Drove Sentence Examples
He drove to their house in some agitation.
She drove fast and arrived half an hour later to the safe house and parked out front.
The chauffeur drove them straight to the hill.
The coachman made no answer, but drove onward.
After leaving the town, we drove around the surrounding countryside in hopes Howie my spot one of the scenes of his other visions.
Betsy asked as we drove home to Surry.
We came across a train of loaded sleighs and drove right over two of them.
It was with much anticipation we drove north on another Friday afternoon.
He drove the team relentlessly until they were well out of town.
I hid when this guy drove up.
AdvertisementHe drove the speed limit - no more, no less.
He drove her crazy, and she was hungry again.
We drove along the beach and into the town of Nahant.
We were quieter than usual as we drove to our destination.
I guess he drove to the airport to pick up Martha and Claire but I guess they didn't come in when they were supposed to.
AdvertisementI heard Quinn say yesterday that flight to Santa Barbara was full so maybe he drove all the way into Los Angeles to pick them up.
They drove west, away from DC.
He drove them through back roads and alleys to ensure no one followed before taking the highway and exiting into a direction that appeared to be nothing but desert.
He drove her to it.
He turned onto Franz Josef Street, where he was not supposed to have been, and drove right in front of a surprised Princip.
AdvertisementI personally think the establishment of charitable organizations was driven by the same spirit that drove the creation of new businesses.
Outside the house, beyond the gates, a group of undertakers, who hid whenever a carriage drove up, waited in expectation of an important order for an expensive funeral.
Despite his rapid journey and sleepless night, Prince Andrew when he drove up to the palace felt even more vigorous and alert than he had done the day before.
They got into the carriage and drove for a few minutes in silence.
She drove them away and tried to conceal them.
AdvertisementPierre drove to the club.
From the door she turned and watched as he climbed into his car and drove away.
Was it her imagination, or was it the man who drove the black car?
I drove south toward town on the West Surry Road but instead of following Court Street, turned back north west on the Old Walpole to Howie's home.
In response to Molly's questions about covered bridges, we drove through two more in the area for her pleasure.
Tacking and jibbing, we wrestled with opposing winds that drove us from side to side with impetuous fury.
They praised her taste and toilet, and at eleven o'clock, careful of their coiffures and dresses, they settled themselves in their carriages and drove off.
At first they drove at a steady trot along the narrow road.
When they all drove back from Pelageya Danilovna's, Natasha, who always saw and noticed everything, arranged that she and Madame Schoss should go back in the sleigh with Dimmler, and Sonya with Nicholas and the maids.
To distract his thoughts he drove that day to the village of Vorontsovo to see the great balloon Leppich was constructing to destroy the foe, and a trial balloon that was to go up next day.
From the commander of the militia he drove to the governor.
The women's vehicles drove by.
We drove home with Betsy trying in vain to calm Molly down, telling her we weren't in any danger.
I drove slowly around the circle to make sure the site previously occupied by the California motor home was indeed vacant.
I thanked him and drove the last few miles to my house, more sedately than earlier.
He said nothing as they exited and drove north, towards the highway.
No way of tracking how many drove.
Unwilling to fight something that didn't die, she drove to Doolin and the bed and breakfast.
Dread filled her as she drove up the familiar driveway to the stone manor.
Lucius Junius Brutus, her husband's cousin, put himself at the head of the people, drove out the Tarquins, and established a republic. The accounts of this tradition in later writers present many points of divergence.
Under the English rule the counts of Armagnac were turbulent and untrustworthy vassals; and the administration of the Black Prince, tending to favour the towns of Aquitaine at the expense of the nobles, drove them to the side of France.
Louisa Ivanovna consented to go, and in half an hour four troyka sleighs with large and small bells, their runners squeaking and whistling over the frozen snow, drove up to the porch.
And if this is really Melyukovka, it is still stranger that we drove heaven knows where and have come to Melyukovka, thought Nicholas.
She stood in the road after he left, watching until he turned a corner and drove out of sight.
She drove fast with Traci's directions guiding her.
The nip of his fangs at her neck, inner thighs and breasts almost drove her over the edge while his hot tongue and hands explored every part of her.
But he drove them back with scornful words.
After a quick stop at a clothier to pick up a long wool skirt and sweater, she changed in her car and drove home.
Deputy Sheriff Lydia Larkin drove by in her official white Blazer and Dean repressed the impulse to give her a one-finger salute.
The Deans drove the short distance to the Beaumont to pick up their guest, who was standing outside at the curb waiting for them.
He drove directly home, knowing Cynthia would be terrified by his absence and the sound of sirens in the night.
That maybe she and her mother drove to Ouray—just to visit.
There was a chill in the early day air as Dean drove the topless Jeep north through town as Ouray was waking up.
As he drove back to town, he continued to mull over what Under Sheriff Larkin had said about Fitzgerald.
She continued up Seventh Street and turned south on Main and drove toward the mountains.
Ralph drove and I followed in the Ford.
We left an empty bottle by his car and tent and drove back in the Ford.
What if what I am not telling you drove you away?
She stared after him as he drove away, wondering if he would be home for supper – or if he was going to eat alone.
He had red hair and drove a blue truck – I think maybe an old Ford, but it might have been a Chevy.
I don't know if he drove it or why he would have it.
She held nothing back as he drove her to sensations and heights she'd never imagined.
The highways were quiet on the Monday mid-morning, and they drove the three hours faster than she was expecting.
Trees whipped her body, but she drove herself forward.
The creature's third sip drove her into the darkness between consciousness and sleep.
True to his word, they drove less than two blocks before he entered a public parking garage and drove to the bottommost floor and parked in a dark corner with yellow no- parking lines.
He started the car again and drove through a series of tunnels and intersections, a virtual underground street grid, before arriving at a large garage filled with gleaming cars.
Katie watched the world go by as they drove, half-listening to Hannah's chatter.
Instead, he focused hard on cleaning up her blood and bandaging her arm before the scent drove him too wild to control himself.
Terror drove her to ignore the pain in her lungs and legs.
Edith drove off in her rental car, without a word.
After dressing in double sweaters, wool knickers and stockings, they racked their skis atop their jeep and drove south from town into the mountains.
The couple drove over the narrow wooden bridge that spanned Red Mountain Creek, and joined two other cars in the small parking area.
Dean had hardly begun clearing the walk of the deep snow before Jake Weller drove up.
Jackson drove a Porsche 911 turbo.
Without looking back, he hopped into his truck and drove away.
This, together with the weakness due to military reforms but recently begun, drove him to rely on foreign aid; which, in the actual conditions of Europe, meant the aid of Russia.
Sheik Mubarak and his allies continued their advance, defeated Ibn Rashid in two engagements on the 22nd of July and the 26th of September 1904, and drove him back on his capital, Hail.
The contest was long and doubtful, but the Russians gradually drove back Legrand and a part of Davout's corps; numerous attacks both of infantry and cavalry were made, and by the successive arrival of reinforcements each side in turn received fresh impetus.
At the time when invasions by the Assyrians drove out the Ethiopian Taracus again and again, the chief of the twenty princes to whom Esarhaddon and Assur-bani-pal successively entrusted the government was Niku, king of Sais and Memphis.
With the help of Alexius Comnenus he drove out of the field Bryennius and other rivals, but failed to clear the invading Turks out of Asia Minor.
Wallenstein advanced in his turn, recaptured his guns and drove the Swedes over the road.
To a heavy counterstroke against Oudinot, which completely drove that marshal from the ground won on the 20th, the emperor paid no more heed than to order Macdonald to support the XII corps.
The treaty of Breda with Holland (21st of July 1667) removed the danger, but not the ignominy, and Charles showed the real baseness of his character when he joined in the popular outcry against Clarendon, the upright and devoted adherent of his father and himself during twenty-five years of misfortune, and drove him into poverty and exile in his old age, recalling ominously Charles I.'s betrayal of Strafford.
Costa Cabral, who became count of Thomar in 1845, ruled despotically, despite many insurrections, until May 1846, when a coalition of Miguelites, Septembrists and Chartist malcontents drove him into exile.
Slowly but steadily the heartless Mangaboos drove them on, until they had passed through the city and the gardens and come to the broad plains leading to the mountain.
They say the other day Matthew Ivanych Platov drove them into the river Marina and drowned some eighteen thousand in one day.
Dean drove with even more caution now that the melted road sections were beginning to freeze anew, downshifting, allowing the reduced gear to slow the vehicle.
The pair drove down Seventh Street, crossed over the Uncompahgre River and followed the dirt road to the small cluster of mobile homes.
As Dean and his young passenger neared Bird Song, Edith Shipton drove up the street, parked, and entered the inn ahead of them.
Whoever the guy in the Blazer was, he gave Edith the look-see when he drove past Bird Song.
The Deans packed a quick lunch and drove out of town to the ranch house.
I just drove two hundred very nasty miles and I'm going to bed.
I didn't sleep worth a damn last night, I got rapped in the head pretty good this morning, and I just drove a couple of hundred miles in a blizzard.
Then Fred asked, "What did she have to say about Shipton's fall when the two of you drove to the airport?"
It drove her to final despair.
Naw. They drove off to the south.
He drove home slowly, trying to understand what had happened.
Jackson drove for a while before heading to Elisabeth's.
Jackson drove for a long while.
They drove in silence while Elisabeth worked on her presentation.
They loaded the car and drove toward the shore.
Elisabeth drove home, so Jackson had the opportunity to observe.
As she drove off, Jackson wondered again about what Connor said.
Elisabeth and Miriam drove separate cars to Fairhaven.
He drove Sarah's car.
Tucking the picture in his shirt pocket, he left the apartment and drove straight to the stable.
Carmen had barely settled in at home before Lori drove up and whisked Alex away.
Alex and Lori had been gone over two hours when Josh drove into the yard.
Late Friday evening she was returning from the barn when he drove into the yard in a white Dodge Ram Pick up.
Each trip up the side of the mountain grew harder as chaos erupted along the East Coast and drove refugees through Brady's area of operation.
The screech of metal on metal drove her to cover her ears as she moved farther away.
Lana turned and smiled as the security specialist drove towards her in a cart.
They drove to the command center in anxious silence.
They were close to her condo; she drove the massive Sky Bridge every day to get to work.
His shove almost drove her to her knees again. She steadied herself and looked up in time to see him disappear into the jungle. Fear made her heart pound. The strange path he'd been following appeared ahead of her, revealing itself only a few steps at a time. She started at a walk and quickened to a jog, making sure the path wouldn't close and trip her. The path kept up with her, and she ran.
Another neighbor's husband drove to the high school for her son Randy, who was at baseball practice.
The lunchtime pastrami more than eliminated the need for an early dinner, so he drove home, changed into shorts and set out at a leisurely pace on his 18-speed touring bike.
Detective Hunter pointed out the sights as they left the airport and drove toward the center city police headquarters.
They left the seashore and, after a quick bite to eat, Hunter drove Dean back to the airport for his return plane trip to Parkside.
Exasperated, Dean drove toward Easton, Pennsylvania until he found a motel that satisfied Baratto.
Dean planned to send a patrol car by later to pick up some clothes but his trip home passed within a block of Parsons Street and on an impulse, he drove by the building.
Dean could see two men in the front seat as he drove by.
Dean stepped back further, the smile fading from his face as the two men drove away at a very sedate pace.
Mrs. Byrne's son drove her over but the lad had an engagement so I suggested she join us for dinner and allow us to drive her home.
On an impulse, Dean drove back in behind it and strolled over to meet the young man who stepped from the vehicle.
As Dean drove away from Maid Marian Lane, he made up his mind to find out if the world had put a crown on Saint Jeffrey a little prematurely.
Two more cars containing teenagers pulled in the as he drove away.
He drove up alone and no other car came back there—all day.
Dean and Sackler drove about a mile down old Route 22 to a chrome and Formica railroad-car diner straight out of the fifties.
We got off the highway where we were supposed to and drove back to Scranton to see the broads.
It was Thursday evening and Dean showered and drove over to Ethel Rosewater's luxury apartment where the preliminaries seemed to move along even quicker than usual.
They drove along in silence for a few moments.
I figured no need to push my good luck so I drove back here to Parkside.
You drove all the way from Scranton?
When they finally finished and left the station, Jenny drove the exhausted pair home.
Then you drove your bike, in his car, back to the motel.
Alex drove his white Dodge truck home and she followed him in her new white Buick Le Sabre feeling equal amounts of joy and guilt.
On the way back, she drove by the clinic, but his truck wasn't there.
She drove home in a fog of doubt.
One day she was walking back to the house from the chicken coup when Katie drove into the yard.
He drove the surrey to the old farmstead and they discussed how the house and outbuildings could be restored to make a dude ranch.
Carmen was sitting on the window seat when Alex drove up Monday evening.
Even if she could explain, he wouldn't understand the gnawing fear that drove her from their favorite spot.
And I think he was coming after me when you drove up.
They dropped Jonathan off and drove straight to the hospital.
She'd watched him go from a near-comatose state, through his teenager stage that nearly drove them all mad, to the gym-obsessed warrior trying to understand his place in the world.
Smashing her forehead against his nose, Jenn wrenched the knife free and drove it through him.
With effort that almost drove her to her knees, she reined in the demon, alarmed how much harder it was this time than when she'd killed the madman who was her father.
Fear drove her beyond the limits of her own exhausted body.
The thought of what almost happened drove her mad with despair.
A third arrow drove her unconscious, and she slumped, unaware of Vara catching her.
Her first step drove her to her knees.
They drove him to his feet, and he ran, his body torn apart from within.
The command drove him to his knees, and he grappled with the idea of sharing power with a demon.
Alex joined them as they started serving and later drove his truck down and brought the team and wagon up to the footbridge.
Alex drove the team and Carmen sat on the seat with him, the twins between them.
They left Felipa with the children and Carmen drove Sam to the stables.
She hadn't been home more than fifteen minutes when he drove into the garage.
What drove her father to meddle in every facet of her life?
She breathed a little easier as she drove through the town that was little more than a wide spot in the road.
Nice looking too - and drove a smart looking little car.
After a quick breakfast, she made a list of the items she needed and drove to the tiny town.
It roared on the tin roof and plunged off the eves, where the wind caught it and drove it across the yard in horizontal sheets.
She did a little shopping and drove home, humming a tune.
He drove with skill and confidence - which was no surprise.
I drove out here the night before you did.
Reaching her car, she drove home in a blur of tears.
She pulled onto the crowded street and drove with barely contained patience through the residential areas before flooring the car when she reached the highway.
She found herself relaxing as they drove away from Xander's.
They drove an hour away, Gerry filling the time with engaging chatter.
Disturbed, she ignored the chatter between Ashley and Xander as they drove back to his place.
Jessi drove to the mall, relieved he hadn't said her house.
He drove them up the coast, past the exit to his condo and onward to the hills of Los Angeles.
In 790 the banished !Ethelred returned to the throne and drove out Osred, whom he put to death in 792. !Ethelred, who had married iElflaed the daughter of Offa, also killed Olf and Olfwine, the sons of Olfwald and was murdered himself at Corbridge in 796.
But the captain drove him from the deck, and, wandering on in search of work, he fell in with a canal boatman who engaged him.
In pursuit of his art he travelled, and is said to have reached England; ill-health drove him homewards in 1524, in which year he married Dirckgen Willems at Delft.
They were fanatical, and their tyranny drove numbers of their Jewish and Christian subjects to take refuge in the growing Christian states of Portugal, Castile and Aragon.
His son, Arnulf I., called the Bad, drove back the Hungarians, and was elected duke of Bavaria in 913.
The Roman king, who was an unsuccessful candidate, took up arms, drove the Hungarians from Austria, and regained Vienna, which had been in the possession of Matthias since 1485; but he was compelled by want of money to retreat, and on the 7th of November 14 9 1 signed the treaty of Pressburg with Ladislaus, king of Bohemia, who had obtained the Hungarian throne.
Mithradates defeated Cotta, the Roman consul, at Chalcedon; but Lucullus worsted him, and drove him in 72 to take refuge in Armenia with his son-in-law Tigranes.
During 1567 and 1568 the persecutions in France and Holland drove thousands of Protestants, mostly Presbyterians, to England.
Lavalle, at the head of a division of troops, drove Dorrego from Buenos Aires, pursued him into the interior, and captured him.
In the slow process of time they drove them into the most southerly corner of Australia, just as the Saxons drove the Celts into Cornwall and the Welsh hills.
He was entrusted with the defence of Transylvania at the end of 1848, and in 1849, as the general of the Szeklers, he performed miracles with his little army, notably at the bridge of Piski (February 9), where, after fighting all day, he drove back an immense force of pursuers.
Khaired-Din, succeeding Arouj, drove the Spaniards from the Penon (1530) and was the founder of the pashalik, afterwards deylik, of Algeria.
In the following year there was a fresh rebellion, when the emperor Frederick was actually crowned king by the malcontents at Vienna-Neustadt (March 4, 1 459); but Matthias drove him out, and Pope Pius II.
The great beauty and fertility of the country, as well as the charm of its climate, undoubtedly attracted, even in early ages, successive swarms of invaders from the north, who sometimes drove out the previous occupants of the most favored districts, at others reduced them to a state of serfdom, or settled down in the midst of them, until the two races gradually coalesced.
He defeated Odoacer, drove him to Ravenna, besieged him there, and in 493 completed the conquest of the country by murdering the Herulian chief with his own hand.
The French armies were more than once defeated by Prince Eugene of Savoy, who drove them out of Italy in 1707.
Though a strong Tory and supporter of the hereditary principle, James's attacks on Protestantism soon drove him into opposition.
Soon after the accession of Nero, Vologaeses (Vologasus), king of Parthia, overran Armenia, drove out Rhadamistus, who was under the protection of the Romans, and set his own brother Tiridates on the throne.
In 874 the march of the Danes from Lindsey to Repton drove Burgred from his kingdom.
He is first heard of at the beginning of the third Mithradatic war, when he drove out the troops of Mithradates under Eumachus from Phrygia.
He was elected through the intervention of a representative of the emperor, Count Sicco, who drove out the intruded Franco (afterwards Pope Boniface VII.).
Tammaritu marched to Babylonia; while there, his officer Inda-bigas made himself master of Susa and drove Tammaritu to the coast whence he fled to Assur-banipal.
In 1494 a crushing victory of the emperor Maximilian drove the Turks out of Styria, which they did not venture again to invade during his reign.
The new grand vizier, Cicala, by his severity to the soldiers, mainly Asiatics, who had shown cowardice in the battle, drove thousands to desert; and the sultan, who had himself little stomach for the perils of campaigning, returned to Constantinople, leaving the conduct of the war to his generals.
All hope seemed lost, when by a brilliant feat of arms John Sobieski, king of Poland, drove away the besiegers in hopeless confusion and saved the cause of Christianity, 1683.
At first eminently successful, he drove the Austrians across the Danube, recapturing Nish, Vidin, Semendria and Belgrade; repulses were also inflicted on the Venetians and the Russians.
They had sighted the coast of Peloponnesus when a storm overtook them and drove them to the coast of Libya, where they were saved from a quicksand by the local nymphs.
By daybreak on the 74th, the anniversary of Elchingen, upwards of 60,000 men stood densely battalions were sent forward, and these, delaying their advance till the fog had sufficiently lifted, were met by French skirmishers, and small columns, who rapidly overlapped their flanks and drove them back in confusion.
Murat attacked the Russians, who had halted in their entrenched position, on the 11th and drove in their outposts, but did not discover the entrenchments.
Napoleon passed the night in a house in the western suburb and next morning rode to the Kremlin, the troops moving to the quarters assigned to them, but in the afternoon a great fire began and, continuing for two days, drove the French out into the country again.
Napoleon, as soon as he had disembarrassed himself of Schwarzenberg, counter-marched his main body and moving again by Sezanne, fell upon Blucher's left and drove him back upon Soissons.
On the 7th of March Napoleon fell upon the advance guard of this force at Craonne and drove it back upon Laon, where a battle took place on the 9th.
He intended taking monastic orders, but in 1798 the occupation of the city by the French troops drove him from Rome and changed his proposed career.
Siberia, which took place in the 5th century, drove them farther N., and probably reduced most of them to slavery.
The rapid settling of the state drove its native fauna, which comprised buffalo, deer, moose, bear, lynx and wolves, in great numbers into the northern sections, westward into Dakota, or across the Canadian border.
Expeditions of Sibley in 1863, and General Alfred Sully (1821-1879) in 1864, eventually drove the hostile Indians beyond the Missouri and terminated the war, which in two years had cost upwards of a thousand lives of settlers and volunteers.
On the voyage homewards his fleet was scattered off Cape Malea by a storm, which drove him to Egypt.
Hill on the 14th and 15th of February, after a combat at Garris, drove the French posts beyond the Joyeuse; and Wellington then pressed these troops back over the Bidouze and Gave' de Mauleon to the Gave d'Oleron.
At midnight on the 6th of December 1741, with a few personal friends, including her physician, Armand Lestocq, her chamberlain, Michael Ilarionvich Vorontsov, her future husband, Alexius Razumovski, and Alexander and Peter Shuvalov, two of the gentlemen of her household, she drove to the barracks of the Preobrazhensky Guards, enlisted their sympathies by a stirring speech, and led them to the Winter Palace, where the regent was reposing in absolute security.
Down the river Cauto, then open to the sea for vessels of 200 tons, and through Manzanillo, Bayamo drove a thriving contraband trade that made it at the opening of the 17th century the leading town of Cuba.
Marching rapidly on York he drove the Danes to their ships; and the city was then reduced by a blockade.
But the new popular order, which had already asserted its predominance in the council of the riformatori, now drove out the dodicini, and for five days (rrth to 16th December) kept the government in its own hands.
The townspeople, encouraged and reinforced by this aid from without, at once rose in revolt, and, attacking the Spanish troops, disarmed them and drove them to take refuge in the citadel (28th July).
Herculano was denounced from the pulpit and the press for his lack of patriotism and piety, and after bearing the attack for some time his pride drove him to reply.
Unfortunately, however, the brilliant epoch of the alliance of Liberalism and Catholicism, represented on its literary side by Chateaubriand and by Lamartine, to whose poetic school Herculano had belonged, was past, and fanatical attacks and the progress of events drove this former champion of the Church into conflict with the ecclesiastical authorities.
He never, indeed, jeopardized the position of the Moslems in Europe as his father had done, and thus the peace of Szeged (1444), which regained the line of the Danube and drove the Turk behind the Balkans, must always be reckoned as the high-water mark of Hungary's Turkish triumphs.
On June 28 (Kosovo Day) the Prince Regent took oath to the new constitution, but the ceremony was marred by an attempt to assassinate him and the premier, by a bomb thrown as they drove back to the palace.
Their left wing drove the English back, but Lord Dacre's reserve corps restored the fight on this side.
On the western border, where the natives were of less warlike character than those on their southern and northern frontiers, intrigues were already going on with petty tribal chiefs, and the Boers drove out a portion of the Barolongs from their lands, setting up the so-called republics of Stellaland and Goshen.
On the 10th of October the Dundee brigade vigorously and successfully attacked Talana Hill, and drove back Lukas Meyer, but this success was dearly bought.
He encountered resistance at Belmont on the 23rd, but attacking resolutely he drove the Boers out of their strong positions.
The Lao, who descended from the mountain districts of Yunnan, Szechuen and Kweichow to the highland plains of upper Indo-China, and drove the wilder Kha peoples whom they found in possession into the hills, mostly adopted Buddhism, and formed small settled communities or states in which laws were easy, taxes light and a very fair degree of comfort was attained.
They formed important settlements at various points on the Mekong, notably Luang Prabang, Wieng Chan (Vien-Tiane) Ubon and Bassac; and, heading inland as far as Korat on the one side and the Annamite watershed in the east, they drove out the less civilized Kha peoples, and even the Cambodians, as the Lao Pong Dam did on the west.
The empress Theodora (842-857) hung, crucified, beheaded or drowned some Ioo,000 of them, and drove yet more over the frontier, where from Argaeum, Amara, Tephrike and other strongholds their generals Karbeas and Chrysocheir harried the empire, until 873, when the emperor Basil slew Chrysocheir and took Tephrike.
In 1757, while in temporary command of the "Antelope" (50), he drove a French ship ashore in Audierne Bay, and captured two privateers.
Dionysius, to make himself perfectly safe, drove out a number of the old inhabitants and turned the place into a barracks, he himself living in the citadel.
The counter-revolutionaries drove him into hiding from May 1795 until the amnesty proclaimed in the autumn of that year.
Chaka joined in his patron's raids, and in 1812 the Umtetwa and Zulu drove the Amangwana across the Buffalo river.
Cetywayo left a son, Dinizulu, who sought the assistance of some of the Transvaal Boers against Usibepu, whom he defeated and drove into the Reserve.
About this time (the exact chronology is uncertain) Ethelstan expelled Sihtric's brother Guthfrith, destroyed the Danish fortress at York, received the submission of the Welsh at Hereford, fixing their boundary along the line of the Wye, and drove the Cornishmen west of the Tamar, fortifying Exeter as an English city.
A similar series of excellent teachings on practical wisdom and the blessings of a virtuous life, only of a severer and more uncompromising character, is contained in the Sa`adatnama; and, judging from the extreme bitterness of tone manifested in the "reproaches of kings and emirs," we should be inclined to consider it a protest against the vile aspersions poured out upon Nasir's moral and religious attitude during those persecutions which drove him at last to Yumgan.
Essling now fell to another assault of Rosenberg, and though again the French, this time part of the Guard, drove him out, the Austrian general then directed his efforts on the flank of the French centre, slowly retiring on the bridges.
A pestilence drove Otto to Germany in 965, and finding the Romans again in arms on his return in 966, he allowed his soldiers to sack the city, and severely punished the leaders of the rebellion.
He was a contemporary of Dionysius I., and with him successfully resisted the Carthaginians when they invaded the territory of Agyrium in 392 B.C. Agira was not colonized by the Greeks until Timoleon drove out the last tyrant in 339 B.C. and erected various splendid buildings of which no traces remain.
At the time of the Sicilian Vespers (1282), which drove the French out of Sicily, Messina bravely defended itself against Charles of Anjou, and repulsed his attack.
Loyal at first to King Wenceslaus, the king's neglect of Germany drove Frederick to take part in his deposition in 1400, and in the election of Rupert III., count palatine of the Rhine, whom he accompanied to Italy in the following year.
With the aid of his brother Kiejstut, Olgierd in 1345 drove out the incapable Yavnuty and declared himself grandduke.
With 90,000 men Sherman drove Johnston before him, and when Lee surrendered to Grant Johnston also gave up the struggle.
Philip seized the throne and drove back his rivals.
Unfortunately the intrigues against him drove him from office in 1702, and soon afterwards he died.
The date of these events is placed between 175 and 140 B.C. They then attacked another tribe known as Sakas, and drove them to Persia and India.
The religious troubles drove him thence, and Rohan, the wen-known chief of the Huguenots, took him under his special protection.
But the premature death of his young wife, who fell a victim to yellow fever, drove him again to Europe.
The accession of Mary in 1553 drove him from England, and he became pastor of the Italian congregation at Zurich.
Her voyage to Scotland was interrupted by a violent storm - for the raising of which several Danish and Scottish witches were burned or executed - which drove her on the coast of Norway, whither the impatient James came to meet her, the marriage taking place at Opslo (now Christiania) on the 23rd of November.
Thus external and internal influences alike drove him into conflict with the Netherlands, France and England; with the first because political and religious discontent combined to bring about revolt, which he felt bound in duty to crush; with the second and third because they helped the Flemings and the Hollanders.
On the 14th of May 1863 Johnston who then held the city, was attacked on both sides by Sherman and McPherson with two corps of Grant's army, which, after a sharp engagement, drove the Confederates from the town.
His first campaign was against the Moschi who had occupied certain Assyrian districts on the Upper Euphrates; then he overran Commagene and eastern Cappadocia, and drove the Hittites from the Assyrian province of Subarti north-east of Malatia.
A third of the leading brigade (British) was killed and wounded in the vain attempt to break through the strong defences of the village, and some French squadrons charged upon it as it retired; a colour was captured in the melee, but a Hessian brigade in second line drove back the cavalry and retook the colour.
This attack failed completely, and it was not until Marlborough himself, with fresh battalions, drove the French back into Oberglau that the allies were free to cross the Nebel.
Wheeling to their left the pursuers drove hundreds of fugitives into the Danube, and Eugene was now pressing the army of Marsin towards Marlborough, who re-formed and faced northward to cut off its retreat.
Radetzky, the Austrian general, having received reinforcements, drove the centre of the extended Italian line back across the Mincio (23rd of July), and in the two days' fighting at Custozza (24th and 25th of July) the Piedmontese were beaten, forced to retreat, and to ask for an armistice.
Till 732, Auch stood on the right bank of the Gers, but in that year the ravages of the Saracens drove the inhabitants to take refuge on the left bank of the river, where a new city was formed.
Therefore he carried on the policy of excluding the Huguenots - the only colonizing element among his subjects, - and drove them into the English plantations.
Zwingli, moreover, never knew anything of those spiritual experiences which drove Luther into a cloister and goaded him to a feverish "searching of the Scriptures" in the hope of finding spiritual peace.
The duke then attacked strenuously all along the line, and before darkness stopped the fight he drove back the French to their morning position at Frasnes.
It was during this struggle that Lord Uxbridge launched two of his cavalry brigades on the enemy; and the "Union brigade" catching the French infantry unawares rode over them, broke them up, and drove them to the bottom of the slope with the loss of two eagles.
Together, these troops drove Billow out of Plancenoit, and forced him back towards the Paris wood.
The veterans did the work magnificently with the bayonet, ousted the Prussians from the place, and drove them back 600 yards beyond it.
Pushing on through the night, they drove the French out of seven successive bivouacs and at length drove them over the Sambre.
Considering his force (about 1450) insufficient for an attack on the fortifications, he withdrew a short distance north of Camden to an advantageous position on Hobkirk's Hill, where on the 25th of April Rawdon, with a force of only 950, took him somewhat by surprise and drove him from the field.
The 5th Army gradually drove in Kuropatkin's small detachments in the mountains, and came up in line with Kuroki, threatening to envelop the Russian left.
This charge, in which many of the "Rough Riders" were killed or wounded, drove the Spaniards from the trenches and opened the way to the surrender of Santiago.
In 1552, suddenly marching against Charles at Innsbruck, he drove him to flight and then extorted from him the religious peace of Passau.
Going in state to Ascot the queen was hissed by some ladies as her carriage drove on to the course, and two peeresses, one of them a Tory duchess, were openly accused of this unseemly act.
When the plague drove him from Paris, he went to Orleans or Tournehem or St.
The strict rule of Calvin drove out many old Genevese families, while he caused to be received as citizens many French, Italian and English refugees, so that Geneva.
Yet we may say that this was its salvation; for the struggle against Luther drove the papacy back to its ecclesiastical duties, and the council of Trent established medieval dogma as the doctrine of modern Catholicism in contradistinction to Protestantism.
Kiejstut ruled the western portion of the land where the Teutonic Knights were a constant menace, while Olgierd drove the Tatar hordes out of the southeastern steppes, and compelled them to seek a refuge in the Crimea.
Finding the district already occupied, they proceeded over the river, drove out the Etruscans and Umbrians, and established themselves as far as the Apennines in the modern Romagna.
The establishment of an insurrectionary republic at Rome drove him into exile in May 1434, and, although the city was restored to obedience in the following October, he remained at Florence and Bologna.
His subjects were ordered to worship him under the name of Zeus; he built a bridge of brass, over which he drove at full speed in his chariot to imitate thunder, the effect being heightened by dried skins and caldrons trailing behind, while torches were thrown into the air to represent lightning.
Although defeated near Frankfort in August 1246 by the anti-king, Henry Raspe, landgrave of Thuringia, he obtained help from the towns and from his father-in-law Otto II., duke of Bavaria, and drove Henry Raspe to Thuringia.
The year 690 is regarded as the date of the temporary extinction of Greek in Italy, but, in the first quarters of the 8th and the 9th centuries, the iconoclastic decrees of the Byzantine emperors drove many of the Greek monks and their lay adherents to the south of Italy, and even to Rome itself.
Johnston fell severely wounded, and in the end a properly connected and combined advance of the Army of the Potomac drove back his successor into the lines of Richmond (May 31 - June 1).
Sherman was to proceed down the great river, and join the ships from the Gulf before Vicksburg, while Grant himself drove Pemberton southwards along the Mississippi Central railway.
In 1669 the corsairs drove out the pasha, and put into his place a dey elected by themselves.
Badly received by the great aristocratic family of the Walid-sidiSheikh, he re-entered Morocco, but the emperor of that country, dreading his influence and fearing difficulties with the French, drove him out.
The fourth book is principally devoted to the elaborate and exhaustive polemic against the mercantile system which finally drove it from the field of science, and has exercised a powerful influence on economic legislation.
Russia, which had been their warmest patron, drove them from St Petersburg and Moscow in 1813, and from the whole empire in 1820, mainly on the plea of attempted proselytizing in the imperial army.
Holland drove them out in 1816, and, by giving them thus a valid excuse for aiding the Belgian revolution of 1830, secured them the strong position they have ever since held in Belgium; but they have succeeded in returning to Holland.
Coxcoxtli used the help of the Aztecs against the Xochimilco people; but his own nation, horrified at their bloodthirsty sacrifice of prisoners, drove them out to the islands and swamps of the great salt lagoon, where they are said to have taken to making their chinampas or floating gardens of mud heaped on rafts of reeds and brush, which in later times were so remarkable a feature of Mexico.
Adverse weather drove them to Ireland, where they were enslaved.
Howe drove Washington out of it, and forced the abandonment of the whole of Manhattan Island by three welldirected movements upon the American left.
In January and February 1782 he conquered St Christopher, in spite of the most determined opposition of Hood, who with a much inferior force first drove him from his anchorage at Basseterre, and then repulsed his repeated attacks.
From the very beginning of his reign Eric's morbid fear of the upper classes drove him to give his absolute confidence to a man of base origin and bad character, though, it must be admitted, of superior ability.
There had already been serious revolts and raids, and after the battle of Leipzig the Russians drove the king from Cassel (October 1813), the kingdom of Westphalia was dissolved and the old order was for a time re-established.
But the spirit of darkness drove into him all the portions of light he had stolen, in order to be able to dominate them the more securely.
Increasing religious fervour, aided by persecution, drove them farther and farther away from the abodes of men into mountain solitudes or lonely deserts.
The Sequani then appealed to Caesar, who drove back the Germans (58), but at the same time obliged the Sequani to surrender all that they had gained from the Aedui.
After the death of Vitellius, the inhabitants refused to join the Gallic revolt against Rome instigated by Julius Civilis and Julius Sabinus, and drove back Sabinus, who had invaded their territory.
Threatened with the desertion of his barons he drove all whom he suspected to desperation by his terrible severity towards the Braose family (1210); and by his continued misgovernment irrevocably estranged the lower classes.
In the end the vanity and featherheadedness of Ibn Ammar drove his master to kill him.
He drove the French out of Oporto by a singularly bold and fortunate attack, and then prepared to march against Madrid by the valley of the Tagus.
He failed in an attempt to recover Cyprus from a rebellious noble, and by the oppressiveness of his taxes drove the Bulgarians and Vlachs to revolt (1186).
He received Macedonia for his province, where he distinguished himself in a campaign against the Scordisci, whom he drove across the Danube, being the first Roman general who reached that river.
Enghien had designed his battle even more carefully than before, but as the result of a series of accidents the two French armies attacked prematurely and straight to their front, one brigade after another, and though at one moment Enghien, sword in hand, broke the line of defence with his last intact reserve, a brilliant counterstroke, led by Mercy's brother Kaspar (who was killed), drove out the assailants.
The Five Mile Act drove him to Frome Selwood, and in that neighbourhood he preached until his death on the 22nd of December 1681.
In addition to his teaching, however, he also applied himself to studies in Oriental literature, and in particular acquired from Cornelius Bertram, one of his brother professors, a knowledge of Syriac. While he resided at Geneva the massacre of St Bartholomew in 1572 drove an immense number of Protestant refugees to that city, including several of the most distinguished French men of letters of the time.
But, as early as the 29th of May 1434 a revolution broke out in Rome, which, on the 4th of June, drove the pope in flight to Florence; where he was obliged to remain, while Giovanni Vitelleschi restored order in the papal state.
Again, the close of his reign was marked by the wars against Ferrara and Naples, and subsequently against Venice and the Colonnas; and these drove the question of a crusade completely into the background.
The intrigues of Cardinal Soderini led to a breach with France and drove Adrian into the arms of the Imperial league.
The overweening arrogance of the Spaniards soon drove the pope back into the ranks of their enemies.
He dealt with the great question at issue from the standpoint of the diplomatist, rather than from that of the statesman well versed in ecclesiastical history and possessing an insight into what it implies; and by his violent, inconsiderate action he unwittingly drove into the ranks of Ultramontanism the moderate elements of the Catholic population.
This brought the intervention of the Chinese, who drove the Gurkhas out of Tibet (1792), and then began to strike silver coins for Lhasa use, bearing Chinese and Tibetan characters.
With the aid of Nectanebus of Egypt, who had grievances of his own to avenge, the Sidonians carried the rest of Phoenicia with them and drove the satraps of Syria and Cilicia out of the country.
After Geoffrey's death (1186) the feud between John and Richard drove the latter into an alliance with Philip Augustus of France.
In 202-1 Philopoemen drove Nabis, the Spartan tyrant, from Messene and routed him off Tegea.
General Brock drove him back and forced him to surrender at Detroit on the 16th of August.
In 1679 the storm of persecution drove him to settle on his family estate of Tillemont, between Montreuil and Vincennes.
The tyranny of these nobles drove the peasantry and smaller vassals to seek the protection for life and property, the equality of taxation and of justice, which could be found only inside the walled city and under the rule of the archbishop. Thus Milan grew populous, and learned to govern itself.
Marching into Bohemia the Saxons occupied Prague, but John George soon began to negotiate for peace and consequently his soldiers offered little resistance to Wallenstein, who drove them back into Saxony.
He was among those who fell in the great fight of 907; but his son Arnulf, surnamed the Bad, rallied the remnants of the race, drove back the Hungarians, and was chosen duke of the Bavarians in 911, when Bavaria and Carinthia were united under his rule.
Similar events were meanwhile happening in North America, for the seas were steadily filled with sediments which drove them from the northeast towards the south-west, and doubtless those movements which at the close of this period uplifted the Appalachian mountains were already operative in the same direction.
The separation of Fanti and Ashanti has been ascribed to a famine which drove the former south, and led them to live on fan, or herbs, while the latter subsisted on san, or Indian corn, &c., whence the names Fanti and Santi.
On the refusal of the Fanti to deliver up the fugitives, Osai Tutu invaded their country, defeated them and drove them towards the sea.
In 1304 the commonalty rose against the patricians and drove them from the city, and in the following year gained a victory over the exiles and their allies, the knights, which was long celebrated by an annual service of thanksgiving.
It was supposed that Moab, having expelled the aboriginal giants, was in turn displaced by the Amorite king Sihon, who forced Moab south of the Arnon (Wadi MOjib, a natural boundary) and drove Ammon beyond the Jabbok.
The archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Kilwardby, was also his friend; but after Kilwardby's death in 1279 a series of disputes arose between the bishop and the new archbishop, John Peckham, and this was probably the cause which drove Cantilupe to visit Italy.
After his coronation he carried on three successful campaigns against the Saracens and Seliuk Turks, whom he drove beyond the Euphrates; in a fourth he was disastrously defeated by Alp Arslan on the banks of the Araxes and taken prisoner.
On his way a west wind drove him to Friesland, where he evangelized the natives and prepared the way for Willibrord.
At last, on the 17th of July 1048, the marquis of Tuscany drove him from Rome, where he was never seen again.
Ferdinand drove to the uttermost the advantages of his victory.
Having quickly assembled this, h drove the Saxons from Bohemia, and then marched towards Franconia, with the intention of crossing swords with his only serious rival, Gustavus Adolphus, who had left Munich when he heard that this foe had taken the field.
Frederick VII., who had just succeeded Christian VIII., put down the rebellion, but Prussia, acting in the name of the confederation, despatched an army against the Daoes, and drove them from Schleswig.
In East Africa the great revolt of the Arabs in 1888 drove the company out of all their possessions, with the exception of the port of Dar-es-Salam.
But a sortie of the garrison of Astrakhan drove back the besiegers; 15,000 Russians, under Knes Serebianov, attacked and scattered the workmen and the Tatar force sent for their protection; and, finally, the Ottoman fleet was destroyed by a storm.
The emperor was soon again at issue with the Austrian nobles, and was attacked by Matthias Corvinus, king of Hungary, who drove him from Vienna in 1485.
The two tyrants drove Carthage to a peace by which she abandoned all her Sicel allies to Dionysius.
Timoleon drove out all the tyrants, and it specially marks the fusion of the two races that the people of the Sicel Agyrium were admitted to the citizenship of free Syracuse.
From some towns he drove out the Campanians, and he largely invited Greek settlement, especially from the Italiot towns, which were hard pressed by the Bruttians.