Dry-land Sentence Examples
That city, like Ravenna, originally stood in the midst of a lagoon; and the coast east of it to near Monfalcone, where it meets the mountains, is occupied by similar expanses of water, which are, however, becoming gradually converted into dry land.
The area of the dry land was taken as 28.3% of the surface of the globe, and that of the oceans as 71.7%.
The forms of the dry land are of infinite variety, and have been studied in great detail.'
The greater part of western Asia, including the basin of the Obi, the drainage area of the Aral Sea, together with Afghanistan, Baluchistan, Persia and Arabia, was covered by the sea during the later stages of the Cretaceous period; but a considerable part 3f this region was probably dry land in Jurassic times.
At the same time a portion of the port was set apart as a free harbour, altogether an area of 750 acres of water and 1750 acres of dry land.
During the Triassic and Jurassic periods even the basin of the Amazon appears to have been dry land.
When used on light dry land it tends to make the land drier, since it destroys the humus which so largely assists in keeping water in the soil.
In the Hebrew scriptures the waters were gathered together in one place at the word of God, and the dry land appeared.
There is no reason to suppose that any considerable part of the vast area now covered by the waters of the Pacific has ever been exposed as dry land.
The erosion of the region must have been far advanced, perhaps practically completed, in very ancient times, for the even surface of the peneplain is overlapped by fossiliferous marine strata of early geological date (Cambrian); and this shows that a depression of the region beneath an ancient sea took place after a long existence as dry land.
AdvertisementNevertheless, the difference between the deposits on the two sides of the chain shows that the central ridge was dry land during at least a part of the period.
No marine deposits younger than those just mentioned - all belonging to a pre-Cambrian epoch - are found in the central portion of Finland; and the greater part of the country has probably been dry land since Palaeozoic times.
On the west the North Sea and Cattegat were also dry land.
Thus the state is to be conceived, in geological history, as gradually built up around an Archean island in successive seas, the whole of the state becoming dry land after the post-Carboniferous uplift.
Tillage operations on such land are easily interrupted by rain, and the period always much limited in which they can be prosecuted at all; the compactness and toughness of the soil renders each operation more arduous, and its repetition more necessary than in the case of dry land.
AdvertisementAfter Devonian times the region seems to have been dry land until the commencement of the Upper Cretaceous period, when it was overspread by the Cenomanian sea, and the deposits of that sea lie flat upon the older sediments.
In Bohemia and Moravia the whole of the beds from the Cambrian to the Lower Carboniferous are of marine origin; but after the Carboniferous period the area appears to have been dry land until the beginning of the Upper Cretaceous period, when the sea again spread over it.
The terramara, in spite of local differences, is of typical form; it is a settlement, trapezoidal in form, built upon piles on dry land protected by an earthwork strengthened on the inside by buttresses, and encircled by a wide moat supplied with running water.
Hence Pigorini regards the terramara people as an Aryan lake-dwelling people who invaded the north of Italy in two waves from Central Europe (the Danube valley) in the end of the stone age and the beginning of the bronze age, bringing with them the building tradition which led them to erect pile dwellings on dry land.
I think Clare got a massive hug from me when we eventually ended the day and was on dry land yet again.
AdvertisementA champion jet skier down under, McConnell is now even more successful on dry land.
The Descent Module uses parachutes to slow its fall, enabling it to make a soft landing on dry land.
Some of the most profound changes that have taken place on this globe occurred in Mesozoic times, and a great portion of Australia was already dry land when vast tracts of Europe and Asia were submerged; in this sense, therefore, Australia has been rightly referred to as one of the oldest existing land surfaces.
Great Britain has likewise taken the lead in those deep-sea explorations which reveal to us the configuration of the sea-bottom, and enable us to construct charts of the ocean bed corresponding to the contoured maps of dry land yielded by topographical surveys.
The improved cultural conditions become apparent in the multiplication of the varieties of tools, weapons and ornaments made possible by the more adaptable qualities of the new material; and that the development of the Bronze age culture in the lake dwellings followed the same course as in the surrounding regions where the people dwelt on the dry land is evident from the correspondence of the types of implements, weapons, ornaments and utensils common to both these conditions of life.
AdvertisementIt was not always dry land where we dwell.
With only a few hours in the Bahamas, there is no time for figuring out your plans once you get on dry land.
Endurance is required to swim for two long enough to make it back to dry land.
Either a poor instructor or a near-drowning experience chased them back onto dry land and they've never been tempted to go anywhere near water again.
Millions of years ago, ocean waters covered much of what is now dry land.
Its sporty and sophisticated design means it's equally at home on dry land.