Dune Sentence Examples
They climbed the dune and kneeled close to the top.
From the top of a dune they paused for a backward glance.
This is just the tip of the iceberg at Dune.
Horse and rider plunged down the side of the dune toward them.
He is also no stranger to the big screen, with roles in both Dune and Blue Velvet.
As she watched, the horses plunged down a dune, sending a spray of white sand into the dry air.
She was tending the mules when she saw a rider on top of a sand dune.
She turned the horse and followed his mule up a dune, reining in at his side.
She crawled up the dune and knelt beside him.
Bordeaux led them into a dish shaped depression at the top of a dune and then dismounted.
AdvertisementThey cautiously crept around the dune.
Its coarser phases are closely associated with dunes in many places, and locally the bess makes a considerable part of the dune material.
Furze and the common juniper are regular dune plants, and may also be found on the heaths of Drente, Overysel and Gelderland.
In addition to his purely political writings, Arthur Ranc published political novels of the Second Empire, Sous l'empire (1872) and Le roman dune conspiration (1868).
Sand wasp The dune systems at Holkham are formed on old shingle ridges.
AdvertisementThe Bayview Trail offers views of Leelanau County's rolling hills, Sleeping Bear Dune and Pyramid Point.
The former is available in several colors, including black, khaki, olive, and sand dune, and has a water resistant coating a rigid to protect the bag's contents.
The Winds of Dune, which comes out in August, is our eleventh book in the series.
As they walked back down the dune, she dragged her hand in a wavy line, trying to obliterate their tracks.
Finally we had tonight's headliners, those American music loving Swedes, ' Herman Dune ' .
AdvertisementThe fluctuating flows which transport sediment and create dune movement have been difficult to visualize using conventional dye tracers.
Here, you ride dune buggies and dirt bikes across some very dusty paths.
Dune offers a collection of temporary back tattoos unrivaled on the Internet.
It's hard to beat the temporary tats sold at Dune.
She stumbled up the dune behind him and stopped when he held out a hand.
AdvertisementHe scowled at their tracks, visible all the way back around the dune.
They made camp at the bottom of a crescent shaped dune.
Sea spurge Euphorbia paralias and the nationally scarce dune fescue Vulpia fasciculata are frequent, while sea bindweed Calystegia soldanella is very local.
The desert world portrayed in Critical Mass bears a remarkable similarity to Frank Herbert's Dune.
Willow or birch dominates scrub on wetter dune slack areas.
In the morning we drove into the dunes to watch the sunrise over Dune 45.
However, care should be taken to ensure that control measures do not lead to further stabilization of the dune vegetation.
Dune scrub A few shrubby species are capable of invading sand dunes to form scrub.
The desert world portrayed in Critical Mass bears a remarkable similarity to Frank Herbert 's Dune.
This pair comes in colors such as Smokey Hazelnut, Sand Dune, Pebble Beach and Night Horizon as well as in plaid.
The Dune is built on a similar sole and features a T-strap, quick closure system and detailing on the toe.
With sequels covering storylines like Dune, Star Wars and his DC Comics series - there are not many science fiction fans today who have not heard of him.
In The Winds of Dune, as well as last year's Paul of Dune, we are going back to the core classics, setting these stories as "in-quels" (rather than prequels or sequels), stories taking place between and after Dune and Dune Messiah.
Winds picks up immediately after the end of Dune Messiah, after Paul Atreides has walked off into the desert, leaving his empire behind.
A closer investigation of the numerous long, narrow banks which lie off the Flemish coast and the Thames estuary shows that they are composed of fragments of rock abraded and transported by tidal currents and storms in the same way that the chalk and limestone worn off from the eastern continuation of the island of Heligoland during the last two centuries has been reduced to the coarse gravel of the off-lying Dune.
Sefton Coast Sefton Sefton Coast is a large area of predominantly calcareous dune vegetation in northwest England.
The setting sun cast a golden light on the sand, and sharp dune crests wove their languid path across the lunar landscape.
However, dune buggies have become more diversified in terms of the terrain they can handle.
Owen, Kent and Dale (2001) analyzed data from machair sand dune seed banks and seed rain samples using DCA.
You can hike or even dune surf the shifting white gypsum.
Where the soil is very acid, dune heath develops, often dominated by heather.
These tend to merge into an enlarging, horseshoe-shaped bare slope which may threaten to reduce the dune to an eroded hummock.
Pools are periodically dug in selected dune slacks on the Sefton Coast in order to provide habitat for threatened species including lesser bearded stonewort.
Additionally, the digital echo sounder will be used with a side-looking sonar transducer that will enable quantification of dune planform morphology.
Scarce plants found in the area include marsh and dune helleborine, coral root orchid and round-leaved wintergreen.
North Northumberland Dunes Northumberland North Northumberland Dunes represents a rare example of well-developed dune slack vegetation on the east coast of England.
Dune succession may be initiated by strandline plants which trap small amounts of sand during the growing season.
In relation to the latter theory, it is pointed out that some markedly calcicole species occur on sand dunes; but this may be due to the lime which is frequently present in dune sand as well as to the physical dryness of the soil.
The latter has dune most damage in the provinces of Malaga and Alicante, in Catalonia.
He found, as others have dune, that if a battery, dynamo or induction coil has its terminals connected to the earth at two distant places, a system of electric currents flows between these points through the crust of the earth.
The criticisms were directed chiefly to the inclusion of sand dune plants among halophytes, to the exclusion of halophytes from xerophytes, to the inclusion of bog xerophytes among hydrophytes, to the inclusion of all conifers among xerophytes and of all deciduous trees among mesophytes, and to the group of mesophytes in general.