Draft Sentence Examples
It was a draft of the work published in 1650 under the same title.
Even the smallest draft will cause a candle to flicker.
Your first draft does not have to be perfect.
The facts of the problem would all appear covered by the hypothesis that John the presbyter, the eleven being all dead, wrote the book of Revelation (its more ancient Christian portions) say in 69, and died at Ephesus say in loo; that the author of the Gospel wrote the first draft, here, say in 97; that this book, expanded by him, first circulated within a select Ephesian Christian circle; and that the Ephesian church officials added to it the appendix and published it in 110 -120.
Provided the ship is designed to float upright at the smallest draft with no load on board, the stability at any other draft of water can be arranged by the stowage of the weight, high or low.
Draw a rough draft on a piece of paper and get it just right.
The original draft of the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 was prepared by Vice-President Thomas Jefferson, although the fact that he was the author of them was kept from the public until he acknowledged it in 1821.
Each draft may be worked into a quality of its own, and by such means the most level yarns are obtained.
Enjoy a full service bar with bottled and draft beer or wine.
The restaurant has an extensive wine list and offers several draft and bottled beer selections.
AdvertisementThe result was that a representative assembly of delegates was elected, empowered to draft a constitution.
The restaurant offers a full bar with draft and bottled beer, wine, and signature margaritas.
There is a large selection of draft beers and bottles.
There is a kids menu, tempting desserts and a drinks menu with draft beer, non-alcoholic beverages and exotic cocktails.
Any member may bring in a " project of law," but it has to be submitted to the minister of the department concerned, who is allowed a month to consider it, and himself prepares the final draft laid on the table of the House.
AdvertisementThe negotiations were successful, but the draft treaty failed to pass the United States Senate.
He presented a draft of the famous " Solemn League and Covenant," which was received with great enthusiasm.
Fortunately, although the draft of an ultimatum was lying in the state secretary's office in Pretoria, the Boers, unprepared in departmental arrangements which are necessary in large military operations, were unable to take the field with the promptitude that the situation demanded.
In all the others, and especially in the last three, the continuity of the argument is frequently broken by passages which must have been inserted after the first draft of the arguments was written out.
The "Tom Thumb," as Cooper called the locomotive, was about the size of a modern hand-car; as the natural draft was far from sufficient, Cooper devised a blowing apparatus.
AdvertisementOn the 1st of August 1907 the Belgian minister in London transmitted to Sir Edward Grey a draft, additional act prepared by the commission for carrying out the proposal of His Britannic Majesty's government, and on the 28th of August following an additional act was signed at Brussels by the plenipotentiaries of the contracting parties, by which they undertook to maintain the convention of the 5th of March 1902 in force for a fresh period of five years.
As a literary composition they do not rank very high, which may be due partly to the author's years, partly to the inequality of his sources, sometimes superabundant, sometimes defective, partly perhaps to the somewhat hasty condensation of his original draft.
All these plans failed at the critical moment, and the most effective work done by the order was in encouraging desertion from the Federal armies, preventing enlistments, and resisting the draft.
Immediately after his return from Montreal he was a member of the committee of five appointed to draw up the Declaration of Independence, but he took no actual part himself in drafting that instrument, aside from suggesting the change or insertion of a few words in Jefferson's draft.
Three theologians, including a conservative Lutheran, were chosen to draft 1555.
AdvertisementDuring the war all but twelve small townships raised troops in excess of every call, the excess throughout the state amounting in all to more than 15,000 men; while the total recruits to the Federal army (including re-enlistments) numbered, according to the adjutantgeneral of the state, 159,165 men, of which less than 7000 were raised by draft.
No less than ten draft treaties were discussed in vain between August 1903 and February 1904, and finally negotiations were broken off on February 5th.1 Japan had already on the 4th decided to use force, and her military and naval preparations, unlike those of Russia, kept pace with her diplomacy.
The memorandum from the queen on this point was the prince consort's last political draft.
Even in the Bill of Rights the phrase "Protestant religion" occurs, but not "Protestant Church," and it was reserved for the Liberal government, in the original draft (afterwards changed) of the Accession Declaration Bill introduced in 1910, to suggest "Protestant Reformed Church of England" as a new title for the Established Church.
The ruthless determination of the superior leaders had been answered splendidly by the devotion of the troops, but the men of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg were mostly dead or wounded, and the recruits attracted by bounties or compelled by the "draft," which had at last been enforced in the North, proved far inferior soldiers to the gallant veterans whom they replaced.
In July 1898 Lord Peel drew up a draft report for discussion, in five parts.
Some differences of opinion arose in connexion with the report, and at a meeting of the commissioners on the 12th of April 1899, when part 5 of the draft report was to be considered, a proposal was made to substitute an alternative draft for Lord Peel's, and also a series of alternative drafts for the four sections already discussed.
He lost no time in entering into fresh negotiations with the French government, and a draft treaty was already early in October drawn up in Paris and the Count d'Estrades was commissioned to deliver it in person to the prince of Orange.
Kentucky is governed under a constitution adopted in 1891.3 A convention to revise the constitution or to draft a new one meets on the call of two successive legislatures, ratified by a majority of the popular vote, provided that majority be at least one-fourth of the total number of votes cast at the preceding general election.
The city is in a blue grass country, in which much live stock is bred; and it is an important market for draft horses.
Because, then, it is very like, but more rudimentary and more Platonic, we conclude that the Eudemian is an earlier draft of the Nicomachean Ethics, written by Aristotle when he was still in process of transition from Plato's ethics to his own.
Because, then, the Magna Moralia is very like the Nicomachean Ethics, but more rudimentary, nearer to the Platonic dialogues in style and to a less degree in matter, and also like the Eudemian Ethics, we conclude that it is also like that treatise in having been written as an earlier draft of the Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle himself.
The intention of the Hague draft annexed to the Vc u was to create a permanent court as distinguished from that established in 1899, which, though called permanent, was not so, having to be put together ad hoc as the occasion arose.
On the 11th of May he sent the draft to Luther, who approved it, adding that he himself "could not tread so softly and gently."
His treatise De natura novi orbis libri duo (Salamanca, 1588-1589) may be regarded as the preliminary draft of his celebrated Historia natural y moral de las Indias (Seville, 1590) which was speedily translated into Italian (1596), French (1597), Dutch (1598), German (1601), Latin (1602) and English (1604).
Though a few Unionists transferred their allegiance, notably Mr. Winston Churchill, and by-elections went badly, Mr Balfour still commanded a considerable though a dwindling majority, and the various contrivances of the opposition for combining all free-traders against the government were obstructed by the fact that anything tantamount to a vote of censure would not be supported by the "wobblers" in the ministerial party, while the government could always manage to draft some "safe" amendment acceptable to most of them.
It was suspected, although denied, that a treaty was in draft under which Russia should assume the suzerainty of Tibet.
The achievement would have been impossible, but for the fact that Grotius had with him the first draft of the work made in 1604.
A provisional draft of a treaty had already been drawn up before the demise of Frederick Henry, and afterwards, despite the strenuous opposition of the new prince of Orange (who, under the Acte de Survivance, had inherited all his father's offices and dignities) and of two of the provinces, Zeeland and Utrecht, the negotiations were by the powerful support of the States of Holland and of the majority of the States-General, quickly brought to a successful issue.
Pieces of very small cross section, like wire, are more conveniently made by drawing through a die than by rolling, essentially because a single draft reduces the cross section of a wire much more than a single pass between rolls can.
The city is built on sandy ground on both sides of the river and has a good harbour, which has been considerably improved by the Federal government; in 1907 the maximum draft that could be carried over the shallowest part of the channel was 14 ft.
We are therefore to understand, first, that he wrote the earliest draft of his political theory some years before the outbreak of the Civil War, and, secondly, that this earliest draft was not written till, in accordance with his philosophical conception, he had established the grounds of polity in human nature.
The draft code of civil procedure, which was published in December 1872, introduced many important reforms, especially by substituting public and verbal procedure for the older German system, under which the proceedings were almost entirely carried on by written documents.
A draft of a constitution in Randolph's handwriting, discovered in 1887, seems to have been the report (6th August) of a Committee of Detail of five members (John Rutledge, Edmund Randolph, Nathaniel Gorham, Oliver Ellsworth and James Wilson).
The third part of the system - the ethical theory - seems to have been composed afterwards; it is contained in its first draft in another MS. of 30 sheets.
On the 15th of March 1815 King Frederick of Wurttemberg, at a meeting of the estates of his kingdom, laid before them the draft of a new constitution, in accordance with the resolutions of the congress of Vienna.
The first draft was in Latin and the Zurich delegates objected to its Lutheran phraseology.'
The draft in the first drawing varies from three to five, while that in the second drawing is usually five to seven.
His grandfather, John Breckinridge (1760-1806), who revised Jefferson's draft of the "Kentucky Resolutions" of 1798, was a United States senator from Kentucky in1801-1805and attorney-general in President Jefferson's cabinet in 1805-1806.
Miss 'E ' carried out a due diligence exercise on the assets of the business and prepared an initial draft balance sheet.
Don't draft a quarterback with the same bye week as your starter.
A dog bed is not very luxurious if it leaves your dog down in a draft.
Saxon Express is a monthly draft service that automatically deducts your mortgage payment from a checking or savings account.
Make sure you locate the Save, Save As Draft, and Edit buttons prior to any transfer of information or composition of the main part of the grant.
During the month of July his own mind reached the virtual determination to give slavery its coup de grace; on the 17th he approved a new Confiscation Act, much broader than that of the 6th of August 1861 (which freed only those slaves in military service against the Union) and giving to the president power to employ persons of African descent for the suppression of the rebellion; and on the 22nd he submitted to his cabinet the draft of an emancipation proclamation substantially as afterward issued.
In the unexpected prolongation of the war, volunteer enlistments became too slow to replenish the waste of armies, and in 1863 the government was forced to resort to a draft.
President Lincoln executed the draft with all possible justice and forbearance, but refused every importunity to postpone it.
They completed the work by the end of 1887; the draft which they then published was severely criticized, and it was again submitted for revision to a fresh commission, which reported in 1895.
In its amended form this draft was accepted by the Reichstag in 1896, and it entered into force on the 1st of January 1900.
At the end of 1872 and the beginning of 1873 Falk laid before the Prussian Lower House the draft of four laws.
John Lowell graduated at Harvard in 1760, was admitted to the bar in 1763, represented Newburyport (1776) and Boston (1778) in the Massachusetts Assembly, was a member of the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention of1779-1780and, as a member of the committee appointed to draft a constitution, secured the insertion of the clause, "all men are born free and equal," which was interpreted by the supreme court of the state in 1783 as abolishing slavery in the state.
The "Appeal of the Independent Democrats in Congress to the People of the United States," written by Chase and Giddings, and published in the New York Times of the 24th of January 1854, may be regarded as the earliest draft of the Republican party creed.
It was received with delight throughout Bohemia, and the Czechs drew a draft constitution of fundamental rights.
On the 31St March 1883, ten weeks after the arrival of the first draft of recruits, about 5600 men went through the ceremonial parade movements as practised by the British guards in Hyde Park, with unusual precision.
In other respects, too, the United States departed from its old individualistic tendencies, as in instituting the draft, regulating food, raising huge loans, observing meatless days and sending an army of 2,000,000 to fight in Europe.
In the final recension of Tschudi's Chronicle (1734-36), which, however, differs in many particulars from the original draft still preserved at Zurich, we are told how Albert of Austria, with the view of depriving the Forest lands of their ancient freedom, sent bailiffs (among them Gessler) to Uri and Schwyz, who committed many tyrannical acts, so that finally on 8th November 1307, at the Riitli, Werner von Stauffacher of Schwyz, Walter Fiirst of Uri, Arnold von Melchthal in Unterwalden, each with ten companions, among whom was William Tell, resolved on a rising to expel the oppressors, which was fixed for New Year's Day 1308.
In particular, while in his first draft he speaks of the bailiff as Gryssler - the usual name up to his time, except in the White Book and in Stumpff's Chronicle of 1548 - in his final recension he calls him Gessler, knowing that this was a real name.
In 1776 he was a member of the Virginia Convention, and was on its committee to draft a constitution.
Failing this a charge of sedition was based on the rough draft of a petition to the queen that had been found among his private papers; the language of which was indeed harsh and offensive, but had been neither presented nor published.
Then he was liable to be seized and put to death as a pestilent heretic. There only remained to draft and publish the edict containing the ban.
Jefferson in the first draft of the Ordinance of 1784, suggested the names to be given to the states eventually to be formed out of the territory concerned.
In July he received the extraordinary honour of being invited to assist in the deliberations of the committee appointed by the national assembly to draft a constitution.
His influence largely shaped the form of the final draft of the constitution, but the labour was not finished with this draft; that the constitution was accepted by the people was due in an eminent degree to the efforts of Madison, who, to place the new constitution before the public in its true light, and to meet the objections brought against it, joined Alexander Hamilton and John Jay in writing The Federalist, a series of eighty-five papers, out of which twenty certainly, and nine others probably, were written by him.
Further, that the former (Roman) is the more original of the two, being related to the latter (Antiochene) as fuller first draft to severely pruned copy.
When the Continental Congress issued the famous Declaration Virginia had already assembled in convention to draft a new Constitution.
A draft for such a Constitution was submitted by Jefferson, but the Conservatives rejected it.
Strictly, the term includes the English Roman Catholics, who in the original draft of the Relief Act of 1791 were styled "Protesting Catholic Dissenters."
This was entrusted to Bacon, who drew up a Declaration of the Practices and Treasons attempted and committed by Robert, late Earl of Essex, his first draft being extensively altered and corrected by the queen and council.
Towards the close of 1607 he sent to his friends a small tract, entitled Cogitata et Visa, probably the first draft of what we have under that title.
While he was there frequent communications passed between him and the council and the draft of the decree on justification was sent to him.
It is easy to see that a certain amount of draft, or drawing out of the sliver, is necessary, otherwise the various doublings would cause the sliver to emerge thicker and thicker from each machine.
The rove yarn is now ready for the spinning frame, where a further draft of about eight is given.
But it is rather a draft to replace wastage than a means of bringing the army up to a war footing in the European way.
At a time when Ralph Waldo Emerson could write to Thomas Carlyle, "We are all a little wild here with numberless projects of social reform; not a reading man but has a draft of a new community in his waistcoat pocket," - the Brook Farm project certainly did not appear as impossible a scheme as many others that were in the air.
Nevertheless they unanimously resolved " that the best interests and the permanent prosperity of South Africa can only be secured by an early union, under the crown of Great Britain, of the several self-governing colonies," and they recommended the calling of a national convention entrusted with the task of drawing up a draft constitution.
After sitting at Durban for a month, the convention adjourned to Cape Town and concluded its elaboration of a draft constitution by February 1909.
The draft constitution was made public on the 9th of February 1909, and was adopted by the Transvaal parliament in its entirety.
Apart from this doubtful attitude of Natal, the chief danger to the draft constitution came from the Cape Dutch.
The draft act, with its " one vote one value " principle, its three-membered constituencies and its scheme for proportional representation, threatened Dutch supremacy in the rural districts, and aroused the opposition of Hofmeyr, who secured the passage of amendments through the Cape parliament which destroyed the principle of equal rights.
The document embodying the alterations in the draft act was signed on the 11th of May and the convention dissolved.
There voted, for the draft act 11,1 21, against it 3701 - majority for union 7420.
A delegation carried the draft act to England, and, recast in the form of an imperial bill, it was submitted to the parliament at Westminster.
An agreement between the Transvaal and the Portuguese governments, concluded in April 1909, while the fate of the draft constitution was still in doubt, assigned to Lourenco Marques 50 to 55% of the import trade to the Rand, and (with certain exceptions) provided for free trade in native products between the Mozambique province and the Transvaal.
That typical leader of the Cape Afrikanders had died in London, whither he had gone as one of the delegates to lay the draft constitution before the British parliament.
On the 1st of May he signed the first draft of a treaty at Breda with the latter, in which he accepted the Solemn League and Covenant, conceded the control of public and church affairs to the parliament and the kirk, and undertook to establish Presbyterianism in the three kingdoms. He also signed privately a paper repudiating Ormonde and the loyal Irish, and recalling the commissions granted to them.
He was the leader of the large middle party of Moderates at the council, and submitted the first draft of the creed which was afterwards adopted with important changes and additions.
Taking as the basis for discussion the draft loi organique of 1901, it elaborated a measure laying down the principles applicable to the Congo State when it should become a Belgian colony.
The draft bill of 1901 had left the autocratic power of the sovereign unchanged; the colonial bill as passed by the commission completely reversed the situation, replacing the absolutism of the king by thorough parliamentary control.
House, prepared a draft of the League of Nations in Jan.
The original MS. draft of Leonardo has been lost, though a great number of notes for it are scattered through the various extant volumes of his MSS.
The draft on the exchequer was intercepted by the queen's death.
For this part of the river the maximum draft at mean low water was 4 ft.
There are some smaller ports on the coast, but they are open only to vessels of light draft and have no trade worth mention.
Finally, we read the full story in the original draft of Giles Tschudi's chronicle, where the hero is described as "a man of Unterwalden, of the Winkelried family," this being expanded in the final recension of the chronicle (1564) into "a man of Unterwalden, Arnold von Winckelried by name, a brave knight," while he is entered (in the same book, on the authority of the "Anniversary Book" of Stans, now lost) on the list of those who fell at Sempach at the head of the Nidwalden (or Stans) men as "Herr Arnold von Winckelriet, Ritter," this being in the first draft "Arnold Winckelriet."
In the (so-called) Constitutions through Hippolytus we have possibly a preliminary draft of the famous 8th book of the Apostolical Constitutions.'
In 1917 he was appointed chairman of the Draft Appeals Board of New York City by Governor Whitman, and the following year was special assistant to the U.S. Attorney-General, in charge of the investigation of alleged waste and delay in the construction of aircraft.
It is related to the Clun Forest and the Kerry Hill sheep. The draft ewes of all three breeds are in high demand for breeding to Down and longwool rams in the English midlands.
In this month breeding ewes recover condition and strength to withstand the winter storms. Ram auctions are on in September and draft ewe sales begin and continue through October.
The Knights of the Golden Circle at first confined their activities to the encouragement of desertion, and resistance to the draft, but in 1864 a plot to overthrow the state government was discovered, and Governor Morton's prompt action resulted in the seizure of a large quantity of arms and ammunition, and the arrest, trial and conviction of several of the leaders.
On the 4th of March 1849 a convention met here which appointed a committee to draft a constitution; the constitution was immediately adopted, the independent state of Deseret was organized and on the 12th of March the first general election was held.
A second draft allowed the man who had the military equipment complete, but not fully the five hides of land, to slip into the list, and also the merchant who has fared thrice over the high seas at his own expense.
The amount of draft which is necessary to carry out the circulation of the gases and to draw in the adequate amount of air is regulated by dampers placed in the main flue.
Green Bay has communication with Lake Michigan, not only by way of its natural entrance, but by a government ship canal (built1872-1881by a private company; taken over by the Federal government in 1893 maximum draft in 1909, 20 ft.; projected channel depth, 21 ft.) at Sturgeon Bay, an arm of Green Bay, which cuts across the Door county peninsula.
A committee was named to draft a new constitution, which was presented and decreed in the following June, but never took effect and was superseded by a third constitution in 1795.
The draft was submitted to the Convention The in June.
The chief differences between Burnet's original draft as represented by the Bodleian MS. and the printed history consist in a more lenient view generally of individuals, a modification of the censure levelled at the Anglican clergy, changes obviously dictated by a general variation in his point of view, and a more cautious account of personal matters such as his early relations with Lauderdale.
There was a paragraph in the original draft which would have protected the property of the great majority of Roman Catholics, but this was left out in the articles actually signed.
The proposed act of union divided the three Rigsraads, but the actual deed embodying the terms of the union never got beyond the stage of an unratified draft.
Benedetti then made another proposal, submitting a draft treaty by which France was to support Prussia in adding the South German states to the new confederation, and Germany was to support France in the annexation of Luxemburg and Belgium.
A census ordered by the Territorial legislature in 1795 showed more than 60,000 free inhabitants (the number prescribed before the Territory could become a state), and accordingly a convention to draft a state constitution met in Knoxville on the 11th of January 1796.
It was after this that he was instructed to present to Bismarck French demands for "compensation," and in August, after his return to Berlin, as a result of his discussions with Bismarck a draft treaty was drawn up, in which Prussia promised France her support in the annexation of Belgium.
This treaty was never concluded, but the draft, which was in Benedetti's handwriting, was kept by Bismarck and, in 1870, a few days after the outbreak of the war, was published by him in The Times.
The idea of the annexation of part of Belgium to France had been suggested to him first by Bismarck; and the use to which Bismarck put the draft was not one which he could be expected to anticipate, for he had carried on the negotiations in good faith.
She couldn.t finish her thought in front of him, partly because it made no sense and partly because she didn.t want to admit her soul felt Rhyn.s absence like the draft from a cracked window on a winter.s night.
Points in the draft that we view as helpful may appear contentious to some of them.
The draft annual accounts show sufficient revenue to allow necessary maintenance whilst retaining an appropriate reserve fund.
The right to independent advocacy promised to patients in the draft bill has gone.
The Brunel beer is a draft India pale ale ale.
The brand is the fastest growing draft premium ale in the market at +34% year on year.
The draft amendments were sent to the Legislative Yuan for approval on June 6, 2003.
The w ay f orward Following this public consultation, the draft framework will be revised to take account of the views expressed.
The fee must be paid by bank draft in Canadian Dollars and can be purchased at most major banks.
The Reserve Bank issued a draft scheme for establishing direct links with India's indigenous bankers.
The draft bill, with notes, is set out at Annex 2.
Social services spending has been slashed by £ 4.2 million in this year's draft budget.
Domestic animals include buffalo, which are used as draft animals, fowl, pigs, goats, cats, and dogs.
There must be no artificial carbonation for draft products.
The Commission had not examined the issues in detail however, and the present draft was too categorical.
Andrew is the leader of the liberal caucus on the Convention which has shaped the draft Constitution for Europe.
No draft cider was sold, it was all bottled.
Concordat with the Disability Rights Commission (DRC) 8. Members were invited to approve the draft concordat with the Disability Rights Commission (DRC) 8. Members were invited to approve the draft concordat with the DRC.
We also draft and advise on consultancy agreements, including the tax consequences of proposed and existing consultancy arrangements.
Contributing editor who's and true-believing conservative in as much a larger draft.
The process to draft the constitution had already been the subject of intense controversy.
A new draft constitution was expected to be agreed in mid July.
Alongside this consultation, we are separately consulting on the draft Offshore Marine Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 2006.
In summary, our arguments reject the contention that the draft Services Directive would lead to a race to the bottom.
Until recently, all draft beers were delivered to pubs in oak casks, and each brewery employed coopers to make and repair them.
With new sash cords, parting bead, staff bead, weights, pins, sealant, draft proofing materials etc in one pack.
Louise was then employed as in-house counsel at a large cruise operator to give opinions and draft defenses for personal injury and other claims.
The draft is no doubt a pick-me-up or hangover cure.
In Papua New Guinea a draft core curriculum on IE has been developed for all primary teachers ' colleges which is currently being piloted.
Q. Can the detail of our final declaration be different from the draft declaration that we submitted in October?
In my first year of college I was a thousand miles from home with a low draft number and no student deferment.
What does the draft directive propose in order to address such problems?
She was 26 feet long, 30 feet beam, 17.3 draft and 2,000 tons displacement.
The attached report sets out the key issues raised during the public consultation, and proposed amendments to the draft document.
A draft dodger can lead a nation into war; a coward can demand courage of the populace.
The Hutton inquiry has shown that John Scarlett, chair of the JIC, produced a draft dossier on 10th September.
Project manager circulated first draft of final report to partners prior to the meeting.
The Cabinet approved the final draft which will now be presented to parliament, where it is expected to be approved.
Public Review draft, December 1993 The following changes have been made in preparing the public review draft for Version 2.0.
The final draft would be considered at the end of October 2005.
Acknowledgements Frank van Harmelen provided many insightful comments on a preliminary draft of this paper.
Only upon receipt of the deposit by bankers draft or in cleared funds, can the booking be confirmed.
An IASB exposure draft for Phase I is expected in the first quarter of 2003 with a final standard in 2004.
Pick the one NBA draft loaded ranger is asked for choices in.
Under proposals in his draft energy strategy, schemes will be expected to include photovoltaics or be designed to incorporate them in the future.
To aid him in his design he had brought three small pinnaces (small, shallow draft sailing vessels) from England.
They provide draft power to cultivate the narrow and often precipitous rice terraces.
The IPA also wants the automatic presumption of guilt contained in the draft bill reversed.
To omit this from your new draft seems a bit presumptuous.
Lincoln signed the final draft of the Emancipation proclamation on the 1st January, 1863.
However it can be harder to access the developments at their very early stages, before a consultation on draft proposals is formed.
I might well be sitting next to you in your local pub chatting about the charms of the latest draft ale.
This draft Local Plan canvasses public opinion on the first 10 years from 2006-16.
The last [script] draft we got was just pukka.
You will have probably already have rec 'd a copy of the BPS draft response to Foster.
Draft of the oath offered by the convicted recusants.
I am grateful to the Editor of Sociological Research Online and three anonymous referees for advice on an earlier draft.
Carrying forward of marks from Part II to part III - The draft regulations needed have been published.
Here is a draft remit being prepared by Blackwater Valley District.
Action The draft res would be presented to the June Board.
The following draft resolutions are being circulated by the Campaign for Labor Party Democracy.
The University's draft response to the consultation would be considered at the Court meeting on 5 July 2004.
Then a revised draft became more restrictive than the relatively open approach in the first draft.
The draft revision of PN 16 is being published for consultation jointly by the APB and the BBA.
Do you have any comments on the draft ria?
However, Britain and the US have dismissed a Russian draft resolution to suspend sanctions altogether as unacceptable.
I am contemplating building a very seaworthy boat, with my current location, shallow draft would also be a very good thing.
Yesterday we even had the blind blowing out behind a tightly shut window due to the draft!
We are therefore proceeding on the basis set out in the original consultation document, and have produced twelve draft sis set out in the original consultation document, and have produced twelve draft SIs.
Improved dermatophilosis control would enable smallholders and farmers relying on draft animals to raise their level of income and secure their sources of food.
The draft sop changes the HMRC's interpretation of two of these tests.
They can start to draft out a rough storyboard of the entire animation.
Equestrian strategy This draft strategy is out for consultation - you can send your comments using our online form.
Attached to the agreement was the draft sublease, but substantial amendments had to be made to it.
The Chairman said that draft B also contained amendments suggested by the Home Office's Freedom of Information Unit.
Trusts Draft legislation has already been published on modernizing the taxation of trusts - often set up by grandparents for grandchildren.
Rather washing dirty linen in public. ' Wed Jun 20 Discussion on the PM's draft telegram which has not yet gone off.
A draft timeline of the key developments has been compiled.
There is no draft timetable for this examination period.
Optional on draft tor No Is Design Review required?
I have also sent him a copy of the draft typescript of the book I am writing.
As a result, the draft MAI is completely unbalanced.
But I do not accept that the draft undertakings (although necessarily unilateral) are unreasonable or unjustifiable.
The link road remains in the draft unitary Development Plan, where it can become the subject of a public inquiry.
Warrington Boro Council has just completed its public consultation on its new deposit draft unitary Development Plan.
The flysheet is 190T PU coated polyester Taffeta (with draft valance) with Oxford polyester pole sleeves, giving 3000mm hydrostatic head protection.
The draft animal welfare Bill published last week panders to the ludicrous British obsession with the cute and cuddly.
Develop a draft specification for an on-board wheelchair for use on aircraft.
Air draft should be no problem, providing the Dutch Barge has a collapsible wheelhouse, which most have.
The nylon ' brush ' draft excluder strips fitted to the rear of the sliding wheelhouse to reduce the drafts.
There is no form for this and you will need a lawyer to draft an initial writ.
This was regarded, by many, as impracticable, but a decision of final importance was reached when a consultative committee was appointed to draft a uniform code of laws to govern the game.
Other formal resolutions were also agreed to, and on the 31st of March Sir Samuel Griffith, as chairman of the committee on constitutional machinery, brought up a draft Constitution Bill, which was carefully considered by the convention in committee of the whole and adopted on the 9th of April, when the convention was formally dissolved.
The chief adviser of the committee in Philadelphia was Dr Thomas Young, a prominent physician, who had helped to draft the Pennsylvania constitution of 1776.
Bonaparte further brushed aside a frankly democratic constitution proposed by Daunou, and intimidated his opponents in the joint commission by a threat that he would himself draft a constitution and propose it to the people in a mass vote.
The last-named statesman, at the first Continental Congress after the evacuation by the British forces, proposed a draft ordinance (March ist 1784) for the government of the North-West Territory, in which it was provided that "after the year 1800 there shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in any of the said states, otherwise than in punishment of crime."
All were built to be rowed, were flat-bottomed, and of shallow draft so as to be able to navigate close to the shore, and to take the ground without hurt.
Christianismi restitutio (1553; perfect copies in Vienna and Paris); a copy in Edinburgh University Library is complete except that the missing first sixteen pages are replaced by a transcript from the original draft, containing matter not in the print (this supplementary manuscript was reproduced by photography, 1909); a transcript of other portions of the draft is in the Bibl.
The ciphered telegram leaves little discretion to the envoy, and written notes are exchanged which are practically a mere transcription of the deciphered telegram or draft prepared at the instructing foreign office.
This " papal aggression " caused great excitement at the time, and an Ecclesiastical Titles Act was passed in 1851, though never put in force, forbidding Roman Catholic prelates to assume territorial designations.5 2 They were described in the first draft of the bill as " Protesting Catholic Dissenters," but this was changed, in deference to the strenuous remonstrances of the vicars-apostolic, into " Roman Catholics."
Kepler divined its possibility; but his thoughts, derailed (so to speak) by the false analogy of magnetism, brought him no farther than to the .rough draft of the scheme of vortices expounded in detail by Rene Descartes in his Principia Philosophiae (1644).
On a banister post stood a tallow candle which guttered in the draft.
However, the European Union is considering a draft recommendation of the protection of the public against exposure to radon in water supplies.
Introductory remarks 2. RCN Northern Ireland welcomes the publication of this draft regional strategy.
Here is a draft Remit being prepared by Blackwater Valley District.
Action The draft RES would be presented to the June Board.
The University 's draft response to the consultation would be considered at the Court meeting on 5 July 2004.
Covering the same eight themes, the revised draft ran to 61 paragraphs.
The draft protocol prepared by the Clerk would be revisited at a future meeting.
Rewrite again and again and again making sure that each draft is better than the last.
Do you have any comments on the draft RIA?
Affected by prwora support the current draft robert wood johnson group plan of.
They are there to scrutinize draft legislation, and amend, reject or pass it as they decide.
The Government has encouraged the draft scrutiny of bills for the first time to improve the quality of legislation.
Yesterday we even had the blind blowing out behind a tightly shut window due to the draft !
We are therefore proceeding on the basis set out in the original consultation document, and have produced twelve draft SIs.
The draft SoP changes the HMRC 's interpretation of two of these tests.
A comparison of the results for all spinach samples with the limits proposed in the draft Regulation is given in the table below.
Payment must be made in UK sterling by check or banker 's draft.
Equestrian Strategy This draft strategy is out for consultation - you can send your comments using our online form.
The Chairman said that draft B also contained amendments suggested by the Home Office 's Freedom of Information Unit.
Hence we have taken the Law Commissionâs recommendations on omissions and supervening fault, and included them in our draft Bill.
Rather washing dirty linen in public. ' Wed Jun 20 Discussion on the PM 's draft telegram which has not yet gone off.
Telegraphic transfer is far safer than sending a check or bankers draft which can get lost.
Details of this, and a draft timetable for implementation can be found at this website.
Optional on draft TOR No Is Design Review required?
Rejecting Mishcon 's pristine typescript draft, Mr Justice Moses invites us to withdraw to draft a suitable Order.
It is thought that Washington will leave it to Britain to draft a resolution laying down an ultimatum for the return of weapons inspectors.
The link road remains in the draft Unitary Development Plan, where it can become the subject of a public inquiry.
Warrington Boro Council has just completed its public consultation on its new deposit draft Unitary Development Plan.
Subsequently, on 9 December 2003, the government of Bavaria unveiled a draft law prohibiting the wearing of the hijab in public schools.
The final chapters in the first draft of her new book were not very cohesive, they definitely needed some work.
This means you can write a draft of an entire paper, email or proposal by recording it on your digital voice recorder and then having it converted to a document.
Once each item on the couple's list of issues has been dealt with in turn and the parties have agreed on how to resolve it, the mediator will draft an agreement.
Now that the issues are resolved and precise agreements made, the mediator provides each spouse with an agreement draft.
If the draft is acceptable, each party may either show it to his or her attorney or submit it for the divorce court's approval.
In most cases, this initial agreement draft becomes the final divorce judgment.
The draft of the final agreement between the divorcing parties may be the most important divorce document.
Because it's a draft and not a legal divorce form, it's crucial to review carefully and amend the document if there is even one small thing with which one or both of the clients do not agree.
They may even have free classes on how to make a cushion, sew a zipper, cut fabric, draft a pattern, and other useful skills.
You can print draft documents on the back side of waste paper that has printing on one side.
In addition to insulating your home, you should also check windows for drafts and fit draft excluders where required.
Weatherizing your home with caulking, weather stripping, storm windows and even draft guards in front of doors can mean big savings.
For example, if your first draft has your desk on the right wall, draw another sketch with it placed on the left or center wall.
For example, if you receive the first pick in your league's draft, you would want to select the NFL player with the best chance to score points, based on your league's scoring system.
Some fantasy leagues ask participants to draft a team defense; they then award points, based on things like quarterback sacks, interceptions and total yards surrendered.
Whether you are gathering at a set place with friends to draft your team or meeting in cyberspace in an Internet league, draft day is the biggest day of the year for fantasy football team owners.
Your fantasy league will set its draft order prior to draft day, so you can prepare according to where you select in each round.
If you are in a standard-sized, 12-team league, you'll probably draft 14 to 16 rounds.
Based on the 2005 season, Seattle's Shaun Alexander was by far the best selection in any fantasy football draft.
In the second round, you can draft for need by filling one of the other spots, or you can go with the best player available.
This is where philosophy comes into play, and you'll adapt each draft to your own philosophy as your understanding of the game increases.
The key to building a winning fantasy team does not stop with the draft.
Some leagues even accept the trading of future draft picks, just like the NFL.
This way, you'll be ready to draft a player that may not be a great scorer for you this season but has the potential to carry your team in the future.
Another key component to a successful fantasy football draft and season is analyzing players at every position.
For example, Yahoo offers a mock draft, predicting where college players will fall in the NFL's upcoming selection of college players.
The difference is that Fantasy Football Premium Add-ons focus mainly on statistics and draft preparation instead of articles.
The site is updated daily year round, meaning that you can start planning your draft picks well in advance of the beginning of the season.
This can take a lot of the burden off of players all around, leaving you more time to scheme about how to secure the perfect trade or ponder who you will be choosing and in what order at the annual league draft.
Fantasy football draft day - there's nothing like it.
If you play fantasy football, you know the exhilaration that accompanies draft day.
You have to remember that the most important part of making your fantasy football draft successful is for you to draft a winning team.
Begin with sites that are dedicated to helping you prepare for your draft - those that provide draft day cheat sheets.
Every successful football draft is filled with participants using some sort of cheat sheet, either one the individual creates or one purchased from a service.
It just means you are using every means possible to make your draft a success.
So, do your due diligence, rank your players and you'll be taking a giant step to a successful fantasy football draft.
The draft is perhaps the most important part of the fantasy football season.
Prepare yourself before the draft by knowing the rules and scoring system cold.
Don't be afraid to trade, including trading players you've already picked for a better place in the draft rotation.
Study draft guides in advance and have an extensive list of different players in different positions.
Everyone selecting a team needs a copy of the draft order, so each team owner will know not only when he or she is selecting but when others pick, as well.
One way to add both organization and excitement to your draft is to get a fantasy football draft kit.
This way, when you select a player in the first round of your draft, you'll have a label with his name on it placed next to your team's name.
What a thrill it will be to look at the big board on draft day and see a superstar next to your team name.
The biggest part of picking the right team is being prepared on draft day.
A bunch of friends got together, organized a random draft of National Football League players and started competing for pure enjoyment.
What are fantasy sports without a draft?
The draft is the most anticipated event in any fantasy league.
In an online fantasy basketball draft, you will join others in cyberspace to select players based on a pre-determined draft order.
The draft order is set up by your league commissioner or by the web site you are using.
You rank your players prior to the draft, and each time it's your turn to select a player, you choose one of the desired players on your list.
Fantasy football owners select players in a random draft and set a lineup for each week of play.
In other words, you draft your players, much like you do in fantasy football leagues and other fantasy leagues, but you do not play a head-to-head schedule.
The biggest constraint with a draft league is you have to have either eight or 16 people to make the league interesting.
Much like a Fantasy Football Draft, NCAA Tournament draft participants will be given a random draft order, which will alternate each round.
The strategy is to try to draft teams you feel have a good chance to win with the most points per victory.
Draft leagues are much more challenging than bracket pools.
The season begins with a draft, where team owners select players from that sport and make up their own fantasy team.
When drafting your team, you rank players at the web site where your league is hosted, and on draft day, you and other league members literally select each player via a fantasy draft.
If you were playing in an Online Fantasy Basketball league, you would follow the same procedure, but you would draft players from the National Basketball Association.
When you prepare to draft your team, you will need to know the stats of your potential players.
You may end up clarifying your thoughts the more you write, so having a rough draft will help you clarify the points of your message.
If you have the time, write your first draft and then walk away from it for a day or two before going back to revise.
He majored in geography, but left school in 1984 to enter the NBA draft.
It is ironic that the same country known for harboring U.S. draft dodgers provides a haven for celebrity political outcasts.
With this book, I was so happy that I didn't change much from the first draft.
Emmitt Smith opted to enter the draft in 1990, his senior year of college, and was drafted in the first round by the Dallas Cowboys.
It's hard to remember, but I think it took us about a week to write the first draft (it's only ten pages), then we went over it and over it and over it, editing and rewriting, for probably a month.
Other times, one person can almost write the entire first draft, and the collaboration part is just a matter of "tweaking" it.
Who could have predicted that this 2001 first round NFL Draft pick would end up serving time in Leavenworth just a short time later?
They take in a homeless foster child, Michael Oher, who goes on to become a first-round draft pick for the Baltimore Ravens.
Focused lessons involve teaching prospective planners how to budget with clients, choose entertainment for an event, better understand a client's needs, throw an engagement party or shower, write contracts, and draft a business plan.
A PR grad must also have exemplary writing skills, since he or she will likely be required to draft press releases or even write news and magazine articles in any job that relates to publicity.
Paralegals perform a number of important tasks in a law firm, from conducting an initial interview with clients to performing legal research to helping attorneys draft documents for court.
You might learn how to write client letters, draft internal memos, and brief cases.
While these cans provided an excellent solution to solving minor draft or insulation problems, they were inadequate for larger applications like insulating a garage attic or an empty wall cavity.
It was the decade of Woodstock, counterculture and the draft.
The Vietnam War had ended before they reached their late teens and they were never subjected to the military draft.
By the time they were old enough to be drafted, the military draft was no longer in place.
All of this affects his Draft rating, as does the psychological/personality test which he will be required to take before the Draft begins.
See that there is adequate air circulation in the cellar area, though you must guard against a constant draft.
With all these great selling points on the first iPhone, people have started to draft up a wish list for what they want to see on the second generation iPhone.
Although it is not true that getting wet or being in a draft causes a cold (a person has to come in contact with the virus to catch a cold), certain conditions may lead to increased susceptibility.
If you are interrupted during the creative process, you can save a draft of your layout and come back to it later.
Draft a family tree with the information you have discovered so far about yourself and your relatives.
It was for World War I that the Selective Service Administration was established to register men for the draft.
The National Archives also has the Selective Service draft registrations for World War II, which were taken in a series of four registrations.
If only all of the expenses necessary to run a religious organization were covered by these resources, no one would ever have to draft such a letter.
If you're preparing to draft and submit an application for grant funding, reviewing a written example of a grant before you get started is certainly a good idea.
Sitting down with some cookies, cocoa and Christmas-styled stationery to draft a missive to the jolly old elf can be one of the most magical things you do during the holiday season.
Having some samples of break up letters to boyfriends will help you draft the perfect adios to a former lover.
If the outline is detailed enough in this respect, it can look very much like a first draft.
For example, you may want to specify that the fee includes one draft ad that you will submit for the client's review, along with one revision to the first draft.
You may, for example, have written something in draft two that you later removed, but by draft four, you may see how the paragraph or section would fit well.
One of the most common mistakes a novice freelance writer makes is to assume that his work is done when the first draft of an article is completed.
Putting pen to paper, he created a rough draft of the image, and two years later he, along with Davidson, released the very first Harley Davidson motorcycle.
Change your printer's setting to "Draft" quality to reduce the amount of ink used to print your kids' coloring pages.
For example, Aliens 3's script was rejected five times before the final draft was accepted.
Shooting Draft - This is the script used while shooting the movie.
Final Draft - This becomes the locked draft of the movie and has the scenes in order as well as any notes the director may have.
Generally, once the final draft of a script is locked, it cannot be changed.
Production Draft - A production draft is generally a second or third rewrite, but is close to a final draft.
In the end, some scenes that are in the production draft script may get cut from the final draft and therefore, cut from the film.
Sometimes the final draft and actual film vary greatly from the first or second revised draft, especially if the actors ad lib a lot throughout the film, which seems to be really common in comedies.
Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg turned in the rough draft for the New Moon script on the day Twilight premiered.
Use less ink by changing your printer to the "draft" setting when printing internal documents.
If you're worried about the cost of printer ink, set your printer to print in all black on the draft setting.
Some people report having problems getting stores to accept coupons that were printed on the "draft" quality setting from their printer.
His acting career was stopped short by the US Army draft, but he went on to perform in more plays and films following his release.
The actor made his Broadway debut just shortly before being called up by the draft to the army where he won an award for best singer.
While Shemar Moore seemed to originally have his life planned out for him, getting the baseball scholarship and having two professional baseball teams draft him, he rolled along with the punches.
Sending a quick draft without editing is often followed later by agonizing "Why didn't I change that?" realizations.
Use printer features such as draft printouts, text only printouts and other features to use less toner.
Give the writer plenty of time to think things through, draft a copy or two and even review it with you.
If you don't feel you can write the letter well but would still like to help, have the person draft up an example and review it with them.
Once you complete the workbook, which is compiled in a question and answer format, you'll have all the information you need to draft a comprehensive formal plan for your business idea.
Once you have a final product that you are happy with, you can run off a draft print on generic paper.
If you still feel unsure about writing your student resume, you may want to consider using a resume template to help you put together a first draft.
Ask them for feedback, and make changes to better your final draft.
Before you start writing your resume, pull together information to draft the document.
Explore your options to draft a professional resume that helps you gain interviews and meetings with prospective employers.
Start your resume writing waitress by brainstorming and making a rough draft.
You can also draft a goodbye letter for co-workers should you feel you need to.
A professional resume writer will take the time to get to know something about you before trying to draft a resume for you.
You can take a blank piece of paper and write out a draft version of your thank you note first.
In order to make an informed decision about what your objective should say, it's a good idea to review a number of sample resume objectives before creating the final draft of your resume.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to draft a letter regarding your impressions about my abilities as they relate to working in the (fill in the type of job you are applying form) profession.
Please let me know if you will be able to draft a letter on my behalf.
Take what you have learned from looking at various examples and draft a document that presents you to prospective employers in the best possible light.
Write a cover letter draft using a word processing program and ensure it is properly formatted.
If you are considering opening your own business, you will need to draft a business plan.
Instead, put the how to write a business proposal tips presented here to work and get started with your first draft.
Take your time in drafting the perfect letter and treat your first attempt as a draft.
The aforementioned SBA offices and SCORE, a business organization of retired business owners who volunteer their time, may be able to guide your writing efforts, but you'll still need to draft the plan yourself.
Once you have a little beading practice you can easily draft your own beading patterns using graph paper.
The subject matter for the show dealt with the contentious issues such as the Vietnam War, the draft system, and the newly emerging drug culture.
Elvis had little choice but to accept his draft orders.
His football abilities attracted the attention of the NFL and he became a third round draft pick.
The final draft for film included Luke's mentor Jedi Knight Ben Kenobi and the hero's name as Luke Skywalker.
I love doing the research that leads up to the first draft, and I love doing revision.
The first draft, I liken it to being like a sculptor who has to make his own clay.
A writer doesn't have anything at the beginning, so making that first draft is like making the clay - it's hard, dirty work.
King was actually drafted to serve in Vietnam, but he failed the draft board exam for a number of medical reasons.
They follow everything from from stats to the draft, to schedule, to scores, to appearances on reality TV shows.
If the rider were able to draft them, Dean would have trouble matching their pace, so he quickened his.
He soon began to attract attention by the memoires which he read before his colleagues - papers which formed the first draft of his comprehensive work on ideology.
Vallandigham in May, and, although he responded immediately to the call for militia in June, he thought the Conscription Act unnecessary and unconstitutional and urged the president to postpone the draft until its legality could be tested.
During the draft riots in July he proclaimed the city and county of New York in a state of insurrection, but in a speech to the rioters adopted a tone of conciliation - a political error which injured his career.
With the old Czechs he refused to recognise the constitution of 1867; he helped to draft the declaration of 1868 and the fundamental articles of 1871, and took a leading part in the negotiations during the ministry of Potocki and Hohenwart.
The draft agreement between the government and the National Telephone Company to carry out the policy of 1892 was submitted to parliament and led to much discussion.
The serious condition of recruiting was quickly noticed, and the tabulation of each years results was followed by a new draft law, but no solution was achieved until a special commission assembled.
During the summer time it has water of sufficient depth for steamers of light draft as far as Nan-ch'ang, and it is navigable by native craft for a considerable distance beyond that city.
The duty of the so-called examiners was to examine the letters of the agents of the Company in India, and to draft instructions in reply.
On the 8th of June he was appointed on a committee with Jefferson, Franklin, Livingston and Sherman to draft a Declaration of Independence; and although that document was by the request of the committee written by Thomas Jefferson, it was John Adams who occupied the foremost place in the debate on its adoption.
Bowdoin and Samuel Adams, he formed a sub-committee which drew up the first draft of that instrument, and most of it probably came from John Adams's pen.
In the third session Prynne was once more, on the 13th of May 1664, censured for altering the draft of a bill relating to public-houses after commitment, but the house again, upon his submission remitted the offence, and he again appears on the committee of privileges in November and afterwards.
In the middle of July he was chosen as one of the committee to prepare a draft of a constitution; and in the session of the Assembly which Mirabeau termed the orgie of the abolition of privileges (4th of August) he intervened in favour of discrimination and justice.
Gouverneur served in the New York Provincial Congress in 1776-1777, was perhaps the leading advocate in that body of a declaration of independence, and after the Congress had become (July 1776) the "Convention of the Representatives of the state of New York," he served on the committee of that body which prepared the first draft of the state constitution.
He was the member of the committee of revision selected to draft the constitution in its final form, and that document is a monument to the vigour and simplicity of his literary style.
The harbour entrance is somewhat obstructed by sand bars, so that extensive government work has been necessary to open and maintain a channel for large draft ocean vessels.
Tillage was also made compulsory, but this had little effect on production owing to the shortage of labour, draft animals, manures and agricultural implements, together with the oppressive restrictions caused by the fixing of maximum prices.
Meanwhile, at Oxford a proposal practically making Greek optional with all undergraduates was rejected, in November 1902, by 189 votes to 166; a preliminary proposal permitting students of mathematics or natural science to offer one or more modern languages in lieu of Greek was passed by 164 to 162 in February 1904, but on the 29th of November the draft of a statute to this effect was thrown out by 200 to 164.
In1779-1780he was president of the constitutional convention of Massachusetts, also serving as chairman of the committee by which the draft of the constitution was prepared.
Cardinal Guidiccioni, one of the commission of three appointed to examine the draft constitution, was known to advocate the abolition of all existing orders, save four which were to be remodelled and put under strict control.
The mule is more generally used in every part of the country, being hardier, more intelligent and better adapted for service as a draft and pack animal.
From 1885 to 1891 he was a representative in Congress, and, as a member of the Ways and Means Committee, helped to draft the McKinley Tariff bill.
Such rudimentary and imperfect sketches would be quite excusable in a first draft, but inexcusable and incredible after the Nicomachean Ethics had been written.
But we have seen that Aristotle wrote the first three books of the Eudemian as an earlier draft of the Nicomachean Ethics; so that, even so far as they form a better introduction, this will not prove the common books to be by Eudemus.
The slow progress of the war, the severe sacrifice of life in campaign and battle, the enormous accumulation of public debt, arbitrary arrests and suspension of habeas corpus, the rigour of the draft, and the proclamation of military emancipation furnished ample subjects of bitter and vindictive campaign oratory.
This threatening attitude, in conjunction with alarming indications of a conspiracy to resist the draft, had the effect to thoroughly consolidate the war party, which had on the 8th of June unanimously renominated Lincoln, and had nominated Andrew Johnson of Tennessee for the vice-presidency.
Levels of lead in draft beer have fallen considerably since 1983, and are now generally low.
Payment may be made by check, postal order, banker's draft, Visa, switch or Access.
Even the local draft board temporarily closed its doors.
Widget Technology Widgets enable drinkers to enjoy the taste & the appearance of draft beer from a can.
Because he lasted draft lists a gold leaf electroscope no indication of.
The draft Directive will be particularly bad news for small to medium sized enterprises.
Roger Evans reported that he had sent out a second draft booklet entitled " Applying to Register a Design " .
Other business will include the receipt of the draft epistle, and amendments to Quaker faith & practice.
We welcome the Committee's clear view that nothing in the draft Bill would permit euthanasia.
The jury convicted Dr. King of draft evasion, sentencing him to 18 months in prison.
We are fully aware of the application by the Russian federation of a revised delayed draft plan for destruction of its chemical weapons.
There are even a gifted few who can produce a reasonably fluent text in just one draft.
The end pitch drops 14m to a passage heading west to a 7m pitch and a small grotto with no draft or way on.
What are your views on the draft guidance on public sector accounting in Annex H?
Big, fine draft horse, some of them very valuable, were brought into a ring surrounded by men from far and near.
The description of the surface hydrology, also written up in the draft caving report, had likewise become obsolete.
Most times I do the first draft in longhand trying to capture the immediacy of the inspired moment.
This latest draft of the guidance clearly carries the imprint of the Home Secretary with the language having been toughened up in many sections.
The draft guidelines of October 1997 seem incomplete in that respect.
The preparation of the draft indictment is part of the reviewing lawyer's function.
Put simply, the draft Protocol would have been singularly ineffective.
Burning is done in the fire room, the high pressure draft sucks pages into the flaming inferno faster than you can count.
A previous draft proposed the introduction of risk assessment and action obligations on employers at EU level.
The draft weekday lectionary will also have its first consideration.
The cunningham should only be needed when overpowered to move the draft forward and to open the upper leech.
But we think the general approach taken by those Bills provides a sound basis for fresh draft legislation to implement a ban.
This has greatly lengthened the time required to identify issues within draft policies.
On reaching the pitch, which looked dangerously loose at the top, I noticed that the draft was coming from higher up.
The AGS has already distributed 300 copies of its draft manifesto for consultation with community and green groups throughout the city.
Income support such is over years draft Marvin harrison.
Where can I see the Proposed modifications to the Deposit Draft Joint Structure Plan?
Draft Beer and Cider can be sold in quantites of 1/3 pint, ½ pint or multiples of ½ pint.
A Fresh New Waft Comes in the shape of a draft; and have we got some new blood to tell you about?
The draft, on a sheet of scented hotel notepaper, appears to be in Mr Bush's own hand.
The Senatus requested the Court to prepare a draft ordinance on this matter.
The other cattle of Devon, just called Devons, are today a beef breed although they were developed as draft oxen.
Draft registrations document when a man was registered for mandatory military duty, usually in time of war.
Draft registrations contain similar information.
For example, World War I draft registrations for the United States often include the name of the next of kin.
Military service records, such as enlistment records, draft registration and pension applications will often have the date of birth of the service member.
Many printers have a draft option for printing.
A draft registration or pension application with an individual's birth date on it is considered a very strong proof.
During many wars the government instituted a draft of young men of service age.
These young men were required to register with the local draft board.
In more modern times, the draft registrations would include physical characteristics, including any handicaps, next of kin and occupation.
For example, World War I draft registrations are a popular database on Ancestry.com.
World War II enlistment and draft records are also maintained by NARA.
When you are ready to order a drink, you will have a selection of draft, bottled and canned beers to choose from.
Payment through a banker or by written draft against deposit was frequent.
In 1917 he gave his support to the declaration of war against Germany, and also to all the war measures, including the Selective Draft and Espionage bills.
Apart from the important part which he took in helping to co-ordinate and draft the Civil Code, Cambaceres did the state good service in many directions, notably by seeking to curb the impetuosity of the emperor, and to prevent enterprises so fatal as the intervention in Spanish affairs (1808) and the invasion of Russia (1812) proved to be.
These decisions were the result of an agreement to bring before the parliaments of the various colonies a resolution advocating the closer union of the South African states and the appointment of delegates to a national convention to frame a draft constitution.
It is safe to assume that the original draft of this, afterwards enlarged by his pupil, Alfric Bata, was by Alfric, and represents what his own scholar days were like.
Before the census law was passed, a census board, consisting of three members of the president's cabinet, was appointed to draft plans for the inquiry, and the essential features of its report prepared after consultation with a number of leading statisticians were embodied in the law.
Fearing a possible renewal of the Terror, he became an active member of the plot for the overthrow of the Directory in November 1799 He was rewarded by the presidency of the legislative commission formed by Napoleon to draw up the new constitution; and as president of the legislative section of the council of state he examined and revised the draft of the civil code.
At Colmars, on the 21st of Ma 1 794, he drew up the first draft of his Italian plan of campaigi, for severing the Piedmontese from their Austrian allies and for driving the latter out of their Italian provinces.
When he replayed his dictated first draft, the report seemed dry but the evidence produced an overwhelming endorsement that there was no logical reason why Jeffrey Byrne might skip.
The third and final session was opened in Melbourne on the 10th of January 1898, but Queensland was still unrepresented; and, after further consideration, the draft bill was finally adopted on the 16th of March and remitted to the various colonies for submission to the people.
In accordance with this general verdict of all the states, the colonial draft bill was submitted to the imperial government for legislation as an imperial act; and six delegates were sent to England to explain the measure and to pilot it through the cabinet and parliament.
It was no doubt largely due to his advocacy that the probuli, strengthened by further members, were commissioned to draft new measures on behalf of the public safety and to examine Cleisthenes' " ancestral code."
On Rostov's inquiry as to how the matter stood, he at once produced from under his pillow a paper he had received from the commission and the rough draft of his answer to it.
The first attack upon the aristocracy proceeded from a young noble named Cylon, who endeavoured to become tyrant about 630 B.C. The people helped to crush this movement; yet discontent must have been rife among them, for in 621 the Eupatrids commissioned Draco, a junior magistrate, to draft and publish a code of criminal law.
In what followed it must always be remembered that Lord Derby began by emphatically rejecting the first Boer draft of a treaty on the ground that no treaty was possible except between equal sovereign states.
The often-cited description of the pulmonary circulation (which occurs in the 1546 draft) begins p. 169; it has escaped even Sigmond that Servetus had an idea of the composition of water and of air; the hint for his researches was the dual form of the Hebrew words for blood, water, &c. Two treatises, Desiderius (ante 1542) and De tribus impostoribus (1598) have been wrongly ascribed to Servetus.
The port is formed by a stone reef running parallel with and a half-mile from the shore line, within which vessels of light draft find a safe anchorage, except from southerly gales.
No real second edition ever appeared, but in anticipation of it Sir Thomas Browne prepared in or about 1671 (?) his " Account of Birds found in Norfolk," of which the draft, now in the British Museum, was printed in his collected works by Wilkin in 1835.
For an international commission of lawyers he prepared Draft Outlines of an International Code (1872), the submission of which resulted in the organization of the international Association for the Reform and Codification of the Laws of Nations, of which he became president.
He was chosen to draft the resolution of thanks voted by the legislature to General Andrew Jackson after the battle of New Orleans.
The co-operation of naval and military authorities was obtained for the construction, at imperial expense, of the breakwater designed to save Malta from being abandoned by long and deep draft modern vessels.