Drug-of-choice Sentence Examples
Cocaine is still seen as the upmarket club and sex drug of choice and its use confers social cachet and respectability on its users.
Choice of Drug Unless contraindicated (e.g. jaundice or known hypersensitivity ), rifampicin is the drug of choice for meningococcal chemoprophylaxis.
For suspected meningitis the drug of choice is benzyl penicillin.. .
Usually, substance abusers will feel anxiety as a side effect of their drug of choice or from withdrawal symptoms.
Acyclovir (Zovirax) is the drug of choice for herpes infection and can be given intravenously or taken by mouth.
It is still a drug of choice in developing countries because it is so inexpensive, although some resistance has developed to it.
The drug of choice is metronidazole (Flagyl), with penicillin the second choice.