Drug Sentence Examples
Would he try to drug them as he had Elisabeth?
Was Giddon involved in a drug ring?
When there's a major drug buy, nobody trusts anyone else—especially face to face.
She had been making out with a man who might be involved in drug trafficking.
Thereafter the drug must be discontinued.
Sean was supposed to serve her dessert laced with a sedative, so they could drug her and take her back to the station for questioning.
As I said, we've drug this engagement out too long.
The vehicle has a Wall Drug bumper sticker and an emblem from a Kansas campground in the back window.
She pushed away from him and drug in deeply of the cold night air.
If nephritis be present, it may be seriously aggravated, and the drug must therefore be withheld.
AdvertisementHad Allen been here to make a drug deal with Giddon?
Only one thing came to mind – a drug deal.
The kidnapper was the child's mother, a drug addict, who no longer had custody and tried to spirit her daughter away.
The drug wore off, leaving her in a dark fog, hot and sweating with a different kind of headache, the kind she got after taking a lot of Dr. Mallard's drugs.
As for Martha's father, Patsy's comments as recorded on one statement she grudgingly gave the authorities listed him as "some john I did for a couple of bucks drug money."
AdvertisementWe were on a drug bust and someone tipped off the bad guys.
She wandered down stream to the place where they had drug huge slabs of stone to make a walkway across the creek.
Its makers had not conceived bupropion hydrochloride as a drug to help people quit smoking.
He could have forced her into the car... could have drug her into the woods.
If Giddon was involved in a drug ring, Tammy needed a way out.
AdvertisementHer legs felt like posts, but she drug one foot in front of another until the ground under her feet seemed to change.
He retreated to the corner and sobbed while she fought the effects of the drug.
Tucking it under her coat, she limped to the cabinet and drug out a few towels.
An assistant District Attorney had called about prosecuting a felony drug possession, but the second note was upsetting.
Can you believe he drug out that box of cancer sticks while we were discussing the sale of natural foods?
AdvertisementHe was, according to his enemies, the son of an apothecary, his father being in fact a doctor of medicine of respectable family, who kept a small drug store as part of the necessary outfit of a country practitioner.
The properties of podophyllin resin vary with the reaction of the tissue with which it is in contact; where this is acid the drug is inert, the picro-podophyllin being precipitated.
The drug is not used in modern therapeutics.
The drug is absorbed through the unbroken skin - a very valuable property in the treatment of such conditions as an incipient whitlow.
The sole but extremely important use of this drug is as a specific for gout.
The drug has the properties common to all substances that contain a volatile oil.
Medicated soaps are made by adding the drug to either hard soap or curd soap in the desired proportions.
To interdict the importation of the drug altogether, as is done in Japan, was the step advocated by Japanese public opinion.
Whatever drug of this group be taken, the product absorbed by the blood is almost entirely sodium salicylate.
If the drug be now discontinued, they will return in over 90% of cases.
The most powerful is digitoxin C34H54011, an extremely poisonous and cumulative drug, insoluble in water.
The drug has no external action.
In pregnant women the drug can result in ambiguous genitalia in any male fetus.
Usually, on diagnosis, high doses of the drug heparin are injected.
Not that she would know a drug lord from a prince.
The breathing becomes shallow, the drug killing, like nearly all neurotic poisons (alcohol, morphia, prussic acid, &c.), by paralysis of the respiratory centre, and the patient dying in a state of coma.
As a specific for gout colchicum was early employed by the Arabs; and the preparation known as eau medicinale, much resorted to in the 18th century for the cure of gout, owes its therapeutic virtues to colchicum; but general attention was first directed by Sir Everard Home to the use of the drug in gout.
This Strophanthus is not remarkable for its rubber - which is mere bird lime - but for the powerful poison of its seeds, often used for poisoning arrows, but of late much in use as a drug for treating diseases of the heart.
But, influenced by medical views and by the almost insuperable difficulty of enforcing any drastic import veto in the face of Formosa's large communications by junk with China, the Japanese finally adopted the middle course of licensing the preparation and sale of the drug, and limiting its use to persons in receipt of medical sanction.
The passing of the Food and Drug Acts (1875-1899) in England, and the existence of similar adulteration acts in other countries, have occasioned great progress in the analysis of foods, drugs, &c. For further information on this branch of analytical chemistry, see Adulteration.
The rapid excretion by the kidneys is one of the cardinal conditions of safety, and also necessitates the very frequent administration of the drug.
The drug is not a true specific, as quinine is for malaria, since it rarely, if ever, prevents the cardiac damage usually done by rheumatic fever; but it entirely removes the agonizing pain, shortly after its administration, and, an hour or two later, brings down the temperature to normal.
The drug must be at once withheld if haemorrhages (subcutaneous, retinal, &c.) are observed.
The extreme pain and rapid swelling of the vocal cords - with threatened obstruction to the respiration - that characterize acute laryngitis may often be relieved by the sedative action of this drug upon the circulation.
In order to reduce the pulse to its normal rate in these cases, without at the same time lessening the power of the heart, the drug must be given in doses of about two minims of the tincture every halfhour and then every hour until the pulse falls to the normal rate.
A species of Acarus is recorded as infesting a store of powdered strychnine and feeding on that drug, so poisonous to larger organisms. Reference to literature (40).
Smilax is a characteristic tropical genus containing about 200 species; the dried roots of some species are the drug sarsaparilla.
According to Hehn, the town derived its name from the crocus; Reymond, on the other hand, with more probability, holds that the name of the drug arose from that of the town.
The drug has naturally always been liable to great adulteration in spite of penalties, the severity of which suggests the surviving tradition of its sacred character.
The name ether appears to have been applied to the drug only since the times of Frobenius, who in 1730 termed it spiritus aethereus or vini vitriolatus.
It is more in conformity with ancient credulity than with modern science to attribute a permanent tendency to derangement to the accidental administration of any drug, however potent.
For twelve hours previously to its administration no food should be given, in order that the intestinal tract should be empty so as to expose the tapeworm to the full action of the drug.
The ordinary drug is distinguished in commerce as Vera Cruz jalap, from the name of the port whence it is shipped.
Besides Mexican or Vera Cruz jalap, a drug called Tampico jalap has been imported for some years in considerable quantity.
It has a much more shrivelled appearance and paler colour than ordinary jalap, and lacks the small transverse scars present in the true drug.
It is the active principle of the allied drug scammony.
The drug is largely employed in cases of Bright's disease and dropsy from any cause, being especially useful when the liver shares in the general venous congestion.
Cocaine is also derived from coca leaves, and a considerably quantity of the drug is exported.
The drug exerts a noteworthy action upon the body-temperature.
According to Sir Thomas Fraser nothing else can compete with alcohol as a food in desperate febrile cases, and to this use must be added its antipyretic power already explained and its action as a soporific. During its administration in febrile cases the drug must be most carefully watched, as its action may prove deleterious to the nervous system and the circulation in certain classes of patient.
There is hardly any increase in the intestinal secretion, the drug being emphatically not a hydragogue cathartic. There is no doubt that its habitual use may be a factor in the formation of haemorrhoids; as in the case of all drugs that act powerfully on the lower part of the intestine, without simultaneously lowering the venous pressure by causing increase of secretion from the bowel.
It is a valuable drug in many forms of constipation, as its continual use does not, as a rule, lead to the necessity of enlarging the dose.
The drug is obviously contraindicated in pregnancy and when haemorrhoids are already present.
Besides coffee there is a large trade in durra, the kat plant (used by the Mahommedans as a drug), ghee, cattle, mules and camels, skins and hides, ivory and gums. The import trade is largely in cotton goods, but every kind of merchandise is included.
The same idea pervades old medical treatises; for a drug was not a chemical substance taking effect naturally on the human system, but something into which a supernatural virtue had been magically introduced, in order the more easily and efficaciously to be brought to bear upon the patient.
The drug, along with gum, fatty oils, and malates of magnesium and calcium, contains also about 1% of cubebic acid, and about 6% of a resin.
The volatile oil - oleum cubebae - is also official, and is the form in which this drug is most commonly used, the dose being 5 to 20 minims, which may be suspended in mucilage or given after meals in a cachet.
The drug has the typical actions of a volatile oil, but exerts some of them in an exceptional degree.
A small percentage of cubebs is also commonly included in lozenges designed for use in bronchitis, in which the antiseptic and expectoral properties of the drug are useful.
But the most important therapeutic application of this drug is in gonorrhoea, where its antiseptic action is of much value.
The introduction of the drug into medicine is supposed to have been due to the Arabian physicians in the middle ages.
It possesses only slight influence over the heart and respiration, but it has a specific effect on mucous membranes as the elimination of the drug takes place largely through the lungs, where it aids in loosening bronchial secretions.
The drug may be given in a mixture with glycerine or liquorice to cover the disagreeable taste or it may be used in a spray by means of an atomizer.
Though ammonium chloride has certain irritant properties which may disorder the stomach, yet if its mucous membrane be depressed and atonic the drug may improve its condition, and it has been used with success in gastric and intestinal catarrhs of a subacute type and is given in doses of io grains half an hour before meals in painful dyspepsia due to hyperacidity.
In former times large quantities of it were imported in a dry state into Europe for officinal purposes, the drug having the reputation of being efficacious in diseases of the skin and lungs; and even now it may be found in apothecaries' shops in the south of Europe, country people regarding it as a powerful aphrodisiac for cattle.
The British division of Chhattisgarh comprises the three districts of Drug (created in 1906), Raipur and Bilaspur.
Another often successful method of preventing the onset of symptoms of poisoning is to administer small doses of ammonium carbonate with the drug, thereby neutralizing the iodic acid which is liberated in the stomach.
And cause all who communicate to receive a drug of life for healing of every disease and empowering of all moral advance and virtue."
The therapeutic applications of the drug are based entirely upon its anaesthetic or anodyne power.
The drug kills by paralysing the nervous arrangements of the heart and respiratioh.
The use of chemical antidotes, such as iron salts, is futile, as the drug has escaped into the blood from the stomach long before they can be administered.
Besides other rooms, it contains a drug store, and a chamber for those who are dangerously ill.
Great care is taken in the preparation of the drug.
The account given by Koempfer of the preparation of nindsin, the root of Sium ninsi, in Korea, will give a good idea of the preparation of ginseng, ninsi being a similar drug of supposed weaker virtue, obtained from a different plant, and often confounded with ginseng.
Taking up a piece, he would request his visitor not to breathe upon it, nor handle it; he would dilate upon the many merits of the drug and the cures it had effected.
During the use of the drug teadrinking is forbidden for at least a month, but no other change is made in the diet.
The action of the drug appears to be entirely psychic, and comparable to that of the mandrake of the Hebrews.
Of these two have been identified, one called calabarine, and the other, now a highly important drug, known as physostigmine- or occasionally as eserine.
For the use of the oculist, who constantly employs this drug, it is also prepared in lamellae for insertion within the conjunctival sac. Each of these contains one-thousandth part of a grain of physostigmine sulphate, a quantity which is perfectly efficient.
After a few minutes the salivation is arrested owing to the constricting influence of the drug upon the blood-vessels that supply the glands.
There is also felt a sense of constriction in the pharynx, due to the action of the drug on its muscular fibres.
Later in its action, the drug depresses the intra-cardiac motor ganglia, causing prolongation of diastole and finally arrest of the heart in dilatation.
Whether administered in the form of the official lamella or by subcutaneous injection, physostigmine causes a contraction of the pupil more marked than in the case of any other known drug.
The details of this antagonism, as well as nearly all our knowledge of this valuable drug, we owe to Sir Thomas Fraser, who introduced it into therapeutics.
The drug has been highly and widely recommended in general paralysis, but there remains grave doubt as to its utility in this disease.
The specific effects of the drug, however, are upon the central nervous system.
Not only is the respiratory centre stimulated but the cardiac centre is acted upon both directly by the drug and indirectly for a time by the enormous rise in blood pressure due to the contraction of the arterioles all over the body.
It is an invaluable drug in temporary constipation and whenever a mild action is essential, as in pregnancy.
The British Pharmacopoeia contains a watery solution - the Aqua Chloroformi - which is useful in disguising the taste of nauseous drugs; a liniment which consists of equal parts of camphor liniment and chloroform, and is a useful counter-irritant; the Spiritus Chloroformi (erroneously known as "chloric ether"), which is a useful anodyne in doses of from five to forty drops; and the Tinctura Chloroformi et Morphinae Composita, which is the equivalent of a proprietary drug called chlorodyne.
The leaves of the foxglove, gathered from wild plants when about two-thirds of their flowers are expanded, deprived usually of the petiole and the thicker part of the midrib, and dried, constitute the drug digitalis or digitalis folia of the Pharmacopoeia.
Taken by the mouth, the drug is apt to cause considerable digestive disturbance, varying in different cases and sometimes so severe as to cause serious difficulty.
The allimportant property of the drug is its action on the circulation.
No other known drug has an equally marked action in contracting the arterioles.
Clinically it is to be observed that the drug is cumulative, being very slowly excreted, and that after it has been taken for some time the pulse may become irregular, the blood-pressure low, and the cardiac pulsations rapid and feeble.
Thereafter follows the most important effect of the drug, which is a direct stimulation of the cardiac muscle.
The action of this drug on the kidney is of importance only second to its action on the circulation.
In small or moderate doses it is a powerful diuretic. Though Heidenhain asserts that rise in the renal blood-pressure has not a diuretic action per se, it seems probable that this influence of the drug is due to a rise in the general blood-pressure associated with a relatively dilated condition of the renal vessels.
In prescribing this drug it must be remembered that fully three days elapse before it gets into the system, and thus it must always be combined with other remedies to tide the patient over this period.
The drug is contra-indicated in all cases where the heart is already beating too slowly; in aortic incompetence - where the prolongation of diastole increases the amount of the blood that regurgitates through the incompetent valve; in chronic Bright's disease and in fatty degeneration of the heart - since nothing can cause fat to become contractile.
In most states not only is the person who causes the abortion punishable, but also any one who supplies any drug or instrument for the purpose.
Hence it is not surprising that often the refreshment, the recuperation, obtained from and felt after sleep induced by a drug amounts to nothing, or to worse than nothing.
The most valuable preparations of this potent drug are the liquor atropinae sulphatis, which is a 1% solution, and the lamella - for insertion within the conjunctival sac - which contains one five-thousandth part of a grain of the alkaloid.
The drug appears to have no influence upon the contractile cells that constitute muscle-fibre, any more than it has directly upon the secretory cells that constitute any gland.
The drug affects only the involuntary muscles of the eye, just as it affects only the involuntary or non-striated portion of the oesophagus.
The external uses of the drug are mainly analgesic. The liniment or plaster of belladonna will relieve many forms of local pain.
The drug is often replaced in ophthalmology by homatropine - an alkaloid prepared from tropine - which acts similarly to atropine but has the advantage of allowing the ocular changes to pass away in a much shorter time.
It can only be laid down that the drug is a valuable though temporary stimulant in emergencies, and that its use as a plaster or internally often relieves cardiac pain.
Omitting numerous minor applications of this drug, we may pass to two therapeutic uses which are of unquestionable utility.
In cases of whooping-cough or any other condition in which there is spasmodic action of the muscular fibre in the bronchia definition which includes nearly every form of asthma and many cases of bronchitis - atropine is an almost invaluable drug.
Smaller doses of the drug should be given three times a day between the attacks.
The nocturnal enuresis or urinary incontinence of children and of adults is frequently relieved by this drug.
Death is to be averted by such measures as will keep the heart and lungs in action until the drug has been excreted by the kidneys.
Information and statements including those regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
The heading Opium in the finance accounts represents the duty on the export of the drug.
In accordance with the recommendations of the Hemp Drugs Commission, the government of India passed an act in 1896 providing that, in regard to ganja and charas, cultivation of the plants should be restricted as much as possible, and that a direct quantitative duty should be levied on the drugs on issue from the warehouse in the province of consumption; while as regards bhang, cultivation of the hemp for its production should be prohibited or taxed, and collection of the drug from wild plants permitted only under licence, a moderate quantitative duty being levied in addition to vend fees.
This system brings the drug easily within the reach of the people.
Morphine is the greatest anodyne we possess, and no drug yet discovered equals it in pain-relieving power.
If given in excess the drug is eliminated by way of the intestines and kidneys.
Once acquired the habitué depends on the drug for a comfortable existence, and as the organism becomes quickly tolerant of the alkaloid the original dose no longer suffices.
The early stages of morphinism are marked by moral degeneration; the patient seems to lose all sense of right and wrong, and will lie most plausibly and even thieve to obtain the drug; personal disorderliness, disregard of time, neglect of business and decline of family affection become soon evident.
The sudden withdrawal of the drug from a morphine habitué is followed by a train of alarming symptoms. As the time approaches for the usual dose there is marked restlessness, followed by excitement and later by chills, pallor, sinking, nausea, with perhaps vomiting and diarrhoea.
The sudden withdrawal of morphine should therefore never be practised with takers of large quantities of the drug, but gradually diminishing doses given by the physician should be substituted.
The Shen-si opium is much valued by smokers and ranked next to the Shan-si drug, which was second only to that produced in Kan-suh.
When taken into the body the drug is partly oxidized and partly eliminated unchanged.
The drug is described as a counter-irritant, though the explanation of this action is very doubtful.
Taken internally in any but minute doses, the drug causes the most severe gastro-intestinal irritation, the vomited and evacuated matters containing blood, and the patient suffering agonizing pain and extreme depression.
The drug circulates in the blood in the form of an albuminate and is slowly excreted by the kidneys.
The drug often has a marked aphrodisiac action, producing priapism, or in the female sex the onset of the catamenia or abortion.
The drug is administered internally in certain cases of impotence and occasionally in other conditions.
External warmth should also be applied to the regions specially affected by the drug.
When taken continuously the drug soon loses its power as a hypnotic. Its unpleasant taste usually prevents the formation of a paraldehyde habit, but it occasionally occurs with symptoms resembling delirium tremens.
For the stomach and intestines we employ the same drug in the form of a pill; and when it is desired to act especially upon the intestines, the pills are made of a harder consistence or less soluble preparation, or are covered with keratin, so that they may not act much, if at all, upon the stomach while passing through it before reaching the intestines.
It is evident therefore that the connexion between the different glands of the body is a very complicated one and that the effects of a drug which acts upon any one of them may be of a very far-reaching character.
Sarsaparilla is grown to a small extent in Jamaica, and is occasionally exported thence to the London market in small quantities, but its orange colour and starchy bark are so different in appearance from the thin reddish-brown bark of the genuine drug, that it does not meet with a ready sale.
At present the manufacture is almost wholly in the hands of the Government, and the drug prepared is all disposed of in India.
He died in 892 as the result of a drug called balddhur (hence his name).
These preparations were held in great estimation during the middle ages, and probably supplied to a large extent the place of the pure drug.
While, however, the court of Peking was honestly endeavouring to suppress the foreign trade in opium from 1839 to 1858 several of the provincial viceroys encouraged the trade, nor could the central government put a stop to the home cultivation of the drug.
The Chinese government regarding the use of opium as one of the most acute moral and economic questions which.as a nation they have to face, representing an annual loss to the country of 856,250,000 taels, decided in 1906 to put an end to the use of the drug within ten years, and issued an edict on the 10th of September 1906, forbidding the consumption of opium and the cultivation of the poppy.
But notwithstanding these precautions quantities of the drug are wasted when the crop is a full one, owing to the difficulty of gathering the whole in the short time during which collection is possible.
The drug is then taken to the government factory to be sold.
The price paid to the cultivator is regulated chiefly by the amount of water contained in the drug.
Various portions, each weighing 10 seers (of 23 5 lb), are selected by test assay so as to ensure the mass being of standard consistence (70% of the pure dry drug and 30% of water), and are thrown into shallow drawers and kneaded together.
The care bestowed on the selection and preparation of the drug in the Bengal opium-factories is such that the merchants who purchase it rarely require to examine it, although permission is given to open at each sale any number of chests or cakes that they may desire.
It contains as much as 95% of dry opium, but is of much less uniform quality than the Bengal drug, and, having no guarantee as to purity, is not considered so valuable.
The opium is collected in March and April, and the crude drug or " chick " is thrown into an earthen vessel and covered with linseed oil to prevent evaporation.
It has recently been shown, however, that opium grown in the hilly districts of the Himalayas yields 50% more morphia than that of the plains, and that the deficiency of morphia in the Indian drug is due, in some measure, to the long exposure to the air in a semi-liquid state which it undergoes.
In view, therefore, of the probable decline in the Chinese demand, the cultivation of the drug for the European market in the hilly districts of India, and its preparation after the mode adopted in Turkey, viz., by drying the concrete juice as quickly as possible, might be worthy of the consideration of the British government.
Smaller quantities grown in Teheran, Tabriz and Kermanshah find their way to Smyrna, where it is said to be mixed with the local drug for the European market, the same practice being carried on at Constantinople with the Persian opium that arrives there from Samsun and Trebizond.
At Ispahan, Shiraz and Yezd the drug, after being dried in the sun, is mixed with oil in the proportion of 6 or 7 Ib to 141 lb of opium, with the object, it is said, of suiting the taste of the Chinese - that intended for the London market being now always free from oil.
Great care is now taken to prevent adulteration, and consequently Persian opium can be obtained nearly as rich in morphia as the Turkish drug - on the average from 9-12%.
The proprietary drug " stypticin " is cotarnine hydrochloride, and " styptol " cotarnine phthalate; " antispasmin " is a sodium narceine combined with sodium salicylate, and " narcyl " narceine ethyl hydrochloride.
The drug " heroin " is a diacetylmorphine hydrochloride.
Thebaine is not so used, but is an important and sometimes very dangerous constituent of the various opium preparations, which are still largely employed, despite the complexity and inconstant composition of the drug.
A drug of so complex a composition as opium is necessarily incompatible with a large number of substances.
Under this heading must be considered acute poisoning by opium, and the chronic poisoning seen in those who eat or smoke the drug.
A twentieth, even a tenth of a grain of atropine sulphate should be injected subcutaneously, the drug being a direct stimulant of the respiratory centre.
He estimates that i in every 12 or 14 of the population uses the drug, and that the habit is increasing.
Of this number 143 had taken the drug for from 10 to 20 years, 62 for from 20 to 30 years and 38 for more than 30 years.
The causes which first led to the increase of the drug were disease, example and a belief in its aphrodisiac powers.
Dymock of Bombay, speaking of western India, concurs in Richards's opinion regarding the moderate use of the drug.
The bitter taste of morphine is not noticeable when smoking opium, and it is therefore possible that the pleasure derived from smoking the drug is due to some product formed during combustion.
There can be no doubt that the use of the drug is opposed by all thinking Chinese who are not pecuniarily interested in the opium trade or cultivation, for several reasons, among which may be mentioned the drain of bullion from the country, the decrease of population, the liability to famine through the cultivation of opium where cereals should be grown, and the corruption of state officials.
Vecchia, is still applied to an inferior variety of the drug.
Nitrate of silver is eliminated from the system very slowly and the objection to its employment continuously as a drug is that it is deposited in the tissues causing argyria, chronic silver poisoning, of which the most prominent symptom is dark slate-blue colour of the lips, cheeks, gums and later of the skin.
In this sense alone quinine is a tonic. The hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice is stated to convert any salt of quinine into a chloride, and it seems probable that the absorption of quinine takes place mainly from the stomach, for when the drug reaches the alkaline secretions of the duodenum it is precipitated, and probably none of it is thereafter absorbed.
The drug is not an antithermal.
In treating malaria (including ague, remittent fever, intermittent fever, and all its other forms) with this drug certain important facts are to be observed.
Quinine has some analgesic power, and is a safe and often efficient drug in the treatment of neuralgia, even when the patient has not had malaria.
There is headache, which, with the continuance of the drug, becomes exceedingly severe, the vision and equilibrium are affected, and there is often some gastro-intestinal irritation.
In cases where the drug has been deliberately given for its poisonous action the results are still more severe.
The extremely complex composition of this drug has been studied in great detail, and with such important results that instead of giving ergot itself by the mouth in doses of 20 to 60 grains, it is now possible to obtain much more rapid and certain results by giving one three-hundredth of a grain of one of its constituents hypodermically.
This constituent is the alkaloid cornutine, which is the valuable ingredient of the drug.
Other ingredients are a fixed oil, present to the extent of 30%, ergotinic acid, a glucoside, trimethylamine, which gives the drug its unpleasant odour, and sphacelinic acid, a non-nitrogenous resinoid body.
The drug greatly raises the blood-pressure by causing extreme contraction of the arteries.
This is mainly due to a direct action on the muscular coats of the vessels, but is also partly of central origin, since the drug also stimulates the vasomotor centre in the medulla oblongata.
This action on the vessels is so marked as to constitute the drug a haemostatic, not only locally but also remotely.
The drug should regularly be given hypodermically, and it is important to note that if the injection be made immediately under the skin, an abscess, or considerable discomfort, may ensue.
It can only be said here that the drug should only in the rarest possible cases be given whilst the child is still in utero.
As it is practically impossible to reproduce the symptoms of ergotism nowadays, whether experimentally in the lower animals, or when the drug is being administered to a human being for some therapeutic purpose, it is believed that the symptoms of ergotism were rendered possible only by the semi-starvation which must have ensued from the use of such rye-bread; for the grain disappears as the fungus develops.
The drug is largely employed as a counterirritant, the pharmacopoeial liniments being very useful applications.
The drug is excreted partly by the bronchi - which it tends to disinfect - and partly in the urine, which it causes to smell of violets.
A small portion of the drug is removed by the skin, in which it may give rise to an erythematous rash.
This effect is the same however the drug be administered, as, even after subcutaneous injection, the arsenic is excreted into the stomach after absorption, and thus sets up gastritis in its passage through the mucous membrane.
None of these known effects of arsenic is sufficient to account for the profound change that a course of the drug will often produce in the condition of a patient.
Internally it is useful in certain forms of dyspepsia, but as some patients are quite unable to tolerate the drug, it must always be administered in very small doses at first, the quantity being slowly increased as tolerance is shown.
A recent method of using the drug is in the form of sodium cacodylate by subcutaneous injection, and this preparation is said to be free from the cumulative effects sometimes arising after the prolonged use of the other forms. Other organic derivatives employed are sodium metharsenite and sodium anilarsenate or atoxyl; hypodermic injections of the latter have been used in the treatment of sleeping sickness.
In acute poisoning the interval between the reception of the poison and the onset of symptoms ranges from ten minutes, or even less, if a strong solution be taken on an empty stomach, to twelve or more hours if the drug be taken in solid form and the stomach be full of food.
In 1906, however, the new district of Drug was formed, which took away 739 sq.
The idea held by several writers, including Niebuhr, that frankincense was a product of India, would seem to have originated in a confusion of that drug with benzoin and other odoriferous substances, and also in the sale of imported frankincense with the native products of India.
Systematic writers on the subject differ considerably in the exact meaning which they attach to the term pharmacology (41appaKov, a drug; Xayos, a discourse), some making it much more comprehensive than others.
After carrying out a series of observations on animals, the drug can be assigned to its special group, and a good idea can be obtained of its possible practical value or the reverse; hence there is a saving of time and an avoidance of the necessity of testing its effects on man.
The action of a drug may be called direct when it acts on any part to which it is immediately applied, or which it may reach through the blood; and indirect when one organ is affected secondarily to another, as, for instance, in strychnine poisoning when the muscles are violently contracted as the result of the action of the alkaloid upon the spinal cord.
The explanation generally given is that the nerve and other cells become accustomed to the drug, so that they cease to react, or that an antitoxin is formed which antagonizes the poison, or that the poison is rapidly destroyed in the body.
The explanation in these cases is that the drug is absorbed more rapidly than it is excreted, hence there is a tendency to accumulation in the body until a point is reached when the amount becomes poisonous.
Very rarely, as in the case of silver salts, excretion does not take place; but usually the drug is got rid of by the ordinary channels of elimination.
Wild hemp is, however, of very little use as a fibre producer, although a drug is obtained from it.
The hemp plant has been cultivated in northern India from a considerable antiquity, not only as a drug but for its fibre.
Attention was recalled to this drug, in consequence of Napoleon's Egyptian expedition, by de Sacy (1809) and Rouger (181o).
The composition of this drug is still extremely obscure; partly, perhaps, because it varies so much in individual specimens.
Cannabis indica - as the drug is termed in the pharmacopoeias - may be given as an extract (dose 4-1 gr.) or tincture (dose 5-15 minims) .
But typically the drug in an intoxicant, resembling alcohol in many features of its action, but differing in others.
The early symptoms are highly pleasurable, and it is for these, as in the case of other stimulants, that the drug is so largely consumed in the East.
Following on a decided lowering of the pain and touch senses, which may even lead to complete loss of cutaneous sensation, there comes a sleep which is often accompanied by pleasant dreams. There appears to be no evidence in the case of either the lower animals or the human subject that the drug is an aphrodisiac. Excessive indulgence in cannabis indica is very rare, but may lead to general ill-health and occasionally to insanity.
The apparent impossibility of obtaining pure and trustworthy samples of the drug has led to its entire abandonment in therapeutics.
Maybe he was the typical drug lord.
Only one thing came to mind – a drug deal.
It was this compulsion that was like a drug weighing down her thoughts and making her hungry, like walking past a bakery first thing in the morning and trying not to look at what was in the window.
Like many of Ouray's Victorian buildings, it had previously housed a variety of mercantile businesses—a dry goods establishment, a drug store— during the times the town was a thriving, self-sustained community.
When there's a major drug buy, nobody trusts anyone else—especially face to face.
It was exciting being at the forefront of drug development through the study of gene sequences.
For the rest of us, being around those in a drug state is hardly edifying.
He had a precarious dependence on the drug.
Hepatitis B, on the other hand, remains prevalent among drug addicts.
Drug Names using abbreviations for drug names is very bad practice.
Appropriate drug choices need to be made based upon the particular lipid abnormality to be treated.
A better way of using drug abreaction is to sandwich it between the use of standard psychotherapies.
Effective leadership among ward managers leads to fewer drug errors, higher patient satisfaction and lower staff absenteeism and turnover.
The presence of food may enhance or inhibit the absorption of a drug.
These may include drug or alcohol abuse, lack of a job or violent behavior.
I should think weight training or rowing without drug abuse is a good way promote general health.
The drug boosts the function of a key brain chemical called acetylcholine.
Drug A attaches to the acetylcholine receptors on the smooth muscle without stimulating them and prevents acetylcholine from gaining access to them.
What are the links between drug use and crime, particularly acquisitive crime?
One such drug is called tissue plasminogen activator (alteplase) which is a clot-dissolving drug not yet in common use in the UK.
I think of the center for rehabilitating drug addicts which was faced with losing its housing benefits.
Everyone knew that Mavis was a hopeless drug addict.
The center also registered an increase in the number of homeless drug addicts using its services.
Britain has a million hard drug addicts for the first time ever.
Tobacco is a powerfully addictive drug that most of its users would like to quit using.
Inexplicably more unfocused and drug addled than the car crash of distortion previously displayed.
The majority of large prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas shrink in response to DA drug therapy and any visual loss will improve in most patients.
Simon Farris, London I cannot believe that Allan Morris can remain so ignorant and glib about his own drug adherence.
Nevertheless, most adolescents will not go on to be drug users.
The drug management is becoming increasingly complex with the recent Advent of new medication.
This followed the withdrawal of three allegedly misleading drug advertisements within a year.
Yet only £ 95 million a year was spent treating alcoholics compared with £ 500 million a year treating people with drug problems.
Detox A form of drug rehabilitation, used to treat alcoholism or other drug addiction.
You will also have tablets to help regulate the chemical balance of your blood, for example a drug called allopurinol.
We have seen the gradual amalgamation of the Drug Action Teams into those partnerships.
One mechanism of drug resistance, which is potentially amenable to therapeutic intervention, is based on studies in our laboratory.
Even viral diseases have proven amenable to drug therapy over the past 20 years.
None have achieved any advance in reducing the amount of drug harm.
Cannabis was Australia's most popular illicit drug - one third of the adult population having used it - followed by amphetamines.
People who have anaphylaxis need to carry an injection around with them of a drug called adrenaline or epinephrine.
Co-star Bonaduce had his own drug and personal problems, but eventually became a successful radio announcer and briefly hosted a syndicated talk show.
In order to secure CAT's human monoclonal antibody drug pipeline into the future, CAT continues to develop its pool of drug targets.
Systematic review The review used an extensive search strategy for randomized double blind studies comparing antidepressants with placebo, or with other drug treatments.
No drug so far has proved to be of lasting help with regard to suppressing appetite.
Fear has also entered the arena of caring for drug users in general practice.
Alcohol or drug intoxication, delirium, obesity and respiratory problems (asthma among them) can increase the risk of positional asphyxia.
The drug atropine inhibits the parasympathetic nerve, causing the pupil to dilate.
The A-Team find Massey, and in turn they are also captured by some Mexican drug bandits aided by a rebel army.
I found a sense of self that I have longed for all my life, I am not a drug fiend gang banger.
The first drug picture clearly defined by him was that of cinchona bark.
It's a little like presenting a special Wish You Were Here program from a Colombian drug baron 's private island.
The money they fetched went into the hands of the drug barons.
While government wages war on drugs, it remains almost silent about these, the biggest drug peddlers of all - the tobacco barons.
To do this easily, input your chosen keyword, e.g. baseball / drug abuse, and use the ' plots ' search option.
In the united by most analysts drug use can his electroscope becquerel.
We can be temporarily incapacitated by drug overdose, mental illness, an alcoholic binge, treatable physical illness or injury.
The other overpowering theme is what seems to be an out of control drug binge in suburbia.
Neither emtricitabine nor tenofovir inhibited in vitro drug metabolism mediated by any of the major human CYP450 isoforms involved in drug biotransformation.
All the tablets are in blister packs with the name of the drug on the back of the blister packs with the name of the drug on the back of the blister packet.
Donal won two Royal Television Society Awards for a film on drug dealing by night club bouncers.
I just don't have a need to see the Hollywood version of my father's drug addiction and my parents ' breakup.
British Thoracic Society guidelines state that anyone who uses a bronchodilator three or more times a week should be treated with an anti-inflammatory drug.
Information on suspected burglars, drug dealers and car thieves have been passed to police in this way.
This group of criminally involved problem users commits very large amounts of shoplifting, burglary and other crime to finance drug purchases.
Cocaine is still seen as the upmarket club and sex drug of choice and its use confers social cachet and respectability on its users.
Another trial is looking at using the drug thalidomide to help slow down or stop cachexia.
Caesareanple is a woman in labor refusing a cesarean; or a pregnant drug addict who will not give up drugs.
Jack, who is chairman of the Norwich branch of the Campaign to legalize cannabis Internationally, believe cannabis is not a drug.
In April 1993, suspected drug dealer Alfred Acree tried to evade capture in Charles County, Virginia, by running into a wood.
There has been no other drug in the history of veterinary cardiology that has undergone such extensive controlled clinical trials proving its value.
Wake up, People of South Africa, You are guinea pigs, guinea pigs, guinea pigs, for the Western drug cartels.
Choice of Drug Unless contraindicated (e.g. jaundice or known hypersensitivity ), rifampicin is the drug of choice for meningococcal chemoprophylaxis.
A drug called chlordiazepoxide can be given to help with withdrawal.
Last year people were taught how to recognize symptoms of the disease and local health huts were given supplies of the drug chloroquine.
Treatment In the 1970s, a breakthrough drug called cisplatin was developed that dramatically improved the outlook for men with advanced testicular cancer.
Dexamethasone A steroid drug Enterobacter cloacae An organism that is normally found in the digestive tract.
Copying by reverse transcriptase is prone to errors, leading to a high mutation rate and appearance of drug resistant clones.
Herbs that may be helpful Autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale) is the herb from which the drug colchicine was originally isolated.
This drug opens up -- dilates - the small blood vessels to relieve constrictions.
All three active drug conditions included miosis (pupil constriction ).
This drug is also contraindicated in women who are pregnant or breast-feeding an infant.
It demonstrates what drug law reformers have been saying for decades, that the war on drugs has failed and is often actively counterproductive.
Astex Technology is a structure-based drug discovery company pioneering the use of high throughput X-ray crystallography.
The overlap of Peru's coca cultivation regions and the traditional SL strongholds suggest SL involvement in aspects of local drug trade.
The aim is to achieve high concentrations of activated cyclophosphamide locally in the tumor while minimizing circulating levels of the drug.
Side effects of CMF While the drug cyclophosphamide is being injected you may feel hot and slightly dizzy.
Rather, it stated that hypericum " ...may significantly affect plasma concentrations of any drug that is metabolized by the cytochrome P-450 system.
At the center of the story is state judge Robert Lewis (Douglas) who has become the USA's newest drug czar.
We now have a drug czar, with wide-ranging powers.
Police want reporter Bill Dunphy to turn over all records of his interviews with convicted drug dealer Paul Gravelle between 2001 and 2005.
They will tell you about how the drug dealers openly gather around the school gates.
For instance drug dealing would be far more lucrative.
Children in such communities are at lower risk of teen pregnancy, child abuse, drug use or juvenile delinquency.
In addition, these devices have not overcome the problem of inefficient drug delivery associated with the MDIs to a large extent.
Politics is the only arena where we hear old-style biblical denunciations of any drug use.
Two years ago at Durban, HIV positive Judge Edwin Cameron's passionate denunciation of health inequality galvanized the world drug access movement.
They could be homeless, at risk of domestic violence or have a drug or alcohol dependency for instance.
Some success has been claimed in treating drug dependency.
Sedation due to the drug may be increased by the concomitant use of other central nervous system depressants.
The alcoholic loses mental and physical energy and may become seriously depressed - alcohol is a depressive drug.
The drug diazepam (given directly into a vein) can control the muscle spasms.
Current approaches to weight control include dietary and lifestyle interventions, drug treatment, and surgery, and have varying degrees of success.
Much later the healing properties of the drug digitalis, also from the foxglove plant, was extolled by doctors.
In a known drug user, sweating, involuntary sniffing and pupillary dilation are helpful physical signs of early withdrawal from opiates.
In most patients, early discontinuation of the drug resulted in successful resolution of the symptoms, as was our experience.
Assessment was made two weeks after drug discontinuation and no detailed results are reported.
Prolonged treatment (more than 12 months) may be required before the drug is gradually discontinued.
Structure-based drug discovery involves the determination of a disease causing protein's three-dimensional structure.
The first stage of the process is drug discovery.
It is theoretically advantageous to administer alkali and induce diuresis as the drug is acidic and excreted in the urine.
Taking your medication Whatever drug(s) you take, it needs to be taken daily exactly as prescribed by the doctor.
When you are attracted to someone your brain releases the drug dopamine giving the same reaction that taking cocaine or speed would create.
New laws coming into force at midnight next Thursday will see cannabis downgraded from a Class B to Class C drug.
The chart shows drink driving and drug driving less a concern than speeding and reckless driving.
Q. Can a student Nurse act as an approved witness when administering a controlled drug?
On reflection, I might have said ' ' a controlled drug ' ' rather than ' ' controlled drugs ' ' .
Cannabis - The Facts Cannabis is probably the most widely used recreational drug in the world.
Most research over the past 25 years has shown that CES reduced anxiety and improved cognition in recovering drug addicts and alcoholics.
We help drug addicts, but we test offenders for drugs and if theyre positive, we demand they get treatment.
Without even knowing it I had become a drug addict.