Dust Sentence Examples
A dust storm was probably brewing.
First it was enough for a hand, but nothing but dust was within reach.
The storm kicked up dust behind them, but they managed to beat it to the corral.
The carpenters tried to keep the dust level down, but it was impossible to avoid all of it.
At present our houses are cluttered and defiled with it, and a good housewife would sweep out the greater part into the dust hole, and not leave her morning's work undone.
In every mirror, dust obliterated her past.
Carrying a chair from the kitchen, she stretched to dust the top shelf of one of the bookcases beside the fireplace.
The dust always hung motionless above the buzz of talk that came from the resting troops.
He watched explosions wrack his planet until they rose high enough that the toxic dust storm he'd started marred the surface of the planet from view.
Mavra Kuzminichna flicked the dust off the clavichord and closed it, and with a deep sigh left the drawing room and locked its main door.
AdvertisementWhen the dust settles, he can probably get on staff at Keene State.
It was a pleasant escape from the dust and noise of the building going on above them.
It's dust in my bathroom sink!
Hours later, baked by the sun and choked with dust, Pete finally called a halt for the day.
The dust storm might work in their favor, but it would only increase their discomfort.
AdvertisementWe'll be safe here, and the moisture in the cave will keep the dust down.
It turned to green dust.
Her presence reduced Cynthia's domestic chores and eliminated the need for Dean and Fred to pick up more than the occasional dust rag.
Faster and faster, vying with one another, they moved at the double or at a trot, vanishing amid the clouds of dust they raised and making the air ring with a deafening roar of mingling shouts.
She ripped the flower from her hair and slung it in the dust.
AdvertisementMaria was already on the stairs, dust rag and mop in hand.
Then, a wave to the dust of the retreating vehicle.
All that churning of sand and dust disguised their trail to some degree, but nothing could hide the trail of five heavy wagons.
This isn't the first dust storm you've been through, is it?
He squatted and took some of the freshly dug soil in his hand, crushing the lumps and letting the dust run through his fingers.
AdvertisementWell, if you do exist, Mister or Missus Psychic, I'll find you first and smash you and your crystal to bloody dust!
They exploded into pebbles and dust.
It sounded pretty, like the poof the desert dust made when the first drops of rain fell.
I have a couple of brooms and dust pans.
Each day they changed positions in line so that no one ate the dust from all the wagons every day.
Bordeaux studied the dust through a pair of field glasses.
The stage pulled into Bradley in a cloud of twilight dust.
She picked up a small valise and lifted her skirt as she stepped off the boardwalk into the dust.
Similar to the bedroom, there was nothing on any of the flat surfaces, not even dust.
He only glimpsed it before it disappeared in a spray of dust.
Only Andre would manage to sound calm standing before two creatures with enough power to turn him to dust.
The flakes were not large, but unlike most gentle Ouray snow storms, they didn't drift to the ground like tiny dust motes.
I'd guess it's been there a spell—there was a fair amount of dust on it.
Paul shook his hand, but Josh suddenly found interest in the dust on his boots.
Dust drifted down the road from a passing car.
She watched from the bay window as he left a trail of dust to the main road.
The room was filled with dust and the wind whistled through the screens, ruffling the pages of her book as it lay on the floor.
But on the road, the highroad along which the troops marched, there was no such freshness even at night or when the road passed through the forest; the dew was imperceptible on the sandy dust churned up more than six inches deep.
The artillery and baggage wagons moved noiselessly through the deep dust that rose to the very hubs of the wheels, and the infantry sank ankle-deep in that soft, choking, hot dust that never cooled even at night.
The sun, just bursting forth from behind a cloud that had concealed it, was shining, with rays still half broken by the clouds, over the roofs of the street opposite, on the dew- besprinkled dust of the road, on the walls of the houses, on the windows, the fence, and on Pierre's horses standing before the hut.
It needs no critical exertion to reduce utterly to dust any deductions drawn from history.
When it slowed for the drive, the dust caught up, hiding it in a swirling cloud.
That evening, she climbed from her wagon and beat the dust from her clothes with her hat.
It takes time we don't have, it won't fool the Indians, and you're raising dust they might see.
I dust and sweep but a stern lady looks after the madam whose care is beyond my responsibilities.
Get ready to grab your dust mop, Harriet.
The bake lights came on briefly as he slowed down for the bridge and then the truck disappeared into a cloud of tawny dust.
His chapter on the flea, in which he not only describes its structure, but traces out the whole history of its metamorphoses from its first emergence from the egg, is full of interest - not so much for the exactness of his observations, as for its incidental revelation of the extraordinary ignorance then prevalent in regard to the origin and propagation of "this minute and despised creature," which some asserted to be produced from sand, others from dust, others from the dung of pigeons, and others from urine, but which he showed to be "endowed with as great perfection in its kind as any large animal," and proved to breed in the regular way of winged insects.
During the dry season, when the climate is very much like that of the West Indies, there occur terrible tornadoes and long periods of the harmattan - a north-east wind, dry and desiccating, and carrying with it from the Sahara clouds of fine dust, which sailors designate "smokes."
Its surface consists of a thick sheet of pumiceous sand and dust, from which arise occasional buttes and mesas.
Using a dry felt cloth, wipe away the dust left by the sandpaper.
Wipe it down with a damp cloth to get rid of any dust.
Dust powder over the entire area to seal in your foundation.
If you have trouble with specks of powder dust falling underneath the eye area during the dabbing of smoky shadow, you may want to apply concealer after your eye makeup rather than before.
Before using it remove all dust and grease from the face by washing.
Cream shadow will stay put longer if you dust it lightly with a loose translucent powder after application.
Afterwards dust away excess powder with a face brush.
I barely had to dust a dab on my cheeks for intense color.
If you have a wider or rounder face, dust the apples of your cheeks instead.
Dust a red-toned blush gently onto the apples of your cheeks.
This is partly dust blown on 1 See C. Kruuse in Geografisk Tidskrift, xv.
While he also prevents interruption of the operation by means of water-jackets, he uses hot-blast, and produces, besides metallic lead, large volumes of lead fumes which are drawn off by fans through long cooling tubes, and then forced through suspended bags which filter off the dust, called "blue powder."
Its common adulterants are iron oxides, powdered barytes and brick dust.
The least wind raises clouds of fine dust, which fill the air, render it so opaque as to obscure the noonday sun, and make respiration difficult.
Inland, chiefly in early summer, a hot dry wind, often accompanied by a dust storm, blows from the north.
The winds in winter are uniformly dry while dust storms are frequent at all seasons - a fact which renders the country unsuitable for persons suffering from chest complaints.
When the bitter truth was at length realized, the British flag was dragged through the dust of Pretoria streets by outraged Englishmen.
Among the most dangerous of the last class (the pneumokonioses) is perhaps that in which the dust particles take the form of finely divided freestone, as in stone-dressing and the dry-polishing on the grindstone of steel.
In coal-mines we have to deal with " fire-damp " or marsh gas, and with inflammable coal dust, which form explosive mixtures with air and frequently lead to disastrous explosions resulting in great loss of life.
The gases produced by such fire-damp or dust explosions contain carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in large proportion, and the majority of the deaths from such explosions are due to this " after-damp " rather than to the explosion itself.
Fire-damp and dust explosions are caused by the presence of marsh-gas in sufficient quantity to form an explosive mixture, or by a mixture of small percentages of marsh-gas and coal-dust, and in some cases by the presence of coal-dust alone in the air of the mine.
In dry and dusty mines the danger may be greatly lessened by sprinkling the working places and passages, and the removal of the accumulated dust and fine coal.
The use of such explosives decreases to some extent the danger from dust explosions; but experiment shows that no efficient explosive is absolutely safe, if used in excessive quantity, or in an improper manner.
This seems to be due to the dust abundantly produced in mining operations, and especially by machine drills when boring " dry " (rising) blast holes.
The miners, to save time, often return to their work after blasting before the powdersmoke and dust have been sufficiently removed.
In the metal mines of Cornwall and Devon special rules are now in force requiring the use of water in drilling, and other precautions, to lessen this danger from dust.
In some mines dust seems to have but little effect on the health of the miners; indeed it is even claimed by some that coal dust decreases the mortality from phthisis.
On the other hand, as in mining ores containing lead, arsenic and mercury, the dust may be poisonous.
The dust caused much annoyance whenever there was any wind.
Dredging for gold, however, seems likely to prove very profitable and gold dust is found in practically every river in the hills.
The cultivation of vines in pots is very commonly practised with good results, and pot-vines are very useful to force for the earliest crop. The plants should be raised from eyes, and grown as strong as possible in the way already noted, in rich turfy loam mixed with about one-third of horse dung and a little bone dust.
It also results on condensing acetylene, and on reducing phenylacetylene by zinc dust and acetic acid.
The contents of the iron recipient consist of a powdery mixture of oxide and metal, which is added to the next charge, except what is put aside to be sold as "zinc dust."
This dust may amount to Io per cent.
It includes chalky limestones, siliceous earths, red clay, and, at the top, a layer of mudstone composed mainly of volcanic dust.
Anthracene has also been obtained by heating ortho-tolylphenyl ketone with zinc dust C6H4(CH CH =H20+C6H4 I)C6H4.
At the assault of Swiatoslav of Kiev the rotten fabric crumbled into dust.
Vast p PRINTED If ouds of dust and stones, blown out of the crater and funnel of ie volcano, were hurled into the air and carried for hundreds miles, the finer particles falling to the earth even.
Aso-take is still an active volcano, but its eruptions during recent years have been confined to ashes and dust.
In 1884 the ejected dust and ashes devastated farmlands through large areas.
Their motives were chiefly confined to such themes as the law of retribution to which all human beings are subjected, the transitoriness of life and the advisability of shaking off from ones feet the dust of this sinful world.
They did not, indeed, achieve their ideal, but they did succeed in producing some exquisitely lustrous glazes of the, tlamb type, rich transparent brown passing into claret color, with flecks or streaks of white and clouds of iron dust.
Another variety has chocolate glaze, clouded with amber and flecked with gold dust.
From the early part of the 8th century they began to ornament it with dust of gold or mother-of-pearl, and throughout the Heian epoch (9th to 12th century) they added pictorial designs, though of a formal character, the chief motives being floral subjects, arabesques and scrolls.
Characteristic of the Rand is the fine white dust arising from the crushing of the ore, and, close to the batteries, the incessant din caused by the stamps employed in that operation.
Built on open undulating ground, the town is, however, subject to frequent dust storms and to considerable variations in the temperature.
In the dust and confusion of the charge a group of the hussars approached Bazaine and his horse artillery battery, and almost carried off the marshal.
Small quantities are occasionally met with in iron pyrites, and hence tellurium is found with selenium in the flue dust, or chamber deposits of sulphuric acid works.
He considered that the changes were due to wear, which would be much lessened if the screws were protected from dust.
Volcanic dust thrown into the air settles out slowly, and some of the products of submarine and littoral volcanoes, like pumice-stone, possess a remarkable power of floating and may drift into any part of the ocean before they become waterlogged and sink.
The danger of explosion when gas exists in very small quantities is greatly increased by the presence of coal dust.
Coal dust alone, without any gas, may cause a dangerous explosion if ignited by a blown-out shot; but such cases are likely to be exceptional.
The inflammability of coal dust varies with different coals, but none can be said to be entirely free from risk.
There is no probability of a dangerous explosion being produced by the ignition of coal dust by a naked light or ordinary flame.
Danger arising from coal dust is best guarded against by systematically sprinkling or watering the main roads leading from the working faces to the shaft, where the dust falling from the trams in transit is liable to accumulate.
In one instance the quantity of water required to keep down the dust in a mine raising 850 tons of coal in a single shift was 28.8 tons, apart from that required by the jets and motors.
The nature and extent of these operations vary with the character of the coal, which if hard and free from shale partings may be finished by simple screening into large and nut sizes and smaller slack or duff, with a final hand-picking to remove shale and dust from the larger sizes.
Our nation, once so famous, is a slave now, who must pay tribute, and has lain in the dust these many years bemoaning her fate."
It behaves more as a ketone than as a quinone, since with hydroxylamine it yields an oxime, and on reduction with zinc dust and caustic soda it yields a secondary alcohol, whilst it cannot be reduced by means of sulphurous acid.
The most uncommon natural feature of the district, the Pink and White Terraces, was blown up in the eruption of Mount Tarawera in 1886, when for great distances the country was buried beneath mud and dust, and a chasm 9 m.
Stationary waves are formed in the air in the dust-tube if the length is rightly adjusted by the closely-fitting piston, and the lycopodium dust collects at the nodes in little heaps, the first being at the fixed end and the last just in front of the piston on the sounder.
In the mercury experiment the sounding rod was sealed into the dust-tube, which was exhausted of air, and contained only some mercury and some quartz dust to give the heaps.
But keeping r/X small we may as before form stationary waves, and it is evident that the series of fundamental and overtones will be just as with the air in pipes, and we shall have the same three types - fixed at one end, free at both ends, fixed at both ends - with fundamental frequencies respectively 41, p ' 21 V p, and I velocity in rod =velocity in air X distance between dust heaps.
He states that the germ is never to be seen in the seed till the apices (anthers) shed their dust; and that if the stamina be cut out before the apices open, the seed will either not ripen, or be barren if it ripens.
In these instances most of the flowers were abortive, but a few were fertile, which he attributes to the dust of the apices having been wafted by the wind from other plants.
The purport, then, of ablutions is to remove, not dust and dirt, but the - to us imaginary - stains contracted by contact with the dead, with childbirth, with menstruous women, with murder whether wilful or involuntary, with almost any form of bloodshed, with persons of inferior caste, with dead animal refuse, e.g.
It may be prepared by passing carbon dioxide over red-hot carbon, or red-hot iron; by heating carbonates (magnesite, chalk, &c.) with zinc dust or iron; or by heating many metallic oxides with carbon.
Festschrift zum 70ten Geburtstage von Ernst Haeckel, 19(34) has restored the conditions existing in the lagoons and atoll reefs of the Jurassic sea of Solnhofen in Bavaria; he has traced the process of gradual accumulation of the coral mud now constituting the fine lithographic stones in the inter-reef region, and has recognized the periodic laying bare of the mud surfaces thus formed; he has determined the winds which carried the dust particles from the not far distant land and brought the insects from the adjacent Jurassic forests.
In the winter or dry season there are occasional heavy dust storms.
He compares it also to the change of Moses' rod into a snake, of the Nile into blood, to the virtue inherent in Elijah's mantle or in the wood of the cross or in the clay mixt of dust and the Lord's spittle, or in Elisha's relics which raised a corpse to life, or in the burning bush.
Whirls of dust are caused by the fairy marching army, as by the being called Kutchi in the Dieri tribe of Australia.
Like the fairies they go about in whirls of dust, or the dust-whirls themselves are Jan.
The best explanation suggested for bess is that, during certain phases of the glacial period, it was carried as dust by the winds from the flood plains of aggrading rivers, and slowly deposited on the neighboring grass-covered plains.
Along parts of their eastern border, where the rainfall is a little increased by the approach of the westerly winds to the Rocky Mountains, there is a belt of very deep, impalpably fine soil, supposed to be a dust deposit brought from the drier parts of the plains farther west; excellent crops of wheat are here raised.
They may be prepared by the reduction of nitro compounds in alkaline solution (using zinc dust and alkali, or a solution of an alkaline stannite as a reducing agent); by oxidation of hydrazo compounds; or by the coupling of a diazotized amine and any compound of a phenolic or aminic type, provided that there is a free para position in the amine or phenol.
In the year 1866 he published a little book about girls, and written for girls, a mixture of morals, theology, economics and geology, under the title of Ethics of the Dust; and this was followed by a more important and popular work, The Crown of Wild Olive.
Yet the stone has not fallen from the summit of the holy hill, and the Colossus of the German Empire has not crumbled into dust, which is more than can be said for the pope's inspirations, which led him to expect the sudden withdrawal of the Italians from Rome, and a solution of the Roman question in the sense inspired by his visionary policy.
Ingots of Chinese silver were sent from Lhasa with a small proportion of gold dust, and an equal weight in mohurs was returned, leaving to the Nepal rajahs, between gold dust and alloy, a good profit.
From this and other evidence it has been shown that the first thin shower in open vessels is produced by the accidental presence of tiny crystals obtained from the dust of the air, while the second dense shower marks the point of spontaneous crystallization, where the decrease in total available energy caused by solidification becomes greater than the increase due to the large surface of contact between the liquid and the potentially existing multitudinous small crystals of the shower.
A still more potent absorption is afforded by calcium prepared in situ by heating a mixture of magnesium dust with thoroughly dehydrated quick-lime.
Tobacco dust will dislodge most of the numerous kinds of slugs, caterpillars or worms that make their appearance on the young shoots of vines or trees.
If grape vines show any signs of mildew, dust them over with dry sulphur, selecting a still warm day.
Before its use in the gas engine, the blast-furnace gas has to be freed carefully from the large quantity of fine ore dust which it carries in suspension.
Zinc dust and alcoholic acetic acid reduce it to aniline and phenylhydrazine.
The Bengal are dark and medium in colour, short and hard hair, but useful for floor rugs, as they do not hold the dust like the fuller and softer hair of the kinds previously named.
The English dye for seals is to-day undoubtedly the best; its constituents are more or less of a trade secret, but the principal ingredients comprise gall nuts, copper dust, camphor and antimony, and it would appear after years of careful watching that the atmosphere and particularly the water of London are partly responsible for good and lasting results.
Wolffenstein (Ber., 1894, 27, p. 2307) prepared practically anhydrous hydrogen peroxide (containing 99.1% H 2 0 2) by first removing all traces of dust, heavy metals and alkali from the commercial 3% solution.
A little gold dust is obtained, but the old gold and other mines in the Tagale country have been, apparently, worked out.
The land forms of a desert are exceedingly characteristic. Surface erosion is chiefly due to rapid changes of temperature through a wide range, and to the action of wind transferring sand and dust, often in the form of "dunes" resembling the waves of the sea.
In the garrets was his library, a large and miscellaneous collection of books, falling to pieces and begrimed with dust.
Through the dust aroused by the great Reformation controversy appear the dim beginnings of the scientific spirit in the writing of history, and in this connection the name of Aventinus, the Bavarian Herodotus, may be mentioned.
The chief scourge is the sirocco, which is experienced in its most characteristic form on the north coast, as an oppressive, parching, hot, dry wind, blowing strongly and steadily from the south, the atmosphere remaining through the whole period of its duration leaden-coloured and hazy in consequence of the presence of immense quantities of reddish dust.
Then the " hamattan," or hot, dry wind from the Sahara, begins and brings with it clouds of impalpable dust.
Leprosy is common, especially in the inland towns; while ophthalmia is prevalent in the north, especially among the poorer classes, who are compelled to expose themselves to the blinding dust from the deserts and the excessive glare of the sun reflected from the burning sand.
During a khamsin the temperature is high and the air extremely dry, while the dust and sand carried by the wind form a thick yellow fog obscuring the sun.
Here the contents of certain cells break up endogenously into a great number of spores, which are distributed as a fine dust.
He added that Dalmeny "desired the palm without the dust."
It may also be obtained by reducing nitrourea in acid solution with zinc dust.
The clear atmosphere is in its upper strata free from clouds and dust, so that the sun's rays undergo scarcely any absorption and strike down with full force on the light-brown desert soil, from which they are radiated and reflected to a great extent.
Thus malaria and sand-fly fever, dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid fever, cholera, smallpox, and occasionally typhus fever, eye diseases, oriental sores and indeed any disease conveyed by impure water, flies, contaminated dust or the contagion of sufferers from infectious diseases, are prevalent in the inhabited places along the Persian Gulf, and precautions must always be taken to guard against them.
Where bigotry is so blind, reason is but dust in the balance.
It has now been firmly established, both experimentally and mathematically, that coronae are due to diffraction by the minute particles of moisture and dust suspended in the atmosphere, and the radii of the rings depend on the size of the diffracting particles.
The first step in the synthetical production of alizarin was the discovery in 1868 of C. Graebe and C. Liebermann that on heating with zinc dust, alizarin was converted into anthracene.
The hot season throughout this part of the country is rendered more trying by frequent dust storms and fiery winds; whilst the bare rocky ridges that traverse the country, absorbing heat by day and radiating it by night, render the summer nights most oppressive.
And thus from an incredible distance we may read the smallest letters, and may number the smallest particles of dust and sand, by reason of the greatness of the angle under which we see them....
Gold dust, cotton, ivory and gum are also exported.
In 1885 the rudest process of "placer" washing produced an export of gold dust amounting to 120,000 pounds; quartz-mining methods were subsequently introduced, and the annual declared value of gold produced rose to about 450,000 pounds; but much is believed to have been sent out of the country clandestinely.
These figures exclude the value of gold dust.
An ounce of dust in 1848 frequently went for $4 instead of $17; for a number of years traders in dust were sure of a margin of several dollars, as for example in private coinage, mints for which were common by 1851.
According to his annals, discovered at Assur, in his first year he conquered eight countries in the north-west and destroyed the fortress of Arinnu, the dust of which he brought to Assur.
Apart from the more obvious characteristics of the serpent likely to impress all observant minds (§ 1), its essentially chthonic character shows itself markedly when it is associated with the treasures and healing herbs of the earth, the produce of the soil, the source of springs - and thence of all water - and the dust unto which all men return.'
The outbreak lasted four days and the volcanic dust and ashes erupted fell over a vast area, which comprised Jamaica, southern Mexico and Bogota.
In 1898 the gold dust and bar exports from Bluefields were of the value of £25,760; in 1900, £62,000; and in 1907, £65,000.
It may be synthetically obtained by distilling oxindole (C 8 H 8 NO) with zinc dust; by heating orthonitrocinnamic acid with potash and iron filings; by the reduction of indigo blue; by the action of sodium ethylate on orthoaminochlorstyrene; by boiling aniline with dichloracetaldehyde; by the dry distillation of ortho-tolyloxamic acid; by heating aniline with dichioracetal; by distilling a mixture of calcium formate and calcium anilidoacetate; and by heating pyruvic acid phenyl hydrazone with anhydrous zinc chloride.
The city also manufactures cigars, cigarettes, snuff, a fertilizer having tobacco dust as the base, cotton goods, lumber, window sashes, blinds, drugs and hosiery.
Distillation with zinc dust gives pyrrol.
In the Gulf of Suez the westerly, or "Egyptian," wind occurs frequently during winter, sometimes blowing with violence, and generally accompanied by fog and clouds of dust.
In some countries, particularly in Italy, Spain and Portugal, it has been and still is a common practice to add a small quantity of gypsum to the fermenting must or to dust it over the grapes prior to pressing.
Thus it came about that, only a few years after he had commenced to free the country from the weight of the loans and taxes which crushed her to the dust, Colbert was forced to heap upon her a new load of loans and taxes more heavy than the last.
As an instance of misdirection, we may take the irritation which remains in the eye after a particle of dust has been removed, or the itching of the skin which occurs in eczema.
The irritation of the conjunctiva caused by dust leads to winking of the eyelids, lachrymation and rubbing, which tend to remove it; but after the dust has been removed violent rubbing tends rather to keep up the irritation; and sometimes, if the particle of dust remains under the eyelid and is sharp and angular, the process of rubbing may cause it to injure the conjunctiva much more than if it were left alone.
For inflammation of the mouth a similar combination is used as a mouth wash, in the throat as a gargle, and in the nose as a wash and sometimes as an ointment or spray, the ointment possessing the advantage of protecting the delicate nasal mucous membrane from irritation by stopping the entrance of irritant dust into the nasal cavities.
Up to this time first gold dust, then private coins, and later money of various countries, had circulated in California.
Any dust that may be lying upon the surface is not driven away to the edge of the drop, as would happen in the case of oil.
Immediately surrounding the drop there is a film moving outwards at a high speed, and this carries away almost instantaneously any dust that may fall upon it.
In the case of water the whole of the surface in front of the needle moves with it, while on the other hand the dust floating on alcohol is scarcely disturbed until the needle actually strikes it.
In the absence of dust and greasy contamination, the obliquely colliding jets may rebound from one another without coalescence for a considerable time.
The capital Auxume and the seaport Adulis were then the chief centres of the trade with the interior of Africa in gold dust, ivory, leather, aromatics, &c. At Axum, the site of the ancient capital, many vestiges of its former greatness still exist; and the ruins of Adulis, which was once a seaport on the bay of Annesley, are now about 4 m.
Richter appears to have been the first to propound the idea that life came to this planet as cosmic dust or in meteorites thrown off from stars and planets.
The element is usually obtained from the flue dust or chamber deposits of sulphuric-acid works in which a seleniferous pyrites is burned.
The field is ploughed when the early rains set in, ten or twelve times over, till the soil is reduced nearly to dust, the seed being sown broadcast in April or May.
Towards the northern end of Malabar hill lie the Parsee Towers of Silence, where the Parsecs expose their dead till the flesh is devoured by vultures, and then cast the bones into a well where they crumble into dust.
Hofmann had shown that conine on distillation with zinc dust gave a-propyl pyridine (conyrine).
The most disagreeable feature of the climate of the colony is the abundance of dust, which seems to be blown by every wind, and is especially prevalent in the rainy season.
The gases now pass on to the lead chambers, described above, where they meet with more nitrous vapours, and with steam, or with water, converted into a fine dust or spray.
When reduced in alcoholic solution by means of sodium amalgam it yields methyl granatoline, 08H130H NCH3; this substance, on oxidation with cold potassium permanganate, is converted into granatoline, C 8 H, 5 NO, which on distillation over zinc dust yields pyridine.
The hydrochloride of the latter base when distilled over zinc dust yields a-propyl pyridine.
Between himself and a son of his instructor there sprang up a close and affectionate friendship, and, unlike so many of the exquisite attachments of youth, this was not choked by the dust of life, nor parted by divergence of pursuit.
To him the political question was so vivid, so real, so intense, as to make all personal sentiment no more than dust in the balance.
The spray of water removes the dust and part of the tar and ammonia from the gases, much steam being produced at the same time.
The last sparks of resistance were extinguished in 1018, and the great Slavonic realm lay in the dust.
It deliquesces and oxidizes on exposure, inflames in dry chlorine and is reduced to ammonia by zinc dust.
But, when this programme is carried out, there is no small danger lest the relations traced out between God and men should collapse into dust, the facts of Christ transform themselves into symbols, and the idealistic theology of the right wheel to the left.
On the west of Mount Hekla this plain connects by a regular slope directly with the tableland, to the great injury of its inhabited districts, which are thus exposed to the clouds of pumice dust and driftsand that cover large areas of the interior.
The moon was also created by the Mantis out of his shoe, and it is red, because the shoe was covered with the red dust of Bushman-land.
Another indispensable feature of good bee-management is " forethought," coupled with order and neatness; the rule of where pollen (the fertilizing dust of flowers) is P (g)lentiful plentifu FIG.
The extremely small particles of dust (motes in a sunbeam) in the rays are made perceptible by the diffracted light, whilst by ordinary illumination they are invisible.
If one focuses an auxiliary microscope, carried in the inner tube, on the image situated in the back focal plane of the objective of a distant object, and then on the dust particles lying on a slide pressed against the end of the outer tube, the displacement of the auxiliary microscope gives the distance of the back focal plane of the objective from the end of the outer tube.
Frankincense, or olibanum, occurs in commerce in semiopaque, round, ovate or oblong tears or irregular lumps, which are covered externally with a white dust, the result of their friction against one another.
Small rounded spherules of iron, believed by some to be meteoric dust, have also been obtained in some numbers.
Coke dust or graphite is used for the same purpose in crucible making (see Firebrick).
A white truck came down the road leading a dust trail.
Once repeated, the horse came to a halt in a cloud of dust, Alex leaping off before it settled.
The car weaved in a cloud of dust, throwing gravel at the trees.
She smiled mischievously as she kicked off her shoes and dug her toes into the soft cool dust.
She pulled her hat off, fanning herself with it as she squinted at a plume of dust in the shimmering distance.
The wall before him burst into dust, and Damian crawled through the opening, firing a full clip at Czerno's form at the other end.
It took concentration to maneuver the ever more rugged roads as they climbed skyward, waving away the dust from the other vehicles.
Her English vocabulary was growing a word at a time—mostly terms like dust, vacuum, linens, dishes and other domestic terminologies.
Once again, Dean motored his Jeep to the south, into the mountains and under the sun-dappled aspens, leaving a plume of dust behind him as he climbed higher and higher.
Two small green gems—holding the dust of human souls—glittered in the torchlight of the dead-dead Immortal.s chamber.
He reached into his pocket and withdrew a small black pouch, pouring its contents—two green gems holding the dust of human souls—into his palm.
They had six legs with little pads for feet instead of toes and claws, a delicate snout not quite the length of an anteater's lined with fine hairs and tiny teeth used to vacuum up mold, dust, and dirt that was its main food source, and an odd habit of climbing walls with hidden suckers in its padded feet.
He watched the visual before him as one mine, then the next and the next, exploded and spewed toxic dust into the atmosphere.
I'd guess it's been there a spell—there was a fair amount of dust on it.
The backdrop was the mountains; mountains with snow tucked in their crevices and, on the higher ones, sugar dust capping their tops in white, stark contrast to the deep green of the pine forests running up their sides to the tree line and the magnificent blue of the sky above.
An ominous dust cloud was crowding out three quarters of the sky in the north west.
Both problems are crucial to understand the radiative properties of desert dust aerosol.
The first is to fit aftermarket low dust brake pads.
The dust was finally settling, but already he could feel a small aftershock, taking place beneath his feet.
The house is maintained as dust free as possible to prevent the aggravation of asthma and eczema.
The huge machine slowly rose and dust and debris filled the air.
You sniff the air You smile weakly - Jolen unwraps the bowl, peering at it still, blowing harshly to remove the dust.
These particles become dust like when they dry out and therefore easily airborne, spreading around the house.
At night, in bed, we spend on average eight hours in close contact with large amounts of house dust mite allergen.
Examples include americium 241 used in smoke detectors and Polonium 210 used in dust detection and anti-static devices.
Health surveillance must be carried out, as flour dust and improvers including amylase are respiratory sensitisers.
A true apostle is one who in times of persecution will always have dust to shake off his feet.
The cage is certainly readily penetrated by soil (as dust particles) containing virus, bacteria and fungi along with soil arthropods.
The trial consisted of 28 patients older than 16 years with allergic asthma, mainly for house dust.
It is also attenuated by dust, smoke, cloud or any medium which obscures radiation at that wavelength.
Dust a hot girdle with flour and bake the bannocks for a few minutes on each side until risen.
I have to knit some dust bunnies for a charity bazaar.
Behind his bird's tail, the great billow of dust was sweeping down upon the Fortress of the World's Edge.
Any minor blemish in the book or the dust wrapper must be noted in the description.
Workers exposed to the dust of African boxwood developed alarming reactions including irritation of the eyes and nose, and also constitutional symptoms.
In 1848 the GLCC supplied tar to the Wylan Patent fuel Co, Greenwich, for making fuel briquettes with coal dust.
With such short fins, and with them being so densely spaced, it is particularly sensitive to dust buildup.
The editor of Tablet severely censured A Handful of Dust on moral grounds.
The many enemies of Jerusalem " will become like fine dust, the ruthless hordes like blown chaff.
We will determine dust supply also from satellite data and look for resulting changes in surface chlorophyll.
Let dust in dust and silence lie; Sing, sing, ye heavenly choir.
The roadworks produced large amounts of dust, which similarly annoyed the local citizenry.
Hundreds of thousands of small pockets in the microfibre cloth aggressively capture the dust and dirt from the film.
Have your furniture and carpets professionally cleaned, remove cobwebs from the ceiling corners, remove dust from under the bed.
The public areas of the house are distinctly shabby and threadbare, with huge cobwebs and dust everywhere.
Most common substances which are combustible such as wood dust can become explosive but mineral dusts, being non combustible, cannot.
Containing genuine pearl dust or flecks of 24K gold, each gloriously slurpable confection is destined to be the lolly on everyone's...
Hartmann & Schlegel (1980) reported contact dermatitis from the wood dust of this species in a Swiss woodworker.
Moisture, dust and debris will all contrive to ruin your work and probably the engine.
I'm going to try flushing my system and using new coolant, as well as getting all the dust out.
Dust motes swam alongside her down the gloomy corridor.
She'll stage a boardroom coup and leave him weeping in the dust.
From the pepper cruet you may shake a cloud of something tasteless and melancholy, like volcanic dust.
Once the dust settles you can see a gas cylinder in the back of the chariot.
News Westward swirling clouds of dust from the Sahara Desert might be putting a damper on Atlantic Ocean.. .
A filter helps to remove dust and pet dander from the air as well.
Of these, animal dander, the house dust mite and cockroaches are the most common culprits.
The cloths quickly wipe away dander, dirt, loose hair, dust and odor leaving your pet clean and fresh smelling.
Prophylaxis and treatment of allergic rhinitis including hayfever and that caused by other airborne allergens such as house dust mite and animal dander.
Now Nathan Lane (on his west End debut) has stepped into the breach, tickets are like gold dust.
Being taken to the " dust destructor " by a Scammell Scarab three wheeled ' mechanical horse ' .
In the hot Big Bang model, the matter content of the universe is a uniformly distributed plasma or dust.
Dust - duct entries are cut out using a standard hole saw mounted on a cordless drill.
We came back with some great tapes which are probably gathering dust on a library shelf.
Another fan poll bites the dust for another year.
They could sprinkle fairy dust And twitch their little nose, And the windows would be sparkling And I'd have no dirty clothes.
Natural production of dusts include ash from volcanic eruptions or forest fires, sea salt particles or Saharan dust.
It can also come from natural sources, such as wind-blown dust, as well as construction, mining and quarrying activities.
There are two main methods for sampling airborne dust.
The new evidence was gleaned from interplanetary dust found in cores taken in copper mines in Africa.
Exposure to blue or brown asbestos dust can cause mesothelioma, a tumor of the pleura, which is the lining of the lung.
It was an explosion of coal dust, which caused flames to rush through where the men were working.
You see, that was Tinkerbell's pixie dust, and she was a good friend of Jasmine.
Honey the Sweet fairy can't make any new sweets without her magic party bag of fairy dust.
Dust ceramics only when necessary using a soft duster; and a brush for any awkward corners.
Prior to the application of your preferred final floor finish, polish the floor surface with an Airo Dust floor duster disk.
My resolve weakened when I read the dust jacket 's summaries, and I'm glad it did.
The dust board allowed this in the same sort of way that one can use a blackboard, chalk and a blackboard eraser.
The street was unpaved and was covered with dust and animal excreta.
This photo shows the dust extractor hose plugged into the collector on the lathe.
In our Solar System the remaining dust scatters sunlight to create an extremely faint glow called the zodiacal light.
Poisoning gases like ozone are also destroyed along with all allergens such as pollen, dust mite feces and pet dander.
When this dust is inhaled it can make the lungs gradually fibrous and lead to breathing problems.
Try opening up the case and checking to make sure there's no build-up of dust on the CPU cooling fins.
When dry, remove all fluff, dust and hairs with a soft rag or brush.
Carpets hide dust mites which contribute to asthma, plus the glue and underlay can release formaldehyde into the air.
If you are a neat freak and cannot stand dust bunnies, consider a lower shedding breed.
These sacks of wheat or barley grains are cleaned to remove any dust.
The dust grains may provide the shelter for molecules to form.
The main source of dust was from pneumatic hammers and at the time there was no known way of protecting against this.
Here lies our Lord all hewn down, 315 goodly he lies in the dust.
Spread by harvest dust, it threatens all humanity.
Few people realize the immensity of vacancy in which the dust of the material universe swims.
Dust and other particles can scratch the surface of your disk, causing imperfections in copying and playback.
They are so quick and easy to use, simply screw onto a correctly inflated tire in place of the dust caps.
This gas and dust scatters and absorbs starlight as it passes through the diffuse ism.
When dry, we dust the batt with dry powdered kaolin (china clay ), which acts as a second protective layer.
It was the approximate size of a dust bin lid, say 80 cm in diameter.
But, the material used in the case makes it attract lint and dust like a magnet.
A good lens care kit will always include soft lint free cloth, dust free tissues, cleaning fluid and a blower brush.
Fortunately we had come equipped with a bag of dust masks.
Sandwich the two hazelnut meringue halves together with this and place on a serving plate dust with icing sugar.
Not only are the microfiber towels available, but now you can purchase microfiber towels available, but now you can purchase microfiber mops to replace both your dust and wet mops.
Chemical control Organic gardeners can use sulfur dust to control powdery mildews.
House dust mites find a mattress the perfect breeding ground.
The traction motors were air-cooled from ducts positioned well above rail level to avoid the ingress of brake dust into the motors.
Deposits of colored dust on snow covered European mountaintops has been seen on many occasions.
The goblet cells and the glands constantly secrete mucous, which serves to moisten the inhaled air and trap dust and bacteria.
We recommend a Dust Mask be used when applying this product as it can rapidly dry nasal and throat passage if inhaled.
The solar system formed from a large gas nebula that had some dust grains in it.
The SOHO imaging shows sunlight reflecting off gas and dust from the comet's nucleus and hydrogen solar wind from the sun.
The optical data allows a study of the dust obscuration.
Once the dust has settled, other orbiters will search for the crater left behind â the latest addition to the battered lunar surface.
Filters that are in working order catch paper dust and destroy ozone.
A tip from our own showroom staff is to keep a clean dry paintbrush handy with which to dust the stone.
Dust down using an old paintbrush or dusting brush.
Cleaning Remove dirt and dust from any decorative pieces with a dry artist's paintbrush before washing.
Clouds of dust particles brought about vivid sunsets all over the world for the next three years.
Ask the Dust A story of forbidden love and unbridled passion based on John Fante's novel.
However, dust absorption can reduce the Halpha intensity, particularly near or on the galactic plane.
Mr Wardlaw worked in a foundry for eight years and was exposed to silica dust and contracted pneumoconiosis.
Dust off your garden furniture, applying fresh preservative where required.
The brush chamber is particularly prone to carbon dust.
As soon as I pressed play I found my eardrums pummeled until only dust remained.
With the handmade feather quill, Honey Dust can be gently spread over the body of your partner or yourself.
Larger debris falls into removable dust trays on either end of the work area, these are easily removable dust trays on either end of the work area, these are easily removable for regular cleaning.
Larger debris falls into removable dust trays on either end of the work area, these are easily removable for regular cleaning.
In that case some form of dust mask, or a battery powered respirator, should be worn.
For instance half mask dust respirators are not suitable for asbestos stripping work.
For example, explain to me how they could fake the dust off the wheels of the lunar rover.
Workers comp insurance make their cases even dust ruffles.
These methods were then applied to develop and test hypotheses about the impact on exposure patterns of respirable silica and dust.
Silicosis compensation You could be entitled to silicosis compensation You could be entitled to silicosis compensation if you have been exposed to silica dust at work.
Therefore the only effectual way to destroy slugs is to sow lime, in dust, and not slaked.
The dust jacket is handsomely designed and is repeated on the outside of the protective slipcase.