Drop Sentence Examples
Can you just drop me off near the mall?
I promise to drop in and see you the very next time I'm up this way.
Gotta drop someone a visit.
I drop by on occasion to check on my father's restaurants, he said with a quick glance around.
If the turnip is dry, it is watered, each drop carefully metered out.
She let her head drop back and sighed.
He saw his sister drop after the strike of a sword.
She let the subject drop.
She hoped he'd drop the subject, that they could start over.
I could drop off the radar for a time.
AdvertisementYou're asking me to drop everything when I'm so close to achieving my goal.
He paid each day and he didn't drop off his rent.
And now, if you don't drop out of the election, you've got an opponent who despises you!
Katie wants to keep Destiny today, so I'll drop her off and then take Jonathan to the school for his field trip when I go for the conference.
Backing the car up, she watched the man with the sword drop to his knees and slowly stand.
AdvertisementYou'd really better drop it all.
Rhyn, can you drop by the lake and bring a couple sets of clothes?
If it was so simple, Andre wouldn't be trying to drop a hint without betraying the confidence of Deidre.
In recent apparatus, to enable it to be used on board ship, a hydrogeneous spirit is used which is fed drop by drop into the chamber in which the arc is worked.
Technically, if you drop a shackle from above waste height you should put a hacksaw through it.
AdvertisementIn the past, impetuous young men would drop out of college and run off to join the army.
Perhaps our guardian angel gathers them up as we drop them, and will give them back to us in the beautiful sometime when we have grown wiser, and learned how to use them rightly.
A trip back to the house to drop off the eggs revealed a house still silent.
Maybe everyone else is hyper to drop everything and hop a plane but I'm not going anywhere!
A drop in serum potassium may account for some of the symptoms.
AdvertisementBut when it grows in dense woods, where the lower branches decay and drop off early, only a small head of foliage remaining at the tapering summit, its stem, though frequently of great height, is rarely more than 11 or 2 ft.
In doing so they drop a wooden soul-token called a Churinga.
South Bethlehem is the see of a Protestant Episcopal bishop. The Bethlehem Steel Company manufactures here iron and steel, including Bessemer steels, armour plate, steel rails, government ordnance, drop forgings, iron and steel castings, stationary engines, gas engines, hydraulic pumps, projectiles, steel shaft and pig iron; zinc is smelted and refined; and there are large hosiery and knitting mills, and silk mills and cigar factories.
The track starts as an eerie roller but at the drop changes into a dark, amen drum, floor smasher.
Kel accidentally spills a drop of orange soda on it.
Now add 2M sodium hydroxide, drop by drop, noting any color change.
They had asked for four clinical nurse specialists although this was a drop in the ocean in Sussex.
Work up some saliva and drop a spittle on top of the water and observe.
Liam avoided this fate by having to drop out at about 27 miles due to a sudden pain that he suspected was shin splints.
The Yankee States, of which he is so staunch a subject, are but a drop in the bucket.
After the Yorkshire Pudding has been baking for 10 minutes drop the marinated steaks into the part baked batter.
They can hear a pin drop.
We put and call C the ballistic coefficient (driving power) of the shot, so that (6) At = COT, where (7) AT = Av/gp, and AT is the time in seconds for the velocity to drop Av of the standard shot for which C = I, and for which the ballistic table is calculated.
The chat room may get a little steamy, so you'll have to drop by if you want to see what's happening!
Place adverts in shop windows and local papers, consider a leaflet drop which is proving very successful at the moment.
Drop tablespoonfuls of the batter into the pan, well spaced out.
Drop down the scree to the valley and across easy ground to pass the tarns.
Then grease two baking trays and drop heaped teaspoonfuls onto them, leaving a little space for expansion.
If he didn't, he was likely to drop dead during his furious tirades against the Bread Tax.
Get smashed, drop a pill, smoke a joint, shoot up or snort a line; who 's to blame?
These boards have become nothing but turgid rubbish, no wonder people left them and others hardly drop in anymore.
While a female may bite to protect her egg sac, most of the time both sexes will simply drop to the ground and disappear when threatened.
We can thus measure as described the drop in volts down a known fraction of the whole high resistance and therefore calculate the fall in potential down the whole of the high resistance, which is the potential difference required.
For this purpose a resistance, say, of one ohm is placed in series with the lamp and a resistance of 100,000 ohms placed across the terminals of the lamp; the latter resistance is divided into two parts, one consisting of loon ohms and the other of 99,000 ohms. The potentiometer enables us to measure therefore the current through the lamp by measuring the drop in volts down a resistance in series with it and the potential difference of the terminals of the lamp by measuring the drop in volts down the tooth part of the high resistance of 100,000 ohms connected across the terminals of the lamp.
The usual method is to make a mixture of amorphous phosphorus and a large excess of iodine and then to allow water to drop slowly upon it; the reaction starts readily, and the gas obtained can be freed from any admixed iodine vapour by passing it through a tube containing some amorphous phosphorus.
Equilibrium requires that the available energy and therefore the area of contact should be a minimum, as is demonstrated in Plateau's beautiful experiment, where a large drop of oil is placed in a liquid of equal density and a perfect sphere is formed.
One result of this limit, marked out by Nature herself, is that the waters which flow down the northern slope of the Alps find their way either into the North Sea through the Rhine, or into the Black Sea by means of the Danube, not a drop reaching the Baltic Sea.
The throw of this fault may be as much as 2000 metres, and the drop is on its south-east side, i.e.
Your country isn't Britain, it's Europe so drop the pretense and desist from claiming to care about employment levels in Britain.
Faster pull-ups You can do pull-ups a lot faster by doing a drop catch.
These too are a mild purgative, but they dont drop as readily as honeysuckle berries.
However, the producers decided to drop the character in order to concentrate the action on Erskine's dogged pursuit of justice.
By small I mean a drop about the size of, well, a small raindrop perhaps.
While both male and female reindeer grow antlers, MOST males will drop their antler by early December.. .
A drop of wart remover, allowed to dry on a slide, will give you very pleasing results.
For ribbing knit 4 more rows then drop every other row and convert to ribbing knit 4 more rows then drop every other row and convert to ribbing.
Drop wire A small vertical steel wire rope used for rigging an object from.
Okay, drop the shovel and get the scarab, then go back SW.
This water can be used for all plants except tiny little seedlings which do need a drop of cleaner water from the mains.
They blame a recent drop in theater attendances on the impression that the West End has become seedy in recent years.
There is a high drop out rate with online self-study.
The brain chemical serotonin, whose levels drop during a migraine, is also involved.
For example, you could add a glow effect, a drop shadow or simply change the background color.
For a Blue Lagoon, either buy Blue Curaçao, or add a drop of blue food coloring to the cocktail shaker.
The wind picked up slightly for the start of race two, only to progressively drop and become more shifty as the race developed.
For now we will use the same jacks, but use shims to prevent a large drop at any time.
The drop shipper holds all the stock - You never hold any stock.
This superb day touring kayak has a drop skeg that makes touring so much easier.
Being very sleepy, they tried for some time to drop off again in spite of the cold.
You drop the now-empty shell into any glass, grin, and the copper slug is shinning BETWEEN YOUR TEETH!
It was straight through, to wait for the upper sluice to drop and the lower sluice to raise.
From an elevated tee, the green was just 116 yards away from the white tees with a vertical drop worthy of any rollercoaster.
The design uses state-of-the-art active transducers to provide a high quality digital trace with low data drop out.
Arson target to come down Mental health review Parkside plans given final tweak Spare a drop?
There are ample natural belays to rig the 4secs (bouncing) drop, which remains undescended.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are effectively unmanned Aerial Vehicles are effectively unmanned planes, which are used in battle to take aerial photos and drop bombs on targets.
The edge, with its six foot drop onto traffic was left completely unprotected.
When she has used the bowl, you slip and drop it, get the church vacuum cleaner and clear up meticulously.
The Swedish player is very tall as well, and we saw some pretty good volley drop shots and volley drop shots and volley kills from both players.
Drop Wire A small vertical steel wire rope used for rigging an object from.
Details of a vehicle drop off zone adjoining the proposed nursery building x. Details of a car park management plan xi.
Maybe it was the slight stirring of a breeze, maybe the temperature drop as another glorious sunset glowed yellow behind Slioch.
With a limited budget up front, we were able to deploy a number of units of our choice across several designated drop zones.
Lister determined the number of bacteria present in a drop of the liquid under examination by counting, and then diluted this with a sufficient quantity of sterilized water so that each drop of the mixture should contain, on an average, less than one bacterium.
A number of flasks containing a nutrient medium were each inoculated with one drop of this mixture; it was found that some remained sterile, and Lister assumed that the remaining flasks each contained a pure culture.
Castelli, a petty officer in the Italian navy, found that, if a small drop of mercury was contained in a glass tube between a plug of iron and carbon, with certain adjustments, the arrangement was non-conductive to the current from a single cell but became conductive when electric oscillations passed through it.'
Moreover the clearing-out drop of the cord circuit was replaced by an arrangement which included the provision of one signal to be controlled through the agency of a relay by the calling subscriber, and another to be controlled by the person wanted.
The thermal efficiency of a steam-engine is in general increased by carrying out the expansion of the steam in two, three or even more stages in separate cylinders, notwithstanding the inevitable drop of pressure which must occur when the steam is transferred from one cylinder to the other during the process of expansion.
Along with Kai and Bedwyr (Bedivere), Peredur (Perceval), Gwalchmai (Gawain), and many others, we have such figures as Sgilti Yscandroed, whose way through the wood lay along the tops of the trees, and whose tread was so light that no blade of grass bent beneath his weight; Sol, who could stand all day upon one leg; Sugyn the son of Sugnedydd, who was "broad-chested" to such a degree that he could suck up the sea on which were three hundred ships and leave nothing but dry land; Gweyyl, the son of Gwestad, who when he was sad would let one of his lips drop beneath his waist and turn up the other like a cap over his head; and Uchtry Varyf Draws, who spread his red untrimmed beard over the eight-and-forty rafters of Arthur's hall.
The principal industries are the manufacture of small arms (by the Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Co., makers of the Colt revolver and the Gatling gun), typewriters (Royal and Underwood), automobiles, bicycles, cyclometers, carriages and wagons, belting, cigars, harness, machinists' tools and instruments of precision, coil-piping, church organs, horse-shoe nails, electric equipment, machine screws, drop forgings, hydrants and valves, and engines and boilers.
Their point of view was better expressed in the scruples of priests, who, as Tertullian (c. 200) records (De Corona, iii.), were careful lest a crumb of the bread or a drop of the wine should fall on the ground, and by such incidents the body of Christ be harassed and attacked!
The force thus produced by the introduction of a drop of water between two plates is enormous, and is often sufficient to press certain parts of the plates together so powerfully as to bruise them or break them.
Twisting it round and round he gets a large drop of the fluid to adhere to the dipper; still twisting it round to prevent it falling he brings the drop over the flame of the lamp, and twirling it round and round he roasts it; all this is done with acquired dexterity.
Gazette, xlvi., 1908, regards this tissue as belonging to the nucellus.) At the time of pollination the long tubular integument secretes a drop of fluid at its apex, which holds the pollen-grains, brought by the wind, or possibly to some extent by insect agency, and by evaporation these are drawn on to the top of the nucellus, where partial disorganization of the cells has given rise to an irregular pollen-chamber (fig.
One proposes that it be called "God's Drop."
The ear may be regarded, fancifully, as a lichen, Umbilicaria, on the side of the head, with its lobe or drop.
It was said that Prince Vasili and the old count had turned upon the Italian, but the latter had produced such letters from the unfortunate deceased that they had immediately let the matter drop.
Very pungent smell at bottom of first drop, probably due to rotting sheep.
For those people who just drop in or those who drink copious amounts use the quaffing wine.
Drop down list 3 allows you to select a specific copy of the quarto edition selected.
But, speaking Arabic or Turkish before their fellows Muslims, they drop their facade and embrace radicalism.
And the most telling drop was in Reading boro where the 12 road deaths in 2000 had been reduced to zero by last year.
The Prime Minister continues to drop hints about a referendum on the single currency next year.
While both male and female reindeer grow antlers, MOST males will drop their antler by early December...
Remastered from the original negative, this is a must see - I wo n't touch another drop.
For ribbing knit 4 more rows then drop every other row and convert to ribbing.
Drop in replacement for the tail rotor hub blade grips, exceptionally smooth.
Pick runner beans frequently to encourage more flowering and keep well watered to prevent flower drop.
Let 's hope they remember they 're a city now and do n't drop those for packets of scampi fries.
You can then select from a drop down list on the right the field type you wish to search for.
The ' siesta syndrome ' and a drop in concentration seem the most likely reason why accidents soar in the afternoon.
Then a sudden dash forward to slacken the rope and drop the weight with an abrupt thud.
Both batsman rode their luck and benefited from some sloppy fielding, Hume surviving the drop of the century in the gully.
You drop the now-empty shell into any glass, grin, and the copper slug is shinning BETWEEN YOUR TEETH !
In November 2000 Equitable had been close to not meeting their solvency margin, partly due to a drop in equity values.
A type of loquat syrup is used in Chinese medicine for soothing the throat, like a cough drop.
The stark reality is a drop in pupil numbers.
The chat room may get a little steamy, so you'll have to drop by if you want to see what 's happening !
Some temperate fish like salmon, catfish and sturgeon cannot spawn at all if winter temperatures do not drop below a certain level.
The towpath and ground on each side gradually drop away where the whole surrounding area has subsided due to mining.
The glazed trunk door reveals the swing of the pendulum and the gradual drop of the weights.
Do n't drop car insurance broker us below stretch in your visited sydney ayers.
Dumping syndrome - This is a combination of things including nausea, retching, sweating, diarrhea and a drop in blood sugar level.
It teeters on top of the unstable tower, threatening to drop onto the base.
And yet they seem alive and quivering Against my tremulous hands which loose the string And let them drop down on my knee to-night.
If Fran learned a tight drop shot and trickle boast once every ten shots or so, it would improve her game 30 %.
It is believed that the band deliberately left their beds unmade and a discarded pan drop was found stuck to the shagpile.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are effectively unmanned planes, which are used in battle to take aerial photos and drop bombs on targets.
Drop such that but often are or if none to uproot self-defeating.
The vertiginous drop to the farmland reveals late summer tractors chugging across the fields like Matchbox toys.
Add the vinegar, a drop at a time, to make a smooth mixture.
Please note; Linings are designed to be 3cm shorter in drop than our voile curtain panels.
The Swedish player is very tall as well, and we saw some pretty good volley drop shots and volley kills from both players.
The jump, drop off and wheelie area is 70% complete.
It is estimated that the total number of whippets kept would only drop by about 30 representing a loss of £ 9,000.
I 'm wringing every last drop out of the time available to me.
But I am a Green and I entreat my friends in the movement to drop their wrongheaded objection to nuclear energy.
Some yuppie types are moving down market and storing cash in the hope of moving up market when prices drop.
Not all angel investors want to take on this mentoring role, of course, and prefer to drop off the check and have limited additional responsibility.
Your baby may drop into the birth canal and begin making her way towards your cervix.
Don't worry if your baby appears to drop a feeding.
You may find, however, that your child will drop a breast or bottle feeding or two after you have instituted a couple of solid food feedings during the day.
Drop Sides-Most parents prefer a crib that offers drop sides, so if you are searching for a round crib, look for this feature.
Standard cribs typically offer at least one drop side, and some actually feature drop sides on both sides of the baby bed.
Another feature you should consider is how the sides are allowed to drop.
Eventually, she'll drop down to two naps, and these may last an hour or more each.
This over time will shrivel up and drop off leaving a healthy stump otherwise known as the naval.
Plenty of baby keepsakes now include photo or engraving options, making it fun to create something special without having to drop a lot of cash.
It's normal for newborn babies to drop 5 to 10 percent of their body weight within a couple of weeks of birth.
The bras have a drop cup and inner sling to support the breast while you breastfeed and an outer camisole which helps provide a seamless look.
Some cribs have a drop side on the front portion, allowing a parent to raise and lower the side for easier access to the baby.
The drop side is then attached to where it can move up and down within the track.
It is important to note that while you may be able to find a used drop side crib, these are no longer recommended.
If your crib has a drop side, please note that this style of crib has been discontinued and in many cases recalled.
Manufacturers offer repair kits free of charge to convert your drop side crib into a fixed side crib.
If the drop side of the crib is missing a part or needs a replacement piece, order the repair kit instead.
Most tables have drop pockets made of some type of netting to catch the sunk balls.
The side should drop down quietly and without much effort.
At the same time, the mechanism that allows the side to drop away should be out of the baby's reach.
Drop by The Perfume Spot to shop for men's and unisex fragrances.
They are evergreen, but they do drop leaves throughout the year. many different sizes of magnolias are available, with some growing up to 60 feet tall.
It makes more sense to buy a DVD online nowadays that it does to drop $8 for a one-time viewing at a local theatre.
You can even cancel up to 30 days after you order, if you decide to drop a class.
Sellers may be "drop ship" distributors that do not have their inventory in a central location, but get them through other business in different places.
With drop ship companies, you have no guaranteed product protection, and you may be getting an inferior product.
As new processors are released, prices on previous ones drop significantly, leading to bigger savings.
When selecting the size of table linens, the drop length is important to consider.
The longer the drop length of the tablecloth, the more elegant the table, but it can also be more difficult to keep clean.
For a rectangular table, measure the length of your table plus two times the length of the drop you want.
For the width, measure the width of your table plus two times the length of the drop you want.
Road bikes also have drop bars for aerodynamics.
For instance, finding out that the restaurant industry takes a 12 percent drop in sales is just too much data to really have an impact.
Sometimes, people drop off unwieldy items near a thrift store, and they give it away for free if they don't have space.
Electronics retailers publish ads and have in-store specials from November to December that drop prices to nearly impossible levels.
These sites allow you to watch for special deals on the electronic device that you want and will email you when price drop.
Plus, there's not a little boy out there who won't drop his mouth in wonder when he finds a new skateboard under the tree.
For people who love to shop until they drop, there is no better place than a prime outlet mall.
If you have shopped until you are ready to drop, there are many attractions and accommodations available in the nearby community.
Doral Desert Princess Resort, Palm Springs offers a Shop Till You Drop Package, which includes a VIP Coupon book.
Rendezvous, Palm Springs offers a Shop Till You Drop Package, which includes a $50 gift card that can be used centerwide.
If you've had your fill of shopping, there are also a number of attractions nearby to give you a break from shopping till you drop.
Short haired and hairless cat breeds also need the extra warmth to keep them healthy when temperatures drop.
Keep an eye on her to see if any signs of physical illness appear such as lethargy or a drop in her appetite.
Include a thermal blanket in case temperatures drop unexpectedly.
Call ahead, don't bring your pet, and tell the staff you would like to drop by and introduce yourself.
The Siberian is very playful and is so fascinated with water that she will often drop toys in it and bat them around.
Simply comb your cat and drop the fleas that come off into the oily water.
As you find fleas on your pet, drop them into the oil.Once you have the excess fleas off of your cat, you can begin to use a topical flea killer.
Create a few easy-to-access areas that people can use to drop off books.
A large box that is decorated with the book drive information and includes a large cut out slot at the top makes a simple book drop.
A drop down menu allows users to select a language, including English, Afrikaans, Spanish, Hindi, Korean and many others.
Toddlers still put things in their mouths, drop things, stand on them and are generally tough on toys, so having sturdy board books helps keep them from being destroyed.
Drop an olive into the martini glass and garnish the rim with a lemon twist, as desired.
Drop the remaining brandy into the drink and serve it without stirring.
Slowly savor each drop to ensure you feel as good the next day as you did when you enjoyed your cocktail.
Introductory rates and promotional periods are often exemplary, but after those offers have expired, rebate rates may drop while overall interest rates rise.
When you mail out bills that have account numbers on them, you may be better off dropping it off at the post office or putting it in a postal drop box rather than letting it sit outside your home unattended.
Being able to pay in the store can help you avoid additional finance charges and late fees if you forget to drop your payment in the mail or to schedule an online bill payment.
It can take a long time to see a significant drop in your balance month to month because interest builds each month.
This means once you do it, if interest rates drop, you are locked into the rate you have and cannot take advantage of the lower rates on the market.
Upon providing your user ID and password, there is a drop box that allows you to check and pay your bill.
After seven years of inactivity, these should drop off your report.
South Carolina also saw a drop in the number of marriages during this time, with its number of marriages falling from 13.9 to 10.
If you have limited space in the dining room but love to entertain and have people over for meals, a drop leaf dining room table might be just what you need.
Drop leaf tables have a fixed center piece and either one or two (or very occasionally four) hinged leaves that can be folded down or held up by brackets.
There are also versions that have drop leaves supported by swinging legs.
Drop leaf dining tables are ideal for small spaces like apartments and condominiums with limited eating space.
Drop leaf tables have been popular for centuries because of their practicality.
Yet despite all the many uses, dining tables still remain the most popular form of drop leaf table.
Drop leaf dining room tables come in all sorts of styles, from Victorian, to Arts and Crafts, to modern.
No matter what your style, you can find a drop leaf dining table that will suit.
Many outdoor dining tables come in drop leaf varieties.
Drop leaf tables date as far back as the 16th century, and while items from this period can only be found in museums, many 18th, 19th, and 20th century pieces can be found in antique stores and at auctions and estate sales.
Consignment shops are also a great place to look for drop leaf tables.
There's something particularly lovely about an antique table with drop down leaves.
Furniture, home, and department stores also frequently carry drop leaf tables.
Drop leaf dining room tables shouldn't be reserved specifically for people living in small spaces.
However, there are also jewelry armoires that are made to look like small desks, drop leaf cabinets or a lady's vanity, complete with a mirror and bench.
Drop leaf tables have been popular for hundreds of years and are a great way to save space in the dining room.
With drop leaf tables, one can minimize the length of the table a huge amount so that it can be as small as a foot (sometimes less!).
While early forms of solar technology were cost prohibitive, as technology advances and costs drop, more communities around the world are recognizing the tremendous value of solar power.
As these glaciers melt, there is a resulting drop in pressure that may trigger serious geological reactions.
You have several other cell phone donation options, including charities, other electronics retailers or manufacturers, or a county recycling drop off center.
The land drop must be significant enough to aid the force of the water flow through piping that you install down the mountain or hillside.
With this type of set-up even a small trickle of a spring or stream can power your home as long as you have enough of a land drop to increase the velocity of the water down the side of the hill or mountain.
The following are 10 ways you can drop your blood pressure numbers gradually and safely without using prescription medications.
Frozen basil tastes best when used in culinary dishes such as pesto, stews or sauces where a drop or two of olive oil just adds to the dish rather than clashes with it.
Rotating the furniture is simple; just drag and drop, then click to move and arrange.
No guest need be afraid to sit in a country style living room or drop in for a cup of tea in a country style kitchen.
Be sure to take the necessary precautions, including sweeping up any paint chips that may drop.
Clive Pearse visited the contestants on day two of the challenge to drop a bombshell - after finishing their rooms, they would be required to "present" the rooms "TV presenter style" to the judges.
For me, the most spectacular of these was finding a vintage tin ceiling behind a 1950s-style drop ceiling.
You can prop up the back and use a daybed as a sitting area in your bedroom or even in your living room, and then you drop the back down so it lays flat, so the daybed can be used like a regular bed.
Fake pine garland works best for inside - real pine needles will drop anytime someone goes up the steps.
Be sure to have a paint tray, brushes, rollers and drop cloths on hand.
Several of them recommend having fun first by practicing on an illustration board taped to a table draped with a drop cloth.
Select the type of room you want to paint from the photo library (living, kitchen, bedroom, etc.) and then drag and drop RL paints to different locations within the space.
Drop leaf tables that can be pushed against walls when not in use are another great addition to a small apartment.
If you choose to recess lighting above the island, or to hang pendants above it, you can drop a soffit over the island to bring focus to the space.
Or, if you feel that there is enough detail in the room, simply drop a soffit over the island and recess some lighting into it for all the light with none of the unwanted design elements that may clutter the space.
If you are installing faux tin in a basement, or another area that doesn't already have a ceiling, select a drop ceiling that can be stapled.
Get in a different direction and create various molds from plastic containers, drop in berries and holly, pinecones and pine boughs, and other elements.
This drag and drop style program is easy to use and lets you experiment with both color and object placement.
A cabinet drop down ironing board like the wall-mount ironing board cabinet from Improvements is one of the best ways to store and use an ironing board.
It's best to apply your pigment shadow before your foundation because it tends to drop down onto the cheeks as you pat it into place.
Customers can literally spray or drop a small amount of the perfume to try before buying.
And who really needs to drop $25.00 on mascara that should be tossed within three months anyway?
When holiday season rolls around and prices begin to drop, that's the time to really take advantage of all of those great deals.
For example, light and fresh notes are associated with the warmest times of the year, while sweet, spicy scents take precedence when temperatures drop.
One Drop Perfume is an oil-based fragrance concept manufactured by Egyptian Potion that promises long wear without the evaporation that occurs in alcohol-based essences.
If you're looking for a perfume that wears well while offering a wide range of scent varieties, you may be interested in switching to an oil based fragrance such as One Drop Perfume.
You can expect that an application of just a few drops of scented oil will cover all of your pulse points, hence the name One Drop Perfume.
In addition, most of One Drop's inventory is filled with knock-off scents sure to turn off the purist fragrance consumer.
All you do is apply a drop onto the applicator then apply along the base of your upper lashes.
It's party season and while you can drop some of the typical makeup rules that work for office or daytime, in order to look your best when the big ball drops, follow some tips.
Employers can post job listings any day of the week, and job hunters no longer have to pick up the Sunday paper or pick up applications and drop off resumes.
You are just as likely to delay going back to drop off the games, which is often leads to late fee penalties, making your game rental even more expensive.
This means that the website will send you an email when the price of a place you have named as a dream destination starts to drop by a certain percentage or dollar amount or falls below a pre-determined dollar amount that you specify.
Combinations of four blocks drop from the top of the screen, and you must rotate and move them into position to create rows.
If something on the drop down is greyed out that means it is out of stock in that size or color.
To make the blocks drop faster, use the down arrow key.
You can play Tetrishoot, in which you drop the Tetris blocks on green aliens and kill them.
Also, you must not let your puppy's intelligence level drop too much.
Ensure the drop down menus say English to German and enter in your word.
While it is beneficial to have external lighting, backdrops, and filters, it is not necessary to drop a bundle of money on these photo extras to capture cute shots of kids.
Drop dough onto greased cookie sheet by the teaspoonful and bake for 10 to 15 minutes.
If you choose the rubber stopper kind of jar, you can drop the rubber ring into boiling water briefly, but it best to find a replacement if it has been used before.
Drop your asparagus into a pot of boiling water just long enough for it to start to get tender, about a minute.
Then quickly take it out of the boiling water and drop it into a bowl of ice water.
The rich aroma of coffee brewing warms the heart but to warm the soul a drop of good Irish whisky is needed.
People switching to a low carb food diet will see a drop in their weight.
The birthplace of civilization has also birthed an increasingly popular diet, the Mediterranean Diet, which has reportedly helped countless individuals drop unwanted pounds.
Line baking sheets with parchment paper, and drop the cookies by tablespoonfuls onto the sheets.
Then, add a background texture or color, frames or borders, a headline and text, clip art or other digital embellishments, even drop shadows around pictures of things that would be three dimensional if the layout were not digital.
You'll learn how to add text on a path, use the extract filter, apply drop shadows to sheer items, and more in these highly informative programs.
Templates make it easy to create digital pages because all you need to do is drag and drop your photos into the correct spots.
If you wish, you can add a drop shadow to the embellishments to help give the appearance of depth and dimension.
You simply drag and drop the photos, frames, and embellishments of your choice to the correct location before adding your journaling text.
Secure the bloom with a drop of liquid glue, then add shimmery paint to the edges for extra flair.
Add a drop shadow to your boxes to give them a bit of dimension.
Select Layer Styles, then Style Settings to adjust the size and angle of your drop shadow.
Even if you don't watch the big ball drop in New York's Times Square on December 31, you can still have a great party on this festive night.
To turn right, drop your left shoulder toward your left ski tip and put pressure on the left ski.
Boasting 75 trails (44 percent of them being double black diamond) and a 3,430 foot vertical drop, Whiteface is a racing and cruising mountain that is an ideal destination for real thrill seekers.
Gore Mountain, located in North Creek, has 59 trails and a 2,100 foot vertical drop.
Hunter has 53 trails that are evenly distributed across all ski levels, so a group of skiers that includes beginners and experts can all have a good time, and the 1,600 foot vertical drop will keep everyone's blood pumping.
With 750 feet of vertical drop and thirteen lifts, this mid-sized mountain is an approachable ski area for those who are casual skiers, yet will still be able to entertain the more advanced skier.
Next, use the iron to drip a dime-sized drop of wax on the bases of your skis.
Its 216 meter vertical drop is one of the highest in Ontario.
This enables Nordic skiers to experience the vertical drop that is usually only available to downhill skiers, without having to hike up the entire mountain.
The summit is 13,050 feet with a vertical drop of 2270 feet.
It has a summit elevation of 11,212 feet and a vertical drop of 3267 feet.
Its summit elevation is 9900 feet, with a vertical drop of 2030 feet.
It has a summit elevation of 12,313 feet and a vertical drop of 2601 feet.
The resort has a summit elevation of 9850 feet and a vertical drop of 1650 feet.
Offering 4,800 acres of terrain and a 3,500 foot vertical drop, this resort receives an average snowfall of 360 inches, making it easy to find quality skiing throughout the season.
Plus, you have access to a 2,212 foot vertical drop and 2,000 acres of skiing including 46 trails.
To clarify, the script calls for you to drop your head to one side (upon your shoulder), and to tense and release certain parts of the body.
If you ordinarily fall asleep at the drop of a hat, but are now spending hours awake, tossing and turning each night, this can be something worth paying greater attention to.
Obviously, you can't drop ALL those bombs on her at once!
Drop waist gowns with princess seaming draw the eye downwards, slimming your shape.
They're more catwalk than homecoming; jaws will drop when you show up in one of these fashionable designs!
In a classroom, arrange that when someone coughs or stretching his/her hands up, the whole class will drop a pencil at the same time.
If you have been looking for a few tips on how to drop a few teenage pounds in a healthy way, keep reading.
From a controlled height, students can work together to drop items and capture the time they take to hit the ground.
While there really isn't a winter season, the temperature in the winter months does drop at times, mainly due to excessive cool winds at certain times.
Drop and dangle earrings should be of a moderate length, and earring size should remain small to medium to remain eye-catching and attractive rather than gaudy.
This innovative resource lets you drag and drop various flower images to create a virtual bouquet.
Because it folds over, your guests will not drop all of the additional information you included.
Packing items that can be layered is an easy way to plan for weather changes such as swelteringly hot afternoons followed by a significant drop in temperature during the evening.
In 2005, California state school superintendent Jack O'Connell advised state schools to drop the Narconon program in their districts after finding that it subtly taught Scientology beliefs during drug prevention presentations.
Ask about the drop out rate or statistics for long-term success.
After 20 Minutes - Your blood pressure and heart rate drop, decreasing the strain on your heart to pump blood to your body's organs and tissues.
Pre-made dust ruffles usually have a 14-, 18- or sometimes a 21-inch drop and are made to wrap around the standard bed frame sizes, which are twin, full, queen, and king.
To determine what size you'll need for your dust ruffle, measure the drop with a tape measure.
Some specialty bedding stores sell dust ruffles with longer drop lengths for standard frame sizes.
If your drop is longer or if you have a very large bed, you will likely have to order a custom-fitted dust ruffle.
Use various drop flower and leaf decorating tips to create a spring garden Easter egg theme.
Add color to fondant with gel coloring rather than traditional drop food coloring, because the gel is easier to work with and less messy.
Cover the cupcakes in large swirled drop flowers.
Drop the cupcakes in thin glasses and top with birthday candles, serve them in sundae cups with whipped cream and a cherry on top, or stack them on a cupcake stand.
Fill pastry bags with the colors of the rainbow and make drop stars to fill in the colors.
Place drop icing flowers in various places and chocolate eggs amongst the bunnies on top of the cake.
Or, well, at least help them drop a few pounds.
Schelske also has some tales to tell and is expected to "drop a bombshell" soon.
So, how did the reported lover of margaritas and tortilla chips drop the weight?
A high school drop out at the age of 15, Depp had aspirations of becoming a rock star.
This time, company officials said the effects of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks caused a decline in tourism, which in turn meant a big drop in revenue.
While The Apprentice still earns respectable ratings, the show has seen a sharp drop in viewers, with the current season earning the lowest numbers yet.
Users simply drag and drop photos of your favorite celebrities and music files (if you want sound) to create unique screen savers quickly and easily.
As TV shows age, especially reality shows, it is expected that the number of viewers will drop.
After living in California for a year, Robert decided to drop out of high school to pursue his acting career full time.
This performance convinced her to drop out of University and pursue her acting career.
To be able to play a teenager she decided to drop some serious weight to get rid of some of her famous curves.
They are all very basic drag and drop games, with different available items and looks to play with.
Hannah Montana Make Up - Drag and drop different makeup looks over a photo of Hannah Montana's face.
A charge drop for John Rich was announced for the country music star.
As it turns out, Rich also claimed that Jared Ashley and cohort Chris Seiver attempted to blackmail Rich by promising to drop the assault and harassment charges if Rich forked over nearly three million dollars to them.
Brown hasn't commented on the drop by Timbaland, but interestingly enough, both Timbaland's album and Brown's album are set to drop on the same day.
Originally Nicole Kidman was set to star, but had to drop out after suffering an injury.
Well, the ratings drop in the show has executives reportedly talking to Paula Abdul about coming back.
Angelina Jolie decided early in her acting career to drop Voight from her name, as she wanted to succeed on her own and not based on the influence of her famous father.
After these two racy roles, she played more modest characters in Gremlins, alongside Zach Galligan, and Drop Dead Fred.
Mary-Kate was the first to drop out and return to California, in part because of a broken relationship with Stavros Niarchos.
Beyonce admitted to using the Master Cleanse diet to drop weight fast for her role in Dreamgirls.
The very term "celebrity" can be relative, since there is a big drop between the A-list and the D-list.
Other celebs simply drop their last name and use their middle name instead.
There is a drop tail and a player's name and number on the back.
For example, summer clothes may be 30 percent off the last week of June, but drop in 10 percent increments week by week until they drop as much as 75 or even 80 percent off regular retail price.
Group work is difficult for many students because students may drop classes, reducing the group size but not the amount of work that needs to be done, and group work can be a large percentage of the student's grade.
Very often, the interest rate will drop after you've completed school.
Some teams achieve the criteria to make them a Division I program, while others drop in standing.
Finally, after you have applied for tuition assistance and registered for your classes, you can change or drop classes if you inform both the school and the base education center.
If you drop after a certain amount of time, you will be responsible for your tuition costs unless you qualify for a waiver.
If a student decides to withdraw or drop a class, he must pay the scholarship money back to his higher education institution.
When arriving at the cruise port, passenger may drop their luggage with the porters near the terminal's entrance before parking, or they may park first and bring their luggage to the terminal by hand.
Use the drop down menus to specify a destination, date, cruise length, departure port and ship.
The party cruise provides views of the Times Square ball drop on one of 10 flat-screen televisions.
Parents can drop off their children at Club Discovery, and then relax and enjoy the ship's adult amenities, while the kids get their faces painted, participate in scavenger hunts, eating contests and other games.
Some grooming shops run appointments on a strict drop off and pick up schedule.
One drop of this insecticide placed between your pet's shoulders will help kill fleas for approximately thirty days, and the product is waterproof.
Once your dog learns the "Drop it" command, it will be easier to stop him from chewing forbidden objects.
Give a firm "Drop it" command, and take away the item.
If there are no other health complications, once the weight begins to drop off, it's possible to try other types of exercise, including fun sports like Dog Agility, and Fly Ball.
To do this, ticks will crawl up trees, shrubs, plants, tall grasses, fences, etc. and wait for animals and humans to come in contact and then drop off and attach themselves onto their unsuspecting victims.
When they've finished their meal, they'll simply drop off their host and begin the next stage of their life cycle.
Once nourished, an adult flea will drop off its host, find a mate, and lay eggs around your home.
Adults drop off their canine host to lay their eggs and die, leaving behind the next generation to carry on.
Consider what you would like to use as a back drop for your dog pictures.
Some of the nicest dog pictures are taken using the lawn and garden as the back drop.
The pre-labor drop usually goes down to 99 degrees F, and remains there for two consecutive readings taken 12 hours apart.
The tiny pup inspired toys and buzz phrases such as "Drop the chalupa!"
Once you have taught the word "fetch", you can go on to teach the phrase "drop it".
When your dog is releasing the toy to take the treat reward for "fetch", say the words "drop it".
When your dog is letting go of the toy reliably, try asking him to "drop it" without holding on to the toy.
He should just drop the toy into your open hand or at your feet.
The "drop it" command will come in handy for many different things.
Knowing "drop it" can keep your dog safer in case you need him to drop something he has picked up that is not his or may not be good for him.
Stand near their toy basket so that it is between you and your dog, when he approaches you and the toy is over the opening of the basket, tell him to "drop it".
Next, drop spoonfuls of dough evenly spaced on a parchment covered cookie sheet.
If the dog begins to act too aggressively, drop the toy and walk away.
If a rescue group wants to promote our shirts on their website, we will drop ship for them.
Use your finger to gently push the round ball into a tear drop shape.
The best part of this is the dogs will love the running and socialization until they drop.
As the heart begins to slow down, his body temperature will gradually drop.
Place the mixture on a well-greased cookie sheet; you can either drop by teaspoonfuls or roll out and score with a knife before baking.
It works like an underground trash can with a top that you step on with your foot to drop the waste in.
Lay them flat on a drop cloth or newspapers, then stain if desired.
As the antibodies drop, the puppy's immunity to parvo weakens.
Until the antibodies in the puppy's bloodstream drop sufficiently, the vaccine will not work, and the puppy may develop parvo.
The use of high-titer canine parvovirus vaccines also appears to help offer the puppy some protection, even during the open window when the titers begin to drop in the puppy's bloodstream.
Vaudeville historian Joe Laurie, Jr. claimed that vaudeville headliner Eva Tanguay let the veils drop in her version of the Salome dance in 1912.
Golden Drop (Onosma) - O. taurica is an evergreen perennial, 6 to 12 inches high, soon forming dense tufts, and bearing in summer drooping clusters of clear yellow almond-scented blossoms.
Maiden-hair Tree (Salisburia) - S. adiantifolia is a beautiful tree in all stages and at all seasons, perhaps most attractive during the autumn, just before the leaves drop, since the foliage assumes then a bright yellow hue.
Low-voltage lighting systems use a transformer to drop the 120-volt house current to 12 volts, about the amount of electricity used for a train set or car battery.
Removing these branches before they are ready to drop can deprive the tree of important nutrients.
Only prune leaves that drop below that imaginary line.
In general, pruning deciduous plants when dormant (after leaf drop) helps you see their structure and reduces pest and disease problems.
For most gardening zones, the best time for gardenia pruning is right after the flower petals drop off.
It also has a drop down menu offering choices of mulch depth less than an inch.
Type the answer into their box, and click the thickness from the drop down menu to get the result.
It isn't a good idea to repot a new gardenia because it will probably go into shock and drop all its buds.
Zone 9 temperatures rarely drop below -7 degrees Celsius and 20 degrees Fahrenheit which allows for a long growing season and many tropical plant options.
Temperatures will drop into the 30s near the freezing point, 32 degrees Fahrenheit, although frost may form at temperatures slightly warmer than the freezing point.
Asparagus actually has male and female plants; females drop berries in the soil.
Pine straw mulch is actually made from pine needles that drop from the trees.
In addition to their use of drop tuned guitars and basses, the band employs two percussionists, electronics and even turntables to create their signature sound.
Whether you are a player new to the acoustic guitar or a seasoned pro looking to learn more about a specific guitar skill like using a drop C tuning, the resources are out there for you.
If you are interested in experimenting with different types of tunings - like Drop D - you will use the tuners to set your guitar to that tuning.
Cover the floor and any furniture with drop cloths to protect it.
It can drop quickly, injuring anyone nearby.
If you want to change the look of your room, try a drop ceiling installation.
With a drop ceiling, you'll lower the height of the ceiling so it looks more aesthetically pleasing.
A drop ceiling, sometimes called a suspended ceiling, is the type of ceiling that you see in most office complexes.
There are many benefits to using a drop ceiling instead of a standard drywall ceiling.
They are inexpensive - Drop ceiling installation costs just a fraction of what a drywall ceiling costs.
They are simple to install - Compared to dry wall ceilings, drop ceilings are very simple to install.
Drop ceilings help minimize echo and make your basement a more pleasant place to be.
They help cover pipes and wiring - If you have exposed pipes, wiring or other unsightly construction items hanging from your ceiling, drop ceilings are a perfect solution.
They can correct an uneven ceiling - Since the metal grids can be adjusted as they are being installed, you can correct an uneven ceiling with the new drop ceiling.
Drop ceilings are installed on two different types of grids, a 2 X 2 grid and a 2 X 4 grid.
Determine the height of your drop ceiling.
As you can see, drop ceiling installation is a simple process if you plan your project carefully.
Ceiling hugging fans aren't as efficient at circulating air as models that have a drop of at least 10 inches.
A drop ceiling can offer insulation, hide plumbing and enhance the acoustics of a room.
These tiles are often found openly displayed on a pallet with a placard indicating a drastic price drop.
While Wagner claims that their power painters produce less overspray, it still produces some as it is virtually impossible to completely prevent it; use masking tape and drop cloths to protect anything you want to avoid painting.
Metal sinks come in undermount, drop in, vessel and free standing varieties, all designed to give your bathroom a unique look.
These include a white gold necklace with a cascade of diamond station pendants falling from a central drop diamond and a tremendous south sea pearl ring encircled by diamonds and white gold.
Bar pendants, circles with "floating" gems, journey-style necklaces, and drop necklaces are all suitable options.
Gemstones of any description look stunning against the back drop of gold.
This means that a single ear wire can be used with many different types of drop.
Natural gemstones can be included in both tiny stud earrings as well as larger drop styles.
From ocean-inspired round swirl earrings to colorful open drop earrings, there are a variety of Avon fun swirl earrings vintage jeweler lovers can choose from.
You'll find many marquis and tear drop cuts.
Take the longer end and drop it over the front of the loop you have just created.
While you're examining your pants, make sure their drop is appropriate.
As the organic trend continues, however, it's likely we'll see prices drop so that organics are as competitively priced as those items that are made with chemicals.
If you have a health food store in your community, petition them to start a neighborhood drop off program.
The price of organic products - including coffee products - may drop in price as more and more consumers choose organic products over other products.
They no longer drop their ethics for their wedding whether in a small or large way, depending on their budget and strength of feeling.
For a cuppa that's good to the last drop, just remember to keep your loose tea or teabags in a container with a tightly fitting lid.
The women spin the cotton on drop spindles as their ancestors have for generations.
Weeds will not drop seeds and over a period of time you will have fewer weeds.
As the organic farming industry grows, the premium price of these products may drop.
Drop-cup - This nightgown has a bra-like top with a bra strap fastener that unhooks with one hand to let the top of the cup drop down for nursing.
Most women find it more comfortable and dressy to wear the jackets over A-line or flared skirts that drop to the knee or slightly below.
There's no need to have a drop of white in your wedding dress if you don't want to.
Many companies even offer a drop ship service for your sales.
They do offer a drop ship program for resellers.
Though it might seem easy to drop a wad of cash on a few specialty items and begin the process of reselling them, it's very important to plan the entire process methodically.
A loose vintage cardigan tends to drop to the hip, which can make your hips look larger while giving you a more shapeless look overall.
For a larger selection, go to Angelique, which offers a number of peignoir sets ranging from the elegant and sophisticated to the drop dead sexy.
When an earthquake strikes, you need to drop down to the floor or ground, seek cover under something solid, and hold on until the shaking ends.
If they occur, drop down, take cover, and hold on - just as you did during the main earthquake.
Once that's done, drop some items in the cube, filling it up from the top, like you would a swimming pool.
As the temperatures drop further at night, a driver will need to spend some extra time in the morning scraping frost off his or her vehicle.
When it comes to simple survival economics, more people trying to manage their retirement income will drop health insurance if they can't afford it, or cut back on food and heating expenses.
Night sweats are similar to the flushes, and are likely to be associated with a sudden drop in estrogen as opposed to a low level of it.
Simply check off the type of living arrangement needed, type in Denver and choose Colorado from the drop down menu.
Smooth mechanism - Be sure the chair does not jump or jerk as it moves through the lifting and tilting functions and that it does not drop quickly when it returns to the original position.
Many of them will pick you up either at home or at the senior center and then drop you off wherever you desire.
This dryness is associated with the drop in estrogen brought on by menopause.
If the brain is unable to enter restorative sleep for long enough periods, you may face problems including a drop in response time, inability to remember details, and the inability to perform tasks as you used to.
They are not getting enough sleep, so grades drop and they may be excessively tired during the day.
These episodes usually cause a drop in blood oxygen levels, which can have an impact on the quality of sleep and ability to stay asleep.
Be sure to carefully read the labels to determine whether a specific eye drop is meant for lens wearers, and whether you need to remove your lenses before using the drops.
Sometimes you need a quick fix until you can drop your glasses off for repair.
You can simply drop your glasses in the mail and they will repair them and send them back to you.
These solutions come in eye drop form or in "no-rub" cleaner varieties.
Prices will vary by design, but make sure you're purchasing a pair (check the drop down box) and not just a single lens when you order.
With public safety in mind, the United States Food and Drug Administration created the Drop Ball Test to make sure lenses were shatter-proof enough to be safe for the general public.
If you drop your device, chances are you will damage it and have to pay for costly repairs or replacement.
What if you accidentally drop them and then step on them?
A few tests include the Drop Ball Test, the Sides Stress Test, and the Abrasion and Scratch Test.
Since there aren't as many to keep up with, you're less likely to drop a pair and break them or forget about a pair in a seat and break that.
Lenses that can pass a test called the "drop ball" test.
In most cases, this is a simple "click" as you drop the clip-on portion into the magnetic slots at the top of the frame (sometimes the magnetic connection is on the bridge).
The ride was 1,200 feet long with a ride cycle of just over one minute long to travel more than 70 feet high, traverse a steep drop, go through the double corkscrew, and deliver passengers safely back to the station.
Python may have been a short ride, but its intense drop followed immediately by the double corkscrew element made it a favorite ride for generations of roller coaster fanatics who visited the Florida theme park.
More than five million gallons of water circulate through Noah's Ark attractions daily, with 200 certified lifeguards ensuring that guests can safely enjoy every drop.
Apollo's Chariot - A theme park favorite and rated among the top 10 steel coasters worldwide, this amazingly smooth coaster ride features an initial drop of 210 feet as well as eight other drops.
Griffon - The newest roller coaster at Busch Gardens Europe, Griffon boasts a 70 mph, 205 foot, 90 degree initial drop, plus loops, rolls, and a water splash.
The Ultimate is a fast-paced wooden roller coaster that boasts a 160 foot drop at 60 miles per hour.
Trauma Terror is a thrilling drop ride with great views before the final plummet down to earth.
The drop length is 120 feet and the speed is 47 miles per hour.
You are unable to see when you reach the top, and the drop is sudden and swift.
The roller coaster station is built in the abandoned mission but the vicious bull has never been conquered, though millions of riders have tried since the coaster opened in 1999 by braving its dramatic track and imposing drop.
This park is also home to the infamous Tower of Terror drop ride and the outrageous launched Rock'n'Roller Coaster featuring music by Aerosmith.
Whether the drop is steep or gentle, the curves, splashes, and dips are always heading down.
Enjoy a three story drop down the side of Wild Rivers Mountain, splashing into the water like a log flume ride.
Take them to the Main Street Penny Arcade (located in both California and Florida) where they can explore some vintage amusements and drop in a minimal amount of change (between 1 and 25 cents) per activity.
Today, the Beast is still the longest wooden roller coaster in the world, and it ranks in the top 10 wooden coasters for top speed and biggest drop.
Park goers flock to Alton Towers to ride the Oblivion, the first vertical drop coaster in the world, Nemesis, the first inverted coaster in Europe, and much more.
One of the park's biggest attractions for coaster lovers is the SheiKra roller coaster, a floorless coaster featuring a 200 foot vertical drop.