Drains Sentence Examples
The Hebrus, together with its tributaries which flow into it from the north, east and west, drains almost the whole of Thrace.
Like the Kunduz, it probably drains the northern slopes of the Hindu Kush by deep lateral valleys, more or less parallel to the crest, reaching westwards towards the Khawak pass.
Hence it may be considered to terminate where the Rio Cojedes, which drains the elevated valley in which Barquisimeto stands, after rising on its western slopes flows eastwards into the basin of the Orinoco.
Some miles lower down, at Leitmeritz (433 ft.), the waters of the Elbe are tinted by the reddish Eger, a stream which drains the southern slopes of the Erzgebirge.
The town lies pleasantly upon a hill rising above a mere, which drains to the Waveney, having its banks laid out as public gardens.
The Umfolosi, with two main branches, the Black and White Umfolosi, drains the central part of the country and reaches the ocean at St Lucia Bay.
In Babylonia the abundance of clay and want of stone led to the employment of brick; the Babylonian temples are massive but shapeless structures of crude brick, supported by buttresses, the rain being carried off by drains, one of which at Ur was of lead.
The southern valleys of this part of the sierra furnish streams which form the main rivers of Pampas, Pachachaca and Apurimac. These, uniting with the Mantaro, form the Ene, and the Ene and Perene (which drains the province of Tambo) form the Tambo.
According to the legend, the emissarium (outlet) which still drains it was made in 39 8 -397 B.C., the Delphic oracle having declared that Veii could only be taken when the waters of the lake reached the sea.
It drains the tract between the Yamdok Tso and Tigu Lakes, and is fed by the glaciers of the Kulha Kangri and other great ranges.
AdvertisementFor the greater part of its length it drains the southern slopes only of the Paropamisus and the northern slopes of a parallel range called Koh-i-Safed.
Under it, however, extends an elaborate system of rock-cut passages, probably drains.
The cleaned coal is carried by a stream of water to a bucket elevator and delivered to the storage bunkers, or both water and coal may be lifted by a centrifugal pump into a large cylindrical tank, where the water drains away, leaving the coal sufficiently dry for use.
In 1872 the great fire in Boston made large drains upon the capital of the state, and several years of depression followed.
A small part of the state, in the W., drains to the Ohio, and thence, by way of the Mississippi, to the Gulf of Mexico; and a much larger area drains into the Susquehanna, entering the head of Chesapeake Bay.
AdvertisementA part of the Catskills, and the region farther S., drains into Delaware Bay through the Delaware river.
About fifty streams flow into the lake, which drains into the Danube and is well stocked with fish.
In the western part of this valley occurs the very important transverse water-divide of Gulcha-davan (14,150 ft.), which separates the basin of the Cherchen-darya that goes down into the Tarim basin from the area that drains down to the Ghaz-kol, which belongs to the Tsaidam depression.
The latter flows to Belfast Lough, the former drains Lough Neagh, which is fed by a number of smaller streams, among them the Crumlin, whose waters have petrifying powers.
At Tung Kwan the river is joined by its only considerable affluent in China proper, the Wei (Wei-ho), which drains the large province of Shensi, and the combined volume of water continues its way at first east and then northeast across the great plain to the sea.
AdvertisementFrom Toulouse the Garonne flows to the north-west, now skirting the northern border of the plateau of Lannemezan which here drains into it, the principal streams being the Save, the Gers and the Baise.
The most important streams are those of the Atlantic seaboard, notably the San Juan, which drains Lake Nicaragua.
The best known of these depressions, Ngami, lies to the north-west and is the central point of an inland water system apparently in process of drying up. To the north-east and connected with Ngami by the Botletle river, is the great Makari-Kari salt pan, which also drains a vast extent of territory, receiving in the rainy season a large volume of water.
All of these are rapid and shallow, affording navigation only for canoes; but the largest of them, Nelson river, drains the great Manitoban lakes, Winnipeg, Winnipegosis and Manitoba, which are frequented by steamers, and receive the waters of Lake-of-the-Woods, Lake Seul and many others emptying into Winnipeg river from Ontario; of Red river coming in from the United States to the south; and of the southern parts of the Rocky Mountains and the western prairie provinces drained by the great Saskatchewan river.
An extensive system of sewers was constructed by the City Improvements Co., an English corporation, which initiated the work in 1853; and a separate system of rain-water drains.
AdvertisementThe Gomal river drains a large area of central Afghanistan and forms the most important povindah (or Kafila) route on the frontier.
It drains the county and is itself drained by the Leven.
West of Tektek drains into the Belikh, east of Tektek into the Khabur.
The Upper Tunguzka, known also as the Angara, drains Lake Baikal, and is navigable from Irkutsk.
The Logar river drains a wide tract of country, rising in the southern slopes of the Sanglakh range and receiving affluents from the Kharwar hills, N.E.
Drains were rare, epidemics common.
Near the foot of the Grand Canyon, Tower creek, which drains the concavity of the horseshoe formed by the Washburn Mountains, enters the Yellowstone.
The latter stream drains an area of elevated land by means of its three forks, and upon each of them occurs a fine fall in its descent toward the Yellowstone.
When the subsoil is too compact to be pervious to water, effectual drainage must be resorted to; when it is very loose, so that it drains away the fertile ingredients of the soil as well as those which are artificially supplied, the compactness of the stratum should be increased by the addition of clay, marl or loam.
Indeed, it has been proposed to support such roofs to a great extent upon suspension principles, the internal columns of support being utilized for conducting the rain-water off the roof to underground drains or reservoirs.
The water which drains from the plants or is spilt in watering would fall on the bottom, which should be made porous to carry it away.
It sometimes happens that a polder is not in direct contact with the boezem to which it belongs, but first drains into an adjacent polder, from which the water is afterwards removed.
Near its south-east corner the Caspian is entered by the Atrek, which drains the mountain ranges of the Turkoman (N.E.) frontier of Persia.
The land slopes gently and drains into a considerable number of streams, turning the land into a morass of reeds and papyrus.
Closer examination, however, shows that if the prevailing slopes are not more than a few inches in the mile, yet they do exist, and scientific irrigation requires that the canals should be taken along the crests and drains along the hollows.
To the left of the diagram is shown (by firm lines) a system of canals laid out scientifically, and of drains (by dotted lines) flowing between them.
It might indeed have been thought that thorough drainage would be unnecessary, but it must be noted that porous subsoils or efficient drains do not act merely by carrying away stagnant water which would otherwise cool the earth, incrust the surface, and retard plant growth.
The water overflowing from the feeders down the sides of the beds is received into small drains formed in the furrows between the beds.
These small drains discharge themselves into the main drain, and are in every respect the reverse of the feeders.
The small or main drains require no stops.
To effect a remodelling when the ground is in stubble, let it be ploughed up, harrowed, and cleaned as in a summer fallow, the levelling-box employed when required, the stuff from the conductors and main drains spread abroad, and the beds ploughed into shape - all operations that can be performed at little expense.
Let the stript ground then be neatly formed with the spade and barrow, into beds varying in breadth and shape according to the nature of the soil and the dip of the ground - the feeders from the conductor and the small drains to the main drain being formed at the same time.
In upward or subterranean irrigation the water used rises upward through the soil, and is that which under ordinary circumstances would be carried off by the drains.
They act the part of conductors when the land is to be flooded, and of main drains when it is to be laid dry.
The water flows from the ditches as conductors into built conduits formed at right angles to them in parallel lines through the fields; it rises upwards in them as high as the surface of the ground, and again subsides through the soil and the conduits into the ditches as main drains, and thence it passes at a lower level either into a stream or other suitable outfall.
In this case the mouths of the underground main pipe-drains are stopped up, and the water in them and the secondary drains thus caused to stand back until it has risen sufficiently near the surface.
Of course it is necessary to build the mouths of such main drains of very solid masonry, and to construct efficient sluices for the retention of the water in the drains.
The points which require constant attention are - the perfect freedom of all carriers, feeders and drains from every kind of obstruction, however minute; the state and amount of water in the river or stream, whether it be sufficient to irrigate the whole area properly or only a part of it; the length of time the water should be allowed to remain on the meadow at different periods of the season; the regulation of the depth of the water, its quantity and its rate of flow, in accordance with the temperature and the condition of the herbage; the proper times for the commencing and ending of pasturing and of shutting up for hay; the mechanical condition of the surface of the ground; the cutting out of any very large and coarse plants, as docks; and the improvement of the physical and chemical conditions of the soil by additions to it of sand, silt, loam, `` chalk, &c.
Even with a river supply fairly constant in level and always abundant, no attempt should be made to force on a larger volume of water than the feeders can properly distribute and the drains adequately remove, or one part of the meadow will be deluged and another stinted.
When this inequality of irrigation once occurs, it is likely to increase from the consequent derangement of the feeders and drains.
In this way as the water sinks down through the porous subsoil or into the subterranean drains oxygen enters and supplies an element which is needed, not only for the oxidation of organic matters in the earth, but also for the direct and indirect nutrition of the roots.
This had been totally neglected in Egypt; but very large sums have been spent on it, and the country is now covered with a network of drains nearly as complete as that of the canals.
Lakes Superior and Huron both reach depths hundreds of feet below sea-level, but the next lake in the series, St Clair, towards which Lake Huron drains southward through St Clair river, is very shallow and marshy.
In the north the country drains into Lake Chad through the Logone and Shari (q.v.).
The north-eastern part of the country drains to Lake Chad by the Waube or Yo, an intermittent stream, which in its lower course forms the Anglo-French boundary.
From these heaps it is collected into larger ones, where it drains further, and becomes more purified.
The salt is " drawn " from the pan and placed (in the case of boiled salts) in small conical baskets hung round the pan to drain, and thence moulded in square boxes and afterwards stove-dried, or (in case of unboiled salts) " drawn " in a heap on to the " hurdles," on which it drains, and thence is carried to the store.
The earth-stopper "stops out" and "puts to" - the first expression signifying blocking, during the night, earths and drains to which foxes resort, the second performing the same duties in the morning so as to prevent the fox from getting to ground when he has been found.
The Hermus drains a small district included in the Byzantine Phrygia, but in earlier times assigned to Lydia and Mysia.
In this portion of the wall are two drains, below one of which is a phallus.
The Esmeraldas drains all that part of the central plateau lying between the transverse ridge of Tiupullo on the south, and the Imbabura ridge on the north, together with the western slopes of the Cordillera between Iliniza and Cotocachi, and a considerable part of the lower plain.
It drains through the Peguchi into the Rio Blanco, a tributary of the Mira.
Moreover it is of a most disagreeable kind, as the waste "still-liquor," containing very much free hydrochloric acid and even some free chlorine, forms a most deleterious impurity when finding its way into drains or watercourses, apart from the intolerable nuisance caused by the escapes of chlorine from the stills and otherwise, which cannot be at all times avoided.
The Kabul river drains Northern Afghanistan, the Hari Rud the province of Herat, and the Oxus that of Afghan Turkestan.
The Rio Grande de Mindanao (known in its upper course as the Rio Pulangua) drains to the south and west a larger area in central and southern Mindanao and is second in size.
It and the Agusan, which drains to the northward the mountain valley in east Mindanao, are each over 200 m.
The river Maule forms its northern boundary and drains its northern and north-eastern regions.
The Canadian river drains the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains and flows in a general south-easterly direction through Texas into Oklahoma, where it empties into the Arkansas.
On the right the Volga is joined by the Sura, which drains a large area and brings a volume of 2700 to 22,000 cub.
When the operation is completed, the whole of the water is run off, and the flax remains on the perforated floor, where it drains thoroughly before being removed to dry.
The Dee (70 m.) traverses Bala Lake, and drains parts of the counties of Merioneth, Denbigh and Flint.
A short stream with a fall normally so slight as to be sometimes reversed by the tide, drains the great lake Molar into the Saltsjo.
Slave, which drains the lake of that name, and Clearwater.
The Stora Lule branch drains the Langas and Stora Lule lakes (Langasjaur, Luletrask), which have a length together exceeding 5 o m., a fall between them of some 16 ft.
Following the Pite river (191 m.), the Skellefte (205 m.) drains Hornafvan and Storafvan, with a fall of 20 ft., and an area together of 275 sq.
Lake Vetter drains eastward by the Motala to the Baltic, Lake Malar drains in the same direction by a short channel at Stockholm, the normal fall of which is so slight that the stream is sometimes reversed.
It drains a large area of Argentine territory, where it is called the Rio Fetaleufu or Fetalauquen, its principal source being a large lake of the same name.
The Aisen also has its source in Argentine territory near the 46th parallel, and drains a mountainous region as far north as the 45th parallel, receiving numerous tributaries, and discharging a large volume of water into the Moraleda channel in about lat.
It has the characteristics of a tidewater river and drains an extensive region.
It drains 25,000 to 30,000 sq.
Its course is generally easterly as long as it is confined by these uplands, but on debauching upon the central plain of Yorkshire it takes a southeasterly turn and flows past Ripon and Boroughbridge to form, by its union with the Swale, the river Ouse, which drains to the Humber.
The Hab river, which forms the boundary west of Karachi; the Purali (the ancient Arabus), which drains the low-lying flats of Las Bela; the Hingol (the ancient Tomerus) and the Dasht, which drain Makran, are all considerable streams, draining into the Arabian Sea and forming important arteries in the network of internal communication.
Kalat is the " hub " or centre, from which radiate the Bolan, the Mulla and the southern Lora affluents; but the Lora drains also the Pishin valley on the north; the two systems uniting in Shorawak, to lose themselves in the desert and swamps to the west of Nushki, on the road to Seistan.
The whole country drains into the Atlantic, to which all the main rivers flow in a westerly direction except the Guadiana, which turns south by east in the lower part of its course.
The Bermejo, which is an Argentine river, receives one large tributary from the Bolivian uplands, the Tarija or Rio Grande, which drains a small district south-east of the Santa Victoria sierra.
The surface in general is rolling, with a gentle slope northward, and drains through the Little Colorado (or Colorado Chiquito), Rio Puerco and other streams into the Grand Canyon.
Below this the only large affluent is the Nam Pawn, which drains all Karenni and a considerable portion of the Shan States, but is quite unnavigable.
The juice, when brought home, is consequently a wet granular mass of pinkish colour, from which a dark fluid drains to the bottom of the vessel.
The Richmond drains an area of 2400 sq.
The Macleay drains an area of 4800 sq.
It drains an area of 11,00o sq.
In the case of new houses, these may not be built or occupied in an urban district without their being first provided with sufficient drains as the council may require; and in an urban district it is forbidden to cause any building to be newly erected over a sewer without the consent of the council.
The result has been that district councils frequently find themselves in the position of being responsible for the repair and condition of drains which, by reason of having been laid for more than one house, are sewers vested in and repairable by them.
This great plateau drains westward through broad, gently flowing streams, the network of whose tributary waters penetrates every corner of the interior and offers easy means of communication.
The vapour-laden sea air blowing landward against the girdle of snow and glaciers on the mountain barriers a few miles inland drains its moisture in excessive rain and snow upon the lisiere, shrouding it in well-nigh unbroken fog and cloud-bank.
Both rivers discharge their waters into the Caspian; as also does the Zumgail, a small stream which drains the eastern extremity of the Caucasus range in the government of Baku.
Rang Kul Lake occupies a central basin or depression; but the Kara Kul drains away north-eastwards through the Sarikol (as the latter, bending westwards, merges into the Trans-Alai) to Kashgar and the Turkestan plains.
To the east of the Sarikol chain is the Taghdumbash Pamir, which claims many of the characteristics of the western Pamirs at its upper or western extremity, where the Karachukar, which drains it, is a comparatively small stream.
The lake receives the waters of 200 rivers, and drains a territory of 48,600 sq.
The principal rivers on the north shore are the Pigeon, which forms the international boundary line, the Kaministikwia, the Nipigon, which drains the lake of the same name and together with the lake is about 200 m.
Of those named, the Funza drains the "Sabana" of Bogota and is celebrated for the great fall of Tequendama, about 480 ft.
North of this great rampart the country drains to the Orange (q.v.), which flows from east to west nearly across the continent.
Generally speaking, in the excavations for the foundations springs are met with; these may be only sufficient to indicate a continuous dampness at certain beds or joints of the rock, but all such places should be connected by relief drains carried to visible points at the back of the dam.
Drains ordinarily remove only excess of capillary water, an excess of percolating water in wet weather.
The lines of the receiving drains must next be determined, and then the direction of the parallel drains.
In the case of flat land, where a fall is obtained chiefly by increasing the depth of the drains at their lower ends, these lines may be disposed in any direction that is found convenient; but in undulating ground a single field may require several distinct sets of drains lying at different angles, so as to suit its several slopes.
When parts of a field are flat, and other parts have a considerable acclivity, it is expedient to cut a receiving drain near to the bottom of the slopes, and to give the flat ground an independent set of drains.
In laying off receiving drains it is essential to give hedgerows and trees a good offing, lest the conduit be obstructed by the roots.
Much of the success of draining depends on the skilful planning of these main drains, and in making them large enough to discharge the greatest flow of water to which they may be exposed.
Very long main drains are to be avoided.
The distance and depth apart of the parallel drains is determined chiefly by reference to the texture of the soil.
In lighter soils the depth, and proportionately the distance apart, is increased, but the drains are rarely more than 4 ft.
A thoroughly trustworthy and experienced workman should be selected to lay the pipes, with instructions to set no pipes until he is satisfied that the depth of the drains and level of the bottoms are correct.
The Romans were careful to keep their arable lands dry by means of open trenches or covered drains filled with stones or twigs.
Instead of persisting in fruitless attempts to dry extensive areas by a few dexterous cuts, he insisted on the necessity of providing every field that needed draining at all with a complete system of parallel underground channels, running in the line of the greatest slope of the ground, and so near to each other that the whole rain falling at any time upon the surface should sink down and be carried off by the drains.
The distances between drains he showed must be regulated by the greater or less retentiveness of the ground operated upon, and gave io to 40 ft.
The depth which he prescribed for his parallel drains was 3 o in., and these were to be filled with 12 in.
Josiah Parkes, engineer to the Royal Agricultural Society, advocated a greater distance apart for the drains, and, in order that the subterranean water might be reached, a depth of at least 4 ft.
From the number and arrangement of the drains, the terms "frequent" and "parallel" were also applied to it.
Variations in matters of detail (having respect chiefly to the depth and distance apart of the parallel drains) have indeed been introduced; but the distinctive features of his system are recognized and acted upon.
The Deschutes river drains a region which is less arid than the plateau farther E., and which contains a number of small lakes.
The Tapti drains about 250 m.
Other portions of the state are drained by the Kankakee, a tributary of the Illinois, the St Joseph and its principal branch, the Elkhart, which flow north through the south-west corner of Michigan and empty into Lake Michigan; the St Mary's and another St Joseph, whose confluence forms the Maumee, which empties into Lake Erie; and the White Water, which drains a considerable portion of the south-west part of the state into the Ohio.
Most of the streams maintain a good flow of water in the driest seasons, and in case of heavy rains many of them " underflow " the adjacent bottom lands, saturating the permeable substratum of the country with the surplus water, which in time drains out and feeds the subsiding streams. This feature is particularly true of the Saline, Solomon and Smoky Hill rivers.
The Rio Verde has its source farther inland and drains the Oaxaca Valley, but its tributaries are small and less numerous.
The western country is more open, with isolated mountain-groups and winding valleys, where the Alpheus with its tributaries the Ladon and Erymanthus drains off in a complex river-system the overflow from all Arcadia.
The Gogra skirts the district for 114 m.; and the Rapti, with its branch the Bhalka, drains the high grounds.
It is virtually composed of the Yarkand-darya, the Kashgar-darya, and the Ak-su-darya, with constant augmentation from the Koncheh-darya, which drains Lake Bagrash-kul (at the south foot of the eastern Tian-shan), and intermittent augmentation from the Khotan-darya and the Cherchendarya from the south.
In ecclesiastical usage the term was given to a shallow stone basin (the French cuvette) placed near the altar in a church, with drains to take away the water used in the ablutions at the mass.
At an early date, as a foreign town began to spring up, the necessity of having some authority to lay out and pave streets, to build drains, &c., for the common benefit, became evident, and as the Chinese authorities shirked the work and the expense, the foreigners resolved to tax themselves voluntarily, and appointed a committee of works to see the money properly laid out.
The river Belus, just south of Acre, risingin the sea-coast marshes, drains the whole valley above identified with Jiphthah-el.
The main drains of the country are - first, Wadi el `Ayun, rising north of Jebel Jarmuk, and running north-west as an open valley; and secondly, Wadi el Ahjar, a rugged precipitous gorge running north to join the Leontes.
On the west the rivers are generally short and torrential, excepting the Erne, which drains the two beautiful loughs of that name in county Fermanagh, and the Shannon, the chief river of Ireland, which, rising in a mountain spring in county Cavan, follows a bow-shaped course to the south and south-west, and draws off the major part of the waters of the plain by tributaries from the east.
As the result of emigration, which drains the Roman Catholic portion of the population more than any other, the Roman Catholics show a larger proportional decline in numbers than the Protestants; for example, between 1891 and 1901 the Roman Catholics decreased by over 6%, the Church of Ireland by a little over 3%, the Presbyterians by less than I %, while the Methodists actually increased by some I I %.
The Danube has in Austria a course of 234 m., and it drains an area of 50,377 sq.m.
It drains an area of upwards of 21,000 sq.
It has in Austria a course of 138 m., and drains an area of 4266 sq.
The south-east parts are perfectly flat; and about one-third of the county consists of fens and marshes, intersected in all directions by artificial drains, called locally dykes, delphs, drains, becks, learns and eaux.
It drains by the Avon Dhu to Loch Ard, which is drained in turn by the Laggan.
The rain which falls on one side drains into the Chambal, and so into the Bay of Bengal; that which falls on the other side into the Luni, which discharges itself into the Runn of Cutch.
Until 1874, when the existing municipality was constituted, the administration was in the hands of the local government, which devoted itself to raising the centre of the town above the river level, providing land fit for building purposes from the original swamp, which was flooded at spring-tides, and making roads, bridges, culverts and surface drains.
About nine-tenths of Prussian Saxony belongs to the basin of the Elbe, the chief feeders of which within the province are the Saale, with its tributary the Unstrut, and the Mulde, but a small district on the west drains into the Weser.
Hindsight shows, to even we amateurs, that drains have to be improved when you build more houses higher up the hill.
You may need to have a catheter that drains bile into a bag outside your body.
The passage containing the breccia floods and drains after severe storms in the area.
Float drains operate by continuously opening and closing to allow liquid condensate to leave the filter.
Eighty thousand properties are at risk in towns and cities from flooding caused by heavy downpours that overwhelm urban sewers and drains.
As Harry drains the last dregs from the bottle outside a hospital an ambulance draws in.
A build-up of fluid in the middle ear after a cold can also cause mild earache but this fluid usually drains away by itself.
The playgrounds were made of compacted earth until 1933 when drains were put in and they were asphalted.
The remaining liquid in the septic tank is a treated effluent which then drains from the tank by means of an outlet tank.
The segment that drains glomerular filtrate from the Bowman's capsule is the proximal convoluted tubule.
Install backflow valves or plugs on drains, toilets and other sewer connections to prevent floodwaters from entering your home.
Deeply dug foxholes, caves, tunnels, or storm drains provide good protection.
Leaves and flower heads could easily block your drains if you have any gratings in the area.
The fluid drains back into the bloodstream through sieve-like channels called the trabecular meshwork.
Some conditions only affect the trabecular meshwork where the water in the eye drains out at the drainage gap.
Perhaps he was distracted by the horrible noises being made by the pump and drains at that end of the pitch.
Don't connect waste pipes to drains which collect rainwater from your roof or paths.
Water cooled pump for obtaining 9 bar group pressure, boiler safety valve features anti-flood device that drains to the waste out.
I am glad you commented on the drains, as from the information I have read they seemed quite scary.
You might simply cover your floor drains with a concrete patch, or install an oil/water separator.
The government provides the infrastructure - the drains, sewers, inoculation programs, which enable us all to take preventive medicine seriously.
Sometimes wound drains are attached to gentle suction to help the drainage.
Norfolk was founded in 1682 in pursuance of an act of the Virginia Assembly passed in 1680 to establish towns for the encouragement of trade; it was incorporated as a borough in 1736 by a royal charter, was chartered as a city in 1845, its charter being revised in 1882 and 1884, and received a new charter in 1906 (amended in 1908), under which there are a mayor (elected for four years), a common council, a board of aldermen and a board of control of three members, which has charge of public works, streets, sewers, drains and water supply, the police and fire departments, the work of the board of health, &c. Norfolk is administratively independent of Norfolk county.
The Fitzroy river is the second in point of size; it drains an area of 55,600 sq.
The largest of the coastal rivers are the Goyanna, which is formed by the confluence of the Tracunhaem and Capibaribe-mirim, and drains a rich agricultural region in the north-east part of the state; the Capibaribe, which has its source in the Serra de Jacarara and flows eastward to the Atlantic at Recife with a course of nearly 300 m.; the Ipojuca, which rises in the Serra de Aldeia Velha and reaches the coast south of Recife; the Serinhaen and the Una.
Where embankment was required drains about 5 yds.
The Guadiana drains an area of 31,9 4 0 sq.
Blith was a zealous advocate of drainage and holds that drains to be efficient must be laid 3 or 4 ft.
It drains north by St John's Vale into the Greta, north of which again rises a mountain-group of which the chief summits are Saddleback or Blencathra (2847 ft.) and the graceful peak of Skiddaw (3054).
Of the three great continental river systems above mentioned, the Red River and its tributaries drain the western and west central slope northward through Lake Winnipeg into Hudson Bay; the other two being the St Lawrence system, to which the St Louis River and its branches and several smaller streams flowing into Lake Superior contribute their waters by way of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi, which with its tributaries drains about two-thirds of the state into the Gulf of Mexico.
The Vaal drains the greater part of the plateau, flowing westward towards the Atlantic. The waters of the northern escarpments of the plateau and of all the region farther north are carried to the Indian Ocean by the Limpopo (q.v.) and its tributaries the Olifants, Great Marico, Great Letaba, &c. Both the Vaal and the Limpopo in their main course have high steep banks.
In its length, approximately 465 m., the Ebro is inferior to the Tagus, Guadiana and Douro; it drains an area of nearly 32,000 sq.
The Weser drains a basin estimated at 18,530 sq.
The interior of the town was divided by seven streets from east to west and eight from north to south into 72 insulae; and the ancient pavement and the drains below it are frequently found under the streets of the central portion of the modern town, indicating that they follow the ancient lines (see especially Notizie degli Scavi, 1902, p. 277).
The Susquehanna drains about 21,000 sq.
The latter has an elevation little, if any, above the level of the Mamore, which apparently drains this region, and its area has been estimated at about 580 sq.
Schizomycetes are ubiquitous as saprophytes in still ponds and ditches, in running streams and rivers, and in the sea, and especially in drains, bogs, refuse heaps, and in the soil, and wherever organic infusions are allowed to stand for a short time.
The Raritan river, flowing eastwardly through the centre of the state, is the largest stream lying wholly within New Jersey, and drains 1105 sq.
When a field is ridged in the line of the greatest ascent of the ground, there is an obvious convenience in adopting the furrows as the site of the drains; but wherever this is not the case the drains must be laid off to suit the contour of the ground, irrespective of the furrows altogether.
The cultivated lands of Britain being disposed in ridges which usually lie in the line of greatest ascent, it became customary to form the drains in each furrow, or in each alternate, or third or fourth one, as the case might require, or views of economy dictate and hence the system soon came to be popularly called "furrow draining."
The rest of the water of the Taukhe, known in its middle course as the Okavango, is lost in a system of swamps and saltpans which formerly centred in Lake Ngami, now dried up. Farther south the Limpopo drains a portion of the interior plateau but breaks through the bounding highlands on the side of the continent nearest its source.
Do n't connect waste pipes to drains which collect rainwater from your roof or paths.
Pools and drains support a variable open water flora and the swamp vegetation is dominated by Common Reed (Phragmites australis).
The water then drains away and the dry air is returned the room.
Dehumidifiers can either be permanently fitted so the water drains as it is collected, or they can be portable, which means that the reservoir needs to be emptied manually.
This poses several problems, the most common being that paying in full drains your bank account and makes it necessary for you to wait until your next paycheck before you can make any more purchases.
If rain water is not collected it drains into the waste water system, whereas by collecting the rain water it can be used at a later time.
Water that drains off the roof is collected in the guttering that in turn drains the water down the down pipe and into the barrel.
These chemicals can run off the land into waste water collection, such as storm drains, which eventually run into a river and to the sea.
Storm drains - ensure that rubbish and waste isn't thrown into storm drains.
These drains feed directly into rivers and to the sea, therefore any waste that is in a storm drain can potentially end up polluting the ocean.
Make sure the area drains well to avoid standing water.
Proper disposal keeps these substances out of storm drains, water ways and septic tanks.
Make sure all the drains are working good and check for leaky faucets and toilets.
A good example of how puff pastries save the chef time happens when the cook opens a number 10 can of pre-cooked sweet potatoes, drains them, and places them in a bowl.
It drains them of their energy and takes the enjoyment out of their holiday celebrations.
Quarantine stations are usually fairly sparse, consisting of concrete stalls with floor drains, and chain link gates.
If your soil contains a lot of clay or drains poorly, amend soil with organic matter and plant in hills or in raised beds.
It drains the quickest, but needs more fertilizer.
To step it up a bit, consider a wooden deck or paving with drains as a sturdy upgrade.
It should be watered deeply two or three times a week, enough so that the water gets to the bottom of the pot and drains out.
Well drained soil means that water drains quickly away from plant roots, but the soil remains moist.
Once the pump shuts off, the liquid drains back into the reservoir.
They get into surrounding ecosystems through rainwater reaching underground aquifers, and from runoff going through storm drains and eventually ending up in streams and lakes.
Notice how much sunlight the area gets and whether water drains easily or it puddles.
It can also contaminate and clog ventilation, water supplies and drains.
Rather than just having everyone wail relentlessly on a bad guy until his/her life drains out, Activision has put in some effort to make fights more interesting.
The ureter drains urine from the kidney into the bladder.
For urinary tract obstructions a needle may be used to insert a catheter through the mother's abdomen and uterus and into the fetal bladder where it drains the urine into the amniotic fluid.
Molds live in damp spots throughout the house, including basements, bathrooms, air ducts, air conditioners, refrigerator drains, damp windowsills, mattresses, and stuffed furniture.
Leaks, backed up drains, and other issues should be pinpointed using the checklist.
For instance, while it lists electrical problems that individuals should troubleshoot, it recommends that home buyers pay attention only to the basics, such as obvious wiring problem and sloping drains.
Drano is a chemical product designed to unclog drains.
These kinds of batteries are more cost efficient since they eliminate the need for buying replacement batteries when the power drains from the first use.
It is believed that El Chupacabra skulks in the night and drains the blood from livestock.
Equipment battery drains are common wherever a paranormal phenomena takes place.
The paranormal community subscribes to the belief that these drains and malfunctions are caused by a spirit's attempt to physically manifest by using the energy from the batteries.
This usually involves either pressing or hanging the cheese so that the whey drains from the curd.
This top has breast forms and is made to shield your chest while it drains, a frequent occurrence after breast surgery.
The northern slope of this great plateau is drained by the AraguayaTocantins, Xingu, Tapajos and Guapore-Mamore-Madeira, which flow northward, and, except the first, empty into the Amazon; the southern slope drains southward through a multitude of streams flowing into the Parana and Paraguay.
It grows in marshes, ditches, pools and drains in meadows, and sometimes obstructs the flow of water with its dense matted roots.
The two sources together drain the region south as the Euphrates drains the region north of the Taurus mountains.
In the extreme west, which is as yet but slightly explored and settled, there is an extensive depressed area, largely saline in character, which drains into lakes and morasses, having no outlet to the ocean.
The three great rivers that form the La Plata system - the Paraguay, Parana and Uruguay - have their sources in the highlands of Brazil and flow southward through a great continental depression, two of them forming eastern boundary lines, and one of them, the Parana, flowing across the eastern part of the republic. The northern part of Argentina, therefore, drains eastward from the mountains to these rivers, except where some great inland depression gives rise to a drainage having no outlet to the sea, and except, also, in the " mesopotamia " region, where small streams flow westward into the Parana and eastward into the Uruguay.
The largest of the rivers through which Argentina drains into the Plata system are the Pilcomayo, which rises in Bolivia and flows south-east along the Argentine frontier for about 400 m.; the Bermejo, which rises on the northern frontier and flows south-east into the Paraguay; and the Salado del Norte (called Rio del Juramento in its upper course), which rises on the high mountain slopes of western Salta and flows south-east into the Parana.
The small independent river, the Var, drains that portion of the Alps which fringes the Mediterranean.
The discharge of the Darling river at Bourke does not amount to more than 10% of the rainfall over the country which it drains.
This river, flowing from north-east to south-west, drains the marshes in which the Macquarie and other streams from the south appeared to be lost.
Half a mile east of Kabul it is joined by the Logar, a much larger river, which rises beyond Ghazni among the slopes of the Gul Koh (14,200 ft.), and drains the rich and picturesque valleys of LGgar and Wardak.
South and east of the range the country, apart from that watered by the coast streams, drains to the Mono river.
The river Mahi, which passes through the states of Partabgarh and Banswara, receiving the Som, drains the south-west corner of Rajputana through Gujarat into the Gulf of Cambay.
This plateau region is watered by numerous tributaries of the Parnahyba, chief of which are the Urussuhy, the Caninde and its tributary the Piauhy, the Gurgueia and its tributary the Parahim, which drains the large inland lake of Parnagua, the Longa, and the Poty, which has its source in the state of Ceara.
In order to provide employment for his soldiers, Corbulo made them cut a canal from the Mosa (Meuse) to the northern branch of the Rhine, which still forms one of the chief drains between Leiden and Sluys, and before the introduction of railways was the ordinary traffic road between Leiden and Rotterdam.
The most important river is the Ili, which enters the province from Kulja and drains it for 250 m.
Where the way was formed on the level, drains were cut on each side of the intended line, and were intersected here and there by cross drains, by which the upper part of the moss was rendered dry and firm.
The ova of Culex, on the other hand, are deposited in any stagnant water, including cesspools, drains, cisterns, or water collected in any vessel; they float in boat-shaped masses on the surface.
In 1673 a French expedition organized in Canada under Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet sailed down the Mississippi to the mouth of the Arkansas, and nine years later (1682) Rene Robert Cavelier, sieur de la Salle, reached the mouth of the river, took formal possession of the country which it drains, and named it Louisiana in honour of Louis XIV.
Before the close of the 18th century, and during the first quarter of the 19th, a good deal had been done in the way of draining the land, either by open ditches or by James Elkington's system of deep covered drains.
Of the 19,000 houses in Venice only 6000 have drains and sinks, all the others discharge sewage through pipes directly or indirectly into the canals.
More intelligent planters drain their bottom-lands with underground or open drains.
Commagene, where not rocky, and the district lying along the southward drains from its divide (anc. Cyrrhestica), is in better case, enjoying perennial streams which can be utilized, and the fringe of the Tauric rainfall.
Entering the department in the south, and, like the other chief rivers, flowing almost due north, the Allier drains the central district, receiving on its left the Sioule.
A little to the north is the great artificial cut carrying the waters of the river Nene; and the neighbourhood is intersected with many other navigable "drains."
The White Horse Hills and the Chilterns strike right across the Thames basin, but almost their entire drainage from either flank lies within it, and similarly a great part of the low-lying Weald, though marked off from the rest of the basin by the North Downs, drains into it through these hills.
This river system drains a large part of the northern mountainous region of the state, and has a considerable extension of navigable channels between the plateau margin and the lake.
The Tugela basin drains the whole country north of a line drawn in a direct line east from Giant's Castle.
The Sio and the Kapos or Zichy canal between Lake Balaton and the Danube is joined by the Sat-viz canal, which drains the marshes south of Sopron.
The Kokcha river traverses Badakshan from south-east to north-west, and, with the Kunduz, drains all the northern slopes.
The greater part drains to the Mediterranean, from which the land rises gradually to the summit of the Tih plateau.
The latter drains an enormous tract of country, which is so little elevated above the sea-level that it can never be of any agricultural or commercial value.
The great river thus constituted drains an area of about 1,250,000 sq.
He catches deer, drains them of blood, skins them, and I cook 'em up for dinner.