Drag Sentence Examples
I won't drag you into it.
You can come with me quietly, or I can drag you out of here.
She giggled as he used it to drag her back into his arms.
He watched an overweight man open the trunk of his car and drag out a child-size bundle.
If I had a horse like you I wouldn't drag him out in this awful desert.
He will drag about as a cripple, a burden to everybody, for another ten years.
I don't know how I'd drag you out!
She was the country bumpkin that he had to drag everywhere or be accused of being insensitive.
She wrenched away, only for the robed man to snatch her ankle and drag her down.
In the hospitals, death was so certain that soldiers suffering from fever, or the swelling that came from bad food, preferred to remain on duty, and hardly able to drag their legs went to the front rather than to the hospitals.
AdvertisementTraci told him not to think about asking her to marry him just because she's pregnant, and he said she had no choice and he'd drag the priest to her.
You couldn't drag me in that place.
The old or Persian school flourished from the foundation of the empire down to about 1830, and still continues to drag on a feeble existence, though it is now out of fashion and cultivated by none of the leading men of letters.
Romas had no qualms about invading her bedroom to drag her out of bed if Evelyn directed him to.
I have a baby and I'm not about to drag Claire all over the United States!
AdvertisementHow can I drag out a pile of maybes and cause her to spend the rest of her days wondering if hubby will jump out from behind some bush?
After a thick silence, she whispered, Explains why the Others want to drag me over there.
Things may drag on perhaps till July, but then a catastrophe must come."
Zumalacarregui had therefore to drag behind him the whole weight of the distrust and intrigues of the court.
At some point, he'd have to snatch Yully and Charles and drag them down to the immortal world and hope they had a chance to Travel before being blasted to pieces.
AdvertisementShe clambered forward to drag Darian out of the way of one, only to feel the crushing weight of another as it slammed across her legs.
Still, I don't care to drag any passengers.
Then I will drag it out of the bushes and call mamma to come and see it.
Each time the phone rang, Cynthia flinched, fearing some state minion was calling to drag Martha back to his lair in the dungeons of officialdom.
He didn't understand why the self-proclaimed guardian of humans would drag such a helpless creature into this web of evil.
AdvertisementShe frowned at the thought of Rhyn being gone all the time but was glad Jade would be with them and not around to try to drag her back to Sasha.
If Tamer gives you any resistance, let me know, and I.ll drag him here myself, he instructed.
She feared leaving the injured woman, in case Jade lurked on the other side of the hill or there were animals that might drag her away.
Seriously, why did you feel the need to drag me across the galaxy?
She glanced at the door every few minutes, as if her abandoned husband might rush in and drag her back to his lair.
He's not going to get her committed without a few miles of red tape but just the threat of a lockup could drag her back to old Virginia.
Political agitators, in order to sap the power of the Opportunist party, did not hesitate to drag in the mud one of the greatest citizens of France.
While the engine in gear is coiling in its rope and drawing the plough towards itself, the rope of the other engine is paid out with merely so much drag on it as to keep it from kinking or getting ravelled on the drum.
This feat pleased me highly, as his body was very heavy, and it took all my strength to drag him half a mile.
They did not drag her away at once, but sang with her for a long time and then at last dragged her off, and behind the scenes something metallic was struck three times and everyone knelt down and sang a prayer.
If he wanted to see Mary, why did he have to drag her along?
All that wasn't bad enough, but she had to drag up that old rumor – and I thought you believed it.
Damian turned in time to see the vamp Charlie struggling to drag a skinned deer carcass across the threshold.
Get your ass down here and drag this old coot home!
He'd be at the service next week and not to see if a missing man would turn up in veiled drag, but simply because Cynthia Byrne told him she'd be pleased with his presence.
Kind of like a mower, only they drag it behind a tractor.
The experiment was so far successful that, with incredible difficulty, the two vessels did actually reach Meskene, but the result of the expedition was to show that practically the river could not be used as a high-road of commerce, the continuous rapids and falls during the low season, caused mainly by the artificial obstructions of the irrigating dams, being insurmountable by ordinary steam power, and the aid of hundreds of hands being thus required to drag the vessels up the stream at those points by main force.
Either you come back here on your own or I drag your sorry ass back on the bumper of my car.
Drag and drop the folder anywhere on the machine.
All that wasn't bad enough, but she had to drag up that old rumor – and I thought you believed it.
Thus, at the so-called drag coursing meeting which Mr Hill attended, the actual course in fact was dead straight.
The small crowd was still enthusiastic enough to drag several encores out of the guys.
Rather than run the gauntlet, I think I might drag the wife down the flicks or head out for a curry.
I drag the sad geek out from behind the partition.
With neat white gouache representing perhaps waves or foam, drag the paint in a broken brush stroke method over the dark surface.
Then, with the left-hand button depressed, drag the mouse to redraw the graph.
Sometimes they had to climb over heaps of loose rock, where Jim could scarcely drag the buggy.
Here and there a couple of bees, by force of habit and custom cleaning out the brood cells, with efforts beyond their strength laboriously drag away a dead bee or bumblebee without knowing why they do it.
Aquablade briefs and jammers feature a special fabric designed for the least amount of drag, with a sleek texture.
The restriction smacked him hard, as he'd been ready to drag Rhyn out of Hell as soon as Death was gone.
At the request of Kalnky, Mancini defined his proposal in a memorandum, but the illness of himself and Depretis, combined with an untoward discussion in the Italian press on the failure of the Austrian emperor to return in Rome King Humberts visit to Vienna, caused negotiations to drag.
He is, in fact, an instance of the tendency, which has so often been remarked by other nations in the English, to drag in moral distinctions at every turn, and to confound everything which is novel to the experience, unpleasant to the taste, and incomprehensible to the understanding, under the general epithets of wrong, wicked and shocking.
If the light exerted direct impulsion on the vanes, their motion would gradually drag the case round after them, by reason of the friction of the residual air in the bulb and of the pivot.
The use of these contrivances is more common in, collieries on the continent of Europe, where in some countries they are obligatory, than in England, where they are not generally popular owing to their uncertainty in action and the constant drag on the guides when the rope slacks.
Yet Canada has seen statesmen of more contracted view insist on such small points, fall, and drag down their party with them.
With the exception of the chameleon, all drag their body over the ground, the limbs being wide apart, turned outwards and relatively to the bulk of the body generally weak.
The separation also sets up electrostatic forces, which increase until they are strong enough to drag the slower moving ions along faster, and to retard the naturally faster ions till they travel at the same rate.
They drew the plough, trampled the corn sheaves round the circular threshing floor, and were sometimes employed to drag heavy weights.
In our great-grandfathers' time the hounds met early, and found the fox by the drag, that is, by the line he took to his kennel on his return from a foraging expedition.
At the present day, the woodlands are neither so large nor so numerous as they formerly were, while there are many more gorse covers; therefore, instead of hunting the drag up to it, a much quicker way of getting to work is to find a fox in his kennel; and, the hour of the meeting being later, the fox is not likely to be gorged with food, and so unable to take care of himself at the pace at which the modern foxhound travels.
When cubbing begins, a start is made at 4 or 5 A.M., and then the system is adopted of tracking the cub by his drag.
The first continued to be a drag on such industries, until after 1895 the increasing use of crude petroleum obviated the difficulty.
Castelar sent out to Cuba all the reinforcements he could spare, and a new governor-general, Jovellar, whom he peremptorily instructed to crush the mutinous spirit of the Cuban militia, and not allow them to drag Spain into a conflict with the United States.
By their contraction the muscles of the taeniolae drag the hypostome down and so produce the appearances which have been interpreted as a stomodaeal invagination.
An objection to this form of block is the great length of the endless chain, which may drag on the ground and pick up dirt and grit, and thereby interfere with the smooth working of the mechanism.
His chancellor, Nogaret, went to Anagni to seize the pope and drag him before a council; but Boniface died without confessing himself vanquished.
The savings all expended and Sully fallen into disgrace, she lost her influence and became the almost unconscious instrument of an ambitious man of low birth, the Florentine Concini, who was to drag her down with him in his fall; petty shifts became thenceforward the order of the day.
On the death of Philip V.s first wife Maria Louisa Gabriella of Savoy, in 1714, the king was married at once to Elizabeth Farnese of Parma, who expelled Mrne des Ursins, obtained complete control over her husband, and used her whole influence to Elizabeth drag Spain into a series of adventures in order to Farneseand obtain Italian dominions for her sons.
The influence of the railways has been very great, and a constant drag on just taxation and other legislative reforms. In 1885, 1887 and 1897 the legislature created a Board of Transportation consisting of existing state executive officers or their secretaries, but this could do little except gather statistics, investigate alleged abuses, and advise the legislature, upon which the regulation of rates remained mandatory by the constitution.
My research is concerned with investigating the noise versus drag relationship of aircraft airframe components.
Alan Carr we liked - the drag artiste in between should have stayed in the States.
If it has a strong backwash it will drag large amounts of material down the beach.
At some point a winch was installed adjacent to Windsor Bridge to help drag the laden barges upstream against the current.
Check out the video clip - at least four burly blokes trying to drag an old man out of his seat.
Just drag your files into the program and burn your data or audio cd!
Drag factor reduced to 0.27 by a new rear wake diffuser.
Drag the mouse toward the top or bottom to rise or sink, drag the mouse toward the top or bottom to rise or sink, drag toward the left or right to turn.
Aerodynamic drag -- force which thrust must overcome to move an aircraft forward.
The must be sufficient grease to ensure the gear teeth are lubricated but an excess can result in viscous drag and power losses.
Although ' fiscal drag ' is not a new concept, the problem is getting worse under Labor.
Suitable for cars running 6 volt electrics, where starter motor cranking speeds require an engine to turn over with minimal drag.
We have no comment to make on the likely impact of greater participation in drag hunting or bloodhound hunting on the rural economy.
The effect of wing area extension on the profile drag coefficient increments may be neglected provided that the area extension is small.
The Order of perpetual indulgence is more than just a bunch of folk in holy drag.
My two 5-year olds spent many happy hours on the bottom nursery slope which has the smoothest drag lift I have ever experienced.
You can drag the map around and adjust the magnification to make best use of the printed area.
You previously remarked that you never do drag because it makes you appear more masculine.
We don't drag a concrete mixer across the Continent.
On the other hand I've felt that live it tends to drag, possibly because I'm anticipating the brass band oompah part.
For Wales or Ireland or Scotland to beat the English they have to drag them down off their lofty perch.
To copy an article, simply left click and drag the mouse pointer to select the desired text.
This is due to the fact that 4 blade propeller has slightly more drag in the water.
Here he plays the secretly vulnerable yet dazzling drag queen Lola.
We hold events for everyone from drag queens to rock, cheese to beer, and ice skating to laser quest.
This can reduce drag, increase lift or simply redirect the airflow over the wing to make the aircraft bank or change altitude.
Anyone can make riggers light or stiff or strong or with low drag.
Straightening my jacket, I simply wait for a slow drag of pedestrians then saunter back out into the sunlight.
In Albuquerque a homeless shelter refused $ 1,200 raised by a drag show.
From the Privacy tab, drag the slider for the Privacy Settings to " Low.
A quick spool release thumb bar and variable braking system comes as standard, as do star drag and aluminum spool.
To alter the drag they moved the chain from the large to small sprocket.
Sometimes the searchers wade into the sea, furnished with nets at the end of long poles, by means of which they drag in the sea-weed containing entangled masses of amber; or they dredge from boats in shallow water and rake up amber from between the boulders.
He was essentially an amiable man, who hated the zeal for an impossible orthodoxy that constrained "the church to institute a search after crimes which have not betrayed an existence, yea, and to drag into open contentions those who are meditating no evil."
At the same time the frictional drag damps the nutation and causes the axis of the shot to follow the tangent of the trajectory very closely, the point of the shot being seen to be slightly above and to the right of the tangent, with a right-handed twist.
Drag Hunting Drag hunting could not replace live quarry hunting.
The word drag actually refers to the resistive force of water to any body passing through it.
Think the drama and drag glamor of Rocky Horror set in a seedy bar in a galaxy far, far away.
Click and drag on the canvas to put a file selector widget on your form next to the label.
Building the Spaceship is a bit of a drag.
Society Description If you have an instrument stashed away then drag it out and give it a blow through.
Is our entire body balanced and streamlined to avoid drag?
Seals need to be streamlined in order to move through the water with the minimum amount of resistance or " drag ".
This system gives quite a wide range of friction control down to virtual zero drag and operates on both pan and tilt axis.
The aim of this research is to reduce drag and improve aerofoil performance for transonic aircraft.
Findings indicated a possible reduction of wave drag for transonic wings, however an increase in viscous drag was also observed.
Why is viscous drag said to be proportional to velocity?
Click Pan image, then drag the image to center the subject 's face in the preview window.
While they are erasing, they are learning the skill of how to click and drag with the mouse.
If the wheel doesn't spin freely (excessive brake drag) there could be a problem with the wheel bearings or the brakes.
They are lean and thin, which reduces wind and water drag.
Traditional mulching blades drag the grass downward, making it a lot harder to cut away cleanly.
Second, she drags clothing from my bedroom to other parts of the house, and she will only drag around my dirty clothes.
They may consistently underpay certain creditors, which makes it harder to detect since partial payments tend to set off fewer red flags than no payments, and thus can drag the scam out for months and months.
Avoid drag by rolling up the windows when driving on the highway and by removing unnecessary weight from the car.
Rotating the furniture is simple; just drag and drop, then click to move and arrange.
Select the type of room you want to paint from the photo library (living, kitchen, bedroom, etc.) and then drag and drop RL paints to different locations within the space.
This drag and drop style program is easy to use and lets you experiment with both color and object placement.
Simply dip the very edge of the brush into the shadow and drag it across the lower lash line.
The results have been similar as tween girls drag their mothers to the retail store to purchase the latest Duff stuff from lip gloss to perfume to apparel.
Hooded eyelids also tend to drag the eyes downward, sometimes creating a closed and sagging appearance.
Whether for fun or personal interest, the following drag queen makeup application tips will help you create a feminine and over-the top look perfect for the bright lights and the big city.
While drag queens can be found anywhere in the world, it's in the heart of major metropolitan cities that they thrive.
If you're interested in performing in drag, these drag queen makeup application tips will help you create a memorable character.
A bright red, paprika or pink looks best when creating a drag queen style.
If you're new to the world of drag, you'll find practice makes perfect in the makeup department.
Whether for dressing up in drag or for personal interest, permanent makeup for men is an option some consider to avoid the daily application of cosmetics.
Drag objects into the pumpkin room and your child can hear fun little sound effects.
At Meddy Bemps you can get younger children involved in the fun of Halloween with click and drag games as well as a tracing game that lights up lanterns.
Move your mouse to drag the puzzle pieces into place.
They give you their order in a thought bubble and it's your job to drag the correct food and drink from the conveyor belt and drink tray.
Some puzzles allow you to select the first letter and drag the pointer to the last letter.
Just select a title from the list and click and drag the mouse over the letters to select the word.
If the word you drag your mouse over is in the list, it will stay highlighted.
Most of the online puzzles are created with Flash or Java, so that means you can simply use your mouse to click and drag the cursor to select the word.
You can open images from the menu, or you can drag them onto this workspace.
Drag a toothpick from the outside to the center of the cupcake so the food coloring now looks like a spider web.
Then you can simply drag the font into your fonts folder or use your font management program to install the fonts, if you have such a program.
Templates make it easy to create digital pages because all you need to do is drag and drop your photos into the correct spots.
You simply drag and drop the photos, frames, and embellishments of your choice to the correct location before adding your journaling text.
Ski brakes drag in the snow when the boot releases from the binding, preventing the ski from rocketing down the mountain and colliding with skiers.
Demoing skis on-mountain means that you will not need to drag them back to your lodging venue.
A board that is too narrow compared to the boot size will cause drag from the heel and the toes.
When you find something you would like the figure to wear, click on it and drag it to her body.
You don't need to drag your omnivorous friends to the vegetarian restaurant every time you want to eat, however.
This innovative resource lets you drag and drop various flower images to create a virtual bouquet.
Beach wedding dresses are usually shorter (so they don't drag through the sand and surf), and are typically made from lighter, more breathable materials.
It will also stay clean because nothing will drag in the sand.
Length is extremely important, because long dresses will easily drag over the sand and sully the hem.
Be sure the train can bustle securely, however, so it will not drag through snow and slush.
Long trains and veils that drag on the ground may not look as crisp in photos due to grass stains, dirt, and mud.
Decorate the area around your cupcake display with fresh flowers, pearls, dragées, gold dust, or rose petals.
Dig the X-Acto knife into the traced lines and drag it across evenly, keeping the pressure equal all the time.
If you want to have your icing textured, use the icing comb and gently drag it over the icing to add the texture you want.
Born in 1956, Thomas Jeffrey Hanks went from dressing in drag on the sitcom Bosom Buddies to earning five Academy Award nominations and two of the actual awards.
Take for instance the dynamic RuPaul, who has became a pop icon as a drag queen.
His ex-wife Debbie Rowe is the latest to drag the fallen star into court, charging he has failed to pay her the money she was to get as part of their divorce settlement.
Typically, divorce proceedings can drag on over dividing the assets of the marriage.
Users simply drag and drop photos of your favorite celebrities and music files (if you want sound) to create unique screen savers quickly and easily.
Hogan and another man were drag racing when he lost control of his vehicle and slammed into a concrete median, causing the car to flip and hit a palm tree.
They are all very basic drag and drop games, with different available items and looks to play with.
Hannah Montana Make Up - Drag and drop different makeup looks over a photo of Hannah Montana's face.
When you're living away from home for the first time, it can be a drag to rely on your parents for money.
However, if you notice a bulging in this area, and your dog begins to drag his behind on the floor like it itches, it may be time to have the excess matter expressed out.
Work slowly into coaxing him to go with you, taking care never to jerk or drag him along.
It may save you from having to drag out the sander to complete your do it yourself drywall installation.
If you are moving large furniture across the floor, do not drag it, but cover the floor with a blanket and slide the heavy item on the blanket.
Poor contractors aren't just a drag on the homeowner; they can drag down other areas of the job as well.
The music hall and pantomime stages regularly saw men in the most absurd drag playing decidedly outsized characters.
This carried over when comedy troupes brought their work to television, most famously with the Monty Python team, who regularly employed drag to hilarious effect.
In America, men in drag were popular on the vaudeville circuit, but otherwise not widely seen.
Steer clear of extremely high or low rises, and ensure that your pants don't drag on the floor or show your socks when you walk.
The cuffs should not drag against the floor, nor should there be excess fabric.
If your boss says it is okay to wear them, don't drag out your weekend attire and wear the loose, faded pair with holes.
The shorts are perfect for anyone who plans to spend lots of time in the water - they're lightweight, easy and don't drag.
The dressing room allows you to drag different components of an outfit into the online editor to see what it looks like as an outfit.
Every time someone takes a drag off a cigarette, they are introducing more than 4,000 chemicals into their body.
While this is a bit more difficult in the vast expanse of Disney's Florida property, Disneyland and California Adventure in Anaheim are located on a main drag through the city, surrounded by hotels and restaurants.
Some people just want to dive right in and race without worrying about drag, suspension ratios, and what tires go with what racing surface.
In this sense, you can "drag" a specialty weapon -- like a rocket launcher -- with you into key sections of Black.
When customers walk into your restaurant, simply click and drag them over a table to seat them.
Use Alt +A to select the party, then right-click and drag the mouse until you are happy with the location.
Drag the correct icon to the programming box and tell it which way to move, how fast and how far.
You drag and drop the icons into the "programming" space; it's that simple.
Using the drag and drop icon interface, you can make any type of game in mere minutes.
Keeping holding the buttons down as you drag the Mii over to the option you want and let go of the buttons.
If you drag a Mii to the erase choice, you cannot get that Mii back.
Optionally, you can hold the B button, select your Mii with the A button and drag it to the Edit Mii icon.
Find the Mii you want to store and hold A and B and drag it to an open slot at the top of the screen.
When you connect your remote to your friend's system or your friend's remote to your system, you will perform the reverse process and drag the Miis from the Wii remote slots into the Mii Plaza.
Drag Race is played just like it sounds.
The straightaway drag races are pure speed, so just make sure you're shifting efficiently.
On the couple of high-speed drag races that incorporate small lane shifts, make sure your fast car is topped out in the handling department, otherwise, you slam into the wall.
Hit the streets to run a Circuit, drag race the quarter mile, or beat out your opponents in the Sprint event.
Grab it and drag the treat to the dog's mouth.
If you are sent to jail, a police car comes to get you and drag you away.
With its easy to use drag and drop features, it is a simple tool to work with.
You need to create a school, so drag the master scientist over an existing building.
When a villager dies, drag them to the northeast corner of the island.
Keep your eyes and ears open, and you might be able to drag down a hot deal on a game that's still spicy enough to keep your gaming nights warm.
To grab a Mii, press 'A' and 'B' at the same time to grab it, then drag the Mii to one of the 10 circles located at the top of the screen.
The story isn't perfect, but it doesn't particularly drag the game down either.
Hold the left mouse button to drag your pool stick around and aim your shot (and occasionally move the ball after scratches) and then hold the right mouse button to drag the stick back and power up.
This makes the memory card show up in the same way that a USB flash drive would, allowing you to drag and drop content into your custom folders.
From here, you are able to drag and drop the various app icons across the different home screens with ease.
These could be sorted through a number of different criteria, like the app name, and then you could drag and drop the various apps in and out of the virtual iPhone when the handset is connected to your computer.
Enter the "wiggle" mode as described above, and then drag app icons on top of each other to create folders so they will be better organized.
The body is pulled along by movements of the arms, and the legs drag.
Creeping-A form of locomotion in infants, in which the baby pulls the body forward with the arms while the belly and legs drag behind.
Place your weight on one foot, and drag the other foot across the floor until the two feet meet up again.
Drag your right toe back, and step backward.
Drag your left foot in behind it so it "kicks" the right, leaping up into the air as the feet touch.
Highlight from back to front, so you do not drag your arm through the colorant.
U.S. Map - drag and drop the states into their proper places on the U.S. map.
Found in the center of Chinatown's main drag, this festive feel spreads to all tourists who come to visit the fair, which also includes cultural music, dance and art galleries.
Channel stripes speed water flow over the body, while the specially made fabric produces 20 percent less surface drag over similar suits.
Bonded seams help create a low drag and the piecing is designed to optimize the swimmer's shape.
Speedos were undoubtedly designed for the swim racing sport because a tight fitting swimsuit left little surface to create drag in the water.
These suits are designed for fit and decreased water drag.
Nothing cuts water drag like wearing next to nothing, but this style truly peaked in the 80's, and is usually only seen on competitive swimmers today.
Moda Audaci promises "Surfer style without the baggy drag!".
Although it's true that you will find men in speedos at many beaches, this style is mainly favored by swim racers for its sleek fit and minimal drag in the water.
Not only is nylon exceptionally light weight, but it also helps eliminate "drag" in the water; something most serious swimmers usually seek to combat.
Is it possible to completely eliminate drag?
They are full body suits that create the smoothest surface, thus reducing drag while allowing full flexibility.
Water resistant fabric helps to reduce drag in the water and improve performance.
You want shorts that will continue to skim the body, rather than puff up and then drag you down.
Even clean boards can cause a certain amount of rash-causing skin drag, so wearing these surfing clothes while riding the waves is always a good idea.
Bicycle racers appreciate the way these shirts cut down on wind drag and improve their race times.
The gaskets on these goggles are somewhat slimmer than those of the Biofuse model, increasing the streamline effect that reduces water drag.
With superior fabrics and twenty-first century engineering, these suits can help increase an athlete's stamina and cut down on drag (resistance in water).
The suit material mimics rough shark denticles to reduce drag in key areas and has a Turbulence Management System.
A specialized fabric, Flexskin, allows for better flexibility and less drag.
It helps propel swimmers through the water with less drag.
Jammers are made with a body-hugging blend of nylon and Xtra Life Lycra design for low drag in the water.
Competitive swimmers also use caps to reduce the friction and drag of the water, enabling swimmers to cut through the pool more quickly.
Competitive swimmers know that a well fitted swim cap reduces hair drag in the water, improving speed and race times.
Utilizing space age NASA technology, the suit boasts less drag, and this makes it easier for swimmers to move faster.
The result, of course, is a lightweight suit without any drag.
Drag is created the moment you hit the water.
Wave drag is the resistance caused by the waves you create as you swim, also known as turbulence.
The Maxback allows for maximum freedom of movement and motion, while at the same time, reduces the dreaded drag.
Ideal for both performing and recreational swimmers, the Diamondback is similar to the men's Racer suit in that it reduces drag and improves performance through its innovative design.
The Racer's flat seam allover construction, meanwhile, reduces drag and ensures optimal comfort.
Pairing technological and scientific advancements with a fashionable design, the Aqua Shift is designed to significantly reduce the drag caused by waves and pressure.
Human feet provide poor propulsion, so fins help move the body through the water; this is a big help when a diver is carrying equipment that creates drag.
The Speedo is quite popular because of its sensuous styling, but it's also a fantastic fit for any man that is serious about his swimming; when it comes to eliminating drag, few styles can top the Speedo.
This reduces drag and helps you propel your body through the water more quickly.
It has gotten a lot of attention from consumers who are tired of trying to drag oversized canister vacuums up the stairs or who need something relatively small that will be easy to store.
Costumes that drag the ground or cover the feet are particularly poor choices for new walkers.
While you may not want to drag a dog (and certainly not a passel of kids) to a party, a stuffed pooch in a big purse or a few baby dolls draped across your body can certainly paint the perfect picture.
In addition, breakups by texting, online chatting, and email exchanges can drag the relationship on and intensify the bad feelings.
Don't drag it out by avoiding the other person or making excuses about why you can't go out with him.
And you can drag it up several flights of stairs without its missing a step or even looking any the worse for wear.
You may not want to drag it behind you while climbing the Alps, but you'll use it for everything else.
The zippers and fabric are sturdy enough to let you drag this bag all over town and show how far its been.
It can be a drag to take the backpack off just enough to pull out a wallet or a bus pass or retrieve a ringing phone several times.
Drag out a few favorite board games at the next pajama party you host.
More specific guidelines may stipulate that pants are worn at the natural waist (to eliminate the temptation to "sag"), pants leg hems must not drag the floor, and capri pants are not allowed.
Finally irritated enough to drag herself out of bed, Felice padded down the master staircase and across the main hall to the doorway of the conservatory.
If you can drag your eyes away from those, there's an impressive line of summer sandals to choose from in Gucci's spring/summer collection.
You just don't want to walk all over the hems or drag them through mud puddles all day.
Men who impersonate women (female impersonators or "drag queens") can become celebrities in their own right.
Standing, sitting, or walking, uncomfortable shoes will make the day just seem to drag on longer.
He ends up in jail after a drag racing accident, but all hope is not lost.
It is very typical for storylines on some dramas that drag out for months to make big leaps in a few short days.
Brooke (B&B) - Brooke's drag you up by the boot straps method of social climbing relied as much on her wit and looks as it did on her natural talent with chemistry.
Avoid them and travel just off the main tourist drag for the best moderately-priced food.
The drag show features a cast of celebrity female impersonators performing as Cher, Madonna, Katy Perry and more.
Using your mouse, you click on the highlighted line that indicates your route, drag it to another road, which then recalculates both your travel directions, and map to and from destination.
It is as easy as a drag and drop of a media file.
This means that you cannot do high stunts in your routines on the sidelines and you'd have to drag mats out onto the court and off the court before and after your routine; this is a pain not to mention time consuming.
If you decide to do housework during that break, fine, but don't let the housework drag over into your work time.
Use soft pads underneath furniture legs to avoid scratches, and never drag furniture across a hardwood floor.
Even my smallish city (nearly 80,000 people) seems to be able to support two bead stores, not to mention the crafty superstore on the main drag of the city (and across the street from one of the independents).
You need to keep the applicator tip against the fabric and drag the paint bottle along.
These scarves create extra drag and resistance, and are often used in dance-oriented aqua aerobic classes.
The Aqualogix leg fins provide multi-directional drag resistance to increase the difficulty of kicking, extending and curling water exercises that target the thighs.
Drab tomatoes will really drag down your salad, and in the end, your meal.
There are those who think that men's shapewear is only for fetishists, drag queens or shemales, but this is far from the case.
The player installs as a removable drive on your computer, so all you have to do is open it like a hard drive, then drag and drop your songs into the player.
The showcase shows are spread across several venues, but concentrated mainly on one main drag in Austin, so SXSW attendees can easily pop in and out of venues, checking out as many bands as possible.
Now that Paris is headed to the big house to serve time for violating her probation, it just seemed, well, newsworthy to drag out this track, her hit from last summer.
Kids that age have lots of energy and things could drag on for days if you let them.
RuPaul's Drag Race is a Logo Network TV show that pitts drag queens against each other in a competition for the title of "America's Next Drag Superstar."
Arguably the most famous drag queen in the world, RuPaul offers the contestants a chance to learn from both his drag queen character and from the man behind it.
To win the show, contestants have to know how to make themselves look good in their drag outfits as well as have the poise and smarts to complete tasks.
Each week, the contestants compete in a challenge testing some aspect of drag queen aptitude.
The last drag queen standing takes the title.
Contestant Bebe Zahara Bennet was ultimately crowned America's Next Drag Queen.
Although many of the drag queens had confrontations with each other, one of the ongoing problems on the show was the rest of cast's dislike for Rebecca Glasscock.
I open up a new document, sized to fit my computer screen, and drag and drop the base image into it.
Drag and drop the second image into your new document.
I've decided to add a pic of Ron Weasley as well, so I drag and drop Ron into a blank document, and erase around him.
Drag the brush over the dots of color, using a gentle hand to create soft swirls.
Click on the person you would like to place first and drag that person to the top.
If you want to rearrange people, you can click on the person and drag them out or place them in front of someone else.
You can use storyboard setups, which give you a quick overview of how your program will look and then you can drag and drop files into an A, B and C format.
The cursor will turn into a crosshair and you can drag it over the face of the person you'd like to tag.
They usually offer a clear interface for viewing the pictures, moving them around, and deleting or adding to them using simple drag and drop functions.
This means that if you click and drag an image to a particular spot on the page in design mode, that is exactly where the image will show up on your web page.
Simply drag the installer to the folder.
Web Studio uses drag and drop capability so you can easily move and manipulate your graphics, sound files and video.
It does offer a drag and drop interface, WYSIWYG editing features and easy image manipulation.
You use a drag and drop interface, so you don't have to get your hands dirty with HTML code.
There are 2,000 designs that you can choose from, including a point, click, drag and drop interface, eliminating the need to enter HTML code.
Many of the services or programs only require you to drag and drop objects into the page using WYSYG (What You See is What You Get) technology.
Offering an intuitive drag and drop editor, Weebly allows you to publish pictures, videos, weblogs, and family portals.
A similar site based on the Flash web framework is Wix, which has a similar easy template system that lets you drag and drop the parts that you want to integrate into your website.
Julia and Rachel were looking forward to the event, and each had a boyfriend to drag along.
It's got to be a drag at times, and lonely.
Kind of a drag, but he meant well and his old lady's cooking was something.
Her tears rose at the sight of both creatures, one who wanted to drag her to Hell and the other who wanted her dead.
She recalled falling asleep on the roof and knew Evelyn to be too tipsy to carry or drag her down to her room.
She'd avoided the galley Evelyn had tried for three days to drag her to and said it would prove they were on a ship after she challenged Evelyn to prove it wasn't a dream.
You dragged me to space, Evelyn, and you told him to drag me back here.
I don't believe in white-sheeted spirits that scare little boys or drag chains around or only come out in cemeteries on Halloween.
Norfolk wants us to dig around up here before they go busting their backsides trying to drag the Chesapeake Bay for a body.
Cynthia's finally starting to pull her life together and now we drag up all these questions.
Did you say Jonny tried to drag you to his bed?
He has been a drag lately, has he not?
Unless she missed her guess, wild horses couldn't drag it out of him until he was released from that vow.
What's your excuse - or is it simply your slow southern way that makes you drag your feet?
They will hold their arms over their heads until the muscles atrophy, will keep their fists clenched till the nails grow through the palms, will lie on beds of nails, cut and stab themselves, drag, week after week, enormous chains loaded with masses of iron, or hang themselves before a fire near enough to scorch.
This was the ' Saxon period which, with occasional violent interruptions, was to drag on for nearly seventy years.
For on the one hand the electric current always forms a closed circuit, and on the other the two poles of the magnet have equal but opposite properties, and are inseparably connected, so that whatever tendency there is for one pole to circulate round the current in one direction is opposed by the equal tendency of the other pole to go round the other way, and thus the one pole can neither drag the other round and round the wire nor yet leave it behind.
And Henrys now a pope attempted to drag from his throne the excomsuccessor of this very sovereign.
On the approach of the horsemen sent to drag him to execution, he collected sufficient courage to save himself by suicide.
He found that a vibrating magnetic compass needle came to rest sooner when placed over a plate of copper than otherwise, and also that a plate of copper rotating under a suspended magnet tended to drag the magnet in the same direction.
For this purpose the tiger will leave its retreat in the dense jungle, proceed to the neighbourhood of a village or gowrie, where cattle feed, and during the night steal on and strike down a bullock, drag it into a secluded place, and then remain near the "murrie" or "kill," for several days, until it has eaten it, when it will proceed in search of a further supply, and, having found good hunting ground in the vicinity of a village or gowrie, continue its ravages, destroying one or two cows or buffaloes a week.
The town was full of angry murmurs, and the landlord feared that the mob would storm his house and drag Spinoza out.
Kris wanted to think that Kiki was the demon trying to drag him into Hell for nefarious purposes. It was almost easier to swallow than reaching out to help the brother he'd held as his enemy for so long. And who might've been more able to hold the Council together than Kris.
Andre took up his position flanking her, and she shot him a look. She couldn't imagine why a demon would want to pose as Gabriel – and insist on guiding her through the underworld. Her limited experience with demons was that they all wanted to kill her or drag her to Hell or to Darkyn.
Inclusive of private packs it is difficult to envisage more than an overall total of 60 drag and/or bloodhound packs.
Due to their more organized nature, laminar boundary layers produce much less skin friction drag than turbulent boundary layers.
Conventional harrows were ineffective on the rough terrain but harnessing Doug Joiner's horses to drag a severed hawthorn bush worked.
The final values for these fields are available to the initiator in its drag callback structures.
I couldn't drag the cooker outside so I decided to prepare a simple Indian chutney using fresh green coriander.
In particular Cy12R1 includes envelope orography and orographic gravity wave drag based on the Palmer et al.
Clothing Try wearing some loose fitting pants to accentuate the feeling of drag on your legs.
Click Pan image, then drag the image to center the subject's face in the preview window.
In the days of ancient Rome, such victorious armies would drag their prisoners, wrapped in netting, behind their chariots.
Drag the Warp Marker from 1.2 to the beginning of the spike in the waveform display where 1.3 was originally.
Keep in mind that if your child really isn't ready to use the potty, you are only going to drag out the whole potty training process if you begin training him too soon.
You don't want the clothes to be so big that the arms cover your toddler's hands or the pant cuffs drag on the floor.
Sure, Ramen noodles and no movies for three months is a drag, but if it'll help you land a mortgage for $100 less per month for the next 30 years, it'll be well worth it.
Stylized and hardcore, with Max diving through doors and taking out bad guys by the boat load, but unafraid to drag Max through the mud.
Training suits come in regular fit nylon, or in mesh poly or a baggy nylon, which are looser fitting to promote drag for training.
Even if you aren't trying to reduce your drag and improve your swimming time, a good swim cap can do so much more than that.
In addition to her reality TV stints (Life in the Fab Lane and an appearance on RuPaul's Drag Race), Simmons has had small roles in a number of films, including Beauty Shop, Waist Deep and Little Nicky.
It uses a drag and drop interface and full manipulation of your web site elements.
The musical site of Sublime Perspective is a good example of a Wix-created website, with music and animation creating a very visceral interactive experience with the drag and drop ease of the Wix interface.
You drag my sister here?