Doses Sentence Examples
According to Ross, it should be given promptly, in sufficient doses (up to 30 grains), and should be continued for months.
Given by the mouth glycerin produces purging if large doses are administered, and has the same action if only a small quantity be introduced into the rectum.
The largest amount of alcohol that can be burnt up within the healthy body in twenty-four hours is 12 oz., but it must be consumed in great dilution and divided into small doses taken every four hours.
Let us then suppose that a conductor originally at zero potential has its potential raised by administering to it small successive doses of electricity dq.
The dose of jalap is from five to twenty grains, the British Pharmacopeia directing that it must contain from 9 to II% of the resin, which is given in doses of two to five grains.
It may be given in half-grain doses.
The administration of enormous doses of alcohol is to be condemned strongly.
The continued use of large doses of alcohol produces chronic gastritis, in which the continued irritation has led to overgrowth of connective tissue, atrophy of the gastric glands and permanent cessation of the gastric functions.
The British Pharmacopoeia contains (i) an extract of the fresh corm, having doses of 4 to i grain, and (2) the Vinum Colchici, made by treating the dried corm with sherry and given in doses of 10 to 30 minims. This latter is the preparation still most generally used, though the presence of veratrine both in the corm and the seeds renders the use of colchicine itself theoretically preferable.
The salicylate of colchicine is stable in water and may be given in doses of about one-thirtieth of a grain.
AdvertisementIn larger doses colchicum or colchicine acts as a most violent gastrointestinal irritant, causing terrible pain, colic,vomiting, diarrhoea, haemorrhage from the bowel, thirst and ultimately death from collapse.
Large doses also depress the nervous system, weakening the anterior horns of grey matter in the spinal cord so as ultimately to cause complete paralysis, and also causing a partial insensibility of the cutaneous nerves of touch and pain.
A further curious fact, doubtless of very great significance, but hitherto lacking interpretation, is that the administration of colchicum during an acute attack of gout may often hasten the oncoming of the next attack; and this property, familiar to many gouty patients, may not be affected by the administration of small doses after the attack.
After large doses haematuria has been observed in a few cases.
The treatment is the prompt use of emetics, or the stomach should be washed out, and large doses of sodium or magnesium sulphate given in order to form an insoluble sulphate.
AdvertisementThe pulse is slowed, the number of beats per minute being actually reduced, under considerable doses, to forty, or even thirty, per minute.
In small doses it therefore tends to relieve pain, if this be present.
The antipyretic action which considerable doses of aconite display is not specific, but is the result of its influence on the circulation and respiration and of its slight diaphoretic action.
In order to reduce the pulse to its normal rate in these cases, without at the same time lessening the power of the heart, the drug must be given in doses of about two minims of the tincture every halfhour and then every hour until the pulse falls to the normal rate.
It is probably never right to give aconite in doses much larger than that named.
AdvertisementThe treatment is to empty the stomach by tube or by a non-depressant emetic. The physiological antidotes are atropine and digitalin or strophanthin, which should be injected subcutaneously in maximal doses.
By the continuous injections under the skin, in increasing doses, of the toxins of certain pathogenic micro-organisms, such as that of diphtheria, an animal-usually the horse-may be rendered completely refractory to the disease.
Small, stimulating doses, and repeated, are good, but stimulation can be more effectively produced by ammonia or strychnine.
It may be given in drachm doses with impunity.
Though ammonium chloride has certain irritant properties which may disorder the stomach, yet if its mucous membrane be depressed and atonic the drug may improve its condition, and it has been used with success in gastric and intestinal catarrhs of a subacute type and is given in doses of io grains half an hour before meals in painful dyspepsia due to hyperacidity.
AdvertisementLarge doses of these salts are used to remove fluid in dropsy.
In the stomach potassium salts neutralize the gastric acid, and hence small doses are useful in hyperchloridia.
In large doses it is a dangerous poison, converting the oxyhaemoglobin of the blood into methaemoglobin.
All potassium salts if taken in large doses are cardiac depressants, they also depress the nervous system, especially the brain and spinal cord.
It contains a bitter poisonous principle, picrotoxin, used in small doses to control the night sweats of phthisis.
The usual doses of these salts are from five to thirty grains or more.
Another often successful method of preventing the onset of symptoms of poisoning is to administer small doses of ammonium carbonate with the drug, thereby neutralizing the iodic acid which is liberated in the stomach.
The pharmacopoeial preparations of this acid are a 2% solution, which is given in doses of from two to six minims, the tinctura chloroformi et morphinae cornposita, which contains a half-minim of this solution in each ten minims, and the aqua laurocerasi, which owes its virtues to the presence of this acid, and is of inconstant strength, besides being superfluous.
The stomach must be washed out and large doses of emetics given as soon as possible.
Its nauseous bitter taste may to some extent be concealed by acidifying the solution with dilute sulphuric acid, and in some cases where full doses have failed the repeated administration of small ones has proved effectual.
The usual doses of the oxide and carbonate of magnesium are from half a drachm to a drachm.
Small doses increase the sensibility of touch, sight and hearing; large doses cause twitching of the muscles and difficulty in swallowing; while in overdose violent convulsions are produced.
Ordinary doses have no effect upon the temperature but in overdose the temperature rises during a convulsion.
In progressive lead palsy, beri-beri, and the paralysis following acute alcoholism, fairly large doses are useful.
In dyspnoea due to emphysema, phthisis and asthma, strychnine is of service, given internally in doses of i to 3 minims of the liquor.
Moreover, did it do so, the action upon the human system would be infinitely less harmful than similar doses of copper or of lead.
The price, however, is generally so high that its use is practically nil, except in small doses as a liquid manure for choice pot plants.
Common salt acts as a manure when used in moderate quantities, but in strong doses is injurious to vegetation.
Hyacinths and other bulbs derive benefit from slight doses, while to asparagus as much as 20 lb to the rood has been used with beneficial effect.
It acts in about five hours, affecting the entire length of the bowel, but not increasing the flow of bile except in very large doses.
Chloroform may be given internally in doses of from one to five drops.
The British Pharmacopoeia contains a watery solution - the Aqua Chloroformi - which is useful in disguising the taste of nauseous drugs; a liniment which consists of equal parts of camphor liniment and chloroform, and is a useful counter-irritant; the Spiritus Chloroformi (erroneously known as "chloric ether"), which is a useful anodyne in doses of from five to forty drops; and the Tinctura Chloroformi et Morphinae Composita, which is the equivalent of a proprietary drug called chlorodyne.
Its action on the stomach is practically identical with that of alcohol (q.v.), though in very much smaller doses.
It can therefore be administered subcutaneously, in doses of about onehundredth of a grain.
The pharmacopeial tincture may be given in doses of five to fifteen minims, and the infusion has the unusually small dose of two to four drachms - the dose of other infusions being an ounce or more.
In larger doses a remarkable sequel to these actions may be observed.
In small or moderate doses it is a powerful diuretic. Though Heidenhain asserts that rise in the renal blood-pressure has not a diuretic action per se, it seems probable that this influence of the drug is due to a rise in the general blood-pressure associated with a relatively dilated condition of the renal vessels.
In large doses, on the other hand, the renal vessels also are constricted and the amount of urine falls.
In large doses the action of digitalis on the circulation causes various cerebral symptoms, such as seeing all objects blue, and various other disturbances of the special senses.
It must never be prescribed in large doses to begin with, as some patients are quite unable to take it,intractable vomiting being caused.
In the United States the bulb is given in doses of 2-2 drachms in cases of bronchiectasis and phthisis pulmonalis.
Garlic may also be prescribed as an extract consisting of the inspissated juice, in doses of 5-io grains, and as the syrupus allii aceticus, in doses of 1-4 drachms. This last preparation has recently been much extolled in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis or phthisis.
That substance, in small doses, favours the contractile power of muscle.
The official doses of atropine are from to 1+F grain, and the sulphate, which is in general use in medicine, has a similar dose.
It is highly important to observe that the official doses of the various pharmacopoeias may with safety be greatly exceeded in practice.
So valuable are certain of the properties of atropine that it is often desirable to give doses of one-twentieth or onetenth of a grain; but these will never be ventured upon by the practitioner who is ignorant of the great interval between the minimum toxic and the minimum lethal dose.
Those that go to the voluntary muscles are depressed only by very large and dangerous doses.
But moderate doses of atropine markedly paralyse the terminals of the nerves that go to involuntary muscles, whether the action of those nerves be motor or inhibitory.
Toxic doses of atropine - and therefore of belladonna - raise the temperature several degrees.
In small therapeutic and in small toxic doses atropine stimulates the motor apparatus of the spinal cord, just as it stimulates the centres in the medulla oblongata.
In large toxic and in lethal doses the activity of the spinal cord is lowered.
It is to be noted that children, who are particularly susceptible to the influence of certain of the other potent alkaloids, such as morphine and strychnine, will take relatively large doses of atropine without ill-effect.
The anhidrotic action of atropine is largely employed in controlling the night-sweats so characteristic of pulmonary tuberculosis, small doses of the solution of the sulphate being given at night.
In treating an actual and present attack of asthma, it is advisable to give the standardized tincture of belladonna - unless expense is no consideration, in which case atropine may itself be used - in doses of twenty minims every quarter of an hour as long as no evil effects appear.
Smaller doses of the drug should be given three times a day between the attacks.
Inject stimulants subcutaneously; give coffee - hot and strong - by the mouth and rectum, or use large doses of caffeine citrate; and employ artificial respiration.
In small doses it causes only thirst and headache, with furred tongue and some excitement.
In large doses it is a convulsent poison.
Medicine.-Urea has been given in medicine in doses of 10 to 60 grs.
Thiosinamine is given internally in doses of to i gr.
Larger doses usually upset the digestion.
In large doses toxic symptoms are produced, death following on coma.
Benzoic acid itself, ammonium benzoate and sodium benzoate are all administered internally in doses of from five to thirty grains.
In the cough of phthisis minute doses are of service, but in this particular disease morphine is frequently better replaced by codeine or by heroin, which checks irritable coughs without the narcotism following upon the administration of morphine.
It is also excreted in the milk; hence the danger in the administration of large doses of morphine to nursing mothers.
The sudden withdrawal of morphine should therefore never be practised with takers of large quantities of the drug, but gradually diminishing doses given by the physician should be substituted.
Very large doses, so much as 1so cc. may be injected subcutaneously or preferably intravenously, and it is stated to modify the whole course of the disease.
Taken internally in any but minute doses, the drug causes the most severe gastro-intestinal irritation, the vomited and evacuated matters containing blood, and the patient suffering agonizing pain and extreme depression.
The effect of large doses is to cause great pain in the renal region and urgent wish to micturate.
Given in large doses it causes rapid and characteristic poisoning, with alterations in the blood and rapid degeneration of nearly all the internal organs; but in small doses-5 to 15 grains - it partly undergoes reduction in the blood and tissues, the chloride being formed and oxygen being supplied to the body-cells in nascent form.
In large doses, however, it greatly disorders the digestion.
As it does not depress the heart when used in medicinal doses, it may be given to patients suffering from cardiac disease.
By inoculation with increasing doses of these the resistance of the organism is greatly increased and the invading microbes destroyed.
Amongst those are to be classed small doses of aconite and colchicum; the former especially tends to lessen the process of inflammation generally, when it is not too severe.
Calmette and Fraser found that when small doses of snake venom, insufficient to cause death, are injected into an animal, temporary disturbance is produced; but after a few days the animal recovers, and a larger dose is then required to produce any symptoms. By gradually increasing the dose the animal becomes more and more resistant, until at last a dose fifty times as great as that which would at first have produced immediate death can be injected without doing the animal any harm.
This toxin-containing broth is injected into a horse in increasing doses, just as in the case of the serpent venom, and after the resistance of the horse has been much increased it is bled into sterilized vessels and the blood is allowed to coagulate.
Amongst the best of these are carbolic acid in doses of one or two grains, creosote in one or two drops, and sulpho-carbolate of soda in doses of ten grains.
The medicines above mentioned may be taken either in a moderate dose at bedtime or in the form of a dinner pill, or they may be taken in small doses three times a day just before or after meals.
It depresses respiration, and in large doses lowers temperature.
Frequent doses of a teaspoonful of tannin dissolved ' in water should be administered, together with strong tea and coffee and mucilaginous fluids.
Immunity, however, probably results from certain substances introduced into the system during the disease rather than from the disease itself; for by properly adjusted doses of the poison (in the widest sense), immunity may result without any symptoms of the disease occurring.
In the development of toxin-immunity the doses, small at first, are gradually increased in successive inoculations; or, as in the case of very active toxins, the initial injections are made with toxin modified by heat or by the addition of various chemical substances.
The antitoxic property is developed in a susceptible animal by successive and gradually increasing doses of the toxin.
It has also been employed in the treatment of gastric ulcer in doses of 2 to 4 grs.
In large doses it is a poison causing giddiness, deafness, salivation, sweating and convulsions.
A pint of hot strong coffee may be introduced into the rectum, and caffeine in large doses - ten or twenty grains of the carbonate - may be given by the mouth.
The ma ority took their opium twice daily, morning and evening, the quantity taken varying from 2 to 46 grains daily, large doses being the exception, and the average 5 to 7 grains daily.
Taken in large doses nitrate of silver is a powerful poison, causing violent abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea with the development of gastro-enteritis.
The doses are similar to those of the sulphate, but somewhat smaller, owing to its greater solubility.
The ferri et quininae citras, one of the "scale preparations" of iron, is given as a haematinic and tonic in doses of about to grains.
It is only in very large doses that it weakens the intracardiac nervous ganglia, slows and weakens the pulse, and dangerously lowers the blood pressure.
Similarly the depressant action on the respiratory centre in the medulla oblongata occurs only after the administration of enormous doses.
Ten or fifteen grains of the sulphate are often given three times a day for this latter purpose, and smaller doses of the much more efficacious acid hydrochloride will be found to convey even more certain immunity.
An equally effective method, which may be combined with the above, is to give the quinine in so-grain doses of the acid hydrochloride every four hours between the attacks.
Quinine is largely used as a bitter tonic in doses of about half a grain.
Somewhat smaller doses than those given in pyrexia should be employed.
In persons who have a marked idiosyncrasy towards cinchonism, the symptoms may often be successfully averted if small doses of hydrobromic acid - io minims of the dilute solution - are given with the quinine.
Lithium salts render the urine alkaline and are in virtue of their action diuretic. They are much prescribed for acute or chronic gout, and as a solvent to uric acid calculi or gravel, but their action as a solvent of uric acid has been certainly overrated, as it has been shown that the addition of medicinal doses of lithium to the blood serum does not increase the solubility of uric acid in it.
In concentrated or large doses lithium salts cause vomiting and diarrhoea, due to a gastro-enteritis set up by their action.
It may be given in doses of from ten to fifty grains or more, and may be continued without ill effect for long periods in grave cases of epilepsy (grand mal).
Sulphate of copper, in doses of 3 to 5 gr., freely diluted and repeated every few minutes forms the harmless, black phosphide of copper, which is rapidly eliminated by the kidneys.
Small doses of the aromatic acid also serve as a prophylactic to those artisans who work in lead and as a treatment in lead poisoning in order to form an insoluble sulphate of lead.
Given in toxic doses or in strong solution, sulphuric acid is a severe gastro-intestinal irritant, causing intense burning pain, extending from the mouth to the stomach, and vomiting of mucous and coffee-coloured material.
The extremely complex composition of this drug has been studied in great detail, and with such important results that instead of giving ergot itself by the mouth in doses of 20 to 60 grains, it is now possible to obtain much more rapid and certain results by giving one three-hundredth of a grain of one of its constituents hypodermically.
This oil is closely allied in composition to oil of turpentine and is given in doses of a half to three minims. The Spiritus juniperi of the British pharma copoeia is given in doses up to one drachm.
In large doses oil of turpentine causes purging and may induce much haemorrhage from the bowel; it should be combined with some trustworthy aperient, such as castor oil, when given as an anthelmintic. It is readily absorbed unchanged and has a marked contractile action upon the blood vessels.
In large doses it has a depressant action on the nervous system, leading even to coma and total abolition of reflex action.
In the milder varieties of this complaint, such as those occurring sporadically, and where the symptoms are probably due to matters in the bowels setting up the dysenteric irritation, the employment of diaphoretic medicines is to be recommended, and the administration of such a laxative as castor oil, to which a small quantity of laudanum has been added, will often, by removing the source of the mischief, arrest the attack; but a method of treatment more to be recommended is the use of salines in large doses, such as one drachm of sodium sulphate from four to eight times a day.
In poisonous doses it causes loss of speech, distortion and paralysis.
In acute mania it acts like hyoscyamine in producing sleep. In large doses stramonium is a narcotic poison producing the wellmarked stages of exaltation of function, diminution of functional activity, and later loss of function, sinking into coma and paralysis.
In minute doses it is a gastric stimulant, promoting the flow of gastric juice.
Internally it is useful in certain forms of dyspepsia, but as some patients are quite unable to tolerate the drug, it must always be administered in very small doses at first, the quantity being slowly increased as tolerance is shown.
In criminal poisoning repeated doses are usually given, so that such cases may not be typical, but will present some of the aspects of acute and some of chronic arsenical poisoning.
Pharmacology is also related to toxicology, as many remedial and other agents are more or less poisonous when given in large doses, but it does not include the detection, tests, and the other strictly medico-legal aspects of poisoning.
Some drugs given in excess are poisons to all forms of protoplasm, but when given in doses much short of the lethal they usually exhibit a distinct tendency to affect specially, and at an early period, certain organs or tissues, and hence result differences in action; others may act only on certain organs, leaving the others practically untouched.
In man the most important of these circumstances is age, but speaking broadly this is really a question of bulk, the child being affected like the adult, but by smaller doses.
In the same way some individuals show a special tendency to poisoning by doses of certain drugs which are harmless to the great majority of mankind, and hence we get unexpected or unusual results, these arising from special susceptibility on the part of certain organs.
It is well known that the habitual consumption of certain drugs, such as tobacco, Indian hemp, opium, arsenic, alcohol and many others, gradually induces a condition of tolerance to their effects, so that large doses can be taken without causing symptoms of poisoning.
In small doses they somewhat increase general metabolism.
All of them injected into the blood in large doses act as muscle and nerve poisons, and during their excretion by the kidney usually irritate it severely, but only a few are absorbed in sufficient amount to produce similar effects when given by the mouth.
Arsenic and antimony do not form combinations with albumen, but they both greatly depress the central nervous system and circulation; and, if their action be long continued in large doses, they cause fatty degeneration of the viscera and disappearance of glycogen from the liver.
Alkaline bromides, in addition to their saline action, have in sufficient doses a depressing effect upon the central nervous system, and less markedly upon the heart.
When taken by the mouth phosphorus is an irritant poison in large doses; in small doses the only effects noticeable consist in an increased formation of bony and connective tissue, although it is also supposed to exert a gently stimulating effect upon the nervous system.
When swallowed in small doses they slightly irritate the mouth and gastric mucous membrane, increasing the secretions and producing a feeling of warmth.
On the heart and circulation the effects are stimulant unless large doses are given, when the pulse becomes slow and blood-pressure much lessened.
They also increase the number of leucocytes in the blood, and the more irritating of them increase the flow of blood to the pelvic organs, and may thus stimulate the uterus, or in large doses cause abortion.
In all cases there is a longer or shorter period of excitement, followed by intoxication or narcosis, and with large doses this passes into paralysis and death from depression of the respiratory centre or of the heart.
Small doses of any of them dilate the blood vessels from an action on the vaso-motor centre in the medulla oblongata, as a result of which the heart beats more rapidly and the blood circulates more freely; but larger doses have a general depressing effect upon the circulatory system.
At the same time the non-striped muscles slightly lose their tonicity, and when very large doses are given the haemoglobin of the blood becomes converted into the chocolate-coloured methaemoglobin.
Small doses excite the nervous system, while larger doses are depressing.
In large doses they are powerful nerve poisons, but as usually taken they exercise a gently stimulant effect upon the nervous system.
Pilocarpine has an action closely allied to that of nicotine, but as it is much less poisonous (the effects produced by small doses being chiefly excessive sweating and salivation), it is capable of being utilized in medicine.
Speaking generally, when given in small doses their action on the healthy organism is slight or nil, but in disease some of them are capable of acting as substitutes for deficient secretions.
Antitoxins can be prepared by immunizing a large animal, such as a horse, by injecting gradually increasing doses of specific toxins into its subcutaneous tissue.
This allows the adrenal glands to recover between doses and prevents their becoming suppressed.
If given after meals larger doses are required for temporary alleviation by neutralizing the food acids.
Very rarely, seizures have occurred with high doses of interferon alpha.
With large doses of exogenous androgens, spermatogenesis may be suppressed.
When patients with angina start treatment their angina start treatment their angina may worsen - they must start at very low doses and build up.
Now, 40% of adult therapeutic doses (ATD) of platelets collected by the NBS are collected by apheresis.
It is difficult to obtain such low doses of other benzodiazepines.
Single caffeine doses found at the level in commonly consumed beverages have little or no diuretic action.
Such doses can be achieved in patients receiving 1 gram bolus intravenous doses of methylprednisolone.
A small proportion of PV contains cadmium, the oxides of which are toxic in very small doses.
Cleft palates should receive adequate doses of paracetamol and possibly oral codeine or NSAID's after twelve hours.
Very high doses can induce coma or unconsciousness or even death.
The clinical features of excessive doses of opiates include coma of varying severity, small pupils and depressed respiration.
Heavy doses of copper can be introduced into the seat to improve heat transfer and thus counteract the tendency to overheat.
For very severe disease causing inflammation in the kidneys, lungs or brain then we use cyclophosphamide with high doses of steroids.
Over the last 15 years, St Thomas has been pioneering the use of much lower doses of intravenous cyclophosphamide.
However it is a potent respiratory depressant and should be used with caution, starting with low doses of 50mg twice a day.
This is contraindicated if the patient is already taking digoxin when lower doses are required.
Erythromycin Common adverse effects include gastrointestinal disturbances, especially at higher doses.
However, doses exceeding the specific approved dosage are not recommended.
However, exceeding the recommended doses can cause side effects.
Reduced sperm function was noted in male rats at high oral doses.
Potential variability in antiemetic efficacy was examined by looking at doses.
There were also 234 doses of recombinant human erythropoietin, or EPO, the blood booster that threatened to take over world sport.
In human healthy volunteers, low doses of the extracts administered in a double-blind design against placebo increased reaction time end time-lapse estimation.
Pharmacological doses of n-3 fatty acids can lower triglyceride levels but have also been shown to raise LDL cholesterol levels in people with diabetes.
In premature foals from a normal uterus, it is tempting to give " physiological " doses of steroids.
Individuals taking Methotrexate should avoid folic acid in doses of 1mg and above unless under supervision.
Average or large doses of warfarin in humans may cause hemorrhage.
Usually, on diagnosis, high doses of the drug heparin are injected.
A review of vitamin E toxicity studies concluded that humans show few side effects following supplemental doses less.. .
It is usually satisfactory to give hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone in twice daily doses except in stress as detailed below.
Sudden withdrawal of Catapres, particularly in those patients receiving high doses, may result in rebound hypertension.
Both compared 1.2 g ibuprofen daily with 1.5 g glucosamine sulfate daily, in three divided doses.
Interferon Research has been going on using interferon Research has been going on using interferon in combination with low doses of the commonly used bladder cancer treatment, BCG.
At high doses, in monkeys, abortifacient effects were observed with other interferons (see section 5.3 ).
Withdrawal results in a migraine-like headache which has led sufferers to treat with further doses, developing a particular syndrome of chronic ergot intoxication.
Two doses of weed killer were put down which eventually turned all of the grass brown.
Normal doses in the severely malnourished may lead to toxicity.
Chronic leucoencephalopathy has also been reported in patients who received repeated doses of high-dose methotrexate with leucovorin rescue even without cranial irradiation.
Women treated with single dose methotrexate were more likely to fail medical management of ectopic pregnancy than those treated with multiple doses.
There is no harm in taking micronutrients at normal doses if it makes you feel you are doing something.
Thus, although the total tissue dose might be considered negligible, cells close to an alpha source receive high doses.
Toxic doses of propantheline bromide may produce non-depolarising neuromuscular blocking effects with paralysis of voluntary muscle.
The registered nurse will indicate which doses have been supplied for the leave on the medicine chart.
Titrate small doses of intravenous opioid (morphine, pethidine) to control pain.
However, the scientists warn patients against using over-the-counter DHA supplements, which could be harmful at high doses.
It's an aerosolized gas which in small doses caused anxiety paranoia in it's subject.
A population pharmacokinetics analysis was conducted on samples from over 1,100 MS patients receiving doses ranging from 3 to 6 mg/kg natalizumab.
Rats fed zinc phosphide over a wide range of doses experienced toxic effects at the lowest dose tested.
Two special doses of a high dose contraceptive pill are taken exactly 12 hours apart.
Repeated doses also lead to fibrosis, called pneumoconiosis in miners.
We can also take in extra doses by eating food in which the fat has turned rancid, by smoking or drinking alcohol.
Further confusion reigns around the issue of changing doses.
At doses above 200 mg, the absorption was saturated probably due to poor solubility.
Children and babies are often prescribed doses of liquid medicine that are very small or hard to measure using a normal 5ml medicine spoon.
In larger doses it causes stupor, coma and convulsions.
President Armando Guebuza administered the first doses of the vaccine in the Maputo suburb of Mavalane as the symbolic launch of the campaign.
The recommended dose of Thyrogen is two doses of 0.9 mg thyrotropin alfa administered at a 24 hour interval.
Near-term rat fetuses showed growth retardation, again at maternally toxic doses.
Expert guidance is that two doses of surfactant should be given, 12 hours apart via the endotracheal tube.
Taken internally, in doses of from one to three grains, carbolic acid will often relieve obstinate cases of vomiting and has some value as a gastric antiseptic.
It is only in very large doses that the voluntary muscles are poisoned, there being induced in them a tremor which may simulate ordinary convulsions.
The doses of quinine used were 200 mg - 300 mg daily, usually taken in the evening or at bedtime.
Does taking high doses of vitamin B12 or garlic repel mosquitoes?
Some drugs must be administered in large doses to control schizophrenic symptoms.
In very high doses, the sedative effect can cause a loss of consciousness.
The vaccine, in the form of standardized doses of sporulated oocysts, is normally administered in water during the first two weeks.
It acts also as a stomachic tonic and bitter, in small doses, promoting gastric digestion and appetite. ¶ Preparations.
The infusion of 1 OZ. to a pint of boiling water is taken cold in tablespoonful doses.
Both studies reported analgesic effects of CNS 5161 at doses that were well tolerated by the patients.
The puppies are poisoned with varying doses of toxic chemicals for a period of 15 weeks.
Is toxic in large doses, causing among other problems, liver failure.
In the past, research has shown that both dogs and rats can handle high doses of melamine in their systems, but this does raise the question why it would ever need to be in their systems in the first place.
It's not available except through the vet's office in either oral doses or through injection.
The formula includes each of the five remedies listed below in greater strength than single doses.
The study used the rigorous double-blind method, and tested standard doses of Rescue Remedy against doses of a placebo.
By giving the patient tiny doses of substances carefully selected based on the patient's symptoms and overall condition, the homeopathic physician attempts to stimulate the body to cure itself.
Even consuming acai in large doses (as you would by taking it in pill form) has been proven to pose no risks.
Acai berries have no known side effects, even in high doses.
Taking acai, even in large doses in capsule form, is very safe.
Through his work at the homeopathic hospital, he learned more about this system of healing, constitutional types, and treatment using tiny doses of plants, minerals and other substances to treat the disease.
Ask about specific amounts and allowable doses from your herbalist.
Large doses of black cohosh can induce seizure, irregular heartbeat and visual disturbance.
Researchers at the United States Department of Agriculture conducted a study on the benefits of cinnamon using the pill form of the spice in various doses.
Especially if you have a sensitive system, it is wise to introduce turmeric at low doses.
Fenugreek has proved itself to be safe in high doses for most individuals, but starting out conservatively will give nursing mothers a chance to monitor their body's reaction.
Some people also feel that high doses, as much as 1000 to 2000 mg a day, of vitamin C will help to boost the immune system and fight hay fever.
They can be fun in small doses (such as on a single piece of furniture) but tend to be overwhelming in a kitchen where a lot of hardware is often required.
They can be cute in small doses but when they're used in large quantities, they get tired very quickly.
When applied in interval doses, a deep color can be achieved, mimicking a natural sun-kissed tan.
Many include healthy doses of anti-oxidant and vitamin-rich fruits.
If you feel you aren't getting enough protein in your everyday diet and would like to supplement, protein shakes or vitamins containing protein can help round out your daily doses.
A person's tolerance builds up over time, and this pushes the user to take higher doses.
Even in small doses, meth has powerful effects.
Heavy doses of vitamins may be required, since alcoholics can develop huge vitamin deficiencies.
Long-term use of certain pain medications causes the body to adjust to the medicine, so that larger doses are needed for the same effect.
If used for a long period of time, higher doses will be needed to create the initial desired effect and physical dependence becomes an issue.
When taken in large doses, respiratory depression may also occur.
When taken in large enough doses, Vicodin can even cause death.
This medication has been shown to be especially effective for people aged 65 and over in doses of 10 milligrams.
Tolerance eventually develops, making higher doses necessary to get the same effect.
Nicotine replacement therapies involve giving users small doses of nicotine to reduce cravings.
The Nicoderm CQ patch is available in three different doses.
Because tolerance develops, bigger and purer doses are needed for chronic users to get their rush.
Gradually, over several weeks, you stretch out the time between doses.
They need higher and higher doses to get the same good feelings.
High doses make these dangerous effects more likely.
Some addicts develop a special kind of sensitization, so that even small doses bring a high risk of seizures.
This drug can be habit-forming even if taken in small doses for a short period of time.
Dextromethorphan is a safe and effective ingredient when taken in the correct doses.
Drinking may seem like fun and science shows that in some cases, in small doses, drinking can even be healthy.
Often, dependency occurs when users don't follow prescription guidelines, either by taking more than the recommended doses or taking the drug for longer than was originally intended.
In cases where valium is obtained by illegal or illegitimate methods, the individual will not be monitored and is likely to experience the symptoms above, particularly following prolonged use and possibly inappropriate doses.
The medication used will give you smaller doses of nicotine that last longer.
This medication is only supposed to be taken for a relatively short period of time and is considered addictive when used in high doses or for longer than prescribed.
One side effect of this drug that is rare, but may indeed occur with people who abuse this drug in high doses, is a marked increase in irritability and aggression.
High doses of this drug can also result in depression or suicidal thoughts.
People who abuse this drug in high doses are particularly at risk for this side effect.
People who abuse this drug may display high levels of anxiety in between doses.
Clonazepam side effects can be more pronounced in users who obtain this drug illegally or who take it in higher doses than the doses prescribed.
Is there a possibility that the meds were discontinued too soon or doses were missed?
In the event an owner cannot afford hospitalization, some vets are willing to administer large doses of fluid injected subcutaneously.
If an owner can't afford hospitalization, some vets are willing to administer large doses of fluid, injected just beneath the skin that the dog's body will slowly absorb.
Common doses are one teaspoon of granules per day for the typical adult and up to six teaspoons per day for athletes, including body builders and endurance runners.
For example, vitamin C is safe as well as beneficial when taken in higher doses than the RDA.
The key is to approach it in small doses.
The trick is to find garments that feature them in appropriate doses.
These styles may feature beads in small doses, perhaps as an accent or minor detail instead of as the star of the entire show.
While Tylenol is considered a safe drug for short-term use, it can cause unexpected problems when taken in doses higher than prescribed.
For example, one person may take care of everything but housekeeping, while another may need houskeeping and help making sure to take the proper doses of medications at the right times.
Most individuals do not need to titrate off (take lower doses until discontinuation) this medication.
Doctors generally start with the lowest doses of the least harmful medication and work from there.
While valerian rarely causes side effects when taken at recommended doses, the herb may cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, and a weak heartbeat in some people when taken at high doses.
Passionflower is virtually free of side effects when taken at recommended doses, and may be especially helpful for insomniacs who suffer from chronic pain, anxiety, or muscle disorders.
In very small doses, they help our bodies utilize vitamin D, and they help slow the effects of skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.
Here are a few sites with healthy doses of cooking games.
Heavy doses of the extract provide significant benefits, lowering the rate of fat-related illnesses, diabetes and liver problems and the extract may actually help you burn more calories than you take in with one glass.
The doses of vitamin E given in these trials ranged from 50-800 international units (IU) and 15-50 milligrams (mg) for beta carotene.
Children with chronic ITP can be treated with prednisone, immune globulin, or large doses of intravenous gamma globulin.
If platelet levels do not improve within one to four months, or high doses of prednisone are required, splenectomy may be recommended.
Herbs that have healing qualities when taken in small doses can be toxic in larger doses or may interact with prescription medications in unpredictable ways.
Drugs and doses should be adjusted based on observation of healing rate, switching patients from high to low doses and from narcotic analgesics to non-narcotics when circumstances permit.
The narcotic analgesics vary in potency, but all are effective in treatment of visceral pain when used in adequate doses.
Although the drug is well tolerated in normal doses, it may have significant toxicity at high doses.
Because acetaminophen is largely free of side effects at therapeutic doses, it has been considered the first choice for mild pain, including that of osteoarthritis.
Similarly, because narcotics are more rapidly metabolized in patients who have used these drugs for a long period, higher than normal doses may be needed to provide adequate pain management.
Because narcotic analgesics stimulate the production of enzymes that cause the metabolism of these drugs, patients on narcotics for a prolonged period may require increasing doses.
First, the patient's bone marrow is destroyed with very high doses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
A catheter is put in place that allows continuous doses of anesthetic to be given.
Regular doses of ibuprofen or other over-the-counter pain killers for a few days will help with the swelling and the pain.
There are anecdotal reports that large daily doses (0.04-0.14 oz, or 1-4 g) of vitamin C may help decrease bruising and aid in wound healing.
Do not overuse or give in doses larger than those labeled.
Usually, the doses are given at two, four, and six months of age and at 17 to 20 months of age.
Interruption of the recommended schedule with a delay between doses should not interfere with the final immunity achieved.
There is no need to start the series over again, regardless of the time between doses.
An intrathecal baclofen delivery system continuously releases prescribed amounts of baclofen in small doses directly into the spinal fluid via a small catheter and pump.
Any cancer drugs utilized are usually given in smaller doses, which diminishes the severity of their side effects.
Daily doses of diphenylhydantoin (Dilantin) or carbamazapine (Tegretol) can prevent or reduce the severity of pain in the hands and feet associated with this condition.
In this treatment, steadily increasing doses of allergen extract are given every few hours instead of every few days or weeks.
Low doses of antipsychotic medication have been used successfully with children and adolescents, especially when administered shortly after the onset of symptoms.
Infants are only given antacids in limited doses because of the risk of aluminum toxicity.
Alternative treatment of high cholesterol may include high doses of garlic, niacin, soy protein, algae, or other fatty acids, and the Chinese medicine supplement Cholestin (a red yeast fermented with rice).
Niacin can also cause flushing when taken in high doses.
Insulin may be given as an injection of a single dose of one type of insulin once a day, or different types of insulin can be mixed and given in one dose or split into two or more doses during a day.
Patients who require multiple injections over the course of a day may be able to use an insulin pump that administers small doses of insulin on demand.
Pumps are programmed to infuse a small, steady infusion of insulin (called a basal dose) throughout the day, and larger doses (called boluses) before meals.
All health professionals with responsibility for an asthmatic's drug therapy should have an up-to-date list of the drugs and doses being used by the child.
However, doses of radiation received in most x rays are quite similar to the environmental (background) radiation one is exposed to simply by living on Earth.
The body quickly builds a tolerance to narcotics in as little as two to three days, so that greater doses are required to achieve the same effect.
However, large doses may cause nausea, decreased appetite, bloating, gas, decreased ability to concentrate, and insomnia.
Large doses may also decrease the effects of phenytoin (Dilantin), a seizure medication.
Substance dependence is a group of behavioral and physiological symptoms that indicate the continual, compulsive use of a substance in self-administered doses despite the problems related to the use of the substance.
In order to continue to feel the desired effect of the substance, progressively higher drug doses must be taken.
Tolerance-A condition in which an addict needs higher doses of a substance to achieve the same effect previously achieved with a lower dose.
In high doses all nine trace minerals can be toxic in humans.
The body's regulatory mechanisms can easily be overwhelmed, however, when potassium chloride is injected intravenously, as high doses of injected potassium can easily result in death.
Treatment of manganese toxicity involves removal of the patient from the high manganese environment as well as giving him or her lifelong doses of the drug L-dopa.
A bone that has been broken or exposed to high doses of radiation used to treat other cancers is more likely than other bones to develop osteosarcoma.
Brief daily doses of natural sunlight can significantly relieve most symptoms.
Remission can sometimes be achieved after treatment with oral doses of activated charcoal.
Herbalists may recommend cloves taken as an infusion or ginger given in drop doses to control intestinal cramps, eliminate gas, and prevent vomiting.
The Hib vaccine is given in three or four doses during infancy, depending on the brand used.
Patients who do not like taking high doses of stimulants may choose to take smaller doses and make adjustments in their lifestyles, such as napping every couple of hours, to relieve daytime sleepiness.
Hemolytic anemia of the warm-antibody type may be treated with large doses of intravenous and oral corticocosteroids (cortisone).
Maintenance chemotherapy is chemotherapy given in lower doses as a treatment to prolong a remission in certain types of cancer.
Doctors adjust doses to do the least amount of harm possible to normal cells.
In some cases, fixed combinations of medications are the most practical way to administer these drugs, since they require the lowest number of doses each day.
To help keep levels constant, patients should take the medicine in doses spaced evenly through the day and night.
Causes of fasting hypoglycemia in children without diabetes may include insulin-producing tumors, certain hormonal deficiencies, medications (including sulfa drugs and large doses of aspirin), and critical illnesses.
The simplest kit to use is the Ana-kit, which contains a sterile syringe preloaded with two doses of epinephrine with a stop between.
Two Epi-Pen kits should be carried, so that two doses are available.
One safe and effective method of preventing TD is the use of large doses of Pepto Bismol.
In 1997, the cost of two adult doses of the vaccine in the United States was about $80.
In these cases, high doses of the needed vitamin can force the body to process or use it in the normal manner.
The disease can easily be treated with large oral daily doses of vitamin B12 (hydroxocobalamin) or with monthly injections of the vitamin.
Vitamin A and vitamin D can be toxic in high doses.
Vitamin bottles will list recommended doses for different age groups.
In 1998 the CDC found 2.6 cases of post-vaccination herpes zoster for every 100,000 distributed doses of VZV.
However, adolescents aged 13 or older, as well as adults, require two doses of Varivax, four to eight weeks apart, to obtain the same level of immunity as children under 13.
Following the distribution of the first 10 million doses of VZV, it was determined that severe reactions occurred with a frequency of approximately one in 50,000.
Although it is very unusual to develop an allergy after months of taking a drug, sometimes children develop a drug allergy after having received multiple doses of the drug.
Small amounts of the drug are injected or swallowed over a period of hours or a few days or in slowly increasing doses, to reduce sensitivity.
Kawasaki syndrome is usually treated with a combination of aspirin, to control the patient's fever and skin inflammation, and high doses of intravenous immune globulin to reduce the possibility of coronary artery complications.
The goal of the biphasic and triphasic formulations is to achieve adequate control of the menstrual cycle while using lower doses of both estrogens and progestins, thereby reducing the risk of adverse effects.
Vitamin B6 causes fewer side effects than other medications and is considered safe when used in appropriate doses.
Tricyclic antidepressants in low doses may be prescribed for pain relief.
Injections and intravenous administration may also be used when high doses are needed or if an individual is nauseous.
Children under eight years of age who are receiving the flu vaccine for the first time should receive two doses separated by at least six weeks.
Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR vaccine)-These are given by injection in two doses.
Susceptible teens over 13 years of age should receive two doses given at least four weeks apart.
Labyrinthitis can also be caused by toxins, by a tumor in the ear, by trauma to the ear, and sometimes high doses of medications or allergies.
The remaining doses are scheduled as outpatient visits.
Children two years old and over receive one dose, while children three months to two years old need two doses, three months apart.
Inactivated-rabies vaccines are injected, either before or after exposure to the virus, in 1.0-ml. doses containing at least 2.5 IU/ml. of rabies virus antigen.
The size and number of vaccine doses are the same for children and adults.
For preventative rabies immunization in an unexposed child, an inactivated-rabies vaccine is administered in three 1.0-ml. doses, with the second dose seven days after the first, and the third dose 21 or 28 days after the first.
Inactivated-rabies vaccine is administered in 1.0-ml. doses, at three, seven, 14, and 28 days after the first vaccination.
The risk of side effects also increases with the number of vaccine doses.
The next dose should be given between six and 18 months of age with a final booster dose at age four to six years, for a total of four doses.
It is necessary to receive all doses of the vaccine and there is no generic vaccine available.
Large doses of benzathine penicillin G given by injection into the muscle can cure this disease in any stage, although it may take longer and require additional doses in later stages.
Treatment of XLA consists of regular intravenous doses of commercially prepared gamma globulin (sold under the trade names Gamimune or Gammagard) to ward off infections.
Risperidone (Risperdal) is another atypical antipsychotic that has been successful in controlling mania in several clinical trials when low doses were administered.
Adults only need one dose of the yearly vaccine, but children under nine years of age who have not previously been immunized should receive two doses with a month between each dose.
They should not be used for longer periods or in larger doses than indicated on the label.
Before infants and children of 12 months of age or older leave the United States, they should receive two doses of MMR vaccine separated by at least 28 days, with the first dose given on their birthday.
Infants who receive the monovalent measles vaccine or MMR before their first birthday are vulnerable to all three diseases and should be revaccinated with two doses of MMR.
The CDC continues to recommend two doses of the combined MMR vaccine for all children.
It is sometimes difficult for parents to adhere to the recommended vaccine schedule, including the spacing between doses.
If the intervals between doses is longer than usual, there is no need to restart the series of any vaccine.
High doses of calcitriol, an active form of vitamin D, can stimulate osteoclasts responsible for disintegration of old bone and significantly alleviate symptoms of severe disease in some individuals.
People with diabetes should check with their physicians to see if they need to change their diet or the doses of their diabetes medicine.
Users should never give larger, smaller, more frequent, or less frequent doses.
The treatments include the use of high doses of steroids (either orally or injected into the lesion) to stop the growth.
The second and third doses are given at two and six months of age.
The standard course of immunization for healthy children is three doses of DPT (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis) preparation given between two months and six months of age, with booster doses given at 18 months and at entry into school.
Lower doses may be used over a long period of time to prevent the return of a serious infection.
These problems can occur even with normal doses.
Initially methylphenidate is prescribed in two daily doses of 2.5 mg each, taken at breakfast and lunch time.
These side effects are usually much less frequent in children than adults; therefore, much higher doses are usually prescribed in children.
An intrathecal baclofen delivery system, surgically placed by a neurosurgeon, continuously releases prescribed amounts of baclofen in small doses directly into the spinal fluid via a small catheter and pump.
Sometimes these doses can become excessive as needs later decrease, leading to growth inhibition.
Increased doses may also be required when the child has a fever or a serious injury (a broken bone).
Adrenalectomy is followed by hormone therapy, but in lower doses than CAH patients not treated surgically receive.
This notifies medical personnel to administer stress doses of medicines if needed.
Side effects are dry mouth and drowsiness, especially with the first few doses.
Additional doses of vaccine are given on days three, seven, 14, and 28.
Rickets heals promptly with large doses vitamin D administered orally each day for approximately one month.
Care must be taken in treating vitamin D deficiency, since high doses of vitamin D are toxic (poisonous) and can result in the permanent deposit of minerals in the heart, lungs, and kidneys.
Oral sulfonamides should always be taken in evenly spaced doses to maintain a steady blood level throughout the day.
Fluoride can be toxic and even fatal at higher doses.
Algae feed on these phosphates (considered nutrients in small doses) and before you know it, the algae have completely invaded your vase.
Will taking extra doses of these vitamins and minerals help your hair?
These pills contain small doses of the hormone and should be taken daily without a break.
Typically, pills that contain higher doses of estrogen will be more likely to cause weight gain due to fluid retention.
At the doses contained in a birth control pill, the hormones act to disrupt a woman's normal menstrual cycle.
Missing doses may also decrease the pill's effectiveness at preventing pregnancy.
Read on to find out instructions for missed doses.
Use another form of birth control for at least seven days following the missed doses, and possibly for the rest of your cycle.
WebMD, a site that gathers current health research and offers it in consumer friendly doses, is sketchy on the pill and breast cancer.
For some women, the commitment to take a daily pill can be a challenge and missing doses is a risk.
Using the combined pills in high enough doses to prevent pregnancy may cause severe nausea and vomiting.
Because the pill contains only small doses of mifepristone, it causes few or no side effects in most women.
High doses of salicylic acid in the oral form have been shown to cause birth defects and various pregnancy complications, but some doctors recommend that women avoid the topical form of this medication as an extra precaution.
A few years later, the FDA approved the birth control with much lower doses of progesterone but soon required pill manufacturers to inform women of the side effects of the pill.
Also known as natural minerals, these two alternatives offer low doses of chlorine while still being a very good defense against algae.
Because the body cannot store Vitamin K for long periods of time or in large doses, the best way to ensure a proper dosage of the nutrient is through a balanced, healthy diet that includes foods high in Vitamin K at each meal.
In other words, if you chug big doses of B12, the main impact is that you get extra expensive urine.
When high doses of vitamin B12 are given orally, only a small percentage can be absorbed, which may explain the low toxicity."
Taking larger doses of vitamin B12 may be beneficial in certain circumstances, such as when you're suffering from nocturnal leg cramps that affect your ability to get a good night's sleep.
Nobel prize winner and renowned nutrition expert Linus Pauling believed that sufficient doses of vitamin C could cure colds.
He personally took in 12 grams of vitamin C per day -- some 200 times the RDA -- and argued that doses of upwards 100 grams a day could even cure cancer.
The seeds provide high doses of healthy fats, vitamins and fiber.
According to a study found on PubMed, sodium dioxide has been shown to be relatively harmless when used in small amounts, but questions were raised about the possible effects of using larger doses over extended periods of time.
While stating that most of us are exposed in very small amounts to these chemicals as they are used for water treatment purposes, this site certainly does not recommend seeking larger doses of them.
While there is no proof that these chemicals are harmful in the doses recommended by the makers of Miracle Mineral Supplement, studies have yet to prove their safety over the long term either.
Taking large doses of DHEA can stimulate cortisol production.
Severe vitamin D deficiencies can be treated by oral doses of vitamin D, administered by a physician, of approximately 50,000 IU given once a week.
High doses of Omega-3s may cause bleeding.
In fact many of us grew up taking large doses of vitamin C to fight a cold because we were told you couldn't take too much.
In studies using phenylalanine supplements to treat vitiligo, a condition causing uneven skin pigmentation, doses as high as 750-3000 mg for adults.
The DL form may also cause anxiety, nausea and headaches in high doses.
High doses of 450 mg or more can also affect blood iron levels.
Extremely high doses of zinc can cause death.
In order to ensure strong bones and teeth, you need to get regular healthy doses of sunshine or your daily diet must include proper vitamin D dosage to meet your body's daily requirement.
If taken in large doses, fish oil may raise blood glucose levels, making it more difficult for diabetics to control blood glucose.
Excessive doses can cause liver damage, fatigue, hemorrhaging, and coma.
Most if not all of these vitamins exceed the RDA by quite a bit, with certain vitamins delivered in tremendous doses.
If you are taking large doses of vitamin E and you experience any of the following symptoms, then you may be experiencing vitamin E toxicity or overdose.
While there are medical conditions such as malabsorption that make taking large doses of vitamin E clinically appropriate, this is not a vitamin you should self-prescribe in amounts that exceed the RDA.
It is reasonably safe to take large doses of vitamin C over extended periods of time, and there is some evidence that seems to indicate doing so can be helpful in maintaining overall good health, preventing illness and more.
Yet at high doses, niacin can cause a chemical reaction which may increase your risk of heart disease.
Supplements are available in many doses, with 500 mg and 1,000 mg tablets very common.
According to MedLine Plus, vitamin C is not stored by the body, so high doses generally do not cause long term negative consequences.
One serious side effect reported by people taking high doses of vitamin C is iron poisoning.
Vitamin C is necessary to help the body absorb iron, and among people with a disease called hemochromatosis, or at very high doses, too much vitamin C can lead to excessive iron in the body.
Levy MD. JD., both of whom encouraged high doses of Vitamin C to counter cardiovascular disease, as well as several other medical conditions.
Millions of people take additional doses of supplemental vitamin C or increase their intake of vitamin C-rich foods during the wintertime in the hopes of warding off the common cold.
The answer may lie in the dose, with higher doses yielding different results.
Many modern researchers believe mega doses of vitamin C given intravenously can kill in vitro cancer cells.
It's believed these high doses of vitamin C increase the body's hydrogen peroxide levels on a cellular basis, killing cancerous cells.
Klenner published a paper in 1971 advocating large doses of vitamin C via an IV for treatment of a wide range of infections that included viruses, such as polio and herpes.
Many variations of doses both intravenously and orally were compared to each other as though dealing with equal therapies.
Cancer patients and doctors claim there are incredible benefits to taking high doses of vitamin C intravenously, even though it has long been discredited by the medical community.
The recommended daily allowance suggests a minimal level that prevents scurvy; however, higher doses may be beneficial for optimal health.
If you plan to supplement with higher doses than the recommended upper limit for vitamin C, talk with your doctor.
One of Pauling's most controversial studies involves intravenous and oral vitamin C doses for patients with terminal cancer.
The Mayo Clinic has since tried to replicate Pauling's findings and used mega doses of vitamin C to treat cancer patients.
Although evidence was mounting that high doses of vitamin C did not help cancer patients, Pauling vigorously denied other researchers' work and insisted that his original findings were correct.
His research into the use of vitamins as therapeutic agents continues at the Linus Pauling Institute in Oregon which studies many vitamins, including vitamin C, vitamin mega doses and their potential to improve human health.
Some women prefer to wear white in small doses, pairing a pair of white shorts with a bright polo shirt, for example, or a white blouse with a dark pencil skirt.
In small doses, shiny details have far greater impact, subtly catching the light and exuding radiant glamour.
A small amount of good quality fragrance is always better than larger doses of poorly distilled scent.
Some studies conducted on Hispanic children have indicated that they do well with lower doses of antidepressant medication, but this is not true in every case.
It's one of those colors that happens to wear well with many other colors, and in small doses can serve as an accent piece or focal point for a full ensemble.
For the young child who is just beginning to learn sharing and turn taking, short and simple games are the way to go, using these skills in small doses to avoid frustration.
All vitamin supplementation should be approved by a doctor because high doses, especially high doses of Vitamin A, can be toxic.
Carry a list of medications and doses in your wallet or purse.
Also, adverse interaction with prescription medicine is a possibility with the ingestion of certain herbs or large doses of vitamins and minerals.
It is only obtainable via a written prescription by a medical doctor and can be given in doses of 5 milligrams, 10 milligrams, or 15 milligrams, with 10 milligrams being the most common initial dose.
Ionamin comes in 15 milligram and 30 milligram doses.
Efficient absorption of calcium supplement requires that doses be divided and taken at different times of the day according to total recommended requirement.
The book is written in a non-judgmental tone with large doses of sassiness and has been warmly embraced by women the world over.
Topamax can be effective for the treatment of obesity in doses as small as 25 milligrams; however, many patients gradually find they need to increase dosage of Topamax as its effectiveness wears off.
Loyal Charm School fans who can't live without regular doses of the popular reality TV series can visit VH-1's website to view past episodes.
Since every product is formulated with vitamin C, Obagi-C Rx delivers much higher doses of the vitamin than other leading products.
Some procedures have at-home versions in lower, less effective, but more affordable doses.
In very small doses, though, this poison can do wonders for wrinkles.
In very small doses, however, botulinum toxin can be a useful medicine.
In high doses it can even cause botulism.
It is created in the lab under carefully controlled conditions and measured in small doses for injection, usually in the forehead and around the eyes, where facial expressions can cause lines and wrinkles - signs of premature aging.
Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen, but it's usually present in such small doses that the amount in nail polish is infinitesimal.
In toxic doses podophyllin causes intense enteritis, with all its characteristic symptoms, and severe depression, which may end in death.
The now well-known fact that small doses of poisonous substances may act as stimuli to living protoplasm, and that respiratory activity and growth may be accelerated by chloroform, ether and even powerful mineral poisons, such as mercuric chloride, in minimal doses, offers some explanation of these phenomena of hypertrophy, wound fever, and other responses to the presence of irritating agents.
Colchicine is the active principle and may be given in full form in doses of to 1 1 8 grain.
The former may be given in doses of an ounce and the latter in doses of a drachm.
Very large doses in animals cause lethargy, collapse and death.
As in the case of quinine, the administration of small doses of hydrobromic acid often relieve the milder symptoms.
It has undoubtedly been of value in many cases of tetanus, in which it must be given in maximal doses.