Drink Sentence Examples
She can drink milk like a real baby.
He does not drink merely to be drinking.
As for the drink, there was no point in bringing that up.
We could both use a drink, I think.
A spiked drink might seem harmless, but if a person was taking certain prescription drugs, it could be dangerous.
We were having a drink before dinner.
I don't drink liquor.
She sipped her drink, surprised to find it really was her favorite, a pumpkin spice latte.
He would drink with you.
He wasn't allowed to drink the juice he liked anymore.
AdvertisementBut you didn't drink it.
I need a drink.
You were mine the night I let you drink from me.
I am afraid to drink anything that makes men act in that way.
I had a second drink and let my belly dilute the alcohol with pot roast before leaving for Howie's house.
AdvertisementThe Oracle had given him nothing, and he didn't feel able to sit still and drink tea with Daniela, the headmistress of the order of nuns who managed this Sanctuary.
To the bison of the prairie it is a few inches of palatable grass, with water to drink; unless he seeks the Shelter of the forest or the mountain's shadow.
Finally, as for salt, that grossest of groceries, to obtain this might be a fit occasion for a visit to the seashore, or, if I did without it altogether, I should probably drink the less water.
It is the same whether a man eat, or drink, or cohabit, or sleep sensually.
I won't drink and won't play till I get reinstated.
AdvertisementMy wife purchased a soft drink; to get some change, she explained.
Have a drink! said Anatole, and filled a large glass of Madeira for him.
Only dip your finger in it and I'll drink it all up.
She had taken a cab and driven home by a side street and the cabman had told her that the people were breaking open the barrels at the drink store, having received orders to do so.
We pop some popcorn and drink some eggnog - just enjoy each other.
AdvertisementDamian's own head was fuzzy from the effects of the drink he'd been force fed.
He didn't drink long, and she nuzzled his neck then found his lips with her own.
Paul sipped his drink and looked around as Dean returned to the chaise.
While I can't say for certain he'd been drinking—the autopsy hasn't been performed yet—I know from past experience that many of our teenagers drink regularly.
Besides, he doesn't drink and I don't drink alone—unless I'm alone.
Finally he said, "I told him to buy a couple of bottles of vodka and drink them himself."
Just get me a drink.
He didn't drink long, and she was too afraid of moving to wipe away the tears rolling down her face.
Shouldn't take long the way we drink.
Josh took a sip of his drink.
To get drunk for the sake of the drink was the mark of a beast; but wine was a powerful stimulant to the brain, and to fuddle oneself in order to think great thoughts was worthy of a sage.
The bull was to be sacrificed to Mithras, who was to mingle its fat with consecrated wine and give to drink of it to the just, rendering them immortal, while the unjust, together with Ahriman and his spirits, were to be destroyed by a fire sent from Heaven by Ormazd.
Did he take solace in drink or drugs?
I then guided her hand to form the sentence, "Cat does drink milk."
It was, for nearly two years after this, rye and Indian meal without yeast, potatoes, rice, a very little salt pork, molasses, and salt; and my drink, water.
I believe that water is the only drink for a wise man; wine is not so noble a liquor; and think of dashing the hopes of a morning with a cup of warm coffee, or of an evening with a dish of tea!
He teaches how to eat, drink, cohabit, void excrement and urine, and the like, elevating what is mean, and does not falsely excuse himself by calling these things trifles.
Anatole kept on refilling Pierre's glass while explaining that Dolokhov was betting with Stevens, an English naval officer, that he would drink a bottle of rum sitting on the outer ledge of the third floor window with his legs hanging out.
With his shaggy head thrown back like birds when they drink, pressing his spurs mercilessly into the sides of his good horse, Bedouin, and sitting as though falling backwards in the saddle, he galloped to the other flank of the squadron and shouted in a hoarse voice to the men to look to their pistols.
In the village, outside the drink shop, another meeting was being held, which decided that the horses should be driven out into the woods and the carts should not be provided.
The soldiers in my battalion, believe me, wouldn't drink their vodka!
These men, who under the leadership of the tall lad were drinking in the dramshop that morning, had brought the publican some skins from the factory and for this had had drink served them.
When the band took a break, Carmen was looking for something cool to drink.
The kitchen was open all the time, but Alex didn't drink - or never had to her knowledge.
And then she remembered seeing Dulce watching her when she accepted the drink.
By the way, neither Alex nor I drink.
Yancey was in the kitchen, getting a cold drink from the refrigerator.
He lifted a canteen from the saddle horn and took a drink.
I can't promise you we'll never fight, or that I'll never take a drink.
Let's talk about it over a drink.
I can't think straight without a bottle on the table and a drink in my hand.
Howie's total conversational contributions, if not discussing his flowers, were hovering entreaties if everyone had enough to eat or drink.
I couldn't sleep and went down to the kitchen for a drink.
Drink up, Ben and I'll tell you.
I realized booze wasn't the recommended wash-down with my pain medication but I wasn't driving any farm equipment and I really needed a stiff drink.
Sure, he was insensitive, but how many sixteen year olds sneak out to drink?
He paused, then said, I need a drink.
It's very important you don't drink that juice ever again.
She was no closer to food, but she could at least drink water out of the sink.
Rather than drink from her, he kissed her.
The consuming need to drink from him swept through her mind, dulling the rest of the world.
You don't need an invitation to drink, love.
The old man smiled as he poured another drink.
Only this time, drink them yourself.
If you drink any more of that stuff, you'll pass out and maybe bleed to death inside.
He filled a thermos of coffee—no one could drink Weller's brew—and wasted no time in arriving at the sheriff's office.
Um, it's … you know what, you can drink your tea and I'll make breakfast, Cora said, taking the eggs.
Deidre nibbled on her food then pushed it aside to drink the coffee.
You didn't drink it, because you have an emotional connection to the person who asked you not to.
I don't know how you drink it, Wynn said, turning his head to the side.
Instead of a third drink, a flash of cold fire was forced through the fangs into her body.
Katie, you forgot your drink at the bar, Kris said, holding out the iced whiskey to her.
As promised, he did not drink long, and she felt him press another finger to the wound to seal the seepage.
Is there anyone here who doesn't want to eat me or drink my blood?
He didn't drink long, and when he was finished he touched his thumb to the wound, cauterizing it again.
Before she could take another drink, Rhyn appeared out of nowhere and snatched the bottle from her.
He didn't drink long and sealed the wound after.
She placed her wrist to Rhyn's mouth, willing him to awaken, to drink her.
If I didn't keep learning how insane this world is every second of the day, I wouldn't have to drink!
You drink too much and talk too much.
Just tell one of the waiters what you want to drink.
You might need a stiff drink or two.
Sarah and Jackson were instructed to drink from the goblet.
Jackson collected their glasses and poured their fourth drink.
But does she drink blood?
Connor finished his second drink and Jackson could see by the softening around his eyes that the alcohol had started to work its magic.
He grabbed the drink out of her hand and finished it.
He considered going down to the drawing room for a drink, but decided, he too, felt quite weary.
He returned a few hours later, made a drink, and went to the kitchen where Sarah had started making breakfast for Connor.
I have to drink a real lot to get a hangover, so, with no downsides and a whole lot of up, why wouldn't I drink to my heart's content, plus it tastes awesome and warms my soul.
Wanna have a drink with me before I head out?
He sat at the bar, ordered a drink, then swiveled the stool for a better view.
He sidled up behind her as she ordered a drink.
I can buy my own drink, thank you.
He poured a drink and started to think about how he would feed.
After dinner, Connor helped Jackson put up the shutters, then they sat down for a drink.
Jackson poured a drink and a glass of blood, then sat at the board.
Why don't I make you a drink?
I will get you some blood and a drink.
Staring through her, he took a long drink of scotch.
Up to my room to drink until I pass out.
He steadied himself with his hands on his knees for a moment, panting; then opened a bottle and started to drink, fast; desperate to find oblivion.
Jackson retrieved another bottle, though he didn't drink from it.
He went to get some blood and a drink, no bottle, just a glass.
Have you got anything stronger than tea to drink?
They sat at a table in the bar, and after a few minutes Sam complained, "What do we have to do to get a drink around here?"
I'm guessing you don't want a glass of port tonight, but believe me, I could use a drink.
Jackson poured a drink and some blood, then sat on the sofa.
Now you will understand why we drink so much.
I know Jackson can't drink it, but you two can, and save the rest for him.
Better drink up, it's show time.
Having a drink with your mother.
As the family climbed the stairs with Sarah, Jackson said, "I can take care of this, perhaps you should see to a drink of a different kind for yourself."
She put it in front of Elisabeth, and with some effort, the wolf rose to drink from it.
Leo thought to himself that with one more drink he'd try to swim across the Chesapeake.
Neither of us had ever traveled further west than Ohio but when we were old and retired, we were going there and drink manhattans at sunset.
An unusual number of people were enjoying the unseasonable weather, spending the last few hours out of doors; fathers playing catch with sons, youngsters riding trikes or skipping rope, and others content to just drink in the springtime evening.
The office confirmed he and Byrne went out to have a drink or three, just the two of them.
I'd like to hear how much Byrne had to drink.
Discarded wrappers and soft drink cans littered the floor, a magazine and a folded newspaper lay between the men on the seat.
She finished the drink she was holding in one gulp and crossed to where he was standing.
But I could use that drink.
One shouldn't drink to forget.
She finished the remaining half of her drink in one gulp.
Maybe drink a manhattan at sunset on the Top of the Mark?
Josh doesn't drink, so I'm sure that was all it took.
Did she drink too much coffee?
Josh didn't drink either, until he married Lori.
She needed a drink.
No, I need a drink.
But then, it wasn't like Josh to drink, either.
He took a long drink and lowered the glass.
Was it safe to drink directly from the spring?
She brought him humans to feed off of and – in the lean years where they'd been struggling to survive – she let him drink from her.
Don't drink the wine and don't let the cat in X's room, Jessi read aloud.
He was starving, teased by the snack-sized drink he'd taken from Jessi.
He refused medicine to induce sleep, declaring "it is not my design to drink or to sleep, but my design is to make what haste I can to be gone."
The death penalty was freely awarded for theft and other crimes regarded as coming under that head; for theft involving entrance of palace or temple treasury, for illegal purchase from minor or slave, for selling stolen goods or receiving the same, for common theft in the open (in default of multiple restoration) or receiving the same, for false claim to goods, for kidnapping, for assisting or harbouring fugitive slaves, for detaining or appropriating same, for brigandage, for fraudulent sale of drink, for disorderly conduct of tavern, for delegation of personal service, for misappropriating the levy, for oppression of feudal holders, for causing death of a householder by bad building.
The earnest and well-expressed prayer or hymn of praise cannot fail to draw the divine power to the worshipper and make it yield to his supplication; whilst offerings, so far from being mere acts of devotion calculated to give pleasure to the god, constitute the very food and drink which render him vigorous and capable of battling with the enemies of his mortal friend.
The colony is self-supporting, the revenue being largely derived from the drink duties, and there is no public debt.
We eat only to appease our hunger, we drink only so much as it is good for temperate persons to do.
But the Simons were obviously grotesquely unfit guardians for a prince, and they doubtless caused much suffering to the impressionable child, who was made on occasion to eat and drink to excess, and learnt the language of the gutter.
Wine is not extensively produced, nor is it of the best quality; but in some parts, especially in the Perche, there is an abundant supply of apples, from which cider is made as the common drink of the inhabitants.
Drinking clubs met to drink off matches, the winner being he who drained his cup most rapidly.
Yahweh appears to plead with His people for their sins, but the sinners are no longer a careless and oppressive aristocracy buoyed up by deceptive assurances of Yahweh's help, by prophecies of wine and strong drink; they are bowed down by a religion of terror, wearied with attempts to propitiate an angry God by countless offerings, and even by the sacrifice of the first-born.
It is doubtless a sense of filial obligation coupled with sentiments of piety and reverence that gave rise to this practice of offering gifts of food and drink to the deceased ancestors.
A cozy cocktail lounge is the perfect venue for or a quiet drink.
I am not only what I eat but am also what I do, what I drink, what I think about, and more.
Any word from Brunel—the World Wide employee who had the drink with Byrne?
We all drink a little too much once in a while.
Fred took a long drink from the scotch.
He could have just tossed it in the drink.
Let's go and have a drink and end this the right way.
He couldn't think of an appropriate comeback and found himself staring down at her drink.
I'll drink to that.
I'll get us something to drink.
She took a drink of her tea and carefully set the glass back on the table.
Within moments after finishing the drink, he grew too drowsy to stay awake and retreated to the bed.
What did you drink?
He picked up his coffee cup and took a drink.
His gaze shot back to her and he choked on his drink, spilling it on his suit.
They paused briefly, letting the horses drink while Rob took some pictures of the creek.
Here, drink some of this so you don't get dehydrated.
She withdrew, and Xander was shocked to feel the hunger gone after so short a drink.
Xander sat, and Gerry poured them both coffee, aware of his addiction for the bitter human drink.
Charles didn't respond for a long moment then finally began to drink.
Xander didn't let him drink long, more interested in his own full stomach than Charles' life.
Jessi grabbed a drink and followed Gerry to the balcony.
You want me to bring you another drink? he asked.
In calling upon dangerous blacks at night they pretended to be the spirits of dead Confederates, "just from Hell," and to quench their thirst would pretend to drink gallons of water which was poured into rubber sacks concealed under their robes.
They spent little on drink or with the storekeepers, and were, therefore, by no means popular.
Wine is the prevailing drink, The condition of the workmen employed in manufactures has improved during recent years.
The annual consumption per inhabitant of certain kinds of food and drink has considerably increased, e.g.
These include the prohibition of alcoholic drink, of fleshly sins and of marriage, and the inculcation of faith in the Holy Ghost and complete surrender to his influence.
Closer akin to certain Western forms of dissidence from traditional Catholicism, though of native growth, are the Molokani or Molokans, so called popularly because they continue to drink milk (moloko) during fasts.
In yet another incident the Philistines maintained a garrison in Bethlehem, and David expressed a wish for a drink from its well.
They have neither good bread, cheese nor drink.
A strong beer, brewed from Kaffir corn, is a favourite drink.
But their indulgence even then is not mentioned to have gone beyond the coarse bread, flavoured with salt and sometimes hyssop, while their drink was water from the spring.
No flesh was served at table, and for drink only water either hot or cold.
Their use is for gruel, which used to be consumed as an ordinary drink in the 17th century at the coffee-houses in London.
Hagen, the Nibelung's son, has managed to make Siegfried unwittingly drink a love-potion with Gutrune, which causes him to forget his own bride, Briinnhilde.
On solemn occasions the inspiring drink soma (haoma) ministered to the enjoyment of the devout.
In the worship the drink prepared from the haoma (Indian soma) plant had a prominent place.
The corojo palm (Cocos crispa) rivals the royal palm in beauty and utility; oil, sugar, drink and wood are derived from it.
On the morrow after the sabbath a wave offering and also a burnt offering of the he-lamb (with the corresponding meal and drink offering).
Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I., retired to drink the waters at Tunbridge Wells after the birth of her eldest son Charles.
Among the chief industries are those for the production of articles of food and drink.
The ita palm, Mauritia, flexuosa (a fanleaf palm) provides an edible fruit, medullary meal, drink, fibre, roofing and timber, but is less used on the Amazon than it is on the lower Orinoco.
The most frequent representations of Bellerophon in ancient art are (I) slaying the Chimaera, (2) departing from Argos with the letter, (3) leading Pegasus to drink.
The Scyths lived upon the produce of their herds of cattle and horses, their main food being the flesh of the latter, either cooked in a cauldron or made into a kind of haggis, and the milk of mares from which they made cheese and kumiss (a fermented drink resembling buttermilk).
They allegorized the Eucharist and explained away the bread and wine of which Jesus said to His apostles, "Take, eat and drink," as mere words of Christ, and denied that we ought to offer bread and wine as a sacrifice.
Ea counselled him not to eat or drink there.
They feed upon nearly all vegetable substances, but drink little.
The great wealth of the Arabs is in their flocks of sheep and goats; they are led out to pasture soon after sunrise, and in the hotter months drink every second day.
It is largely used in the manufacture of chicha, a fermented drink popular among the lower classes.
The province of reverent theology is to aid accurate thinking by the use of metaphysical or psychological terms. Its definitions are no more an end in themselves than an analysis of good drinking water, which by itself leaves us thirsty but encourages us to drink.
It is said that, while planting a vineyard, he was told by a soothsayer that he would never drink of its wine.
Their favourite drink is thong, distilled from rice or barley and millet, and Marwa, beer made from fermented millet.
The succulent fruits are not only edible but agreeable, and in fevers are freely administered as a cooling drink.
Deep down in the burrows dwell the viscachas, from which in frequented districts they seldom emerge till evening, unless to drink after a shower.
Probably the two terms were not originally distinguished; but usually both in Homer and in later writers nectar is the drink and ambrosia the food.
On the other hand, in Alcman nectar is the food, and in Sappho and Anaxandrides ambrosia the drink.
Roscher (Nektar and Ambrosia, 1883; see also his article in Roscher's Lexikon der Mythologic) nectar and ambrosia were originally only different forms of the same substance - honey, regarded as a dew, like manna, fallen from heaven, which was used both as food and drink.
In the medieval Church there were seven "corporal" and seven "spiritual works of mercy" (opera misericordiae); these were (a) the giving of food to the hungry and drink to the thirsty, the clothing of the naked, the visitation of the sick and of prisoners, the receiving of strangers, and the burial of the dead; (b) the conversion of sinners, teaching of the ignorant, giving of counsel to the doubtful, forgiveness of injuries, patience under wrong, prayer for the living and for the dead.
A prayer was said to the Lar every morning, and at each meal offerings of food and drink were set before him; a portion of these was placed on the hearth and afterwards shaken into the fire.
Under the name decoctum hordei, a preparation of barley is included in the British Pharmacopoeia, which is of value as a demulcent and emollient drink in febrile and inflammatory disorders.
Angels are constantly spoken of as " men," and, including even the Angel of Yahweh, are spoken of as discharging the various functions of human life; they eat and drink 12, walk 13 and speak 14.
Journey to the feast of tabernacles; invitation to the soul athirst to come to Him (the fountain of Life) and drink, and proclamation of Himself as the Light of the world; cure of the man born blind; allegory of the good shepherd.
At the resurrection, those who drink of the life-giving juice of this plant will obtain perfect welfare," including deathlessness.
Five shillings a day, he says, served him and two men very well for meat, drink and firing.
The white wines of Baden or the Rhine did not suit him; he could only drink those of Burgundy or Franche-Comte.
Unhappily, on the voyage, by some mistake (accounted for in different ways), Tristan and Iseult drink the love drink, and are forthwith seized with a fatal passion each for the other.
Their well-known drink, kava, is made from a variety of pepper-plant.
The public interest in the ex-Speaker's later life centred entirely in his somewhat controversial connexion with the drink traffic. A royal commission was appointed in April 1896 to inquire into the operation and administration of the licensing laws, and Viscount Peel was appointed chairman.
In times of drought these animals undoubtedly resorted to the same water-courses for drink, and thus their fossilized remains are found associated.
Everywhere we are met with the most varied forms of holy rites - the various baptisms, by water, by fire, by the spirit, the baptism for protection against demons, anointing with oil, sealing and stigmatizing, piercing the ears, leading into the bridal chamber, partaking of holy food and drink.
As is related in the legends, Quetzalcoatl came into the land to teach men to till the soil, to work metals and to rule a well-ordered state; the two gods played their famous match at the ball-game, and Tezcatlipoca persuaded the weary Quetzalcoatl to drink the magic pulque that sent him roaming to the distant ocean, where he embarked in his boat and disappeared from among men.'
The juice extracted by tapping the great aloe before flowering was fermented into an intoxicating drink about the strength of beer, octli, by the Spaniards called pulque.
There are three things which distress me very much - war, selling people, and drink.
The contrast lay between the Dominical Supper or food and drink shared unselfishly by all with all, and the private supper, the feast of Dives, shamelessly gorged under the eyes of timid and shrinking Lazarus.
But let no one eat or drink of your Thanksgiving (Eucharist), but they who have been baptized into the name of the Lord; for concerning this the Lord hath said, Give not that which is holy unto the dogs.'
Thou Almighty Sovereign,didst create all things for thy name's sake, and food and drink thou didst give to men for enjoyment, that they should give thanks unto thee; but to us thou didst of thy grace give spiritual food and drink and life eternal through thy servant.
For we do not receive these things as common bread or common drink.
Do not, he said, think that I mean the flesh which invests and covers me, and bid you eat that; nor suppose either that I command you to drink my sensible and somatic blood.
We cannot drink the blood of Christ unless Christ has been first trodden under foot and pressed..
But this effect of participation in the bread and cup was not in Paul's opinion automatic, was no mere o, ', us operatum; it depended on the ethical co-operation of the believer, who must not eat and drink unworthily, that is, after refusing to share his meats with the poorer brethren, or with any other guilt in his soul.
Neither the Sahijdhari nor the Kesadhari Sikhs may smoke tobacco or drink wine.
It was enlarged and improved, the sale of drink was forbidden, and miscellaneous programmes of music, drama, and lectures were embarked upon.
He should avoid fat and rich food, butter, pastry and sauces, and should drink no beer or wine - unless it be some very light French wine or Moselle.
Unfortunately his extemporaneous speeches were commonplace, in very bad taste, fervently intemperate and denunciatory; and though this was probably due largely to temperament and habits of stump-speaking formed in early life, it was attributed by his enemies to drink.
To join in prayer with any one not a member of the denomination was regarded as unlawful, and even to eat or drink with one who had been excommunicated was held to be wrong.
Another form of the drink is made of rum, orange and lemon juice, peel, sugar and water.
The word is an adaptation of the Arabic sharb or sharab, beverage, drink, shariba, he drank, and is thus directly related to "sherbet" and "syrup" (q.v.).
Like other South Sea Islanders they made an intoxicating drink, awa or kava, from the roots of the Macro piper latifolium or Piper methysticum; in early times this could be drunk only by nobles and priests.
In 1643, being upon business at a fair, and having accompanied some friends to the village public-house, he was troubled by a proposal to "drink healths," and withdrew in grief of spirit.
The Letters breathe the spirit of the New Comedy and the Alexandrine poets; portions of Letter 33 are almost literally translated in Ben Jonson's Song to Celia, " Drink to me only with thine eyes."
When watering becomes necessary for kitchen-garden crops, the hose should be laid on and the lines of esculents allowed to drink their fill, if fresh succulent vegetables are desired.
Iron, the most abundant and the cheapest of the heavy metals, the strongest and most magnetic of known substances, is perhaps also the most indispensable of all save the air we breathe and the water we drink.
Like our Scottish stags at the rutting season, they roar loudest in cold frosty nights; but on no occasions are their voices to be heard in such perfection, or so intensely powerful, as when two or three troops of strange lions approach a fountain to drink at the same time.
The suhman can, it is believed, communicate a part of his powers to various objects in which he does not dwell; these are also termed suhman by the natives and may have given rise to the belief that the practices commonly termed fetishism are not animistic. These charms are many in number; offerings of food and drink are made, i.e.
By another of those many miraculous interpositions which occur in his history he was twice supplied with food and drink, in the strength of which he journeyed forty days and forty nights until he came to Horeb, where he lodged in a cave. ?
How the commission was executed does not appear, but in Mr Eaton's subsequent accounts of expenditure occurs this item - "three silver porringers to drink chaw in."
Pepys's often-quoted mention of the fact that on the 25th September 1660, "I did send for a cup of tee, a China drink, of which I never had drunk before," proves the novelty of tea in England at that date.
By 1907, however, the greatly increased production in India and Ceylon, with the willingness of many nations to drink such teas, in preference to those of China, had left to her Russia as a customer for nearly half her export of the article, a proportion rapidly diminishing, as that country too turned in the direction of using the stronger varieties.
The general drink was water and the food barley bread; half a pint of wine was held an ample allowance.
Lysias and Polemarchus were on a list of ten singled out to be the first victims. Polemarchus was arrested, and compelled to drink hemlock.
They are ready for Christ's sake to give up their own lives; for His commandments they securely keep, living holily and righteously, according as the Lord their God hath commanded them, giving thanks to Him at all hours, over all their food and drink, and the rest of their good things."
Many a large mammal coming to drink at its accustomed place is dragged into the water by the lurking monster.
Their affability, cheerfulness and hospitality are remarkable, as well as frugality and temperance in food and drink, and honesty in the payment of debt.
Some chapters describe the manner in which he passes from earth to heaven and becomes a star in the firmament, others deal with the food and drink necessary for his continued existence after death, and others again with the royal prerogatives which he hopes still to enjoy; many are directed against the bites of snakes and stings of scorpions.
Among them were four beys, one of whom, driven to madness by Mehemet Alls mockery, asked for a drink of water; his hands were untied that he might take the bottle, but he snatched a dagger from one of the soldiers, rushed at the pasha, and fell covered with wounds.
In 572 or 573, however, he was assassinated by his chamberlain Peredeo at the instigation of Queen Rosamund, whom Alboin had grievously insulted by forcing her to drink wine out of her father's skull.
These elements are, briefly stated, (1) a strong partiality for subjects dealing with humble life, in country and town, with the fun of taverns and village greens, with that domestic life in the rough which goes to the making of the earlier farces in English and French; (2) a whimsical, elfin kind of wit, delighting in extravagance and topsy-turviness; (3) a frank interest in the pleasures of good company and good drink.
The reading of 15thand 16thcentury verse in the light of these will bring home the critical error of treating such poems as Burns's Collar's Saturday Night, the Address to the Deil, and Scotch Drink as entirely expressions of the later poet's personal predilection.
Ganymede was afterwards regarded as the genius of the fountains of the Nile, the life-giving and fertilizing river, and identified by astronomers with the Aquarius of the zodiac. Thus the divinity that distributed drink to the gods in heaven became the genius who presided over the due supply of water on earth.
Veckenstedt (Ganymedes, Libau, 1881) endeavours to prove that Ganymede is the genius of intoxicating drink (thOv, mead, for which he postulates a form pi bos), whose original home was Phrygia.
It is recorded that when a statue to President Kruger at Pretoria was erected, it was by Mrs. Kruger's wish that the hat was left open at the top, in order that the rain-water might collect there for the birds to drink.
Finding himself in danger of starvation, even his food and drink being changed by his touch, Midas entreated Dionysus to take back the gift.
The Berbers, though Mahommedans, do not often observe the prescribed ablutions; they break their fast at Ramadan; and eat wild boar's flesh and drink fig brandy.
At the beginning and end of their meal they drink a strongly sweetened liquid-made from green tea and mint.
Unlike the modern Hindus, the Aryans of the Veda ate beef, used a fermented liquor or beer made from the soma plant, and offered the same strong meat and drink to their gods.
In the United States the word means an open-air feast, either political or social, where whole animals are roasted and eaten and hogsheads of beer and other vast quantities of food and drink consumed.
Gaol fees were levied ruthlessly - "garnish" also, the tax or contribution paid by each individual to a common fund to be spent by the whole body, generally in drink.
The habit of allowing their meat to putrefy before regarding it as fit for food, and of encouraging children of tender age to drink to intoxication, accounts for absence of old folk and the heavy mortality which are to be observed among the Muruts of British North Borneo and some of the other more debased tribes of the interior of the island.
It was the custom of the Greeks to drink a cup of pure wine in his honour at the end of each meal (Aristophanes, Equites,106).
It is equally a soul or spirit in wine which inspires the intoxicated; the old Egyptian kings avoided wine at table and in libations, because it was the blood of rebels who had fought with the gods, and out of whose rotting bodies grew the vines; to drink the blood was to imbibe the soul of these rebels, and the frenzy of intoxication which followed was held to be possession by their spirits.
Let him drink water purified by straining with a cloth, let him utter speech purified by truth, let him keep his heart pure.
Though the ostrich ordinarily inhabits the most arid districts, it requires water to drink; more than that, it will frequently bathe, and sometimes even, according to Von Heuglin, in the sea.
But he was a drunkard and a debauchee, and chroniclers are divided in opinion as to whether he died from the effects of drink or licentious living.
In watching the troops of patients who go to the wells we notice that most of them do more early rising, take more regular exercise, and drink more water in the course of a month at the well than they would do in the rest of the year at home.
In the domain of finance Goulburn's chief achievements were to reduce the rate of interest on part of the national debt, and to allow any one to sell beer upon payment of a small annual fee, a complete change of policy with regard to the drink traffic. Leaving office with Wellington in November 1830, Goulburn was home secretary under Sir Robert Peel for four months in 1835, and when this statesman returned to office in September 1841 he became chancellor of the exchequer for the second time.
They are able to go without food and drink for long periods, and inhabit the arid and semiarid plateaus of the Andes and the steppes of Patagonia.
They burst into his bedroom after supping together and when flushed with drink.
In his own country and Nepal, the new wine, sweet and luscious to the taste of savages, completely disqualified them from enjoying any purer drink; and now in both countries Saivism is supreme, and Buddhism is even nominally extinct, except in some outlying districts of Nepal.
In 57 2, according to the Lombard chronicler, Alboin fell a victim to the revenge of his wife Rosamund, the daughter of the king of the Gepidae, whose skull Alboin had turned into a drinking cup, out of which he forced Rosamund to drink.
Then came L'Assommoir (1878?), the epic of drink, and the author's fortune was made.
Payment on account of the conveyance of electors to or from the poll; payment for any committee room in excess of a prescribed number; the incurring of expenses in and about the election beyond a certain maximum; employing, for the conveyance of electors to or from the poll, hackney carriages or carriages kept for hire; payments for bands, flags, cockades, &c.; employing for payment persons at the election beyond the prescribed number; printing and publishing bills, placards or posters which do not disclose the name and address of the printer or publisher; using as committee rooms or for meetings any licensed premises, or any premises where food or drink is ordinarily sold for consumption on the premises, or any club premises where intoxicating liquor is supplied to members.
The principal spring is known as Narsan, and its water is called by the Circassians the "drink of heroes."
They have maintained their stock untainted, and have withstood the influence of the white man to a remarkable degree (for example, they use no spirituous or fermented drink), though they have suffered a serious decrease in numbers at his hands.
He had not gone far when he was obliged to rest, and soon afterwards he said, "Ananda, I am thirsty," and they gave him water to drink.
In works of art Hygieia is represented, together with Asclepius, as a maiden of benevolent appearance, wearing the chiton and giving food or drink to a serpent out of a dish.
Their funeral mourning consists of abstaining from drink and eating raw beef, and they use a wooden log for a coffin.
Esau and all the heathen shall drink full retribution for their banquet of carnage and plunder on Yahweh's holy mountain.
And whosoever did eat or drink before the evening prayer was ended should be accounted and reputed not to consider the purity of his fast.
No food or drink of any kind is permitted to be taken from daybreak until the appearance of the stars at nightfall.
A moderate amount of work enables them to live well enough, and to pass their evenings at the village wine-shop; although, being a sober race, they meet there rather to discuss politics than to drink.
As a rule the Papuans have no intoxicating drink and do not know the art of fermenting palm-sap or cane-juice.
He could never make the rights over the drink traffic uniform and equal, nor restrict privileges in the matter of the taille; while he was soon much embarrassed, not only by the coalition of particular interests and local immunities, which made despotism acceptable by tempering it, but also by Louis XIV.s two masterpassions for conquest and for building.
On a long journey a horse should have occasional short drinks, and near the end a long drink with a slower rate of progression with the object of cooling off.
In the stable a horse should always be provided with rock salt, and water to drink at will by means of some such stall fixture as the Mundt hygienic water-supply fittings.
Their native drink is kava.
Gudrun, however, avenged the death of her brothers by slaying the sons she had borne to Atli and causing him unwittingly to drink their blood and eat their hearts.
The word praebenda originally signified the daily rations given to soldiers, whence it passed to indicate daily distributions of food and drink to monks, canons, &c. It became a frequent custom to grant such a prebend from the resources of a monastery to certain poor people or to the founder.
At a later date, when the custom in collegiate churches of living in common had become less general, a certain amount of the church revenue was divided among the clergy serving such a church, and each portion (no longer of meat or drink only) was called a prebend.
It is smoked with or without tobacco; or it is made into a sweetmeat with honey, sugar and aromatic spices; or it is powdered and infused in cold water, yielding a turbid drink, subdschi.
He would be angry enough with Dulce if he knew she spiked his drink; but if he realized who she had actually intended the spiked drink for, he would be livid.
What do you think he would do if he realized that the drink was intended for me?
With a little more effort, she finally located a canteen and took a long drink.
She chuckled to herself, wondering if guessing someone's favorite drink was his Natural gift.
Slaves don't drink the master's water.
Comforted by Fate's words, Deidre obeyed Darkyn's order with trepidation but no hesitation, assuming he meant to drink from her again.
I can't hurt people or drink their blood, she said.
You will only drink from me.
Deidre didn't understand how to balance the two sensations, the physical need that made her want to drink more of him and beg him to make love to her again, and the inability to believe her fate was at the side of the Dark One.
I'm not going to want to drink the blood of others am I?
She was expecting to see some gruesome scene like that in the second bedroom caused by Darkyn's demons a week ago or what he'd done to his own demons who tried to drink her blood in Hell.
Paul laughed heartily, spilling his drink while Ginger's husband Joseph glowered further at his wife, a look of pure hatred on his puffy face.
While I can't say for certain he'd been drinking—the autopsy hasn't been performed yet—I know from past experience that many of our teenagers drink regularly.
Besides, he doesn't drink and I don't drink alone—unless I'm alone.
He filled a thermos of coffee—no one could drink Weller's brew—and wasted no time in arriving at the sheriff's office.
Um, it's … you know what, you can drink your tea and I'll make breakfast, Cora said, taking the eggs.
It is Saturday night, the worst time of the week, when the miners descend from the mountains, all afrenzy with their lust for drink and acts of the flesh.
Drink children, you must be near starvation, animal blood is no way to live.
He poured another drink, gazed into the glass for a moment, then guzzled the contents and refilled it.
When Sarah came downstairs, he was sitting with a drink and a glass of blood.
Jackson downed his drink, picked up his glass of blood, went to the bar and grabbed three bottles of scotch.
Jackson stood up to pour another drink.
Any word from Brunel—the World Wide employee who had the drink with Byrne?
He took that guy Brunel out for a drink.
She brought him humans to feed off of and – in the lean years where they'd been struggling to survive – she let him drink from her.
Vampires drink coffee and blood.
Do not succumb to peer pressure to drink too much.
After a long day in the hot, dry air it's time to relax and wet our parched throats with a cold drink of water.
They offer a selection of strong absinthe drink, T-shirts, glasses, spoons and absinthe drink, T-shirts, glasses, spoons and absinthe e-gift certificates.
Drink one liter of fluid, and take some acetaminophen or one of the other analgesics listed above.
Why should this necessary adjunct to a drink license be cut off?
In the summer months, residents can enjoy a cool drink on the roof terrace at the Tower Bar overlooking the busy airfield.
In private premises, children are allowed to drink alcohol, provided they are aged 5 or above.
While flying, a person should drink plenty of fluids and avoid smoking, caffeine, and excessive alcohol.
Drink all alcohol in moderation, avoiding binge drinking, and if possible take red wine in preference to other alcohol in moderation, avoiding binge drinking, and if possible take red wine in preference to other alcoholic drinks.
You cannot tell an alcoholic to stop drinking because alcoholic to stop drinking because alcoholics will always be alcoholics and they will always fancy a drink.
Can also be served chilled witha dash of ginger ale or lemonade, for a cool summer drink.
Nearly 650 thousand tones of drink cartons containing aluminum are produced annually in Western Europe.
The khecari mudra enables the yogin to drink the amrita, and by this he becomes immortal.
It's why Europeans drink so much wine and beer as their water systems are so antiquated or bad.
The flints were prehistoric arrowheads; one remedy was for the animal to drink water in which the offending stone had been placed 18.
The ale assize is part of Chester's Food & Drink Festival beginning Tuesday 18th March 2003.
Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?
Your child will usually be asked to drink barium.
Always watch the bartender as he/she makes your drink or opens your bottle.
Hearing this the man in the wheelchair struggles into the water and he too has a long cool drink then bathes in the water.
She and Rowan drink cocoa and discuss the farm.
Enjoy an evening drink or morning coffee on the roof terrace whilst taking in panoramic views.
I won't drink diet coke, or eat a rice cake.
Go and sit in a comfy chair, drink coke and watch soap operas on TV!
Also make sure the child has enough to drink and is not constipated.
I also consumed vast amounts of my favorite drink â pints of blackcurrant cordial with water (no ice, thank you ).
Such transformations are meat and drink to Peter Rafferty in this rich cornucopia of subjects and styles.
It can make you slightly crabby, slightly short tempered, so drink lots.
Always drink a lot of water when you're taking creatine.
Meat and salads will be provided but please bring your own crockery, cutlery and drink.
In India it is served as a chilled drink, often flavored with toasted cumin, salt or sugar.
Every year we drink 31 billion cups of coffee in the UK!
Infuse 45g of the leaves in 750ml of boiling water for 10 minutes, and drink three cupfuls per day.
I don't drink coffee but I do like a nice cuppa as often as possible, so sadly I shall reduce my intake!
By day they would hunt deer and rescue damsels in distress Then they would drink splendid wine to recover from the stress.
Back to Food and Drink The elegant Vellore Restaurant was formerly the ballroom, and host to the season's sparkling debutantes!
It seems decadent to spend hundreds of pounds on a crate of plonk you don't even intend to drink.
I looked at the fact that you can drink decaf in the evenings and it won't keep you up at night.
The way to use it is to bruise the roots and, having well boiled them in wine, drink the decoction.
Despite trying to drink as much water and energy mix as possible I still felt slightly dehydrated by the end.
This fluoride would come from food and drink or from fluoride dietary supplements.
Enjoy a refreshing dip in the inviting swimming pool or simply relax with a cool drink at the poolside bar.
And I hear you can't drink the water and the waiters have dreadful, roving hands.
He must not drink any wine or strong drink any wine or strong drink.
I was the first person to bring an alcoholic drink into the house; I was 21.
Price includes a soft drink or glass of wine.
Try not to drink fizzy drinks for too long a period to help protect your teeth.
White rings left from either a hot drink or a wet glass should be attended to right away.
Binge drinking and drink driving are still serious issues but a little social drinking to boost those RDA's is the way to go.
The bar is also lovely to have your coffee or for a pre-dinner drink - they specialize in single malts.
To binge drink quot drawing its of electromagnetic waves.
After one evening's victory over Swindon Town I think, They popped into the Black Boy for a celebratory drink.
Food & Drink Water is considered drinkable, normal precautions should be observed with food.
Summer Soak Zone Do NOT drink water from the Soak Zone - please use the drinking fountain provided.
The chart shows drink driving and drug driving less a concern than speeding and reckless driving.
However, they are not the age group with the highest rates of drink driving.
On Thursday night they went to bed about half-past eleven, he suffering from the effects of drink.
And drink Gan Bei tonics (21 ), the herbal elixirs that Gwyneth Paltrow swears by.
In due course, who should come down to drink but a very nice 7 point bull elk!
Enjoy a drink in the air conditioned lounge and bar where nightly family entertainment takes place during peak season.
My very entrails burn for want of drink, My bowels cry, Humber, give us some meat.
A private walled garden makes a perfect setting for a drink or snack on a warm summer evening.
We do wish to use this opportunity to remind everybody to drink sensibly.
Gifts of food, drink, tobacco or vouchers are specifically excluded.
I had the usual exhortations to look smart, shave every day and not to drink too much.
Reception drinks can be provided; sherry, bucks fizz, wine, or your own choice of drink.
Glass mineral water bottle The question of how to keep the fizz of a fizzy drink in a bottle was tackled in several ways.
And when we drink again it shall be from the great flagons in the tavern at the end of the world.
He would carry a flask of ale to drink.
Around 5.5 million people drink artificially fluoridated water in the UK.
Drink or dine next to a blazing log fire in winter or 'Al fresco ' on our secluded patio in summer.
Each drink option such as quantity and milk froth etc can be individually set.
Some drink from the fountain of knowledge; he only gargled.
Some drink from the fountain of knowledge, but he just gargled.
Plastic fizzy drink bottles are best, as they are unlikely to explode if the mixture becomes too gassy.
Subsequent hypohydration impairs gastric emptying and can cause gastric upset, nausea or vomiting, which in turn limit further ability to drink.
I drink gin in pubs with no Real Ale or decent wine.
If they buy a drink, the price is deducted from their hoard of imperial groats.
How much grog can you drink before you fall over?
It was a binge drinker that spilled a drink on my jacket, honest guv!
Do not eat, drink or smoke while applying the product and wash hands after use.
There are some who say that the only way to avoid a hangover is not to drink in the first place.
Staff will welcome you with a herbal drink and a friendly hello, and guide you through your treatments with expert grace and knowledge.
He had the choice of fleeing Athens or drinking the hemlock - but he didn't get a choice of what poison to drink.
Carry money or ordered a drink side of the island Last Call Cruises moon cay holland.
Broome himself opened the door, wearing a silk housecoat and with a drink in one hand.
Taken in a drink format, it contains the natural ingredient, ispaghula husk.
All of us should aim to drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day to keep our bodies fully hydrated.
Treatment Keep the patient well hydrated, ie give plenty to drink.
How much water do we need to drink to be fully hydrated?
I drank a lot of free drink and ate some slightly iffy food, although the deserts were rather good.
You have found it was considered impolite to drink during your meal.
She could not drink; she could not speak; she could not eat; she was doubly incontinent.
This drink is considered indispensable to every inhabitant of the city.
The alcoholic seeks out those he regards as his social inferiors to drink among.
Never refill coke or drink bottles with chemical substances as these can be mistaken for drink and accidentally ingested.
I smoke too much, I drink too much, I don't get enough exercise, I have become insular.
Angelo less cordially, since he disliked crowds, and did not drink the powerful intoxicants of America.
We again saw the jackal we had seen coming to the pool to drink the previous evening.
Food and drink was placed before us, but by now I was so jittery I couldn't even think of eating or drinking.
There will be lots of food and drink and general jollity.
Sitting here with a drink, watching red kites soar across the clear blue skies, you really can forget about everyday life.
They left slippery trails under her white knuckles, which grasped the drink in front of her.
At one time doctors regularly put leeches on the bodies of their patients to drink their blood.
Drink the juice of fresh lemon in a glass of warm water first thing in the morning.
Dogs can contract leptospirosis if they drink or swim in rivers or canals that are inhabited by infected rats.
Unbeknownst to either of them, a killer had dropped a highly lethal addition into Harriet's cold drink.
In Russia, people drink a liter or more of vodka daily for forty or fifty years.
Bottled water To prevent locals refilling bottles of water from their restaurant sinks only drink sparkling water and as above use a sanitary straw.
Above the hanging locker (to the left of the Fire Blanket) is a drink cabinet.
A comfortable campers lounge where you can relax with a drink from our off license or food from our takeaway.
Be sure to drink the contents, as cask strength malt does not like to be stored in a hip flask for too long.
Go to the lavish bar at the Ritz-Carlton, Battery Park and drink martinis.
The crux of the show is the anecdote of how he once masturbated into a cup and got his housemate to drink it.
Trade wares as a merchant, drink rum with yer mateys, or battle ship-to-ship in this hearty, accessible pirate world.
Middle Ages Drink - mead Honey was used to make a sweet alcoholic drink called mead which was drunk by all classes.
Guests can enjoy a meal in the hotel restaurant or a relaxing drink in the.. .
We wear leather shoes, eat meat, drink milk, why not make use of the skins, too?
An excllent wine to drink with grilled red meats.
It will contain methanol or ethanol, neither of which you would want to drink.
Do not drink alcohol while taking metronidazole and for 48 hours after stopping the drug.
The Star produces a montage of posters produced by Shepherd Neame, who produce the drink.
Doreen showed up now and then and would get morbid about Denver midway through her second drink.
Some patients with sore mouths have said that they find fizzy drinks like Lucozade are easier to drink.
He spent it all on drink and then the night got rather mucky!
For the record, I haven't had a bran muffin, ice cream or a diet soft drink in years.
Drink in perspiring caverns filled with too many people and lots of loud music.
That it takes democratic leader Nancy pelosi cycle with four its new drink.
Do you drink or use any narcotics (alcohol and narcotics may alter the response to diazepam )?
According to one belief, Romans were thought to have mixed a special drink for their enemy with a poisonous nightshade in it.
As a sports nutritionist he gives them advice on what they should eat and drink - how much and when.
Next working day delivery Tesco - Britains biggest online grocery retailer The Drink Shop - Europe's leading on-line off-licence and drinks gift service.
Gin is fine as a mixer, vodka adds tasteless oomph, and tequila, for me, is a ' party ' drink.
The following is the story of a 28-year-old Staffordshire woman who suffered a horrific ordeal after her drink was spiked.
Is the reader supposed to ' drink ' the book or by touching it acquire or intuit its content through some psychic osmosis?
Skydivers do like to drink and party and are not always moral paragons, but that hardly makes them exceptional.
Vedi Hills An arid gorge with a natural spring attracting many passerines to drink.
The question of what happens when you require a cold drink and a hot pasty raised a moment's silence for reflection.
In addition, there is a furnished patio where food and drink can be enjoyed overlooking the golf course.
Outside is a covered patio where guests can enjoy a drink or meal on a warm summerâs night.
Give it a fair trial and see how much better you feel when you leave off coffee and tea and drink peppermint tea.
Many animals appear to drink, but although laryngeal movements are observed, they may not be followed by oesophageal peristalsis.
We also produce a perry - a rare enough drink anywhere and almost unheard of in Berkshire.
Aspirin Cufflinks Perfect also for television playboys to slip fizzy knockout powder into an archenemy's drink while badly disguised as a waiter... .
Additionally, the sun can be quite intense and you should take care to drink plenty of fluids while on the beach.
You will always have to consume a cumulative poison every time you drink a glass of water or a cup of tea.
She is to drink a potion which will send her into a deep sleep.
Food & Drink Water is considered drinkable, normal precautions should be observed with food Currency Italian Lira (Lit ).
I've also been a visibly pregnant woman and had a drink.
The local stalls sell prickly pears, aubergines in every shape and colored Coca-Cola bottles filled with a yogurt drink.
In the south seas, the islanders drink Kava Kava, and will not conduct business without the mildly psychedelic stimulant.
I ask of you, my dear readers, how much did the publican realize from the company that night by selling drink?
He would drink water from muddy puddles to survive.
Beforehand, you have to drink a saline purgative.
The air that we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and our own bodies all contain radionuclides.
Worse food, worse drink, darker walls, and discontent in the air smelling more rancid than the beer.
A gloaming rush among papyrus reeds, Where Serapis goes to drink with the Sphinx.
On arrival I was welcomed with a deliciously refreshing drink at my hotel all complements of Travel Center Clapham.
Drink Too Much and Face the Consequences A new operation is being launched to tackle alcohol related anti-social behavior.
You can unwind in our comfortable lounge bar with a pre-dinner drink or relax in our delightful drawing room after a sumptuous repast.
I like coffee and tea but I don't want a drink that vaguely resembles both.
Athletic fans recall in almost reverential tones the huge quantity of drink they shared with their visitors.
You become Gods, drink nectar and get rheumatism!
He must not drink too much wine, like to fight or try to get rich by cheating others.
Additional entertainment includes a massive bonfire, children's fairground rides, food and drink stalls and a live radio roadshow from TFM.
It is worth enjoying a relaxing drink on one of the Habana Vieja hotel rooftops to enjoy the views.
The golden rules are; Never drink eat or dance with faerie folk.
She doesn't just drink rum, she drinks fair-trade rum!
He who puts the green scum aside can drink the water.
To be able to win the war against Strong Drink, England appeals to her people to make the necessary self-sacrifice.
Skip the request for a drink and ask for a quick shag instead you'll probably get the same objectionable response.
It built on this by proposing places weary shoppers could eat and drink but found they could not survive just on day trade.
Each Commissioner was expected to pay sixpence " to be spent in drink for the good of the house.