Ducks Sentence Examples
He sat down and ducks started to make their way toward him.
Hither the clean wild ducks come.
There are but few species of ducks, and they are apparently more numerous in southern Brazil than on the Amazon.
The native wild ducks are carefully preserved for sportsmen, in whose interests pheasants, red and fallow deer, and brown and rainbow trout have been very successfully acclimatized.
When you found the bug, I was sure we were dead ducks, but you blamed the wrong guys.
The ducks flapped their wings and splashed across the pond, finally becoming airborne.
But it was now made to appear that the struthious birds in this respect resembled, not only the duck, but a great many other groups - waders, birds-of-prey, pigeons, passerines and perhaps all birds not gallinaceous - so that, according to Cuvier's view, the five points of ossification observed in the Gallinae, instead of exhibiting the normal process, exhibited one quite exceptional, and that in all other birds, so far as he had been enabled to investigate the matter, ossification of the sternum began at two points only, situated near the anterior upper margin of the side of the sternum, and gradually crept towards the keel, into which it presently extended; and, though he allowed the appearance of detached portions of calcareous matter at the base of the still cartilaginous keel in ducks at a certain age, he seemed to consider this an individual peculiarity.
Among other game birds are prairie-chickens, ducks, geese, swan, brant, sandhill crane and snipe.
As ducks waddled toward them, Elisabeth chuckled.
Of birds some 30 kinds are known, an owl being the only bird of prey; parrots, pigeons, kingfishers, honey-suckers, rails, ducks, and other water birds are numerous.
AdvertisementLet's go to the park and feed the ducks.
In the eastern portion of the Coastal Plain Region are the cotton rat, rice-field rat, marsh rabbit, big-eared bat, brown pelican, swallow-tailed kite, black vulture and some rattlesnakes and cotton-mouth moccasin snakes, all of which are common farther south; and there are some turtles and terrapins, and many geese, swans, ducks, and other water-fowl.
Immense numbers of ducks and geese were reared.
Ducks, wild turkeys, bears and wild cats (lynx) are found, but in decreasing numbers.
Snipe, woodcock, ducks and rails, in vast flocks, haunt the banks of the Drina and Save; while the crane, pelican, wild-swan and wild-goose are fairly plentiful.
AdvertisementDucks are also numerous in species and individuals, including a small bird called the guiriri, in imitation of its cry.
Schistocephalus becomes fully segmented in Gasterosteus and mature in aquatic birds (ducks, &c.).
Ducks, geese and other water birds are common, especially during their migrations.
Of game birds the most characteristic is the partridge (ruffed grouse), exclusively a woodland bird; the Wilson's snipe and the woodcock are not uncommon in favourable localities, and several species of ducks are found especially in the bays and marshes near the coast during the seasons of migration.
Foxes and lemmings are met with, but whereas animals are few, birds are very numerous; a variety of ducks, waders, &c., frequent the marshes and lakes.
AdvertisementAmong the lakes, sloughs and stubble-fields of the prairies, teal, ducks, coots and geese are found in abundance.
There are deer (at least five species), boars, bears, antelopes, beavers, otters, badgers, tiger-cats, marten, an inferior sable, striped squirrels, &c. Among birds there are black eagles, peregrines (largely used in hawking), and, specially protected by law, turkey bustards, three varieties of pheasants, swans, geese, common and spectacled teal, mallards, mandarin ducks white and pink ibis, cranes, storks, egrets, herons, curlews, pigeons, doves, nightjars, common and blue magpies, rooks, crows, orioles, halcyon and blue kingfishers, jays, nut-hatches, redstarts, snipe, grey shrikes, hawks, kites, &c. But, pending further observations, it is not possible to say which of the smaller birds actually breed in Korea and which only make it a halting-place in their annual migrations.
All such concerns flew away likes ducks going south when he returned to the room.
You don't strike me as the type to feed ducks.
Then you showed up, feeding the ducks.
AdvertisementOnce across the creek, she pushed her way up the overgrown trail and across the field, pausing to watch a couple of ducks on the pond.
The ruffed grouse (or "partridge") is the most common of game birds, but woodcock, ducks and geese are quite common.
Several varieties of water-fowl, especially curlews, pelicans, gulls, ducks, terns, geese and snipe, are found in the vicinity of the lakes.
Among the more common species of game are squirrels, opossums, musk-rats, rabbits, racoons, wild turkeys, ", partridges" (quail, or Bob White), geese, and ducks; deer, black bears, grey (or timber) wolves, black wolves and "wild cats" (lynx), once common, have become rare.
As regards the ducks, L'Herminier agreed with Cuvier that there are commonly only two centres of ossification - the side-pieces of the middle series; but as these grow to meet one another a distinct median " noyau," also of the same series, sometimes appears, which soon forms a connexion with each of them.
Here vast numbers of ducks, geese, swans and pelicans resort every year.
In the number of chickens (13,562,302 in 1900) the state ranked fifth, and in the number of ducks, geese and turkeys (1,299,044 in 1900), ranked first.
Of small game, hares, jungle fowl, peacocks, partridges, snipe, woodcock, wild ducks and geese, and green pigeons are numerous in the tarai, and jungle fowl and pheasants in the hills.
He decided to take a walk to Coronet Park and grabbed a bag of bread on his way out for the ducks.
They crossed the field, stopping at the pond when Jonathan insisted on watching the wild ducks.
Cut a few trails, clear around the pool of water - maybe enlarge it and get some ducks.
Ducks, cranes and other aquatic birds abound in the delta.
Worms bring spores to the surface of soil, ducks and other birds convey them on their muddy feet.
The avifauna is varied and abundant, comprising eagles, vultures (protected by law), hawks, owls, pelicans, cranes, turkeys, geese, partridges " (called quail or " Bob White " elsewhere), ducks, &c., besides numerous smaller species, many of which are brilliant of plumage but harsh of voice.
There are many varieties of birds to be found in the woods of the Bahamas; they include flamingoes and the beautiful hummingbird, as well as wild geese, ducks, pigeons, hawks, green parrots and doves.
The commonest birds are pigeons (the large notou and other varieties), doves, parrots, kingfishers and ducks.
On the lakes there is a very handsome goose, with white body and dark-green wings shading into violet, called huachua, two kinds of ibis, a large gull (Larus serranus) frequenting the alpine lakes in flocks, flamingoes called parihuana, ducks and water-hens.
Flights of quail and turtle doves, as well as teal and ducks, stay long enough to afford sport.
Game birds include ducks, geese, plovers, snipe, loons, grebes, terns, rails, the woodcock and the ruffed grouse; quails are scarce except on Long Island, where a number or young birds are liberated each year, and by the same mea 's a supply of pheasants is maintained in some parts of the state.
The united fleet was formidable rather in number than in quality; the battleships were of very unequal value, and the faster vessels were tied to the movements of many " lame ducks."
Bears, wolves, foxes, goats (kokmet), wild sheep (arkharis), lizards, earth-rats, and a small rodent (teshikan), with ravens, eagles, wild ducks and wild geese are the other varieties principally encountered.
Many species of ducks are also still found; and the reed-bird (bobolink), " partridge " (elsewhere called quail or " Bob White "), ruffed grouse (elsewhere called partridge), woodcock, snipe, plover and Carolina rail still abound.
The game birds include the ruffed grouse, quail and English pheasant (which have increased rapidly under protection), besides woodcock, snipe, many species of ducks and a few Canada geese.
Among domesticated animals are to be found the horse, mule, donkey, cattle, sheep and goats, dogs, fowls and pigs, ducks and geese.
Geese, ducks, cranes, pelicans and gulls are very numerous in the autumn months.
These neossoptiles or first feathers bear no resemblance to those of the Anseriform birds, but agree in detail with those of spoonbills, the young of which the little flamingos resemble to a striking extent, but they leave the nest soon after their birth to shift for themselves like ducks and geese.
Here, too, breed many species of ducks, the mallard, gadwall, baldpate, three species of teal, shoveler, pintail, hooded mergansers, and Canada geese; other ducks and geese are migrants only.
From time to time upon the Rio Grande may be seen ducks, wild geese, swans, cranes, herons and gulls.
In the northern mountains the ptarmigan is common, and like other creatures assumes a white winter dress; ducks and other water-fowl frequent the lakes; the golden eagle, certain buzzards and owls are found, and among smaller birds the Lappland bunting (Plectrophanes laponicus) may be mentioned.
There are numerous species in these sheltered channels, inlets and sounds of geese, ducks, swans, cormorants, ibises, bitterns, red-beaks, curlew, snipe, plover and moorhens.
Among the game birds are quails ("Bob White"), "partridges" (ruffed grouse), ducks, geese, woodcocks, snipes and plovers.
Among game birds are various species of ducks, the quail, or " Bob White," and the woodcock.
There is a large agricultural trade, the locality being especially noted for the rearing of ducks; strawplaiting and the manufacture of condensed milk are carried on, and there are printing works.
Birds are very numerous, including no fewer than 4 varieties of crows, 5 of warblers, 7 of woodpeckers, 8 of buntings, 4 of falcons, and 5 of eagles; while among the hosts of waterfowl which people the marshes of the Danube are 9 varieties of ducks, and 4 of rails.
Among these are the large white crane and small crane, the blue heron, the snowy-white egret, the roseate spoonbill (Platalea ajaja), stork, bittern and many species of ducks.
The principal varieties of game-birds are ducks, geese, grouse and California quail.
The ducks include the mallard, black duck, canvas-back and red-head; the Canadian goose, the snowy goose and the blue goose also appear during the migrating seasons.
Above its surface tower a great number of volcanoes and several craters, and its waters are alive with water-fowl, a multitude of ducks of various species breeding on its islands.
Of birds there are over loo species, more than one-half being aquatic. In the interior the whistling swan is common, and numerous varieties of ducks are found in the lakes.
Innumerable aquatic birds haunt the banks of the Save, Danube and Drina, and the lower reaches of the Timok and Morava; among them being pelicans, cranes, grey and white herons, and many other kinds of waders, besides wild geese, ducks, rail and snipe.
The principal animals and birds in South Carolina are deer, rabbits, squirrels, opossums, musk-rats, raccoons, minks, geese, ducks, wild turkeys, " partridge " (quail or bobwhite), woodcock and snipe.
The fauna also is well represented, but tigers which once were frequently seen are now very scarce; panther, hyena, jackal, wild boar, deer (Cervus maral) are common; pheasant, woodcock, ducks, teal, geese and various waterfowl abound; the fisheries are very productive and are leased to a Russian firm.
Among game-birds there are a few wild turkeys, wild geese and bob-white (locally " partridge "), and greater numbers of grouse and various ducks; among song-birds the robin, bluebird and mocking-bird are common; and there are also woodpeckers, whippoorwills, blackbirds, hawks, owls, crows and buzzards.
Proof of this is the ability and keenness of ducks to revert to a largely aquatic lifestyle when given the opportunity.
We then set off downstream through the ducks to the point where the twin avens come in.
Sheep, goats, ducks, chickens, pot belly pig, rabbit, guinea pig.
We are running an ongoing publicity campaign asking site visitors to stop feeding bread to the ducks.
Ducks and partridges are also common, but all birds are hunted widely and many are becoming uncommon, including the endangered Siberian crane.
You can use a loud decrescendo as a hail call to initially get the ducks attention.
They're sitting ducks up there, " said a Western diplomat.
Among the commoner ducks, I found a single drake Garganey.
Right across the front of the hide, swimming close together came two handsome drake RUDDY DUCKS.
Near the gulls, roosted a group of Comb Ducks and behind them a flock of Garganey included some smart drakes.
Currently I only have 2 snowy call ducks, 1 snowy call drake, and 1 gray call drake.
A flock of about 40 of these birds was headed by two Tufted ducks.
Small numbers of White-headed ducks were found breeding at 11 wetlands.
Bird watchers always seem to have problems with what to make of mandarin ducks, i.e. can they count them in their annual total?
Ducks are no less richly endowed with their own ancestral memory.
Mandarin Ducks form a strong attachment to their partners, hence, they are also an emblem of conjugal fidelity.
In the afternoon, land on Floreana where we may find flamingos, pintail ducks and various shorebirds.
Some ducks are just too flighty to come in over stronger species.
But otherwise, the ducks are completely free-range until the rice plants form ears of grain in the field.
Defra could give no figures for the number of ducks in intensive conditions and those kept free-range.
Pine martens and goldeneye ducks have a love hate relationship - pine martens love goldeneye ducks have a love hate relationship - pine martens love goldeneye duck eggs and goldeneye ducks hate that.
When they are hunting divers hunters usually rely on large numbers of decoys to attract the ducks.
The two species hybridize and hybrids are fertile, causing genetic introgression of Ruddy Duck genes in the wild population of White-headed Ducks.
While they are being pounded by a fierce storm, clutching the life raft, he is shooting at them like sitting ducks.
The ducks (with a distinctive logo on their base) have since been sighted in the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
Prove your ethical mettle, Co-op, clear the shelves of factory farmed ducks immediately!
Wildfowling involves shooting mainly migratory ducks and geese from the foreshore on marshes and estuaries around the coast.
Swans and ducks approach the side of the boats and keen eyed visitors may see moorhens and cormorants.
It must have been worrying for the lads still onboard; they really where " sitting ducks " .
In bright sunshine we were able to watch Snowy Sheathbills, Dolphin Gulls, Crested Ducks and Blackish oystercatchers at our leisure.
This unnaturally high output of eggs causes a disease -- egg peritonitis -- that is the main cause of death in laying ducks.
And don't forget the colorful puffins and sea ducks - they're all at home in this unique environment.
Ducks do n't quack all the time but can be vocal if something surprises them.
I have recently filmed Daisy the duck for Salford University disproving the urban myth that a Ducks quack doesn't echo.
Edith is in the midst of making tea so ducks behind the kettle, pretending to hunt for a dropped sugar sachet.
In winter parties of wigeon and teal are common and rarer ducks seen include velvet scoter and garganey.
The area although good for ducks did not produce a ruddy shelduck.
The cats sat, fascinated, on the fence but the ducks seemed entirely unruffled by their attention.
A wide range of fresh poultry, pheasants, wild ducks and local wild venison is also available.
Even the Council of Europe recognizes that ducks are essentially wild birds (2 ).
Worms bring spores to the surface of soil, ducks and other birds convey them or their muddy feet.
Geese, ducks and grouse are numerous about the lakes and rivers.
The synonym "gray," given by Willughby and Ray, is doubtless derived from the general colour of the species, and has its analogue in the Icelandic Grdond, applied almost indifferently, or with some distinguishing epithet, to the female of any of the freshwater ducks, and especially to both sexes of the present, in which, as stated in the text, there is comparatively little conspicuous difference of plumage in drake and duck.
Many species of water and shore birds migrate along the coast, where also others breed, as the royal, common and least terns and black skimmer; practically all the ducks are migrant species, though the wood-duck breeds.
When Loyka realized his mistake and slammed on the brakes, the archduke and his wife were sitting ducks.
Perhaps on that spring morning when Adam and Eve were driven out of Eden Walden Pond was already in existence, and even then breaking up in a gentle spring rain accompanied with mist and a southerly wind, and covered with myriads of ducks and geese, which had not heard of the fall, when still such pure lakes sufficed them.
Ducks and geese frequent it in the spring and fall, the white-bellied swallows (Hirundo bicolor) skim over it, and the peetweets (Totanus macularius) "teeter" along its stony shores all summer.
How much fairer than the pool before the farmer's door, in which his ducks swim!
Not seeing any ducks, he hid his boat on the north or back side of an island in the pond, and then concealed himself in the bushes on the south side, to await them.
A "plump" of ducks rose at the same time and took the route to the north in the wake of their noisier cousins.
Mention must be made of the neighbors happily quacking ducks for those with sensitive ears !
I have recently filmed Daisy the Duck for Salford University disproving the urban myth that a Ducks Quack does n't echo.
Make ripples on the pond to direct the food toward the ducks.
Shoveler ducks have varied from 1 - 7 pairs and are winter visitors.
Driven to one of the fifteen slaughterhouses licensed to kill ducks in the UK; his journey could take hours.
Have you ever seen ducks swimming in the sea?
We looked for Terns but no luck however five Long Tailed Ducks near the Gaelic College were a real highlight.
The tame ducks were tethered at the entrance of the traps and the more ' calling ' the ducks did the better.
Some children play the rabbits, the ducks and the thieving weasels while the audience learns and sings the chorus of four songs.
There are a few white ducks, some swimming in the water and others waddling about on the banks.
The logo is the word " Ducks " spelled out with a webbed foot for the " D ".
Egyptian and Spur-winged Geese were fairly numerous, but we only found one flock of White-faced Ducks.
Without the presence of Ruddy ducks, the White-headed duck population in Spain is thought to be self-sustaining.
Even the Council of Europe recognizes that ducks are essentially wild birds (2).
If you wait until all of your financial ducks are in a row, you may be too old to conceive naturally.
Ladybugs, vehicles, baby animals, the alphabet and ducks are popular shower themes.
View their garden ornament catalog, which offers sales of everything from hand-carved teak ducks to pineapple-shaped stepping-stones.
The menu consisted of quite a large number of different kinds of foods, including wild birds like swans, ducks, partridge, geese, and turkeys.
Parenting by Nature offers organic cotton soft toys and natural rubber ducks and giraffes.
Type A viruses are found in many different animals, including ducks, chickens, pigs, whales, horses, and seals.
Display a painting of a pair of mandarin ducks or peach blossoms for a happy marriage.
A pair of Mandarin ducks is very beneficial to a marriage or love affair.
In real life, the ducks choose a new partner every year, so the nature of the fowl is in contradiction to the symbolism of fidelity.
Whatever the origin of its designation, a pair of Mandarin ducks is a long-standing symbol.
You can find a red mystic knot tied to an amulet of two mandarin ducks carved out of jade.
The two most prominent ones are a pair of Mandarin ducks or a pair of cranes.
Mandarin ducks represent eternal love and fidelity.
It is far preferable to have all your financial ducks in a row before jumping into real estate investing, let alone the mortgage application process.
This means line up all your ducks in a row before you ever go on leave.
You might even attract ducks in autumn and, depending upon where you live, a skating pond in winter.
If they are obsessive about rubber ducks for example, list rubber ducks.
The Babbling Bayou indulges kids' love of water play with a variety of fun items, such as boats, ducks, toys, and spouts.
Check out their wildlife, seasonal, Dreamsicle, Tropicana, and Ducks Unlimited checks.
Sew different buttons on the edge for decoration, using buttons in soft pastels, or in shapes of ducks or flowers.
The Anaheim Ducks used the song for their pregame video for the second half of the 2008 season.
You know, these ducks are the reason I agreed to go out with you.
There are also many kinds of game birds, pigeons, ducks, geese, plovers and quails.
Pheasants, ducks, geese and snipe are abundant, and Dr C. Collingwood in his Naturalist's Rambles in the China Seas mentions .Ardea prasinosceles and other species of herons, several species of fly-catchers, kingfishers, shrikes and larks, the black drongo, the Cotyle sinensis and the Prinia sonitans.
Wild geese and ducks, grouse, partridges, snipe, woodcock, quails, widgeons and teal are plentiful all over the country, and in recent years preserves have been largely stocked with pheasants.
Geese and ducks of different sorts were bred in countless numbers by the farmers, also pigeons and quails, and in the early ages cranes.
Geese, ducks and other water fowl frequent the lakes and bays in the migratory season, and eagles, gulls, hawks, kingfishers, owls, plover, woodcock, " partridge " (ruffed grouse), robins, orioles, bobolinks, blue birds, swallows, sparrows, and many other insectivorous birds are common.
His life was one of incessant eager questioning of nature on all sides, and his many and varied works all bear the stamp of a fresh and original genius, capable of stating and solving problems in all departments of science - at one time finding the true explanation of "ducks and drakes" (formerly attributed to the elasticity of water) and at another helping to lay the foundations of our modern vulcanology and meteorology.
Some British authors have referred to the latter of these well-marked species certain Ducks that from time to time occur, but they are doubtless hybrids, though the secret of their parentage may be unknown; and in this way a so-called Bimaculated Duck, Anas bimaculata, was for many years erroneously admitted as a good species to the British list, but of late this has been properly discarded.
I saw great big turkeys, geese, guineas, ducks and many others.
If your school features a fountain, fill it with soap bubbles or add hundreds of rubber ducks in the early morning hours before school begins.
Rubber ducky - You can float rubber ducks in all the toilets and sinks in the school.
A cute couple of bride and groom rubber ducks may be a funny wedding cake topper, but it would be inappropriate for a formal black tie event.
These cakes can be done in a variety of shapes, like ducks, cars, or even frogs for fairytale themed weddings.
Cranes, bamboo, ducks, flower blossoms, and birds often make up some of the designs on the uchikake.
Trendy motifs include beach scenes, rubber ducks, cartoon characters, land and sea animals, and floral scenes or landscapes.
Although Jake Gyllenhaal auditioned for and won roles in several movies, including The Mighty Ducks, his parents only allowed him to appear in his father's films.
You can also put a smile on your toddler's face with animal-themed raincoats, including ducks, frogs, ladybugs, birds, dragonflies and more.
Don't be surprised to find wooden ducks sitting on shelves, cow clocks on the walls and homemade cookie jars and flour canisters on the counter.
This is one type of repair when you want all your ducks in a row, including knowing how to use tools and supplies without having to keep referring to an operating manual.
Bright October has a bunch of organic plush toys, from chickens and rabbits to ducks and seals.
Cool off after a long day in the park in the Fantasia pool, the Mighty Ducks "pond" pool, or the kiddie pool designed just for the youngsters in your party.
At the music resort, the swimming pools are shaped like a guitar and a grand piano while Sorcerer Mickey presides over one All-Star Movies pool and while the Mighty Ducks’ hockey rink plays host to another.
You stood in one spot and tried to shoot the ducks who would fly by on your screen.
Random ducks also appear for bonus points.