Draws Sentence Examples
He made his mark; it draws us to you.
This engine draws a net load of 52 tons of coal from a depth of 625 yds.
During this stage the cuticle draws away from the imaginal cuticle which is forming beneath, ultimately becoming separated as a thin transparent pellicle through which the form of the adult can be seen.
The main rope, which draws out the loaded tubs, coils upon one drum, and passes near the floor over guide sheaves placed about 20 ft.
It is amusing to observe the extreme care and deliberation with which the bird draws the worm from its hidingplace, coaxing it out as it were by degrees, instead of pulling roughly or breaking it.
This has also stimulated silk culture in the Caucasus, from which province it draws about one-third of its supplies.
Reverting to the origin and the meaning of the feast, modern criticism draws attention to the different nature of the two observances combined with the name Passover, the pastoral sacrifice of the paschal lamb and the agricultural observance of a seven days' abstention from unleavened bread.
A third pencil traces an observation line in which a kick can be made at will by pressing any one of the electrical pushes placed about the car, and a fourth draws a datum line.
This I am sure will occur if he is to guess my condition, which grows more noticeable as my time draws closer.
He depicts her quick changes of colour, her dishevelled hair, her panting breast, her apparent increase of stature as the god draws nigh and fills her with his divine afflatus.
AdvertisementThe state therefore draws its principal revenues from the imposts, the taxes and the monopolies.
The present population draws its water directly from the Tigris, and it is distributed through the city in goat-skins carried on the backs of men and asses.
The most interesting part of the work is the distinction which Gilbert draws between the manner of existence of genera and species and of substances proper.
The physical features of the Scyths are not described by Herodotus, but Hippocrates (Lc.) draws a picture of them which makes them very similar to the Mongols as they appeared to the Franciscan missionaries in the 13th century.
The contrast which Rufinus draws between the Roman Creed and others, both of the East and the West, is justified.
AdvertisementThis fault has now been reduced by a cage of steatite round the burner tip, which draws in sufficient air to prevent deposition.
He tells his fable and draws the moral with businesslike directness and simplicity; his language is terse and clear, but thoroughly prosaic, though it occasionally attains a dignity bordering on eloquence.
Dorsey, again, draws a distinction between lore narratives, which can be rehearsed without fasting or prayer, and rituals which require the most rigid preparation.
She draws a big circle around the second item on her list, Paper Towels.
A child with but few sources may keep distinct what he draws from each.
AdvertisementDisgusted by these reverses, draws from the in bad odour with the king, and with his soldiers Nether- mutinying for lack of pay, the governor-general lands.
He draws no inferences to theology or religion, whether friendly or hostile, from his new positions.
It thus draws upon physics for the explanation of the phenomena with the space-relations of which it is specially concerned.
Baentsch draws attention to this feature in his monograph Altorientalischer u.
The Getica of Jordanes shows Gothic sympathies; but these are probably due to an imitation of the tone of Cassiodorus, from whom he draws practically all his material.
AdvertisementHe then draws a positive demonstration of the truth of his religion from the effects of the new faith, and especially from the excellence of its moral teaching, and concludes with a comparison of Christian and Pagan doctrines, in which the latter are set down with naïve confidence as the work of demons.
The state leases the beds at a low annual rental in tracts (limited for each person, firm or corporation to 1000 acres), and draws from them a considerable revenue.
From it the native draws lumber for his hut, utensils for his kitchen, thatch for his roof, medicines, preserved delicacies, and a long list of other articles.
In these his language is vigorous and dignified; he states the results of his labour and thought with freshness and lucidity; tells numberless stories in a most delightful manner, and exhibits a wonderful talent for the representation of personal character; the many portraits of historic persons of all orders which he draws in these prefaces are as brilliant in execution as they are exact and convincing.
The forests of Burma are the finest in British India and one of the chief assets of the wealth of the country; it is from Burma that the world draws its main supply of teak for shipbuilding, and indeed it was the demand for teak that largely led to the annexation of Burma.
The new extraneous element introduced into Roman literature draws into greater prominence the characteristics of the last great representatives of the genuine Roman and Italian spirit - the historian Tacitus and the satirist Juvenal.
With this last period the story of Roman religion really draws to a close.
Clement's epistle, indeed, conforms more to the elaborate and treatise-like form of the Epistle to the Hebrews, on which it draws so largely; and the same is true of "Barnabas."
He here urges that the foundation of all true learning is a " sound and thorough knowledge of Latin," and draws up a course of reading, in which history is represented by Livy, Sallust, Curtius, and Caesar; oratory by Cicero; and poetry by Virgil.
He corresponds directly with the other Barbary states; draws up the budget, and contracts loans on behalf of the colony.
The considerations from which he acutely and accurately draws far-reaching and important conclusions might be suggested by a very superficial examination of the literature; they involve, for example, no special philological knowledge.
This draws sand and water to the face and prevents the rough stones from showing themselves.
The damping of all absorbent surfaces, such as the floors or bare walls, &c., is frequently necessary several times a day in the growing season, so as to keep up a humid atmosphere; hence the advantage of laying the floors a little rounded, as then the water draws off to the sides against the kerbstone, while the centre remains dry for promenaders.
It draws its chief strength from Amsterdam and certain country districts of Friesland.
The burglar's blow-pipe locally " draws the temper," i.e.
With sulphur it forms a sulphide which draws together into almost harmless drops, instead of encasing the grains of iron.
France draws most of her iron ore from her own part of the great Minette ore deposit, and from those parts of it which were taken from her when she lost Alsace and Lorraine.
Guillaume de Nogaret, his minister, draws a far more flattering picture, enlarging on his charm, his amiability, his modesty, his charity to all men, and his piety; and the traits of this over-coloured portrait are more or less repeated by Yves, a monk of St Denis.
And Russia draws her own supplies of petroleum, both for lighting and for use as liquid fuel, by the sea route from Baku.
And it is from this presence of the highest forms of Aryan and of Semitic man that the history of Sicily draws its highest interest.
Merthyr Tydfil draws its supply from the lesser Taff, while Cardiff's main supply comes from the Great Taff valley, where, under acts of 1884 and 1894, two reservoirs with a capacity of 668 million gallons have been constructed and a third authorized.
The whole movement, intended as a return to the kirk of Knox and Melville and the Covenanters, was a not unneeded protest against the sleepy " moderation," and want of spiritual enthusiasm, which invaded the established kirk in the latter part of the 18th century, a period in which she possessed such distinguished writers as John Home, author of the drama of Douglas, Robertson, the historian, and Dr Carlyle, whose amusing autobiography draws a perfect portrait of an amiable and highly educated " Moderate " and man of the world.
It is only pious memory that draws the Protestant to the sites consecrated by ecclesiastical history.
The coming of the Child draws Eastern sages to his cradle and fills the court of Herod with suspicious fears.
The town draws a supply of natural gas, used for lighting, heat and motive power, from deep artesian borings first made in 1891.
Megasthenes draws a distinction between the Brahmans (Bpaxµ.aves) and the Sarmanae (Iap,u6.pat), from which some scholars have inferred that the Buddhist Sarmanas were a recognized class fifty years before the council of Asoka.
He sometimes draws the beard and whiskers to the side of the head, and to keep it tidy wraps round it a cloth called dhata or galmocha.
Cicero here draws from a work of Theophrastus on the same subject and from Aristotle.
It takes form as a body of doctrine drawing its premises from authority, sometimes in secular matters from that of Aristotle, but normally from that of the documents and traditions of systematic theology, while its method it draws from Aristotle, as known in the Latin versions,' mainly by Boethius, of some few treatises of the Organon together with the Isagoge of Porphyry.
Then he draws on a wooden board a set of hieroglyphs in chalk, and his dexterity in counting or recounting the stars under whose region or influence the child is declared to be born is marvelled at by the superstitious creatures thronging around him.
Along the coast an on-shore breeze blows every summer day; in the evening it is replaced by a night-fog, and the cooler air draws down the mountain sides in opposition to its movement during the day.
Baldwin Latham made an elaborate examination of the meteorological conditions, and more particularly of the vapour tension, from which he draws the conclusion that the seasonal variations are due to exhalation from the ground.
Except in inserting the prayer and the Benedicite, the paraphrast draws only from the canonical part of the book of Daniel.
New institutions spring up, upon which thought acts, and in and through which it even draws nearer to a final unity, a palingenesis.
Paradoxes in the history of religion and revelation which Paul draws out, and which Marcion's contemporaries passed by as utterly incomprehensible, are here made the foundation of an ethico-dualistic conception of history and of religion.
He acts as a notary public; he draws up marine and commercial protests, attests documents brought to him, and, if necessary, draws up wills, powers of attorney, or conveyances.
The Colorado, apart from the Gila, draws little water from Arizona.
He assumes that the narrative was meant ethically, not physically, in order to eliminate false and polytheistic notions; and he draws attention to that double narrative in Genesis which was elsewhere to be so fruitfully handled.
It is true that here and there the "creamy richness" of his style becomes verbosity, and that he occasionally draws too freely on his inexhaustible store of epithets, metaphors and turns of speech; but these faults, which did not escape the censure even of friendly critics like Quintilian, are comparatively rare in the extant parts of his work.
Eusebius often fails to appreciate the significance of the events which he records; in many cases he draws unwarranted conclusions from the given premises; he sometimes misinterprets his documents and misunderstands men and movements; but usually he presents us with the material upon which to form our own judgment, and if we differ with him we must at the same time thank him for the data that enable us independently to reach other results.
Thus, when the wing descends it draws after it a strong current, which, being met by the wing during its ascent, greatly increases the efficacy of the up stroke.
The Thames is the one great river of the division, rising on the Jurassic Belt, crossing the Chalk country, and finishing its course in the Tertiary London Basin, towards which, in its prevailing west-to-east direction, it draws its tributaries from north and south.
The result of the foregoing, however, is to show that, as soon as epistemology draws its conclusion, it becomes metaphysics; the theory of knowledge passes into a theory of being.
The embryo of Gnetum forms an out-growth from the hypocotyl, which serves as a feeder and draws nourishment from the prothallus.
By lowering the head of water in any well which draws its supply from porous rock, the yield is always temporarily increased.
In his historical works Pufendorf is hopelessly dry; but he professes a great respect for truth and generally draws from archives.
Its food consists mainly of termites, to obtain which it opens their nests with its powerful sharp anterior claws, and as the insects swarm to the damaged part of their dwelling, it draws them into its mouth by means of its long, flexible, rapidly moving tongue covered with glutinous saliva.
But the inference which he draws from this silence of the historical books is manifestly a precarious one at best.
Harnack, a keenly hostile critic, draws attention to a change in the region of moral theology, not dogmatics.
Alphonse de Candolle, who has collected the evidence on this point, draws attention to the fact that no traces of this cereal have hitherto been found in Egyptian monuments, or in the earlier Swiss dwellings, though seeds have been found in association with weapons of the Bronze period at Olmiitz.
Indeed, we may say that the distinction which Aristotle explicitly draws between speculative science or wisdom and practical wisdom (on its political side statesmanship) is really indicated in Plato's actual treatment of the subjects, although the express recognition of it is contrary to his principles.
Passing on to Anselrn (1033-1109), we observe that the Augustinian doctrine of original sin and man's absolute need of unmerited grace is retained in his theory of salvation; he also follows Augustine in defining freedom as the " power not to sin "; though in saying that Adam fell " spontaneously " and " by his free choice," though not " through its freedom," he has implicitly made the distinction that Peter the Lombard afterwards expressly draws between the freedom that is opposed to necessity and freedom from the slavery to sin.
With Price, again, he holds that rightness of intention and motive is not only an indispensable condition or element of the rightness of an action, but actually the sole determinant of its moral worth; but with more philosophical consistency he draws the inference - of which the English moralist does not seem to have dreamt - that there can be no separate rational principles for determining the " material " rightness of conduct, as distinct from its " formal " rightness; and therefore that all rules of duty, so far as universally binding, must admit of being exhibited as applications of the one general principle that duty ought to be done for duty's sake.
It would be quite possible to accept his criticisms of naturalism and hedonism while rejecting many of the metaphysical inferences which he draws.
On the west the rivers are generally short and torrential, excepting the Erne, which drains the two beautiful loughs of that name in county Fermanagh, and the Shannon, the chief river of Ireland, which, rising in a mountain spring in county Cavan, follows a bow-shaped course to the south and south-west, and draws off the major part of the waters of the plain by tributaries from the east.
But while the theologian incessantly postulated the agency of that God whose nature he deemed beyond the pale of science, the philosopher, following a purely human and natural aim, directed his efforts to the gradual elevation of his part of reason from its unformed state, and to its final union with the controlling intellect which moves and draws to itself the spirits of those who prepare themselves for its influences.
The forged letters are not, for the most part, entirely composed of fresh material; the author draws his inspiration from the notices on each of the popes given in the Liber Pontificalis; he inserts whole passages from ecclesiastical writers; and he antedates the evidences of a discipline which actually existed; so it is by no means all invented.
From the burn of Dollar (or Dolour), which runs through the ravine of Dollar Glen, the town draws its watersupply.
The compressor draws in air from the room and compresses it, the work expended in compression being almost entirely converted into heat.
The consequences of the abstract separation which Kant so draws between the ego and the world of experience are apparent throughout his whole system.
It expands, classifies, tabulates, draws corollaries from the ethical doctrines laid down in the more popular treatises.
As the brushes are slowly shifted over on the revolving contact so as to select different phases of the alternating electromotive force, the pen follows and draws a curve delineating the wave form of that electromotive force or current.
In a book of fewer than 200 pages, the author draws on an extensive and sometimes bewildering range of sources.
In figures such as Martin Luther King, the world draws moral fortitude and an example of the effectiveness of non-violent struggle.
The Visual Arts course at Salford always draws a diverse mix of students with career prospects.
I suppose that's what draws people into keeping exotic animals.
In short, historical study draws its students to a deeper appreciation of life.
It draws gold out of the rocks but also brings out toxic substances including arsenic.
The Hayward Gallery's new show draws together work by 50 contemporary artists loosely around the theme of tourism.
And if you give medicine which draws bile, you will have him vomit bile.
The sinking process draws more water from the south, keeping the roughly circular current on the go.
He draws the curtains on his bedroom window to block out the view.
The analysis of social deictics, in contrast, heavily draws on Japanese data and only provides supplementary analyzes of English examples.
As the evening draws in our dining room becomes home to a simply delectable 'a la carte ' menu.
You may turn away when your Savior draws near; you may sit disconsolate when he calls.
David Wood, the acclaimed children's dramatist, draws upon the most entertaining and instructive of the twenty-four books for this popular adaptation.
We intend to hold 10 monthly draws per year.
Graphics Draws an outlined round-cornered rectangle using this graphics context's current color. drawstring (String, int, int ).
As Harry drains the last dregs from the bottle outside a hospital an ambulance draws in.
Some artists evoke images of warm sun drenched beaches; Wolf draws a picture of gray windswept coastlines.
As the water dries from the skin it draws out natural lipids which maintain the skin's natural moisture barrier and cause dryness.
She draws on her skills as a glass maker and jeweler to explore the intriguing dynamics in relationships.
It is the one source from which melody directly emanates, and draws its power.
While the game draws from some of the official GM Nation information, it also goes beyond where important issues needed more imaginative exploration.
The attack on civil liberties under the pretext of fighting terrorism draws parallels with the rise of Hitlerite fascism.
The Joint Inquiry Report treats track and train fitment separately until the proposed 2010 deadline draws the two together.
My deepened keel Eventide, 4 " extra, draws 1 m. I would go for roller reefing genoa every time.
It produces a sucker-like structure called a haustorium, which penetrates hazel roots and draws off nutrients.
The program draws a histogram, Figure 1a, which we see is skewed to the right.
The research for the book draws extensively on archive sources, especially the manuscript holdings on the Abbey at the National Library of Ireland.
Kicking the Moon draws the audience into their bizarre and quirky world, where impressive acrobatic and juggling skills become almost incidental.
Acting as if it isn't there just draws out the period of time in which it does potentially irreparable damage to our lives.
The report also draws on recent research in this arena to shed light on the issues relating to learner support.
To produce a lithograph the artist draws the work on a flat plate or surface with a greasy or waxy medium.
Neither of these has much in common with the atheism characteristic of western modernity, which draws much of its energy from moral protest.
A popular wall mural in working class Protestant areas draws an uncanny parallel with Marc Evans ' film.
Generally in accordance with the cultural tenet of filial obedience, he draws the line at obeying a parental demand for vengeance.
Deines draws on the designations within the pages of the New Testament to define Pharisaism as allegiance to Judaism in its 'best form ' .
For if you give to a certain patient he says, medicine which draws phlegm, you will have him vomit phlegm.
The main tourist attraction is the nearby mosque of Hala Sultan Tekke, which draws pilgrims from across the Moslem world.
The full conditional densities are evaluated and inverted numerically to obtain random draws of the joint posterior.
Digital TVs support progressive scanning which draws 60 full frames in a second instead of only 60 half frames in a second.
In response, Reece goes on a murderous rampage which draws Sexton Blake into the affair.
The Cheyenne Frontier Days is one of the largest rodeos in the world and draws visitors from all over the world.
Polar waters are becoming far less saline, meaning that the " heat pump " effect that draws warm water north is failing.
The variable pitch of the screw flights uniformly draws material from the hopper and resists segregation of the product.
The boro boasts a huge selection of shops - Romford town center alone draws over 250,000 regular shoppers.
This analysis draws heavily on complex semantic types, of the kind that have been used recently in work on lexical semantics.
This Association draws its members from the British shipping community including shipowners, insurers, insurance brokers and maritime lawyers.
We may have to suffer a little spate of draws like the one with Kent.
This week's writer, Robin Mukherjee, draws his main plot from the sensitive issue of child labor in an Asian sweatshop.
We believe that the cool fresh taste of a clean beer is what draws out the flavor of good tapas.
Its setting draws visitors from throughout the region who visit its craft centers, fine village pubs and country tearooms.
Richard Foss, Father Christmas draws the winning raffle ticket at Christmas Festival of Local Foods.
The suggestion draws a nervous titter from Airey, who is clearly aware of the threat.
But what really draws the tourists is the great outdoors.
The resolution draws on the Final Document of the 2000 NPT Review Conference, welcoming the efforts undertaken to achieve the treaty's universality.
His extant works are his Panegyrics on different emperors (in which he draws largely upon Statius, Ausonius and Claudian); and nine books of Letters and Poems, whose chief value consists in the light they shed on the political and literary history of the 5th century.
The council also chooses communal delegates to elect senators; and draws up the list of repartiteurs, whose function is to settle how the communes share of direct taxes shall be allotted among the taxpayers.
The leader in speculative philosophy is Immanuel Kant, though he includes many agnostic elements, and draws the inference (which some things in the letter of Butler might seem to warrant) that the essence of Christianity is an ethical theism.
But this consequence follows only upon the assumption that the work of the mind is arbitrary, an assumption shown to be unjustified by the results of exact science, with the distinction, universally recognized, which such science draws between truth and falsehood, between the real and "mere ideas."
He then draws a positive demonstration of the truth of his religion from the effects of the new faith, and especially from the excellence of its moral teaching, and concludes with a comparison of Christian and Pagan doctrines, in which the latter are set down with naïve confidence as the work of demons.
Along with Kai and Bedwyr (Bedivere), Peredur (Perceval), Gwalchmai (Gawain), and many others, we have such figures as Sgilti Yscandroed, whose way through the wood lay along the tops of the trees, and whose tread was so light that no blade of grass bent beneath his weight; Sol, who could stand all day upon one leg; Sugyn the son of Sugnedydd, who was "broad-chested" to such a degree that he could suck up the sea on which were three hundred ships and leave nothing but dry land; Gweyyl, the son of Gwestad, who when he was sad would let one of his lips drop beneath his waist and turn up the other like a cap over his head; and Uchtry Varyf Draws, who spread his red untrimmed beard over the eight-and-forty rafters of Arthur's hall.
Schaudinn has stated, however, that Trypanomorpha becomes, in certain phases, attached to a red blood-corpuscle (ectoglobular), and, in others, penetrates inside one and eventually destroys it (endoglobular); while his other avian parasite, Trypanosoma ziemanni, apparently draws up into itself the white corpuscle (leucocyte) to which it becomes attached.
Reinach (Revue des etudes grecques, xix., 1906), who draws special attention to the similar formation "hierophant," the sycophant was an official connected with the cult of the Phytalidae, whose eponymus Phytalus was rewarded with a fig-tree by the wandering Demeter in return for his hospitality.
Moreover, even in the Categories as names signifying distinct things they imply distinct things; and hence the Categories, as well as the Metaphysics, draws the metaphysical conclusion that individual substances are the things without which there is nothing else, and thereby lays the positive foundation of the philosophy running through all the extant Aristotelian writings.
Psychological idealism assumes without proof that we perceive nothing but mental objects, and metaphysical idealism draws the logical but hypothetical conclusion that all we can know from these mental objects of sense is mental objects of knowledge.
In the 1st century of the Christian era, the nature of the time, with its active political struggles, naturally called Stoicism more into the foreground, yet Seneca, though nominally a Stoic, draws nearly all his suavity and much of his paternal wisdom from the writings of Epicurus.
Not without nervous dread - witness the special taboo to which the leader of society is subject - he draws near and strives to constrain, conciliate or cajole the awful forces with which the life of the group is set about.
When two blocks of ice are placed loosely together so that the superfluous water which melts from them may drain away, the remaining water draws the blocks together with a force sufficient to cause the blocks to adhere by the process called Regelation.
Chapter 5 draws our attention to some possible advantages of seigniorage reform.
The house seller 's conveyancer draws up two copies of the same contract, and each party signs their own copy.
Lan draws and sheathes the sword a few times, just to get a feel for it.
The referee draws proceedings to a close with three shrill blasts on his whistle, prompting raucous celebrations from the Barcelona players.
The season started off slowly with five draws out of their first seven League games.
My current Venetian series draws from fading palatial facades, stenciled door numbers and redundant markings on the walls of ancient workspaces.
This week 's writer, Robin Mukherjee, draws his main plot from the sensitive issue of child labor in an Asian sweatshop.
A synoptic module draws together all the material that has been studied over the course of the two years.
The report also draws on relevant research from Marchmont 's themed discussion and workshop on learner support in Autumn 2000.
What draws throngs of visitors, however, is the oldest recorded tree in the world.
Twain 's writing draws the reader into living the adventures with Huck and Jim as the journey down the river.
The resolution draws on the Final Document of the 2000 NPT Review Conference, welcoming the efforts undertaken to achieve the treaty 's universality.
Simply Boxes draws on eighteen years experience within the packaging industry.
These are woven from a synthetic material that draws sweat away from your skin, providing greater comfort and less irritation.
To purchase tickets from this site, you enter the number of tickets and the number of draws you want.
The Seattle Premium Outlets are one of the area's top tourist draws and many nearby hotels offer special packages for those coming to the area for a visit.
Just download a free sample and see if it draws you in.
Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli is a bit on the thick side at close to 200 pages, but it's a fast-paced story that draws in readers from the very beginning and makes it tough for them to put the book down.
When Sarah arrives, she misses her home and has some trouble adjusting, but the kids quickly take a liking to her, and the family grows closer and closer together as the story draws to a close.
Generally, the monthly payment made by the consumer automatically draws from a checking or savings account.
This natural process draws extra oxygen out of the water and, as a result, may cause the death of fish and other organisms living in the water.
Herbal tea draws the nutritional and medicinal goodness of herbs into water, providing you with their benefits in a soluble form.
Ichthammol salve draws out the spider poison.
It also draws increased blood flow to the area it is applied, causing infection, foreign bodies and toxins to rise to the surface.
Not only does this conserve valuable floor real estate, but tall furniture draws the eye upwards and gives the illusion of a taller room.
Bar area - Create a home game room that draws a crowd by including a serviceable bar which can also be a focal point.
The color palette for a French country theme home draws inspiration from the natural elements found in the French countryside.
As an exterior and interior feature, archways soften the doorways with a sensual curving that draws the eye up and then down to the tiled floor.
The Americana country style home also draws enormous inspiration from nature such as woolen blankets, birch fire logs, and stormy winter grey skies, sheer muslin, cool linens and golden summer sunbeams.
This draws the air up and away from your body while forcing the warmer air near the ceiling down.
A vintage or antique wall mirror draws attention and adds character to a room.
The result will be a bright, bold look that really draws attention to the eyes and reflects the playfulness of summer.
As the time for your meditation draws to a close, soft chimes will alert you that your time is almost up, in a gentle, non-jarring fashion.
Do you find yourself becoming more stressed as the holiday season draws closer?
Instant Star draws on the popularity of star-making talent competitions like American Idol to take a look at the life of a teen instantly thrust into the limelight when she wins a singing competition.
Whatever type of graduation song draws you best, be sure to enjoy this time of your life and stop worrying about songs or which way your tassel goes.
The narrator then draws out a storyline that drives the game.
As the wedding draws closer, it is important to confirm details with vendors and your location.
Since most traditional wedding cakes feature a pure white buttercream or fondant coating, choosing a bright color makes a statement and draws a lot of attention to your cake.
A Jewish wedding ceremony draws on tradition steeped in both religion and culture.
Whether you want to follow one of the established designs or forge your own trail, get out your supplies and have fun with the planning process as Independence Day draws near.
These strong opinions have opened him to ridicule by many of his contemporaries and fans, leading many to wonder if his consistently high box office draws will continue or if he is on a downward swing to one amazing career.
The chance of possibly meeting one of them was one of the company's biggest draws.
As a "girl next door" who enjoys comedic acting, she draws the preteen and teen crowds, but also appeals to older fans.
He draws attention wherever he goes, especially when his wife Katie Holmes and their daughter, Suri, are with him.
Some college humor draws on the college experience in lists and anecdotes forwarded from student to student through email.
In fact, it's the only ABA-approved program in all of Sacramento, and it draws many Californian students for that reason alone.
As the departure date draws closer, passengers may find rock bottom rates available for travelers ready to leave right away.
You drive the post into the ground and it draws your dog to that spot to potty.
A slight amount of clear discharge would be considered normal during a pregnancy, especially as whelping time draws near.
In any case, one can see by looking at various examples of the penis sheath that it both conceals the penis and draws attention to the genital region.
It is a unique form of material culture that draws one in to an understanding of the physical, social, and aesthetic life of people.
It is a unique form of material culture that draws one in to an understanding of the physical, social, and aesthetic life of women in some small-scale cultures.
If you plan to include draws, have you figured in the extra cost?
The air conditioning process starts with the thermostat; once the thermostat calls for air conditioning, the air handler turns on and draws indoor air into the various intake vents around the home.
It draws cooler air into the fireplace, warms it and blows it out the side vents.
Once the gas is ignited, the firebox draws in the cold air from the surrounding room and heats it.
In other instances, heirloom quality Hawaiian jewelry draws its designs from nature, but is crafted from precious metals.
Try something out of the ordinary for you so that your choice really makes a difference and draws attention to the fact that you are aware of what is in for the season.
Leather motorcycle vests can give you that bad boy look that draws glances and stares from admirers everywhere.
Sequel Naturals - Sequel Naturals makes a whole food supplement called Vega, which draws on natural and organic raw foods to supply balanced whole food nutrition.
The ruffled sweetheart neckline draws the eye upward for a slimming effect and the skinny spaghetti straps bare the shoulders nicely, thus adding to the charm and appeal of this outfit.
A woman with a full hourglass figure can easily wear a belt as it draws attention to the thinnest part of her body.
Even tall women who don't need this visual trick can benefit from the attention the shirt draws to your collarbone, which is usually an area women are happy with.
The V-neck draws attention to your curves and the rayon jersey is comfortable to wear any time of day or night.
V-neck designs are flattering for many body types and the style draws attention to the chest area.
This instant vertical detail draws the eyes up and down instead of side to side, so your body appears longer and leaner.
A low cut neckline, in a sweetheart or V-neck style, is also attractive and draws the eye upward.
Other details, like vents on each side, low-cut necklines and empire waists add visual intrigue that draws attention to all the right places.
An empire waist with a flowing skirt draws attention to the narrowest part of the body.
This draws attention to your bust as an asset.
To avoid looking top heavy, you'll want to pick a dress that draws attention away from your middle.
If your lower half is heavier than your top half, choose a dress that draws the eye upward.
With a snug top that draws attention to the bust, cinched waist and flowing skirt, they have a lovely, timeless elegance.
It also draws eyes upwards, bringing attention to your face.
Since this type of style draws attention upward, it is great for women whose hips and thighs are trouble spots.
This cost is not covered by Medicare, so as the time draws near to use such services it is a good idea to figure the cost into your budget.
As perimenopause draws to an end, during the last couple of years symptoms may increase in occurrence and/or intensity.
One of the big draws of visiting Best Buy Eyeglasses is the fact that the listing price of the varying Vogue styles are right here on the page.
The collection here is extensive and one of the major draws is the various styles that are featured.
Overlooking the Galveston Bay, this 42-acre restaurant, hotel and amusement park destination is one of the main draws in the Houston, Texas, area, especially since the closing of Six Flags Astroworld in 2005.
The restaurants are one of the largest draws to this amusement park.
The PS3 offers online gaming for free, which is one of the draws to the Sony system.
The year draws to an end as we say goodbye to another 365 days of video gaming glory.
One of the main draws for any rhythm game is its music collection, so all players will want to know more about the Guitar Hero 5 song list.
With Sorry!, each player draws a card (instead of rolling a die) to determine how many spaces he or she can move.
True to the series, the sense of realism throughout the game draws you in.
Click back wall - The man draws a door and returns to previous room.
Literati also assigns draws randomly, rather than using a fixed number of each letter.
The story arc from the film serves as the main structure for the video game, but this action title also draws inspiration from more than 60 years of comic book content.
The game draws inspiration from 2D platformers such as Out of This World, Prince of Persia and Flashback.
Even though there are other city-building games with more sophisticated graphics, there's just something about the appeal of ancient Egypt that just draws you in.
Speaking of multiplayer, one of biggest draws on the N64 was Goldeneye 007, featuring Pierce Brosnan as James Bond.
One player draws while the other players attempt to guess what the player is drawing.
Wine Enthusiast draws kudos from countless devotees.
Cruisin' The Tropics - Held each year in March, this event draws visitors from all over the world.
As mentioned, one of the biggest draws to the TracFone service is that they are able to offer some of the cheapest cell phone plans in the nation.
A healthcare provider draws a sample of venous blood two hours following the dose of glucose.
In this technique, the child writes down (or draws pictures of) each detail of the anxiety-producing event or situation and imagines his or her movements in performing the activity.
Practitioners of ear candling claim that the heat from the burning candle or smoke creates a vacuum that draws out the impacted cerumen.
Wet clothing readily draws heat away from the skin because water is a potent conductor of heat.
Bentonite clay packs or any mud-pack draws the fluid out and helps dry up the lesions.
A site, usually on the infant's heel, is chosen by the phlebotomist who draws the infant's blood sample.
Phlebotomist-A person who draws blood from a vein.
What is it about this dance from America's heartland that draws so many enthusiasts from around the world?
When a competition draws near, your team will want to schedule extra rehearsals.
After this is a traditional wedding dance (salidsid) and the banawol-banawe, another dance that draws from the movements of birds to create an exciting dance of greeting for guests.
Each exquisite piece, considered chi art, draws the positive energy of chi to the receiver of the gift.
In the practice of feng shui, the placement of an object that draws good luck is an important consideration.
Choose a water feature design that compliments its surroundings as it draws life's energy to the area.
This Chinese creature draws blessings and surrounds your home and all who live there, in a protective energy.
A double good luck knot draws positive energy and symbolizes endless luck.
Metal draws the water from the heavens and the process begins anew.
First the chi energy falls from the heavens and condenses into water, which nourishes the wood that feeds the fire that tempers the earth and forms metal, which in turn draws water.
Metal draws water, so you can use it in conjunction with activating this area.
Some ladies opt for a push away bang that softly sweeps the jaw line, while others seek a fierce straight bang that immediately draws sexy attention to the eyes.
The only event of its kind, the Alternative Hair Show draws the attention of thousands while raising money for an outstanding cause.
Creating a formalponytail for a special occasion is a popular trend for a hairstylist who recognizes that the hairstyle draws attention to the wearer's facial features.
An amnio is performed by a trained physician who inserts a long needle in the abdomen and draws out some of the amniotic fluid that fills the sac.
The last few weeks before the baby's arrival can be very difficult, especially as the due date draws closer.
What is it that draws these people to this uber liberal and free-thinking city?
One of San Francisco's biggest draws is its food and restaurants.
This suit draws the focus upward, to take emphasis off of your derriere.
The clever use of lighter color stripes on the top actually draws the eyes up and away from the waistline.
The circle body type calls for a suit that draws attention upward, away from the waistline.
A halter style effectively draws the eye upward and successfully conceals, in some eyes, less desirable areas.
The V-neck draws eyes away from your midsection and the soft cup bra gives you day-long comfort.
Look for tops that plunge slightly to a lower cut; this draws the eye upward to the bust line.
It's a kind of magnetic quality that draws us in and captures our imagination.
The ideal suit draws attention to your standout features while minimizing focus on other areas.
A suit that is bright on top and dark on the bottom is ideal, as it draws attention away from the lower part of the body.
A gathered waist and plunging neck draws the focus exactly where you need the most width.
Since this is a noticeable detail that draws the eye, be careful when combining it with an overly bright color or additional details like ruffles because it can be overkill.
The V-neck with shirring draws eyes upwards while the side shirring slims your figure.
The fitted twist V-neck front draws you in and up to give you more even proportions while the underwire internal bra provides shaping and comfort.
Instead, it adds bulk to the stool and draws in water.
The vertical visual interest this neckline creates draws the eyes up and down, making you appear taller and slimmer.
This type of neckline draws the eye downward and helps one's figure look longer.
A jumpsuit with a halter style flatters any figure since it draws attention to the upper body.
The naturally high waist draws the eye upward and to the bust, while a flowing skirt conceals a heavy midsection and lower half.
Unlike a window unit that draws air from outside your home then cools it and re-circulates the cooled air inside your home, a portable air conditioner takes the air from inside your room, cools it, then disperses it back into the room.
It draws air in from other areas of the room so that particles enter the filter quickly.
Oreck XL air purifiers are equipped with a stage one fan that actively draws air into its pre-filter, screening out larger particles including mold, hair and dirt.
The wick draws the flammable liquid up from the holding tank through a process known as capillary action.
So, the stack effect draws cooler air (along with mold spores and other bacteria) up into your living space where you and your family are constantly being exposed to it.
Dehumidifiers help regulate the moisture in the air inside a room by creating a cold surface that draws in and condenses the water in the air.
The Sahara (Santa Fe) dehumidifier is an industrial-strength dehumidifier that's powered by a standard 120-volt outlet and draws less than seven amps.
There is one card for each Candyland landmark in the deck, and when a player draws one he moves his piece directly to that landmark.
Starting with the player on the dealer's left, each player draws a card and completes a specific action, discarding the card afterward.
The person who draws it must drink the amount of drinks equal to the number.
The person who draws the card discreetly puts a thumb on the table.
The person who draws the card says a word.
Each player who draws one gets to make up a rule that all players, except him or her, must follow for the rest of the game.
The player who draws the last king must drink the contents of the cup.
In many tournaments, to reduce the possibility of draws, the first moves are selected for the players.
The wick absorbs the melted wax and through capillary action draws the melted wax up the wick toward the flame.
As host/hostess, write down what each guest draws.
Then, like the usual gift exchange, give every gift a number, and each guest draws a number.
As the Christmas season draws closer, check the websites listed above, or the website for the harbor parade in the area you will be in, for more details.
Genuine interest is what draws people to you.
This chemistry between two people draws them toward each other.
Your husband draws comfort, encouragement and support from his girlfriend, which reinforces and refuels his anger against you.
However, as time draws closer to the wedding date I can't help but ask if I am ready?
Whatever the reasons behind the sparkle, Hollywood jewelry draws fans into jewelry stores seeking their own piece of stardom.
A princess cut solitaire engagement ring requires an especially fine gem because the isolation of the diamond as well as its sharp shape draws the eye toward the stone.
Alex Sepkus draws his inspiration from a number of unique sources to create stunning engagement rings and other precious metal jewelry.
The openness of the cut clearly draws the naked eye to any visible blemishes.
The shape of the stones draws the eye to the length, rather than the width, of your fingers.
She draws on over 16 years of experience in her promotional work.
The snail is drawn large, and besides the bright yellow and blue shell, it's the heart detail at the very center that really draws the attention of the eye.
You have a certain animal magnetism that naturally draws people to you, and while you can be the life of the party when you choose, you value time spent alone.
It's that softer and kinder side that draws many people to this sign.
Another aspect of Aries that often draws loyal friends to his side is an effervescent personality that not only meets life's challenges, but does so enthusiastically.
Home-based learners feel that learning becomes a common goal of the entire family and that being involved in that goal draws them closer than if each child pursued the goal outside of the home.
In Bollywood - just like in Hollywood, the biggest box office draws are often the lovely young actresses; the Bollywood babes.
Still, one of the most popular draws is the plethora of spoofs you can see there.
They're what make motion pictures so much more enticing, what makes a summer blockbuster the big earner that it is and what draws people to the box office in the first place.
It is as if the Ouija board gets the attention of the spirit world and draws spirits to the Ouija board users, regardless whether or not the users want the contact.
As winter draws near, look for free holiday concerts at churches and schools.
If you're looking for a pair of mules, clogs or you're lucky enough to wear sandals as the end of the year draws closer, just follow the same guidelines as for boots and pumps.
Capezio dance shoes come in a wide variety, but jazz shoes are one of their biggest draws.
Coincidentally, Ephram and Amy also decide to give their relationship another try and the series draws to an end.
Large horizontal back work that drops in the middle is especially popular as it draws the eye.
With block fonts, the artist draws the outline on first, then fills in the outline with the color or colors of your choice.
You just have to be prepared to deal with whatever kind of attention your body art draws.
No matter what it is that draws you to the image of the pixie, there are several pixie designs for tattoos that can be used alone or incorporated into a larger design.
The end result should be more of a pencil sketch or study that draws the eye simply because it is more difficult to see.
No matter what style you have in mind, make sure you have specific instructions to give your tattooist for when she draws the design.
The Memorial is administered and maintained by the U.S. National park Service and draws over three million visitors annually.
Chamonix draws winter - and summer - sports lovers from all over the world.
The Florida Keys are known for excellent sports fishing, spectacular sunsets, and a culture that draws as much from the Caribbean Islands as it does from the states.
Once the light is turned into electric energy it is stored in a storage cell, and the watch draws the energy it needs to operate from that cell.
It draws moisture from the body and is hypoallergenic.
If you want a full tank top for hot yoga, try one such as the Girls4Sport top, which features a unique blend of materials that draws away moisture from your body.
Featuring more than 100 workshops and 50 teachers, this event draws on a wealth of regional talent to provide a diverse yoga experience.
If the gap draws negative attention consider using a functional resume format.
She draws the best out of every person, promotes talent and shares successes.
The next step draws them to my websites www.enspirenpress.com, www.wealthy-writer.com, and my personal site www.writer-writer.com where they are 'sold.'
Many experts believe that the stellar sales are a combination of having a reputation for high quality as well as a cost-effectiveness which draws in consumers that would otherwise normally opt for other economy cars with lower quality.
There are also camps that combine the two because, after all, a lot of cheerleading draws from the world of dance.
The report draws results from industry reports and Consumer Reports' website.
Whether you subscribe to their beliefs or not, Hobby Lobby has a wide selection of craft supplies at good prices, which draws in customers the other six days of the week.
It's important to be original, but every beginning artist draws on the work of his/her predecessors for inspiration.
Try this fun project that draws on participation from the whole family, and create a keepsake that your child will want to hold on to forever.
These energy supplies are stored as fat, therefore the body draws on the fat supplies resulting in loss of weight and inches.
If you have an excellent bicep peak, some judges suggest that you turn your head and focus on your bicep -- this draws attention to your great accomplishment.
The game starts when the first team draws a circle 35 to 50 centimeters in diameter.
This phrase has a bit of a special meaning, in the sense that it draws attention to a particular person.
While male enhancing underwear draws attention to a man's front, for women, it's all about the behind.
Therefore I offer them this with my new Show-It Underwear, which not only lifts a man's package, it also draws the eyes directly to that area.
A place to socialize, make friends and purchase lingerie garments at a discounted rate, are all big draws of the lingerie fete.
Forbes.com states that 50 Cent raked in $41 million between the summer of 2005 and the summer of 2006. 50 Cent is a hip-hop star with a background that draws people in.
It draws inspiration from Dutch, French and German folk music, though American folk and country music also influenced Afrikaans musicians.
Prior to the party, each individual draws a name of a fellow party goer.
One person draws a song title out of the hat and has to act it out.
You can let everyone choose their own ideas to act out, give them a theme it must fit under, or write up some premade cards that everyone draws from a hat.
According to show producers, a single American Idol audition typically draws between 15,000 and 25,000 hopefuls.
With all of the attention the Gosselin family draws, this complaint was a serious allegation with potentially far-reaching consequences.
The Emmy nominated show consistently draws millions of viewers in the US, where it was the first reality TV show to gain audience numbers similar to non-reality programming.
According to a study by Reiss and Wiltz, it's what motivates us in real life that draws viewers to watch these type of shows.
Without blowing all of the whistles, she keeps an eye on the scenes and draws out the moments of the game for readers to enjoy.
The plant is so unusual-looking that it draws crowds into the store to admire it and purchase things from the shop becoming famous for the oddity.
When the site started they had a "no censorship" policy, but due to the fact that Twilight is a young adult series that draws teens to their site, they have restricted access to stories that are rated R and NC-17 to adults only.
This episode draws the line between the good Jedi and evil Sith when a 1,000-year-old Sith plot to take over the galaxy is uncovered.
When he uncovers a palantir and draws the eye of Sauron, Gandalf hurries Pippin away to protect him.
He heals Frodo of his injuries, provides council and draws together the Fellowship of the Ring.
The bug pierces your skin, injects saliva and draws out blood.
One of the popular draws to BabyCenter are the specific birth boards available -- forums dedicated to the month and year your baby is due or was born.
This is likely what draws so many thousands of people to these websites.
However, what draws people into blogging most of all is the fact there is an audience.
You want to pick out something that draws appropriate attention to your content.
A Girl Scout uniform in Mexico draws heavily on the primary colors - yellow, green, blue, and red - the colors of nature.
In FrontPage 2003, the right click draws up dialogue with the "Movie in Flash Format Properties" tag, with has both general and appearance choices.
Many churches incorporate captivating media and interesting content into the church website in a way that draws in visitors from different areas of the Internet.
With a lively arts district, a minor league hockey team and an active waterfront, this city draws many visitors from all over the country.
Live music as well as the expansive outdoor patio are the big draws at this venue.
The same body draws up the list of males liable to the poll-tax and of the lands liable to land-tax, these being the chief sources of revenue.
A species of Haemadipsa of Ceylon attaches itself to the passer-by and draws blood with so little irritation that the sufferer is said to be aware of its presence only by the trickling from the wounds produced.
Ewing draws attention to a curious consequence of this time-lag.
But the saying draws attention to the two great influences which shaped medieval thought - the tradition of ancient logic and the system of Christian theology.
It draws off from any wave it has sent backward and so spreads the succeeding waves over a longer distance than if it had remained at rest.
He carries through, as Astruc had done, the analysis of Genesis into (primarily) two documents; he draws the distinction between the Priests' Code, of the middle books of the Pentateuch, and Deuteronomy, the people's law book; and admits that even the books that follow Genesis consist of different documents, many incomplete and fragmentary (whence the theory became known as the " Fragment-hypothesis "), but all the work of Moses and some of his contemporaries.
He draws a distinction between the lines of the trunk series to which he assigns neutral, and the lines of carriers the two branch series of which are electrically charged.
It draws few students from foreign parts, 2 where the local schools are of the poorest kind, except in India (thanks to a British government) and perhaps in Constantinople., Bokhara was once a chief seat of learning, but is now so sunk in narrow fanaticism that its eighty madrasas (medresses) with their 5000 students only turn out a bigoted and foolish clergy (V5.mbery).
Such a rule of the two diameters not only guides us toward the sun in the system and the heart in man, but draws lines through the length and breadth of the aggregate of a man's particular daily behaviors and waves of life into his coves and inlets, and where they intersect will be the height or depth of his character.
It is almost identical with that, for in the growing days of June, when the rills are dry, the grass-blades are their channels, and from year to year the herds drink at this perennial green stream, and the mower draws from it betimes their winter supply.