Dracaena Sentence Examples
Bamboos and palms, with Pandanus and Dracaena, are also abundant.
The plants are generally perennial herbs growing from a bulb or rhizome, sometimes shrubby as in butcher's broom (Ruscus) or tree-like as in species of Dracaena, Yucca or Aloe.
In the genus Tejus the teeth of the adult become molar-like; and in Dracaena they are transformed into large, oval crushers, indicating strictly herbivorous habits, while most members of the family live upon animal food.
Clianthus Clivia Cobaea* Coleus Coprosma Cordyline Correa Cuphea Cyclamen Cyperus Cytisus Darwinia (Genetyllis) Diosma Dracaena Eccremocarpus* Epacris Epiphyllum Erica Eriostemon Erythrina Eucalyptus Eupatorium Eurya Ficus Fuchsia Grevillea Haemanthusf Heliotropium Hibiscus Hoya* Hydrangea Impatiens Jasminum * Justicia Kalosanthes Lachenaliaf Lantana Lapageria * Liliumt Lophospermum* Mandevillea* Manettia* Mutisia* Myrsiphyllum* Maurandya * Nerinef Nerium Pelargonium Petunia Pimelia Plumbago* Polianthesf Primula Rhododendron Richardia (Calla) f Salvia Sarracenia Solanum Sparmannia Statice Strelitzia Streptocarpus Swainsonia Tacsonia* Tecoma Tradescantia Vallotaf Spring Bedding.
In connexion with the various designs such fine plants as Agave americana, Dracaena indivisa are often used as centre-pieces.
In the eastern forests palms, bamboos, lianas and tree-ferns, as well as species of Dracaena, are found.
Aloes, dragon'sblood (Dracaena), myrrh, frankincense, pomegranate, and cucumber (Dendrocycios) trees are its most famous species.
Or for that matter, does your cat attack some of your houseplants (i.e. spider plants, ferns, palms, dracaena, to name a few)?
Its scientific, botanical name is dracaena sanderiana, and it is a type of water lily native to the equatorial and tropical regions of Africa.
This hardy plant with the botanical name Dracaena is actually a member of the lily family.
AdvertisementIt does not form a main stem like most of the Dracaena family, but remains as a bold spreading tuft, which sends up graceful arching spikes of ivory-white flowers every year from near the ground to a height of 4 to 6 feet.
Other plants such as dracaena are tall and spike, and look best placed near the back or center of a container garden.