Dumb Sentence Examples
You can play dumb because it's the truth.
I started thinking maybe I wasn't so dumb after all.
I played dumb but I don't think he's satisfied with all my answers.
Am I speaking simply enough, Dusty, or do I need to dumb it down more?
Besides, she knows how dumb I am.
Don't be so dumb.
Sure, they made a dumb mistake, but it's not the end of the world.
Dumb doesn't get you all that stuff.
Dean's suggestion about a public Internet connection a block away on Main Street was met with a dumb stare.
I see you've had in-depth conversations with my stepsons, Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dee—and their lovely wives!
AdvertisementDid I dumb it down enough for you?
It was kind of a dumb thing for ol' Jeff to do, wasn't it?
If I do not succeed they resort to dumb show.
Biennial appropriations are made for the support of the deaf and dumb, the blind and imbecile children at various institutions in Massachusetts and Connecticut.
On the afternoon of that eventful day, I stood on the porch, dumb, expectant.
AdvertisementThey are going to send me some money for a poor little deaf and dumb and blind child.
I played dumb but I figured my phone lines were tapped and big brother had his eye on me twenty-four, seven.
It'd be kinda nice to just think about fishing and TV and not having to wonder what suit is all over my ass because of some dumb new rule.
Some of the guys figure a dumb trick like a midnight swim ain't so surprising for a Yankee with a snoot full.
No one at the station is dumb enough to give out any information on personnel.
AdvertisementThere are a deaf and dumb institution at Danville (1823), an institution for the blind at Louisville (1842), and an institution for the education of feeble-minded children at Frankfort (1860).
There are also two naval academies, asylums for the deaf and dumb, and numerous charitable institutions.
Homer, he said, was dumb to him, while he was deaf to Homer; and he could only approach the Iliad in Boccaccio's rude Latin version.
His eldest son Alessandro being deaf and dumb, the succession devolved on his second son Odoardo (1612-1646), who fought on the French side in the war against Spain.
A ' dumb end ' allows different heads to be fitted, simply by loosening a socket screw.
AdvertisementIt seems strange to us that they are not stricken dumb by the new and awful solemnity of their position.
Anna Faris gives a hilarious take on the dumb American film starlet abroad.
Using remote dumb terminals, while good for light use, have their drawbacks.
Then again I'd never seen any other vamps dumb enough to be slogging up bleeding huge mountains.
Today, we discover things like "Wellbutrin helps people stop smoking" through chance and dumb luck.
But Anatole was dumb, swung his foot, and smilingly examined the princess' hair.
Her intent was obvious, but Cynthia decided to play dumb.
That Donnie—he's not dumb.
She shook her head, playing dumb.
An institute for the deaf and dumb and blind was opened at Raleigh in 1845, and another for the deaf and dumb at Morganton in 1894; by a law of 1907 every deaf child.
Charitable institutions include a deaf and dumb asylum (1875-1886), the Metropolitan infirmary for children (1841), and the royal sea-bathing infirmary, established in 1791 and enlarged through the munificence of Sir Erasmus Wilson in 1882.
The town has two Evangelical and a Roman Catholic church, a gymnasium, a cadet academy and a deaf and dumb asylum.
The return air from fiery workings is never allowed to approach the furnace, but is carried into the upcast by a special channel, called a dumb drift, some distance above the furnace drift, so as not to come in contact with the products of combustion until they have been cooled below the igniting point of fire-damp. Where the upcast pit is used for drawing coal, it is usual to discharge the smoke and gases through a short lateral drift near the surface into a tall chimney, so as to keep the pit-top as clear as possible for working.
The number of aliens, of the deaf and dumb and the blind were also gathered.
An institution for the maintenance and education of children born deaf and dumb is maintained at Claremont, near Glasnevin (1816).
More than eighty churches, many of them of architectural value, are found scattered over the city, while the General Hospital, Women's Home, Children's Home, Children's Aid Shelter and Deaf and Dumb Institute speak of the benevolence of the citizens.
The government also maintains an institute for the deaf and dumb at Belleville and for the blind at Brantford.
The Western Pennsylvania Institution for the instruction of the deaf and dumb (1876), in Edgewood Park, is in part maintained by the state.
Among others may be mentioned hospitals for the sick, the aged, the infirm, the blind, the deaf, the dumb, the insane, and homes for widows, orphans, foundlings and sailors.
A legend of a later age tells how, just before his death, he was struck dumb for preventing the preaching of the word of God.
Charities, &c. - The charitable and penal institutions of the state consist of the Central Hospital for the Insane near Nashville; the Eastern Hospital for the Insane near Knoxville; the Western Hospital for the Insane near Bolivar; the Tennessee School for the blind at Nashville; the Tennessee Deaf and Dumb School at Knoxville; the Confederate Soldiers' Home near Nashville, on the " Hermitage," the estate formerly belonging to Andrew Jackson; and the Penitentiary and the Tennessee Industrial School, both at Nashville; and in 1907 the legislature passed an Act for the establishment in Davidson county of the Tennessee Reformatory for boys.
The Schools for the Blind and the Deaf and Dumb are each managed by a board of trustees, vacancies in which are filled by the remaining trustees with the concurrence of the legislature.
I was just pissed that some kids were messing around the mine— pulling that dumb stunt with the bones and all.
I see you've had in-depth conversations with my stepsons, Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dee—and their lovely wives!
Deceased complained of dumb ague, but witness had never been able to detect any positive disease.
The fiber optic servo bus allows the system's " almost dumb " servo amplifiers to be up to 100m apart.
I am unfortunately a dumb blond that has no man at the moment to do this for me.
Apart from his parents, the two greatest influences on his life from boyhood on were both, arguably, dumb brutes.
Bell's George W Bush is the unholy innocent, a literal dumb ape, a chimpanzee spreading gleeful mass destruction.
Incredibly dumb mistake on my part while creating 2.3 which led to problems even worse than those in 2.2 is now fixed.
Another reference to " Kennedy " airport in 1959 is just plain dumb.
That's me - too dumb to know any better.
Ginji does something really dumb and winds up in the middle of a madcap hospital farce.
Mavis was almost struck dumb, probably for the first time in her life.
The 4-3-3 with wingers has done the trick for the past two seasons, so it seems dumb to change it.
Is your company thinking about blogs or acting dumb?
Today's audience wants more escapism - not that they want just dumb films.
Even tho there are some dumb moments and an overblown finale, Chan and Wilson's chemistry makes the movie themselves.
Bush has a speech impediment, and for this he's seen as ' dumb as a chimp ' or an ignorant fool.
He's not going to tell an Irish journalist that he thinks we're all dumb hicks.
Also causing two blind men to see fair play And two dumb men to shout hooray.
For the workman trusts in his own creation when he makes dumb idols!
A right bonny lassie sang but the man, a baritone he cried his sel, would have been better singing dumb Archie thought.
She never overplays the ' dumb blond ' elements of her character, making us really care about her.
Food prepared here can move easily to tables above and below via the dumb waiters.
The indoor institutions are the more important in regard to endowment, and consist of hospitals for the infirm (a number of these are situated at the seaside); of hospitals for chronic and incurable diseases; of orphan asylums; of poorhouses and shelters for beggars; of infant asylums or institutes for the first education of children under six years of age; of lunatic asylums; of homes for the deaf and dumb; and of institutes for the blind.
Among the state institutions in Columbus are the university (see below), the penitentiary, a state hospital for the insane, the state school for the blind, and the state institutions for the education of the deaf and dumb and for feeble-minded youth.
The deaf, dumb and blind are cared for at its expense in the California institution for these defectives.
Berkeley is the seat of the California state university (see California, University Of), opened in 1873; the inter-related Berkeley Bible Seminary (1896, Disciples of Christ); Pacific Theological Seminary (established in 1866 at Oakland, in 1901 at Berkeley, Congregational); Seminary of the Pacific Coast Baptist Theological Union, and Unitarian Theological School - all associated with the University of California; and the state institution for the deaf, dumb and blind.
There are a school for the Blind, Deaf, and Dumb (1885) at St.
At last they either durst not attend the diet, or " sat like dumb dogs " during its session, allowing the king to alter and interpret the statutes at his good pleasure.
The case of Helen Keller is the most extraordinary ever known in the education of blind deaf-mutes (see Deaf And Dumb ad fin.), her acquirements including several languages and her general culture being exceptionally wide.
There are insane asylums at Austin (the State Lunatic Asylum), San Antonio (the Southwestern Insane Asylum), and Terrell (North Texas Hospital for the Insane); the Texas School for the Deaf (1857), an institution for deaf, dumb and blind coloured youths (1889), a School for the Blind (1856), and a home for dependent Confederate soldiers, at Austin, a state orphan home (1889) at Corsicana, an epileptic colony at Abilene, and a state reformatory (1889) for boys under seventeen years at Gatesville.
There are institutes for the blind at Overbrook and Pittsburg, and for the deaf and dumb at Philadelphia and Edgewood Park, an oral school for the deaf at Scranton, a home for the training of deaf children at Philadelphia, a soldiers' and sailors' home at Erie (1886), a soldiers' orphans' industrial school (1895) at Scotland, Franklin county, the Thaddeus.
These latter exist in wondrous number and variety, exercising every imaginable form of good work - education, both primary and secondary; the care of hospitals, orphanages, penitentiaries, prisons; of asylums for the blind, the deaf and dumb, the insane; of refuges for the aged poor and the destitute.
Other important institutions at Baton Rouge are a State Agricultural Experiment Station, asylums and schools for the deaf and dumb, for the blind, and for orphans, and the state penitentiary.
Thus, the signs used to ask a deaf and dumb child about his meals and lessons, or to communicate with a savage met in the desert about game or enemies, belong to codes of gesture-signals identical in principle, and to a great extent independent both of nationality and education; there is even a natural syntax, or order of succession, in such gesturesigns.
State penal and charitable institutions include soldiers' and sailors' homes at Grand Island and Milford, an Institute for the Blind at Nebraska City (1875), an Institute for the Deaf and Dumb at Omaha (1867), an Institute for Feeble Minded Youth at Beatrice (1885), an Industrial School for Juvenile Delinquents (boys) at Kearney (1879), a Girls' Industrial School at Geneva (1881), an Industrial Home at Milford (1887) for unfortunate and homeless girls guilty of a first offence, asylums or hospitals for the insane at Lincoln (1869), Norfolk (1886) and Hastings (1887), an Orthopedic Hospital (1905) for crippled, ruptured and deformed children and a state penitentiary (1867), both at Lincoln.
Poor Edith is blind and deaf and dumb.
It was the dark, dumb rabble who were and remain the Christians.
I 'm sorry to be so dumb, but what is " ragg wool "?
He leaned his two elbows on his knees, and his chin on his hands and remained rapt in dumb meditation.
There are lucky shits, dumb shits, crazy shits, and sweet shits.
What could have been a stereotypical sidekick role is wrestled to the fore by Law 's refusal to play dumb.
As a consequence of this malady the monk was struck dumb, but was miraculously restored to health by Aelred.
These same tugs would also work down the estuary from Sharpness to Avonmouth, towing only the larger dumb barges.
Then again I 'd never seen any other vamps dumb enough to be slogging up bleeding huge mountains.
It's not that founders fail poorly because they're nadve or dumb or inexperienced (well, at least most aren't).
Once you've built up a great enterprise, stay humble and don't do dumb things.
Enduring even less viewership than "Really Stupid Cats" is the video "Dumb Cats", which is actually a rather brilliant display of feline prowess.
It's difficult to say why watching a mid-size cat crawl out from under a one-inch door space could be considered "dumb".
Unfortunately, this video also repeats several segments that are featured in the prior cat films, but "Dumb Cats" does provide viewers with a thematically appropriate soundtrack.
Whenever I'm silent, he would always strike a conversation.Here's another catch, he is so smart that sometimes I feel so dumb in front of him. suck right?
Asking for assistance doesn't mean you're dumb; in fact, knowing when to ask for help is a sign of intelligence.
It's unknown whether Jessica Simpson will ever get over the "dumb blond" image she seems to portray in the media.
As they say, love is blind…and dumb and stupid.
One thing I told myself never to do, though, whether writing for television, movies or novels, was to "dumb down" a storyline for a younger audience.
When your time runs out, you are given the words you couldn't find, so at least you can see the obvious ones, making you feel pretty dumb you didn't find TOP.
The real reason is they feared that once "dumb" consumers got wind of the score idea, they would change their behavior and manipulate the system.
The family likes the stupid ones; they're too dumb to pull a double cross and if they overhear something, chances are they won't know what's being discussed.
The affairs of Europe during the years when Habsburg and Bourbon fought their domestic battles with the blood of noble races may teach grave lessons to all thoughtful men of our days, but none bitterer, none fraught with more insulting recollections, than to the Italian people, who were haggled over like dumb driven cattle in the mart of chaffering kings.
The state institution for the education of the deaf and dumb (1854) and the state institution for the blind (1848) are at Jackson.
The other public buildings of the town include the infirmary founded in 1837, the present buildings being erected in 1883, and subsequently enlarged; the sanatorium, the seamen's hospital, the South Wales Institute of Mining Engineers (which has a library) built in 1894, the exchange, an institute for the blind, a school for the deaf and dumb, and one of the two prisons for the county (the other being at Swansea).
Other institutions are the Royal hospital for sick children, the home for crippled children, the Royal maternity hospital, and the deaf and dumb asylum.
There are also many flourishing charities, including an excellent hospital and a school for the deaf and dumb.
There are numerous other hospitals both general and special, a foundling hospital dating from the 13th century (Santa Maria degli Innocenti), an institute for the blind, one for the deaf and dumb, &c. Most of the hospitals and other charitable institutions are endowed, but the endowments are supplemented by private contributions.
The schools include the Gymnasium (founded in 1592 by the Protestant community as a Latin school), the Realgymnasium (founded in 1830, for "modern" subjects and Latin), the Oberrealschule and Realschule (founded 1893, the latter wholly "modern"), two girls' high schools, a girls' middle-class school, a large number of popular schools, a mechanics' and polytechnic school, a school of mechanics, an industrial drawing school, a commercial school, and a school for the deaf and dumb.
Contemporaneously appeared The Dumb Philosopher, or Dickory Cronke, who gains the power of speech at the end of his life and uses it to predict the course of European affairs.
The charitable institutions include the county hospital, district asylum, a deaf and dumb home, the Kyle combination poorhouse, St John's refuge and industrial schools for boys and girls.
Among the educational establishments are a gymnasium, and Realschule, the Sophienstift (a large school for girls of the better class, founded by the grand-duchess Sophia), the grand-ducal school of art, geographical institutes, a technical school, commercial school, music school, teachers' seminaries, and deaf and dumb and blind asylums. An English church was opened in 1899.
Its principal buildings are an old palace, formerly the residence of the bishops of Augsburg and now government offices, a royal gymnasium, a Latin school with a library of 75,000 volumes, seven churches (six Roman Catholic), two episcopal seminaries, a Capuchin monastery, a Franciscan convent and a deaf and dumb asylum.
There are, moreover, industrial schools, orphanages and institutions for the deaf and dumb and blind.
The state also makes annual appropriations for the care and education of blind and deaf and dumb persons in institutions outside of the state.
Charitable institutions of a high character are also prominent, among which are the Hospicio, which includes an asylum for the aged, infirm, blind, deaf and dumb, foundlings and orphans, a primary school for both sexes, and a girls' training school, and the Hospital de San Miguel de Belen, which is a hospital, an insane asylum, and a school for little children.
There are a number of charitable institutions devoted to the education of orphans, the blind and the deaf and dumb, which are admirably equipped and administered.
Amongst other buildings are the episcopal palace, with a museum of Roman and medieval antiquities, several convents, and the principal deaf and dumb institute in the country.
Even Zamoyski who had placed him on the throne complained that the king was possessed by a dumb devil.
Here he fell in love with a young girl who had been dumb from birth, and henceforth devoted himself to discover a method of imparting speech to deaf-mutes.
The government also maintains schools for the blind and for the deaf and dumb.
He is the author of many miscellaneous treatises on science, music, the art of teaching the deaf and dumb, &c. But his chief work, the labour of fully twenty years, is entitled Dell' origine, progressi, e stato attuale d'ogni Letteratura (7 vols., Parma, 1782-1799).
Eisenach has a school of forestry, a school of design, a classical school (Gymnasium) and Modern school (Realgymnasium), a deaf and dumb school, a teachers' seminary, a theatre and a Wagner museum.
There is an institution for the deaf, dumb and blind (1849, since 1857 a state institution) at Cedar Springs, and a state hospital for the insane, founded in 1821 at Columbia by Samuel Farrow (1760-1824) and opened in 1828.
He also had the management of the university library, was director of the institute for the deaf and dumb, and filled many educational and municipal offices.
South-west of these buildings, on the other side of the Johannisthal Park, are clustered the medical institutes and hospitals of the university - the infirmary, clinical and other hospitals, the physico-chemical institute, pathological institute, physiological institute, ophthalmic hospital, pharmacological institute, the schools of anatomy, the chemical laboratory, the zoological institute, the physicomineralogical institute, the botanical garden and also the veterinary schools, deaf and dumb asylum, agricultural college and astronomical observatory.
That Donnie—he's not dumb.
She was so dumb, she screwed a writer!
This letter is indorsed in Whittier's hand, "Helen A. Keller--deaf dumb and blind--aged nine years."
While Simpson was already hot on the music charts, it was her performance on television that still has some asking if she really is that dumb.
Famous for her dim-witted yet completely memorable comments, the character of Kelly was written as a stereotypical dumb blonde, complete with bimbo persona, bleached blonde hair and excessively short attention span.
Apparently, in this relationship, love (pardon the cliché) truly is blind…and maybe a little deaf and dumb as well.
As a wise friend has told me many times, "Dogs aren't dumb animals, they just vocalize differently than we do."
Although there are kids' guitars that are essentially toys, true electric guitars for children, also called short scales, don't "dumb down" the instrument at all.
While it's by no means a "dumb" game, it does require fast reflexes as opposed to fast thinking skills.
It was all dumb smiles at the table as this bottle slowly met its doom.
Certainly, our pets are a part of our families; they are far from being dumb animals.
Known for its extreme moisturizing properties, the Dumb Blonde Shampoo is misleading in its name.
Fortunately, Tigi has formulated several treatments to aid in the preservation of your hair.The Dumb Blonde Reconstructor is a leave-in treatment that can be used either in the shower or overnight.
Regardless, the complainants blamed the education system for not fostering a thirst for knowledge and catering to the attention-less masses that wish to play the games but always felt dumb.
Even the people I knew in school who were obnoxious and dumb have found somebody, why can't I?
Jessica used her "dumb blonde" image to further her career and the clever marketing is often credited to her micromanaging father, Joe.
Produced by Simpson's father Joe and Simpson herself, the intent of the show was to change public perception of Simpson as a "dumb blonde," according to Joe Simpson.
Young, Dumb, and Living Off Mum - This is a competition-style reality show that features adult contestants who are quite content to live with their parents rent-free, and enjoy being catered to by their mothers.
Some thought that Qui-Gon was dumb for not sensing anything evil in Anakin.
There are several educational institutions, including a business college, a convent, and a government institute for the deaf and dumb.
In modern times the word asylum has come to mean an institution providing shelter or refuge for any class of afflicted or destitute persons, such as the blind, deaf and dumb, &c., but more particularly the insane.
In the collections there are few examples of the simple fabliau, the best being the Thrie Priestis of Peblis and The Dumb Wyf, or of the social variety of the same as shown in Rauf Coil3ear and John the Reeve.
After He had cast out a dumb demon, some said that His power was due to Beelzebub.
Boltzmann Suggested That A Diatomic Molecule Regarded As A Rigid Dumb Bell Or Figure Of Rotation, Might Have Only Five Effective Degrees Of Freedom, Since The Energy Of Rotation About The Axis Of Symmetry Could Not Be Altered By Collisions Between The Molecules.
This yearning is a dumb unintelligent longing, which moves like a heaving sea in obedience to some dark and indefinite law, and is powerless to fashion anything in permanence.
Frederick is the seat of the Maryland school for the deaf and dumb and of the Woman's College of Frederick (1893; formerly the Frederick Female Seminary, opened in 1843), which in 1907-1908 had 212 students, 121 of whom were in the Conservatory of Music. Francis Scott Key and Roger Brooke Taney were buried here, and a beautiful monument erected to the memory of Key stands at the entrance to Mount Olivet cemetery.
Spain was utterly dumb; Italian fervour could only boast the foundation of two small orders of popular preachers - the Passionists (1737), and the Redemptorists, instituted in 1732 by St Alfonso Liguori, who also won for himself a dubious reputation on the unsavoury field of casuistry.
The state maintains an insane asylum at Las Vegas, a deaf and dumb asylum and penitentiary at Santa Fe, an institute for the blind at Almagordo, a reform school at El Rito and a miners' hospital at Raton.
The remote ancestor of Kiki luskut Kiki luq^%l-ma Ibri shd arammu I Itemi tittish " How shall I be dumb ?
Only such a one can appreciate the eagerness with which I talked to my toys, to stones, trees, birds and dumb animals, or the delight I felt when at my call Mildred ran to me or my dogs obeyed my commands.
Many people think that athletes don't care about school because of the common stereotype about dumb jocks.
The benevolent institutions include the general hospital, founded in 1817, removed to the present site in 1867, extended by the addition of two wings in 1878 and of an eye department in 1890; a convalescent home for twenty patients from the hospital only (1903); the Royal Cambrian Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, established in 1847 at Aberystwyth, removed to Swansea in 1850, and several times enlarged, so as to have at present accommodation for ninety-eight pupils; the Swansea and South Wales Institution for the Blind, established in 1865 and now under the Board of Education; the Swansea and South Wales Nursing Institute (1873), providing a home for nurses in the intervals of their employment; a nursing institution (1902) for nursing the sick poor in their own homes, affiliated with the Queen's Jubilee Institute of London; the Sailors' Home (1864); a Sailors' Rest (1885); and a Mission to Seamen's Institute (1904).
It's rather late to play dumb, bastard.
At length the old hound burst into view with muzzle to the ground, and snapping the air as if possessed, and ran directly to the rock; but, spying the dead fox, she suddenly ceased her hounding as if struck dumb with amazement, and walked round and round him in silence; and one by one her pups arrived, and, like their mother, were sobered into silence by the mystery.
I was just pissed that some kids were messing around the mine— pulling that dumb stunt with the bones and all.
Livius himself took part in his plays, and in order to spare his voice he introduced the custom of having the solos (cantica) sung by a boy, while he himself represented the action of the song by dumb show.
I want you to see baby Tom, the little blind and deaf and dumb child who has just come to our pretty garden.
I love you too, dumb ass.
Dumb as a brick, but in the bedroom, my God–amaaaaazing!