Drugs Sentence Examples
She'd done research on the drugs; they were antipsychotics, anti-anxiety pills and a bunch of other fun drugs.
The price of the drugs and the tariff for dispensing prescriptions is fixed by government authority.
Drugs can affect an unborn baby through the mother's bloodstream.
Some people can stop taking benzodiazepines or Z drugs with little difficulty.
I thought you were involved in drugs or contraband of some sort... you were so secretive.
Drugs called anticholinergics, sometimes in combination with clean intermittent catheterisation, are commonly used for bladder problems.
Some drugs, eg beta blockers, can diminish sex drive.
Force his opponent drugs booze or official wpt logo.
The Colombian drugs cartels work the other way around.
A particular form of mystical experience, cosmic consciousness (CC ), occurred spontaneously; no mind altering drugs were used.
AdvertisementAccording to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 20% of the United States population has taken prescription drugs for non-medical purposes in their lifetime.
We also explain how schools can take an effective whole-school approach to drugs.
I was to have a room full of people, the labor augmented with drugs, and an epidural.
Other drugs are frequently prescribed and used together with steroids to improve or maintain the condition including azathioprine and cyclosporin.
Colin has personally driven the drugs agenda in Bradford, securing the backing of local authorities and partners to address drugs issues.
AdvertisementThe animal experimentation involved in Cold Buster's development included rats being frozen, starved, and injected with drugs, including barbiturates.
Anesthesia can be induced by barbiturate or non-barbiturate drugs.
While government wages war on drugs, it remains almost silent about these, the biggest drug peddlers of all - the tobacco barons.
For patients on other sedative drugs, including benzodiazepines or alcohol, the starting dose should not be more than 20 mg daily.
One possibility involves using bioluminescence to study how drugs work in laboratory animals.
AdvertisementThe side effects occur when drugs are given to reverse the effects of these neuromuscular blockers.
Ms Franklin, a stunning brunette, is serving four years for drugs offenses in a Texas jail.
Sniffer dog Quint helps to save the bumblebee Some sniffer dogs sniff out drugs.
Caesareanple is a woman in labor refusing a cesarean; or a pregnant drug addict who will not give up drugs.
A further project, funded by the School, aims to develop methodologies for stability assessment of drugs using isothermal calorimetry.
AdvertisementWe also told how she nearly blacked out after smoking super-strength skunk cannabis in another drugs binge in Ibiza last month.
An appendix of drugs used in equine cardiology is included.
So New Labor is failing to tackle two causes of crime, drink and drugs.
Blood was passed through activated charcoal to remove the drugs.
If you live in the UK and take anti-epileptic drugs, you do not have to pay prescription charges.
Imagine as an aspiring chemist you have 100 potential drugs you wish to develop.
Since my chemo treatment I'm having terrible arthritic pain which the nurse said was perhaps a reaction to chemo treatment I'm having terrible arthritic pain which the nurse said was perhaps a reaction to chemo drugs.
Perhaps, the most interesting role of second-line chemotherapy is to identify new potentially active drugs, which can be moved up-front.
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy chemotherapy and radiotherapy Chemotherapy drugs are often given together with surgery, particularly if the cancer has spread beyond the testicles.
Dopamine blocking drugs are frequently the first choice of treatment, Eg haloperidol chlorpromazine, trifluoperazine, sulphiride and pimozide.
Drugs that may decrease PTH include cimetidine and propranolol.
Studies were excluded if they used cisplatin and carboplatin in the same arm or used drugs not considered established cytotoxics.
Drugs that are often investigated in combination with radiotherapy include cisplatin, capecitabine and 5FU.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006 A major clampdown targeting people attempting to smuggle drugs into HMP Leeds is enjoying continued success.
Many of these proteins are also cleaved by proteases, and these enzyme activities are targets of drugs that stop invasion.
Our strategy is to focus on drugs prescribed by specialist clinicians, a market we can service effectively with our planned specialist sales force.
She'd had enough when she found out I was taking drugs - by the age of 18 I was sniffing cocaine and heroine.
Some anti sickness drugs are drugs normally used to treat other conditions.
Other girls reveal a sexual awareness which stretches to strawberry flavored condoms whilst still more complain about poor quality drugs.
But Petar Merkov, the Bulgarian who finished second, is involved in a drugs controversy which could yet see him disqualified.
It demonstrates what drug law reformers have been saying for decades, that the war on drugs has failed and is often actively counterproductive.
Police say reports of nuisance are up; violent crime is on the increase; hard drugs are rife.
The issue of drugs was also linked to armed criminality in the area.
Medications, drugs, and x-ray dye can also crystallize in urine.
The vicious cycle of compounding one's depression by having to deal with hair loss makes these drugs a thing worth trying to avoid.
Other medicines used in JDM now include cyclosporine, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide and anti-TNF drugs.
Drugs that induce cytochrome P450 activity may reduce the availability of some protease inhibitors by increasing first pass metabolism.
Many oral drugs are metabolized by cytochromes from the P450 family in the liver.
The Governmentâs former drugs czar, Keith Hellawell, resigned over the change in policy.
The therapeutic scenario has moved from dapsone monotherapy in the 1970s to MDT using drugs such as dapsone monotherapy in the 1970s to MDT using drugs such as dapsone, rifampicin and clofazimine.
It is unlikely that patients with a history of benzodiazepine dependence will respond normally to these drugs ' .
But alcohol and drugs can be very useful accomplices for depression, with their physiologically depressant effects giving a boost to the depression spiral.
Inevitably, pain killers, drugs, and sleep deprivation all add to the stress load.
Halliwell's Film Guide - Familiar fare of police corruption, drugs and inner-city deprivation, enlivened by its direction and dry wit.
Options for treatment if it gets too large might include diathermy, laser treatment, surgery or drugs to shrink the gland.
Janet is studying for a post graduate diploma in Drugs Information.
Targets for drugs designed to treat many human diseases will often be such human proteins.
Clearly identifiable amnesty bins will be available for the safe disposal of illegal drugs.
Examples of these drugs include diuretics containing potassium supplements, compound inhalers, and various drugs of limited clinical value.
But I was using healing and yoga instead of drugs to unlock the doors.
Medicine used in the treatment of mild muscle pain includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs ).
Possible side effects Many people worry about the possible side effects of anti-epileptic drugs.
The possession of illicit drugs in some countries carries very severe penalties.
There are several forms of treatment a... to take a form of prescription drugs to try to prevent the.. .
Mouth Problems Mouth Care Overview chemotherapy drugs are a group of strong drugs that are used to treat cancers.
This again reflects the enormous preclinical research effort dedicated to oncology, and the relatively restricted number of marketed anticancer drugs.
A side effect of some anti-depressant drugs is dry mouth.
A few women may experience a small increase in the number of seizures when taking certain hormone-based fertility drugs.
We help drug addicts, but we test offenders for drugs and if theyre positive, we demand they get treatment.
Today, there are a range of different drugs and treatments which can be used to combat erectile dysfunction.
Cocktail therapy In some patients, mostly with severe generalized dystonia, a combination of drugs may be used.
Some drugs may not cause dystonia but may aggravate the pre-existing disorder.
The drugs have gone a long way in alleviating the pains, but I still feel my life gradually ebbing away.
The second echelon was the destruction of capitalism through by their own money through drugs " .
As a result various quantities of illegal drugs including ecstasy, amphetamine and cannabis were recovered.
One is that licensed drugs already have proven efficacy by virtue of their approval for use in this country.
There is evidence that drugs that stimulate or increase the levels of GABA in the brain may delay ejaculation.
These drugs will help keep the clot from increasing in size and help prevent pulmonary embolism.
Anticoagulant drugs are commonly used to prevent problems such as strokes from blood-clot embolism.
Nor was it the case that the prohibition of drugs was a response to their sudden emergence in Western societies.
These drugs are called anti sickness drugs, anti nausea drugs or anti emetics.
Cytosolic entry of bisphosphonate drugs requires acidification of vesicles after fluid-phase endocytosis.
The only performance-enhancing drugs he might have taken were hot dogs and beer; but he also played against an opposition enfeebled by racism.
Inhibition of CYP2D6 may lead to increased plasma concentrations of co-administered drugs metabolized by this enzyme.
Similarly improved drugs for the control of epilepsy has decreased the hazards of status epileptics.
Drugs to treat epilepsy are called anti-epileptics or anti- epileptics or anti- epileptic medicines.
Other drugs are available for patients unable to tolerate erythromycin.
Birth control pills that contain estrogen may not be as effective while you are taking tetracycline drugs.
Charities are arguing the drugs have been shown to extend life expectancy by four to five months in some patients.
Some groups may be sexually exploitative or use drugs or wine irresponsibly.
In early 2004 it was also announced that the NCI had commenced exploratory Phase I/II studies with tariquidar in combination with various cytotoxic drugs.
The following section has been designed to provide factual, accurate information on drugs.
Several other drugs can be tried for treating feline LPE.
The murders followed a feud over ice-cream routes connected with the distribution of drugs.
Further advances in the field await the development of safe, effective drugs that will enhance fibrinolysis.
Drugs can be used to help shrink the fibroid, in severe cases the only option is to undergo a hysterectomy.
Could be sold fair or poor drugs generic formulary.
Most of the world these days is demonstrating the futility of trying to ban drugs.
Other effects related to acid inhibition During treatment with antisecretory drugs, serum gastrin increases in response to the decreased acid secretion.
The drugs increase the number of transporters, chemicals that remove glutamate from nerves.
It belongs to a class of drugs known as digitalis glycosides.
Alternatively, some drugs induce the formation of true autoantibodies, which are able to bind granulocytes in the absence of any drug.
Neighborhood Threat features drugs, booze and professional Japanese groupies.
The war on drugs is clearly focused on those areas where the left wing guerrilla movements are located.
The current best guesstimate is that about 60% of medical research is funded by the drugs industry.
I work with Drug dependant people who are either trying to quit the habit, trying to stay off drugs.
Many drug misusers, however, take a cocktail of drugs and alcohol including hallucinogens, cannabis and prescribed drugs such as benzodiazepines.
This group of drugs was originally developed to treat major psychoses (eg schizophrenia) and includes haloperidol and droperidol.
Findings Most trials have compared the atypical antipsychotics with placebo or conventional drugs (e.g. haloperidol ).
So what you are basically saying is ' if you do hard drugs, there is a good chance something bad will happen '?
There are reports of false positive serum HCG results due to several different compounds (not drugs) that may interfere with the test.
At first the young hoodlum thought it was the drugs in his system playing up.
Children with these conditions will require more services from physicians, more prescription drugs and more hospitalizations.
Balabanova, alongside her normal research into the metabolism of drugs, started requesting samples of other ancient human remains from universities.
In a general sense, improved understanding will lead naturally on to potential control methods such as drugs, vaccines and improved animal husbandry.
This is the reason why some subcutaneous injections and drugs in creams or ointments include a small amount of the enzyme hyaluronidase.
This may involve hypnotism, drugs, psychological pressure, blackmail or other inducements which undermine your free will.
Such wastes include used hypodermic syringes frequently with a needle still attached and small vessels or vials that contained medicines (drugs ).
Antipsychotic drugs These drugs are used to treat hypomania.
Too much of these drugs can cause hypothyroidism and regular blood tests are needed to check the correct amount has been taken.
This class of drugs is quite large, and among many others, also includes ibuprofen.
Another common immunodeficiency occurs following treatment with drugs which damage the immune system.
Sleeping pills sedate the mind only, and have no effect on reversing the physical immunosuppression induced by these drugs.
The Misuse of Drugs Act seems impervious to amendment or repeal.
Norway also forbids the importation of fireworks, guns, drugs and potatoes.
The supply of drugs even under the oil for food program is still hopelessly inadequate.
Oh and I have some more drugs to take, to control the chronic indigestion I get as side effects.
In an age of zero-tolerance toward drugs, what she did seems inexcusable.
At present, it is not recommended that persons traveling to countries affected by avian influenza carry antiviral drugs.
These drugs were administered by intraarterial one-shot infusion twice every three weeks.
The two drugs covered by last year's trials were COX-2 inhibitors.
Armstrong vehemently denies such insinuations and has never failed a drugs test.
So it seems particularly invidious to encourage the use of other smokable drugs, such as cannabis.
However, they tended to have become involved with drugs at an earlier age than recreational users.
Drugs, which directly trigger happiness in users, provoke irectly trigger happiness in users, provoke ire.
Patients receive a new combination of drugs to prevent the body from rejecting the transplanted islets.
As long as you love the baby Jesus and don't do drugs now, you cannot faulter.
Withholding drugs on the economically justifiable grounds of protection of property rights, is an obvious disgrace in humanistic terms.
The FDA has been notoriously lax in dealing with the misuse of drugs in the dairy industry.
The illegal trade in humans, drugs and money is the financial lifeblood of terrorism.
The annual cost of providing the drugs necessary to, hopefully, increase the life span of the children, is £ 26,000.
They had been living a lavish lifestyle over a four year period principally funded from the proceeds of illegal drugs trafficking.
Statins remain the drugs of first choice for reducing low-density lipoproteins (LDL ).
Effect of plant stanol tablets on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering in patients on statin drugs.
Liposome drugs are standard chemotherapy drugs used to treat KS that are put inside microscopic bubbles of fat called liposome drugs are standard chemotherapy drugs used to treat KS that are put inside microscopic bubbles of fat called liposomes.
Similar drugs are used to treat all three varieties of skin lupus.
Other topics discussed include rapid diagnostic tests, counterfeit drugs, seasonal prophylaxis, and vivax malaria.
In fact many drugs are marketed despite causing malformations in laboratory animals.
The film is a story of drugs, gangs and bloody mayhem with a pinch of black humor thrown in.
If you are on this class of drugs for underlying epilepsy you should not discontinue this medication without first consulting your doctor.
Drugs Many people take prescribed medication on either a short term or long term basis.
A run down on legal and illegal drugs and how long drug tests are able to pick up drug metabolites.
Review concluding that these drugs should be reserved for patients unresponsive to at least two other disease modifying drugs, including methotrexate.
Reports for 38 studies were identified in which drugs were used to prevent migraine.
Liposomes are tiny hollow molecules, measuring just one millionth of a millimeter, which are used to carry drugs to the body.
Themes include bullying, drugs misuse & healthy eating.
The vast majority of people who have used drugs at some stage in their lives do not become problematic drug misusers.
Cautious use in people with allergy to sulpha drugs is advised as celecoxib has a sulphonamide moiety.
Pain is controlled by strong pain killing drugs delivered continuously via a drip (e.g. morphine ).
Effective drugs for combating motion sickness include antihistamines, antimuscarinics, 5-HT1A (serotonergic) receptor agonists and neurokinin type 1 receptor antagonists.
There are few drugs at clinicians ' disposal to help patients with chronic lung disease who also produce excess mucus.
A former Sandy Upper schoolgirl is starting the New Year in a Greek jail accused of being a drugs mule.
Other medications may be given in the same way, for example drugs to treat nausea.
The two other approved drugs include disulfiram, sold as Antabuse, which makes people nauseous when they mix it with alcohol.
These drugs induce necrosis of the parasite but also produce unwanted side-effects in treated animals.
They also produce some ' false negatives ' with supposed antidepressant drugs ' .
Hypertension, Dialysis, and clinical nephrology - links to medical products, devices, services, and drugs pertaining and papers.
There are also certain drugs which have a potential for causing neuropathy.
Once in the brain drugs affect chemicals called neurotransmitters.
By designing drugs to affect specific neurotransmitters or neuroreceptors, drugs can be targeted at different parts of the nervous system.
However, as street drugs, the alkyl nitrites (usually butyl nitrite) come in small bottles with screw or plug tops.
Methotrexate should be used with caution in patients taking drugs known to have antifolate potential including nitrous oxide and trimethoprim.
Drugs included Topical nystatin is effective against Candida (but not against dermatophyte infections, thus requiring a definite diagnosis ).
Mental health patients using opiates were more likely to receive substance misuse interventions than patients using other drugs.
Drugs of misuse include opiates such as heroin, stimulants such as cocaine and crack, hallucinogens such as LSD, and cannabis.
Such drugs rapidly destroy the pool of infecting organisms.
How are decisions made about prescribing of anti-psychotic drugs for psychiatric outpatients?
The following table lists some of the common drugs that can cause parkinsonism.
The fact that he sells drugs to kids is just a personal pet peeve.
This has lead to near catastrophic delays in recognizing the harm of smoking to humans or the benefits of certain drugs including penicillin.
Medicine has used natural product drugs for many years e.g. penicillin.
The rosy periwinkle, meanwhile, yields drugs which help treat diabetes.
So huge fields of Madagascan periwinkles are grown, mainly in China and India, especially to extract the drugs.
The authors set out to identify whether levetiracetam, the newest of the anti-epileptic drugs, influences the pharmacokinetics of steroid oral contraceptives.
Analytical expertise also supports experimental and clinical pharmacokinetics, including support for clinical trials involving new drugs at Mount Vernon Hospital and elsewhere.
Prochlorperazine (Stemetil) belongs to the group of drugs called phenothiazines.
The improvements were mainly physical (96% of residents liked their house or flat ), the deterioration related to drugs and vandalism.
If you suspect someone has swallowed a poison or an overdose of drugs and they appear to be unconscious, try to rouse them.
For palliative care, some additional Poms are recommended for inclusion but strong opiod controlled drugs are not.
These range from drugs and firearms to hardcore pornography and animal products from endangered species.
Why do we not see the regulatory pragmatism applied to alcohol, applied to all drugs?
A NEW novel by a lifelong Eastender that tackles love, drugs and racism in the East End is winning praise from all quarters.
Drugs commonly used to suppress the immune system after transplant include prednisone, azathioprine (Imuran ), cyclosporin, OKT3 and ALG.
Among the POMs that can be prescribed by independent nurse prescribed by independent nurse prescribers are oral antihistamines, eye drops, nasal steroids and other nasal drugs.
Remind your doctor if you are taking probenecid or metoclopramide as these drugs may affect the level of Ciproxin in your blood.
In some workplaces, for example there may be an absolute prohibition on possession of alcohol or drugs.
The useful drugs include propranolol, metoprolol and atenolol.
Some patients with palpitations and tremor may benefit from drugs called beta-blockers, e.g. propranolol.
Susie agrees to become a prostitute to help Donna pay back the money she owes Des for drugs.
The new drugs inhibit or interfere with the viral protease.
The Federal Drug Agency approved the first of a potent new family of anti-HIV drugs called protease inhibitors.
We especially believe that the inclusion of local health services is essential, particularly psychiatric services and drugs projects.
These drugs are sometimes used to treat patients with a low platelet count due to idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP ).
Thus the screening project will identify not just potential agents against smallpox but also putative anti-cancer drugs.
Aspirin (in adults) and ibuprofen (in children) are the only nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs licensed to treat pyrexia.
It all sounds very quaint to us now, yet alcohol abuse kills far more people in the UK today than illegal drugs.
They demanded money, drugs and made threats to kill. They then ransacked the house before making off in a car.
Kicked out of the army, he becomes an isolated recluse in a drugs infested London estate.
Many drugs in common use can cause the red cells to break down in this condition.
Patients who fail the second-line regimen will be offered the best combination available from the first and second line drugs.
Repeat prescribing We looked at repeat prescribing We looked at repeat prescribing, concentrating on expensive drugs.
Although both drugs have specific antagonists available, care should be taken not to depress respiration too much.
One obvious retort is a steady diet of hard drugs.
These are all drugs known as nucleoside analogs, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs ).
The team say, " We have removed a major roadblock to the development of new drugs from the sea.
Promethazine may mask the warning signs of ototoxicity caused by ototoxic drugs e.g. salicylates.
Instead of drugs or the surgeon's scalpel, stem cells could become the body's own ' repair kit ' .
Should we really be so scathing of Cameron's involvement with drugs?
All the newer drugs are thought to be effective in treating schizophrenia.
Personally if I found some low life scum selling drugs to my kids I would not stop at giving them a kicking.
Police had initially entered the property on a drugs search warrant and found small amounts of heroin and cannabis.
Propofol sedation has allowed control of spasms and rigidity without the use of neuromuscular blocking drugs.
With some chemotherapy drugs, it can be quite severe.
Various sedative drugs can reduce the severity of vertigo during attacks.
You don't need to know the slang, all you need to know is how the drugs affect them.
Why were they not raiding a drugs den or a human trafficking sex slave brothel instead?
Clearly at the moment the IAAF has banned a whole smorgasbord of drugs in competition.
Nursing points Increased absorption occurs when oral docusate sodium is taken alone and not within an hour of other drugs.
This may lead to the potential to design increasingly sophisticated, highly targeted drugs in the future.
Prescribing a statin is likely to be low on the list of priorities, particularly where many drugs are already prescribed.
Depending on any prescribed drugs being taken, nerve stimulants may also be appropriate in the short term.
Even before new drugs are developed, the genetics of complex diseases will have an impact in allowing stratification of patients for drug trials.
While awaiting the ESR result she was treated with analgesics rather than anti-inflammatory drugs because of a history of hiatus hernia and oesophageal stricture.
Since 1986 in the in vitro fertilization program of the clinic nearly 1,500 patients were treated with effected ovulation induction drugs causing superovulation.
While most drugs are taken by mouth (orally) some are given by suppository or by injection.
Visitors will be asked to voluntarily surrender any drugs detected by the dogs.
The drugs swoop has been planned for more than three months and has involved intelligence gathering and observation techniques.
This raises the possibility of future drugs being able to provide a cure, rather than alleviating the symptoms of the disease.
These drugs reduce blood pressure, resulting in a reflex tachycardia that may exacerbate angina.
It appeared that these symptoms recurred each time he injected intravenously a mixture of drugs containing talc.
Such a novel mode of action was believed to make taxol a prototype for a new class of anticancer drugs.
This situation was no doubt exacerbated by the Crianlarich station tearoom brunch, the heat and the drugs.
The constant temptation to cheat by using dangerous performance enhancing drugs is also a scandal.
Bleomycin is frequently used as one of the drugs in multiple chemotherapy regimes (e.g. squamous cell carcinoma, testicular teratoma, lymphoma ).
Bacteria getting into the body through a wound, or through injecting drugs cause tetanus.
This is particularly worrying, as many drugs used to treat fish are also used in human medicine, e.g. tetracycline and chloramphenicol.
Drugs to dissolve the thrombus - thrombolytic drugs - may be given during the first 48 hours after formation of the blood clot.
The Center will conduct clinical trials into new anti-cancer drugs.
Despite their long-term use and limited number, little is understood on how these drugs kill trypanosomes.
Use of drugs (chemotherapy ), livestock resistant breeds or insecticides helps protect livestock and control animal trypanosomiasis.
The Government's own drugs tsar was against it.
The appointment of Britain's first drugs tsar four years ago raised hopes of a radical policy shift.
The only cure for hard drugs is cold turkey.
The main types of drugs of abuse We can also classify drugs of abuse by their effects.
Or even because of the rumors doing the rounds when he arrived in Spain - utterly unfounded - that he took drugs.
Do you become unpopular by saying no to drugs or to stealing?
This often leads to drug misuse or even unscrupulous supply of out of date drugs.
The money was also used to purchase 2 transport backpacks to carry a portable ventilator, respiratory equipment & the relevant emergency drugs.
It also says the military government in Yangon refuses to hand over known drugs warlords and tolerates money laundering.
Don't try any home remedies or over-the-counter drugs to remove warts on the genital area.
U know all about the drugs, n wheres n wens etc?
It is time to acknowledge the war on drugs is just not winnable.
The last thing we need is a General leading a ' war on drugs ' against the nation's youth.
The materia medica of the Chinese at the present date affords an excellent illustration of the changes that have taken place in the use of drugs, and of the theories and superstitions that have guided the selection of these from the earliest ages, inasmuch as it still comprises articles that were formerly used in medicine, but have now been utterly discarded.
In course of time the knowledge of drugs, and consequently the number in use, gradually increased, and some of the preparations made in accordance with the art attained a celebrity that lasted for centuries.
He is neither to increase nor to diminish the physician's prescription; he is neither to buy nor to sell rotten drugs.
It is a physiological antagonist of chloral hydrate, morphine and physostigmine, and may be given in poisoning by these drugs.
But very often refreshment is undoubtedly obtained from such narcotic sleep. It may be supposed that in the latter case the effect of the drug has been to ensure occurrence of that second predisposing factor mentioned above, of that withdrawal of sense impulses from the nerve centres that serves to usher in the state of sleep. In certain conditions it may be well worth while by means of narcotic drugs to close the portals of the senses for the sake of thus obtaining stillness in the chambers of the mind; their enforced quietude may induce a period in which natural rest and repair continue long after the initial unnatural arrest of vitality due to the drug itself has passed away.
About this time Buchheim, professor of materia medica in Dorpat from 1846 to 1879, founded the first pharmacological laboratory on modern lines in Europe, and he introduced a more rational classification of drugs than had hitherto been in use, arranging them in groups according to their pharmacological actions.
Berlu in his Treasury of Drugs (1690) describes it as of "an infatuating quality and pernicious use."
In the 1970s, we got MRIs, laser eye surgery, CT scans, and antiviral drugs.
Due to genetic factors we will certainly learn about in the future, some drugs and treatments do not work on certain people.
These drugs are sometimes used to treat patients with a low platelet count due to idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP).
Pedophiles should be treated severely, but then so should pushers of hard drugs.
Reb returns from solitary and agrees to deal drugs for Marie.
Analgesic rebound headache suggests the problem exists only with this class of drugs, which is not the case.
This is because there is a high instance of seizures recurring when drugs are stopped.
When tumors acquire multi-drug resistance, become refractory and cause relapse after first-line chemotherapy, their responses to routine drugs are greatly compromised.
A variety of relaxant drugs are in use in different parts of the world.
Repeat Prescribing We looked at repeat prescribing, concentrating on expensive drugs.
These are all drugs known as nucleoside analogs, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs).
The team say, We have removed a major roadblock to the development of new drugs from the sea.
These drugs can be the key to a successful salvage regimen.
Instead of drugs or the surgeon 's scalpel, stem cells could become the body 's own ' repair kit '.
Should we really be so scathing of Cameron 's involvement with drugs?
Most people need to take their drugs on a long term basis to lessen the risk of onset of another schizophrenic episode.
Some drugs must be administered in large doses to control schizophrenic symptoms.
The reports all related to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor group of drugs.
Cambridgeshire 's performance in stripping the wealth from drugs dealers and other major lawbreakers has put it seventh in a national league table.
You do n't need to know the slang, all you need to know is how the drugs affect them.
Guns and ammunition are much more difficult to smuggle through customs than drugs are !
Was n't much of a lateral career shift to work in vise so I helped the police sniff out drugs as well.
Latest research seems to indicate that you might be able to get it just from snorting drugs through rolled up bank notes.
Was he ever tempted to seek solace in drink or drugs?
The drugs work by relaxing the sphincter muscles to increase the flow of urine.
This consists of stealing from shops, burning cars, buying and selling drugs and spraying graffiti.
You 're mounted on a motor bike and must crush stashes of drugs and collect crystals.
Spending on statin drugs, vital for treating heart disease was £ 113 million compared to £ 750 million today.
The study also looked at the risks of suicidal behavior with patients on drugs.
Many lupus patients are highly sensitive to sulfa drugs.
A simple way of getting round this is to take the drugs in suppository form.
Normal treatment includes steroids, which cannot be taken long-term, and immune suppressant drugs.
They also interact with indirectly acting sympathomimetic agents producing hypertensive crisis (directly acting drugs are thought to be safer).
I am tapering off very slowly using the two separate drugs.
Bleomycin is frequently used as one of the drugs in multiple chemotherapy regimes (e.g. squamous cell carcinoma, testicular teratoma, lymphoma).
More recent studies with vancomycin and teicoplanin have shown that the thrombocytopenia associated with these drugs is also antibody mediated.
Morphine and similar drugs titrated up for pain control, and even sedatives in the terminal phase of illness, do not shorten life.
Similar life-threatening consequences occur when large areas of necrotic epidermis are shed in toxic epidermal necrolysis, in adults usually due to drugs.
Toxicology tests taken have found no presence of illegal drugs in her system.
They fail to predict the effects of drugs with tragic consequences.
The most common antiviral drugs for HIV are reverse transcriptase inhibitors.
Both drugs act by terminating the growth of the DNA chain and inhibiting the reverse transcriptase enzyme of HIV.
These drugs are very effective but they treat the symptoms of the disease, not the cause.
Sometimes, other groups of drugs such as tricyclic anti-depressants can be useful.
This specific action is thought to account for the milder side-effects seen with the SSRIs compared with the tricyclic drugs.
Use of drugs (chemotherapy), livestock resistant breeds or insecticides helps protect livestock and control animal trypanosomiasis.
The Government 's own drugs tsar was against it.
The appointment of Britain 's first drugs tsar four years ago raised hopes of a radical policy shift.
These drugs act by increasing sodium excretion in the proximal convoluted tubule of the nephron (8).
These include requests for under-the-counter payments, sale of drugs, and acceptance of kickbacks from suppliers of drugs and equipment.
These include an array of illegal activity ranging from drugs to controlling the underworld activities in the Port of Dublin.
Farmers also frequently obtained drugs from suppliers unqualified to advise on their correct usage.
It is unrealistic to imagine we can create a world without drugs.
Untitled Document... the interaction of drugs, vitamins & herbal remedies.
There is no way I want to unzip a full bag to rummage for drugs - they have to be handy at all times !
Changing anti-epileptic drugs How long it will take to gain control of the seizures varies from person to person.
The balance of benefit and risk from the routine use of vasoactive drugs in acute stroke is unclear i.
Avoiding occupational exposure to cold or vibration Stopping any vasoconstrictor drugs (unless the risks of stopping outweigh the benefits).
Other vasodilators There are still many alternative treatments available, for example, drugs acting on the central nervous system.
Do n't try any home remedies or over-the-counter drugs to remove warts on the genital area.
Among the people being questioned is former British welterweight boxing champion Kirkland Laing, who was arrested on suspicion of drugs offenses.
The last thing we need is a General leading a ' war on drugs ' against the nation 's youth.
Although certain circumstances have been linked to premature birth, such as mothers who smoke, use drugs, or drink alcohol, many premature births have no foreseeable cause.
It is important to note that these suppositories are not drugs.
The reasons for this increase vary, but they are mainly associated with the age of the mother and fertility drugs.
Fertility drugs play a major role in more multiple births as well, as does in vitro fertilization (IVF).
In fact, about 45 percent of births that are considered "assisted reproductive techniques", such as fertility drugs and IVF, are twin births.
The higher rate of multiple births is primarily due to an increase in the use of fertility drugs and the older age of many women at the time of conception.
Experts in the field tested ovulation stimulation over the next ten years using drugs such as clomiphene and human menopausal gonadotropin.
Below you will find information on how to avoid scams along with verified, legal sources to buy drugs online.