Doubled Sentence Examples
His body seized suddenly, and he dropped to his knees, doubled over.
Keaton doubled over with laughter.
Nearly doubled over in pain, Sofia returned to her room.
Katie doubled over, breathless.
Tasman doubled the southern extremity of Van Diemen's Land and explored the east coast for some distance.
Finally, he doubled back and spent the return trip simply enjoying the country road.
The next morning, after church, they doubled up on Ed and rode into the hills.
It doubled her over, and she leaned over the back of the car, retching.
In 1900, 88.9% of its farm acreage was devoted to hay and forage crops, being more than doubled in the decade.
True, the supply from India had been more than doubled, the adulteration once so rife had been checked, and the improved quality and value of the cotton had been fully acknowledged, but still the superiority of the produce of the United States was proved beyond all dispute, and American cotton was again king.
AdvertisementIn the 10th century bands of Varangians or Russified Scandinavians sailed out of the Volga and coasted along the Caspian until they had doubled the Apsheron peninsula, when they landed and captured Barda, the chief town of Caucasian Albania.
In just eighteen months from now, we will have duplicated that again and effectively doubled our computation power.
There are many furrows in the sand where some creature has travelled about and doubled on its tracks; and, for wrecks, it is strewn with the cases of caddis-worms made of minute grains of white quartz.
Nicholas agreed, and the hunt, now doubled, moved on.
Kutuzov sat up with one leg hanging down from the bed and his big paunch resting against the other which was doubled under him.
AdvertisementThe numbers atop the walls had been doubled, a sign of impending battle.
The guards and their weapons were doubled.
Water traffic, which is chiefly in heavy merchandise, as coal, building materials, and agriculture and food produce, more than doubled in volume between 1881 and 1905.
The population of Victoria was doubled in the first twelvemonth of the gold fever, and the value of imports and exports was multiplied tenfold between 1851 and 1853.
In that year the Swiss government reduced the rate for inland telegrams by one-half, and the traffic immediately doubled, but the cost of carrying on the service increased in a larger ratio.
AdvertisementThe parcel post and money order services have largely increased since 1887--1888, the number of parcels having almost doubled (those for abroad are more than trebled), while the number of money orders issued is trebled and their value doubled (about 40,000,000).
Within the cities and upon the open lands the Italians, in this and the next century, doubled, trebled and quadrupled their numbers.
The total national debt of Russia nearly trebled between 1852 (£57,038,600) and 1862 (£145,50o,000), and again between 1872 (£242,277,000) and 1892 (£526,109.000) it more than doubled, while by 1906 it amounted altogether to £812,040,000.
The production of pig-iron nearly doubled between 1890 and 1900, increasing from 446,800 tons in the former year to 801,600 in the latter; but since 1900 the output has declined, the total for 1904 (inclusive of Siberia) being 644,000 tons.
About that time a thorough reform of the machinery in use was effected whereby the number of hands employed was reduced, but the yearly production doubled or trebled.
AdvertisementFew Spanish towns have developed more rapidly than Baracaldo, which nearly doubled its population between 1880 and 1900.
In 1826, in his Memoire sur les roues hydrauliques a aubes courbes, he brought forward improvements in the construction of water-wheels, which more than doubled their efficiency.
Its chief drawback is that it does not give any more reference to the authority for a generic term than the name of its inventor and the year of its application, though of course more precise information would have at least doubled the size of the book.
Other houses of the Brothers of Common Life, otherwise called the "Modern Devotion," were in rapid succession established in the chief cities of the Low Countries and north and central Germany, so that there were in all upwards of forty houses of men; while those of women doubled that figure, the first having been founded by Groot himself at Deventer.
The latter appears mainly in Palestine, and has of late been considerably strengthened by immigration of European Jews, who have almost doubled the population of Jerusalem, and settled upon several fertile spots throughout the Holy Land.
The cost of living has doubled and the price of land has risen enormously."
His reign of eight years had almost doubled the extent of the Turkish dominions.
At the close of Suleiman's reign the Turkish army numbered nearly 200,000 men, including the Janissaries, whose total he almost doubled, raising them to 20,000.
Though he had control of what remained of the navies of Holland and Spain, as well as of the French, he was outnumbered at every point, while the efficiency of the British fleet gave it a mobility which doubled its material superiority.
In 1903, after the census had been taken, the population of the town was more than doubled by the addition of the municipalities of La Paz (pop. 5724), Mandurriao (pop. 4482), Molo (pop. 8551) and Jaro (pop. 10,681); in 1908 Jaro again became a separate town.
As nearly as can be estimated, the total imports into Siberia amount approximately to £5,000,000, the amount having practically doubled between 1890 and 1902; the total exports average about £9,000,000.
A part of one surface of the plate may be silvered, so that the polarized ray, after having once traversed the glass, is reflected back again; the rotation is thus doubled, and moreover, the arrangement is, for certain experiments, more convenient than the other.
Accordingly the diplostichous ommatoeum or soft tissue of the Arachnid's central eye should strictly be called " triplostichous," since the deep layer is itself doubled or folded.
The white and Asiatic population nearly doubled in the thirteen years since the previous census, allowance being made for the Utrecht and Vryheid districts, which in 1891 formed part of the Transvaal.
He then pursued Schoeman, who doubled on his opponent and entered Potchefstroom.
But the fact that it was to a large extent a struggle with a nation in arms doubled the numbers of the force that the Transvaal executive was able to draw upon.
Pursued closely and finding the rivers in flood De Wet hid some of his men under Kritzinger near the Orange and himself doubled back, traversing again the line of posts east of Bloemfontein.
The upper edge was folded over for a distance equal to the space from neck to waist - this folded portion was called Ior67rTV^y ua or &71-XotS, - and the whole garment was then doubled and wrapped round the body below the armpits, the left side being closed and the right open.
The imports more than doubled the exports.
Do this with every ridge until each ridge is doubled in size.
Soul Exl and Kevin Deville, two of her best friends who also doubled as her production team, were shot and killed.
This was done accordingly, the number of members of the committee being, however, doubled.
The Code enacted that if the father does not, after accepting a man's presents, give him his daughter, he must return the presents doubled.
For speeds over six knots a 14-second glass is employed, and the speed indicated by the log-line is doubled.
Asbury infused new life into the movement, and within a year the membership of the several congregations was more than doubled.
One other instance may be given; the equation 2NH3=N2+3H2 represents the decomposition of ammonia gas into nitrogen and hydrogen gases by the electric spark, and it not only conveys the information that a certain relative weight of ammonia, consisting of certain relative weights of hydrogen and nitrogen, is broken up into certain relative weights of hydrogen and nitrogen, but also that the nitrogen will be contained in half the space which contained the ammonia, and that the volume of the hydrogen will be one and a half times as great as that of the original ammonia, so that in the decomposition of ammonia the volume becomes doubled.
The benefits of canal irrigation were introduced in the 'seventies, and the revenue thus doubled.
Thus the magnetization which the sample of Swedish iron received in a field of 1490 was not increased (beyond the limits of experimental error) when the intensity of the field was multiplied more than thirteen-fold, though the induction was nearly doubled.
A little above Brandeis it picks up the Iser, which, like itself, comes down from the Riesengebirge, and at Melnik it has its stream more than doubled in volume by the Moldau, a river which winds northwards through the heart of Bohemia in a sinuous, trough-like channel carved through the plateaux.
The number of field battalions was nearly doubled, two-thirds of the artillery received breech-loading rifled guns, the infantry had for some years had the breech-loading "needlegun," and steps were initiated to train an adequate number of staff officers to a uniform appreciation of strategical problems, based on Moltke's personal interpretation of Clausewitz's Vom Kriege.
It therefore took 140 years to double the numbers, while in 1841 the numbers of 1801 were more than doubled.
So dexterously had the assembling of the reinforcements within Birdwood's position been effected, that the Turks had entirely failed to detect how the numbers of their, opponents in this area had during the last few nights been nearly doubled.
Eight years later, on the 1st of August 1896, the bounties offered by the governments of Germany and Austria-Hungary were approximately doubled, and France had a bill in preparation to increase hers correspondingly, although it was computed that they were even then equivalent to a grant of 3, 5s.
In higher education the number of professors doubled under his ministry.
As a matter of fact, emigration has not succeeded in diminishing the population of Europe, which, on the contrary, doubled during the 19th century.
He not only won for his country a high place in the council of nations, but he doubled its revenues and increased its prosperity and industries, and he also emphasized its character as an Italian state.
The value of trade, which more than doubled between the years 1900 and 1907, amounted in the latter year to £5,600,000 imports and 7,Ioo,000 exports.
The tanning, currying and finishing of leather ranks second in importance, with a gross product ($10,250,842) 9% greater than that of 1900, and constituting about one-fourth of the gross factory product of the state in 1905; and the manufacture of food products ranked third, the value of the products of the fruit canning and preserving industry having more than doubled in the decade 1890-1900, but falling off a little more than 7% in 1900-1905.
Cape Cod, like a human arm doubled at the elbow, 40 m.
The statistics of the order (1905) show that of Black Benedictines there are over 4000 choir-monks and nearly 2000 lay brothers - figures that have more than doubled since 1880.
At the same time expenditures were largely increased by liberal pension legislation, and the government's purchase of silver bullion almost doubled by the provisions of the new Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890.
If the train of waves is reflected, the value of p at AB will be the sum of the values for the two trains, and will, on the average, be doubled.
The pressure on CD will therefore be doubled.
But the energy will also be doubled, so that (15) still gives the average excess of pressure.
Since the forces called into play by an extension or compression of the material are proportional to the cross-section, it follows that if we consider any case and then another case in which, with the same longitudinal disturbance, the cross-section is doubled, the force in the second case is doubled as well as the mass to be moved.
From the year 1902 to the financial year 1914-5 the State revenues doubled, rising from 1,730 millions of kronen to 3,460 millions of kronen, but this increase in revenue could only be achieved by placing an extraordinary strain on the taxable capacity of the country.
For a few years the colony prospered, and by 1855 its membership had doubled.
The town nearly doubled its population in the last quarter of the 19th century.
The fighting on this field lasted ten days, at the end of which Grant had doubled his losses and was as far as ever from success.
The wholesale theory of Revillout (35) that all Hebrew and Syrian measures were doubled by the Ptolemaic revision, while retaining the same names, rests entirely on the resemblance of the names apet and epha, and of log to the Coptic and late measure lok.
On an average throughout the 110 years, the population in cities of 8000 considerably more than doubled every twenty years.i The rate of rural growth, on the other hand, fell very slowly down to 1860,2 and since then.
In 1665 some 2000 emigrants were sent to Canada; the European population was soon doubled, and Louis XIV.
The individual is doubled up with acute pains which, starting from the hepatic region, spread through the abdomen and radiate to the right shoulder blade.
Originally besides the central basin of the inner harbour there were three docks; between 1903 and 1909 the harbour accommodation was doubled by the construction of new docks on the eastern side of the canal and by enlarging the western docks.
Truck farming and the cultivation of orchard and small fruits have long been remunerative occupations; the acreage devoted to peaches doubled between 1890 and 1900.
Thus 2/40 9 cotton indicates single 40 9 doubled to 20 hanks by 840 yds.
Since about 1880 the silk production of the world (including only exports from the East) has more than doubled, the variations owing to partial failures from some countries being more than compensated by increase from others.
If the motion were that of a body at white heat, or say a temperature of loco, the velocity of mean square would be 39co metres per second and the apparent width of the band would be doubled.
At that time an agitation was going on for the transfer of the judicial functions from the equites to the senate; Drusus proposed as a compromise a measure which restored to the senate the office of judices, while its numbers were doubled by the admission of 300 equites.
A great amount of doubled and trebled yarn is now sold, though it does not appear that recent expansions have added much to doubling spindles, and considerable developments continue in the use of dyed and mercerized yarns.
A considerable business is done with European countries in doubled yarns and in fine counts of Egyptian, including "gassed" yarns, which are also sent intermittently to Japan.
By this means the storage accommodation is nearly doubled and the fruit is more easily manipulated.
If the distance between the disks could be made infinitely small each time, then the multiplier r would be 2, and the charge would be doubled each time.
The renal tube is doubled on itself, its middle part where the bend occurs being situated more or less anteriorly.
In 1831 the population of Belgium was 3,785,814, so that in 75 years it had not quite doubled.
In 1848 a new electoral law was passed, which lowered the franchise to 20 florins' worth of property and doubled the number of electors.
This width of flooring was doubled to 223 ft., and along the upstream face a line of sheet piling was driven 16 ft.
Russians flocked to Germany in thousands after the Russo-Japanese War and the insurrections in Russia, and the figures given for 1900 had been doubled in 1907.
The falling-off in the exportation of cereals is not a consequence of any decadence in Sicilian agriculture, but rather of the increase of population, which nearly doubled within the 19th century.
C. Agatho- troops; by inviting and murdering Ophellas, lord of Cyrene, he doubled his army and brought Carthage near to despair.
By an extension of its boundaries the city nearly doubled its area and increased its population in 1907.
Mechanism is provided whereby the speed of the paper is doubled on receipt of a shock, an electric bell ringing at the same time to summon an attendant.
Since the middle of the 19th century the city has more than doubled in size and population.
Being entirely hand made, various oval, doubled and even square forms were readily shaped.
He limited the College of Cardinals to seventy; and doubled the number of the congregations, and enlarged their functions, assigning to them the principal role in the transaction of business (1588).
In modern times the value of Danish commerce greatly increased, being doubled in the last twenty years of the 19th century, and exceeding a total of fifty millions sterling.
The field army on a war footing, without depot troops, garrison troops and reservists, would be about 50,000 strong, but by constituting new cadres at the outbreak of war and calling up the reserves it could be more than doubled, and as a matter of fact nearly 120,000 men were with the colours in the manoeuvre season in 1907.
The same afternoon the guards in the streets and on the ramparts were doubled; on the following morning the gates of the city were closed, powder and bullets were distributed among the city train-bands, who were bidden to be in readiness when the alarm bell called them, and cavalry was massed on the environs of the city.
In 1796 the quantity produced was 18,640 tons, which had only doubled in thirty-four years (37,500 tons in 1830).
The sportsman appears, occasionally at least, in the later periods, to have gone to cover in his chariot or on horseback; according to Wilkinson, when the dogs threw off in a level plain of great extent, it was even usual for him "to remain in his chariot, and, urging his horses to their full speed, endeavour to turn or intercept them as they doubled, discharging a well-directed arrow whenever they came within its range."
He was ennobled in 1802, and in 1804 the duke of Weimar, unwilling to lose him, doubled his meagre salary of 400 talers.
By 1840, however, Buda had added but 14,000 to its population, while that of Pest had more than doubled; and of the joint population of 270,685 in 1869, fully 200,000 fell to the share!
Of course the hen sits with her legs doubled up under her, as does any other long-legged bird.
The figure was doubled by 1895 and trebled in 1897; in spite of prohibitions, imports into Persia continued on a large scale.
The population of the city, probably about 3000 at the beginning of the 17th century, was doubled in the years following 1655 by the coming of Spaniards from Jamaica.
In the year after the mission of Sir Louis Dane to Kabul in 1905 it was authoritatively stated that the trade between Afghanistan and India had nearly doubled in value.
The senate, in return, settled him for life in his lectureship at Padua and doubled his salary, which was previously 500 florins and which then became treble that which any of his predecessors had enjoyed.
By its stipulations the yearly stipendium or tribute payable to Attila by the Romans was doubled; the fugitives were to be surrendered, or a fine of £8 to be paid for each of those who should be missing; free markets, open to Hun and Roman alike, were to be instituted; and any tribe with which Attila might be at any time at war was thereby to be held as excluded from alliance with Rome.
Latin D; while the symbol for the voiced spirant o is doubled, it is difficult to believe that the symbol for the spirant g, viz.
The number of speculations as to the nature of this distinction has been, it is said, well-nigh doubled since Drelincourt, in the r8th century, brought together 262 "groundless hypotheses," and propounded on his own part a theory TABLE I.
From 1897 to 1902 the yield almost doubled, averaging 5,267,783 tons (lignite, semibituminous, bituminous, and a steady average production of 60,038 tons of anthracite).
As the population of Scotland had doubled since the Reformation, and its distribution had been completely altered in many counties, while the number of parish churches remained unchanged, and meeting-houses had only been erected where seceding congregations required them, the need for new churches was very great.
The Virginia "Separate" Baptists had more than doubled their numbers in the two years from May 1771 to May 1773.
By 1812 there were in the United States 173,972 Baptist church members, the denominational numerical strength having considerably more than doubled since the beginning of the 19th century.
We have here a population which doubled itself every twenty-two years; and the greater part of this rapid increase must certainly be due to the old European immigrants.
Thus, in the first five years of railway construction, from 18 25 to 1830, the mileage doubled; while in the second five years, from 1830 to 1835, it trebled.
The number of passengers carried per mile in 1832 was 4860, but before ten more years were past the number of passengers had not only increased in proportion with the opening of new lines, but more than doubled per mile, and, instead of being under 5000, had in 1842 come to be near 12,000.
By sea Prince Henry's captains continued their exploration of Africa and the Atlantic. In 1433 Cape Bojador was doubled; in 1 434 the first consignment of slaves was brought to Lisbon; and slave trading soon became one of the most profitable branches of Portuguese commerce.
The population in the year before the gold discovery probably doubled, and amounted to perhaps 900 in May 1848.
The doubled k of the Greek form is decisive against (I) the theory that the name Maccabee was made up of the initials of the opening words of Exod.
He is said to have raised the number of the senators to 300, and to have doubled the number of the knights '(see Navius, Attus).
During his ten years' tenure of the finance ministry he nearly doubled the revenues of the empire, but at the same time he made for himself, by his policy and his personal characteristics, host of enemies.
Between 1899 and 1907 the value of the potato crop more than doubled.
So remarkable was this work that the value of the prize was doubled as a recognition of unusual merit.
In 1906 the population of the commune was 17,790, of the town 10,464; the population of the former was more than doubled in the last decade of the 19th century.
But in the next fifty years it more than doubled itself, the figures for 1891 being 821,000.
The export of wool, over 23,000,000 lb in 1860, had doubled by 1871, and was over 63,473,000 lb in 1905 when the export was valued at £1,887,459.
He held that England's according the rights of belligerents to the Confederate states had doubled the duration of the war, entailing inestimable loss.
In 1785 he was invited to Padua, but to retain his services his sovereign doubled his salary and allowed him leave of absence for a visit to Turkey, where he remained nearly a year, and made many observations, among which may be noted those of a copper mine in Chalki and of an iron mine at Principi.
Indiana was ninth in the value of its agricultural products in 1889, and retained the same relative rank in 1899, although the value had considerably more than doubled, increasing from $94,759,262 in 1889 to $204,450,196 in 1899.
This for the first time gave him a real command of the sea, and at least doubled the chances of a successful attack upon England.
During her reign the people of Great Britain doubled their number; but the accumulated wealth of the country increased at least threefold, and its trade sixfold.
Sericulture, a growing industry, is chiefly carried on in Ferghana, whence silk cocoons are an important item of export, the output having doubled between 1892 and 1903 (3869 tons).
On fertilization the number is doubled and all the cells of the sporebearing generation have the double number.
In 1433 died King John, exhorting his son not to abandon those schemes which were now, in the long-continued failure to round Cape Bojador, ridiculed by many as costly absurdities; and in 1434 one of the prince's ships, commanded by Gil Eannes, at length doubled the cape.
A soft bronze or gun-metal is formed with 16 parts of copper to 1 of tin, and a harder gun-metal,, such as was used for bronze ordnance, when the proportion of tin is about doubled.
Meanwhile Pippins Frankish kingdom, vast and powerful as it had been, was doubled.
The land-tax was doubled and trebled by war, by the pensions of the nobles, by an extortion the profits of which Richelieu disdained neither for himself nor for his family; and just when the richer and more powerful classes had been freed from taxes, causing the wholesale oppression of the poorer, these few remaining were jointly and severally answerable.
The population of the Antilles doubled; that of Canada quintupled; while if in 1672 at the time of the war with Holland Louis XIV.
State aid to religion, which was given to any denomination which would receive it, was abolished; local self-government was extended to the rural as well as to the urban districts; a policy of semiprotection was introduced; the island was connected by a submarine cable to the mainland of Australia, and thence to the rest of the civilized world; and the population, which was only 99, 328 in 1870, was nearly doubled.
When Otto died in 1267, the area of the mark had been almost doubled, and the margraves had attained to an influential position in the Empire.
She doubled over, pain from Czerno's attacks crippling her.
The tension in Rhyn's body doubled.
They also looked for double characters, understanding only certain letters doubled with any frequency in English language words.
The numbers to the north were doubled, if not tripled, from earlier, and the armies surrounding Tiyan appeared both much larger and much closer.
It thrashed again, and she doubled over, wondering if she could remain strong enough to kill the demon, or if it'd wrestle her strength from her before she could act against it.
Capacity was doubled in 1966 to 8 stills, the shape of which is considered eccentric.
The incidence of the potentially life threatening peanut allergy has doubled during the last ten years.
The number of people taking antidepressants has more than doubled in the past 10 years.
Between 2004 and 2005 the number of car and roadside bombs doubled, and suicide bombs trebled.
The two other carloads, missing the third, eventually doubled back and found the men in Rutbah.
As an inevitable concomitant to these measures, rents increased rapidly and Kay (1794) observed that they doubled or even trebled.
The number of threatened corncrake has doubled since 1993.
In the end she played small, declarer scored his 10 and went on to make his doubled contract.
For muon pairs the initialisation time is shorter by a factor of about 3 and the event generation rate is roughly doubled.
Since the new fascia and refit, weekly sales have almost doubled.
There seemd to be contamination of some of the plots in the doubled haploid trial, as they did not appear homogeneous.
Having won 31 medals, four of which were gold, Wales has more than doubled the Kuala Lumpur medal tally.
Of the mice given methamphetamine, nearly 40% had seizures, but this was doubled if methamphetamine was combined with loud music.
In the past two centuries the concentration of atmospheric methane has more than doubled.
He doubled his tally when he latched onto a terrible mix-up in the Fulham defense in the 75th minute.
In addition sales of ground nutmeg have more than doubled with over 4,500 jars being sold each week.
The baseline mean plasma prolactin level was nearly doubled in the drug responders, suggesting reduced brain dopamine activity.
This was doubled up to two of each, and then redoubled in 1967 to the present four of each.
Not surprising, then, that the number of commercial sealers has approximately doubled over the last ten years.
While the number of GA aircraft had doubled in the past 15 years the number of aerodromes had remained largely static.
The number of whales, dolphins and porpoises stranded on the UK coastline has more than doubled over the last ten years.
As the value of the Korean won has been cut by half, western prices have doubled.
In 1825 the extinction of the family ruling Saxe-Gotha made a rearrangement of the Saxon duchies necessary, and SaxeMeiningen benefited greatly by the settlement of 1826, its area being more than doubled by the receipt of 530 sq.
The method of stating the rational constitution of bodies by comparison with water he believed capable of wide extension, and that one type, he thought, would suffice for all inorganic compounds, as well as for the best-known organic ones, the formula of water being taken in certain cases as doubled or tripled.
During the next decade it was a little more than doubled, and at the close of 1908 it was 3916.85 m.
C. Adams in 1853, nearly doubled the value of the acceleration deducible from them; and served to conceal a discrepancy with observation which has since given occasion to much profound research (see MooN).
It was almost certainly due to Cleon that the tribute of the "allies" was doubled in 425 (see Delian League).
Berg took the opportunity to ask, with great politeness, whether, as was rumored, the allowance of forage money to captains of companies would be doubled.
A minute later, on the quarter-hour mark, Shaun Bartlett doubled the tourists ' lead.
Now that the smelter 's capacity is being doubled, further imports of equipment for MOZAL can be expected.
The cases of what is called " sporadic CJD " have doubled in recent years.
These frequency doubled photons are then added to another dye laser photon, effectively tripling their frequency.
When they have doubled in size they should be transferred to a more ventilated cage such as the Bug Studio.
By the end of week one, the kitten will probably have doubled her birth weight, going from about 3.5 ounces to about 7 ounces.
Foreclosure rates have doubled recently because of second and third mortgages and the environment of ever-lowering interest rates is gone.
Warranty Manager - Original manufacturer's warranties are centrally registered and their life spans are doubled up to one additional year.
Worldwide use has doubled since the middle of the twentieth century and coal use is expected to increase as oil supplies become smaller.
Over the last 30 years, the occurrence of category 4 and 5 hurricanes has nearly doubled.
Losing the argument, the engineer quietly doubled the reinforcements.
When businessman George Merritt acquired the property in 1864, he doubled its size and added much of the Gothic details.
Cover with a towel and let rise until it has doubled in size.
Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled in size.
It is possible that these poles doubled as hunting spears and walking sticks.
In the 1800's and early 1900's, letterman jackets were just sweaters with the school's emblem sewed onto them, and they doubled as the team's uniform.
This recipe makes one serving, but can easily be doubled or tripled to accommodate more people.
My business easily doubled in the first few years of sobriety and continues to grow at a rapid pace.
Besides the double blue and white forms, there is an interesting variety named coronata, in which the corolla is doubled.
Originally released in 1972 on the album Machine Head, the four chord distorted guitar riff follows a basic blues scale and is eventually doubled by a heavily distorted Hammond organ playing the same line as the guitar.
The fabric is doubled in the seat, which both makes it stronger and creates a set-in rear pocket perfect for holding a wallet.
Its incidence in the United States has doubled since 1970.
If one parent has a food allergy, the child's risk of having a food allergy is doubled.
Peanut allergies in the United States doubled between 1997 and 2002.
If both parents have psoriasis, the risk is doubled.
From 1980 to 2004, the prevalence of obesity among children quadrupled, and the prevalence of obesity in adolescents more than doubled.
Most states doubled, and some tripled, the number of foster care adoptions since 1997.
By 1994, that number had doubled to 2.41 in every 1,000 live births.
The total score is doubled if blood supply to the amputated part has been absent or diminished for more than six hours.
In the tenth grade, bullying rose from 3.2 percent in 1999 to 4.6 percent in 2001, and among twelfth graders, it doubled from 1.2 percent in 1999 to 2.4 percent just two years later.
By the end of the fifth week, the embryo has doubled in size and has grown a tail-like structure that becomes the coccyx (lowermost tip of the backbone).
This became a traditional symbol to represent undying love and happiness doubled.
This can be very beneficial when refinancing a California mortgage, because many home values have almost doubled in the last decade.
By 2005, the median cost more than doubled, to $251,000.
During the ten years between 1996 and 2006, the total percentage of new mortgages falling in the subprime category doubled, meaning that a larger portion of loans made were high risk loans.
By 1996, the size of the Monterey Aquarium had doubled from the original Hovden sardine cannery to a complex of multiple buildings seamlessly connected into an exciting, educational experience.
Belts were often doubled up on the low waist over anything from a loose, off-the-shoulder t-shirt to a tight bustier top.
For example, if you want a grass skirt that is approximately 20 inches long, cut 40 inches strips of raffia.Starting at the center of the rope, tie the doubled raffia to the rope.
According to the article, the price of gold has doubled and then some since just 2002!
This means that the same precautions you might take with a backpack purse should be doubled with the slingback.
However, the incidents of fighting nearly doubled in the middle school where the uniform policy was adopted.
Boys were doubled over in the bushes, so sick they couldn't speak.
It is common for stores to place limits on the number of coupons that can be doubled during an event.
Place in a lightly greased bowl, rolling around the bowl until coated, then cover with a dishtowel or a paper towel and let rise in an unheated oven for until doubled in size or for about one hour.
Cover again and let rise for about one hour or until doubled in size.
In a large bowl, beat the egg whites with the salt until doubled in volume and stiff peaks begin to form.
Remove the white chocolate ganache from the refrigerator, beat the chilled chocolate ganache until it is frothy and doubled in volume.
Some sheer bodices have doubled material.
Alex might have given up on her, but Josh had doubled his efforts.
The gate guards were doubled, armed and wearing tactical gear, the perimeter lit by intense floodlights.
As I expected, Memon has doubled his presence to the north and is hedging in from all other directions.
Denton was doubled over laughing.
He doubled the area of the enclosure round the Temple, and there can be little doubt that a great part of the walls of the Haram area date from the time of Herod, while probably the tower of David, which still exists near the Jaffa Gate, is on the same foundation as one of the towers adjoining his palace.
Haydn finds the pianoforte so completely capable of expressing his meaning that he is at a loss to find independent material for any accompanying instruments; and the violoncello in his trios has, except perhaps in four passages in the whole collection of thirty-three works, not a note to play that is not already in the bass of the pianoforte; while the melodies of the violin are, more often than not, doubled in the treble.
The personnel on active service consisted of 1799 officers and 25,000 men, the former being doubled and the latter trebled since 1882.
This is a necessary consequence of the fusion of two nuclei in fertilization, unless the chromosomes are to be doubled at each generation.
By 1890 imports had risen to 790,261 pounds, and thereafter fluctuated greatly, standing at only 473,598 pounds in 1893, but at 1,017,238 pounds in 1897, and 1,382,352 in 1901, but under abnormal conditions in 1904 this last amount was nearly doubled.
Joly published his Manual of Quaternions (London); the valuable contents of this are doubled by copious so-called examples; every earnest student should take these as part of the main treatise.
From 1880 to 1900 the number of farms above Soo and below r000 acres doubled; half of the total in 1900 were smaller than loo acres.
Vegetable exports more than doubled between 1894 and 1903.
By this time the foreign element was considerable in number, and it doubled in the next six years, although the true overland immigration from the United States began only about 1840.
Sonya and fat little Petya doubled up with laughter.
In the second season, Dobrev's role was doubled up as Katherine returned to present-day Mystic Falls to cause havoc for all the residents.
Original packaging - The original packaging that was supplied with the Betty Boop watch also doubled as a display frame.
Some bands come with varying handles while others can be doubled up to increase the resistance exponentially.
A small country store that doubled as a restaurant was one of a few buildings.