Dressed Sentence Examples
He dressed quickly and Traveled to the scene.
The people were dressed in old fashioned clothes.
The servants were there, dressed in fine uniforms.
Yully rose and dressed herself, preparing herself mentally to tell Jule she had to leave him.
He was dressed in his usual indigo jeans and western shirt.
By the time they got back and dressed for supper, Destiny's eyelids were drooping.
Jumping from the bed, she dressed quickly and went to the kitchen.
I need you to get dressed.
Pierre dressed hastily and ran out to the porch.
Carmen and Destiny dressed mother/daughter style in red/green/yellow plaid blouses and hunter green jeans.
AdvertisementHe was dressed for the cold, snowy night.
One shows a monkey dressed in monk's robes.
Then they dressed him in uniform with his decorations and placed his shriveled little body on a table.
Boris was elegantly dressed, with a slightly martial touch appropriate to a wartime wedding.
The officers, who had come from the other sheds, were all strangers to Pierre and much better dressed than he.
AdvertisementI was so excited that I couldn't sleep, so I got up and dressed.
Jonathan was up early and ready to go, so Alex hurriedly showered and dressed.
Jonathan came into the room, fully dressed.
With the food warming, Carmen took Destiny to her room and dressed.
When Lisa emerged from her room dressed in casuals, Sarah looked up and smiled.
AdvertisementHe was excited to see her dressed up for the occasion.
He opened it before she knocked, dressed for sparring in his judo pants and nothing else.
She closed the door behind her, dressed in clothing that accentuated her large breasts and tight body.
You should get dressed, Sofia.
Two mechanically dressed and left his room.
AdvertisementThe blond deity with multi-hued eyes and a quick smile was dressed for a dressage event, complete with helmet and crop.
She was dressed comfortably in jeans and a light sweater.
She wiped her face then dressed, too distracted to feel the warmth of a certain deity as he appeared.
She didn't recognize the two men before her, but they were dressed much like the two death dealers that tried to turn her over to Harmony in her old apartment.
Mr. Westlake, dressed in his usual dusty and patched attire, pressed Cynthia for the reason behind her unusual reticence.
While Paul was dressed in jeans and a golf shirt, brother Joseph—never "Joe"—sat stiffly in creased slacks and dress shirt.
The tile floor was dressed with a Native American rug that didn't look like a Target sale item.
I got so many grimaces dressed as a nun at Run For Home, I think I'll wear the same!
Still dressed as a child, the midget bore the face if a withered hag.
She is dressed all in black, holding a white handkerchief.
The smartly dressed football hooligans with well paid jobs of Euro 2000?
You can so much as get dressed without feeling horrid from the humidity.
The window displays contain mannequins dressed in brown parchment paper.
Life size mannequins dressed in color co-ordinated workwear were the cleaners.
Make sure they are dressed in play clothes so it doesn't matter if they get a bit messy.
Presently a lady dressed in deep mourning passed along.
The Aristocrats (2005) " I come out, dressed as Hitler in crotchless panties.
No more than a size three, they look peculiar on her, dressed in odd little shoes.
Golf is a sport for white men dressed like black pimps.
Benn always looked immaculate, well dressed, so prim and proper.
Fabric ' A ', with dressed stone quoins.
Dressed in full viking regalia for part of her talk, Jeanne's enthusiasm was infectious.
Serve with a rocket salad dressed with your favorite chutney.
She is dressed in a long white dress with a large red sash.
He was dressed in a long dark coat and a neck scarf that covered half his face.
Often dressed in naval gear, tonight they are wearing matching red scarves.
The sharp suits, perfect shoes, spiffy watch, it all smacks of the well dressed " C " Level look.
Politicians are always dressed smart, and stride confidently into a room.
The new soft toy is nine inches tall and comes dressed in his signature socks and gloves.
Main doorway has internal splay of dressed limestone rubble.
Walls have exposed stonework in the form of dressed blocks.
Some looked great dressed up, others just look tacky.
Santa was dressed in his bright red suit with white fur trimming.
Fred O'Connor, dressed to the nines in a dapper suit, pink shirt, bow tie and sporting a boutonniere, asked Dean if his iron was broken when he took one look at his stepson's new but wrinkled slacks.
After a hurried shower, he dressed and joined his silent wife in serving the gathering guests.
They pulled up in a van full of guys dressed in those white biological suits that cover you head to toe.
Fred was dressed for the occasion—dapper suit, bow tie, and vest—while the Deans donned the grubbiest attire they could find.
The Dawkinses, back to being cautiously nice to each other, were dressed for business—another necktie and nylons day, according to Paulette—scheduled for a group visit to their attorney and a realtor.
The man, dressed in slacks and sport shirt, was entering the newly renovated Beaumont Hotel.
Fred was stretched out on the bed, fully dressed and looking like a funeral home customer.
Smiling Acting Sheriff Fitzgerald, dressed in his uniform, greeted Dean graciously as he poured charm on the ladies.
Ten minutes later, Lydia Larkin answered her door dressed in very tight and very small white shorts with a red elastic thing that covered only her breasts and nothing of the acres of skin in the middle.
While Cynthia didn't explain her decision to fit God and church into their busy Sunday morning schedule, once again she dressed for church and Dean dutifully followed suit.
I did have a talk with the fella with the silly moustache dressed in the undertaker's clothes.
The old man was still dressed in a dark suit after attending the funeral.
Martha, dressed exactly as she had been when she'd left, clutched her new suitcase while the barest hint of a smile graced her pretty face.
He was like a massive shadow among the sunny forest, dressed all in black and armed as if for battle, even when coming to see her.
When she was dressed and ready, she left her room and walked through the fortress to the bottom floor.
Stationed outside her room, Cora trailed her at a distance, silent and darkly dressed, like a shadow.
He dressed then slid out of the room.
He was dressed as if he'd just come from some club, all in leather with his blond hair in a braid.
Dressed in the seductive clothing of Hell, her body's gentle shape appeared voluptuous, her narrow shoulders exposed, her round hips and breasts enhanced.
As soon as Daddy and Jonathan finish getting dressed, we'll go to church.
A slender lady dressed in an expensive looking dark suit swung out of the car and stood, slowly shutting the door.
He was dressed in a suit identical to the one Alex wore.
Whatever Alex was wearing, Jonathan was usually dressed the same.
Around the farm and at school, he rolled his left sleeve up to make all available use of the deformed appendage, but when he dressed for church he always wanted it covered.
The next morning when she arrived, Alex was dressed in the clothes she had brought him the day before.
In the morning he was up and dressed before she woke.
Sneaking into their bedroom, she grabbed some clothes and then dressed in the kitchen.
Her hands trembled as she got dressed.
The woman was smartly dressed in a suit.
His brown hair was tousled from the ocean breeze, and he was dressed in jeans and a loose shirt fastened across the golden skin of his chest by one button.
Dressed in a sundress and sandals, Deidre left the bungalow on the beach and walked down the long driveway to the small road.
The man standing in the weedy area of the lot was tall and thick, dressed in a trench coat, black clothing and heavy boots.
Something about him made her feel comfortable, or she wouldn't be sitting alone with a man dressed like the angel of death on the beach after dark, revealing secrets she didn't tell her boyfriend of two years.
Gabe got dressed, tying one boot as the sound of the shower stopped.
Gabe's step slowed as he neared the man dressed in a white shirt held closed by two buttons and cream linen pants rolled to his knees, as if he'd been walking in the ocean.
Dressed in jeans and a tank top, she plopped onto the beach then hopped up.
She was more casually dressed in leggings, knee-high boots and a shirt that fell to mid-hip.
Dressed in black, he was an imposing figure, even in the cavernous room.
He was dressed as he had been the night before.
Dressed warmly, she left her room and stood in the brightly lit, spacious hallway, not at all certain how to leave the stronghold.
Dressed all in black with weapons strapped in places identical to where Gabriel wore his, the tall man was lean with cold eyes.
Dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, he resembled a college student on break.
He was out of place, a bright light in the corner of the dimly lit room, dressed casually in jeans, T-shirt and hiking boots.
He was dressed in worn clothing and shoes and flattened his palms against the window, as if he'd never been on a train before.
Get dressed and take your file to the nurse.
She hadn't been able to shake the cold she felt and was dressed in layers despite the thermostat being set to eighty.
Andre was dressed in cashmere and wool, his hair kept short and neat, his loafers more expensive than Kris's conference room had cost to build.
He was well dressed, tall, and handsome with eyes too dark and still for her comfort.
The street below was narrower than it appeared on TV and packed with cars and elegantly dressed men and women walking to a gathering across the street --probably the soiree Andre had mentioned.
She dressed quickly to avoid comments on either her collar or her scars and flung herself into her bunk, reminded of her cell with Lankha.
Katie faced him and saw that he was dressed like Gabriel, all in black.
He wore all black, though he was dressed more simply than she'd seen him, in dark jeans and a black long-sleeved T-shirt and heavy boots.
She dressed comfortably and packed her overnight bag, then searched the room, certain she was forgetting something.
The women --even if not beautiful --were dressed beautifully.
Rhyn emerged from the shadows near the window, dressed in black with his hair tied back.
Uneasy after her dream, she dressed in running clothes and padded out of the room.
Dressed all in black with his dark eyes and hair, he looked like a living shadow in the snow-covered world.
Ully emerged from the castle, hair mussed and dressed as if for a run.
Following him was Kris, dressed in nothing but judo pants, as if Ully had dragged him straight out of bed.
She was dressed in a long, white fur coat that Katie had no doubt cost more than a small house.
Most of the guests were Evelyn's friends and family; Romas's small party consisted of only a handful of men-- cousins, according to Evelyn-- looking like an NFL team dressed uncomfortably in their tuxes.
She spent the night waiting for the nightmare world to end and dressed the next morning with an undertaker's solemnity.
Evelyn was splendidly dressed in blues and greens, her elegant shape clad in a very earthly, off the shoulder dress.
Dressed in dark clothes with dark hair and olive skin with a dark stare, he was both riveting and frightening.
She was dressed in faded teal that drew out her otherworldly eyes.
Another was hunch-backed and dressed in heavy robes despite the heat of the day, and a third man barely taller than her had white irises and silvering hair.
Pensive and troubled, she dressed for a difficult day.
She rubbed her face, dressed in grey to reflect her mood, and tucked her spare earpiece into her pocket as she did every day.
They all looked up as Edith Shipton tentatively entered the room, dressed in Annie Quincy's antique dress.
After dawn arrived at last and the couple were showered and dressed, they speculated further on the late night sounds as Cynthia filled Bird Song's breakfast table with fresh baked goodies.
Gladys was dressed in a tiny skirt that made her look like a cheerleader for the Slim Fast "before" team.
Dean caught enough of a look to see a contented smile on the face of the well dressed woman.
Claire was a peanut butter blonde, gone grey, tall and well dressed, all business and definitely in charge.
Fred O'Conner, dressed for the slopes, gave a grumpy wave.
Edith passed by, dressed in civies, her beloved white dress temporarily put aside.
She was dressed in white....
Edith emerged, dressed for the great outdoors, ready to accompany her man on his macho adventures.
She was standing at the rail, peering down river, dressed in only a sweater, clutching her arms to her body against the snow and chilling cold.
When Dean kicked the door loose from the accumulated snow blown against it, he found Jake Weller dressed in civilian clothes, huddled against the frame of the unshoveled rear entrance.
She was dressed for spring in only a light sweater and glared at Dean as if he were a street mugger before surrendering her torn and ancient luggage.
Franny had been first on the scene behind Dean, dressed only in panties, her arms covering her tiny breasts, shivering as much at the sight as the chill of the early winter morning.
I'm going down and get dressed.
He dressed but instead of returning to his duties, lay back on his bed, depressed and exhausted.
She was dressed in a tattered coat, hands in her lap, sitting as nervously as an immigrant awaiting deportation.
Then he dressed the naked corpse, and pulled her up on the drapery cord.
Santa Claus in civies, dressed by GQ, the senior edition.
She was dressed impeccably in Chanel, and definitely had the stringent experession of an ignored wife.
She sat stunned as he quickly dressed.
He dressed and went into Sarah's room.
As he dressed, Jackson couldn't believe how uncertain he felt.
Once dressed, he returned to the kitchen.
You better go get dressed.
They dressed and Elisabeth handed him the folder.
Consuelo and Marc were dressed as Beauty and the Beast and the girls, Ariel and Cinderella.
Jackson noticed a woman dressed as Marie Antoinette, staring at him.
Jackson had already showered and dressed.
Carmen dressed in the nicest slacks that she owned and was relieved to discover that Alex and Katie were both dressed casually.
She dressed hurriedly and was tugging on her boots when Katie returned.
She woke early the next morning and dressed, making a trip to the office before Alex arrived.
Her heart did a flip-flop as Alex came through the door, dressed in a blue western shirt and denim jeans.
They were fully dressed and he was merely rubbing her back.
Despite his urgency, Mr. Tim was immaculately dressed, his silvered hair clashing with features rendered youthful by multiple advanced cosmetic surgeries.
Major Brady Hanson held out a hand to the man dressed in the PMF's gray uniform beside him.
The four men were clean, neatly dressed, and without the signs of lack of sleep or food that Brady's men displayed.
After a quick shower, Brady dressed in a new protective suit.
The area beyond the gates and inspections was quiet, with men and women dressed in government uniforms touring the compound like it was any other day and not possibly the last day of the world.
She was neatly dressed with dual ranks, that of Special Assistant to the VP and Special Assistant to Mr. Tim's position.
He was getting dressed in his uniform.
The elite fed soldier was dressed in PMF gray.
You should be dressed in civilian clothes.
She's dressed in grays—your grays.
The sub bumped against a dock, and the door opened to reveal the man he assumed was Jim, dressed in his workout clothing with mussed hair.
He was dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt and moved with the swagger of youth, someone without a care in the world.
She was in her early thirties, overweight, dimpled, and dressed in a flowered shirt and slacks.
The first picture was of a young man dressed in a suit, looking as if he'd rather be anywhere else.
Finally, as wide awake as a kid on Christmas morning, he gave up the ghosts and dressed, intent on making the trip for the sole satisfaction of punching out Vinnie Baratto.
I'd have my white hat on but it was still dark when I dressed.
Mrs. Byrne was dressed in a black jersey dress with a single strand of pearls around her neck.
He wasn't dressed like opening night at the opera by accident!
Randy Byrne was dressed in jeans and sweater and seemed at ease around adults, more so than most his age.
While no other vehicle was visible, two men, dressed more casually than Winston, emerged from the house.
The man was about Dean's age, shorter, with dark hair and moustache and dressed in full biking attire.
Dean showered Ethel Rosewater from his body, shaved and dressed in a daze.
She held an umbrella and was dressed in a grey suit.
She was dressed in a pair of light colored slacks, a pale blue blouse and was barefoot.
When Dean replaced the phone and glanced up, the tall figure of Jonathan Winston was standing next to his desk, smiling down and, as usual, impeccably dressed.
Nope. I'm still dressed.
Come on, get dressed.
The old man was dressed in jeans and a western shirt complete with a string tie, turquoise clasp and a Nero Wolfe paperback in his back pocket.
Just then a pleasant looking woman in her sixties dressed in a western shirt and jeans approached the two.
In the morning she dressed in boots, jeans and a cool cotton blouse.
If you come over here dressed like that, I'm going to wind up in trouble again.
She got up and dressed, shuddering at the thought of the dark damp cellar.
That evening she prepared a special supper for Alex and dressed in the white sundress he liked so well.
He opened the door wider and when he saw Carmen sitting on the bed fully dressed, he entered the room and shut the door.
Later in the night she woke and dressed in her nightgown.
She showered and dressed in a light cotton sundress.
She turned to find him dressed in pajamas, watching her.
One evening Carmen prepared a nice supper and put it on low heat in the oven to keep it warm while she dressed.
A grown woman playing in the hay with a lamb – all dressed up.
If you think I dressed for him – or invited him...
Rushing through the morning chores, she showered and dressed.
She dressed and went to the kitchen to warm up some food for him.
She showered and dressed, skipping breakfast.
She dressed and did the chores.
She dressed and went to the kitchen to start breakfast.
She sat with Jonathan while Alex dressed.
Darian exited and dressed in all black, arming himself with knives.
He stalked to the locker room and returned a few minutes later, armed and dressed.
She took a cold, three-minute shower and then dressed.
She got dressed and looked at the time, her heart pounding harder and harder as she moved towards the door.
She dressed and grabbed a comb from her locker, crossing to the mirror above the sinks.
Charles was half dressed, wearing sweats only.
Armed and dressed for a fight, the redhead looked determined, if scared.
He dressed and explored the bedchamber, digging through her wardrobes and trunks.
Rissa was dressed in clean men's clothing, her hair braided once more.
He quickly dressed in clean clothing in the chamber assigned him.
His advisors and mates dressed in well-made clothing edged with silver, denoting their rank among the shouting crowd in rags.
With shaking hands, she dressed in the simple garb of a page and pulled her hood to cover her face.
Carmen was dressed in a short pink dress and white tights.
Jonathan was dressed in a dark suit and had a mustache and goatee.
While he showered and dressed, she went over the list to make sure nothing had been forgotten.
No. I dressed this way because I thought you would like it.
It wasn't the first time he had made a remark that indicated he was less than pleased about the way she dressed.
The way he dressed and acted indicated he was used to feminine attention.
She was dressed in indigo jeans and a white cotton shirt with turquoise piping.
She dressed in a pink cotton T-shirt, jeans and western boots - because that was what she wanted to wear.
He was dressed western from the tip of his boots to the top of his hat.
She focused on the book while Alex dressed in his pajamas.
She showered and dressed in dusty blue slacks and a lacy tunic.
You didn't like the way I dressed or the way I ran the business.
Some of the guests might be important to his future in politics and he was dressed to impress.
He was dressed in a spotless white pocket T-shirt and white sneakers - hardly clothes for a farm hand.
She toweled off and hurriedly dressed.
In her room, she crawled into the sleeping back fully dressed.
She showered and dressed in warmer clothes, locked the house door, and descended the steps to the car.
She showered and dressed, thinking about his offhanded way of handing out compliments.
With his choice of prey, he narrowed in on a gorgeous blonde who seemed out of place, one of the few not wearing fangs or dressed from head-to-foot in black.
He was handsome and simply dressed in jeans and a dark t-shirt.
Her cousin was dressed and pale, seated on the edge of her bed.
Xander rose and dressed quickly.
She was dressed much more normally than Ingrid in dark jeans and a simple, fitted blue t-shirt with bright coral nail polish.
Should you get dressed?
He was dressed in jeans and a casual button-down shirt that was snug across his shoulders and chest and loose over his abdomen.
You're dressed for a beating.
He was dressed from head to toe in black leather with a spiked collar, heavy boots, and his dark hair down around his shoulders.
Some were dressed like vampires.
The two thugs a few feet behind them were dressed in dark clothes and muscular.
Dressed in shorts and a snug T-shirt, Jessi shot him a glare as she led his guests in.
Sweating and hot, Jule and Gerry didn't bother to get dressed.
She was casually dressed, her gorgeous face emotionless as she gazed at Jessi.
Xander trotted up the stairs, dressed in a loose t-shirt and workout pants.
He was dressed in dark jeans and a snug, dark t-shirt that made him look too sexy for her to answer for a moment.
She was dressed in leggings and a snug T-shirt, neither of which left much to the imagination.
He moved away from her again, getting dressed.
Jessi got dressed, not surprised to find the small toiletry bag in the bathroom.
They dressed in silence.
Dressed in swim trunks and nothing else, his long, lean legs were propped up on the balcony railing.
Dressed in full armour and attended by the papal vicar, Cola headed a procession to the Capitol; here he addressed the assembled crowd, speaking "with fascinating eloquence of the servitude and redemption of Rome."
The name has a curious origin, which explains also the particular meaning of the adjective "spruce," neatly dressed, smart in appearance, fine.
He usually dressed in black, with unobtrusive propriety.
The lodes are most frequently of great size, containing huge masses of galena, and so little gangue that the ore can very easily be dressed to 83 or 84%.
Subscribers to exchanges may also make arrangements to have all telegrams (except Press telegrams) ad - dressed to them delivered by telephone instead of messenger.
To the confusion of his father and brothers he went about dressed in rags, so that his old companions pelted him with mud.
As a general rule the annalists wrote in a spirit of uncritical patriotism, which led them to minimize or gloss over such disasters as the conquest of Rome by Porsena and the compulsory payment of ransom to the Gauls, and to flatter the people by exaggerated accounts of Roman prowess, dressed up in fanciful language.
On Sabbath he dressed in white, wearing a four-fold garment to typify the four letters of the Divine Name.
The exports of Aube consist of timber, cereals, agricultural products, hosiery, wine, dressed pork, &c.; its imports include wool and raw cotton, coal and machinery, especially looms. The department is served by the Eastern railway, of which the main line to Belfort crosses it.
Reckless of consequences, he swept away the venerated ceremonial formalities which his ancestors had scrupulously observed, openly scoffed at ancient usage, habitually dressed in foreign costume, and generally chose foreign heretics as his boon companions.
The high priest dressed in his robes went out to meet him, and at the sight Alexander remembered a dream, in which such a man had appeared to him as the appointed leader of his expedition.
Among its manufactures are flour, whisky, dressed lumber and ice.
The next night, however, having dreamt that he beheld Firdousi in paradise dressed in the sacred colour, green, and wearing an emerald crown, he reconsidered his determination; and the poet was henceforth held to be perfectly orthodox.
They dressed in flowing robes of silk, and their women wore oriental gauzes covered with sequins.
This is worn round the waist folded in a knot, the women allowing it to fall to the ankle, the men, when properly dressed in accordance with ancient custom, folding it over the hilt of their waist-weapon, and draping it around them so that it reaches nearly to the knee.
There are large slaughtering establishments, and factories for the refining of sugar and for the manufacture of tobacco goods, soap and perfumery, lead pencils, iron and steel, railway cars, chemicals, rubber goods, silk goods, dressed lumber, and malt liquors.
Even when we treat him merely as a dramatist our enjoyment of his later works gains enormously if we take them as organic wholes, and not as mere plots dressed up in verse and action.
Blocks of dressed stone overgrown by grass lie in regular formation; a series of parallel revetment walls on hills commanding passes exist, as do relics of ancient water-tanks.
The skin is dark brown, the hair black and, while in childhood the head is shaved with the exception of a small tuft at the top, in later life it is dressed so as to resemble a brush.
The dressed sheets are sorted according to size, transparency, colour and freedom from spots or stains.
The people dressed themselves gaily, some in the disguise of the mythical personages in the suite of Dionysus, and paid a round of visits to their acquaintances.
The dressed ore is introduced through a "hopper" at the top, and exposed to a moderate oxidizing flame until a certain proportion of ore is oxidized, openings at the side enabling the workmen to stir up the ore so as to constantly renew the surface exposed to the air.
After the archers had left him for dead, a devout woman, Irene, came by night to take his body away for burial, but, finding him still alive, carried him to her house, where his wounds were dressed.
The manufacture of morocco leather goods and the quarrying of the lithographic stone of the vicinity are carried on, and there is trade in cattle, grain, wine, truffles and dressed pork.
The dressed ore is smelted with carbon by one of two main methods, viz.
The Synecdemi and Notarii dressed like other people; the Thonraki also scorned priestly vestments.
The city's chief interest is in the tobacco industry; it has also considerable trade in other agricultural products and in coal; and its manufactures include carriages and wagons, bricks, lime, flour and dressed lumber.
Besides those who came on business there were gallants dressed in fashionable finery, so that it was worth the tailor's while to stand behind a pillar and fill his table-books with notes.
But the difficulty of regarding the visions as actual experiences, or as in any sense actual, is intensified, when full account is taken of the artifices of the writer; for the major part of his visions consists of what is to him really past history dressed up in the guise of prediction.
The houses of the native towns are built largely of dressed stones and broken columns from the ruins of Tacape.
Both sexes dressed with Puritan plainness; husbands and wives quitted their homes for convents; marriage became an awful and scarcely permitted rite; mothers suckled their own babes; and persons of all ranks - nobles, scholars and artists - renounced the world to assume the Dominican robe.
He was invariably dressed in a suit of the most spotless black, as if going to a dinner party; his white neck-cloth was fresh from the laundress's hands, and his hat shining like a racer's coat.
Dressed as a peasant (or a fool), he departs (his mother, in some versions, dying of grief), and comes to the king's court.
In Austria-Hungary, Germany, Poland, Sweden and some other countries, haiduk came to mean an attendant in a court of law, or a male servant, dressed in Hungarian semi-military costume.
They are very scantily dressed, wear a variety of trinkets, with a knife, hatchet, spear, bow and arrows, the only weapons they use.
On the 1st, they marched in procession through the city, dressed in an embroidered tunic, a brazen breastplate and a peaked cap; each carried a sword by his side and a short staff in his right hand, with which the shield, borne on the left arm, was struck from time to time.
For building purposes stones were got out, dressed, carved and sculptured with stone hammers and chisels made of hard and tenacious rock.
The dressed stones for great buildings were pecked out of the ledges, and broken off with levers in pieces much too large for their needs.
Commencing in the Arctic region, the Eskimo in his kayak, consisting of a framework of driftwood or bone covered with dressed sealskin, could paddle down east Greenland, up the west shore to Smith Sound, along Baffin Land and Labrador, and the shores of Hudson Bay throughout insular Canada and the Alaskan coast, around to Mount St Elias, and for many miles on the eastern shore of Asia.
The absence of good bark, dugout timber, and chisels of stone deprived the whole Mississippi valley of creditable water-craft, and reduced the natives to the clumsy trough for a dugout and miserable bull-boat, made by stretching dressed buffalo hide over a crate.
It was usually a youthful figure, dressed in a short, high-girt tunic, holding in one hand a rhyton (drinking-horn), in the other a patera (cup).
It is interesting to note that the queen was dressed entirely in articles of British manufacture.
He is also identified with the devil; thus, in accordance with old German tradition, he is dressed as a nobleman (ein edler Junker), all in red, with a little cape of stiff silk, a cock's feather in his hat, and a long pointed sword; at the witches' Sabbath on the Brocken he is hailed as "the knight with the horse's hoof," and Sybel in Auerbach's Keller is not too drunk not to notice that he limps.
He believed at one time that he was dead, and refused to eat till some of his attendants dressed in sheets set him the example.
In 1770 the miners accidentally discovered a complete gallery, which has been driven many hundred yards into the bed of coal, branching into thirty-six chambers dressed quite square, and in a workman-like manner.
The portrait prefixed to the Leipzig edition of her works is a striking one, representing a handsome, intellectual-looking woman, dressed in the garb of some religious order.
Slabs are also manufactured, and, being readily cut, planed, dressed and enamelled, are used for chimney pieces, billiard tables, wall linings, cisterns, paving, tomb-stones, ridge rolls, electrical switch-boards and various other architectural and industrial purposes.
From the mass thrown out by the blast, or loosened so as readily to come away by the use of crowbars, the men select and sort all good blocks and send them in waggons to the slate huts to be split and dressed into slates.
The most remarkable of these are on Easter Island, where immense platforms built of dressed stone without mortar are found, together with stone images.
He described the natives as a bright, pleasure-loving people, dressed in sealskins or mats, and calling themselves Morioris or Maiorioris.
The ruins apparently are of an earlier period than those of Mitla and Xochicalco, and have no inscriptions and architectural decorations, but the use of dressed stone in the walls, rather than adobe, warrants the conclusion that they belonged to the civilization of southern Mexico.
For the great festival of Tezcatlipoca, the handsomest and noblest of the captives of the year had been chosen as the incarnate representative of the god, and paraded the streets for public adoration dressed in an embroidered mantle with feathers and garlands on his head and a retinue like a king; for the last month they married him to four girls representing four goddesses; on the last day wives and pages escorted him to the little temple of Tlacochcalco, where he mounted the stairs, breaking an earthenware flute against each step; this was a symbolic farewell to the joys of the world, for as he reached the top he was seized by the priests, his heart torn out and held up to the sun, his head spitted on the tzompantli, and his body eaten as sacred food, the people drawing from his fate the moral lesson that riches and pleasure may turn into poverty and sorrow.
The manner of the victim's death in these festivals afforded scope for variety; they dressed them and made them dance in character, threw them into the fire for the fire-god, or crushed them between two balanced stones at the harvest-festival.
Solemn and gay dances were frequent, and a sport called the bird-dance excited the admiration of foreigners for the skill and daring with which groups of performers dressed as birds let themselves down by ropes wound round the top of a high mast, so as to fly whirled in circles far above the ground.
Stone is of the greatest actual importance, the value of the quarry output, including some prepared or manufactured product, such as dressed and crushed stone, averaging $65,152,312 annually in 1904-1908.
A considerable trade has been established in the exportation of dressed beef in cold storage, and also in the exportation of meat and other foods in hermetically sealed receptacles.
In the first stages of the spun-silk industry, the silk was dressed before boiling the gum out; the resulting drafts were cut into lengths of one or two inches.
It is worth noting that according to Jordanes the Swedes in the 6th century were splendidly dressed.
Thus the dressed stones of the ancient theatre served to build barracks; the material of the hippodrome went to build the church; while the portico of the hippodrome, supported by granite and marble columns, and approached by a fine flight of steps, was destroyed by Cardinal Lavigerie in a search for the tomb of St Marciana.
He was then dressed like a mason with hod and trowel, and so conveyed over the frontier.
The knights then dressed him in distinctive garments, and they then mounted their horses and rode to the hall where the candidate was to receive knighthood; his future squire was to ride before him bareheaded bearing his sword by the point in its scabbard with his spurs hanging from its hilt.
In its outskirts and the surrounding country are an immense number of xarqueadas (slaughter-houses), with large open yards where the dressed beef, lightly salted, is exposed to the sun and air.
The chief exceptions are the Persian and Astrachan lambs, which are bought at the Russian 'fairs, and are dressed and dyed in Leipzig, and the ermine and Russian squirrels, which are dressed and manufactured into linings either in Russia or Germany before offered for sale to the wholesale merchants or manufacturers.
The prices quoted are subject to constant fluctuation and represent purely trade prices for bulk, and it should be explained that the very great variations are due to different sizes, qualities and colours, and moreover are only first cost, before skins are dressed and prepared.
The European, Arabian and East Indian kinds are seldom used for rugs, the skins are chiefly dressed as leather for books and furniture, and the kids for boots and gloves, and the finer wool and hair are woven into various materials.
The Chinese export thousands of similar skins in black, grey and white, usually ready dressed and made into rugs of two skins each.
The Mongolian goat has a very soft silk underwool, and after the long top hair is removed it is dressed and imported and erroneously named mouflon.
It is usually imported in small quantities, native dressed, and ready made into rugs.
If the skins are dressed in Europe they afford a very comfortable rug, though a very marked one in effect.
When dressed and dyed they should have regular, close and bright curl, varying from a small to a very large one, and if of equal size, regularity, tightness and brightness, the value is comparatively a matter of fancy.
The majority are consigned to the trade auction sales in London ready dressed and worked into cross-shaped coats, and the remainder, a fourth of the total, come as dressed skins.
A small number of very pretty guanaco and vicuna carriage rugs are imported into Europe, and many come through travellers and private sources, but generally they are so badly dressed that they are quite brittle upon the leather side.
When badgers were more abundant than they now are, their skins, dressed with the hair attached, were commonly used for pistol furniture.
He received Johnson's homage with the most winning affability, and requited it with a few guineas, bestowed doubtless in a very graceful manner, but was by no means desirous to see all his carpets blackened with the London mud, and his soups and wines thrown to right and left over the gowns of fine ladies and the waistcoats of fine gentlemen, by an absent, awkward scholar, who gave strange starts and uttered strange growls, who dressed like a scarecrow and ate like a cormorant.
At Vermont Station, in a 127 days' test, Chester Whites made an average gain of 1.36 lb and dressed 84.5% carcase, and they can gain fully 1 lb of live weight for 3 lb of grain consumed.
Dressed as a Turkoman, he intrepidly explored in a hostile country the route from Khiva to Igdy, and also the old bed of the Oxus.
Dressed with care in white uniform and mounted on a white horse, and always in the thickest of the fray, he was known and adored by his soldiers as the "White General."
In the Daedala, as the festival was called at Plataea, an effigy was made from an oak-tree, dressed in bridal attire, and carried in a cart with a woman who acted as bridesmaid.
Boys are circumcised at the age of five or six years, when the boy is paraded, generally with a bridal procession, on a gaily caparisoned horse and dressed in womans clothes.
This is of blocks of limestone whose faces follow the natural cleavages, and only dressed where needful; part is hammer-dressed, but most of the surfaces are adze-dressed.
The flatness of faces of stone or rock (both granite and limestone) was tested by placing a true-plane trial plate, smeared with red ochre, against the dressed surface, as in modern engineer.
The contact being thus reddened showed where the face had to be further dressed away; and this process was continued until the ochre touched points not more than an inch apart all over the joint faces, many square feet in area.
Limestone in the Great Pyramid, as elsewhere, was dressed by chopping it with an adze, a tool used from prehistoric to Roman times for all soft stones and wood.
Of works certainly executed by him during his years of travel there are extant, besides the Basel wood-block, only a much-injured portrait of himself, very finely dressed and in the first bloom of his admirable manly beauty, dated 1493 and originally painted on vellum but since transferred to canvas (this is the portrait of the Felix Goldschmid collection); a miniature painting on vellum at Vienna (a small figure of the Child-Christ); and some half a dozen drawings, of which the most important are the characteristic pen portrait of himself at Erlangen, with a Holy Family on the reverse much in the manner of Schongauer; another Holy Family in nearly the same style at Berlin; a study from the female nude in the Bonnat collection; a man and woman on horseback in Berlin; a man on horseback, and an executioner about to behead a young man, at the British Museum, &c. These drawings all show Diirer intent above all things on the sternly accurate delineation of ungeneralized individual forms by means of strongly accented outline and shadings curved, somewhat like the shadings of Martin Schongauer's engravings, so as to follow their modellings and roundness.
The monument was an open-air altar, a terrace with portico, dated about zoo B.C. Many votive terra-cotta statuettes were obtained, the commonest being the figure of a sheep dressed as a woman, erect with a basket on its head, no doubt a ceremonial costume of worshippers.
Siward, a man of unusual strength and size, is said to have risen from his bed at the approach of death, and to have died dressed in all his armour.
In 1905 there were produced 2774 tons of dressed lead ore, of the value of £25,823, yielding 2167 tons of lead in smelting and 11,409 oz.
The Moravian Anabaptists, says Rost, went bare-footed, washed each other's feet (like the Fraticelli), had all goods