Driveway Sentence Examples
The driveway had to be around that next bend.
He turned into a driveway and shut off the truck.
The driveway was lined with trees and the manicured lawns emerald green.
Fred went on to explain that a maroon late model car was waiting at the end of the driveway leading into Gruber's place.
Just as I was reaching for Howie's suit, I saw a car pull into the driveway, without headlights.
Our dog spotted a rabbit crossing his driveway and lurched forward to give chase, tangling me in his leash as I answered.
She sped away, and they took off up the driveway with the swordsman trailing.
Dread filled her as she drove up the familiar driveway to the stone manor.
It was parked in the driveway of the neighboring lot, where she'd seen no lights or activity all weekend.
Just as Dean backed from the driveway, another car turned the corner and waited for him to clear the entrance.
AdvertisementThe vantage point from there would let her see anything coming up the driveway or through the forest, though the pines were thick.
Xander felt her grow tenser as they were waved down the long driveway, towards the oceanfront building.
There are a number of parks and mineral springs, and along the lake front a fine driveway, Sheridan Road.
Instead, he spent a half-hour in her driveway, discussing the Norfolk trip and the search for her missing husband.
Cynthia Byrne was standing at the edge of her driveway when Dean pulled up.
AdvertisementCloser investigation revealed a balcony that overlooked the driveway.
The house sits on a slight rise, at the end of a long driveway and I had never visited at night.
Yully stopped at the end of the driveway and squeezed her eyes closed, tormented by her conscience.
Dead vamps lined the driveway.
Sofia stopped at the edge of the driveway, horrified by the bloodied and broken bodies spread across the expansive area in front of her.
AdvertisementDressed in a sundress and sandals, Deidre left the bungalow on the beach and walked down the long driveway to the small road.
As it approached time for Alex to get off work the first day, she kept watch on the driveway for his truck.
Jenn walked until she reached the end of the driveway.
Instead, she trotted down the gravel driveway, each crunching step making her cringe.
Other features of the place are the broad driveway (Atlantic Avenue) and an automobile boulevard.
AdvertisementThe thought of Toni lying in the driveway made her chest tighten.
Shorty after a second cattle grid. turn right into a wide driveway for Slades Farm and the Old Dairy.
Howard had to pull out of the driveway slowly and gradually increase his speed.
I was reaching for his hanging suit when I heard an automobile roll up the driveway.
I parked in the driveway.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the brake lights of the woman's car as she drove down the driveway.
As she let up, they found traction and the car shot out of the driveway.
She snatched her purse and fled out the front door, running as hard as she could down the driveway.
She walked through the castle quickly, not liking the quiet, and emerged into a courtyard leading to an expansive cobblestone driveway.
He walked around the house to check the studio and noticed her car in the driveway.
Dean pulled into the empty driveway.
He left and walked through the snowstorm to the Realtor sign hanging at the end of the long driveway.
The two campaigners nodded to each other, with neither wishing to antagonize the family of four smiling in the driveway.
The police had cordoned off the driveway, too, and posted signs around the entrance.
This kind of damage often comes from parking your car into undergrowth, be sure to trim back bushes from your driveway.
In the driveway is an older model red convertible with a personalized Missouri plate, BETTY.
Two weeks ago, Jean Schrier, who lives on five acres east of 35th Avenue SE, saw a coyote in his driveway.
To the front there is a gated private driveway serving a double garage.
Gardens; The Lilies is approached through wrought iron double gates to gravel driveway with parking for several vehicles.
The front garden includes a widened driveway providing access to the garage.
A cement mixer blocked the driveway to her left.
A paved driveway in the property provides ample parking.
Long sweeping driveway giving access to the detached double garage.
The wood adjoins the old tree-lined driveway to Oaklands House, most of which can be seen on neighboring land.
Outside the property has the benefit of a concrete driveway with side lawned area having well stocked borders.
Off road parking is provided by a tarmacadam driveway to personal parking space to the side of the property.
Outside The property is accessed via a tarmac driveway to the side which provides ample parking leads to the detached garage / workshop.
A gravel driveway leads past the rear of the cottages to a parking area to the side of which is a single garage.
Outside the house has a large shingle driveway and to the rear a garden about 130 ft in depth.
To the side is a gated access opening onto to a brick pavia driveway, in turn leading to a single garage.
Cross driveway & continue ahead on footpath uphill with wooden fence on right.
Well-heeled buyers will pay the earth to approach their homes along a driveway flanked by manicured greens.
He is also a shade tree blacksmith who can often be seen beating red-hot iron into shape in his driveway.
Only in America do they leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put useless junk in the garage.
A sweeping driveway with beautifully manicured grounds leads to the entrance.
Our final exit up the driveway includes at least four Turquoise-browed motmots.
Some are sliding in their cars on the driveway where the snow has frozen; others are starting a snowball fight.
The house is approached via a metalled driveway and is centrally located within this 150 acre stock rearing farm.
My mom is such an inept driver, she can't even back out of the driveway without hitting anything.
I was always able to tell when Peter pulled into the driveway because of the recognizable drone from his old car.
If you have light snowfall and only a small driveway or walkway, choose a one-stage model or electric shovel.
This is important if you have a very long or very wide driveway.
This model is perfect for someone that has a deck or patio to clear, a short sidewalk or a small driveway.
Your kitty litter will also help you soak up the big oil spot your guest just left in your driveway.
If you should find a oil spot on your concrete driveway, then go get some of your cat's litter (new not used?), and place it on top of the oil spot.
Building the loft in your garage or driveway may not be a good option.
Around 3 am we pulled into the driveway of my boss's house (thanks Captain Bob) in Stuart, Florida.
One time, his parents left the toddler in the driveway for a moment.
Generally, you'll get a view of a locked gate, leading to the driveway.
Mobile grooming brings the shop right to your own driveway in the form of a fully rigged maxi-van.
Path lights highlight the edge of walkway or driveway with a series of fixtures.
Keep in mind that these lights are supposed to offer a subtle amount of illumination, not completely light the walkway or driveway.
Solar light sets-Consider adding the warm glow of light to your yard by enhancing your sidewalk or driveway with solar light sets.
Work benches, tools, old toys and cast off furniture made their way out to the garage, in some cases pushing the cars themselves out to the driveway.
To minimize the risk of injury, shovel snow off your steps, sidewalk, and driveway promptly after each snowfall.
Make sure your driveway, walkways and sidewalk are shoveled regularly and free from debris.
When you are clearing snow off your driveway and steps, be on the lookout for icy patches.
Living in a colder climate means being familiar with driveway snow safety is a necessity.
People with high blood pressure or high cholesterol and smokers may also be putting themselves at risk if they pick up a shovel and try to clear their driveway themselves.
Rather than run the risk of heart attack, a much better choice is to hire a reliable person or company to look after the driveway.
Shoveling the driveway yourself is a workout.
Once the driveway has been cleared, consider sprinkling some rock salt on it.
Driveway snow safety tips also apply when you are using a snowblower.
Be very cautious about using the snowblower on a slippery driveway.
By keeping these driveway safety tips in mind, you will be able to keep this part of your property safe for yourself, the members of your household and visitors alike.
You may see line dancers being instructed in a park, in someone's driveway, at a formal dance studio, or at a country western bar.
For example, if you plan to store a recreational vehicle in your driveway, it's important to verify that there isn't a covenant preventing you from being able to do so.
Your little girl will love the shimmery white streamers that flare as she pedals down the driveway and onto the sidewalk.
They look very festive and can be used to light up a driveway to give a welcoming start to a party or can be used to add ambiance to a garden or yard.
Kids love to express themselves through arts and crafts, regardless of whether it is by building a Play Doh monster or creating the next masterpiece out of sidewalk chalk on the driveway.
You can keep score by using sidewalk chalk on a driveway or walkway.
Will it only be used in your yard or driveway, or will you take it to other places?
Do you want a car that can be taken outside on the driveway or sidewalk?
Encourage older kids to play sports, even if it's basketball in the driveway or backyard baseball.
He managed to weave his way home and parked haphazardly in the driveway.
The body had become stuck on the grill, and the executive had driven home and parked in the driveway with the dead body attached to his car.
Remember to use your turn signals any time you change lanes, turn at an intersection, or turn off the road into a driveway.
When the dealer stocks the car on his used car lot, it depreciates just like when it's sitting in a customer's driveway.
This can be in your own driveway between two trash cans or on a public street late at night.
Lay the umbrella on your driveway on its side and use the spray bottle to reach all the hard-to-get crevices.
Better yet, do this outside in the grass or on the driveway.
The family's property is completely fenced in and there is a large metal gate at the end of the half-mile long driveway.
In the distance and getting closer I heard the sound of police sirens and in minutes two cruisers pulled into the driveway.
This guy drives up, no lights, sees a car in the driveway so he must realize someone is home.
She grew edgy as they passed the town near the bungalow before pulling up the long driveway to the beach house.
As Dean rounded the corner of Collingswood Avenue and pulled in his driveway, he noticed a light blue car pull away from the opposite curb.
Rather than risk Traveling to the center of the phenomenon, Jenn ran down the driveway the vamps had cleared of snow to the narrow country road leading up the mountain to the Black God's hideout.
Lisa let the matter drop, but she began to pay more attention to the activities around the house - like the shiny black car that sometimes came up the driveway and followed the path back into the woods without stopping at the house.
Lisa started down the driveway as if heading for the road, but once she was out of sight of the house, she circled around through the woods and made her way back to the path.
Our dog spotted a rabbit crossing his driveway and lurched forward to give chase, tangling me in his leach as I answered.