Drew Sentence Examples
She drew a deep breath.
He grabbed her waist and drew her close.
He finally drew away.
He stopped and drew her close again.
He leaned forward, his hand finding her waist, and drew her toward him.
He drew back and studied her face with hungry eyes.
Natasha drew closer to him.
His brows drew together.
With a rapid but careful movement Natasha drew nearer to him on her knees and, taking his hand carefully, bent her face over it and began kissing it, just touching it lightly with her lips.
The baggage carts drew up close together and the men began to prepare for their night's rest.
AdvertisementEach of them desired nothing more than to give himself up as a prisoner to escape from all this horror and misery; but on the one hand the force of this common attraction to Smolensk, their goal, drew each of them in the same direction; on the other hand an army corps could not surrender to a company, and though the French availed themselves of every convenient opportunity to detach themselves and to surrender on the slightest decent pretext, such pretexts did not always occur.
The men drew nearer and lit their pipes.
He drew me a map.
The difference, and sometimes complete contradiction, between men's opinions and their lives, and between one man and another, pleased him and drew from him an amused and gentle smile.
The footmen drew back the chairs and pushed them up again.
AdvertisementSofi's cool power whipped through her thoughts, but it was the darkness within the small woman that drew her attention.
He took her face in his hands and drew her to him, kissing her once again.
She changed quickly out of her sleepwear and loaded her body down with weapons then drew a knife and her gun.
They drew up closer to the fire and felt thankful that they were safe from the raging storm.
They had nothing to eat themselves, and they were wiser than to think that apologies could supply the place of food to their guests; so they drew their belts tighter and said nothing about it.
AdvertisementAs I drew a still fresher soil about the rows with my hoe, I disturbed the ashes of unchronicled nations who in primeval years lived under these heavens, and their small implements of war and hunting were brought to the light of this modern day.
But the nearer he drew to the house the more he felt the impossibility of going to sleep on such a night.
Anna Mikhaylovna, with her tear-worn but pleasant face, drew her chair nearer to that of the countess.
Something always drew him toward those richer and more powerful than himself and he had rare skill in seizing the most opportune moment for making use of people.
After taking a turn along the Podnovinski Boulevard, Balaga began to rein in, and turning back drew up at the crossing of the old Konyusheny Street.
AdvertisementOh, what a splendid reign! he repeated several times, then paused, drew from his pocket a gold snuffbox, lifted it to his nose, and greedily sniffed at it.
Young Count Toll objected to the Swedish general's views more warmly than anyone else, and in the course of the dispute drew from his side pocket a well-filled notebook, which he asked permission to read to them.
They drew lots to settle who should make up her set.
Hardly had they reached the bottom of the hill before their pace instinctively changed to a gallop, which grew faster and faster as they drew nearer to our uhlans and the French dragoons who galloped after them.
With the natural capacity of an Italian for changing the expression of his face at will, he drew nearer to the portrait and assumed a look of pensive tenderness.
For a moment he simply gazed into her eyes, and then he drew a deep breath.
Something drew her attention to Jonathan, who was watching Alex intently.
The wound opened again and the salt he threw into it drew a sharp response from her.
Then he drew back, his gaze running over her face in that familiar confident way.
She carefully drew the outline of a truck around the words on the top.
Lisa drew further back into the brush as the car drove by.
The rest of the teamsters joined them and they all waited in silence as the horses approached and drew to an organized halt.
She sighed and drew her knees up against her chest.
Bianca drew away from her brother, eyes glazed.
He drew a deep breath, refreshed by the idea of slaughtering six bad guys at one time.
There were a lot of tourists in town, probably for the autumn equinox, which drew people from around the world every year.
Yully drew a deep breath and leaned over the railing to see him.
She looked around again and drew her knees towards her chest.
The closer they drew, the more intense the pressure, and the more unstable they became.
Fitzgerald drew first and stepped to the podium.
Wynn drew a deep breath and faced the smaller demon lord.
Moving from the wardrobe to the dresser drew her attention to the carpet again.
Soft voices drew her attention to the doorway, where she was able to hear but not see Cora behind the massive frame of Gabriel.
Gabriel drew a deep breath and stood.
Gabriel drew her into his body, and she tucked her head against his shoulder, so she didn't have to look at him.
She drew a few deep breaths.
He drew simple diagrams, three of which, taken from Dalton's New System of Chemical Philosophy, part ii.
He drew up a scheme for the construction of a pier at Madras, to avoid the dangers of landing through the surf, and instructed his brother-in-law in England to obtain estimates from the engineers Brindley and Smeaton.
Williams was killed in the battle of Lake George on the 8th of September 1 755, but while in camp in Albany, New York, a few days before the battle, he drew a will containing a small bequest for a free school at West Hoosac on condition that the township when incorporated should be called Williamstown.
He was also one of the grantees of the province of Carolina and took a leading part in its management; it was at his request that Locke in 1669 drew up a constitution for the new colony.
The strictures of a critic in the Monthly Review of July 1763 drew from him a pamphlet called Man in Quest of Himself, by Cuthbert Comment (reprinted in Parr's Metaphysical Tracts, 1837), "a defence of the individuality of the human mind or self."
He protested against the violent anti-Semitism of the time, and, in spite of the moderate tone of his publications, drew upon himself unqualified censure.
They did not get their ideas of church polity from one another, but drew it directly from the New Testament.
Forbes drew attention to a certain community amongst birds and other vertebrates, invertebrates, and amongst plants, on all the lands stretching towards the south pole.
The signatories drew up a petition, known as the " Request," which was presented by the confederates to the regent (April 5, 1566) in the council chamber at Brussels.
Imagining that this would interest Hertz and be successfully attacked by him, Helmholtz specially drew his attention to it, and promised him the assistance of the Institute if he decided to work on the subject; but Hertz did not take it up seriously at that time, because he could not think of any procedure likely to prove effective.
He drew up two memorials representing that the landing of a considerable French force in Ireland would be followed by a general rising of the people, and giving a detailed account of the condition of the country.
The importance of Siger in philosophy lies in his acceptance of Averroism in its entirety, which drew upon him the opposition of Albertus Magnus and Aquinas.
Marconi's success in bridging the English Channel at Easter in 1899 with electric waves and establishing practical wireless telegraphy between ships and the shore by this means drew public attention to the value of the new means of communication.
Then Napoleon suddenly drew back, unwilling, for many reasons, to continue the campaign.
Italy in consequence drew nearer to Great Britain, and at the London conference on the Egyptian financial question sided with Great Britain against Austria and Germany.
Towards Prince Bjsmarck Robilant maintained an attitude of dignified independence, and as, in the spring of 1886, the moment for the renewal of the triple alliance drew near, he profited by the development of the Bulgarian crisis and the threatened Franco-Russian understanding to secure from the central powers something more than the bare territorial guarantee of the original treaty.
At length the long period of barbarism which accompanied and followed the fall of the Roman empire drew to a close in Europe.
From this time the spreading genealogy of the Howards drew its origins from most of the illustrious names of the houses founded after the Norman Conquest.
For this he wrote the first adequate account in German of the Darwinian theory of natural selection, which drew a warm letter of appreciation from Darwin himself.
Swiftly they drew near to the flaming colored suns, and passed close beside them.
Zeb hitched Jim to the buggy again, and the horse trotted along and drew them rapidly over the smooth water.
When his friends heard the gun they pulled the rope quickly and drew him out.
He drew his sword to hit the boy with its flat side.
The apron did not dry quickly enough to suit me, so I drew nearer and threw it right over the hot ashes.
It chanced that I walked that way across the fields the following night, about the same hour, and hearing a low moaning at this spot, I drew near in the dark, and discovered the only survivor of the family that I know, the heir of both its virtues and its vices, who alone was interested in this burning, lying on his stomach and looking over the cellar wall at the still smouldering cinders beneath, muttering to himself, as is his wont.
It seemed to Rostov that Bogdanich was only pretending not to notice him, and that his whole aim now was to test the cadet's courage, so he drew himself up and looked around him merrily; then it seemed to him that Bogdanich rode so near in order to show him his courage.
With his left hand he drew Bagration toward him, and with his right, on which he wore a ring, he made the sign of the cross over him with a gesture evidently habitual, offering his puffy cheek, but Bagration kissed him on the neck instead.
The general in command of the infantry went toward his horse with jerky steps, and having mounted drew himself up very straight and tall and rode to the Pavlograd commander.
But then the expression of severity changed, and he drew Pierre's hand downwards, made him sit down, and smiled affectionately.
Prince Vasili readily adopted her tone and the little princess also drew Anatole, whom she hardly knew, into these amusing recollections of things that had never occurred.
He drew back and a real tear appeared in his eye.
He went to his bed, drew a purse from under the clean pillow, and sent for wine.
He felt it not only from the sound of the hoofs of the approaching cavalcade, but because as he drew near everything grew brighter, more joyful, more significant, and more festive around him.
The Emperor drew level with Rostov and halted.
When the sun had entirely emerged from the fog, and fields and mist were aglow with dazzling light--as if he had only awaited this to begin the action--he drew the glove from his shapely white hand, made a sign with it to the marshals, and ordered the action to begin.
Kutuzov remained in the same place and without answering drew out a handkerchief.
At last the sleigh bore to the right, drew up at an entrance, and Rostov saw overhead the old familiar cornice with a bit of plaster broken off, the porch, and the post by the side of the pavement.
Rostov hurriedly put something on his feet, drew on his dressing gown, and went out.
Someone obligingly took the dish from Bagration (or he would, it seemed, have held it till evening and have gone in to dinner with it) and drew his attention to the verses.
Dolokhov lowered his head to the snow, greedily bit at it, again raised his head, adjusted himself, drew in his legs and sat up, seeking a firm center of gravity.
When at last, smartly whirling his partner round in front of her chair, he drew up with a click of his spurs and bowed to her, Natasha did not even make him a curtsy.
Then he drew his face down, kissed him, and taking him by the hand led him forward.
The Mason drew the shirt back from Pierre's left breast, and stooping down pulled up the left leg of his trousers to above the knee.
Remember, dear boy," and he drew Pierre's arm downwards, "it is simply a misunderstanding.
She drew her brother's attention to the maid who was calling him in a whisper.
He drew the curtain aside and for some time his frightened, restless eyes could not find the baby.
As they approached the house, Prince Andrew with a smile drew Pierre's attention to a commotion going on at the back porch.
The roof was so constructed that one could stand up in the middle of the trench and could even sit up on the beds if one drew close to the table.
The wagons escorted by the hussars drew up to the picket ropes and a crowd of hussars surrounded them.
Just then a commissariat soldier, a hospital orderly, came in from the next room, marching stiffly, and drew up in front of Rostov.
He became animated when he began reading his paper and specially drew Rostov's attention to the stinging rejoinders he made to his enemies.
Crowds of officers and civilians drew near merely to see him.
Now the general had begun such a discussion and so Berg drew Pierre to it.
She drew near to him and stopped.
Now they drew close to the fox which began to dodge between the field in sharper and sharper curves, trailing its brush, when suddenly a strange white borzoi dashed in followed by a black one, and everything was in confusion; the borzois formed a star-shaped figure, scarcely swaying their bodies and with tails turned away from the center of the group.
What she drew from the guitar would have had no meaning for other listeners, but in her imagination a whole series of reminiscences arose from those sounds.
Nicholas did not take his eyes off his sister and drew breath in time with her.
Anatole glanced at him and immediately thrust his hand into his pocket and drew out his pocketbook.
Prince Andrew went to one and took out a small casket, from which he drew a packet wrapped in paper.
He drew his left foot out of the stirrup and, lurching with his whole body and puckering his face with the effort, raised it with difficulty onto the saddle, leaned on his knee, groaned, and slipped down into the arms of the Cossacks and adjutants who stood ready to assist him.
But the face remained before him with the force of reality and drew nearer.
Prince Andrew wished to return to that former world of pure thought, but he could not, and delirium drew him back into its domain.
And on taking leave of the governor's wife, when she again smilingly said to him, "Well then, remember!" he drew her aside.
He took a potato, drew out his clasp knife, cut the potato into two equal halves on the palm of his hand, sprinkled some salt on it from the rag, and handed it to Pierre.
Then he gave careful directions about the fortification of the Kremlin, and drew up a brilliant plan for a future campaign over the whole map of Russia.
Pierre too drew near the church where the thing was that evoked these exclamations, and dimly made out something leaning against the palings surrounding the church.
For a moment Denisov and the esaul drew back.
Karataev paused, smiling joyously as he gazed into the fire, and he drew the logs together.
But not even that could be said for those who drew up this project, for it was not they who had suffered from the trampled beds.
The children and their governesses were glad of Pierre's return because no one else drew them into the social life of the household as he did.
This meant two stockings, which by a secret process known only to herself Anna Makarovna used to knit at the same time on the same needles, and which, when they were ready, she always triumphantly drew, one out of the other, in the children's presence.
She drew the gun at the small of her back and aimed it at the head of one of the vamps.
One of the other vamps drew a weapon.
Xander drew his weapons and crossed to the two vamps, chopping them down.
She holstered the gun and drew a knife.
The massive vamp crossed his arms and drew closer as she spoke.
He drew a knife and lowered his stance.
She drew a deep breath, stilling her nerves, and crossed to the paddock.
The low growl drew her attention behind her, where the red-eyed man materialized beside Damian.
His phone dinged and drew him from his thoughts.
Jake drew a deep breath, closed his eyes, and disappeared.
He drew a ragged breath.
As he pulled on the last of his clothes and crossed to his armory, a small, black velvet box nestled between two daggers drew his attention.
The distant beat of a helicopter's wings drew closer as they raced away from the mountains.
The men on the small base drew their weapons at the sight of Darian.
She drew a sharp breath but forced herself to stay, to take his pain.
The next morning, the sight of snow falling outside her window drew her gaze as she packed for the evacuation.
She held out her hand and drew near.
He drew her against him.
Sensing she was yielding, Darkyn drew her into his body.
She spotted the maroon drops on the pad of one thumb and drew his hand up to her lips.
She drew a shaky breath.
She drew nearer, eyes sweeping over the medical equipment in the room.
Deidre drew a shaky breath and stepped through the portal.
Yet she drew off his magic now.
Darkyn rested his hands on her hips and drew her into his body.
Deidre drew a deep breath.
He nodded as she plopped down at the desk and began to sketch on the paper, explaining as she drew.
Landon's summons drew his attention.
He drew a deep breath then turned to the waiting death-dealers.
A knock at her door drew her attention from her thoughts.
She drew a deep breath and thought hard.
Gabe drew a breath, expecting Andre wouldn't betray the confidence of his mate.
She drew a circle in the air.
His chest was warm against her ear, and she drew loose shapes against his skin, beyond intrigued by the smoothness.
He clasped his hands behind his back and drew a deep breath.
Turning toward the dining room, she glanced up and drew a quick breath.
Destiny drew back, clutching Alex around the neck possessively as she stared at Lori.
He chuckled softly and drew her into his arms.
She drew back and looked at him in surprise.
He drew back and looked down at her with troubled eyes, seeking the cause for her lack of response.
Finally she drew back and looked into his eyes.
Alex turned to Jonathan and pointed at him, then drew a cupped hand down his chest, thumb and fingers toward him.
She drew in a shaky breath and let it out.
As he drew her toward him in an embrace, she clutched the dress with her arms.
Whether that desire was conveyed by him or originated in her head was a mystery, but when he drew her into his arms, she was willing.
When his hands found her waist and drew her close, passion came without warning, completely consuming her body and soul.
He put an arm around her waist and drew her close.
She caught her breath and drew back gazing up at him.
Deidre drew a shuddering breath then groaned.
He sensed the silent appearance of his friend and drew a breath.
The homemade ice cream stand drew her attention, and she crossed to it.
There was genuine uneasiness in her voice that drew his interest.
The desperation in her voice drew his attention.
The sound of squishing drew her attention to the bath mat next to the tub.
Easing to the edge of the swamp cooler, she eyed the distance and drew a deep breath.
He paused and drew a deep breath.
The sounds of the ocean and the sea breeze lulled her to sleep last night and gently drew her awake before sunrise.
Deidre went through another courtyard before the scents of breakfast drew her to the correct one.
Deidre drew a deep breath with some difficulty.
His hand slid up to her elbow, and he drew her into him, until his warmth and scent enveloped her.
Deidre calmed, drew herself up and summoned a portal.
Not wanting anyone to interfere with her plan for air, she drew a deep breath and asked the portal system to take her outside the stone fortress.
Gazing at the address on the tag, she drew a deep breath and summoned a portal.
He placed the soul on the ground beside him and drew his remaining knife.
His arms circled hers, and he drew her against him.
Secretly relieved, Gabriel drew a deep breath.
Tying comfortable shoes, she drew a deep breath.
This drew the deity's attention.
Katie drew the phone away from her head and stared at it, willing herself to wake up.
Her deep breaths drew Ully's dark eyes.
The swirl of gowns of dancing couples drew her attention to the ballroom with the orchestra.
He drew the eye of every woman in the room and silenced those around her with his presence.
Andre relaxed and sat on the couch near her while Ileana drew close as well.
The room was dark, the floor-to-ceiling windows displaying the incredible views of the Eiffel Tower, whose frame was outlined by lights against the dark Parisian sky She was about to step onto the balcony when a knock at the door drew her attention.
He drew out the name, and she sensed a personal connection to the white-haired man.
Its snugness drew her eyes to his crotch and lean thighs.
Near hyperventilating, she bent over and drew in deep breaths until moonlight revealed the dismembered hand near her feet.
Her shout drew their attention, and they started toward her.
Rhyn was weak but drew only what he needed to survive; he was both hunter and hunted.
Curiosity drew her to the gate again, where tiny Daniela was animated and angry as she stood between Rhyn and Kris.
With effort, Kris drew a deep breath and blew it out.
He drew away with a satisfied growl.
Instead, she drew herself up to her just above average height, and confirmed, He nearly killed me.
The soft sounds of talk drifted to her, but it was the dress of the women within that drew her eye.
What drew him and others to his mate?
Rhyn drew a knife from his boot.
Gabriel drew a long sword, and Darkyn pulled two free.
Several people stopped to stare or skirt them as Rhyn padded through, and one startled gasp drew his attention briefly to a stairwell.
A sound from a trunk in the corner drew Jade.s attention.
Rhyn.s warm power filled her as she drew on their bond as mates, and the portal opened.
The sound of footsteps running down the hall drew her attention, and she flung herself backwards as the maid with the butcher knife tried to cut her.
His nose crinkled as he drew near.
He drew near but stopped just out of arms. reach, alerted by her sharp tone.
Jade.s hands were sweaty as he drew a machete.
Jade closed his eyes, drew a deep breath, and stepped from the forest.
She drew a deep breath, terrified of running into one of those creatures alone, then crept to the door.
With the creatures too distracted to notice her, Katie drew a breath and darted across the hall, shoving the door of the guest bedroom open.
The dangerous note in his voice drew Kris.s attention.
Jade drew a sharp breath.
She drew near, both hopeful and dreading what he intended to do.
The whites of Jade.s eyes were visible before they drew near enough to hear his muffled shouts.
He drew a knife from his boot.
She swam as far from the beach as she could, expelled her breath, then drew in a mouthful of water.
She wiped her eyes and drew a shuddering breath.
Kevin crossed his office to the small safe and drew out a small pile of cash.
This drew a smile.
Jetr's voice grew quieter, and he drew near.
She dozed as she drew, caught herself twice, then dropped into sleep, unaware that those who removed the boxes were coming next for her.
A slight smile drew up one side of Lishana's mouth, and Kiera felt the urge to smile as well.
He took her free arm and drew her away from his brother.
Kiera drew a breath as the intensity of his presence left.
A startled cry drew her attention, and she leaned to see past him.
She drew as near as she dared without disturbing them.
A shape in the corner drew her attention, and she gasped.
She cried until she could control herself, wiped her face, and drew several shuddering breaths.
She was dressed in faded teal that drew out her otherworldly eyes.
The sudden change in her expression from open to shuttered drew his attention.
He leaned back and drew a calming breath.
He drew her into his body.
The sword implanted next to the downed man's ear, and her small gasp drew the attention of the observers.
Despite her oddities, she drew him with her large eyes and quick wit.
She drew closer until he could feel her presence at his back.
She drew a deep breath, cleared her throat, and asked, "I can't do both?"
Instead, she drew a deep breath and approached the fountain.
Leyon drew his sword and waited, giving her a head start.
He withdrew and kissed her cheeks and forehead, then drew her into a hug.
Otherwise, she drew and painted.
She leaned against the wall and drew a deep breath, praying A'Ran trusted this Council member for a reason.
Mison drew abreast of Jetr, and Jetr stepped forward as A'Ran stopped a safe distance away.
His fierceness took her breath away, and the dark circles beneath his eyes drew her sympathy.
After a few minutes rest, they continued, first hearing, then seeing the waterfall and the reservoir from which the penstock first drew the water for its mile-long trip to town.
As Dean drew close to Bird Song, he resolved to ask his wife point blank if she witnessed Donnie Ryland cutting his stepfather's climbing rope in an attempt to send him to his death.
Jackson drew her into an embrace.
She put her arms around his waist and drew in close.
Jackson drew Elisabeth close, burying his nose in her hair.
He drew her into an embrace.
When they entered the kitchen, Sarah ran to Elisabeth and drew her into a bear hug.
Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Carmen trudged across the room and drew the curtains back from her window.
She snatched the blanket and modestly drew it up to her chin.
She drew back and met his hungry gaze.
He drew her close in an embrace.
When they finally drew apart, they were both breathless.
She slipped her arms around his neck and drew his mouth down harder on her own.
The days grew warmer, and work on the house on the hill drew to a standstill.
His lips pressed warmly against hers briefly and then he drew back to look into her eyes.
The thump of a helicopter drew nearer.
The others drew weapons and lowered their hoods, looking around with the same unease he felt.
He wrapped his arms around her and drew her into his body.
He drew a breath and looked at her.
He'd often wondered what it was that drew Tim to Lana and suspected it was nothing more than what drew him to other women.
Brady held up his palm and drew a square around it.
Lana drew a deep breath.
Brady looked her over and drew a laser gun.
Lana hunkered against the mountain as the helicopter drew nearer.
With grueling slowness, she drew nearer the shore.
Morbid curiosity drew her from the gutter to the highway.
Lana drew a deep breath and placed the clothing in the round dryer in the linen closet before returning to the living room.
Something rustled in the back, and Brady drew a knife, entering.
Lana drew a deep breath and released it.
We thought she drew the jets here.
He hid the rest of his weapons under some bushes near the entrance to the underground world and drew a deep breath.
Brady drew close enough to one of the fed security members and drew his knife.
The sound of the body dropping drew the attention of the other two.
Tim drew a deep breath and sat in the chair beside hers.
It was not Rhyn that drew my attention, Gabriel.
Toby went without another word, and Rhyn drew a deep breath to settle his emotions.
Made sense at the time. What drew you to Rhyn?
Katie drew a deep breath before following. Gabe was more than distracted.
Katie dumped a few of the cubes into her hand with another look at Andre. She drew a deep breath and tossed the cubes after Gabriel. She stopped walking as the cubes hit the ground behind him.
Andre motioned her to follow him, and she drew a few more heavy breaths before following.
You must find them before they - " "Rhyn," Gabriel's ragged voice drew his attention.
Kris drew a sharp breath, unaware that the deity could enter his dreams.
The death-dealer looked around, lost. Rhyn moved away and drew off his demon power to call forth a portal.
She named a salary figure close to the small amount Dean drew from the Parkside Police Department.
Dean began packing up to leave but Mayer drew him aside.
Billie—it was official now, identified or guessed at by the weeping Ida Wasserman, accompanied to the mortuary by Andy Sackler, who drew the short straw.
He drew her close, his expression amused.
Finally he drew her close and participated in the passion.
His lips were as warm as the hands that gently drew her body to his.
They crossed a small spring and Alex drew Ed to a halt, glancing down at the ground.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and drew his mouth down to hers.
Was it medical interest that drew him closer, or an interest in the baby?
He gently drew her shoulders back until her back rested against his chest, and then he slipped his arms around her waist.
She leaned back against the wall and drew her knees up to her chest.
She drew back and met his amused gaze questioningly.
She drew her knees up against her chest and studied his face.
The Watcher drew her attention as he bent.
Her pain faded, and she drew a shaky breath as the tension in her chest loosened.
Jenn drew a knife and obeyed, guessing whatever awaited her couldn't be much worse than the Black God or Original Vamp.
Jenn closed the door firmly and drew a deep breath before facing her awaiting surveillance team.
He stopped a short distance from the one who spoke and drew a knife.
She drew a line in the sand around the portal.
But what drew you?
Darian drew a breath and faced the Other.
Jenn drew a deep breath.
A strange commotion in the hallway drew him from his thoughts, and he pushed the kitchen door open.
The familiar swing of the necklace drew her gaze as she leaned over to lace a boot.
Jenn drew a knife in case an animal had also taken refuge in the cave.
Jenn drew a steady breath and met his gaze again.
Her beauty was flashier, the kind that drew every man around her, including me.
Darian, however, drew a deep breath.
The sound of a key scraping against the door drew Jenn's attention outward again, and she moved to the side of the door, flattening her back against it.
If you came to stop us … Jenn drew her second knife.
Drawing her knives, Jenn drew a deep breath and gathered what magic she could from the world around her.
Jenn drew back, unwilling to let her mate die in the immortal world.
He drew a calming breath.
She followed his look and drew the injured arm behind her back.
He drew closer to her.
More hushed fighting drew his attention.
The delicate shape of her slender neck and shoulders drew his eye.
Rissa's voice drew him from his thoughts.
The flare in her eyes drew him, promised of passionate depths.
Rissa drew herself up to her full height and looked around.
Guards drew arrows back at their approach, and Rissa roused herself.
A tap at her door drew her from her black thoughts.
He rose and drew her up with him.
She followed as far as she dared, until she drew the wary looks of the remaining guards.
He stretched his neck and upper body and then drew his remaining dagger.
Rissa drew a deep breath with difficulty and forced her mind to focus.
The flash of metal drew her attention, and she raised her eyes as he trailed the dagger down his forearm.
He forced her closer and drew her arm between them, so none but the two of them could see.
He drew a dagger and slashed their arms free.
His shout drew the gaze of several of the barbarians, who started toward the forest.
A guard's exclamation drew her fatigued gaze from its place resting on the ground.
She forced her hurt deep inside and drew a strengthening breath.