Draconian Sentence Examples
Draconian measures may be put in place.
Likewise, the cull policy which Nick Brown had announced seemed Draconian at first.
And that is the next issue - the quite Draconian measures being proposed.
Clearly what we have at the moment is too Draconian for us to remain viable.
Of course, no adjustment of borders, however Draconian, could make every minority in the Middle East happy.
This seems somewhat Draconian and forces smokers to become social outcasts in a way.
Draconian injunction, the defense mounted by SPEAK's legal representatives thwarted their more outrageous plans.
As government doesn't want to appear Draconian, the ID card will be voluntary.
This is using my image to push through draconian and utterly unnecessary terrorism legislation.
This may seem almost draconian to pet owners who are convinced that cats are meant to roam freely in the wild.
AdvertisementDespite their best efforts at securing such a Draconian injunction, the defense mounted by SPEAK's legal representatives thwarted their more outrageous plans.
Rather than investing in helping people with mental health problems, the Government instead proposes draconian measures to lock them up.
When the results proved unsatisfactory, remedies were sought in increased administrative supervision, draconian legislation and severe punishment, and no attempt was made to get out of the vicious circle.
Conclusion IHRC has already expressed its concerns at the increasingly Draconian nature of legislation in the UK.
In reality, of course, no political party would ever attempt anything so Draconian.
AdvertisementDraconian at this stage, she said.
The Drake opinion took steps toward making the recission remedy less Draconian.
Draconian punishment is probably to be found in their Plea for Mercy.
Draconian sanctions could defeat even the Trust's best efforts.
Draconian money laundering legislation in the world.
AdvertisementMind you, the way our authorities are becoming Draconian, better check anyway!
The policies might sound Draconian, but Kilsby has no qualms about getting his own hands dirty.
Finally, those shapers are no longer as draconian looking as they used to be.
It retained the Areopagitic council in the Draconian laws by the supposition that Solon, while leaving untouched the Draconian laws concerned with the cases of homicide which came before the Ephetae, substituted a law of his own regarding wilful murder, which fell within the jurisdiction of the Areopagites.
Dragons that perch on your shoulder or are able to curl up in your lap are known as Jiliam and can be adopted through Draconian adoptions.