Dreamt Sentence Examples
I dreamt about you.
He'd dreamt many times about his sister and his family, but she'd never talked to him directly.
She'd dreamt of sleeping with Darkyn.
The next night, however, having dreamt that he beheld Firdousi in paradise dressed in the sacred colour, green, and wearing an emerald crown, he reconsidered his determination; and the poet was henceforth held to be perfectly orthodox.
After the fifth, she was certain she'd dreamt it all up.
That is, original investigation of special problems has to be carried out on a more gigantic scale than any economist of the historical school ever dreamt of or the world requires, with the certain knowledge that at the end of it all the general theory will not correspond with the facts of life.
He dreamt what his mind conjured up.
We've all dreamt of a zombie apocalypse, right?
Primarily designed to prevent desertions, the Act was ere long found to have a farther reach than its framers probably dreamt of.
Tommy dreamt of a path paved with gold and a stairway which led to the truth.
AdvertisementAs I parked in my barn, the beautiful little girl I've dreamt about began to squirm and awaken.
She'd dreamt of human-Deidre, too.
Kiera dreamt of a planet filled with spiders and dinosaurs and awoke in her bed a couple of hours later to the soft sound of her alarm clock going off.
She dreamt of what life with Brady might've been like, away from the war and betrayal.
Thus in the history of science Neoplatonism has played a part and rendered services of which Plotinus or Iamblichus or Proclus never dreamt.
AdvertisementHe made one fatal mistake - he dreamt of the French frontier being the Rhine and the Scheldt, and that a Spanish princess might bring the Spanish Netherlands as dowry to Louis XIV.
We have thus the nucleus of that international parliament which idealist peacemakers have dreamt of since the time of Henry IV.'s " grand design."
It is true that Spencer's " transfigured realism" contains much that was not dreamt of by Hume.
He dreamt even of invading Ireland, and thought it an easy task.
Luther's voice awoke echoes he never dreamt of.
AdvertisementAnother, remaining true to the principles, doctrines, usages and hierarchy of the medieval church, dreamt only of a purification of moral life, and saw its end realised in the reforms of the council of Trent.
The era of excavation initiated by Dr Schliemann on the grand scale has increased our knowledge of Greek inscriptions beyond anything that was earlier dreamt of.
Delighted with this tribute to his greatness, Nero for a moment dreamt of rivalling Alexander.
With Price, again, he holds that rightness of intention and motive is not only an indispensable condition or element of the rightness of an action, but actually the sole determinant of its moral worth; but with more philosophical consistency he draws the inference - of which the English moralist does not seem to have dreamt - that there can be no separate rational principles for determining the " material " rightness of conduct, as distinct from its " formal " rightness; and therefore that all rules of duty, so far as universally binding, must admit of being exhibited as applications of the one general principle that duty ought to be done for duty's sake.
It is believed that King John established Beaulieu as an act of penance after he dreamt that he was being flogged by Cistercian abbots.
AdvertisementTwo nights before, I dreamt of being confronted by a fierce, very awake dragon and it evoked terror in me.
Below is a quick taster of five new tours from the 25 that we have dreamt up this year.
An all-digital strategy finally unlocks musical realms only dreamt of in primitive days of vinyl records and two-channel stereo.
The Coast to Coast walk was dreamt up by Alfred Wainwright, the famous fell walker and guidebook writer, in 1973.
I never dreamt that Thou wouldst drown me here In the dark waters of this shoreless sea.
Indulge in a little fly fishing, and maybe catch that whopper you 've always dreamt about - straight from a Scottish stream !
If either the bride or groom has dreamt of traditional wedding vows as a sacred litany, choosing personal vows instead will lose that time-honored sentiment.
French jeweler Henri LeBeauold dreamt of a period of starvation and thirst, followed by a great feast.
For anyone who's ever dreamt of looking like Jessica, the singer's line of fashionable yet affordable footwear are manna from heaven.
The waterbed, for example, was first dreamt of by Robert Heinlein in ''Stranger in a Strange Land'', and the designs for many cel phones started out looking like the communicators in the popular TV and movie series ''Star Trek''.
Look what he dreamt; a woman ironing shirts, a child playing, a cat and a farmer pitching hay.
His eyes were brighter than the moon, greener than any gem she'd ever dreamt of.
Indulge in a little fly fishing, and maybe catch that whopper you've always dreamt about - straight from a Scottish stream!
She'd dreamt of Evelyn last night and awoke missing her friend.
Similar principles apply in infinite detail to the treatment of wind instruments, and we must never lose sight of them in speculating as to the reasons why the genius of Beethoven was able to carry instrumentation into worlds of which Haydn and Mozart never dreamt, or why, having gone so far, it left anything unexplored.