Dull Sentence Examples
Things didn't stay dull for long, though.
It is not all books that are as dull as their readers.
Her body felt heavy and her senses dull without her magic.
A damp dull autumn morning was just dawning.
Prince Bagration turned to the officer and with his dull eyes looked at him in silence.
He had never seen such a dull and out-of-the-way place; the folks were all gone off; why, you couldn't even hear the whistle!
And to feel not exactly dull, but sad?
Why isn't she dull and ashamed?
I wouldn't call you dull, just inactive.
The princess continued to look at him without moving, and with the same dull expression.
AdvertisementFor a moment she felt the dull aching pain of being utterly alone.
Although the state has a great amount of limestone, especially in Erie and Ottawa counties, its dull colour renders it unsuitable for most building purposes.` It is, however, much used as a flux for melting iron and for making quick lime.
Before he had reached the embankments that were being thrown up, he saw, in the light of the dull autumn evening, mounted men coming toward him.
Suddenly the strange sound of a far-off whistling and thud was heard, followed by a boom of cannon blending into a dull roar that set the windows rattling.
Dull would be another.
AdvertisementWillarski felt dull in Orel and was pleased to meet a man of his own circle and, as he supposed, of similar interests.
One day you are dull, and the next you refuse to see anyone.
All that day and the next his friends and comrades noticed that Rostov, without being dull or angry, was silent, thoughtful, and preoccupied.
Working for Cade might not be as dull as she had first thought.
This is how you dull a sword after victory.
AdvertisementI guess it does sound dull when I talk about it, but it's never dull to me, and Alex seems to be happy with things.
So far she had never mentioned her excursions to the attic, but when things got too dull around the house, she went up to explore.
You are happy enough I no longer need to dull the pain.
I love a chase and a fight, but the chances of me forgetting not to dull the pain increase if you resist.
She brought the machete down with a dull thud, anchoring the blade in the log.
AdvertisementThe dull, sleepy expression was no longer there, nor the affectation of profound thought.
She looked at him, her eyes dull.
The knife wasn't like hers – dull enough she had to saw through things with effort.
Of red the varieties are fewer; the finest is a crimson red of very beautiful tint, and there are various gradations from this to a dull brick red.
A toothache may feel like a sharp pain or a dull ache.
If there is inflammation inside the eye, a dull ache may be felt inside the eye.
Some reviewwers like the ease of use, but do complain the color is dull.
If a dull aching sensation persists after this instillation then a co-existing iritis, or inflammation of the iris, also called a uveitis, may also be present.
The typical tension-type headache is described as a tightening around the head and neck, and an accompanying dull ache.
Dysmenorrhea is the medical term for menstrual cramps, the dull or throbbing pain in the lower abdomen that many women experience just before and during their menstrual periods.
The most common symptom for most types of osteochondrosis is pain, usually a dull, non-specific ache, at the affected joint.
Chemicals used in hair highlighting damage the strands and can make hair dull, more prone to breakage, and frizzy.
A bun is the most classic updo style, but it doesn't have to look stodgy or dull.
You'll find that you can be discreet without being dull and ordinary.
The serious poems in which he celebrated the public events of his later years are dull and lifeless.
It has dull pink flowers, succeeded by seed vessels, each of which is crowned by two scarlet-coloured leafy lobes.
There was a hopeless look in the dull eye that I could not help noticing, and then, as I was thinking where I had seen that horse before, she looked full at me and said, 'Black Beauty, is that you?'
One was an officer--a tall, soldierly, handsome man--the other evidently a private or an orderly, sunburned, short, and thin, with sunken cheeks and a dull expression.
It's a very cool idea, if you can get somebody to go along with it, but somewhat dull for player two.
When a wine's acidity is too high, it's flavor is too tart and aggressive, too low and the wine will taste dull, bland and flabby.
The result was a dull, unbalanced wine that lacked both character and flavor.
Explore Chianti wine proudly (minus the straw covered bottle, because although it's still produced, the wine is still dull and a bit lifeless), despite what any wine snob's opinion is on the wine.
These headaches usually are a dull pain, although some people report a throbbing sensation.
Overripe strawberries will be dull and dark, with limp stems.
Un-tempered chocolate will set slowly, have pale streaks of cocoa butter, and will be soft and dull.
Brown frames can sometimes make the hair look dull, so make certain the frames are not thick or heavy.
She seemed to be grasping for any distraction to dull the pain.
Taking a few steps back she gripped the ax half way down on the handle and slammed it down against the block of wood with a dull whack.
Its bright red beak, the bare bluish skin surrounding its large grey eyes, and the tufts of elongated feathers springing vertically from its lores, give it a pleasing and animated expression; but its plumage generally is of an inconspicuous ochreous grey above and dull white beneath, - the feathers of the upper parts, which on the neck and throat are long and loose, being barred by fine zigzag markings of dark brown, while those of the lower parts are more or less striped.
The sea-worn amber has lost its crust, but has often acquired a dull rough surface by rolling in sand.
Though Meyerbeer wrote much that is intrinsically more dull and vulgar than the overture to Rienzi, he never combined such serious efforts with a technique so like that of a military bandmaster.
An ingot of tin is pure white (except for a slight tinge of blue); the colour depends, however, upon the temperature at which it is poured - if too low, the surface is dull, if too high, iridescent.
The glass at this stage has a comparatively dull surface and this must now be replaced by that brilliant and perfectly polished surface which is the chief beauty of this variety of glass.
In the amorphous state it is a dull green, almost infusible powder, but as obtained from chromium oxychloride it is deposited in the form of dark green hexagonal crystals of specific gravity 5 2.
Dull weather is unknown.
During the dull day, in the course of which he was entertained by his elderly hosts and by the more important of the visitors (the old count's house was crowded on account of an approaching name day), Prince Andrew repeatedly glanced at Natasha, gay and laughing among the younger members of the company, and asked himself each time, What is she thinking about?
For all other wines, the term is used to describe a wine that is boring and dull, lacking in flavor and aroma characteristics.
Learning about history doesn't have to be dull; it can be as exciting as you and your children want it to be!
Science doesn't have to be dry and dull though, especially if you incorporate lots of hands-on activities in your curriculum.
Many women who have gone on to have a second child after a miscarriage say the joy of becoming a parent helps to dull the pain they feel over the loss of their first child.
When did the tide shift from maternity wear that was rather dull to a more modern, fun, even glamorous, approach?
These physical indicators may include mild abdominal cramps or a dull ache felt on one side of your abdomen.
Salinas has recreated the traditional one piece, turning it into a high-fashion item that is anything but dull.
Adequate intake of vitamins essential for healthy hair is important for you to prevent brittle and dull hair.
It also prevents scalp flaking and itching, which can result in hair loss or unhealthy, dull hair.
Finally, it fights free-radical damage that can lead to broken, damaged or dull hair.
Omega-3 fatty acids also support scalp health, and a deficiency in these fats can lead to dull skin and hair.
Typically, when the cutters dull, a user replaces the entire shaving head.
Just like the shaving heads, the foil head will dull with time and need replaced.
This happens due to the razors inside the shaving head becoming dull.
The use of a highly acidic cleaner will quickly dull the shine of your floor and lead to a more expensive cleaning method down the road.
Try to avoid using dishwashing soap on a regular basis though, as it can dull your granite's shine over time through buildup.
Aurelius Olympius Nemesianus, who wrote a few feeble eclogues and (283) a dull piece on the training of dogs for the chase.
The distillation is then effected by heating to dull redness.
Sahlbom (Ber., 1906, 39, p. 2600) obtained 179.8 (H =1) by converting the metal into pentoxide at a dull red heat.
Lignite and cannel are usually dull and earthy, and of an irregular fracture, the latter being much tougher than the black coal.
The hydroxide readily loses its water at a dull red heat and passes into anhydride with vivid incandescence.
On the other hand, he is wholly without originality, and his poetry, though free from glaring defects, is artificial and elaborately dull.
In the dull round of instruction in "grammar" he did not distinguish himself, and was surpassed by his early friend and companion, William Herman, who was Winckel's favourite pupil.
Krasicki's poem is at best but a dull affair, in fact a pale copy of a poor original, the Henriade of Voltaire.
Nauseous flowers, dull and yellowish and dark purple in colour and often spotted, with a smell attractive to carrion flies and dung flies, e.g.
The new humanism was a kind of revival of the Renaissance, which had been retarded by the Reformation in Germany and by the Counter-Reformation in Italy, or had at least been degraded to the dull classicism of the schools.
The hydrosulphide, KHS, was obtained by Gay-Lussac on heating the metal in sulphuretted hydrogen, and by Berzelius on acting with sulphuretted hydrogen on potassium carbonate at a dull red heat.
Similar is the behaviour of the fused dry salt at a dull red heat; it acts on silicates, titanates, &c., as if it were sulphuric acid raised beyond its natural boiling point.
Such a generalization will become sounder, if, as is now generally done by anthropologists, the Eskimo with their pyramidal skulls, dull complexion and flat noses are removed into a division by themselves.
It is easily soluble in warm water, the solution being, of a dull blue tint, and is used in calico-printing, dyeing and tanning.
As a last resource More tried the expedient of silence, dissembling his wit and affecting to be dull.
He was not only dull, but the cause of dulness in others, and even Alexander Carlyle confesses that in conversation his illustrious countryman was "stiff and pompous."
On the other hand the lack of good harbours hindered its maritime development; and the Boeotian nation, although it produced great men like Pindar, Epaminondas, Pelopidas and Plutarch, was proverbially as dull as its native air.
In the States of the Church, during the first part of the period the outstanding feature in the history of the Temporal Power is the overthrow of nepotism; in the second, a dull conflict with debt.
On the other hand, it has been recorded by Cicero" that a certain physiognomist, Zopyrus, who professed to know the habits and manners of men from their bodies, eyes, face and forehead, characterized Socrates as stupid, sensual and dull (bardus), " in quo Alcibiades cachinnum dicitur sustulisse."
A very distinct species (P. murina), remarkable for its dull coloration, is peculiar to the Azores, and several others are found in Asia from the Himalayas to Japan.
Similarly the dull coloration of the two sets of animals is very possibly procryptic and serves to hide both shrews and squirrels from enemies.
Thickets and small acacias dot the steppes, which, green during the kharif or rainy season, at other times present a dull brown burnt-up aspect.
The lower epidermis is often of a dull or and pale-green colour.
He ransacked his father's shelves, dipped into a multitude of books, read what was interesting, and passed over what was dull An ordinary lad would have acquired little or no useful knowledge in such a way; but much that was dull to ordinary lads was interesting to Samuel.
The exuberance of the epoch of Liberation gave place to a dull lethargy in things political, relieved only by the Philhellenism which gave voice to the aspirations of Germany under the disguise of enthusiasm for Greece.
In the young of the year the whole head, neck and throat are clothed in dull black, and most of the feathers of the mantle and wing-coverts are broadly tipped and mesially streaked with tawny or lightish-grey.
The bright green of the fields, the reddish-brown or dull green of the great river, contrasting with the bare yellow rocks, seen beneath a brilliant sun and a deep-blue sky, present views of great beauty.
As he grew up he became extremely dissatisfied with the dull and monotonous life he was compelled to lead; and his discontent was heartily shared by his sister, Wilhelmina, a bright and intelligent young princess for whom Frederick had a warm affection.
The latter, judged as literature, is intolerably dull; but the former is valuable, throwing as it does considerable light on his personal sympathies as well as on the motives of important epochs in his career.
The hind feet have six pads on their inferior surfaces, and the colour is dull grizzled brown above and greyish white below.
Several of the writers named belong to an earlier period; of many of the others we know little or nothing; and of the best known, such as Walter Kennedy and Quintyn Schaw, it would be hard to say that they are not as uniformly dull as any of Occleve's southern contemporaries.
The dull treatise of John of Ireland (q.v.) lays claim to originality of a kind.
Wahl [German patent 70773 (1893)] prepare a 97% manganese from pyrolusite by heating it with 30% sulphuric acid, the product being then converted into manganous oxide by heating in a current of reducing gas at a dull red heat, cooled in a reducing atmosphere, and finally reduced by heating with granulated aluminium in a magnesia crucible with lime and fluorspar as a flux.
In his characterizations of persons, borrowed from Socrates, he is more dull and colourless.
But many difficulties with his own people shortly beset his path, due largely to the suspicions aroused by his evident preference for the ardent Roman zeal of the converts, and especially of Manning, to the dull and cautious formalism of the old Catholics.
A long time afterwards it appeared, thanks to his collaborator, Claude Bernard Rousseau, under the title of Histoire et recherches des antiquites de la ville de Paris (1724), but remodelled, with the addition of long and dull dissertations which were not by Sauval.
The young (which on leaving the nest have not the tips of the bill crossed) are of a dull olive colour with indistinct dark stripes on the lower parts, and the quills of the wings and tail dusky.
Their glowing hues, are, however, speedily lost by examples which may be kept in confinement, and are replaced by a dull orange, or in some cases by a bright golden-yellow, and specimens have, though rarely, occurred in a wild state exhibiting the same tints.
Anne was a women of small ability, of dull mind, and of that kind of obstinacy which accompanies weakness of character.
In the second stage, implements of true bronze (9 to io% tin) become common; painted pottery of buff clay with dull black geometrical patterns appears alongside the red-ware; and foreign imports occur, such as Egyptian blue-glazed beads (XIIth-XIIIth Dynasty, 2500-2000 B.C.),1 and cylindrical Asiatic seals (one of Sargon I., 2000 B.C.).2 In the third stage, Aegean colonists introduced the Mycenaean (late Minoan) culture and industries; with new types of weapons, wheel-made pottery, and a naturalistic art which rapidly becomes conventional; gold and ivory are abundant, and glass and enamels are known.
He found English ways dull and precise and the religious observances exacting; and his mother had - not for the last time - to talk seriously with him on his unsocial and wilful character.
On the other hand, when it becomes atrophied the circulation becomes feeble, the face heavy and dull, the patient suffers from cold, the features glow lumpish, mental processes become sluggish, and bodily vigour diminishes.
When the thyroid gland is absent in children, not only is the expression of the face dull and heavy as in the adult, but the growth both of body and mind is arrested, and the child remains a stunted idiot.
An attack may come on suddenly, but, in general, begins by a dull aching pain in the brow or temple, which steadily increases in severity and extent, but remains usually limited to one side of the head.
The bright scarlet or dull red flowers appear before the leaves in March and April.
A year or two of dull drudgery and few fees followed, and he began to be much depressed.
When the mercury is made positive it becomes dull and spreads itself out; when it is made negative it gathers itself together and becomes bright again.
In the Lower Sonoran belt, soapweed, acacias (Palo Verde or Parkinsonia torreyana), agaves, yuccas and dasylirions, the creosote bush and mesquite tree, candle wood, and about seventy-five species of cactuses - among them omnipresent opuntiae and great columnar " Chayas " - make up a striking vegetation, which in its colours of dull grey and olive harmonizes well with the rigidity and forbidding barrenness of the plains.
The fur is long and coarse, of a dull black hue with a grey wash on the head and fore-limbs.
This is a half-hardy bulbous plant, producing in the spring a number of strap-shaped, dull green leaves, 1-12 ft.
Tonight she told me our life sounded dull - and then left the room.
She closed the lid and ran her fingers across the dull copper latch.
The knife wasn't like hers – dull enough she had to saw through things with effort.
My face has open pores, a very oily T-zone, blocked pores, blackheads which are visible, and dull skin.
During an attempt at a mass breakout Dull Knife was killed.
I love its beautiful orange flowers, which certainly brighten up the dull days of February.
The 2nd was dull and drizzly but I spotted some bullfinches in one of the wild areas of the garden.
And although there were a few dull moments I thought the choreography for the corps was very eye-catching and fun to watch.
The skin of your feet looks lifeless, perhaps dull in color and slightly clammy to the touch.
Their bohemian way of living would challenge the dull conformity of everyday life under capitalism.
Grows vigorously in Britain, with straight culms that can change to a dull yellow green with age; and glossy green leaves.
The dull design is the site's biggest weakness, with it not looking dissimilar to a school text book in places.
If life really were a choice between dull domesticity and such inane thrill-seeking, it would be depressing indeed.
But like Cinderella, the apparently dull drudge of CI is worth looking at more closely.
With all of the animation being computer based, this is a rather dull look at some CGI gone wrong.
I thought it was far and away the most exciting event during an otherwise terminally dull race.
Despite my geek credentials, Iâm not overly into reading Sci-Fi because I found a lot of it to be terribly dull and overcomplicated.
Next up on the NME tent was Bloc Party a band that I find incredibly dull.
At first glance, the Facing Worlds level looks pretty dull.
Jesus shines so brightly that the sun seems dull.
The circle on the left has a brilliant intensity, while the one on the right appears rather dull.
It might sound dull, but it tells you more about many of the monarchs and their agents than most popular history books.
And while it's all rather empty-headed and ridiculous, it's not dull for a second.
Your entire dull skin gets a layer of pure essential oils.
The talking heads were, with a few honorable exceptions, dull and uninformed to a man jack.
It is so pleasant to receive a fillip of excitement when suffering from the dull routine of everyday life!
Matt thinks it makes Brian pretty dull - he even turned down a cracking gag for his wedding speech.
There was plenty of yellow gorse in flower looking bright in the dull light.
Leaves are a dull dark green, oval in shape.
In 1878 Cheyennes under Dull Knife and Little Wolf left their reservation in Oklahoma and headed north to their former tribal homeland.
No political campaign is ever perfect but by comparison our opponents appeared inept, dull and out of touch with the public.
Water bottle strap Brown leather Water bottle, cups, pots etc Painted dull green, or cloth covered, so probably greenish-tinged khaki.
I can't register for some reason; it seems to think that my perfectly dull email address is not legit.
A running or sticky nose or eyes, a dull coat and/or lethargy are signs of ill health and need veterinary advice.
He caught himself making a face at a group of shop window mannequins who stared back with dull opaque eyes.
In contrast, the Med can be as dull as a large millpond.
Nobody wants a university to be an educational factory which turns out mindless, dull, vapid, students.
This makes for a role which ensures there is never a dull moment!
Yet second-hand romance and second-hand emotion are surely better than the dull, soul-killing monotony which life brings to most of the human race.
Avoid applying nematodes in bright conditions; apply in dull weather or in the evenings.
The tabloid style journalism makes usually dull professional information lively, although it may be considered just a little offbeat for some tastes.
There is some evidence to suggest that " bright " or " dull " timbres can produce a bias in the pitch percept.
It cut short that dull plod with a slogan ' Propaganda by deed ' .
Alan Shearer was too prickly, Nigel Mansell too dull.
Every group needs a comedian who can keep the fun going during a dull day of scrub-bashing or pulling ragwort.
At thirteen, she is under pressure to marry ramose, a dull, plodding stone-cutter.
I was also advised on the condition of my headlamp reflectors, both a bit dull.
But she is fatally torn between the dull virtue of middle-class respectability and the evil attractions of the beckoning city lights.
The dull roar of the traffic which converged all day upon London Bridge had died away now to a mere confused murmur.
Plain Term used to describe dull liquor often with a rather sour taste.
Some are dull, repetitive squiggles on paper, and some are fabulous, witty, thought-provoking, incredibly popular.
Its formidable structure stood stark against the dull heavens, the street lamps throwing a weak light about its feet.
But when David Renwick decided to turn dull, uneventful suburbia on its head by making it hellishly chaotic, he created something fresh.
When it was light I peeped through the portholes and saw Belfast's dull wharves and warehouses looking sulky in the gray morning mist.
Scorsese might capture the dull throb of soulless, everyday evil.
The deep voice ceased its booming chant and all he could hear was a faint patter followed by dull thuds directly above him.
There is nothing like the dull thud of nylon on nylon.
A dull gray green sometimes tinged with purple, Agrostis.
This will give sensations which commonly will be a slight tingle, or a sense of fullness or pressure, or a dull ache.
In comparison our current physical existence will seem so dull, so flat, so fleeting, so transitory.
Trellis using trellis using trellis to liven up a dull area in your garden or to create a living screen.. .
Using a dull, monotonous voice will not impress the audience and can make the topic sound uninteresting.
Muscle Dull red in color, highly vascular and tears easily.
Instead it's dull, constructed and ultimately worthless.
They felt pretty yucky, very unpleasant with dull pain.
In structure and some of its habits much resembling a bullfinch, but much exceeding that bird in size, it has the plumage of a crossbill and appears to undergo the same changes as do the members of the restricted genus Loxia - the young being of a dull greenish-grey streaked with brownish-black, the adult liens tinged with golden-green, and the cocks glowing with crimson-red on nearly all the body-feathers, this last colour being replaced after moulting in confinement by bright yellow.
Diptera in general are not remarkable for brilliancy of coloration; as a rule they are dull and inconspicuous in hue, the prevailing bodytints being browns and greys; occasionally, however, more especially in species (Syrphidae) that mimic Hymenoptera, the body is conspicuously banded with yellow; a few are metallic, such as the species of Formosia, found in the islands of the East Indian Archipelago, which are among the most brilliant of all insects.
The tanned complexion, that amorphous crag-like face; the dull black eyes under the precipice of brows, like dull anthracite furnaces, needing only to be blown; the mastiff mouth accurately closed; I have not traced so much of silent Berserkir rage that I remember in any man."
The glass, now in its approximate form, is placed in a heated chamber where it is allowed to cool very gradually - the minimum time of cooling from a dull red heat being six days, while for " fine annealing " a much longer period is required (see above).
Plain in plumage, being greyish brown above and dull white below, while its quills are dingy black, variegated with white, there is little about the mocking-bird's appearance beyond its graceful form to recommend it; but the lively gesticulations it exhibits are very attractive, and therein its European rival in melody is far surpassed, for the cock-bird mounts aloft in rapid circling flight, and, alighting on a conspicuous perch, pours forth his ever-changing song to the delight of all listeners; while his actions in attendance on his mate are playfully demonstrative and equally interest the observer.
Monstrelet's own writings, dealing with the latter part of the Hundred Years' War, are valuable because they contain a large number of documents which are certainly, and reported speeches which are probably, authentic. The author, however, shows little power of narration; his work, although clear, is dull, and is strongly tinged with the pedantry of its century, the most pedantic in French history.
In July and, August the plains of New Castile and Estremadura are sunburnt wastes; the roads are several inches deep with dust; the leaves of the few trees are withered and discoloured; the atmosphere is filled with a fine dust, producing a haze known as calina, which converts the blue of the sky into a dull grey.
He seems weak, and his eyes are dull.
Pierre, who at his wife's command had let his hair grow and abandoned his spectacles, went about the rooms fashionably dressed but looking sad and dull.
After reaching home Nicholas was at first serious and even dull.
Pelageya Danilovna Melyukova, a broadly built, energetic woman wearing spectacles, sat in the drawing room in a loose dress, surrounded by her daughters whom she was trying to keep from feeling dull.
At first she found it amusing to give away dresses and ribbons to the maids, but when that was done and what was left had still to be packed, she found it dull.
But I never said I was dull.
It was simply dull.
At thirteen, she is under pressure to marry Ramose, a dull, plodding stone-cutter.
Marvin Poole uses this system to sharpen dull knives.
I sneer at anyone dull enough not to have a company car.
Life with a stagy lady is never dull, for she possesses the art of turning the drab into the fancy.
When it was light I peeped through the portholes and saw Belfast 's dull wharves and warehouses looking sulky in the gray morning mist.
From outside there came the dull thudding sound of heavy feet upon thick carpet.
Patients undergoing surgery under regional anesthesia initially experience a dull ache in the exsanguinated limb after about 30 minutes of tourniquet application.
But that dull cookie is transformed when incorporated into this concoction.
Trellis Using trellis to liven up a dull area in your garden or to create a living screen...
Jamieson 's clunky direction delivers a dull narrative and uninspired performances.
Things are never dull when she stirs her stumps to create a mild uproar in that pompous little town.
The official was a white-faced unemotional man, who went through his duties in a dull mechanical way.
The morning remained dull and windy with blustery showers.
Instead it 's dull, constructed and ultimately worthless.
Quentin almost fell alseep as his dull teacher continued to prate on about the history of the Civil War.
All coatings will wear off with time, and the jewelry will acquire a dull look if not polished.
Since it isn't cutting your grass, the blades don't dull, and you don't have to sharpen them as often.
Baby blues can turn dull or give way to other shades.
Going green and leading a more environmentally friendly lifestyle needn't be dull and boring.
You'll want to look for crimson threads, while avoiding those that are dull, dark, or brick color.
Small accent lamps can turn a room from dull and boring to bright and beautiful.
You can transform your dull bathroom into a place of elegance.
A room that was once dull and boring magically becomes an awe inspiring living space when spruced up with a fresh coat of paint.
Sponge painting techniques can turn your room from dull to eye catching.
The earthy paint color can transform your kitchen from a feeling of cold and dull into a vibrant and warm room.
Sophisticated doesn't have to be dull, in fact, you may decide to step out of your comfort zone and go with a deep chocolate color with yellow or blue accent colors.
An all-beige home can look dull and bland so don't be afraid to inject a little color.
These bright colors are guaranteed to waken any dull or tired space.
Avoid hanging mirrors across private or dull spaces like a laundry room.
The hygienist is sure to be skilled at cleaning dull or yellow spots from your teeth.
The brow pencils and powders provide a matte and dull color, more natural on the eyebrow.
Also, brown will only dull their brilliance.
This can cause skin to look dry, dull, or ashy.
Add some baby powder and gel to your hair to make it look dull, matted and lifeless as well.
The point can be twisted up whenever it gets dull or breaks.
It adds brightness and shine to otherwise dull looking lips.
Instead of a dull matte texture, choose a luminous lipcolor that appears kissable.
For example, using a true blue eye shadow on blue-green eyes can actually make the color look dull and washed out, as opposed to rich and vibrant.
Simply overfill your measuring cup or spoon and use the dull side of a butter knife to scrape off the extra and make it level.
When they get covered with wax they get dull around the edges, so be sure to have a spare.
However, this type of pain can also be felt as an annoying dull ache with pain centered around the eyes, the base of the neck, the jaw area or the entire face.
The pain can vary from a dull, mild feeling to a throbbing ache.
Stress headache pain is generally a dull steady pain centered around the eyes, forehead, or temples.
Regular study habits may sound dull or boring, but they instill confidence on test day.
Long formal black dresses don't have to be dull if you know how to accentuate the positive.
The last thing you want is to ruin the look with dull, scuffed dress shoes.
Use a fresh ink cartridge to avoid dull or blurred text.
Lordy, Lordy Miss Maudy, there certainly is never a dull moment in the Anna Nicole Smith household.
The Los Angeles Times said her show is everything from a "dull trainwreck" to "train-wreck-tastic."
Even winter items, which traditionally are more muted, are designed to stand out on a dull day.
Just because the weather is nasty, no one need look dull.
Life on board a Carnival cruise is never dull.
There is never a dull moment on a Mississippi cruise, as the waterway passes through swamps, glacial lakes, rapids and dams.
H. atro-rubens has leaves much thinner and flowers much smaller than H. colchicus, the latter dull purple on the outside and greenish-purple within.
The bark is rough and warty, and the shoots thickly set with pairs of rounded, dull green leaves.
C. sempervivum grows rather taller, its dull green rosettes shaded with brown, and the pink flowers coming as large clusters in early autumn.
Its dull white flowers are in stiff terminal heads; the fruits blue.
The flowers are in corymbs, and although small and dull white, are charming for their fragrance.
The flowers are deliciously fragrant and in color dull purplish green, but it does not bloom so freely out of doors as in a cool conservatory.
Mountain Houseleek (Sempervivum Montanum) - A dark green kind, smaller than the common Houseleek, the leaves forming neat rosettes, from which spring dull rosy flowers in summer.
Sempervivum Triste - Distinct from other Houseleeks, as its rosettes of leaves are of a deep dull red, which makes it a handsome plant.
The varieties range in color of foliage from dull purple to bad yellow, and why they are used in flower gardens is a question.
There is a curious variety called Thunderbolt, which is of a dusky dull color.
The flowers are a dull violet-purple and very fragrant, but only come towards autumn, when the plant is well established.
Other varieties are hirtum, distinguished by the hairiness of the leaves and branches, and purpureum, which has the leaves suffused with a dull purple tinge.
Its prostrate stems bear deeply toothed leaves of dull green, with small crowded spikes of white or purplish flowers in early spring, when they are much sought by bees.
It is one of the few shrubby Aralias hardy in Britain, coming from Manchuria, where it grows as a tall dense shrub with large trifoliate leaves and rounded heads of dull purple flowers.
The catkin-like flowers are dull red, and with a scent of Cowslips, coming in May either as short spikes or rounded fleshy balls, according as they are male or female, while the fruits consist of small fleshy nutlets.
Like P. nigra, the stems are green during their first year, but change color the second year to a dull brown splashed with large deep purple or black notches.
Rhododendron Lanatum - The young branches, both surfaces of the leaves, and the petioles are covered with a dull white or tawny tomentum; the sulphur-yellow flowers are 2 inches across.
R. anthopogon, flowers sulphur-yellow; R. glaucum, flowers dull rose-purple; and R. pendulum, flowers white, are small-leaved dwarf shrubs, chiefly of botanical interest.
They open at sunrise, and are conspicuously beautiful on bright days, but close in dull and sunless weather.
A. triloba forms a small tree, with dull purple flowers, about 2 inches across.
The flowers are dull yellow washed with rose, and are held several inches above the water.
The flowers appear in spring before the leaves, and are a dull pinkish-purple.
It starts to look dull when it is ripe, and the area touching the ground turns yellow.
Do they sound dull and ring less clearly?
Fret Play - Fret Play features transcriptions of several Mudvayne songs including Dull Boy, I Can't Wait, and Internal Primates Forever.
They can also be a way to dress up an ugly or dull part of a room.
While of course these elements are important, the absence of good lighting can turn a well-designed room into a dull environment.
If you see dull spots on the surface of an otherwise polished stone, you are looking at fill.
You can check for this resin by viewing a slab in bright light from several angles; the presence of a dull spot indicates fill.
Use 100-grit sandpaper to dull the shine on the existing laminate.
Everyday toiletries like perfume and hair spray can leave a dull film that will affect the look of your pieces, so apply these products before you don your jewelry.
Dirty jewelry can look dull and one dimensional.
A beautiful ring for instance with a bright gemstone cabochon can add just the right amount of contrasting color to lift an otherwise dull outfit and give some added interest to an overall image.
A few well chosen items of jewelry for the winter months is a lovely way of turning an otherwise dull outfit into a stunning head turner.
A specialist jewelry cleaning cloth is all that is required to clean the bracelet and this will stop the build up of dust that can dull the surface.
Generally, they appear dull and lack luster.
Gemstones that get dirty will become dull and lose their sparkle.
To liven up a dull wardrobe, add a few new tees in fun patterns or colors.
When first shopping for organic baby toys, a person may notice that they are often rather dull in color and the whites are not bright.
On its own, organic whole-wheat flour is likely to produce dense baked goods with dull flavor.
While black is universally slimming, it can also be a bit dull, especially in the face of so many bright hues and vivid patterns.
The saying about "All work and no play" making Jack a dull boy is perfectly true.
Don't make the time you spend together dull and ordinary.
Protecting your eyes doesn't have to be dull.
There is no need to settle for a pair of dull, boring glasses when reading glasses are available in fun and funky styles.
As for the close ups of the characters during the dialog sessions, they look pretty dull with little expression.
Psycho Circus features some pretty dull graphics at times, but the game moves at a fast pace so you don't really notice it.
The humor is dull; the action is plentiful, but unattached; and the slowdown hinders gameplay most of the way through the game.
The razor blades inside the cutter will wear out from water exposure and dull from skin exposure after continual use.
The cutters will dull and wear out with continual use, needing replaced.
Chopping Blades - The chopping blades on Cuisinart food processors are stainless steel and can dull with continual use.
The blades on the system may dull after continual use.
Often due to prolonged use, the blade on the Rival food slicer can become dull or nicked, making it one of the most common parts to replaced on this appliance.
This can brighten up an old candle holder or transform a dull shop bought candle holder into something special.
Most foods will stain and dull the diamond, requiring it to be cleaned almost immediately.
Warm, soapy water and a soft brush can clean the stone well, but always be sure to dry it completely to prevent water spots that dull the ring's appearance.
Even a large diamond can be dull and unattractive if it is poorly cut or has an unwanted tinge of color, and all the stone's characteristics should be properly balanced for a stunning engagement ring.
Closed settings, such as bezel settings or channel settings, are less suitable because they shield more of the gem and may dull its color, but they can be used to conceal slight flaws if necessary.
Some people would even say that a good quality cubic zirconia has more fire and sparkle than a low grade diamond that may be cloudy and dull.
It may feel like a dull ache, but not necessarily like you are going to vomit.
Airplanes can be dull, and unless the in-flight movie is a real blockbuster, chances are you're going to be spending that flight staring out the window as you view a mundane plot of clouds.
Any other wallet would come off as plain and dull, but the leather here is intricately woven to create something much more dynamic than the basic.
It can even serve to liven up a dull professional ensemble!
Don't expect Aries to be dull for second!
That's not to say Virgo is dull, just often reserved, especially when you first meet him.
A pair of pointy-toed red stilettos peeping out of the bottom of black trousers can be a great look for work, and red shoes are a good way to add interest to an otherwise dull suit or dress.
But, these designs are by no means dull and uninspired.
Nothing kicks up a dull, layered look like shiny, white, sexy, high heel furry boots.
Athletic shoes have become much more fashion forward in their design and use of color in recent years; they're not as bulky or dull looking as they used to be.
Once you've worn a silver paw print bracelet watch, you'll never want to go back to plain, dull watches again.
Watches needn't be the dull old browns and blacks.
This will help to stop the build up of dust and grime that can take the shine off the charms and make the bracelet appear dull.
Watches for children needn't be dull and boring!
From road salt to sunlight, a variety of substances and situations can lead to dull paint, scratches, and stains.
The dirt can dull the finish if it is left for long.
Be prepared to spend around $20 (or more) for a good pair of sheers, but know that they will last you a long time and you can get them professionally sharpened if they get dull.
Cutting heavy gauge wire with your good pair of wire cutters may dull the blades.
Working with a dull blade will produce poor quality cuts.
This happens when strong emotions threaten to overwhelm them, their brains short-circuit and force them to eat to dull the pain.
A dull pain is normal, but sharp pains may indicate injury.
Dull, discolored beans may be old or of poor quality.
Dull color can mean dried out, flavorless, stale coffee beans.
Try not to wear a dull cotton bra with your satin panties, for example.
Remember, garter belts can transform your look from dull to daring, so make sure you have an attitude to match.