Dreary Sentence Examples
Tuesday dawned a dreary overcast day.
Days without refreshing little company to pass the dreary miles.
The aspect of the plateau is dreary and monotonous.
The western shores are well wooded, chiefly with spruce, but the northern and eastern are dreary and barren.
Along the eastern border the dreary plateaus of Olonets reach on Finnish territory altitudes of from 700 to moo ft.
Her smile was like a ray of sunshine on a dreary day.
Inland the prospect is wild, dreary and monotonous.
In the cold, dreary month of February, when I was nineteen months old, I had a serious illness.
This is a dreary city that has seen better days, a long, long time ago.
In his last work Fechner, aged but full of hope, contrasts this joyous "daylight view" of the world with the dead, dreary "night view" of materialism.
AdvertisementIts situation in a broad valley environed by limestone hills is somewhat dreary.
Near Bilma is a small circular oasis, kept green by a fine spring, but immediately to the south begins the most dreary part of the Saharan desert, over which the caravans travel for fifteen days without discovering the slightest trace of vegetable life.
There was no more I could accomplish in dreary Lynn thought I felt a closeness to my prey.
At least the dashboard is well laid out and the yellow clocks are a colorful addition to an otherwise dreary color scheme.
Winds and rain they sound so dreary Yet thou listens for my feet.
AdvertisementShe feels, in comparison, like a dreary, elderly dowager.
His situation in Hollywood, while eminently successful, is pretty dreary.
The whole thing looks drab and is very dreary and depressing, without being particularly moving.
She spoke in a soft, then abruptly she went by in dreary inaction.
It lies in a wild and dreary district on the precipitous banks of the Calder.
AdvertisementIn spite of the dreary weather, Pumpkin's enthusiastic description sold the venture to all but Joseph Dawkins and two senior ladies.
I never found the season so dreary before; but this happy meeting will make us young again.
But running around soon becomes as dreary as running around in real life.
We may use plurals, although this can get dreary after a while.
The music varied from ambient electro, post-rock, to dreary lounge.
AdvertisementAlso, stay away from dark colors, such as black or brown, as not only do they look dreary and boring, but dark colors absorb heat, which in turn will make you feel warmer.
Taking its cue from Alien obviously, much of Doom 3 takes place within the confines of a dreary industrial research facility, but it's still quite amazing to look at as the technology is still less than a year old.
Winter north of the equator can be a dreary time.
The day is bleary and dreary, or maybe it's too hot or cold to go outside.
This activity will take that dreary day and color it up like a rainbow.
Though interesting from an antiquarian point of view, the district around, especially Dyffryn Ardudwy (the valley), is dreary and desolate, e.g.
The fight against the legacy of debt was slower and more dreary.
In the low brushwood scattered over portions of the dreary plains of the Kandahar table-lands, we find leguminous thorny plants of the papilionaceous sub-order, such as camel-thorn (Hedysarum Alhagi), Astragalus in several varieties, spiny rest-harrow (Ononis spinosa), the fibrous roots of which often serve as a tooth-brush; plants of the sub-order Mimosae, as the sensitive mimosa; a plant of the rue family, called by the natives lipdtd; the common wormwood; also certain orchids, and several species of Salsola.
The early explorers of the great Southern Sea cheered themselves with the companionship of the albatross in its dreary solitudes; and the evil hap of him who shot with his cross-bow the bird of good omen is familiar to readers of Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
Sarah had lied and rebelled, but she was fun; life had never seemed dreary with her in the house.
There was an awkward pause, a dreary pause, a horrible pause.
This was in a sense only natural, since he was the real founder of the school of which Stephen Hawes was a distinguished ornament, and which "held the field" in English letters during the long and dreary interval between Chaucer and Spenser.
Although Wolfe Tone had none of the attributes of greatness, "he rises," says Lecky, "far above the dreary level of commonplace which Irish conspiracy in general presents.
Carlyle had thought of occupying Craigenputtock, a remote and dreary farm belonging to Mrs Welsh.
Its north-western shore is bordered by a dreary plateau, known as the Famine Steppe (Bek-pak-dala).
For a whole week it has been "cold and dark and dreary" in Tuscumbia, and I must confess the continuous rain and dismalness of the weather fills me with gloomy thoughts and makes the writing of letters, or any pleasant employment, seem quite impossible.
Being an MP had become a tiresome habit as familiar and dreary as pulling on an old boot.
Consider it the instant antidote to a dull, dreary day, a miracle worker when you don't look or feel your best and an adorable piece of eye candy to add a flash of color to your vanity.
College students will also need money to buy school supplies such as books, pencils, calculator, pens, highlighters, etc. Don't forget the cost of decorating an otherwise dreary dorm room.
One reason people are thought to get SAD in dreary climates is because it's colder and darker so they don't get outside as much.
On dreary late winter days we can bolster our spirits with winter garden delights.
The beauty of German folk art ornaments made Christmas trees a magical sight in the middle of the dreary East Coast winters.
For example, you may find a spring rain to be refreshing and renewing but the one you are expressing it to may find that to be dreary and depressing, so know your audience.
The vinyl finish and bold color makes it an especially perfect choice for those dreary, rainy days.
Perfect for those dreary rainy days, this bag is available for $79.00.
If you want to get noticed during the cold, dreary winter months, then pull on a pair of white fur boots.
Never mind the slightly bland color palette of the season or the dreary weather.
Then suddenly one day, a brilliant butterfly emerges from this dreary brown husk to lead a new life unfettered by the bonds of earth.
In reality, if you bothered going out to grab a sub and you're standing in line with a growling stomach, are you really going to opt for the most dreary thing on the menu?
Choosing the right workout songs can make the difference between a boring, dreary workout and an energetic exercise session.
The other three had lofty, idealistic answers, such as helping give the youth of London a way out of their dreary lives.
Volcanic activity the previous year had altered the climate and the normally sunny vacation spot was rainy and dreary.
The general colouring, a faded brown, is somewhat dreary, but the mountain heights and promontories of the west display some grandeur of outline.
From Saalberg the Saale enters the dreary limestone formation of Thuringia, sweeps beneath the barren, conical hills lying opposite to the university town of Jena, passes the pleasant watering-place of Kosen, washes numerous vine-clad hills and, after receiving at Naumburg the deep and navigable Unstrut, flows past Weissenfels, Merseburg, Halle, Bernburg and Kalbe, and joins the Elbe just above Barby, after traversing a distance of 226 m.
In the dreary country still farther north there is a series of rounded hills covered with peat and mosses, the chief feature being Drygarn Fawr (2115 ft.) on the confines of Cardiganshire.
The young couple led a somewhat dreary life, hidebound by court etiquette, which Victor Emmanuel hated.
Here the close and solitary confinement, and the dreary and hopeless inactivity to which he was condemned, proved a terrible punishment for the full-blooded, energetic and masterful Bothwell.
It consists mainly of grey dreary flats covered with selenite; and a little below the surface, gypsum.
At length, in August 1773, Johnson crossed the Highland line, and plunged courageously into what was then considered, by most Englishmen, as a dreary and perilous wilderness.
The surface of Spain is remarkable at once for its striking contrasts and its vast expanses of dreary uniformity.
Most of the inland scenery is bleak and dreary, consisting of treeless and barren tracts of peat and boulders.
If we could come back to the Bible and use biblical terms only, as Cyril of Jerusalem wished in his early days, we know from experience that the old errors would reappear in the form of new questions, and that we should have to pass through the dreary wilderness of controversy from implicit to explicit dogma, from " I believe that Jesus is the Lord " to the confession that the Only Begotten Son is " of one substance with the Father."
Even in his last years, when loss of friends and continual physical pain made life somewhat "cold, and dark and dreary" for him, he never complained, lamented or blamed the arrangements of nature, and the only way in which it was possible to know that he suffered was through his ever-increasing delight in the health and strength of younger men.
The solitary and desolate frontier life became now more dreary than ever; he flung himself into politics the only outside resource open to him, and his long and eventful public career began.
The nomadic population which seeks pasturage during the summer months in these dreary altitudes is entirely Kirghiz, and we may take it for granted that it will soon be entirely Russian.
This, added to ill-health, served to intensify a natural irritability of temperament, and the history of his later Weimar days is a rather dreary page in the chronicles of literary life.
It is dominated by high mountains, gashed by superb canyons of rivers, scarred with dry gullies and washes, the beds of intermittent streams, varied with great shallow basins, sunken deserts, dreary levels, bold buttes, picturesque mesas, forests and rare verdant bits of valley.
These dreary times, however, are brightened by one glorious name - that of Galileo Galilei.