Droit Sentence Examples
The theory of droit administratif lays down the principle that an agent of the government cannot be prosecuted or sued for acts relating to his administrative functions before the ordinary tribunals.
The years of his exile were devoted to his Repertoire de jurisprudence (5th ed., 18 vols., Paris, 1827-1828) and to his Recueil alphabetique des questions de droit (4th ed., 8 vols., Paris, 1827-1828).
It issues a periodical publication called Le Droit d'auteur giving information respecting the laws of different states relating to published matter of all kinds.
A fuller analysis, and some notice of the predecessors of Grotius, will be found in Hely, Etude sur le droit de la guerre de Grotius (Paris, 1875).
It will give some idea of the importance of the town to mention that it had its own maritime law, known as Droit maritime de Damme.
The great bulk of the code was an obstacle to the multiplication of copies of it, whilst the necessity for them was in a great degree superseded by the publication from time to time of synopses and encheiridia of its contents, composed by the most eminent jurists, of which a very full account will be found in the Histoire au droit byzantin, by the advocate Mortreuil, published in Paris in 1846.
C. von Savigny, Flach studied the teaching of law in the middle ages and the Renaissance, and produced Cujas, les glossateurs et les Bartolistes (1883), and Etudes critiques sur l'histoire du droit romain au moyen age, avec textes inedits (1890) .
The Roman Congregation of the Index condemned his Catechisme historique (1679) and the Institution du droit ecclesiastique (1687).
Useful lists of national collections of treaties will be found in the Revue de droit international for 1886, pp. 169-187, and in the Marquis Olivart's Catalogue de ma bibliotheque (1899-1910).
For a list of the principal " concordats," see Calvo, Droit international theorique et pratique t.
AdvertisementHe continued his studies at Berlin and Bonn, and, having graduated doctor juris, attended lectures at the Ecole de Droit in Paris.
In 1822 appeared his Questions de droit administratif, in which he for the first time brought together and gave scientific shape to the scattered elements of administrative law.
His fame as a lawyer rests on his authoritative exposition of the Code Napoleon in his Principes de droit civil (Brussels, 33 vols., 1869-1878), and his Droit civil international (Brussels, 8 vols., 1880-1881).
But he accompanied this with numerous other books, chiefly of erudition, such as the Vico, the Mdmoires de Luther ecrits par lui-meme, the Origines du droit franQ21s, and somewhat later the Proces des templiers.
He has not received much recent attention from critics and monographers, but his Origines du droit francais, cherchees dans les symboles et formules du droit universel was edited by Emile Faguet in 1890 and went into a second edition in 1900.
AdvertisementWestlake, Revue de droit international, 1896, p. 268 seq.; International Law, pt.
Deschamps (professor de droit des gens at Louvain University) (Paris, 1903), are treatises covering all branches of the state's activity, from the standpoint of admirers of the work of Leopold II., in Africa.
Proudhon's aim, therefore, was to realize a science of society resting on principles of justice, liberty and equality thus understood; "a science absolute, rigorous, based on the nature of man and of his faculties, 1 The droit d'aubaine was abolished in 1790, revived by Napoleon, and ended in 1819.
Tardif, Histoire des sources du droit canonique (Paris, 1887); Schneider, Die Lehre der Kirchenrechtsquellen (Regensburg, 1892).
Other editions are by Hugo (Berlin, 1834), Rocking (Bonn, 1836), containing fragments of the first book of the Institutiones discovered by Endlicher at Vienna in 1835, and in Girard's Textes de droit romain (Paris, 1890).
AdvertisementThe lower motto (the motto of the British monarch) reads Dieu et mon droit (God and my right ).
He had begun his career at the bar by pleading against the feudal droit du colombier, and when he was sent by his fellow-citizens to the states-general of 1789 he demanded the abolition of nobility and the substitution of the title of king of the French and the Navarrese for king of France and Navarre, and helped to establish the civil constitution of the clergy.
See Stubbs, " Suzerainty, or the Rights and Duties of Suzerain and Vassal States " (1882), Revue de droit international (1896), pp. 39, 278; Westlake, " L'Angleterre et la republique sud-africaine," Revue de droit international (1896), p. 268; Bornhak, Eznseitige Abadngigkeitsverhdltnisse unter den modernen Staaten (1896); Ullmann, Volkerrecht (1908), p. 25; Tchomacoff, De la Souverainete (1901); Jellinek, Die Lehre von den Staatenverbindungen (1882); Correspondence Relating to South African Republic (1899) [C. 9507]; Law Magazine (1900), p. 413; Law Quarterly Review (1896), p. 122; Journal of Comparative Legislation, new series, vol.
Vers le droit. . .that means on the right.
See Nys, Droit International (Brussels, 1904), i.