Drachm Sentence Examples
The former may be given in doses of an ounce and the latter in doses of a drachm.
The dose for repeated administration is from 10 to 30 minims and for a single administration up to a drachm.
A dose of a little more than a drachm (a teaspoonful) will produce a condition of inebriation lasting for one-half to one hour, but the dose must soon be greatly increased.
The dose is from 20 grains to a drachm.
The dose of the fruit is 30 to 60 grains, and the British Pharmacopoeia contains a tincture with a dose of a to 1 drachm.
Thus foot, digit, palm, cubit, stadium, mile, talent, mina, stater, drachm, obol, pound, ounce, grain, metretes, medimrius, modius, hin and many others mean nothing exact unless qualified by the name of their country or city.
The usual doses of the oxide and carbonate of magnesium are from half a drachm to a drachm.
The dose is from a drachm to an ounce.
When the secretion of gastric juice is deficient it may be excited by gastric tonics, such as ten grains of bicarbonate of soda and a drachm of compound tincture of gentian in water shortly before meals, and may be supplemented by the administration of pepsin and hydrochloric acid after meals.
The dose of 2 to drachm contains little more than a grain of quinine, the antipyretic action of which is negligible.
AdvertisementThis oil is closely allied in composition to oil of turpentine and is given in doses of a half to three minims. The Spiritus juniperi of the British pharma copoeia is given in doses up to one drachm.
In the milder varieties of this complaint, such as those occurring sporadically, and where the symptoms are probably due to matters in the bowels setting up the dysenteric irritation, the employment of diaphoretic medicines is to be recommended, and the administration of such a laxative as castor oil, to which a small quantity of laudanum has been added, will often, by removing the source of the mischief, arrest the attack; but a method of treatment more to be recommended is the use of salines in large doses, such as one drachm of sodium sulphate from four to eight times a day.
Alexander's campaigns drew Persia into the Hellenistic world of silver-based coinage and a system was founded on the silver drachm and tetradrachm.
The ventricles contained no more than about one fluid drachm of clear serum.
The vermifuge is given in the early morning, and should consist of the liquid extract of felix mas, male fern, one drachm in emulsion or in capsules to be followed in half an hour by a calomel purgative.
AdvertisementIt may be given in drachm doses with impunity.