Dross Sentence Examples
Not all of the work here is of such a high standard but there isn't very much dross.
But, as TV game shows are utter dross, the games tend to be too.
The last distinctive epithet was derived from the little hamlet in the vicinity which furnished shelter, not only to the workmen, but to the monks of St Jerome who were afterwards to be in possession of the monastery; and the hamlet itself is generally but perhaps erroneously supposed to be indebted for its name to the scoriae or dross of certain old iron mines.
Browne finds that after smoking " chandoo," containing 8.98% of morphine, 7.63% was left in the dross, so that only 1.35% of morphia was carried over in the smoke or decomposed by the heat.
For this end, disrepute and poverty are advantageous, in so far as they drive back the man upon himself, increasing his self-control and purifying his intellect from the dross of the external.
It is also manufactured by the latter process from the metallic zinc liquated out of galvanizer's dross.
For smoking the Chinese use an extract of opium known as prepared opium or chandoo, and a cheaper preparation is made from 60% used opium known as " opium dross " and 40% native opium.
When I'm satisfied, I very gently rub the inside of each tine to remove the dross from the grinding of the outside.
The process enables 100 per cent recovery and re-use of white and black dross.
In a market flooded by generic, boring dross, it is games like this that can restore our faith in the industry.
AdvertisementThe actors seem purpose-built for this sort of dross.
Any wastewater from the exhaust cleaning and dross washing processes are first filtered of solids before being passed onto the wastewater recycling plant.
Alice may have become arena dross, but Beefheart opted out of music altogether.
An incredible finish to the opening period considering the relative dross beforehand.
All BMWs, especially 1 Series Tad complete dross, and what's the point?
AdvertisementIt is Mathematics purified from material dross and made spiritual.
The lead is melted down slowly, when the impurities separate in the form of a scum (dross), which is easily removed.
A redistilled zinc, from an ordinarily pure commercial zinc, is often called chemically pure, but redistillation is seldom practised except for the recovery of zinc from galvanizer's dross and from the skimmings and bottoms of the melting furnaces of zinc rolling mills.
Is't verse, such mindless dross, That no pornographer e'er came across?
The laborer, looking into it at evening, purifies his thoughts of the dross and earthiness which they have accumulated during the day.
AdvertisementA bath, even of very impure zinc, is allowed to stand at about the temperature of the melting-point of the metal for forty-eight or more hours, whereupon the more easily oxidizable impurities can be largely removed in the dross at the top, the heavier metals such as lead and iron settling towards the bottom.