Duel Sentence Examples
Come now, what was this duel about?
What does this duel prove?
She knew of the duel and had come to speak about it.
His eldest son, an officer in the army, was killed in a duel; and his second son, Charles, intended for the church, left Trinity College and became companion and secretary to the duke of Buckingham, at whose house he died.
Hamilton's action in counselling Federalists not to vote for Burr for governor just as he had counselled them not to support Burr against Jefferson in 1800, was one of the contributary causes of Burr's hostility to Hamilton which ended in the duel (July 1804) in which Burr killed Hamilton.
His father was killed in a duel, when the boy was but nine years old.
The church contains a monument to Lord Edward Bruce, killed in a duel with Sir Edward Sackville, afterwards earl of Dorset, in 1613.
Then they rose to fight the duel, and I followed the swift thrusts and parries of the swords and the waverings of poor Bob as his courage oozed out at his finger ends.
In 1821 Mr John Scott, the editor of the London Magazine, was killed in a duel, and that periodical passed into the hands of some friends of Hood, who proposed to make him sub-editor.
They fought their duel out upon the Bosporus, off Sardinia, and in the Morea, with various success.
AdvertisementTerry, against Fort Fisher, in 1865; within sight of its parapets was fought the famous duel between the "Monitor" and the "Merrimac" (March 9, 1862).
It recognizes the will and attaches great importance to written deeds, but on the other hand sanctions the judicial duel and the cojuratores (sworn witnesses).
The whole question of this duel, however, requires consideration from the point of view of common sense.
In 1796 he began the study of law, completing his preparation in 1802 at New York, where he studied under William Peter Van Ness (1778-1826), an eminent lawyer and later Aaron Burr's second in the duel with Alexander Hamilton.
Nobody would take his part, and at last, nearly three months after the outrage, he challenged Rohan, who accepted the challenge, but on the morning appointed for the duel Voltaire was arrested and sent for the second time to the Bastille.
AdvertisementIn the Ripuarian Law a certain importance attaches to written deeds; the clergy are protected by a higher wer gild- 600 solidi for a priest, and 900 for a bishop; on the other hand, more space is given to the cojuratores (sworn witnesses); and we note the appearance of the judicial duel, which is not mentioned in the Salic Law.
While in the Consular Guard he fought a duel with the younger brother of General Davout and was wounded.
Several of the earlier events of his life, especially his marriage with the princess Louise of Orleans, and the duel that the comte d'Artois provoked by raising the veil of the princess at a masked ball, caused much scandal.
It's even certain that I should have done the same, then why this duel, this murder?
On the previous evening at the Lodge, he had heard that a rumor of his duel had reached the Emperor and that it would be wiser for him to leave Petersburg.
AdvertisementCynthia had missed the prior year's duel, and Dean explained the procedure.
Bixio attempted to reconcile them, but the publication by Cialdini of a letter against Garibaldi provoked a hostility which, but for the intervention of the king, would have led to a duel between Cialdini and Garibaldi.
Insane persons and persons under guardianship are excluded by the constitution, and " all persons convicted of bribery, perjury, larceny or of infamous crime, or who shall make or become directly or indirectly interested in any bet or wager the result of which shall depend upon any election," or who shall participate as principal, second or challenger in any duel, are excluded by legislative enactment.
When Rennes and Dinan were attacked by the duke of Lancaster in 1356, Du Guesclin fought continuously against the English, and at this time he engaged in a celebrated duel with Sir Thomas Canterbury.
In his duel with Barba- Alexan- rossa, Alexander III., one of the greatest of medieval der III., popes, displayed extraordinary courage, address and 1159-4181.
AdvertisementIn consequence of a fatal duel he was sent back to Naples; there he served under Joachim Murat with the rank of general, and fought against the AngloSicilian forces in Calabria and at Messina.
This duel resembled in its attendant circumstances the famous fight of the "Chesapeake" and the "Shannon."
But the consistency of his conduct, especially in voting for Prince Louis Napoleon as president, was often and sharply criticized, one of the criticisms leading to a duel with a fellow-deputy, Bixio.
He appears only twice on the scene of action during the war - to make arrangements for the duel between Paris and Menelaus, and to beg the body of Hector for burial from Achilles, whom he visits in his tent by night.
He was an enthusiastic advocate of church disestablishment, and had a historic newspaper duel with Dr John Owen (afterwards bishop of St David's) on this question.
After a scandalous four months duel between this simple innocent girl and a tribunal of crafty malevolent ecclesiastics and doctors of the university of Paris, Joan was burned alive in the old market-place of Rouen, on the 3oth of May 1431 (see JoAN OF ARc).
He remembered the expression Dolokhov's face assumed in his moments of cruelty, as when tying the policeman to the bear and dropping them into the water, or when he challenged a man to a duel without any reason, or shot a post-boy's horse with a pistol.
Despite Denisov's request that he would take no part in the matter, Rostov agreed to be Dolokhov's second, and after dinner he discussed the arrangements for the duel with Nesvitski, Bezukhov's second.
The night after the duel he did not go to his bedroom but, as he often did, remained in his father's room, that huge room in which Count Bezukhov had died.
The only other mode that some might enjoy is Duel mode.
Duel Fuel Fill - Enjoy the convenience and flexibility of refilling your gas tank from either side of the vehicle.
The Duel Position Air Cleaner can sit vertically or horizontally.
It was the beginning of a duel which lasted till death removed one of the combatants from the political arena.
The confusion in and around St Privat, where troops from four several corps were all intermingled, became so extreme that no further infantry-advance could be attempted; so under cover of the fierce artillery duel the remnants of the unfortunate 6th corps drifted away towards Metz down the many ravines leading into the river valley.
Terry to fight the duel with the United States senator David C. Broderick which ended fatally for the latter.
He was consequently imprisoned, on the pretext of having fought a duel, and only released when selected to accompany Prince Henry of Prussia in a visit to Vauban's fortifications.
In 1817 the prince married Anna Sapiezanko, the wedding leading to a duel with his rival Pac. On the death of his father in 1823 he retired to his ancestral castle at Pulawy; but the Revolution of 1830 brought him back to public life.
Apart from this, and other actions referred to, two incidents of the coast war call for notice - the career of the "Albemarle" and the duel between the "Atlanta" and the "Weehawken."
Another particular meaning is for one who supports or assists another, especially the friend at a duel, who arranges for his principal the terms of the encounter and sees that all rules of the duel are carried out.
On April 21st, 1798, occurred the famous duel of the "Mars" with the "Hercule," fought in the dusk near the Bec du Raz.
The fatal duel in which Hamilton was slain by Mohun, when on the eve of going as ambassador to France, with the interests of James in his eye, was a blow to the Jacobites; as were the death of Anne, the fall of Bolingbroke and the unopposed succession of George I.
He died in August 1792 - of apoplexy or from a duel - in Freiburg im Breisgau.
You heard of the duel?
Rostov took the joke as an insult, flared up, and said such unpleasant things to the officer that it was all Denisov could do to prevent a duel.
One can imagine what confusion and obscurity would result from such an account of the duel.
Stephen Broom led for much of one of his races but lost it on the final beat in a tacking duel to second place.
I stepped up to the booth and an employee challenged me to a duel.
You and an opponent select from a number of fighters to have a one-on-one duel.
The Duel Position Air Cleaner is a small purifier unit, ideal for small spaces or placing on furniture.
A decorative chess set makes a wonderful gift because it serves the duel purpose of being an elegant decorative object as well as one of the world's most popular board games.
The duel shoulder strap handles have a shoulder drop of 7½" which make the bag comfortable and easy to carry.
Duel, a 1970's thriller starring Dennis Weaver is a perfect example.
The fact that Duel was directed by a young up and comer named Steven Spielberg probably had a bit to do with its effectiveness.
Long before he helmed Jaws, Spielberg proved he had what it takes to make a great movie with Duel.
There are two parts in the movie where cheerleading squads duel, using cheers to mock and belittle each other.
Challenge your visitors to a duel of three legged basketball or something else.
The Duel 2 is the sequel to MTV's highly successful reality competition, The Duel.
Prior to the elimination duel, teams compete in challenges to determine which competitors will face off in the duel.
After the competitors are chosen, MTV The Duel 2 host, TJ Lavin, holds up five cards for the dueling competitors to randomly choose from.
The selected cards dictate which duel the players will compete in.
The losers of the duel are eliminated from the game and sent home.
Unlike the first season on The Duel, the winners of the group challenge are allowed to choose one person to save from that night's duel.
Obi-Wan dies in a duel with Darth Vader, but the Force is with Luke and he is the one who destroys the Empire's Death Star.
Instead the two duel and Luke experiences physical harm when he loses his hand and an emotional blow when he learns that Darth Vader is his father.
This episode brings the Star Wars saga to a close when Luke confronts his father Darth Vader one last time in a duel.
Eventually, the episode climax occurs when Spock and Captain Kirk enter into a duel to the death, but beforehand, McCoy injects Captain Kirk with a compound that simulates a condition like death.
Becoming more violent Thistlewood formed other plots, talked of murdering the prince of Wales, and was sentenced to a year's imprisonment for challenging the home secretary, Lord Sidmouth, to a duel.
This kind of writ allowed a man to refer the question of his guilt or innocence to the verdict of his neighbours instead of proving his innocence by the duel.
This would be as if two men were to agree to draw lots as to which should commit suicide in order to avoid fighting a duel.
The duel of Sherman and Johnston is almost as personal a contest between two great captains as were the campaigns of Turenne and Montecucculi.
A duel ensued at Putney Heath on Sunday, the 27th of May 1798; but neither combatant was injured.
Then followed a duel - the one great cavalry duel of the war - between upwards of two thousand horsemen a side.
The powers thus appealed to occupy a position analogous to that of seconds in a duel, who are authorized to arrange an "affair of honour" between their principals.
Turenne then laid waste the Palatinate, in order that it should no longer support an army, and fell back over the Rhine, ignoring the reproaches of the elector palatine, who vainly challenged him to a duel.
He then went to the Hague, where he quarrelled with Lord Oxford at play, and a duel was only prevented by their friends.
Smarting under defeat and angered by Hamilton's criticisms, Burr sent the challenge which resulted in the famous duel at Weehawken, N.J., on the 11th of July 1804, and the death of Hamilton on the following day.
The great advantage of the Confederate - an advantage which he had in a less degree as against the hardier and country-bred Federal of the west - was that he was a hunter and rider born and bred, an excellent shot, and still not infrequently settled his quarrels by the duel.
Spinola proved himself to be a general of a high order, and the campaigns of 1606 and 1607 resolved themselves into a duel of skill between him and Maurice without much advantage accruing to either side.
In 1873 he fought a duel with Paul de Cassagnac, and he acted as second to Clemenceau more than once.
In the Picquart-Henry duel he was second to Colonel Picquart.
It was clear that in such a governing body neither Austria nor Prussia would be content with her constitutional position, and that the internal politics of Germany would resolve themselves into a diplomatic duel for ascendancy between the two powers, for which the diet would merely serve as a convenient arena.
In this duel the victory of Austria was soon declared, The Prussian government believed that the effective government of Germany could only be secured by a separate understanding between the two great powers; and the indiscretion of the Prussian plenipotentiary revealed to the diet a plan for what meant practically the division of Germany into Prussian and Austrian spheres of influence.
On the 3rd of November there was a free fight in the House; it arose from a quarrel between Dr Lueger and the Christian Socialists on the one side (for the Christian Socialists had supported the government since the confirmation of Lueger as burgomaster) and the German Nationalists under Herr Wolf, a German from Bohemia, the violence of whose language had already caused Badeni to challenge him to a duel.
The execution, or rather murder, of Generals Lecomte and Clement Thomas by the communists on 18th March, which he vainly tried to prevent, brought him into collision with the central committee sitting at the hotel de Tulle, and they ordered his arrest, but he escaped; he was accused, however, by various witnesses, at the subsequent trial of the murderers (November 29th), of not having intervened when he might have done, and though he was cleared of this charge it led to a duel, for his share in which he was prosecuted and sentenced to a fine and a fortnight's imprisonment.
Heated debates in the chamber culminated on the 13th of July in a duel between Floquet and Boulanger in which the latter was wounded.
Argyll's influence was again exerted in Lockhart's behalf, and in 1728 he was permitted to return to Scotland, where he lived in retirement till his death in a duel on the 17th of December 1731.
His son, Marc Antoine, a young man of promise, fell in a duel in 1626.
His father used his utmost influence to have the guilty parties (for more than one were concerned, and there are grounds for thinking that it was not a fair duel) brought to justice.
In 1795 he fought a duel with Colonel Waitstill Avery (1745-1821), an opposing counsel, over some angry words uttered in a court room; but both, it appears, intentionally fired wild.
In 1806 in another duel, after a long and bitter quarrel, he killed Charles Dickinson, and Jackson himself received a wound from which he never fully recovered.
Giving or accepting a challenge to a duel bars from office, but this survival of the ante-bellum social life is to-day only reminiscent.
He soon became known for revolutionary opinions, and in 1847, after killing an opponent in a duel, he resigned his commission.
Broderick's undoing was resolved upon by the slavery party, and he was killed in a duel.
In 1861 his intervention envenomed the Cavour-Garibaldi dispute, royal mediation alone preventing a duel between him and Garibaldi.
The duel - Paris is saved by Aphrodite.
The truce makes a pause which heightens the interest of the impending battle; the duel and the scene on the walls are effective in bringing some of the leading characters on the stage, and in making us acquainted with the previous history.
Calhoun, in turn, introduced resolutions upholding the doctrine held by South Carolina, and it was in the debate on the first-named measure, termed the "Force Bill," and on these resolutions, that the first intellectual duel took place between Daniel Webster and Calhoun.
The dispute which led to the duel with Emile de Girardin was one of small moment, and might have been amicably arranged had it not been for some slight obstinacy on Carrel's part.
P. 'Wolin (1859), the Ba,ltespannare (belt-bucklers), representing an early form of duel in Scandinavia, in which the combatants were bound together by their belts.
In the middle of the year he was sent by the princes to invite Kerbogha to settle all differences by a duel; and in 1099 he appears as treasurer of the alms at the siege of Arca (March), and as leader of the supplicatory processions in Jerusalem which preceded the battle of Ascalon (August).
Thus the duel between the two great empires now becomes simultaneously a duel between the two religions.
But, at the same time, the religious duel had lost in intensity, since, among the Persian Christians, the Nestorian doctrine was now dominant.
His witty articles in the antirepublican papers, and his attacks on established reputations, involved him in more than one duel.
His second wife, the "wanton Shrewsbury" of Pope, a daughter of the earl of Cardigan, was seduced by the duke of Buckingham, whom the outraged husband challenged to a duel.
A curious treatise, which grew in part out of this dispute and out of a previous duel with physicians, was the book Upon his own Ignorance and that of many others.
There, in the great cathedral school of Notre-Dame, he sat for a while under the teaching of William of Champeaux, the disciple of St Anselm and most advanced of Realists, but, presently stepping forward, he overcame the master in discussion, and thus began a long duel that issued in the downfall of the philosophic theory of Realism, till then dominant in the early Middle Age.
This, his latest sermon, was published, soon after his demise, as Death's Duel.
In the duel on Putney Heath which followed Canning was wounded in the thigh.
He fought a duel against General Charles Lee,.
Mowbray denied it, ment of and challenged his accuser to a judicial duel.
By the side of the duel between France and England, a war was going on upon the continent of Europe, in which Austriawith its allies, France, Russia and the War.
The secretary of state is exofficio auditor; and he acts as governor if the regularly elected ' Excepting persons under guardianship, those weak-minded or insane, those convicted (without restoration to civil rights) of treason or felony, and those who have engaged (directly or indirectly) in a duel.
And then followed the challenge which, when O'Connell declined it, was fastened on his son Morgan, and the interruption of the duel by seizure of Mr Disraeli in his bed, and his famous appearance in the Marylebone police court.
At the age of ninety he was wounded in a duel by a Hungarian nobleman, Michael Szilagyi, and died of his wound on the 24th of December 1457.
Still less can it be appreciated in all its large wisdom and sustained self-mastery if it is viewed merely as a duel between the ablest champion and the craftiest enemy of Greek freedom.
After bringing about the success of the Asiatic cults of Mithra and Cybele, these same factors now assured the triumph over exhausted paganism of yet another oriental religionChristianity after a duel which had lasted two centuries.
Henry and Al Louis at once engaged in the first Capet-Angevin duel, destined to last a hundred years (1,521242).
Thus from this long duel between the two countries Spain issued much enfeebled, while France obtained the preponderance in Italy, Germany, and throughout northern Europe, as is proved by Mazarins successful arbitration at Copenhagen and at Oliva (May-June I66o).
When he went to Frankfort he was still under the influence of the extreme Prussian Conservatives, men like the Gerlachs, who regarded the maintenance of the principle of the form of bitter personal hostility; in 1863 the ministers refused any longer to attend the sittings, and Bismarck challenged Virchow, one of his strongest opponents, to a duel, which, however, did not take place.
In 1852 he had fought a duel with pistols against Georg von Vindre, a political opponent.
The duel was fought at Weehawken on the Jersey shore of the Hudson opposite the City of New York.
In the same year she created Duel in a Teacup for Dance Umbrella in Newcastle for the Edwardian shopping arcade.
Didn't you know dey was gwine to be a duel?
He entered a tacking duel with Bickford (Upper Thames) who eventually managed to cross the line about 2ft in front of Cook.
I said I had never heard of a man in his right mind going out to fight a duel without first making his will.
In the midst of a fierce lightsaber duel with the Sith Lord, Luke faces a terrible truth about the Skywalker legacy.
The two drivers staged a thrilling duel for second place Aug. 27 in Turkey where Alonso beat Schumacher by just a few feet.
I'd have to watch for defenestration of myself during the deadly duel, however.
The last recorded fatal duel in Scotland took place near Kirkcaldy.
As for Leeds, Smith was booked for nothing more than backing into Barton in an aerial duel.
Boris Vaselev and the Master of the Onyx Tower were engaged in a magical duel.
Move the fish duel up into the gym next year?
Incidentally he's coming back with Mick Pini in December, that's a guitar duel you don't want to miss.
The marathon duel between two geniuses to crack Egypt's ancient hieroglyphs.
Deeply humiliated by his father's death in a public duel, a young Huo resolves to become the best fighter he can be.
None has seemed more torn by the duel with Tybalt, nor so desperate in his final leave-taking of life.
Heat fifteen provided some brilliant speedway as Crump and reigning Elite League Riders ' Champion Bjarne Pedersen were locked in an invigorating duel.
About this time he fought a duel with Proudhon, who had called him the "aristocrat of the democracy."
We may also mention, as matter of historical interest, the case before the high steward and the House of Lords which arose out of the duel fought on Wimbledon Common between the earl of Cardigan and Captain Harvey Tuckett.
His Last Canto of Childe Harold appeared in 1825, and he had to fight a duel (in which he was wounded) with an Italian officer, Colonel Pepe, in consequence of a phrase in it.
A duel was the consequence, in which Francis received a dangerous wound (see Hastings, Warren).
In the duel between the hunter and the beast-mind the intellectual powers of perception, memory, reason and will were developed; experience and knowledge by experience were enlarged, language and the graphic arts were fostered, the inventive faculty was evoked and developed, and primitive science was fostered in the unfolding of numbers, metrics, clocks, astronomy, history and the philosophy of causation.
As the result of a controversy with Paschal Grousset, the latter sent him two journalists to provoke him to a duel.
His determination to stand aloof from the great duel between Francis I.
In his early years he is known to have challenged Lord Grey for a supposed reflection on the veracity of the Irish people (September 1681), and in the December of that year he was run through the body in a duel in which he engaged as second.
The " quarrel of the chiefs," the " muster of the army," the " duel of Paris and Menelaus," &c., are excellent beginnings, but have no satisfying conclusion.
It had been Castlereaghs conception and, had it been as well executed as it was conceived, it might have dealt a fatal blow at Napoleons hopes of recovering his power at sea, by destroying his great naval establishments at Antwerp. It failed, and it became the subject of angry dispute between Canning and Castlereagh, a dispute embittered by personal rivalry and the friction due to the illdefined relations of the foreign secretary to the secretary for war; the quarrel culminated in a duel, and in the resignation of both ministers (see LONDONDERRY, 2ND MARQUESS OF, and CANNING, GEORGE).
They can introduce such incidents as the change of a man into a horse, or of a woman into a dog, or the intervention of an afreet, without any more scruple than our own novelists feel in describing a duel or the concealment of a will.
He, your father, I know him... if he challenges him to a duel will that be all right?
In his singlehanded duel with the strength of Germany, Gregory received material assistance from the Countess Matilda of Tuscany.
The struggle that followed was, however, destined once more to be a duel between Russia and Turkey.
The exact date of the beginning of what Mme de Stael's admirers call her duel with Napoleon is not easy to determine.
On the 29th of November 1779 Fox was wounded in a duel with Mr William Adam, a supporter of Lord North's whom he had savagely denounced.
The duel between Pierre and Dolokhov was hushed up and, in spite of the Emperor's severity regarding duels at that time, neither the principals nor their seconds suffered for it.
But the story of the duel, confirmed by Pierre's rupture with his wife, was the talk of society.
Let us imagine two men who have come out to fight a duel with rapiers according to all the rules of the art of fencing.
In 1877 he fought a duel in which he killed his adversary, a rival journalist.
I wished to meditate, but instead my imagination pictured an occurrence of four years ago, when Dolokhov, meeting me in Moscow after our duel, said he hoped I was enjoying perfect peace of mind in spite of my wife's absence.
On his return he was made a navy commissioner (November 1815), an office which he held until his death, which took place in a duel with Commodore James Barron at Bladensburg, Md., on the 22nd of March 1820.
In the same year his coolness and courage in a duel with Captain George Johnstone, M.P., assisted to rehabilitate him, and in 1775, having meantime taken an active part in politics, he became secretary of state for the colonies in the North cabinet.
If you are going to fight a duel, and you make a will and write affectionate letters to your parents, and if you think you may be killed, you are a fool and are lost for certain.
All male citizens over twenty-one years of age and resident in the state for one year and in the county or election precinct for six months immediately preceding election (except paupers, idiots, lunatics, felons, United States soldiers, marines and seamen, and persons who have taken part, either as principal or second, in fighting a duel or in sending a challenge) have the right of suffrage.
After the expiration of his term as vicepresident (March 4, 1805), broken in fortune and virtually an exile from New York, where, as in New Jersey, he had been indicted for murder after the duel with Hamilton, Burr visited the South-west and became involved in the so-called conspiracy which has so puzzled the students of that period.