Drainpipe Sentence Examples
There 's us teetering around on severely shortened lengths of flaky drainpipe.
There, completely blocking the drainpipe, was a man in tie-dye top with a colander on his head.
It is further noticeable that in Rhynchelmis the covering of vesicular cells which clothes the drainpipe cells of the adult nephridium is cut off from the nephridial cells themselves and is not a peritoneal layer surrounding the nephridium.
We had a great meeting making a huge banana split in a plastic drainpipe.
Ms Miller kissed it goodbye when she lopped off her tresses and swopped her tiered skirts for minis and drainpipe jeans.
Every now and then you'll hear a clanking sound, you'll look around to see what is causing it and find that the building's drainpipe is shaking violently.