an outdated heating system to replace it with central air and heat, or adding a bathroom to a dwelling.
If you plan to buy a house or other type of dwelling, you should be aware of factors influencing mortgage rates today.
A messy workspace or dwelling indicates to your Virgo that you are not truly put together.
Instead of sitting at home dwelling on your problems, consider attending a worship service or volunteering your time at a worthy non-profit organization.
Many of these second homes were larger than the homeowner's city dwelling, and their clever use of logs, bark, stone, and other natural elements inspired an entire school of design.
In the case of a rental property, the owner will have insurance in place to protect the dwelling's structure but the tenant should have renter's insurance coverage for his or her belongings.
Insurance rates for a person's dwelling depend largely upon replacement costs.
The dwelling is near a police station or fire station.
Cost Estimator - The FEMA Premium Estimator allows consumers to obtain a reliable estimate of what they can expect to pay for quality flood insurance coverage depending on the buyer's flood risk level and type of dwelling.
An appraisal involves a qualified professional visiting the mobile home and making an educated assessment as to the value of the dwelling.
Progressive home insurance covers the dwelling as well as the contents inside of the home.
Renters insurance through this company also covers liability issues, such as when a visitor is injured while visiting the dwelling.
Geico homeowners insurance is designed to cover the cost of repairing or replacing a dwelling and the contents contained within in the event of a natural disaster or other covered situation.
The agent will determine the actual value of the "dwelling" and write a policy that protects the value of the home.
Don't just take the mortgage company's insurance because they only care about the dwelling.
State Farm homeowners' insurance policies include coverage for your dwelling, as well as addition types of protection.
To be fully-protected, your dwelling and personal property should be insured for full replacement value.
In some cases, renters can obtain policies for homes or other dwelling they lease.
Personal Residential Wind-Only - A residential dwelling must be contained in a wind-borne debris region to add this rider to their policy.
A person who owns a dwelling will likely be required to buy building insurance to protect the structure itself against various perils -including damage caused by fire- if there is a mortgage on the property.
While this policy should cover any structural damage to the dwelling, it does not cover your personal possessions.
An insurance customer who chooses this home insurance for retirees plan may be able to insure his or her home for the full replacement cost of the dwelling, not its cash value.
While landlords typically have homeowners insurance to insure the actual dwelling, renters are generally not covered by the landlord's insurance policy for any damage done to personal belongings.
For this reason, people who rent a home, apartment, or other type of dwelling should consider obtaining renters insurance.
Home contents insurance provides coverage for the items within your home or dwelling.
Home contents insurance only provides coverage for the items inside of a dwelling and not for the outside of a home or property.
It is highly recommended that a home inventory list or a list of all the very important items in a dwelling is made.
Taking the time to effectively make a comprehensive list of all the items that need coverage in a dwelling will also help you in deciding the monetary coverage level needed for your personal belongings.
Whereas homeowners insurance typically covers the dwelling as well as personal belongings for policyholders, renters insurance is designed to offer the coverage renters need.
The actual structure of the rental dwelling is covered by the homeowners insurance policy carried by the landlord, but the personal belongings of the renters are not covered by this policy.
Coverage through Allstate takes care of your personal property even if you are not in your dwelling when the property is damaged, destroyed, or stolen.
If, for some reason, you are temporarily displaced from the dwelling you rent, renters coverage from Allstate may cover the cost of temporary housing until you can return to your home.
The amount you pay will depend on the type of coverage you want, the location of the dwelling, and other factors.
They halted in front of a dome shaped dwelling with a grass cover.
He stepped into the bright sunlight and withdrew one of hundreds of grey swords housed in small racks along the back side of the dwelling.
She turned to find him staring at her from across the dwelling.
The warriors moved and shifted as one, and she backpedaled quickly out of their paths as they exited the dwelling.
She stumbled after him into the central area of the dwelling.
Their pace out of the dwelling and toward the hills was brutal, too fast for her to keep up, and Leyon ended up swinging her into his arms like a child to keep the fast pace into the rocky hills.
She looked to Evelyn only to find the group had already moved away toward the distant dwelling.
Evelyn's entourage shepherded her into the dwelling.
The tiny main room of the small dwelling was lit by one window.
Jenn's gaze went towards the main room of the dwelling.
She stopped finally in front of the dwelling that had been hers.
At first he entered into the service of a high-born lady; but ere long the amir, hearing of his arrival, called him in as medical attendant, and sent him back with presents to his dwelling.
He appears in Midian at the "Mount of God" (Horeb) dwelling with its priest Jethro, one of whose seven daughters he married, thus becoming the father of Gershom and Eliezer.
To these the semi-sedentary Arabs who sparsely cultivate the river valley, dwelling sometimes in huts, sometimes in caves, pay a tribute, called kubbe, or brotherhood, as do also the riverain towns and villages, except perhaps the very largest.
It is no dwelling of the dead nor part of the lower world, but distinguished heroes are translated thither without dying, to live a life of perfect happiness.
Carlingwark Loch contains several islets, on one of which is a crannog, or ancient lake dwelling.
The sole precaution taken was to confine themselves between sunset and sunrise to their mosquitoproof dwelling.
The Kalmucks are a Buddhist and Mongolian people who originated in a confederacy of tribes dwelling in Dzungaria, migrated to Siberia, and settled on the Lower Volga.
In this fourth section are inserted, somewhat out of their proper place, some valuable details as to the Gothi Minores, " an immense people dwelling in the region of Nicopolis, with their high priest and primate Vulfilas, who is said also to have taught them letters."
The custom of dwelling, for part of the day at least, in booths, is still kept up by orthodox Jews, who have temporary huts covered with branches erected in their courtyards, and those who are not in possession of a house with a backyard often go to pathetic extremes in order to fulfil the law by making holes in roofs, across which branches are placed.
Its ten Sephiroth are made up of the grosser elements of the former three worlds; they consist of material substance limited by space and perceptible to the senses in a multiplicity of forms. This world is subject to constant changes and corruption, and is the dwelling of the evil spirits.
If the tax-payer declines to pay his due, he is brought before the proper authorities by the tahsildar; if he persists in his refusal, all his goods, except those indispensable for his dwelling and the pursuit of his trade, are sold by auction, without recourse to a judgment by tribunal.
It consists of uncultivated or rough lands, such as mountains, stony ground, &c., which are useless without clearance, to which no possession is claimed, and which are at such a distance from the nearest dwelling that the human voice cannot be made to reach them from that dwelling.
The Christian population, who in common with their Mussul- Macedo ' 'Questio man fellow subjects suffered from the defective methods of government of their rulers, had at least before them the example of their brethren - Greeks, Bulgarians or Servians - dwelling in independent kingdoms under Christian governments on the other side of the frontier.
A homestead which is owned and occupied by a debtor as his dwelling place is exempt from seizure or sale for debts other than taxes, those secured by a mortgage on it, or those incurred for its improvement or repair, or for services performed by labourers or servants.
The name Franks seems to have been given in the 4th century to a group of Germanic peoples dwelling north of the Main and reaching as far as the shores of the North Sea; south of the Main was the home of the Alamanni.
Among the wool-carders - men of the lowest class, dwelling in the precipitous lanes about the Porta Ovile - there was an association styling itself the "company of the worm."
Nergal is called the "raging king," the "furious one," and the like, and by a play upon his name - separated into' three elements Ne-urugal "lord of the great dwelling" - his position at the head of the nether-world pantheon is indicated.
Noblemen dwelling within the walls of the towns were especially exempted from all civic burdens, while every burgess who bought an extra-mural estate was made to pay double for the privilege.'
The book was condemned (June loth, 1734), the copies seized and burnt, a warrant issued against the author and his dwelling searched.
A return of the percentage of inhabitants dwelling in over-crowded tenements shows 2.7 for Lewisham, 4.5 for Wandsworth, 5.5 for Stoke Newington, and 6.4 for Hampstead, against 35.2 for Finsbury and 29.9 for Shoreditch.
This distinction between the characteristics of the two races is only true in a general sense, for a considerable population of true Bedouin origin has settled down to agricultural life in the oases of Hejaz and Nejd, while in southern Arabia the tribes dwelling on the fringe of the great desert have to a certain extent adopted the nomad life.
By the common law of England freedom from noise is essential to the full enjoyment of a dwelling house, and acts which affect that enjoyment may be actionable as nuisances.
This contest, in which the king himself took a very active part, brought the Franks into collision with the Wiltzi, a tribe dwelling east of the Elbe, who in 789 was reduced to dependence.
There is no evidence to show that at the time of the rise of Buddhism there was any substantial difference, as regards the barriers in question, between the peoples dwelling in the valley of the Ganges and their contemporaries, Greek or Roman, dwelling on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
You are very futuristic in your thinking, rarely worrying about or dwelling on the past.
And if the civilized man's pursuits are no worthier than the savage's, if he is employed the greater part of his life in obtaining gross necessaries and comforts merely, why should he have a better dwelling than the former?
But for my part, I preferred the solitary dwelling.
Only by laying stone on stone with the cooperation of all, by the millions of generations from our forefather Adam to our own times, is that temple reared which is to be a worthy dwelling place of the Great God, he added, and closed his eyes.
On the way to Bogucharovo, a princely estate with a dwelling house and farm where they hoped to find many domestic serfs and pretty girls, they questioned Lavrushka about Napoleon and laughed at his stories, and raced one another to try Ilyin's horse.
A'Ran left the command center for the practice fields, the area behind the dwelling where his men fought.
Kiera watched him lean both weapons against the side of the dwelling before he returned.
The dwelling was warm already in the midmorning, and she wondered how she'd survive another day of heat like yesterday's.
The feeling of the angel's soft, cold hand in his own reminded Rhyn of the first thing he'd touched in Hell that hadn't been stone. Gabriel had brought him a book with a worn, leather-like cover, and he'd lost himself dwelling on the sensation of buttery leather under his fingertips after the hazy nightmare that had been his existence in Hell.
In order to prevent youthful unchastity, marriages are contracted between children of eight years old, the girl being brought home to live with the lad at his parents' home till a child is born, when a separate dwelling is provided for the youthful couple.
On the fertile low grounds along the margins of rivers or in clearings of forests, agricultural communities naturally take their rise, dwelling in villages and cultivating the wild grains, which by careful nurture and selection have been turned into rich cereals.
Blind Carabidae form a large proportion of cave dwelling beetles, and several species of great interest live between tide-marks along the seashore.
There was for the future one Venice and one Venetian people dwelling at Rialto, the city of compromise between the dangers from the mainland, exemplified by Attila and Alboin, and the perils from the sea, illustrated by Pippin's attack.
But it was impossible that the rival Venetian and Genoese merchants, dwelling at close quarters in the Levant cities, should not come to blows.
The benediction "Peace be to this house," with which, in accordance with apostolic usage, he greeted every dwelling he entered, was not inappropriate to his figure and aspect, and it is said "took the people's attention wonderfully," the more especially after the magic of his personality found opportunity to reveal itself in close and homely intercourse.
This is like the effect of the slow dwelling on long words, not quite well managed, that one notices in a child who is telling a solemn story.
I took down this dwelling the same morning, drawing the nails, and removed it to the pond-side by small cartloads, spreading the boards on the grass there to bleach and warp back again in the sun.
At length, in the war of 1812, her dwelling was set on fire by English soldiers, prisoners on parole, when she was away, and her cat and dog and hens were all burned up together.
It wasn't anywhere near the size of Romas's, and the dwelling showed signs of wear and use.
The Black God, Jonny, was one of the three Gods dwelling in the mortal realm.
Finally, at Jorjan, near the Caspian, he met with a friend, who bought near his own house a dwelling in which Avicenna lectured on logic and astronomy.
Prominent among them, and dwelling in the division occupied by the Celts, were the Helvetii, the Sequani and the Aedui, in the basins of the Rhodanus and its tributary the Arar (Saone), who, he says, were reckoned the three most powerful nations in all Gaul; the Arverni in the mountains of Cebenna; the Senones and Carnutes in the basin of the Liger; the Veneti and other Armorican tribes between the mouths of the Liger and Sequana.
Now the ruins of the city, the great temple of Ptah, the dwelling of Apis, and the palaces of the kings, are traceable only by a few stones among the palm trees and fields and heaps of rubbish.
I never could understand the fondness some people have for confusing their minds by dwelling on mystical books that merely awaken their doubts and excite their imagination, giving them a bent for exaggeration quite contrary to Christian simplicity.
Mansr led her back to the small dwelling she shared with him and his son.
Talal paused in an open doorway leading to a large, green field behind the dwelling occupied by hundreds, perhaps thousands, of warriors organized into sparring groups of four and five.
A'Ran sent for his sisters to meet them outside the small dwelling they had taken refuge in several years ago.