Driving Sentence Examples
I always pictured myself driving a van instead of a truck.
We'll be driving in the rain.
You're driving yourself into the grave.
No, not his driving, but his mood was.
For all you gadabouts and tourists used to driving hither and yon, a weekend trip to New England is a piece of cake.
Anyway, my driving isn't that bad.
Driving was out of the question as the mid-morning parade, scheduled to begin in a few minutes, was forming on Main Street, which was now closed to traffic.
Her presence was reassuring but she was driving extra miles to work every day.
Somehow she managed to take a few steps, and then a few more - fury driving her on.
Dean insisted on driving her home.
AdvertisementWe said we were driving to Telluride for the day.
My driving doesn't scare you?
Or maybe driving the family wagon in for supplies or . . .
I feel like a criminal driving over these beautiful plants and flowers.
They were driving on Main Street when they spotted Fred O'Connor sauntering down from the courthouse chatting with two ladies who looked enthralled by his company.
AdvertisementJust as they had reversed their direction, Edith Shipton passed them, driving down the mountain, not speeding but too fast by Dean's conservative standards.
I thought you were driving my truck?
Ashley's driving us to your place to drop them off, then we're gone.
Its home is sometimes a den under ground or beneath rocks, but oftener the hollow of a tree, and it is said to take possession of a squirrel's nest, driving off or devouring the rightful proprietor.
With an apparatus similar to the above, but smaller, made of iron and filled with mercury, Joule obtained results varying from 772.814 foot-pounds when driving weights of about 58 lb were employed to 775.352 foot-pounds when the driving weights were only about 192 lb.
AdvertisementBy ca-sing two conical surfaces of cast-iron immersed in mercury and contained in an iron vessel to rub against one another when pressed together by a lever, Joule obtained 776.045 foot-pounds for the mechanical equivalent of heat when the heavy weights were used, and 774.93 foot-pounds with the small driving weights.
On returning home he was crowned with the holy crown on the 29th of March 1464, and, after driving the Czechs out of his northern counties, turned southwards again, this time recovering all the parts of Bosnia which still remained in Turkish hands.
Though Matthias's policy was so predominantly occidental that he soon abandoned his youthful idea of driving the Turks out of Europe, he at least succeeded in making them respect Hungarian territory.
His shrewd sense of political expediency and his loyalty to constitutional principles saved .him from the error of obstructing the advent and driving into an aati-dynastic attitude politicians who had succeeded in winning popular favor.
They are Lamaists by religion and immigrated to the mouth of the Volga from Dzungaria, in the 17th century, driving out the Tatars and Nogais, and after many wars with the Don Cossacks, one part of them was taken in by the Don Cossacks, so that even now there are among these Cossacks several Kalmuck sotnias or squadrons.
AdvertisementThe low-pressure cylinders drive on the leading crank-axle with cranks at right angles, the highpressure cylinders driving on the trailing wheels.
Engines of this class, with 78-inch driving wheels and the leading axle fitted with Webb's radial axle-box, for many years did excellent work on the London & North-Western railway.
In most of the systems that have been proposed this result is attained by electrical regulation; in one, however, a mechanical method is adopted, the dynamo being so' hung that it allows the driving belt to slip when the speed of the axle exceeds a certain limit, the armature thus being rotated at an approximately constant speed.
He nourished the grandiose idea of driving out the hordes of Tamerlane, freeing all Russia from the Tatar yoke, and proclaiming himself emperor of the North and East.
This railway, together with the driving roads over the Caucasus mountains via the Mamison pass (the Ossetic military road) and the Darial pass (the Georgian military road), and the route across the Black Sea to Poti or Batum are the chief means of communication between southern Russia and Transcaucasia.
The ostensible aims of the expedition, as drawn up by him, and countersigned by the Directory on the 12th of April, were the seizure of Egypt, the driving of the British from all their possessions in the East and the cutting of the Suez canal.
The new Franco-Russian entente helped on the formation of the Armed Neutrality League and led to the concoction of schemes for the driving of the British from India.
The revenge of the autocrat was characteristic. Besides driving Stein from office, he compelled Prussia to sign a convention(8th of September) for the payment to France of a sum of 140,000,000 francs, and for the limitation of the Prussian army to 42,000 men.
Primitive peoples from the Australians upwards celebrate, usually at fixed intervals, a driving out of hurtful influences.
The former was the driving force which made the First Crusade successful, where later Crusades, without its stimulus, for the most part failed; the latter was the one staunch ally which alone enabled Baldwin I.
Murad now laid siege to Constantinople to avenge himself on the emperor, and on the 24th of August the desperate valour of the defenders succeeded in driving back an assault led by a band of fanatical dervishes.
Meanwhile Ferdinand's troops captured Budapest, driving out Zapolya, who at once appealed to Suleiman for aid.
The successes of the Turks were not maintained, the Austrians inflicting on them a crushing defeat at Slankamen, where Mustafa Kuprili was killed, and driving them from Hungary.
Meanwhile Bennigsen had prepared for a fresh undertaking, and leaving Lestocq with 20,000 Prussians and Russians to contain Bernadotte, who lay between Braunsberg and Spandau on the Passarge, he moved southwards on the 2nd, and on the 3rd and 4th of June he fell upon Ney, driving him back towards Guttstadt, whilst with the bulk of his force he moved towards Heilsberg, where he threw up an entrenched position.
Practically the lines of communication along the Danube were denuded of combatants, even Bernadotte being called up from Passau, and the viceroy of Italy, who driving the archduke Johann before him (action of Raab) had brought up 56,000 men through Tirol, was disposed towards Pressburg within easy call.
In the meantime Blucher had rallied his scattered forces and was driving Marmont and Mortier before him.
Russia the Zyrians are still driving the Samoyedes farther N., towards the Arctic coast.
Yarns, textile goods and weaving industries generally have not attained any great dimensions, but there are large jute-spinning mills and factories for cotton-wool and cotton driving - belts.
There must, then, be a relation between the rate of change of the concentration and the osmotic pressure gradient, and thus we may consider the osmotic pressure gradient as a force driving the solute through a viscous medium.
The knife is then carefully examined, and if there be the slightest flaw in its blade the meat cannot be eaten, as the cut would not have been clean, the uneven blade causing a thrill to pass through the beast and thus driving the blood again through the arteries.
Bocskay, to save the independence of Transylvania, assisted the Turks; and in 1605, as a reward for his part in driving Basta out of Transylvania, the Hungarian diet, assembled at Modgyes, elected him prince (1605), on which occasion the Ottoman sultan sent a special embassy to congratulate him and a splendid jewelled crown made in Persia.
In 1368 the adversaries of the twelve succeeded in driving them by force from the public palace, and substituting a government of thirteen - ten nobles and three noveschi.
The fifth, and last period - which, after all other expedients had failed, finally brought the residue of uncaptured and unsurrendered burghers to submission - was the final development of the blockhouse system, wedded to the institution of systematic. " driving " of given areas, which operations were in force until the 31st of May 1902, when peace was ratified at Pretoria.
There were a few small reverses, of which De la Rey's successful rush upon Paris's column and capture of Lord Methuen was the most important, but when some initial mistakes in the composition of the driving lines, which robbed the earlier drives of part of their effect, were made good, the system worked like a machine.
At Pirna (and Lilien stein) in 1756 he caught the entire Saxon army in his fowler's net, after driving back at Lobositz the Austrian forces which were hastening to their asistance; but only nine months later he lost his reputation for " invincibility " by his crushing defeat at Kolin, where the great highway from Vienna to Dresden crosses the Elbe.
Steinmetz was a different man from Bonin, and easily held his own against the disconnected efforts of his adversary, ultimately driving the latter before him with a loss of upwards of 5000 men.
Thick mist and driving rain delayed the I.
The heavy rain, which had delayed the commencement of the action, had swollen the Bistritz so as to check their advance and thus postpone the decision, whilst the mist and driving rain hid the approaching troops from the Austrian gunners, whose shells burst almost harmlessly on the sodden ground.
Demosthenes decided at once to make a grand attack on Epipolae, with a view to recovering the Athenian blockading lines and driving the Syracusans back within the city walls.
After the driving out of Mellitus London remained without a bishop until the year 656, when Cedda, brother of St Chad of Lichfield, was invited to London by Sigebert, who had been converted to Christianity by Finan, bishop of the Northumbrians.
The Highway Act of 1835 specified as offences for which the driver of a carriage on the public highway might be punished by a fine, in addition to any civil action that might be brought against him - riding upon the cart, or upon any horse drawing it, and not having some other person to guide it, unless there be some person driving it; negligence causing damage to person or goods being conveyed on the highway; quitting his cart, or leaving control of the horses, or leaving the cart so as to be an obstruction on the highway; not having the owner's name painted up; refusing to give the same; and not keeping on the left or near side of the road, when meeting any other carriage or horse.
This rule does not apply in the case of a carriage meeting a foot-passenger, but a driver is bound to use due care to avoid driving against any person crossing the highway on foot.
As the sinking of shafts or the driving of narrow entries or drifts is expensive, and as the mineral extracted rarely pays more than a small fraction of the cost, it is usual to plan this exploratory work so that the openings made shall serve some useful purpose later.
The mistake is often made of sinking large and expensive shafts, or driving costly tunnels, before it is fully proved that the deposit can be worked on a scale to warrant such developments, and, indeed, too often before it is known that the deposit can be worked at all; and in too many cases large amounts of money are thus unnecessarily lost by over-sanguine mine managers.
Y g g The air passes through a reducing valve from the main to an auxiliary tank, in which the pressure is, say, 125 lb, and thence to the driving cylinders.
In the endless rope system the rope runs from a grip wheel on the driving engine to the end of the line, round a return sheave, and thence back to the engine.
In driving mine passages thatj are to be used for drainage, care is taken to maintain sufficient gradient.
Cornish pumps are economical in running expenses, provided the driving engine is of proper design and the disadvantages incurred in conveying steam underground are avoided.
Occasionally, at very gassy and dangerous collieries, two fans and driving engines are erected at the same air shaft, and in case of accident to the fan in operation the other can be started within a few minutes.
Although his adversaries had fought their way ashore in two sections of the Gallipoli Peninsula - and he had had to give up his first idea of driving them back to their ships - Liman von Sanders had no grounds for despondency when May opened.
Moreover, the height of the lift is conditioned by the atmospheric pressure, for this is the driving force; and since this equals 34 ft.
It is seen that the action is intermittent, liquid only being discharged during a down stroke, but since the driving force is that which is supplied to the piston rod, the lift is only con ditioned by the power available and by the strength of the pump. A continuous supply can be obtained by leading the delivery pipe into the base of an air chamber H, which is fitted with a discharge pipe J of such a diameter that the liquid cannot escape from it as fast as it is pumped in during a down stroke.
In 1413 Ladislas attacked the papal states once more, driving John from Rome, and threatened Florence; but like Henry VII., Gian Galeazzo Visconti, and other enemies of the republic, he too died most opportunely (6th of August 1414).
Evaporation of the Juice to Syrup. - The third operation is the concentration of the approximately pure, but thin and watery, juice to syrup point, by driving off a portion of the water in vapour through some system of heating and evaporation.
During the honeymoon a pastrycook named Otero fired at the young sovereigns as they 'were driving in Madrid.
The cut tobacco is now roasted, partly with the view of driving off mositure and bringing the material into a condition for keeping, but also partly to improve its smoking quality.
So gentle is the incline of the hills that in driving over the wellconstructed roads the ascent is scarcely noticeable.
This, with Grant's driving energy infused into the best army that the Union possessed, resolved itself into a series, almost uninterrupted, of terrible battles.
Thus Arakawa Reiun, one of Kouns most brilliant pupils, has exhibited a figure of a swordsman in the act of driving home a furious thrust.
Vigorous cauterization with nitrate of silver, driving the stick into the widened wound, is also good, and it is a remedy which one can carry in the pocket.
Among savage and nomadic nations the whole tribe often moves into new territory, either occupying it for the first time or exterminating or driving out the indigenous inhabitants.
By driving eastward from Arras, covered on the left by the rivers Scarpe and Sensee, the First Army would endeavour to turn the enemy's positions on the Somme battlefield and cut his system of railway communications which ran south-westward across their front."
In this expedition he proved eminently successful, driving the Spaniards from post to post, until arriving at the confines of Venezuela he boldly determined to enter that province and try conclusions with General Monteverde himself.
They were sent to sea for the much more intelligent purpose of seeking out the enemy and driving him off.
The result of the battle was a complete victory for the French, who followed up their success by driving a portion of Bournonville's army (on which the duke of Lorraine had rallied his forces) from the Neckar (action of Ladenburg near Heidelberg, July 7th).
He began by driving back the duke of Lorraine to the Rhine.
The conditions were rendered difficult by spray, heavy sea and smoke driving down the line, but the shot fell only Soo yd.
Wind also gives rise to differences of level by driving the water before it, and the prevailing westerly wind of the southern Baltic is the chief cause of the sea-level at Kiel being 51 in.
The former determination is made by driving out the dissolved gases from solution and collecting them in a Torricellian vacuum, where the volume is measured after the carbonic acid has been removed.
On the flat coasts of Europe the influence of on-shore wind in driving in warm water, and of off-shore wind in producing an updraught of cold water, has long been familiar to bathers.
The methods adopted in driving levels for collieries are generally similar to those adopted in other mines.
The first process in laying out the workings consists in driving a gallery on the level along the course of the coal seam, which is known as a " dip head level," and a lower parallel one, in which the water collects, known as a " lodgment level."
Another method consists in driving towards the boundary, and taking the coal backward towards the shafts, or working homeward, allowing the waste to close up without roads having to be kept open through it.
In driving levels it is necessary to cut grooves vertically parallel to the walls, a process known as shearing; but the most important operation is that known as holing or kirving, which consists in cutting a notch or groove in the floor of the seam to a depth of about 3 ft., measured back from the face, so as to leave the overhanging part unsupported, which then either falls of its own accord within a few hours, or is brought down either by driving wedges along the top, or by blasting.
When the coal has been under-cut for a sufficient length, the struts are withdrawn, and the overhanging mass is allowed to fall during the time that the workmen are out of the pit, or it may be brought down by driving wedges, or if it be of a compact character a blast in a borehole near the roof may be required.
By reason of their intermittent action they are only suited for use in driving galleries or in pillar-and-stall workings.
The arrangement is, in fact, a modification of the plug and feather system used in stone quarrying for obtaining large blocks, but with the substitution of the powerful rending force of the hydraulic press for handpower in driving up the wedges.
On the tail rope plan the engine has two drums worked by spur gearing, which can be connected with, or cast loose from, the driving shaft at pleasure.
This system presents the greatest advantages in point of economy of driving power, especially where the gradients are variable, but is expensive in first cost, and is not well suited for curves, and branch roads cannot be worked continuously, as a fresh set of pulleys worked by bevel gearing is required for each branch.
The angular displacement, 0, of the disk is made proportional to the displacement, s, of the point of application of the force by suitable driving gear.
When a shaft is driven by means of gearing the driving torque is measured by the product of the resultant pressure P acting between the wheel teeth and the radius of the pitch circle of the wheel fixed to the shaft.
He succeeded in driving the raiders away, rebuilt the walls, and during the fifty-eight years of his episcopate the town grew and prospered.
To assist this operation the reserve would move at first to Fleurus to reinforce Grouchy, should he need assistance in driving back Blucher's troops; but, once in possession of Sombreffe, the emperor would swing the reserve westwards and join Ney, who, it was supposed, would have in the meantime mastered Quatre Bras.
Recently the practice of driving rolls by electricity has been growing, the advantage being that each pair of rolls can be driven independently without the intervention of cumbrous shafting.
The driving power is applied by shafting through a number of cams. In the Royal Mint both light and heavy coins are returned to the melting pot.
The coins are then gripped by a pair of india-rubber driving wheels, which force them past the rim of a thin disk with notches in its edge to fit the coins.
For this purpose the axis is furnished at its upper part with a screw working into a toothed wheel, and driving it round, during each revolution of the plate, through a space equal to the interval between two teeth.
If the wheel has very little work to do it may not be necessary to apply driving power, and uniform rotation may be maintained by the electro-magnet.
In an experiment described by Rayleigh such a wheel provided with four armatures was used to determine the exact frequency of a driving fork known to have a frequency near 32.
It sprang into importance through the utilization of the falls in the river Glommen for driving saw-mills and generating electric power.
On 10th June 1840, the queen and Prince Albert Attempts on the were driving up Constitution Hill in an open carriage, queen's when Oxford fired two pistols, the bullets from which life.
The principle of the meter is to make the breaking and driving action so strong that the friction of the train becomes immaterial in comparison.
The driving force is balanced against a retarding force produced by the rotation of a copper disk fixed on the armature shaft, which rotates between the poles of a permanent magnet.
Hence when a current is passed through the meter, the armature rotates and increases its speed until the driving force is balanced against the retarding force due to the eddy currents in the copper brake disk.
In order to overcome the friction of the train the field-coils are wound with an auxiliary shunt coil which supplies a driving force sufficient to overcome the friction of the counting train.
Hence the disk will be accelerated until the driving force is balanced by the retarding force due to the induced currents created in the disk by the permanent magnets.
During his father's lifetime he was led by her into court intrigues which aimed at driving the king's favourite minister, Floridablanca, from office, and replacing him by Aranda, the chief of the "Aragonese" party.
In 1485, after driving the Turks out of Moldavia, the Polish king, at the head of 20,000 men, proceeded to Kolomea on the Pruth, where Bayezid II., then embarrassed by the Egyptian war, offered peace, but as no agreement concerning the captured fortresses could be arrived at, hostilities were suspended by a truce.
We put and call C the ballistic coefficient (driving power) of the shot, so that (6) At = COT, where (7) AT = Av/gp, and AT is the time in seconds for the velocity to drop Av of the standard shot for which C = I, and for which the ballistic table is calculated.
These fish are eaten by the Indians, who, before attempting to capture them, seek to exhaust their electrical power by driving horses into the ponds.
It is chiefly employed in destroying rats and other vermin, and in driving rabbits from their burrows.
In works of art she is represented either enthroned beside him, or driving with him in a chariot drawn by sea-horses or other fabulous creatures of the deep, and attended by Tritons and Nereids.
In the "Seven Days" Jackson was frequently at fault, but his driving energy bore no small part in securing the defeat of McClellan's advance on Richmond.
The evolution of insect life in driving animals from feeding ranges and in the spread of disease probably has been a prime cause of extinction.
On the 22nd of August he crossed the Narrows to the Long Island 20,000 on the 25th, and on the 27th surprised the Americans, driving them into their Brooklyn works and inflicting a loss of about 1400 men.
Driving the Americans under General Arthur St Clair out of Ticonderoga, and making his way through the deep woods with difficulty, he reached the Hudson at Fort Edward on the 30th of July.
Our ignorance of their mode of action is cloaked by the term deobstruent, which implies that they possess the power of driving out ilnpurkies fronn the blood and tissues.
He landed at Mondego Bay in the first week of August, and moved southwards, driving in the enemy at Rollo.
Position after position was evacuated by the French, until Wellington, driving everything before him, came up with the retreating enemy at Vittoria, and won an overwhelming victory (June 21st).
When driving in one of the central streets of St Petersburg, near the Winter Palace, he was mortally wounded by the explosion of some small bombs and died a few hours afterwards.
The motive force towards extension of territories was supplied by military ambition; especially we have to take account of the growth of a warlike spirit in the North, which was constantly driving young warriors to seek their fortunes in the service of continental princes.
He aimed at honour in upholding the pope, in driving the Austrian tyrant from Italy, in attacking Prussia.
About that time parts of a confederation of tribes which had taken the name of Shammar from a moun tain in their neighbourhood, moved northwards from Central Arabia in search of better pasture, &c. Successfully displacing their forerunners, they made themselves at home in the Syrian steppe - until their possession was in turn disputed by a later emigrant from Arabia, for whom they finally made room by moving on into Mesopotamia, over which they spread, driving before them their predecessors the Tai (whose name the Mesopotamian Aramaeans had adopted as a designation for Arab in general), partly north of the Sinjar, partly over the Tigris.
The osmotic pressure of a solution depends on the concentration, and, if we regard the difference in that pressure as the effective force driving the dissolved substance through the solution, we are able to obtain the equation of diffusion in another form.
Since some ions are more mobile than others, a separation will ensue when water is placed in contact with a solution, the faster moving ion penetrating quicker into the water under the driving force of the osmotic pressure gradient.
Thence it has spread to all parts of the world, driving out the house-haunting species everywhere, as it has in England all but exterminated the black rat.
It ascends the flow pipe by convection, where its onward journey would speedily end if it were not for the driving force of other molecules of water following, and the suction set up by the gravitation into the boiler of the cooled water by the return pipe.
Carrying out his share of the bargain by occupying Silesia and Lusatia, where he displayed much clemency, the Saxon elector had thus some part in driving Frederick V., elector palatine of the Rhine, from Bohemia and in crushing Protestantism in that country, the crown of which he himself had previously refused.
It is of the familiar type of the replacing of the simple but wasteful by the complex and economical, and it was begun unintentionally in the attempt to save fuel and labour, by increasing the size and especially the height of the forge, and by driving the bellows by means of water-power.
There are some very evident disadvantages of excessive height; for instance, that the weight of an excessively high column of solid coke, ore and limestone tends to crush the coke and jam the charge in the lower and narrowing part of the furnace, and that the frictional resistance of a long column calls for a greater consumption of power for driving the blast up through it.
Of this power about half would be used at the blastfurnaces themselves, leaving 750,000 horsepower available for driving the machinery of the rolling mills, &c. This use of the gas engine is likely to have far - reaching results.
Buyers of certain excellent classes of Swedish iron have been said to object even to the substitution of electricity for water-power as a means of driving the machinery of the forge.
F, Piston-rod for lifting driving it down.
The pelt or skin is requisite to keep out the piercing wind and driving storm, while the fur and overhair ward off the cold; and "furs" are as much a necessity to-day among more northern peoples as they ever were in the days of barbarism.
Formerly the fur was only used for hatters' felt, but with the rise in prices of furs these skins have been more carefully removed and-with improved dressing, unhairing and silvering processes-the best provides a very effective and suitable fur for ladies' coats, capes, stoles, muffs, hats and gloves, while the lower qualities make very useful, light-weighted and inexpensive linings for men's or women's driving coats.
These make excellent linings for coats or footsacks for open driving in very cold climates.
The pelts, although very light, are tough and durable, hence their good reputation for linings for ladies' walking or driving coats.
Motoring or driving coat, 4 length.
Motoring or driving coat, full length Weight and Durability of Furs for Men's Coat Linings.
He slowly retired before the English monarch, driving off all supplies and wasting the country.
The old males, however, live alone except in the rutting season, which occurs in October, when they join the herds, driving off the younger bucks, and engaging in fierce contests with each other, that often end fatally for one at least of the combatants.
This enraged the Roman populace; a riot broke out on the 13th of January 1793, and Bassville, who was driving with his family to the Corso, was dragged from his carriage and so roughly handled that he died.
The word is also used in some technical senses, more immediately resulting from the action of driving something in.
In the 13th century the archbishops made repeated efforts to reassert their authority, and in 1259 Archbishop Conrad of Hochstaden, by appealing to the democratic element of the population, the "brotherhoods" (fraternitates) of the craftsmen, succeeded in overthrowing the Richerzeche and driving its members into exile.
They sometimes continue for days together with great violence, rendering navigation dangerous and driving the sea-water up over the shores.
It seems that Pascal in driving to Neuilly was run away with by the horses, and would have been plunged in the river but that the traces fortunately broke.
Henry defended his rights with vigour and once again Germany was ravaged by war, for although he was unpopular in Bavaria he was strongly supported by the Saxons, who, since the time of Henry IV., had always been ready to join in an attack on the, monarchy, and he had little difficulty in driving Albert the Bear from the land.
But Alexander soon found partisans among the German clergy, hitherto the most loyal of the emperors friends; and Frederick retaliated by driving the offending prelates from their sees, a proceeding which tended to disturb the peace of the land.
The short streak of light thus obtained moves with Mirror, .l 4,Stindd Boom Balance Weight, j/?/?j?jj/ Masonry Column Lamp Br.mide Paper_ On- Need,Le o 0 the movement of the boom over a second slit perpendicular to the first and made in the lid of a box containing clockwork driving a band of bromide paper.
Ismll Bey now became Sheik al-B alad, but was soon involved in a dispute with Ibrhim and Murad, who after a time succeeded in driving IsmaIl out of Egypt and establishing a joint rule (as Sheik al-B alad and Amir al-I.Ijj respectively) similar to that which had been tried previously.
Enfins mutinous troops kept the dervishes at bay between Wadelai and Rejaf, and eventually severely defeated them, driving them back to Rejaf.
The command of the sea was secured by driving the Genoese allies of the French out of the Channel.
The excavators began by driving a level platform from the river bank towards the acropolis on the line of the two columns.
He was still detained in Scotland when Mrs Carlyle died suddenly while driving in her carriage.
He appeared to aim at driving Baliol into rebellion and annexing his kingdom.
The tree produces excellent timber, and is much used for furniture, its strong acrid taste driving away insects.
On the 28th of December he crossed the Meuse on the ice, and stormed the island of Bommel, then crossed the Waal in the same manner, and, driving the English before him, entered Utrecht on the 19th of January, and Amsterdam on the 10th of January, and soon occupied the whole of Holland.
The district contained a number of iron works, and Caesar says they were skilled in driving galleries and mining operations.
He took part in the Madero revolution when Pascual Orozco threatened invasion of his state, driving the rebels out with a troop of 400 Yaquis.
The sulphuric acid, of which 6 or 7 parts are used to one of impure liquid hydrochloric acid, is always reserved for usein the same process, by driving off the excess of water in a lead pan, fired from the top, so that the principal expense of the process is that of the fuel required for the last operation.
Thus the stout Aryans spread eastwards through northern India, pushed on from behind by later arrivals of their own stock, and driving before them, or reducing to bondage, the earlier " black-skinned " races.
With the last of these Pushyamitra Sunga waged successful war, driving him from the Gangetic valley and confining him to his conquests in the west.
The peculiar form of the tube is eminently suited for rigid preservation of the relative parallelism of the axes of the two telescopes, so that,;i the image of a certain selected star is retained on the intersection of two wires of the micrometer, by means of the driving clock, aided by small corrections given by the observer in right ascension and declination (required on account of irregularity in the clock movement, error in astronomical adjustment of the polar axis, or changes in the star's apparent place produced by refraction), the image of a star will continue on the same spot of the photographic film during the whole time of exposure.
The driving circle is also much too small, so that a very slight mechanical freedom of the screw in the teeth involves a large angular freedom of the telescope in right ascension, while its position at the lower end of a too weak polar axis tends to create instability from torsion of that axis.
The driving circle was greatly increased in diameter and placed at the upper end of the polar axis, and both the polar and declination axes were made much stronger in proportion to the mass of the instrument they were designed to carry.
The driving clock moves the telescope in right ascension by means of a worm-gear wheel, 10 ft.
The health of the animals was a source of unending anxiety and much trouble was experienced in driving them.
It may be supposed that some defeat in China (and the Chinese were successful in driving back the Hiung-nu in the 1st century A.D.) had sent them westwards some time earlier.
Corps (Archduke Charles) for waiting till the guns could be brought up to support a new attack instead of driving through at once to Arsiero with all available troops.
On the 2nd of September 1885 the miners at Rock Springs attacked about 400 Chinamen who had been brought by the railway to work in the mines, killing about fifty of them and driving the remainder from the district.
The Bosnians had crossed by nine o'clock, surprising and driving back the small detachment watching the bridge.
During the approach, the flank D1B1 of the driving tooth drives the face D,B1 of the following tooth, and the teeth are sliding towards each other.
During the recess (in which the position of the teeth is exemplified in the figure by curves marked with accented letters), the face BiAi of the driving tooth drives the flank B2A2 of the following tooth, and the teeth are sliding from each other.
Trundles and Pin-Wheels.If a wheel or trundle have cylindrical pins or staves for teeth, the faces of the teeth of a wheel suitable for driving it are described by first tracing external epicycloids, by rolling the pitch-circle of the pin-wheel or trundle on the pitch-circle of the driving-wheel, with the centre of a stave for a tracing-point, and then drawing curves parallel to, and within the epicycloids, at a distance from them equal to the radius of a stave.
Coupling of Parallel Axes.Two or more parallel shafts (such as those of a locomotive engine, with two or more pairs of driving wheels) are made to rotate with constantly equal angular velocities by having equal cranks, which are maintained parallel by a coupling-rod of such a length that the line of c000exion is equal to the distance between the axes.
Let the axis Ai carry a wheel of N1 teeth, driving a wheel of ni teeth on the axis Ai, which carries also a wheel of N2 teeth, driving a wheel of 113 teeth on the axis A3, and so on; the numbers of teeth in drivers being denoted by Ns, and in followers by ns, and the axes to which the wheels are fixed being denoted by numbers.
The arm may either be driven by the wheels or assist in driving them.
Link Motion.A slide valve operated by a link motion receives an aggregate motion from the mechanisni driving it.
The driving and resisting efforts are represented by elastic links in the dynamic frame, and when the frame with its elastic links is drawn the stresses in the several members of it may be determined by means of reciprocal figures.
A couple is said to be right or left handed with reference to the observer, according to the direction in which it tends to turn the body, and is a driving couple or a resisting couple according as its tendency is with or against that of the actual rotation.
These conditions may be exactly realized by a system of weights reciprocated by slotted bars, the crank shaft driving the slotted bars rotating uniformly.
Indra, their chief, is virtually a kind of superior raja, residing in svarga, and as such is on visiting terms with earthly kings, driving about in mid-air with his charioteer Matali.
Rule Vi.-Carrying Press Of Sail-Damage To Or Loss Of Sails Damage to or loss of sails and spars, or either of them, caused by forcing a ship off the ground or by driving her higher up the ground, for the common safety, shall be made good as G.A.; but where a ship is afloat, no loss or damage caused to the ship, cargo and freight, or any of them, by carrying a press of sail, shall be made good as G.A.
Until the following March, Washington's work was to bring about some semblance of military organization and discipline, to collect ammunition and military stores, to correspond with Congress and the colonial authorities, to guide military operations in widely separate parts of the country, to create a military system for a people entirely unaccustomed to such a thing and impatient and suspicious under it, and to bend the course of events steadily towards driving the British out of Boston.
In March 1626 he came to London, and when driving one day near Highgate, was taken with a desire to discover whether snow would act as an antiseptic. He stopped his carriage, got out at a cottage, purchased a fowl, and with his own hands assisted to stuff it with snow.
The inventor was killed by being caught in the driving belt of one of his own presses.
The smaller machines can be worked with the foot, but if the establishment is equipped with power it is customary to gear them for driving.
In design these platen presses usually consist of a square frame with a driving shaft fixed horizontally across the centre of it.
The independent system of motors is generally adopted, because it is found more economical and better for driving purposes, besides dispensing with the overhead shafting and belting, always unsightly, and dangerous to the workpeople.
And the thinking power of a crowd - that is, a mob, not a deliberative assembly - is of a very low order, emotion of a " panicky " type driving it hither and thither like a rudderless ship.
Frederick the Great's sister, and the tyranny of the estates, who seemed bent upon driving the meekest of princes into rebellion.
These concessions allayed the prevailing unrest for a time, but the Royalist and Nationalist parties continued secretly to intrigue against one another, and in February 1908, while the shah was driving in Teheran, two bombs were exploded under his motor-car.
A statement of indicated horse-power supplies a measure force acting in the cylinder of an engine, but the power available for doing external work off the crank-shaft is less than this by the amount absorbed in driving the engine itself.
Thus a very strong heart, although it may be useful to its possessor for many years, driving the blood rapidly through the vessels, and supplying all his tissues with such abundant nutriment as to enable him to endure great exertion, mental or bodily, may in the end cause death by bursting a vessel in the brain, which might have resisted the pressure of a feebler circulation for years longer.
In January 1878 Lord Carnarvon resigned, and the driving force of the federation scheme thus disappeared.
Towards the close of the 11th century crusading knights came from every part of Europe to aid the kings of northern and central Spain in driving out the Moors.
On the wedding morning, however, the 6th of January 1540, he declared that no earthly thing would have induced him to marry her but the fear of driving the duke of Cleves into the arms of the emperor.
Volleys were exchanged, the British retreated, the minute-men hung on their flanks and from the hillsides shot them down, driving their columns on Lexington.
On account of his health he resigned the office of war minister in the October following, but in 1831 he took the command of the northern army, and was successful in thirteen days in driving the army of Holland out of Belgium.
In the centre is a hollow cone, through which passes the driving shaft, geared from below.
Under the leadership of his grandson (Batu) they moved westwards, driving with them many stems of the Turkish Ural-Altaians towards the plains of Russia.
The engine was an eight-cylinder Antoinette petrol motor, developing 49 horse-power at 1100 revolutions a minute, and driving directly a single metal screw propeller.
The long awn, which is bent and closely twisted below the bend, acts as a driving organ; it isvery hygroscopic, the coils untwisting when damp and twisting up when dry.
The site of the city being originally a peat bog, the foundations of the houses have to be secured by driving long piles (4-20 yds.) into the firm clay below, the palace on the Dam being supported on nearly 14,000 piles.
Marduk destroys Tiamat in a similar manner to that in which Daniel destroys the dragon (Delitzsch, Das babylonische Weltschopfung Epos), by driving a storm-wind into the dragon which rends it asunder.
At the same time the Parliamentary infantry had mostly crossed the lane and was fighting at close quarters and suffering severely, Newcastle's north-country "White-Coat" brigade driving back and finally penetrating their centre.
In Normandy the farmers still employ children under twelve to run through the fields and orchards armed with torches, setting fire to bundles of straw, and thus it is believed driving out such vermin as are likely to damage the crops.
The most famous statue of him is the Apollo Belvidere in the Vatican (found at Frascati, 1455), an imitation belonging to the early imperial period of a bronze statue representing him, with aegis in his left hand, driving back the Gauls from his temple at Delphi (27 9 B.C.), or, according to another view, fighting with the Pythian dragon.
Edwin thereupon succeeded to the Northumbrian throne, driving out the sons of ZEthelfrith.
This is the solitary record of his youth; we hear nothing more till, in his twenty-ninth year, it is related that, driving to his pleasure-grounds one day, he was struck by the sight of a man utterly broken down by age, on another occasion by the sight of a man suffering from a loathsome disease, and some months after by the horrible sight of a decomposing corpse.
In practice it is usual in chalk formations to imitate artificially the action of such underground watercourses, by driving from the well small tunnels, or " adits " as they are called, below the water-level, to intercept fissures and water-bearing beds, and thus to extend the collecting area.
Herr Burkli confines his criticism to the first struggle, in which alone mention is made of the driving back of the Swiss, pointing out also that the chronicle of 1476 and other later accounts attribute to the Austrians the manner of attack and the long spears which were the special characteristics of Swiss warriors, and that if Winkelried were a knight (as is asserted by Tschudi) he would have been clad in a coat of mail, or at least had a breastplate, neither of which could have been pierced by hostile lances.
After driving Alexander out, he passed into Macedonia and arbitrated between two claimants to the throne.
A pulley carried on a rotating shaft and connected to another pulley on a second shaft by an endless band consisting of a flat belt, rope, chain or similar connector serves for the transmission of power from the one shaft to the other and is known as a driving pulley; while combinations of pulleys or "sheaves," mounted in fixed or movable frames or "blocks," constitute mechanisms used to facilitate the raising of heavy weights.
Driving pulleys are usually constructed of cast iron, and are of circular form, having a central nave by which they are secured to the shaft by keys or other fastenings, and straight or curved arms connecting the nave to the rim, which latter is of a form adapted to the connector.
A common arrangement for driving a lathe spindle, in either direction at several definite speeds, is to provide a countershaft on which are mounted two fixed pulleys and two loose pulleys to accommodate two driving belts from the main shaft, one of which is open and the other crossed.
Blocks, for lifting very heavy weights, are sometimes provided with an electric motor for driving the worm.
He soon found a more agreeable wife than Cleopatra in her daughter Cleopatra, and thenceforth antagonism between the two queens, the "sister" and the "wife," was chronic. In 130 - I Cleopatra succeeded in driving Euergetes for a time to Cyprus, when he revenged himself by murdering the son whom she had borne him (surnamed M emphites).
Immediately after the sack of Lawrence, John Brown and a small band murdered and mutilated five pro-slavery men, on Pottawatomie Creek; a horrible deed, showing a new spirit on the freestate side, and of ghastly consequence - for it contributed powerfully to widen further the licence of highway robbery, pillage and arson, the ruin of homes, the driving off of settlers, marauding expeditions, attacks on towns, outrages in short of every kind, that made the following months a welter of lawlessness and crime, until Governor Geary - by putting himself above all partisanship, repudiating Missouri, and using Federal troops put an end to them late in 1856.
His sole success was that he raised the siege of Lincoln by driving off a detachment of the baronial army which was besieging it.
Prince Eugene relieved Turin from a French siege, and followed up the blow by driving the besiegers out of Italy.
On the evening of i4th January 1858, while the emperor, accompanied by the empress, was driving to the opera, these men threw some bombs under his carriage.
Neither the emperor nor the empress was injured by the explosion, but the carriage in which they were driving was wrecked, and a large number of persons who happened to be in the street at the time were either killed or wounded.
Baudissin (Herzog-Hauck, Realencyklopddie) prefers to derive it from ish, to drive, set in motion; whence ish-min, driving, impetuous.
Another Reform Bill, memorable for driving certain good Liberals into a Cave of Adullam, broke up the new government in a few months; Disraeli contributing to the result by the delivery of opinions not new to him and of lasting worth, though presently to be subordinated to arguments of an inferior order and much less characteristic. "At this rate," he said in 1866,"you will have a parliament that will entirely lose its command over the executive, and it will meet with less consideration and possess less influence."
The heads of the Swedish valleys are connected with the Norwegian fjords by passes generally traversed only by tracks; though from the head of the Ume a driving road crosses to Mo on Ranen Fjord.
He married Amuhia, daughter of the Median king, according to Abydenus, and in 605 B.C. defeated Necho at Carchemish, driving the Egyptians out of Asia and annexing Syria to the Babylonian empire.
Nevertheless much has been done to improve such paths as there are, and several miles of driving roads have been made, more particularly in the south.
In the late summer and autumn, agitation in Ireland (led by Mr Ginnell, M.P.) took the form of driving cattle off large grass farms, as part of a campaign against what was known as " ranching."
The British thereupon overran the whole state, and until near the close of the war a new American army, first under Horatio Gates and later under Nathanael Greene, was engaged in driving them out.
Collecting an army, Conrad marched into Burgundy in 1033, was chosen and crowned king of Peterlingen, and after driving his rival from the land was again crowned at Geneva in 1034.
Coming from the valley of the Danube in the 6th century, the Celts or Gauls had little by little occupied central and southern Europe long before they penetrated into the plains of the Sane, the Seine, and the Loire as far as the Spanish border, driving out the former inhabitants of the country.
Thenceforward he devoted himself to the foundation of the Frankish monarchy by driving the exhausted and demoralized heretics out of Gaul, and by putting himself in the place of the now enfeebled emperor.
The analogy with stress appears complete; the motion of the "driving link" of a machine is communicated to all the other parts, modified or unchanged as the case may be, by the stresses in those parts; but the actual setting in motion of the driving link itself cannot come about by stress, but must have for its production force obtained directly from the expenditure of some form of energy.
No sooner had he regained Hungary than he received tempting offers from the pope, represented by the legate Cardinal Cesarini, from George Brankovic, despot of Servia, and George Castriota, prince of Albania, to resume the war and realize his favourite idea of driving the Turk from Europe.
In 1641 the blanket-makers petitioned the crown against vexatious trade regulations; in 1673 the town is described as "driving a good trade for blankets and rugs."
Henry Raspe, landgrave of Thuringia, was chosen German king in opposition to Frederick in May 1246, but neither he nor his successor, William II count of Holland was successful in driving the Hohenstaufen from Germany.
Sometimes an additional vessel is employed for heating liquor by means of the exhaust steam from the engine driving the ammonia pump. Absorption machines are also made without a pump for returning the strong liquor to the generator.
Identifying himself with Brahmanical orthodoxy he bitterly opposed social reforms. His violent condemnation in 1897 of the plague prevention regulations was followed by the assassination of the local plague commissioner (Mr. Rand) and a young British officer driving with him at the time.
The king, on the Swedish right wing, succeeded in driving the enemy from the trenches and capturing his cannon.
I may have gained a few pounds driving around the countryside but I refute the label chubby and all its intonations.
I'd considered driving by the few camping facilities I remembered seeing in the county.
The brooding blond bodyguard-Guardian driving the Yukon looked at him in the rearview mirror, torn.
He was driving … Jule skipped through the details of Yully's car.… Another figure followed them.
He cursed his inability to communicate with the rest of humanity and considered driving directly to town to seek help, but thoughts of a person trapped in the twisted wreckage, prompted him to strain his eyes in the gathering darkness and search the abyss below.
The bumps occurred as an interruption of Dean's otherwise peaceful dream of Cynthia bathing in a misplaced Colorado lagoon, complete with palm trees—altering the vision to something involving a Volkswagen driving down Bird Song's stairs.
Taking a sleeping aid and driving before eight hours has passed means you're driving while under the influence of a medication.
The chore of driving the sleigh took little concentration, as Daisy was far more adept at her assignment than the driver.
There were whispered conversations about money—hers, Dean presumed—followed by excited talk of the man driving up from some obscure New Mexico town to meet her at Bird Song.
Between drinking and driving, public drunkenness, wife-beating and under age imbibing, the whole subject of alcohol consumption has been considerably skewed.
I'll give you a charge of— Fire tore through her, and she gasped, the pain nearly driving her unconscious before it ceased.
Anderson would have a fit if you tagged along even if I were driving and you know it.
Apparently you'll do anything to hold a baby in your arms – even risk your life driving on ice.
He'd taken the time to appreciate every inch of her body with his mouth and hands, all the while driving her into a haze of such yearning and sensory overload, it was almost dreamlike.
Over the following years these emission limits will be lowered to further encourage the driving of cars which pollute the atmosphere less.
His belligerent attitude toward car driving became the catalyst for this thought provoking drama.
It was a commensurate improvement to the driving experience.
There was a kudos system which rewards players for skillful driving during a race.
Advent of the euro was undoubtedly a major factor driving the increase in bond market activity.
I was almost glad I was driving, except I had an aftertaste of cleaning fluid in my coke.
Outside of your usual run ' n ' gun action we have stealth, puzzle solving, driving and even airborne sections.
The old question of Driving Standards was given a good airing, needless to say there was no clear cut answer.
Forward motion is supplied by aero engines driving airscrews mounted on the outside.
The engines were mounted back-to-back in pairs, with the forward unit driving a tractor airscrew and the aft facing unit a pusher propeller.
I also use a Warwick 150 watt amplifier driving a 12 " speaker.
Driving ability in cancer patients receiving long-term morphine analgesia.
Emigration is occurring concurrently, tho not driving, expansion of unsustainable coastal aquaculture.
The driving hydrostatic pressure (head of pressure) is controlled by the afferent and efferent arterioles, and provided by arterial pressure.
Will we still be driving automobiles in 100, 500, or 1000 years time?
This is the perfect gift for anyone with a driving passion for the finest automobiles.
Driving and walking along the many forest tracks and trails we'll encounter a very rich avifauna.
May 01 2004 The refurbished rear driving axles springs arrived during the week.
Whether they were sailing the ships, pushing the barrows, driving a forklift, or pushing a pen, made no difference.
These include a passport, utility bill or driving license.
Technology & Instrumentation Development Enabling technologies represent the major driving force for quantitative bioscience.
Driving 4x4 Range Rovers through deep mud blindfold was a stern test of trust.
In a driving blizzard, with his inexperienced helper (Patrick Holt ), they seek shelter in a log cabin.
They finished the evening with a hard driving bluegrass number Standing And Looking.
The effect of these will wear off after a few hours but may temporarily blur your vision preventing you from reading or driving.
In the third, Atkinson again came out attacking with Elriani finding success driving to length then sticking a trickle boast or straight drop.
A motor cycle was seen driving through this alley on one occasion despite two cast iron bollards that restrict access.
The roads may be better but the driving is still totally bonkers.
Such bearings can be renewed by driving in a brass or bronze bushing.
This flowing, elegant four-seater cabriolet is an expression of Renault's vision of driving pleasure.
Next term will see the introduction of a junior driving scheme, with the aim of teaching every cadet to drive.
Maybe this is a new trick to get people to stop driving when using the cellphone.
The single gear is about 46.5 inches - a 42 tooth chainwheel driving an 11 tooth sprocket with a 12.2 inch rolling diameter.
Many thanks to Jo for driving me up there, putting up with my inane chatter for 4 hrs then driving me home.
Anyway, once I've moved in I'll employ a chauffeur to do the driving for me!
Instead my parents bought me an old BMW, but I am now driving a jeep Cherokee.
Later in the day we were driving around, and as we passed the old folks home I heard a chirp.
He's driving me mad, he's so chirpy and chatty I want to kill him.
The root of the goal came in a needlessly hurried clearance by Stuart McCluskey which immediately had Falkirk driving on top of our defense.
Units have five coaches, driving trailer, two trailers, trailer buffet and driving trailer composite.
The main driving force in China to survey and draw maps was often for military reasons but also for problems such as water conservancy.
Driving forces of and barriers to sustainable consumption (international workshop ).
Originally developed for the mobile industry, IMS now supports fixed networks as well, driving the wave for fixed-mobile convergence.
Free Toyota corolla brochure - Driving Lessons - get one free!
Speeding motorists in the North East are facing a tough crackdown as part of a new campaign aimed at driving them off our roads.
Activities include cross-country skiing, ice fishing, archery, snowmobiling, snow tubing and even dogsled driving.
He admitted causing death by dangerous driving and was sentenced to three and a half years youth custody and banned for five years.
However they found that a single cytokine, TNF, was capable of driving the disease process.
Our current 2 for 1 offer gives you the option of having daytime driving glasses as your free second pair.
For artful deception need to get driving looking at takes a certain.
Equally disturbing was the fact that people are willing to take to the roads without a valid driving license or seriously defective vehicles.
I keep scrapbooks, love to read, love cats and cards and skiing, and am not particularly deft at driving or cooking.
Coulthard at times appeared to be driving in a demolition Derby.
Scottish history can be found both on the hotels doorstep at Huntingtower Castle and within east driving.
The Top Gear host was driving a rocket-powered dragster at an airfield near York for the show.
Julie Tomasik, driving a single on this occasion, won the dressage by a whisker.
In the novice class Wan Ming, driving her first competition, had the best dressage.
Binge drinking and drink driving are still serious issues but a little social drinking to boost those RDA's is the way to go.
It also boasts real driving sensations with a driving position featuring the latest technologies, and a specially designed high-performance diesel hybrid drivetrain.
Motorists in Northern Ireland were the worst tailgaters, with 38% admitting driving too close to the vehicle in front.
Emma was severely injured in a car accident caused by Ed Grundy's careless driving.
He pleaded guilty to causing death by dangerous driving.
The Bill will also crackdown on the menace of uninsured driving.
You can book quad biking to archery, clay shooting to 4x4 driving plus lots more.
The Bill introduces the new offense of causing death by careless or inconsiderate driving.
A clean driving license is required; training on minibus driving license is required; training on minibus driving is given.
This is a good opportunity to get familiar with off-road driving.
Their boss Nick Carpenter treated them to the new rally driving course which has just been launched at Castle Combe racing circuit.
They use a very good quality wax which will last for six months if you do not do much motorway driving.
You will need to provide photographic identification, e.g. passport or photocard driving license.
However, they are not the age group with the highest rates of drink driving.
The replaced Samsons had smaller 6ft driving wheels and were thus colloquially known as the ' Small Jumbos ' .
The were basically similar to the ' Large Bloomer ' but had smaller boiler and smaller driving wheels 6ft 6in, instead of 7ft.
The Danish motorways have lots of lovely picnic areas, which take the drudgery out of driving.
Highly syncopated, relentless rhythms and insistent drumbeats follow the driving force of the voices.
Lynne Parker, producer of Funny Women, has been in the driving seat throughout. This year's semi-finalists are pure dynamite.
The driving force behind them is their human dynamo of a Mom, Vicki!
Our afternoon was spent driving along the coast road eastwards toward Hamningberg.
A bad driving are exposed to quot says Edmund.
By dawn on Thursday we were in Germany driving through a low lying mist which made the countryside look eerie.
The system also allows for driving shorter distances with just electrical power and therefore zero emissions.
The best driving enjoyment I have had in 20 years!
He fused elongated African grooves with the driving edge and stage presence of James Brown and a huge jazz entourage akin to Sun Ra.
But the spirit driving those choices has nothing in common with that which drove the old eugenics.
When you attend a motorcycle or moped test present the DL196 to your driving examiner.
And now the new Focus ST joins them with its own special brand of driving exhilaration.
Driving takes place in the equally exotic locale of Hawaii, with the game packing more than 1,000 miles of road across varied terrain.
Due to our rapid expansion across the country for Driving Instructor Learning we are looking for new Driving Instructors.
The destructive forces of capitalism are driving us headlong into the sixth great species extinction of the earth's 5 billion year history.
The cotton is then dumped onto world markets driving millions of poor African farmers into total destitution.
Is the drip, drip, drip of that leaky faucet driving you batty?
They had 16 " x 24 " cylinders, 6ft diameter driving wheels, domeless boilers and raised firebox.
Our 6 sheet activity also proved to be a major force in driving footfall into the stores.
What have been the driving forces behind the new model?
Marx argued that the main driving force behind capitalist crises lies in what he called the tendency of the rate of profit to fall.
The Department's Top Management Group is responsible for driving forward New TSN and for monitoring progress.
Who can honestly say they don't enjoy the freedom of owning or driving a car.
I was driving down a very busy freeway in Southern California, six lanes on each side.
It could be the fear of driving over a particular bridge, or a particular freeway, or freeway overpass.
We might emit some noxious fumes into the atmosphere by driving there, or leave a slight residue on a site.
Power is generated by the spring driving a generator through an internal gear train.
My main duties were winch launching and driving the trucks to retrieve the gliders and winch cables.
You can see what I'm driving at, are we simply in the process of producing a glut of Shaun Morris clones?
Driving like that you'll lose your license I haven't got a license.
Mussolini was caught yesterday at Dongo, Lake Como, driving by himself in a car with his uniform covered by a german greatcoat.
Above all, no release from driving - the daily habit that keeps holidays in the vice-like grip of normal behavior.
It features awesome gunplay, spectacular martial arts, insane driving, breathtaking stunts and the chance to pilot an incredibly fast hovercraft.
A blond was driving home after a game, and got caught in a really bad hailstorm.
You have the hassle of driving in, the hassle of parking and the risk of vandalism to the car.
Gritting / Snow Clearance - report online The council will grit primary and secondary roads within the boro when weather conditions make driving hazardous.
I have been driving a hearse for the last 25 years " .
Arthur appears as defender of Christianity, driving out pagan heresy, conquering Denmark, Norway and Gaul.
Driving around Mexico was surprisingly easy, with most roads in pretty good condition, especially the fast toll highways.
A driving lineout minutes later from Filton College saw hooker Alex Thompson score out wide.
Not for any reason other than the driving is going to get horrendous.
One propulsion motor, producing 2,000 shaft horsepower, driving a single propeller.
It is driving forward ambitious proposals to reform incapacity Benefits and the delivery of public services for disabled people.
The campaign will continue in its attempts to reduce the grief of families who lose loved ones as a result of driving inexperience.
These fumes are caused by doors being left open often after being rendered inoperable by trucks driving into them.
What advice would you give to anyone wanting to become a driving instructor in London?
It was a classic example of predetermined policy driving military intelligence.
Her entire crazy family seems intent on driving her mad.
That summer, Fred had the honor of driving the first passenger-carrying intercity 125 train down to Poole.
Top Gear With Jeremy Clarkson the driving seat, Top Gear is complete with his customary irreverence, wit and unbiased honesty.
Beneficial smells to driving include peppermint and cinnamon, which improve concentration levels as well as making drivers less irritable.
Participants will present position papers and discuss the driving - related issues.
Of course, it is parked in the garage and only used for Sunday driving these days. 08/01/02 Sarasota USA I love jags!
Anyway I'm driving home along a typical new suburban road when a fox suddenly runs across in front of my old jalopy.
Imagine driving on a dual five lane section of the M1 at a maximum of 50 mph sandwiched on all sides by massive Juggernauts.
This is your chance - have a driving lesson in a massive articulated Juggernaut, and see if you can handle this giant.
With its low center of gravity it has been likened to driving a go kart on ever-changing tracks.
We visit villages and markets driving tho the desert landscape and experiencing the way of life of the Rajputs.
Well, driving home past the church where I had my first piano lesson, I get that feeling again.
A clean driving license is required; training on minibus driving is given.
We then see Reece driving around... Jo, an extremely likable character, is clearly in danger; a sense of foreboding lingers.
I got a long shot at driving the boat whilst looking out for other boats.
Steam operated flange lubricator covering all main driving wheelsets, front and rear bogies.
I use a rubber mallet to finish driving them in.
Why hasn't this maniac been banned from driving for life?
One of the methods that have spawned many success stories in driving targeted web site traffic into websites is viral marketing.
Jerry, driving a minibus, entered the picture around 3am, on his way home to north London from the Isle of Wight.
If necessary correct any misalignment using the ' handles ' on the driving tool.
Many people choose driving instruction to escape the monotony of a 9 to 5 office or factory based job.
A 16-year-old boy was driving a moped down a one-way street in the wrong direction.
Even the idiots of government, the stupid morons driving this idiocy are admitting that the British National Party are looking good.
But there are total morons driving all our roads!
To a based broker business home mortgage third of driving teens.
I felt just as if I was driving a motorcar over a smooth road, only it was easier.
A DVD reminding young motorists about safe driving has been launched in a bid to cut the number of fatal crashes in north Wales.
Intolerant and inconsiderate motorists who are driving too fast are unlikely to realize that they're unsafe.
The council claim the chuggers - an abbreviation of " charity muggers " - have been driving shoppers away from the town center.
Talking of Bartlett, I have a new naff polyphonic ringtone to replace the Rasmus which has been driving people nuts.
But the driving motive for such acquisitions has been the availability of attractive assets abroad and the ability to fi nance them.
For the golfers, Merlin Golf club with its driving range is also nearby.
The reflection nebulosity traces the cavity evacuated by the wind or jet driving each outflow.
His comments came after he and a colleague were both photographed while driving between 46 and 50mph on the A1 north of Alnwick.
When you are driving, always wear a safety belt, strictly observe speed limits, traffic lights and signs.
The Appeals Jury present at the event for Jumping will also officiate for the World Cup Driving.
A crook's Paradise a key sales stage in of driving teens.
The central bank is widely perceived to be a driving force behind many of the reforms mentioned by Fitch.
Moisture properites Sto renders offer protection from driving rain, yet remain vapor permeable.
Contrary to their fictional personas, it was Stan Laurel who was the driving force throughout the pair's joint career.
The site contains information ranging from the basic driving theory test for learner drivers to advanced techniques, road rage and driving phobia.
He has spent his life traveling all over the world to celebrate his passion for the sheer pleasure of driving.
This isn't a driving game in the traditional sense in that it follows the plotline from an episode of the series.
While moving from Oregon to Montana several years ago, my husband was driving the U-Haul packed with all of our worldly possessions.
In our eighteen hundred miles of driving, we found only one road that had several potholes in it.
We just managed to make it on time, having to do some cross country driving to avoid a major prang on the M6.
Trade Union researcher Don Pollard claims that the current supermarket price war is driving this trade in illegal immigrants.
News Disputes about data privacy European Computer Driving License scheme Was Y2K a non-event?
Driving Licenses A full (not provisional) driving license is required to tow a caravan.
This model can be directly implemented in a swarm of robots driving around and moving pucks.
He also occasionally seeks the Zen of high performance driving on the local racetrack, a goal as elusive as effortless swimming.
There are numerous different jobs you can do on an Australian ranch - from driving a tractor to feeding the animals.
Here, open out; we must join in driving these ragged rascals back on the center.
But to be in charge of such a highly powerful vehicle without knowing how or why you're driving it seems reckless to me.
Sanday resident remanded in custody A Sanday resident was remanded in custody A Sanday resident was remanded in custody on Monday, charged with several driving offenses.
Contact Dr. Alan Blackburn Driving models of forest gap regeneration dynamics using remote sensing.
One factor driving sales in recent years has been the demand for braking resistors.
Back to top Positive Coping Tactics 1. never retaliate against acts of bad driving, they could be unintentional mistakes.
A truly revolting man, CAL JEPPY, is driving.
Pile driving devices are normally part of a larger bespoke drilling rig that is utilized.
And now what am I driving at, in all this long rigmarole?
Roger Johnson with driving in to consider boosting all of the.
Wasps set their stall out from the start, our forward rucking ferociously and driving Teddington off the ball.
Alicante safari parks There are 2 main safari parks within easy driving distance of Alicante, & both are located in Alicante province itself.
The leather seats are electrically adjustable to create the perfect driving position and so comfortable with extra lumber support.
Sailing the 140 is somewhat like driving a sporty sedan such as a Saab or Volkswagen.
We're looking for an energetic self-starter who is proactive in driving revenue, increasing client base, and selling for Crosby.
For more enquiries on Driving Instructor Learning please contact our customer service for more details.
The eccentric sheaves have also been fitted to the driving wheel axle.
Super car experiences, tank and off-road driving days, flying lessons, helicopter sightseeing flights and much, much more.
Much better to spend your time driving the tractor simulator - cool!
Trials were carried out on the TRL driving simulator.
They defined ska as a driving, assertive and truly home grown music appropriate for the newly independent island.
The next day saw the instructors teach the children the art of cone driving, including slaloms, boxes and circles.
You will be driving your own dog sled in Lapland.
If you feel yourself becoming sleepy while driving, why not stop in a safe place for a nap.
Riding in driving sleet is, however, no fun at all.
Rudolph's driving the packed sleigh and reindeers hard.
In some places the tracks were coated in deep slush that was partially frozen making for some interesting driving conditions!
Liked the line ' feeling small, inner enemies standing tall ', droning chords driving the melody along.
Although we had fresh snowfall on every day driving was never a problem.
I'm driving into gently falling snowflakes that are drifting slowly toward me, emerging from gray gloom into the brightness of my headlights.
A full UK driving license is required to drive a snowmobile.
Important note on snowmobile driving For all holidays that include snowmobile driving you are liable for any damage you may cause to the machines.
Ken Cole, the key-note speaker, gave a briefing on how the LCE was driving the efficiency agenda.
Drivers caught speeding could have their license endorsed to be valid only for driving vehicles with an ISA installed.
Prior to our arrival, strong winds, driving spindrift and unexpectedly low temperatures had made life at Patriot Hills very difficult.
What he found two employe spouses a defensive driving.
Unity and liberty are the two driving forces and guiding values on the two alternative pathways to national statehood.
To fill in a bit of technical info on driving steppers.
First, practice at the driving game would have altered the visual stimulus for all of the participants over the week.
Plus, you've got the complication of global warming driving fish stocks north.
A violent storm suddenly broke out, driving the approaching ships back across the Channel.
Our business Internet marketing consultant strategy focus on driving traffic to your website.
Seats are removable, driving experience feels oddly synthetic, turbo 165bhp engine outpaces those of its rivals.
If your toddler's tantrums are driving you crazy, take some comfort in the thought you're not alone!
Soon they are driving into the mountains where fiercely territorial battles are still fought.
The driving force behind her work is the creation of surface texture which she applies to simple, organically derived forms.
A driving rhythm section and three-piece horn section give exciting, authentic backing to a young guy with a great soulful voice.
Today there are three water wheels driving large tilt hammers and grindstones.
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It's utter tripe to suggest that terrestrial channels are driving digital take-up even for Freeview.
It produces free information on safe driving tuition and campaigns for improvements in driver training and licensing.
The problems with these units is that their very ubiquity forces landlords to compete with each other for tenants driving down rents and yields.
Motorists are generally unaccustomed to driving on slick roads and traffic accidents increase.
So why, before driving one, was I being asked to construct a very unbecoming piece of headgear?
The Cubans enraged at the lack of policing of the loose, began to snort their way upfield with some excellent driving mauls.
The CD covers all aspects of driving for this age group, from gaining their license through to becoming a safe road user.
With most other gas driven ventilators, the volume of driving gas required is equal to the patient's minute volume 7 & 8.
Their plan was to split the rebels in two by driving a wedge between them.
Coupling Rod These couple driving wheels of the same size together to spread the tractive effort over the coupled wheelbase.
The third pair of driving wheels had no flanges, to assist the long rigid wheelbase get round sharp curves.
Yes April - once you start driving a 4 wheeler - it's very hard to be content with 2!
Accidents in the home, at work, during sport, or when driving (including whiplash) are also common causes.
They worked in many other areas like driving busses and taxis, and about 16,000 mostly young women joined the Women's Land Army.
The next day he was caught driving at 41mph in a 30mph zone in Rochdale.
Maximilian harboured the idea of driving the Turks from Europe; but his appeal to all Christian sovereigns was ineffectual.
Then the work done by the battery per second will be EC' or CC'R, while the heat generated per second will be C' 2 R, so that we have the difference (C - C')C'R for the energy consumed in driving the engine.
The latter consists of a framework carrying the hoisting barrel, with its driving motor and gearing, and a travelling motor, which is geared to the running wheels in such a manner as to be able to propel the whole machine; FIG.