Drafts Sentence Examples
Like almost all Universal Service countries, Italy only drafts a small proportion of the available recruits into the army.
In a few days he had completed rough drafts of the necessary apparatus, which he displayed to his fellow-passengers.
On the 29th of September Cardinal Ant onelli further apprised Baron Blanc that he was about to issue drafts for the monthly payment of the 50,000 crowns inscribed in the pontifical budget for the maintenance of the pope, the Sacred College, the apostolic palaces and the papal guards.
The Italian treasury at once honored all the papal drafts, and thus contributed a first instalment of the 3,225,000 lire per annum afterwards placed by Article 4 of the Law of Guarantees at the disposal of the Holy See.
In 1822, however, when he had just completed his seventeenth year, this intention was abandoned, and he entered as a clerk in the examiner's office of the India House, "with the understanding that he should be employed from the beginning in preparing drafts of despatches, and be thus trained up as a successor to those who then filled the highest departments of the office."
A large increase in imports, caused by fictitious prosperity and inability to obtain drafts against guano shipments, led to the exportation of coin to meet commercial obligations, and this soon reduced the currency circulation to a paper basis.
In the case of important despatches and correspondence, these, with the drafts of answers, are sent first to the permanent under-secretary, then to the prime minister, then to the sovereign and, lastly, are circulated among the members of the cabinet.
Up to 1908 the personnel was found by yearly drafts of two to three thousand men from army recruits designated by the minister of war; the term of service was 12 years, of which 5 were in the first line, 3 in the reserve, 4 in the coastguard.
If such drafts upon the reserve fund become necessary, they are to be made good in the following years out of the surplus above mentioned.
The majority of the banks are members of the Clearing House, Post Office Court, where a daily exchange of drafts representing millions of pounds sterling is effected.
AdvertisementHamilton had cabled home asking for reinforcements and for very large drafts that were needed to bring the depleted units under his command up to their war establishment.
But as their numbers grew in the autumn, and as their headquarters staff noted how the invaders were dwindling away owing to transfers to Salonika and to no drafts arriving to replenish wastage, it became possible to keep a number of the Ottoman divisions in reserve, well in rear of the fighting fronts or else on the Asiatic side of the Dardanelles.
Besides the published writings, there are several memoranda, letters, rough drafts, &c., in the Shaftesbury papers in the Record Office.
In commercial and banking usage "cash" is sometimes confined to specie; it is also, in opposition to bills, drafts or securities, applied to bank-notes.
Of the vessels to be sent to Paris with American cargoes which were to be sold for the liquidation of French loans to the colonies made through Beaumarchais, few arrived; those that did come did not cover Beaumarchais's advances, and hardly a vessel came from America without word of fresh drafts on Franklin.
AdvertisementTheir refutation of the Protestant positions seemed needlessly sharp to the emperor, and five drafts were made of it.
She expects to be kept informed of what passes between him and the foreign ministers, before important decisions are taken, based upon that intercourse; to receive the foreign despatches in good time, and to have the drafts for her approval sent her in sufficient time to make herself acquainted with their contents before they must be sent off.
Accordingly, the prime ministers of all the self-governing colonies, with their families, were invited to come to London as the guests of the country to take part in the Jubilee procession; and drafts of the troops from every British colony and dependency were brought home for the same purpose.
Some differences of opinion arose in connexion with the report, and at a meeting of the commissioners on the 12th of April 1899, when part 5 of the draft report was to be considered, a proposal was made to substitute an alternative draft for Lord Peel's, and also a series of alternative drafts for the four sections already discussed.
Or, extending himself as it were still more, he might write two drafts, or double versions of his own, on the same subject; e.g.
AdvertisementAlso some writings are more rudimentary than others on the same subject; and some have the appearance of being first drafts of others.
These considerations make it probable that the author of all three treatises was Aristotle himself; while the analysis of the treatises favours the hypothesis that he wrote the Eudemian Ethics and the Magna Moralia more or less together as the rudimentary first drafts of the mature Nicomachean Ethics.
They are, in short, neither independent works, nor mere commentaries, but Aristotle's first drafts of his Ethics.
But occasionally one or more drafts are mixed together, when price is the determining factor.
In the first stages of the spun-silk industry, the silk was dressed before boiling the gum out; the resulting drafts were cut into lengths of one or two inches.
AdvertisementThe drafts from the dressing frame are made into little parcels of a few ounces in weight, and given to the spreader, who opens out the silk and spreads it thinly and evenly on to the feeding sheet, placing a small portion of the silk only on the sheet.
The drafts for the other two laws were not so successful.
First the two ministries had to agree on the drafts of all the bills; then the bills had to be laid before the two parliaments.
The ministries are those of the interior, finance, public works, justice, war, foreign affairs and public instruction,1 and in each of these are prepared the drafts of decrees, which are then submitted to the council of ministers for approval, and on being signed by the khedive become law.
At Copenhagen his advisers were busy framing drafts of a Lex Regia Perpetua; and the one which finally won the royal favour was the famous Kongelov, or " King's Law."
Not the least of these burdens were the personal and irregular drafts of some of the executives upon the treasury and revenue officers, particularly the custom-house of this port, upon which the republic depended for the major part of its revenue.
He was especially anxious as the units which had suffered heavily during the last offensive were but newly filled with fresh drafts, and he had found reason before to fear the influence of some of the men fresh from the depots.
These last are a compromise between the opposite needs of short service, producing large reserves, and long service, which minimizes the seatransport of drafts; they are also influenced by the state of the labour market at any given moment, as recruiting is voluntary.
Originally meeting in all probability for more thoroughgoing study of the Cartesian philosophy, they looked naturally to Spinoza for guidance, and by and by we find him communicating systematic drafts of his own views to the little band of friends and students.
On the other hand, drafts had come up, the 9th Div.
The grounds of the supposition are some drafts occurring among his MSS.
In these drafts Leonardo describes in the first person, with sketches, a traveller's strange experiences in Egypt, Cyprus, Constantinople, the Cilician coasts about Mount Taurus and Armenia.
In 1641 Sir Christopher Hatton, foreseeing the war and dreading the ruin and spoliation of the Church, commissioned him to make exact drafts of all the monuments in Westminster Abbey and the principal churches in England, including Peterborough, Ely, Norwich, Lincoln.
Thus while in1882-1883the ratio of illiterate recruits amounted to 9.75%, in 1901 less than one quarter per cent of the military drafts were without schooling.
The spacious buildings at the back are devoted to the "Lehrbataillon," a battalion of infantry composed of drafts from different regiments trained here to ensure uniformity of drill throughout the army.
Two drafts of a complete p civil code were made and, although neither was enacted, particular changes of great moment were decreed.
In December 1860, on ascertaining that Floyd had honoured heavy drafts made by government contractors in anticipation of their earnings, the president requested his resignation.
There were many drafts and plans which never saw the light, ht but it was at last resolved to adopt the policy g ?
Please note that the College only accepts checks drawn on a UK clearing bank, sterling drafts or postal orders.
Under the light of a large candlestick several youths pursued the amusement of the popular game of drafts.
Fun for all ages is to be found on the putting greens, as well as with the giant chess and drafts.
We have a number of pieces, like those in drafts, set out on an infinite chessboard.
Also detailed were a large chessboard and a table for playing drafts.
Anybody claiming conformance to all of the POSIX standards (or drafts) is having you on.
The students will also submit a dossier of drafts of their own academic writing, which will be worked on with the tutor.
Since that time, Nominet has been finalizing the full drafts of the proposed SLD Policy and the proposed Procedure.
The sections range from very rough drafts to fair copies.
They do not close properly causing drafts and there is solar glare on both sides of the building.
Its elasticated hem ensures its close fitting, and hence reduces drafts.
The system of refining drafts between DH and the ACDP Working Group, which met only infrequently, proved hopeless.
For an admittedly high price you receive two cassettes containing Chess, Backgammon, Drafts and 3D noughts and Crosses.
To prevent pneumonia there is plenty of air movement over the ewes but no drafts.
The entrance lobby is unusual and, frankly, rather pokey, but it's probably very effective at keeping the drafts out.
Live or automated drafts, live scoring, daily updated stats and more.
Moltke drafts german ultimatum to Belgium, sent to Brussels Ambassador (29) to be delivered when instructed.
The tent has polyethylene groundsheets for both the sleeping area and living area and a pe valance to reduce drafts.
The nylon ' brush ' draft excluder strips fitted to the rear of the sliding wheelhouse to reduce the drafts.
The opponents of the book rely (1) on the testimony of a certain Louis Guyon, who in 1604 declared that the fifth book was made long after Rabelais's death by an author whom he knew, and who was not a doctor, and on the assertion of the bibliographer Du Verdier, about the same time, that it was written by an "ecolier de Valence"; (2) on the fact that the anti-monastic and even anti-Catholic polemic is much more accentuated in it; (3) on the arguments that parts are apparently replicas or rough drafts of passages already appearing in the four earlier books; and (4) that some allusions are manifestly posterior to even the furthest date which can be assigned for the reputed author's decease.
For more than a week preparations were being made, rough drafts of letters to Nicholas from all the household were written and copied out, while under the supervision of the countess and the solicitude of the count, money and all things necessary for the uniform and equipment of the newly commissioned officer were collected.
New drafts can be submitted which can supersede any existing plans.
Moltke drafts German ultimatum to Belgium, sent to Brussels Ambassador (29) to be delivered when instructed.
The tent has polyethylene groundsheets for both the sleeping area and living area and a PE valance to reduce drafts.
It is a great idea to assemble and determine location of crib to ensure that there is no direct sunlight, streetlights or drafts.
Place the bed away from drafts and hot spots nor directly upon heating vents and out of high traffic areas but in locatisn where your pooch can still observe other pack-people members.
This bed is built to hold over 50 pounds.Although this unit is unheated, the four inch high foam wall around the perimeter of the bed holds your cat's body heat and blocks drafts.
Depending on where you plan to place the bed, you may need to cut out drafts with higher sides on the bed.
Newborn kittens are unable to control their body temperature, so they will need your help in keeping them warm and out of drafts.
Ensure your home or office is properly insulated and that all drafts from windows are sealed.
Replace the threshold or block the drafts with a rolled-up towel.
In addition to insulating your home, you should also check windows for drafts and fit draft excluders where required.
Stopping drafts and sealing air leaks is the best way to insulate your home.
Use caulk to seal any drafts you can feel around openings such as doorways and windows.
Keep the crib away from windows to avoid drafts and any risk caused by an open window.
This will give you a great head start in preparing for upcoming fantasy football drafts.
This will help you with drafts, trades and keeping the right number of points to display your dominance over the rest of your league.
Successful drafts require intense organization.
When you play online, your league, regardless of which sport your participate in, drafts and plays its season using an Internet host, such as Yahoo, ESPN or CBS SportsLine.com.
This stops cold drafts from coming inside your home during the winter and prevents the interior warm air from escaping through the window.
Keep your dog free from cold drafts and damp floors.
Not to mention that some of the short coated toy breeds such as Chihuahuas can be sensitive to cold air and drafts.
Some people opt to weather windows with a plastic barrier that blocks drafts and windblown rain.
Learning how to install insulation can help seal your home against air leaks, drafts and other problems that can cause your heating and cooling bills to skyrocket and affect the overall comfort level in your home.
Madden 10 maintains live drafts, message boards and NFL scheduling like the schedule in the real NFL.
Create many rough drafts on scrap paper before starting the real thing.
Practice writing a few drafts of the poem before finalizing it to make sure that it includes all the important details.
Some famous writers revise thirty or forty drafts before they submit the story for publication.
Articles most often go through several drafts before a final version, so the ability to look back at all the changes can help you.
EverNote uses a connection to the company's online databases to help you keep track of your notes, your projects and your various drafts.
While Movie Page doesn't update as often as some of the other sites, you can find different drafts like third and fourth drafts as well as rejected drafts of movies.
Original first drafts - These usually become collector's items and are sometimes signed by the cast members, director and screenwriter of the film.
Simply Scripts - There is a huge variety of different types of movies scripts offered on Simply Scripts, including final drafts and unproduced scripts.
Script-O-Rama - A fantastic resource for free movie scripts, this website also has a number of different types of scripts, including revised drafts, final drafts, unused drafts and shooting scripts.
Cold spots may be drafts from air conditioning vents or poorly fitted windows.
Put plastic on your windows to reduce drafts.
Write several drafts and then let a friend read it, offering honest feedback.
It may take several drafts before you get your word choices right.
Many people hire writers before understanding how many drafts they're allowed under the contract requirements, for example, or what specific industry the writer targets.
If indeed you feel the need to write a resume objective either on your resume or in your cover letter, you will want to make sure you write a few drafts first.
Make sure you clearly state what you want your objectives to be by sending them a few of your drafts to polish up.
For protection from drafts and cold winter weather, a flannel gown is a good choice for women.
Silk underwear, when worn longer in a tap pants design, will flutter around the legs and prevent unwanted drafts from exposing everything when you're wearing a skirt.
You should write several drafts of them, as the writing process will help you clarify your ideas and really flesh out everything you need to make your show a success.
When editors set up the layout of magazines and newspapers, they would "markup" the rough drafts with abbreviations such as "H2" for "Header Size 2" or "P" for "paragraph".
Drafts were being drawn on him by all the American agents in Europe, and by the Continental Congress at home..
Many NFL news and Fantasy Football Web Sites provide a wide variety of fantasy football news, so it's important to know what information to look for, while preparing for future drafts and making in-season decisions.